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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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ambassador to turkey hotel points pleasures and i would print churchill the splendid hotel in touch with the hotel in touch your world if it's a good go how an international house flooded the cheap evergreen lowered toe into. the learning of japan's lost communities police harassed a gang targeting homes in a radiation zone while the owner of soon evacuated struggle to rebuild their shattered lives. the cell phone network that signalling where the shells are india's fisherman find out mobiles are where the money ends. and romania heralds its plans to unite with its smaller neighbor but not all in moldova see it as a happier e.u. .
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ten am in the russian capital you're watching r.t. i'm more even joshie the trauma for victims of japan's tsunami disaster is being compounded by the fear that they are abandoned homes are being robbed a group of suspected looters has been arrested in the fukushima vacua asians as they are victims continue to queue for basic necessities for months after a disaster struck as sean thomas reports the toll on those left sifting through what remains of their lives is a man's. as the waves crash against the damage to sea wall on the japanese coast volunteers work tirelessly to clean up the debris and bring some sense of normalcy back to the area. i want to tell people we need more help more support us and things are still aren't here. beyond the physical destruction there is a distressing psychological factor as well as city if you want he is right on the
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edge of the twenty kilometer exclusion zone for radiation contamination in fact in a recent study by japan's nuclear safety commission forty five percent of one thousand children tested any walking into neighboring cities have tested positive for thyroid radiation exposure a figure that has parents appalled. at the government has researched the great here is the safety and they're not concerned with a consequence since their reaction is to help the government save face but they don't actually take care of the damage and the people here first there was the earthquake then the devastating wave which rushed in and destroyed this part of the coastal city of iraqi also there are the nuclear radiation waves that are coming into this area as well the volunteers that are coming in to rebuild this city certainly have their work cut out for them but just like the city itself the people who live here the community they need to have their spirits rebuilt as well.
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again in an effort to keep the community emotionally strong organizers have brought this acting troupe in from tokyo they say their goal is to provide something beyond a simple entertainment through that shared community experience there is a sense of hope that the city of milwaukee can indeed recover convience store but pretty close. to zero but it keeps you feeling like it's coming back. and with an understanding that there is still much more work that needs to be done the people here are working to keep their community you could gather. i just want them to stay where they want and they fattened be helpful that i keep doing it. and rebuilding the city one step at a time he walked the city japan sean thomas our team. when it comes to gauging the health of facts of the over atomic energy often makes it tough for people to separate fear from back later this hour of the director general of the
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world nuclear association tells us that the media isn't helping with its comparisons to tragedies like a novel. we've all seen twenty four thousand japanese citizens killed by an earthquake and a tsunami. we've seen the needier have a frenzy in covering the accident at fukushima which is not made but have not been responsible for a single radiation powering i think it was a tragedy in terms of the world's understanding of the essential safety of nuclear power i also think however that it might also be educational in the long term because people have begun to focus on them as they begin to begin to focus even more clearly on the ultimate consequences which they will learn that there was relatively little damage done. then mark is breaking ranks with its neighbors in europe's open borders zone by reinstating controls on his boundaries with germany and sweden and danish m.p.
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has been pushing for stricter immigration laws says it's the european union's biggest achilles' heel the idea of open borders with europe has shown to be a utopia and we have choice of the european media or reality that's really been the real world you can see what comes across our borders and not least at least what this leaving denmark was stolen goods have increased we cannot see just what happened the same thing we see with europe these are actions of europe even in countries that there were probably every year and couldn't do the way we see the e.u. . integrates in i can see that happening all over the place not only in boomers who might just be the first one to take steps to avoid further problems for our country the e.u. has an idea it's an ideology if you like is disintegrating. oh you want to know
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what do you think about how closing the borders will affect europe's unity here's how opinions are dividing our tea at the moment there is quite a split among responses over a third say it's the only way to tackle the immigration crisis and bad news down for about a quarter of regret that the union is proving unworkable slightly fewer believe there is still a chance for the bloc if you will can find a way to come together in troubled times while eighteen percent tells us it's just a temporary setback on the rocky road of integration add your voice now for our team dot com. former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn's hopes of a political comeback are all by dash now that a french rider has officially filed a complaint for a two thousand and three rape the tampa. lawyer is now pledged his suit based on been on for slander meanwhile the current assault charges against him in new york continue to add away with the investigation questioning his alleged victim's
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credibility it's claimed the hotel maid every hated her asylum application and lied about income tax but even though these developments are likely to prove too late to revive stross khan's reputation and career as french history professor robert directs told her. i don't think it's political science and. i think it really is a case of political suicide and i really think. arjun's of this case it's significant. other is a fairly important figure in the socialist party and who urged her daughter back in two thousand and three not just so you know anything about the attack has now come out of the closet and insists a strong. sexual habits. long gone among socialists along with nobody you certainly think about them. so he may
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emerge a free man whether his freedom is going to lead to be at least a is a completely different story and a number of women in fact are appalled that the elephants is which is what they call which they call the grand old men of the socialist party are plotting their clapping one another on the back right now because trust can seem to be on the verge of of being liberated from the new york city's our judicial system. still ahead this hour here in our crime crime and punishment for das in the balkans war. you know you get a mandate to disarm and then they're telling you actually war don't disarm and then grab a brick breaks out and you're the one left responsible as a dutch court puts the blame for of the murders of three moslems in needs a massacre on the netherlands some say it's the u.n. that's the guilty party. all the while phones are increasingly
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sophisticated these days but there is what i'm going to use you might not have considered that's catching fish in trawler crews used to rely on luck for a good catch but it's british we are now reports it's a different kind of network that's funding their fortunes. mohun kumar revs up his engine for a day of fishing off the coast of carolina the southernmost state in india with a little bit of i studied in school until the seventh grade but then i had to leave school because we were not economically well off so i had to help my dad with fishing kamar is one of thousands of fishermen in the state who wake up at one o'clock in the morning to earn a living for decades fishermen like kumar rely on luck and prayers to find a good catch but all that has changed since the introduction of the mobile phone in the state more than ten years ago before you bought it and if the fish is not available where we go fishing fisherman in other parts of the sea call us and tell
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us where we might be able to find a good catch all but then we go to that particular place. in addition because of the new ease of communication kumar's able to find out how much demand is that is local market and the prices that buyers are offering in order to determine where best to sell his fish today he is making double the amount of money he was making before he started using a mobile phone he now owns his own boat and says he is able to send his three daughters to college india has the fastest growing mobile phone market in the world and the most growth is happening in rural areas but maybe seen as a convenience in the west as being utilized by indian fishermen revolutionizing their business and turning them into entrepreneurs and business men in their communities most of these fishermen have been doing this work for generations and never imagined they'd become so tech savvy they had watched their fathers and grandfathers come home from sea several times with no fish at all but today that never happens you know about a little bit of there's
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a lot of difference between the times when we used to go fishing with street boats and now when we go fishing with engine but after the arrival of the phone it's become easier for us to studies show that mobile phones aren't just empowering the fisherman in the community more competition means better prices for consumers on average they fallen by four percent it's a new quality of life for the people of this community who never dreamed that they would escape poverty but it was most fishermen are literates but we want to give a proper education to watch children and that is possible because of the earning we get from the fishing business there's no doubt that mobile phones have helped. provide a new opportunities by advancing their tradition with technology preassure either artsy carola india. value in trial or a website for more features and analysis of our stories and here's what's on liability dot com right now. doctors and prison officials are blamed by human
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rights investigators for causing the custody death of one. still blowing a lawyer sergei magnitsky thoughts. delivering junk crushing postal workers are caught stealing from parcels and making awful wait with traps. wealthy british scientists on. the. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. the close up team has been to the republic of north
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ascension where half of the area is occupied by nature preserve. this time are cheap goes to the region where men flock from all over the world to add a few centimeters to their self-confidence where young families are not hesitant about having a senior citizen in their family and where one man's utopia turns into a real village of the shining sun welcome to the coogan region. russia close up on our. safe things to this is not a good education but it warns of. the forces that we should step in what are you sure it's a pretty train school so they have no idea about the hardships that we face. they wanted this is all going to need to. bring in the army the life of the
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usaf is the most precious thing in the world. ease of self-sacrifice and heroism of those who understand the feeling you have to live a. real life stories from world war troops. to troops nineteen forty five dollars r.t. dot com. you're watching our team relatives of three bosnian muslims who were killed in this reverends a massacre during the bosnian war have won a lawsuit against the netherlands dutch judges have ordered the government to pay compensation the victims were a support staff for the dutch un peacekeeping force and were among the muslims who took shelter in the un protected enclave a man who were executed by bosnian serbs after peacekeepers forced them out of the compound along with thousands of others more than eight thousand bosnian muslim man and boys were killed in srebrenica in july nineteenth night by alexander pottage
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a political analyst based in belgrade says it's when he was responsible not and never once. the soldiers were under un made mandate there's no question about that now on the other hand i think maybe somebody is trying to shift the blame from the u.n. to a member state and this is tricky business because at the end of the day we have some lawsuits other lawsuits not this one against the united nations itself and it's going to a european court because the dutch courts refused to rule against us so this may be somebody is trying to shift the blame over to holland rather than the us because if the new one is liable to one lawsuit it may be liable to lawsuits over the world we also have families of service comes who are victims of muslim forces from seventy in the period of nineteen ninety two to ninety ninety five also suing the dutch states themselves also for failing to provide protection. from what was supposed to
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be a demilitarized area and suddenly and this is a should never actually took place if one looks at the testimony of hundreds of dutch soldiers from first to fight as to what happens through the need so you could see that they were actually put in a quite a difficult position politics were being played high politics with people's lives you know you get a mandate to disarm and then they're telling you actually well don't disarm and then without the breaks and you're the one left responsible. a look at a couple of headlines from across the globe now amnesty international one series authorities to be investigated by the war crimes or the over its violent crackdown on protesters reported by the organization says president asif regime may have committed crimes against humanity including torture custody deaths and arbitrary detention rise groups say more than thirteen hundred civilians have been killed across the country since anti-government protests began in mid march. eurozone
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bankers are to meet in paris to work out a deal and how much private money will be included in the greek bailout e.u. leaders insist the must contribute to the second aid package received one hundred ten billion euros of rescue money last may but it didn't stamp the debt crisis there's also the growing risk portugal will need a second bailout after a major credit ratings agency downgraded its debt. these amazing pictures from the united states show a wall of dust moving through the city of phoenix arizona sand storms like this happen during the region's moans and season which is underway and they occur over a desert land and can reach thousands of feet into the air spurred by strong winds advance plow dramatically reduced visibility grounding flights at major airports. thousands without a trace. after mr maybe are campaigning for a unification with neighboring moldova by next year and they say they're restoring
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justice because the two countries were historically united but as are the reports the motives maybe not quite so pure from photo exhibitions. in both progressed and crucially since two thousand and nine some movements in romania have been complaining to win back what they see as their own. since april it's been impossible to miss colorful stickers like that in terms in cities across romania. bessarabia is romania they say believing that the land which is now the sovereign state of republic of moldova must again be under book arrest control and indeed it was until the nineteenth century which saw it pass hands several times with the collapse of the u.s.s.r. moldova declared independence becoming a member of the united nations because all of europe and the world trade organization no one alliance of more than thirty n.g.o.s in romania say these achievements will be sacrificed in the name of reunification if occasion i.
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love the romanians from the two states from romania republic of moldova one speak because for the. fact we are separated unjustly and we want to leave this historical. truth bucharest official line is that mean if occasion of the two nations can only happen if the both soviet state becomes an e.u. member but politicians in moldova have expressed concerns that president a cesspool would not wait for that eventuality and will instead at some point in the future expand his country's borders to absorb moldova the remaining presidents . a couple of months ago clearly said that within twenty five years from now. we'll integrate with here under the just the european integration for many of its actions is actually discredited because of the european integration because for
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most of the people the european integration is definitely not integration with. analysts in the moldova and capital say the last few years have served as a clear proof of this intention. to the change of power in trying to don't mind all those who remain in. includes several major t.v. stations in two dozen news rehearsed we believe that their main mission is wrong. the construction of the. next year which marks two hundred years since bucharest last question now for the first time the action twenty twelve movement is planning a massive information offensive on mobile with population action twenty twelve says it is not founded nor officially supported by bucharest and that their mission is peaceful form the people of the need to restore the greater romania if the majority of people from romania and from the republic of moldova decide who they want to
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reunification this is a big leap possible. if that's the case then it's hard to imagine any reunification in the near future especially with up to forty percent of romanians agreeing they'd laugh to have bessarabia back but almost two thirds of moldova's population wants to remain sober and. let's see russia still see for you from bucharest in romania and kishan our republic of moldova. well later today will bring you more insight into what life is like today in post soviet state or carry stand which last year saw a violent revolution and ethnic conflict and sway to democracy. twenty years ago in the largest country in the disputed region. but how did you treat. each began
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a journey. where did it take. for that i will take a look at what's happening in the world of business with you. that's right time for your business update a very welcome money pouring out of russia is a trend the government's long been strong traverse became the first months to see growing crops all go the other way and register and out in float central bank report suggests the inflow could have reached three billion dollars that's against an eight billion dollar outflow in april and a five billion flight in may it's been a rough start of the year with a thirty one billion dollars haven't left the country but the central bank is sticking to its annual target of around thirty five billion dollars of capital flight. moscow's main stock exchange will launch a dark pool for traders who don't want to reveal their big market or does this wave of mice and skin get involved in the over the counter market where exceeds regular
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trading the same for virgin births dollars at more than five million words from using trading well currently such stock exchange deals of twenty percent of the bourses daily turnover the dark in gold the fifteen blue chips and david movements back at the eleven am and receive the new time to prevent wild market plucked relations and grease the chances of price manipulation. have a look at the markets not precious metals are catching their breath after tuesday's rally that problems in the few hours that your heating investor managed for save haven gold prices a little over thirty dollars an ounce on tuesday being the big one day kate in eight months. the world is trading near a three week high on speculation that hard inventories in the u.s. could climb for a fifth week before u.s. and asia department will be released on thursday analysts suggest it could show of
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a bird stockpiles dropped two and a half million barrels lost. and. across asia china stocks will be pulled down by reports that a strategic shareholder in bank of china china construction bank will sell its stake. is trading in the black financial sun limiting fraud against. the last round. here and russia they are cheap gas has already opened and extended sounds nice and small stock trading in several minutes of finished around a quarter percent in the black on tuesday the provos bulls to find mining and to stop. inflation in russia for the past six months of the year has topped five percent because price increases were in super beans which became almost twenty percent more expensive food. we thought twelve percent and ten
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additional inflation russia growth in the second half of the year but authorities still expected to be around seven percent by three years and. russian equities are having a good start do we but carlos causes such great expense was to be jolly in comparison because investors securing up for news coming later this week the words we're seeing the emerging markets and the cia index actually has a nice rally over the last week. whereas they probably not going to be. market moving but then you have on thursday actually a few important decisions and data coming out it is the industrial production data coming out of germany and the u.k. which is important and then you have interest rate decisions coming out of the european central bank people expect that about twenty five i think basis points or so for was a trade we expected to be a writer a day with various investors to get a bit of a breather and waiting for thursday to do that and also friday especially on employment it of coming out of the u.s. . russian companies are getting worse and more eager for foreign cash public
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offerings have more than doubled compared to the same period last year and have raised ten billion dollars some listings have been counseled due to the sorely market conditions and as campbell from london capital group says there's no need to worry as there is a long line of companies waiting for the markets to come down. we've certainly seen from the market's point of view a large sigh of relief in the respect that greece has passed and since there are two measures and it is unlikely to default regardless of why some piece say this advance important from a sentiment point of view and some of the russian companies that have pulled their i.p.o. . could very easily return later in this year possibly in two thousand and twelve and it is there's hope that the i.p.o. market will continue to recover and of course so far we've seen the i.p.o. i.p.o.
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valuations hit the highs that they hit in two thousand and seven pts. the london capital group that perhaps this is born from now will be back with more in just under not as time monk so you can always find more stores in what size arches dot com slash business.
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the book.
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what's really happening to the global economy. if. the mission. couldn't take should be free. is free.


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