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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 6:01am-6:31am EDT

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multis available in. the how would close a hotel tonight be sure to type the hotel's hotel while cio his the groom who took the show would have turned some will be hotel kuvasz otoh photo full of hotel resort evergreens the old hotel twenty grand victorian hotel. called springs resort and spa tied to hotel royal cheap and ambassador hotel. the evergreen plaza hotel in thailand tiny london hotel time ambassador type the hotel full points and. the. entire. hotel in touch of the hotel room and guru gold how would international. every hotel in talk of.
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the looting of japan's lost communities police arrest a gang targeting homes in the radiations our. struggle to rebuild their shattered lives. the list. previously confidential index of people and groups linked to terrorism in the north caucasus. and the cell phone network signaling where the shoals of india's fishermen find. it is just after two pm here in moscow you with our role research showing the trauma victims of japan's tsunami disaster is being compounded by the fear that
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their abandoned homes are being wrong. a group of suspected looters has been arrested in the fukushima evacuation zone as the victims continue to queue for basic necessities for months after the disaster struck and as sean thomas reports the toll on those left sifting through what remains of their lives is immense. as the waves crash against a damage to sea wall on the japanese coast volunteers work tirelessly to clean up the debris and bring some sense of normalcy back to the area. i want to tell people we need more help more supplies and things are still bad here beyond the physical destruction if there is a distressing psychological factor as well the city if you walk e. is right on the edge of the twenty kilometer exclusion zone for radiation contamination in fact in a recent study by japan's nuclear safety commission forty five percent of one thousand children tested in any walk and neighboring cities have tested positive for thyroid radiation exposure
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a figure that has parents appalled at all the government has reset the great area for safety and i'm not concerned with the consequences their reaction is only to help the governments they face but they don't actually take care of the damage and the people here. first there was the earthquake then the devastating a wave which rushed in and destroyed this part of the coastal city of it walking also there are the nuclear radiation waves that are coming into this area as well the volunteers that are coming in to rebuild this city certainly have their work cut out for them but just like the city itself the people who live here the community they need to have their spirits rebuilt as well. that. again in an effort to keep the community emotionally strong organizers have brought this acting troupe in from tokyo they saved their goal is to provide something that beyond a simple intertainment for their we have a certain japanese pride and this destructive situation i would like to bring good
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things and present the spirit of japan and japanese pride by bringing people together and making people smile through that shared community experience there is a sense of hope that the city of the walky can indeed recover the convenience of a pathetic close to the city hall but if you've seen anything like this come back. and with an understanding that there is still much more work that needs to be done the people here are working to keep their community together. i just want them to stay where they want. and they can be helpful that i keep doing it. rebuilding the city one step at a time when you want the city japan sean thomas r.t. . and when it comes to gauging the health effects of fukushima anxiety over atomic energy often makes it tough for people to separate fear from fact later this hour the director general of the world nuclear association tells us that the media isn't
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helping with its comparisons to tragedies like china. we've just seen twenty four thousand japanese citizens killed by an earthquake and a tsunami. we've seen the media have a frenzy in covering the accident at fukushima which has not made it had not been responsible for a single radiation fatality i think it was a tragedy in terms of the world's understanding of the essential safety of nuclear power i also think however that it might also be educational in the long term because people have begun to focus on and as they begin to begin to focus even more clearly on the ultimate consequences of fukushima they will learn that there was relatively little damage done. right now or five minutes past the hour here in moscow a major islamist terror organization in southern russia is being strongly linked to similar groups in other parts of the world it features on
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a newly released list by russia of those thought to be heavily involved in funding terror activities north caucasus correspond to medina more on this. the list of individuals and companies suspected also involvement in a financing of terrorism was published in this government own to a newspaper i see as good guys at that this morning now as this document was previously confidential but part of this document is now open to public and people and our gaze ations that are present in this list to represent both russian and international science and that really shows how the world of terrorism is interconnected and it also shows the flow of financing into the terrorist activity is one of the russian territory often comes from international sources now for several years says the world saad chechen terrorists that are present here in the volatile region of russia's north caucasus where we are right
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now as the chechen rebels but now the situation has it changed to russia's most wanted terror is the model was to put on the world on the list of the world's most wanted terrorist and now no matter where a terrorist act happens no matter in which a capital in which part of the world where old fighting was won same anime and this is this document that was published in this new seat paper it just shows the system . has been a culture of our reporting that i was still ahead for you here on crime and punishment for deaths in the balkans war. you know you get a mandate to disarm and then they're telling you honestly well don't disarm and now the breaks out and you're the one left responsible as a dutch court puts the blame for the deaths of three muslims on the street it's a massacre on the netherlands some say it's the you when that's the guilty. and while some places strive for independence we hear how emotions are running high
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in one country over the prospect of becoming part of its strong neighbor not everyone would consider it a marriage as we've reported. a little bit later. former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss hope of a political comeback are all but dashed now that a french writer has officially filed a complaint for a two thousand and three rape attempt lawyers in our pledge to sue steyn about norm for slander meanwhile the current assault charges against him in new york continue to away with the investigation questioning his alleged victim's credibility its claim that the hotel maid fabricated her asylum application and lied about income tax but even these developments are likely to prove it too late to revive a reputation and career that's ranch history professor robert as a rescue told r.t. . i don't think it's political sasa nation and i think it really is a case of political suicide i really think that on dominique strauss kahn is that
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the origins of this case it's significant that tristan macmanus mother who is a fairly important figure in the socialist party and who urged her daughter back in two thousand and three not just say anything about the attack has now come out of the closet and insist stad are strong and is sexual habits have been long known among socialists long amended but nobody said anything about them so he may emerge a free man but whether his freedom is going to lead to the it leaves a is a completely different story and a number of women in fact are appalled that the elephants which is what they call which they call the grand old men at the socialist party are plotting their clapping one another on the back right now because strauss kahn seems to be on the verge of of being liberated from new york city's our judicial system.
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and we want to know how you think the new allegations will affect dominique strauss kahn's political future let's have a look at the stats right now here's how the up. unions are divided at dot com there's quite a split among the responses here more than half think the charges are being brought to make sure he doesn't run for the french president almost a third of respondents believe it's a p.r. stunt by the latest accuser and finally fourteen percent say the new accusation gives weight to the new york case that's currently falling apart make sure you have your your voice heard and what you are to be told. relatives of three bosnian muslims who were killed in the massacre during the bosnian war have won a lawsuit against the netherlands judges ruled that dutch peacekeepers failed to protect the victims and have ordered the government to pay compensation to victims support staff for the dutch un peacekeeping force and were among the muslims who took shelter in the un protective enclave the men were executed by bosnian serbs
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after peacekeepers forced them out of the compound along with thousands of others some eight thousand bosnian muslim men and boys were killed and seven it's in july nine hundred ninety five alexander the private shape political analyst based in belgrade says it's the u.n. who's responsible and not enough of. the soldiers who are under a u.n. mandate there is no question about that now on the other hand i think maybe somebody is trying to shift the blame from the u.n. to a member state and this is tricky business because at the end of the day we have some lawsuits other lawsuits not this one against the united nations itself and it's going to or european court because the dutch courts refused to rule against you and so this may be somebody is trying to shift the blame over to holland rather than the u.n. because if the u.n. is liable to one lawsuit it may be liable to lawsuits all over the world we also have families of serve the dems who are victims of moslem forces from serbia needs
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in the period of one nine hundred ninety two to ninety ninety five also suing the dutch state themselves. also for failing to provide protection. from what was supposed to be a demilitarized area. and this militarization never actually took place if one looks at the testimony of hundreds of dutch soldiers who testified as to what happened in seventy two you could see that they were actually put in a quite a difficult position politics were being played high politics with people's lives you know you get a mandate to disarm and then they're telling you actually well don't disarm and then babble breaks out and you're the one who left responsible you with r.t. live from moscow now mobile phones are increasingly sophisticated these days but there's one you see you might not have considered catching fish indian troll a cruise used to rely on luck for a good catch but i was a. reporter it's a different kind of net work that's funding their fortunes. most when kumar wraps
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up his engine for a day of fishing off the coast of carol at the southernmost state in india is that a little bit of i studied in school until the seventh grade but then i had to leave school because we were not economically well off so i had to help my dad with fishing kumar's one of thousands of fishermen in the state who wake up at one o'clock in the morning to earn a living for decades fishermen like kumar relied on luck and prayers to find a good catch but all that has changed since the introduction of the mobile phone in the state more than ten years ago the body about to meet and if that fish is not available where we go fishing fisherman in other parts of the sea call us and tell us where we might be able to find a good catch then we go to that particular place. in addition because of the new ease of communication kumar is able to find out how much demand is that his local market and the prices the buyers are offering in order to determine where best to sell his fish today he is making double the amount of money he was making before he
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started using a mobile phone he now owns his own boat and says he is able to send his three daughters to college india has the fastest growing mobile phone market in the world in the most growth is happening in rural areas what may be seen as a convenience in the us is being utilized by indian fishermen revolutionizing their business and turning them into entrepreneurs and business men in their communities most of these fishermen have been doing this work for generations and never imagined they'd become so tech savvy they had watched their fathers and grandfathers come home from sea several times with no fish at all but today that never happens you know about a little bit of there's a lot of difference between the times when we used to go fishing with stick boats and now when we go fishing with engine but after the arrival of the phone it's become easier for us as studies show that mobile phones aren't just empowering the fisherman in the community more competition means better prices for consumers on
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average they fallen by four percent it's a new quality of life for the people of this community who never dreamed that they would escape poverty. most fishermen are literates but we want to give a proper education to our children and that is possible because of the earning we get from the fishing business there's no doubts that mobile phones have helped. providing new opportunities by advancing their tradition with technology preassure either r t carola india. where you control website for more features and analysis of all stories are hits here's a couple of things online right now at all to dot com doctors and prison officials are blamed by human rights investigators for causing the custody death of whistleblowing lawyer sort of a. steve. delivering a junk russian a postal workers are caught stealing from parcels and making up the wait with trash .
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it's now a quarter past the hour here in the russian capital activists in romania complaining for unification with neighboring moldova by next year they say they're restoring justice because the two countries were historically united but it's not because of ski reports the motives may not be quite so pure from photo exhibitions to. both bucharest and crucial now since two thousand and nine some movements in romania have been complaining to win back what they see as their own. since april it's been impossible to miss colorful stickers like that intel is in cities across romania bessarabia is romania they say believing that the land which is now the sovereign state of republic of moldova must again be under book arrest control and indeed it
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was until the nineteenth century which saw it pass hand several times with the collapse of the u.s.s.r. muldaur were declared independence becoming a member of the united nations the cancel of europe and the world trade organization now in alliance of more than thirty n.g.o.s in romania say these achievements would be sacrificed in the name of reunification unification my year. with the romanians from the states from romania republic of moldova one states because. we are separated unjustly and we want to leave this historical. truth as official line is that reunification of the two nations can only happen. if the post soviet state becomes an e.u. member but politicians in moldova have expressed concerns that president a cesspool would not wait for that eventuality and will instead at some point in
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the future expand his country's borders to absorb over the remaining president. a couple of months ago clearly said. within twenty five years from now. we'll integrate. here under the. european integration romania but it's actually actually discrediting the whole concept of the european integration because for most of the people of european integration is definitely not integration with. analysts in the moldavian capital say the last few years have served as a clear proof of this intention. to the change of power in twenty online loza remain in media outlets. this includes several major t.v. stations in two dozen u.s. reapers we believe that their main mission in germany is. the construction of the. next year which marks two hundred years since book arrest last kisha now for the
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first time the action twenty two of movement is planning a massive information offensive on moldova's population action twenty twelve says it is not funded nor officially supported by bucharest and that their mission is peaceful form the people of the need to restore the greater romania if the majority of people from romania and from republic of moldova decide that. they want to reunification this. thing could be possible. if that's the case then it's hard to imagine any reunification in the near future especially with up to forty percent of romanians agreeing they'd love to have bessarabia back but almost two thirds of moldova's population wants to remain sober and. alexi russia ski on. see reports from bucharest in romania and republic of moldova. and a little bit later today here are three we will bring you more insight into what life is like today in post soviet states. last year so violent revolution and
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ethnic conflict on its way to democracy. twenty years ago largest country. disintegrates into. what had been trying. to teach began the journey. where did it take. twenty minutes past the hour now here in moscow you with check out some other headlines now from around the world this hour a united nations probe has condemned amazing bloodshed on the israeli lebanese border israeli guards killed seven palestinians and wounded eleven others during a march which saw a crowd stormed the border they were shot as they scaled the fence at the anniversary. of the creation of israel israel yet to comment on the un's report. bankers are meeting in paris to work out a deal on how much private money will be included in the greek bailout e.u.
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leaders insist they must contribute to the second aid package greece received one hundred ten billion euros of rescue money last may but that didn't stem prices it's also the growing risk that portugal will need a second bailout after a major credit ratings agency downgraded its debt. these amazing pictures are right here from the united states. moving moving through the city of phoenix in arizona sounds like this they do happen during the region's monsoon season which is currently underway. landon can reach thousands of feet into the course by strong winds the dense cloud dramatically reduced visibility grounding flights a major airport and leaving thousands without electricity. amazing footage right there ok you have to get all the news here on time now though for the business update with you after a short break. on
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the fall guy. little pal of the international sanctions has to do takes place in prose on july ninth and tenth. this live in collections by russian designers the most beautiful services of central russia. this is a little children's fashion show slogans like presiding over the festival. fashion festival. this is. hello and a very warm welcome time for your business update the currency was not over to try to find a way out seems to be fading brazil's fun is finished just as he is ready for extra steps to stem the damage the rise of the real according to guide him and big economists have fails to agree on guidelines to manage their choruses discuss the
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challenges some nothing by my knowledge that was seen in trade at e.t. x. capital hello to you thank you for joining us so much in markets a facing now a dilemma currency appreciation prevents overheating boche makes domestic products less competitive what could be a balanced approach here. but i think the balanced approach is a pretty much the approach that. especially brazil is taking at the moment in that it's made comments to highlight the problems that is having will within the economy growth is likely to suffer this year last year it was around a seven and half percent we're expecting right about four percent this year and this is down to a very expensive real so they're making tweaks to the system because brazil is going into the markets and buying dollars in organs is not buying a huge amount but it's buying enough to to reduce its currency or to hold back its currency from appreciating further there's also increasing taxes on short term investments as well and this is designed to. the flow of money coming into brazil
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slowed to weaken the system seems to be the right approach of a moment. well just as the global currency wars which showing no signs of ending what kind of consensus could marching and develop important is a green on. well. it's difficult to see where we're where they'll agree at the moment because i feel that with the end of quantity of easing in the us that is one area that will affect emerging markets positively we won't see that flow of money moving to the emerging markets in the moment so i think the markets are looking to self correct i think finance ministers will look for the markets to sell themselves or for inflation to start coming back down for expensive currencies to start shifting back down to get in for the dollar to move back up. what if central bank is take a hands off approach. and find a good compromise between emerging and developing economies. well i think that's
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probably the best approach for them to take at the moment although where we are hearing increased rumblings over crimes who i don't think will get down that route i don't think we'll get that far and it's probably ideal for central bankers to take a slightly more hands off approach and let the markets correct themselves for commodity prices come back down for inflation to be reined back in for growth to start to increase and so therefore they can start increasing interest rates let's not forget the markets have moved quite sharply in one direction they need to come back down in the other direction and they will do some point. let's talk about russia now how does this country stand compared to the problems other developing nations are suffering now. well russia seems to be in a slightly better position than some of the other developing nations there's not forget that these emerging economies have been emerging economies only last few years or so. russia's been around a lot longer although russia has
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a huge trade balance inflation is not really a major issue in russia and it does have a more developed economy there so if there is a currency war between the developed economies and emerging market economies i don't think russia will be dragged into it as soon as someone says i. believe the contribution of christine lagarde the new head of the international monetary fund you think of all this is going to be effective. well of i feel that christine lagarde position is as the head of the i.m.f. to preserve the status quo certainly for the time being and let's not forget that the c.p.a. has started to increase interest rates there's a did do a meeting tomorrow and they could be increasing interest rates by another twenty five basis points to one and a half percent and this goes some way to reducing inflation certainly for emerging market economies so i don't think we've seen low god will make any major moves in the near term but then that doesn't rule out the sea be making moves to curb
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inflation and to resolve any issues. ok that was almost last seen at trade at e.t. x. capsule thank you very much. and that wraps up the business bosun during the last forty five minutes for another business update and meanwhile you can log onto our web site for more business stories dot com slash business.
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on. the a. litmus tests . seemed seems. to be a subliminal the facts are. spending the year in iraq is not a true journalist i just saw the waste go in the u.s.
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contractors there's kind of wasting their time trying to get killed three. zero am. i am i thought all along the length of the stuff to see about five hundred muslims a huge disagreement twenty seven days in new going to publicize the people invited to the site the lead species people started the beat of the dialogue is just. chanting the soldiers within the same instance. see. the close up team as being to the republic of north a situation where half of the area is occupied by nature.


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