tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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hello i'm harmony here in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture it's less than a month until america defaults on its loans to republicans still aren't willing to genuinely negotiate but now the one for prominent conservative writer has taken his party to the woodshed over their debt limit strategy because the right wing to reconsider meanwhile crews are working to clean up forty thousand gallons of oil spilled the yellowstone river courtesy of exxon mobil with yet another national
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treasure ruined by toxic crude overdue for our government to take control of big oil before they can do even more. conservative columnist david brooks turned some heads yesterday with a blistering piece lashing out against the republican party's you're in the debt ceiling negotiations groups weighed in on this deal by writing if the republican party were a normal party it would take advantage of this amazing moment it is being offered the deal of the century trillions of dollars in spending cuts and change for a few hundred million dollars or revenue increases this is i say is the mother of all no brainers but as we all know the republican party is not a normal party at least not anymore and brooks comes to this conclusion as well.
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writing the republican party has been infected by a faction that is more of a psychological protest than a practical governing alternative and members of this movement do not accept the logic of compromise no matter how sweet the terms goes on to write and members of this movement do not accept the legitimacy of scholars and intellectual authorities the members of this movement have no sense of moral decency and members of this movement have no economic theory worthy of the name. david tell us how you really feel so how can republicans continue to get away with this behavior that even those in their own party are growing disgusted by let's reverse the tables here for a moment just consider for a moment. first of all the reality we're looking at you know a twelve thirteen trillion dollar debt the vast majority of which was run out by ronald reagan george herbert walker bush and george w. bush bill clinton actually turned in a balanced budget surplus when he left office so why are the democrats not
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pointing out in fact why why haven't they done a frank once and before every time they were use the word debt or deficit insert the word republican this republican i mean just consider if it was flipped around if if ten trillion of the twelve or thirteen trillion dollars in debt if it had been run up by jimmy carter and bill clinton and only two or three trillion of it had been run up by the republican presidents do you really think that right now that the republicans wouldn't be running around calling this the democrats that and then consider what the what the republicans are actually propose you doing there saying we're going to pay our debt why don't the democrats just come right out and say these republican presidents ran up this huge debt and now they don't want to pay it. but there's a bigger issue than this and this was this is pointed out today in the financial
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times getting records column which is a great car of america and europe is sinking together and he writes about how he says the similarities of these two regions we're talking about the united states and europe over the delimits are no more striking than the differences mounting debt we could cut to me an increase in expensive and increasingly expensive and unreformable welfare state fear for the future and political gridlock for the common points otherwise we're going down the tubes europe is going down the tubes why would this be happening and what is what is going on and together here. i would submit to you out off a lot of why we're going down and why europe is going down is europe with the e.u. bought into the notion of free trade within the e.u. and outside and we have bought into this notion of corporate transnational free trade now many of the other countries around the world particularly the four fastest growing economies in the world the bric countries brazil russia india and china while three of those four members of the w t o they're still highly
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restrictive in their trade policies unlike us and for example rock one point just picking out what he says among chinese leaders intellectuals is now standard practice exists to suggest that westerners of all sorts should stop trying to teach the chinese lesson given the depth of their own political and economic problems and he's right and they're right who are we to lecture china about how do you know how they should be practicing their economics when they're kicking our butts and they're kicking our butts because they have picked up our war strategy what you know for two hundred years was the technique and not just china by the way but all over the you know the most the rat most rapidly growing economies in the solid and stable and south korea japan china india brazil and finally he says if the western illness worsens they'll be a temptation to try new and more radical cures by the way it is going to worse. he says those may include a drive towards protectionism and capital controls capital controls keeping money
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within the countries having some control of regulation over and protectionism of course things like having a tariff and import tariff on imported goods so that you're domestically made things and cheaper so that you bring back your jobs he says of globalization goes into reverse then trying to make spirits is very own economic and political crisis and if you know little rock is right about trying to or mentions of them twice in the column this is something that is actually true of all of the bric nations fact it's all true of all of the developing countries if the united states was to go back to having a protectionist policy like we did from seven hundred ninety one until more or less the reagan era the last thirty years if we were to go back to doing that we would be making computers here again we'd be making t.v.'s here again we'd be making computers but you know cell phones here again we've been making clothing here again we would be making pretty much everything that we need and this is kind of a radical idea. that
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a country actually is not saying that facetiously a radical idea that a country every country in the world actually should try to organize their economy in such a way that if they had to stand alone like we had to do in world war two story that they can make everything they need pretty straightforward stuff we should be able to do that similarly to bring this back to where i started with the republicans the democrats and messaging on the debt if politicians are going to run up huge debt like ronald reagan george herbert walker bush and george w. bush did we're going to run up huge debt paid off. somebody needs to be saying to the republicans out of the present united states they had a great opportunity when he gave his speech and he didn't he should have said you know most of this debt was run up by republicans but our republican friends on the other side of the aisle i don't understand why they don't want to sit down and pay off the debts but they ran up ronald reagan put three trillion dollars on
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a credit card george herbert walker bush another couple trillion george w. bush another five trillion he has put all this money on the national credit card to live large and have the country look like it was doing good and now the bills coming due and they don't want to pay it like our trade policy and our domestic debt policy it's time to bring in the idea of the building i think that the democrats the republicans meeting and democrats the president need to be a message in this and message it fast. it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question should the c.e.o.'s who hire illegal immigrants also be jailed with them in arizona sweltering tent city prisons your choices are yes then perhaps americans would be informed that inmates are so hot their shoes are melting no i'm not making that up it's true they are or no i agree we sure if joe arpaio is anyone feel sorry
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for them logon to tom harkin dot com let us know what you think the polls be open till tomorrow morning. it's the good the bad and the very my o's magically oddly first the good us district judge and it sort of back in two thousand and eight. because sarah palin sued the state of alaska to have polar bears removed from the endangered species list so that her oil buddies could drill wherever they wanted and kill as many polar bears as they wanted the process well last week sarah palin lost that morris as judge emmet sullivan ruled polar bears are indeed threatened by global warming and thus should remain on the list despite pailin pseudo science claims but said this defeat with a long list of other defeats for the undefeatable sort of feel. bad but rick
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perry thanks to governors perry's education budget cuts students in texas this year are actually going to be starting school with out new textbooks mandated the schools now have to buy textbooks from a new state wide system and the new system isn't supposed to be up and running until well into the new school year meaning there's nowhere to buy the books now but i guess the other perry the guy who instructed texans to pray for rain and then caused an even harsher drought for. well just suggests that the bible is a good replacement for math textbooks in the meantime. not only that considering the changes the texas school board approved for the new textbooks like replacing thomas jefferson with jerry falwell i think maybe the students are better off with the old books. and the very very ugly rupert murdoch if you think murdoch standards of journalism are low in the us with fox so-called news you should see what he's up
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to in the u.k. murdoch's british tabloid newspaper news of the world is accused of hacking into the cell phone a million. and abducted british teenager whose remains were found two months after her disappearance and deleting several voicemail messages and papers tampering with a phone that only gave the parents of the girl false hope that she might be alive but also hindered a police investigation into her abduction and murder british prime minister david cameron weighed in on the issue saying that if the accusations against murdoch's news of the world are true then quote this is a dreadful act in a truly dreadful situation and quickly read it rupert murdoch's minions having no journalistic integrity that's very very good. after the break why big oil means big money for the republican party especially one particular freshman republican.
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know you're in a devastating oil spill in the united states last week a pipeline belonging to exxon mobil underneath the yellowstone river ruptured spewing tons of crude into that notable waterway at first the company downplayed the area of contamination after read salmon in the spill over the weekend now it appears that over forty two thousand gallons of oil have coated more than ten miles of the old stone river choking wildlife and slipping the river brings at all marks to national treasures blackened by crude in the last two years so how many more until we get the message and kick big oil out of our nation's energy portfolio or at the very least how many wall accidents will it take for us to realize the oil industry can't control itself and maybe it's even time to nationalize it to prevent further ecological and economic damage to our nation trying to talk about this issue as matthew data veteran journalist and author of the new book subversion nk athey welcome welcome welcome to me thank you for welcoming me. welcome to the
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program that's what i mean your new book you are. well seed subversion inc and i'm a supporter. oh you're an enabler you're an enabler or you know like the subtitle i tried to make it very low key and inoffensive the subtitle is how obama's acorn red shirts are still terrorizing and ripping off american taxpayers i thought nuance was important it is so my understanding is that. you and i had a debate on the radio some time back and that's one of the book and in that debate i said you know your crazies are worse than my crazies because my crazies are trying to save the save the earth and your crazies are trying to you know disenfranchise black people that was your argument and i highlighted that as an example. as an example it's wrong about our thinking on the left what's wrong with that i don't know i mean you know your crazies were shooting up california police
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officers just a while ago on the way to kill everybody the tides foundation and my crazies haven't successfully building since one thousand nine hundred eighty and the weather underground is long gone but your crazies are responsible if you want to call them your crazies because i wouldn't lump everybody on the left in with you but if you're speaking in these broad terms left wing political violence is far more widespread in the united states then then right wing violence right wing violence many are limited in how many doctors have been murdered by rough winners if you consider i don't even think about the abortion issue but if you want to include the abortion issue has a right wing issue then how many how many anybodies have been assassinated by left brain or so i suppose terrorism terrorism echoes. who's been i think when i die from that eight years ago you know there have been other attempts as well and then there were the the anarchist terrorists from austin texas who tried to blow up the republican convention september two thousand and eight and they did but nobody died
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anywhere let's not relive nobody nobody died only because the f.b.i. was good at doing its job i think their intentions were pure right tone will relieve that of that let's get the oil thing here because i want to go through to have left. why can't we just do like sarah pail and and socialize the oil i mean sarah palin alaska they said you know this was under our ground we're going to take twenty five percent of anything that comes out and and sarah palin actually i mean when she became governor they were only passed on nine hundred eighteen dollars checks to everybody and got the. monterey here from a sale times article and the last year of her governorship they were up to two thousand and eighty dollars plus she did a special session on the oil companies because they were jacking up gasoline prices for twelve dollars so everybody in the state got a check from sarah palin for two thousand and eighty dollars plus another truck for twelve hundred dollars as their share of the socialist pool of money from the oil companies why don't we do that nationwide to say this oil is under the ground it's ours because that means it's not going to come from the ground for the most part so
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these governments are not very are available to talk right away from sarah palin is an amazing woman but generally these things don't work out we're socialist she's just a a pretty good well the good when the government gets involved in running an industry generally it goes downhill and it turns into a disaster and you mean like the prison or our jails or our fire departments or our i wouldn't i wouldn't say the prisons are very good are you happy with the prisons i'm not happy with the private for profit prisons the private for profit prisons that i see that are pretty screwed up the d.m.v. actually part of most no i haven't been to the local one but i can tell you in portland go to the d.m.v. is actually with pleasant experience going through to the veterans administration hospitals veteran v.a. hospitals have in fact v.a. care has the high has a higher rating from its customers than any for profit health insurance is their own company there are a lot of there are a lot of horror stories here too of course there's a lot of horror stories coming out of united health care and you know if you know
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if your company or whatever why don't you know denmark looked at oil and they said there's a bunch of externalities here associated with people are getting cancers people are getting asthma this stuff is causing global warming were. to add a couple extra dollars a tax on the cost of oil to recover that why don't we do that why do the oil companies get to keep all the you know they take all the probably don't get to ira frame for all the extra now they actually don't get a lot of profit they only get a few pennies per gallon it's largely exits right now energy is one of the most heavily taxed sectors especially oil and gas so when heavily taxed in. whether it is or it's not it's not close to capturing the extra realities the costs the costs of the cancer's the cost somebody has been the cost of global warming the cost of environmental how do you know it's not close to capturing the extra now and he and because endangered by him it is global warming fantasy as well which i don't i don't buy and you're kidding you're a global warming denier i am i am i'm
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a terrible thought also that you think that because if you stand pretty much anywhere where you get a clear view the horizon is flying at the world this one right there horizon is far more so it appears so about fourteen fourteen miles and then the curvature of the earth takes it away ok so you believe in science even though you can't see it with the global warming it's a fantasy it's a fantasy of ninety nine point nine percent of all science is so now it isn't ninety nine point eight not of all scientists we don't know necessarily buy into it . there's that there's enough there's enough doubt there that we that we should not we should not destroy the economy in order to deal with this we should not hurt the earth are they just the right to believe profitable oil company i don't i don't have a problem with the oil companies being taxed i have i have a problem with them being taxed more than they are now if we have just ten seconds was question one zero on the ground. we ever had the rights to it so so you don't
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think that the country should go. no no not unless the country owns the land ok that's all right we have a difference of opinion but interests are that's always the way it is otherwise you wouldn't keep having me back by agreed there would not be fun ok thank you math and math you don't hold your breath on nationalizing america's oil anytime soon at least not until we can kick the oil shilling republican party out of congress the republicans trans national oil corporation shouldn't be regulated by the government at all but should receive all the welfare money from the government they can get from most taxpayers right down to being bailed out to the tune of forty billion dollars a decade this issue came up last week at a town hall event featuring a republican congressman there knew of mike probably took a walk. we don't know the problem i said earlier about the past not. sure this is my sure. we do not need the average people the only.
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support for big oil companies is not surprising coming from congressman kelly he's one of the one hundred percent of freshman republican congressman who deny global warming plus there's another uglier reason why congressman kelly supports taxpayer subsidies of big oil companies to reveal what that is i'm joined by scott he's a reporter and blogger at think progress scott welcome thanks for having me tom pretty heavy here what is the real reason that congressman kelly is willing to do thought is constituents and basically suck up to and keep shoveling money to big oil well there's a real conflict of interest here republicans in the house of voted a number of times this year to protect these subsidies for oil companies but we did a little bit to have digging you know after we saw that mike kelly was defending them at his town hall on friday and we found that he actually owns up words of six million dollars worth of stock in oil companies and gas companies in western pennsylvania numbers are actually also to expand their fracking and drilling in the
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state you know if it's a real conflict of interest that we have going on here in do you think that any of the people in the audience when he showed up to that town hall had any idea that they were when you know when they innocently asked the question of why are you you know trying to cut programs for medicare medicaid poor people women infants children while you're trying to do that why are you subs that write it right you vote to give more money to the oil companies do you think any of them realized that they were talking to an oil multimillionaire when he certainly never mentioned it and you know. never get in it he certainly was not very forthright with it and funny cide fact of the. house members are required to file personal financial disclosures that was required was supposed to come out a couple weeks ago he's one of about eight or ten or so who have not filed their personal financial disclosure yet which includes these types of holdings you know millions of dollars in these oil companies the talking points that he uses to
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defend them include that you know if they're in pension plans and they're in retirement plans so it's actually good for people we want the government ought to be helping these companies be profitable which really leads to the question of you know who is controlling whom here is that people of government is that the role that people see that government ought to be helping the oil companies be their most profitable or are they be you know regulating them and making a fair playing field oh you know by by that argument with pension companies in the . united states were heavily invested in. you know a rainy and banks does that mean that the united states should do everything i can to help them be profitable or saudi money actually we are. so the right in you know it's not only i think an unfortunate idea of the role of government you know that it should be helping out corporations rather than regulating creating a fair playing field but also i think it's an inherent conflict of interest here
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we've seen this pop up and actually for a number of people in the house g.o.p. leadership we found out the eric cantor recently of the house majority leader is actually short selling trent u.s. treasury bonds in other words he's betting on a collapse of the dollar that's exactly right so if you know if there's a debt ceiling collapse if the united states defaults on its credit eric cantor. who makes a pile of money we found out that darrell ice the chairman of the house government oversight committee was actually buying all sorts of goldman stock at a time when he was trying to block an investigation into goldman sachs you know this is really right and rampant in the g.o.p. caucus brian baird is no longer a congressman he used to be a congressman from vancouver. washington southern washington i used to do a radio show important right across the river and he would come over and do the show in the studio with god and get on personally you know get to know him pretty well as a as a guest and as a congressman and i remember the day it was maybe four years ago three four years
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ago when he came in and he said on the air that he just discovered the most amazing thing and that was that in the republican majority leader's office in the house of representatives the staff were doing day trading and they were doing it with inside information that they had learned because you know they knew bills that were going to be coming up before they would come up and so they'd buy companies that be affected by that legislation and he went and tried to blow the whistle on this thing got slapped down it was told it's perfectly legal there's a loophole that congress members of congress can trade on inside information whereas martha stewart goes to jail for it or goes to jail for lying about right and i think we haven't seen enough of this being actually expose all the things the right you know we case every wives here perdue proposed legislation to put an end to it and the republicans filibustered it a story about eric cantor just came out two weeks ago you know where's fox news been on this story where of other of the mainstream media have been on this story they have been ignoring it. not just fox news c.b.s. a.b.c. n.b.c.
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and it's certainly has got enough pick up as it should can you imagine of president obama own that we are sinners and could make a couple hundred grand off the dollar collapses i mean they'd they'd be crawlin it would be a screaming headline and draw an apoplectic just off the scale. how come when a multimillionaire oil millionaire congressman. is when somebody what what what kind of logic is he using calling it class warfare when people say why aren't you protecting the people and that really in my mind class warfare here really just translates to stop making stop accusing the rich of not paying their fair share you know this is a. multi multi multimillionaire gold the millions in oil and gas companies but also he's not a car dealership that rakes in huge profits and going back and was looking at his video through the campaign this has been something that he any time he's asked you know why can't we tax the rich a little bit more to help close the deficit why can't we close down these loopholes
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for oil and gas companies he always has go to line is that that's class warfare amazing that's cusiter thanks so much for being so much for having a great visionary and everything partners so with catastrophes like the b.p. oil spill last year the yellowstone spill last week and republicans unwilling to do anything about our nation's unhealthy addiction to oil our planet is getting sicker and sicker and needs to be healed but what will it take to green the world try one point nine trillion dollars a year and you'll release united nations survey estimates that the world needs nearly two trillion dollars a year in technology investments to fight global warming and kirby quadruple destruction but half of that two trillion will go to developing nations to deal with surging food and energy to me rob was the author of the u.n. survey warned business as usual is not an option without drastic improvements in green technologies we will not reverse the ongoing ecological destruction and
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secure a decent livelihood for all of human. i think two trillion a year in global wealth is a small price to pay preserve the safety of our species and the planet that we live on also a great place to get the money the oil industry oil fundamentally is really nasty stuff. the environment words drilled it causes cancer alleys like down in louisiana in texas where you get all these refineries and produces asthma cancer and other diseases whenever it's born burned rather most of what we use most of the oil that we use actually more than fifty percent actually comes from other countries and so as you know coming from other countries we've got to it you know spend that money it blows out our trade deficit and is blowing out our military budget because we're having to protect the waterways in the countries and now we're all over the middle east because those were good so it's nuts and on top of that it's causing climate change.
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