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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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free. free. free. free blogs your videos for your media. a free media our t.v. dot com. welcome back to you live from moscow these are the top stories japanese police arrest a gang of suspected looters the sought to be targeting homes in the fukushima nuclear evacuation zone meanwhile there is concern over the health of those living in the area was more than half the children they're testing positive for radiation. new sexual assault charges against former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn are filed in france as the new york case against him falls apart a french writer says he was attacked on a decade ago but strong bonds lawyers say that slander and will soon. and there's
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a worry in eastern europe over pushing neighbors two thirds of all those population are anxious or will remain is increasing plans for reading vacation but romanian activists say there are historically linked m. better off together. depends nuclear wars are leaving anxious nations to look into their own atomic energy supplies and whether it's worth the risk i reckon general of the world nuclear association now tells r t how he assesses the industry's future. gerri it's great to have you with us today thank you so how much as an equal protection technology group since its first reactor well the history of the nuclear
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age goes back more than a half century and enormous changes have taken place in that period of time i think the remarkable thing about the history of nuclear energy is how safe it has been almost from the very beginning. when we go back and see the first reactors experimentally being built in the one nine hundred fifty s. we're looking at a very very new technology and now we've had some bumps along the way that is force for sure we have three mile island in america we have chernobyl in ukraine we just had fukushima. but the i think the remarkable thing about this technology which is producing so much of the world's electricity is how essentially safe it has been to get it then it does not emit any emissions into the into the global atmosphere and it has only on very very rare occasions harmed anyone and meanwhile we had thousands hundreds of thousands even millions of fatalities from the extraction of fossil fuels from the surface of the earth and from the health consequences of
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carbon emissions so if you look at the history of nuclear technology you not only see a very safe technology but you also see a relatively superior technology because it is essentially emissions free callus always wondering who pays for a story in a way so how can a dangerous or be profitable when you have to pay for storing away for thousands of years you know that the question of waste is i think the most fundamentally misunderstood aspect of nuclear energy most people say well nuclear energy might be ok seems to be pretty safe but you don't know what to do with the waste let me say something that may shock you the greatest comparative asset of nuclear power is its waste now why is this. in other major energy forms whether it be coal or natural gas or oil what you find is that the atmosphere the global public atmosphere is being used as an enormous planetary waste dump all of those
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carbon particular it's all of that carbon monoxide all of that carbon dioxide is going in there right now we are admitting carbon dioxide at the rate of thirty billion tons a year which is eight hundred tons per second into the planetary atmosphere as an atmospheric very strong nuclear energy is producing a considerable proportion of the world's electricity done six well producing an amount of radioactive waste in a sequence of the size of the fuel which becomes highly radioactive and then must be safely stored but the wonder of nuclear technology is that it can be managed it can be contained there is a relatively small amount of it and it can be very very safely stored in the immediate term when it comes out of the reactor and it kind of eventually be put in long term storage containers placed back into the earth in the geological repositories that are carefully selected and without any ultimate harm either to
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people or the environment now you sound like crap strict environmentalist what's your job right now how would you characterize it i think when belbek the credibility of the nuclear power industry well there are a lot of people think it's the greens versus nuclear and in fact in many green organizations anti-nuclear ism is one of the fundamental principles i'm in the nuclear power business precisely because i believe in the in my environmental virtues of nuclear power i got into this business when president clinton assigned me to be the his ambassador to the united nations organizations that deal with nuclear energy and i was particularly concerned and focused on the question of nuclear proliferation and containing that and i did that work. for president clinton for eight years but in the process i got a real education about the positive side of nuclear the the electricity generation that nuclear could bring to the world without environmental consequences and it was
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on that basis that i decided to dedicate dedicate the remainder of my career to promoting this clean energy technology points from with natural gas fired by nuclear energy is just natural gas well natural gas produces a lot of waste it produces carbon dioxide emissions on a very very large scale these emissions come out of the burning of a natural gas and they cannot even more potent form they come out of the transmission of natural gas through long pipelines where the unburned gas leaks and small quantity but in the form of methane that is twenty times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide so the combination of burning natural gas and the leakage of unburned natural gas that comes through the transmission lines makes this a very very serious liability for in terms of global greenhouse gas concentrations you know that but you're a soft power house down in germany a solvent sustainable economy disagrees with you they want to use out of their
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country and ali that my spoke to the austrian foreign minister recently enteric statement proud of happy to be nuclear free. i mean sad that it's actually to gain votes and say it was undemocratic how so i was saying it was a sad it was in a sad result of democratic politics responding instantly and irrationally to some event halfway around the world to change the basic under g. policy of europe's largest industrial economy it was certainly done according to democratic procedures but these democratic procedures produced as the democracy sometimes does and highly irrational results i'm an american i know that irrationality can come out of our political system i've seen it many times in my life in america tomorrow. you see democracy does not produce great results and sometimes it produces so many b. cells and we've just seen one and in germany pretty much focusing on what happened there and just you keep telling me that it's all safe i don't keep telling you that
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it's all safe it was an accident fukushima look what happened i mean how can how can the nuclear power be the future when it's still so incredibly dangerous for night well it's interesting that you would say that because we've just seen twenty four thousand japanese citizens killed by an earthquake and a tsunami. we've seen the media. frenzy in covering the accident at fukushima which has not made it had not been responsible for a single radiation fatality we have twenty four thousand citizens having died from the earthquake and the tsunami we've had a mishap a serious mishap with a fukushima power plant that has yet to produce a single fatality and yet people are using the words the phrase nuclear disaster nuclear tragedy as something terribly harmful has occurred i'm in the at the beginning of the of the line when it comes to being unhappy about what happened it could be seen i think it was a tragedy in terms of the world's understanding of the essential safety of nuclear
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power i also think however that it might also be educational in the long term because people have begun to focus on and as they begin to begin to focus even more clearly on the ultimate consequences of fukushima they will learn that there was relatively little damage done by this event and this was a worst case nuclear event after fukushima you said we need to go back and look at right there those posts shut down cooling systems can survive the worst case events we can imagine what do you mean by go back the japanese made a mistake. the fundamental mistake they made was deciding that the worst tsunami they might encounter would come at a certain height and that would be the worst case to nami that they would encounter and if they defended against that there there are backup cooling systems would be safe but was a mistake because they misjudged and the result was that they did not have waterproof backup cooling systems and because they did not have waterproof backup
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cooling systems those were flooded and rendered an operative now. why is this important how did this happen you have to think of nuclear energy as the equivalent of a racehorse that finishes running a race and then needs to cool down period the reactors at fukushima when the earthquake began shutdown they became essentially helpless on purpose but they still needed some exteriors some extremely supplied electricity supply to power cooling systems that would get them down from five percent of their overall heat level they'd been at one hundred percent they were already down to five they needed some extra cooling to get down to normal atmospheric and ambient temperatures. all nuclear power plants require that outside assistance after they have shut down and the japanese mistake resulted in those outside non-nuclear systems not being available so the great irony of what happened at fukushima it is that it was the
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failure of non-nuclear support systems to be available after the shutdown that resulted in this meltdown but you really believe everything getting nuclear operators tell you i don't have to believe it we operate a system of tremendous transparency we have i.a.e.a. standards that are in forced by national nuclear regulatory about bodies all around the world which are independent bodies completely separate from the operators we have a world wide net. the work of nuclear operators who visit each other's power plants and write reports and analysis and criticism of each other so that they are all working to come up to the same standard of best practice there was a great deal of conversation inspection analysis application of standards judgement about whether people are hearing to standards that is going on on a daily basis throughout all of the four hundred thirty five power plants in the
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world the problem of focus shima was that they made a mistake and reactor design not in reactor operations but in reactor design and what happened to happen now is that every nuclear regulatory authority in the world needs to go back and ask the question are all of the reactors under my supervision and protected against worst case natural catastrophes like floods like tsunamis like earthquakes like plane crashes and that those questions are being asked right now i think they will result in some changes i don't think the changes are going to be terribly expensive i don't think they're going to take a long time to implement and i think they would be the good of this is that with the world will have drawn a lesson from fukushima nuclear safety will be even stronger in the document thank you very much for this untamed.
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spending the year interactions and the trade journalist. we still in the us think there's wasting their time trying to get killed three year. old long the length of the. twenty seven days until the. people invited the markets i think the pope leads me if people start a debate of a dial up isp. changing the slogan or if when the sleazy speeds. the world. bringing you the latest in science and technology from
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a realm flushed. we've got the future covered whole. the. whole. of. the russia would be soon which brightened if you mean the moon about sun from finest impressionable some. odds his friend starts on t.v. dot com. that
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. would. be a. japanese police arrest a gang of suspected looters thought to be targeting homes in the fukushima nuclear evacuation zone meanwhile there is concern over the health of those living in the area with more than half the children they are testing positive for radiation. new sexual assault charges against former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn are filed in france as the new york case against him falls apart a french writer says she was attacked a decade ago but straw scans and lawyers say it's slander and will sue. and there is a worry in eastern europe over a pushy neighbors two thirds of those population are anxious over
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a main is increasing plans for reunification but remaining activists say their historical huling to better off together. is here with this course of data as andrew was here to tell him pick chiefs making a big announcement of. the year that us holiday will decide the twenty eighteen winter olympics in south korea hoping it's third time lucky for them after being turned down twice or more not plus a look back at a thrilling day in the tour de france. hello to you watching the sport and these other headline summer signings brought up moscow bringing in dutch international desire to bolster their flagging season. photo finish attending champion alberto contador to win stage four of the tour de france. leg forces would step up next week so.
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he will start with a new spot at moscow have signed dutch midfielder then we desire from i.x. for six million euros the club's first signing during the russian premier league season break the twenty eight year old into. national won the dutch cup with i.x. over the last two years and is also part of this country's well cup squad in south africa he will join up the spark back in a training camp enough they are also meet former teammate they used to play together they said out where they won the dutch league together in two thousand and nine and sparta hoping they can rekindle that winning partnership a team are currently seven from the russian premier league after winning seven families and six but that sixty gave us another top all these city are giants into milan have unveiled their new coach local specialist young p.l.o. good spirit is the man to take up the reins on
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a two year deal several big names had turned down the offer the fifty three year old was sacked as general boss last november and becomes into his fourth manager in just over a year following jersey marrying rafa benitez and the n.r.l. . squad if you were to conclude it's a squad which hasn't lost anyone with all the important spirit is it's a team two years ago once everything we did last year was interesting season in terms of results anything but it was of course to be expected but this can be used as a force for motivation. meanwhile in the women's world cup hosts germany and england have top their groups and more page of pan am front respectively in the quarter finals germany kept one hundred percent record of the fall to win over france the host going ahead for a kiss and get a fix there and into getting got another for the germans before the right. of the french to pull one back through their lead but they then had to keep us out of each
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sent off and the resulting penalty was booed by bring. france did make things interesting when they got back to the great city with a goal from aurora guilders. but. several german. sporting tentatively have ended and i thank you for. well the last statement saying you white got the first and spectacular goal to. the second half strike the celtic you see all the way to set up a last eight meeting. blatter has reiterated faith this commitment to pour millions of dollars into the development of football in africa the president of the sport's governing body was speaking in zimbabwe after meeting top local officials blatter held closed door talks with both zimbabwean president robert mugabe and prime minister morgan
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shanghai especially after returning to south africa the first time since last year's world cup blatter also visited a local women's football match as well as the construction sites from the pitches the seventy five year old stressed was reluctant to speak for supporting my last month and made an ongoing saga of corruption allegations but he pledged that the fee for initiative holds firm to invest seventeen million dollars in african football even though blatter had to fend off the critics. inside the people in the executive committee there were people in our exit. good to see now again he gives all to africa to africa by the way he gave also had to be orders a little bit less produced seventy million still went to africa australia and condell evans as one of her magic stage four of the tour de france pippin defending champion alberto contador and a photo finish on the line and is now just a second behind overall leader who shot the stage was
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a mostly flat one and there was a breakaway of five riders but they were caught by the pellets and with just a few kilometers left and then the fireworks started there was a long climb to the finish and contador attacked with just over a kilometer to go he couldn't shrug off the field though it was evans who is leading as they entered the final stretch it looked like he was going to be caught by contador but he and on three second tour de france stage win and up to seven stood within a second of the all who showed who hangs on to the yellow jersey contador is a further one million forty seconds back in the overall standings today stage five looks like one for the sprinters one hundred seventy kilometers of relatively flat terrain for britain is. now the news tiger woods has pulled out of next week's open the former world number one blaming and ongoing leg injury although he still believes his best years are ahead of him or at least that's what he said on his website the thirty five year old has not play competitively since suffering a recurrence of the problems in his left leg
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a place championship in me may as well ranking is nice that the seventeenth straight in brendan jones replace words at the sandwich golf course starts on july the full take i i now the city which will host the twenty eighteen winter olympics will be announced today with pyongyang considered the slight favorite after losing out to vancouver and then sochi in previous speeds the international olympic committee will make the announcement in durban in south africa a little later the south korean brit has done its best to lobby last minutes of poor. in the country employing young as a place where people can enjoy going to all the other cities in the heart of the twenty eighteen games i'm unique in germany and annecy in france they are also making final presentations the i see before the winner is announced today. i just pause now and twice for me one champion fernando alonso is upbeat ahead of what could prove to be the litmus test for his ferrari team as the spaniard hopes
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for a good outing at the british grand prix this weekend the italian outfit had recovered in the last three races following a bumpy start to the season but they are hardly the favorites at silverstone as eight of the competing teams are based in england including leaders red bull and second place mclaren in addition along day one is brazilian teammate felipe massa produced a measurable result last year finishing forty fifteenth respectively which was ferrari's worst performance made the thirty years but along with his ninety nine points behind overall leader sebastian vettel the trouble this time. was the missed knock. trog influence of. police pics of the circlip. i think it will be good to know who are who we can do and we need to make sure that we need to be prepared for any circumstances.
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change can be. clear and we have. some new gospel because we are hoping. consumers can finally relations between stony and russians living in the baltic states have been strained over the last decade however one man has come up with a novel way to get the t. communities interacting again and it's through rugby which you can pour fully explained. you would hear you say to you me russian do speech i mean. english below down by this man john sweet a former major in the british army he's been living in tallinn for the last twenty years has been trying to introduce a new source of rugby to you but this baltic nation we said. seven tigers sports scales chords and we know got a stone in a russian school where you know it's three balls three different ball game. and
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this here is a first year. and it hopefully next year will continue however the main part of this project is to try and get the russians in a stone playing together something which unfortunately is an all too rare occurrence unless you get children between nine and eleven meeting each other regular not wanting year every week. it's not going to happen. one of seventy seven eighty eight this go for the first try obviously. being silly so you must get. another important side of the project is to try and teach your children the dangers of drinking and taking drugs in two thousand and nine a staggering one point two percent of the stone in population or one in every three thousand people have contracted h.i.b.
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however by getting the children involved in sports john believes he's giving the kid something to believe in keep them occupied while there been a number of success stories out of the last few years but over the last fifteen years we've brought over forty boys and girls at universities in europe. so you know that this process is not a. great rugby. you know we have a fool people develop until one boy who's looking to follow in their footsteps is yellow so of he's ethnically russian but speaks fluent a stone you in and goes to new stone new language school he's only started to play rugby over the past couple of weeks but he says he really enjoys it as it gives him something to do during his pretty months of summer holidays well. there's not a girl in his life to call this simple useless improvement has been so quick he's
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already been named captain of a time in tigers touch rugby team however the boys could have a big treat in store for them in the autumn john is trying to organize a tours of the rugby heartland of england to play summits in gloucester no less the biggest bonus these kids will gain as the interaction between their respective communities which will hopefully lead to sonya and russian children playing peacefully together richard on both lead our team tallinn estonia. brings the end of a spoke a moment some rain will be here in a few seconds time satellites. me
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petey's. fifty two feet. deep.


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