tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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is the hurricanes the the tornadoes i mean we're seeing it we're seeing texas on fire arizona and to have it all of these things joplin address that none of these extra nowadays are being paid for by the oil. who's paying for all of. you and me now tell me what's right with this picture the oil companies make all the profits called internalizing the profits externalizing the costs they're extreme allies you know all of the costs are saying ok you know the cancer's you guys you guys get to pay for the syrup alun said alaska's oil was owned by alaska twenty five percent to the state she was spending over she gave out over thirty two hundred dollars per citizen per year from around nine hundred when she was elected in june of two thousand and eight congressman reese when she proposed legislation that would nationalize all u.s. oil out there were companies just the oil say all the ground oil under the ground belongs to that we the people rasmussen this is the conservative polling
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organization in that month june sixteenth two thousand and eight came up this is the headline just forty seven percent oppose nationalizing oil twenty seven percent of all americans are in favor of nationalizing r.l. and twenty four percent between the two of them a majority are not sure i think frankly it's time to nationalize or to say like sarah palin did you know this is our oil we're going to take a chunk off the top and we're going to use that money can green the world. after the break the death penalty debate is heating up again in america as one state outlaws and another state along star state creeps closer to causing an international incident with their death that.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. either one well. we never got the says there can feel safe get ready because their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you
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pulls the plug on the death penalty but texas governor rick perry is pushing ahead with the execution of a mexican man who was denied his civil rights so the question remains in our nation to kill or not to kill plus should prison inmates in arizona be subject to shoe melting heat as part of their sentence. show or so for the white collar criminals suffer in the same way and are we becoming one nation under. details of how atheists use independence day and promote their anti religious message and the process well under the same religious tract. death row is closed for business new state law policy in the death penalty took effect last week saving fifteen inmates from execution since two thousand there's
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been a moratorium on the death penalty in illinois after then governor george ryan called the system haunted by the demon of error because of how many times death row inmates convictions have been overturned illinois is now the fourth state to kill the death penalty analyzed two years however thirty four states around the nation still use it the united states ranked fifth in the world in two thousand and nine in the number of people who were put to death right behind china iraq iran and saudi arabia and company illinois stuff killing people texas governor rick perry loves it despite concerns from foreign diplomats judges the united nations president obama and even george w. bush heavener perry is pushing full steam ahead with the execution of the al garcia a mexican national who was convicted in one thousand nine hundred four of rape and murder the obama administration is warning texas they see as execution will do irreparable harm to the nation and break international laws because he or she was
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not given a right under the geneva convention to contact the mexican consulate when he was arrested and concern is that now americans may not have that right if they get arrested rather work so it isn't the death penalty causing more problems than it solving in america today shouldn't other states take illinois lead and the death here offer his take on the issue is bruce fein constitutional attorney and former deputy attorney general under president ronald reagan he's also the author of the book american empire before the fall risk welcome and i thank you for inviting me nice to see it in person started many times in radio the northeastern united states has the lowest murder rate in the country and also the lowest rate of executions the smallest number of states we don't allow executions doesn't that blow apart any notion at all the fears of deter. and so fact executions i think the evidence is inconclusive and i certainly wouldn't justify the death penalty on the argument that it has any significant deterrent effect you still have other instrumental
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arguments i think one if you're a prisoner already under a life sentence without possibility of parole the can even commit mayhem and there's no possibility of increasing the punishment to death second there have been instances where you know if you're suppose that you're a prisoner for a year got a life sentence with no possibility of parole or in the prison you commit another homicides a lot of what you say that well aren't you can increase the sentence beyond life but what was the one possibility is they put them in solitary confinement now they could so they could they cause if you have a prison in kansas i mean you know several hundred people who are in lifetime solitary confinement yes that's the possibility there's the other issue is whether or not just the threat of the death penalty will enable prosecutors to obtain confessions by some implicating others maybe even more even without seeing the trial have to have actually lead to more false confessions but there is a way people dress that and i've always been in favor of raising certainly don't
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want to take a risk of convicting and sentencing someone to death who may be innocent but there are certainly circumstances in which that possibility can be eliminated you probably run saw jack ruby kill the harvey oswald on television like three hundred million people did and those kinds of circumstances there's no risk that you're got the wrong person and i am not in favor of the death penalty just because these crimes are horrendous but i do think there are certain circumstances life you can contemplate perhaps the nuremberg defendants what are you going to do it sends hermann goering will he committed suicide or had khalid sheikh muhammad someone simply kadal who has been doing jail good to spend with prison i mean he had to get out but he was he was not as implicated as herman goering was that i understand level but i let's take what it would take this situation of khalid sheikh muhammad here's somebody who may go to trial if he's convicted of implication to make a. if the being involved in killing three thousand americans we're going to sentence him to life in prison and some sense by not having a death sentence reserved for the most heinous crimes you cheapen the those who
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perished in those circumstances i don't know we still have the only you're not going to find a lot of nine eleven victims' families who would disagree with you and be tim mcveigh who you know did pretty much the same thing just on a smaller scale was looking forward to god he didn't want to be alive enjoyable but you know if you say that we are going to be arthur i said gary gilmore i think was the first one after these you supreme care please sure it was just me and he took the death sentence now i don't think that that's an encouragement to others to commit homicide because they will there's actually a school psychologist suggests that it is the i know you know him as we're talking to her fido but i think tom we're trying to be too critical motivations behind these people who say they are if even the simple algorithm if the first law of humanity. that isn't trying every every religion in the world and even people who scribed no religion would be the very first to say this is the first rule of
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humanity is to not kill. then why why what possible reason would we as a society want to kill because you're overlooking the fact it's a little bit like asking here human nagasaki without pearl harbor it is a response to express the moral of the moral reprehensible what the of what was done in the first instance it's not the government doesn't go on pick people off the street and execute them it's because and i certainly believe you've got to have a trial gotta have due process you have to have clear who you must you know or includes me you're putting this war no i'm just saying that it's wrong to just look at the hand we've had here and isolate and from what caused the sentence to be administered but if if a life sentence in prison is actually more painful if if our goal is retribution and if there is a possibility of rehabilitation if rehabilitation is our goal. i just. i don't see any possible rationalization for
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a society that calls itself civilized to say we teach that it's wrong to kill but we're going to kill and i don't think that we're teaching that it's wrong to kill without justification tom if i was attacking you you would have a right of self-defense to kill me that doesn't make you wrong you're not teaching society to kill because you defend your own life but society that is not a risk when this when a person is convicted of. murder of this society you know there's a prison that you can put them in i understand but the point is that simply by killing is not an automatic lesson in teaching this is diety that killings ok self-defense is a clear example so you're speaking too broadly and moreover if everyone on death row really crave death they over life sentences they'd all volunteer there wouldn't be any challenges to the death and say that's what we want to do it may be some of the case you know i decided but again i think that i knew there are fairly gruesome and very painful and i can't imagine personally you know wanting to go through that
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. put it it's still i think the biggest issue in the reason why you know it's like you know some of the saudi arabia you know who are still executing people most the most developed countries around the world have said we're not going to do this in most states of certainly you know we've had just the united states in seventy three almost two hundred people who are on death row who are going to be put to death found to be innocent when d.n.a. again that's one story raised that we're going to be i would raise the standard of proof so that we don't do it the way we are now have not proven absolute certain for how to do this because we're civilized but i'm saying that that net is not necessarily the sole earmark of civilized people i do not believe if there's a trial and it's proven by confession or otherwise that khalid sheikh mohammed wanted in for dissipated in the killing of three thousand americans on nine eleven i don't think the death penalty shows that that's an uncivilized response. that kind of savage behavior and that's where we're just going to have to end it with
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a disagreement because i i would say it is but recite really appreciate your thanks nice to see. as much as i'd like to see the death penalty abolished that would only scratch the surface of the numerous problems with our judicial system i'll touch on this topic more internets nearly take. yesterday was the fourth of july a day to celebrate our nation's independence with fireworks barbecues and flashy red white and blue clothing or if you're one atheist organization a day to promote your godless agenda some of you may have noticed yesterday planes flying around the nation dragging banners that read god bless america and atheism is patriotic it was a message an stunt put on by atheist stuff or a nationwide organization committed to curing civil rights for atheists and promoting the separation of church and state the group's president david sullivan justified the fourth of july campaign by saying the purpose of the banners is to
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highlight the fact that atheists are everywhere on every parade and every beach in every state city and town atheism is alive and growing in the us so this approach by atheists were the right way to convince americans to ditch organized religion or are they just as guilty of proselytizing as any other organized group or that religion when grove joins me now to discuss this issue is the virginia state director of a major american atheists a recall of the program thank you thanks for joining us first of all i want to say very much share your goal of separation of church and state i think this is an important one but it seems to me that what you have done is created another church you know for example when did you come to. mean saved by the religion of atheism. wow noddle not a loaded words in that question i'm a lifelong atheist and so i lost any tendency to believe in deities when i found out santa claus wasn't real so seven years old maybe younger yeah. what
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makes you so sure of your belief system. will. i read science or read things other than the bible and it seems obvious to me that the bronze age deities are obvious mythology but this was bad guesswork people who did not have science available to them where the body of work one piece i was brought would not disagree with that and yet they still find solace in their religion and they find meaning in spirituality and encourages sagan for example very famous atheist i interviewed his wife awhile back he he would have the sense of the mystery you know when looking through a telescope albert einstein talked about it we didn't believe in any particular deity that science without religion is blind religion without science is dahmer and deaf or something from the exact quote but that. it isn't possible
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to separate the religious experience from a spiritual ality of some i suppose but as far as proselytisation goes we're not proselytizing we're just making ourselves and you know available to closeted atheists that want to come out and to. to the general atheist community so you know how it's flying a banner with the name of the banner that says godless america in a different light a plane with a banner this is jesus saves well what we were trying to do it was a little bit of a coming out party for us we were reaching out to closet atheists to let them know that we are a large and rapidly growing community and that it's not merely ok think about is really it's really a good thing are you a nonprofit five one c three just like churches are yes so you're a nonprofit organization you've got a belief system well pretty actually and not a belief system well no it's actually
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a belief system i mean the only the only real tenet we have is that we do not believe in the bronze age deities. they were in the christian god or any god yeah but you know we can't you and i right now can't see t.v. waves and there's a lot of things that we we believe because we now and see the effects of that but we did have a ways to detect if you would we do what we do and but two hundred years ago we did not have two hundred years ago you know we're having this conversation i said you know someday you'll be able to see me on the other side of the countries if you've got a crazy belief system how do you know i mean why i understand my you know my father was an atheist and early on i didn't know it until a few months before he died but. he never he it was never evangelical about it it was just you know hey you guy this which gets old and and that was that . why why the why the outreach
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why that way you know it sure looks like a religion well we're in countering a lot of. resistance and a lot of the hard push from the right from from the christian community claiming for instance this is a christian nation and. it's just not going to rush back against that because all our forces are not a christian nation or it is not a christian section of our constitution guarantees that no religion will have any special status or special privileges that our constitution guarantees separation of church and state in our constitution is a power well against the ocracy yes there's also the issue of what we're trying to do another none of that speaks to to saying that your belief system and i have to you know i have to say you know it. there are other people who would say they have detected spiritual person and you say you haven't and so they haven't done it with
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science to a poser proctor for all apocryphal generally perhaps they have or have science i do know detect if you want to get into into the subtleties of that i mean we're not actually seen each other or the retinas of our eyes are converting photons into intellectual impulses that are being converted into chemical impulses in our brains or reassembling these things where you know we're not actually hearing things i mean every so how do you know anything as. well we just have to assume that we are actually here but that's my point you live in a year material universe right that's what i believe really any point in assuming anything else. we are here i'm quite sure of it yeah. so. organized evangelical a belief system and you're not a church we're not sure you're not a religion we don't want to serve that religion we have no tenets it's self-selecting to people come to us with
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a great guy i salute your work on behalf of the separation of church and state thank you you know and you know but i wish you well ok thanks for coming out you know speedy let me tell you it's interesting to see atheists getting organized putting down the talents of their belief system assembly institutions and hierarchy in collecting money just like all the other organized religions. after the break inhumane prison conditions are rampant around the united states but in flights daily take i'll tell you how we can restore human rights to the prison population by expanding. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right.
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i think from the feet of one well. we never government says they're confused safe get ready because you give them their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw. i'm sorry is a big. fight
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. for. crazy alert the old what i witnessed among the other mysterious talents of pigeons researchers at the university of paris have discovered that those pesky birds don't forget people's faces the research team took two similar looking people and have them go to a park with pigeons one person would ignore the pigeons the other would chase them
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around and sure enough when the people return to the park the next day the pigeons knew exactly which person was the one terrorizing them and ran away from that person both people were of similar age build and skin color and both people switched close the next day meaning only factor the pigeon ad to recognise them or their facial features of course people who are familiar with my take on pigeons should be surprised by this new study but they should be worried because now we know the robotic pigeons on the planet xenu can recognize us there's no hiding from whatever nefarious plots they're up to. our nation is addicted to throwing people in prison we have the highest incarceration rate in the developed world which if you ask me is pretty ironic as a distinction for the land of them free. and since we have an insatiable thirst for locking people up we're into
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a little problem when it comes to having enough actual prisons to put people limb which brings us to sheriff joe arpaio tent city prison in arizona an outdoor jail incarcerating fourteen hundred nonviolent prisoners as you can imagine summers get pretty hot arizona and on saturday the temperature in our pios tent city prison shot up to an inhumane one hundred forty five degrees about ten degrees shy of being hot enough to cook an egg on a bench outside so what happens to our pios prisoners and the temperature spike is there a backup facility people can be housed in where they can avoid heat stroke or go to for a few minutes every hour to cool down nope to beat the heat prisoners were given a six ounce cup of ice and told get over power himself was question about the conditions of his prison to which he responded but i'm going to do take them out of
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jail because it's too hot but inhumane conditions are exclusive to arizona they're just becoming the norm in a nation that strongly influenced by a private prison lobby the lobbies for longer and longer sentences for more and more minor crimes because they make more money every time a new person is thrown in jail or kept there longer just last month for example the united states supreme court ruled that the prison system in california was inhumane because of overcrowding and his ruling conservative justice anthony kennedy described prisoners living quarters as telephone size cages without toilets and wrote a prison that deprives prisoners of basic sustenance including adequate medical care is incompatible with the concept of human dignity and has no place in civilized society. so where does a person that forces inmates to sit in one hundred forty five degree heat fit into
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a civilized society luckily for sheriff joe and the rest of the prison hogs i have a way to solve their inhumane prisons problem let's throw some banks and corporate c.e.o.'s into prison it'll doing so through some of these c.e.o.'s that there's some of these bankers who brought down the work to do so is going to gentrify the prisons are pios tent city is filled with nonviolent but by and large blue collar criminals people who got smoking pot or stealing a slurpee at seven eleven yet today you can count on one hand the number of banks who were doing time for their role in stealing trillions of dollars in the middle class during the financial meltdown and even if they hammer does for and some of these banks are in the future don't expect them to be doing time in our pios tensity prison. this is considered going to show up in our view
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we really do have a two tiered criminal justice system in the united states which people by and large need to get out get away with their crimes or they go to friendly places kind of mansions and poor people by and large good pretty awful prisons that are getting more and more awful by the day as the private christian industry is out there building prisons and paying guards lousy and frying to move as many people through as possible but i can promise you the second we do start taking a hard line on corporate crime especially against c.e.o.'s who hire those illegal immigrants to give share of joe his purpose in life you will suddenly see prison conditions iraqi a loosely improve. this is run down city blocks crippled by crime and poverty are gentrified with you i rise condos and high class steak houses let's gentrify our prisons with corporate executives and maybe we can get some air conditioning in our
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pios tent city and toilets for the inmates in california after all banks need their amenities as a big picture person i for more information the stories we covered this is our website so tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and our team dot com also check out our two youtube that channels there are links to tom hartman dot com entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free time our of an i phone and i pad app at the app store you can send us feedback at twitter at tom underscore arbonne on facebook at ton underscore or on our blogs message boards and telephone comment lines all listed over town. and don't forget the mock receive begins with you get out there and get active tag your it will see tomorrow.
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