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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EDT

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in india auntie's available in the grand central shirts in mumbai the taj mahal buying toys president to embody the shooter they want for souls of men to beatriz a book close to gone home hutto synergise the cement hotel to which kind of photo close up in the radio to lead them to join the hotel's church in new delhi who took the maori babyhood turns clear in connection ramona clothes and the other maidens hotel believe was
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a movie done medicine ship and it was promised to taper cush promise. of the kind of proves a second of disaster recovery budget devastated communities called out for more psychological support and fears grow of a radiation levels in the area around fukushima. shining a light on the web of international terror russia publishes a declassified list of people and groups it says are financing extremism in the north caucasus. and the euros it was enough for the worse as portugal's dad gets downgraded to junk status spreading over where it will. just after four pm here in moscow you with r.t.
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rory sing shame after almost four months now since the massive earthquake and tsunami tore through japan's northeast the daunting task of rebuilding homes and lives continues efforts have been boosted by the passing of a second emergency budget of almost twenty five billion dollars but as well as financial assistance traumatized survivors are also in desperate need of emotional support sean thomas reports. as the waves crash against a damage to sea wall on the japanese coast volunteers work tirelessly to clean up the debris and bring some sense of normalcy back to the area. i want to tell people we need more help more supplies and things are still bad here beyond the physical destruction and there is a distressing psychological factor as well the city if you walk is right on the edge of the twenty kilometer exclusion zone for radiation contamination in fact in a recent study by japan's nuclear safety commission forty five percent of one thousand children tested in any walk and it may bring cities have tested positive
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for thyroid radiation exposure the figure that has parents appalled that you forgot that the government has resets the great ear if the safety and are not concerned with the consequences their reaction is only to help the government save face but they don't actually take care of the damage and the people here. first there was the earthquake then the devastating a wave which rushed in and destroyed this part of the coastal city of it walking also there are the nuclear radiation waves that are coming into this area as well the volunteers that are coming in to rebuild this city certainly have their work cut out for them but just like the city itself the people who live here the community they need to have their spirits rebuilt as well. that. i can in an effort to keep the community emotionally strong organizers have brought this acting troupe in from tokyo they saved their goal is to provide something
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beyond a simple entertainment for people on the web a certain japanese pride and in this destructive situation i would like to bring good things and present the spirit of japan and japanese pride by bringing people together and making people smile through that shared community experience there is a sense of hope that the city of milwaukee can indeed recover the convenience of a pathetic clovis. city hall but it's good to see any lines coming back. and with an understanding that there is still much more work that needs to be done the people here are working to keep their community together. i just want them to stay where they want and the fact can be helpful that i keep doing that. rebuilding the city one step at a time any wonky city japan sean thomas r.t. . well in the wake of the crisis at fukushima japan is going to
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stress test each of its nuclear power plants to determine how well the reactors could withstand further natural disasters the move is also aimed at assuring people that the facilities are safe spoke to the director general of the world nucleus o.c.a. ssion who blames the media for stirring up public panic in japan is a preview of what's to come later this summer. we've just seen twenty four thousand japanese citizens killed by an earthquake and a tsunami. we've seen the media have a frenzy in covering the accident at fukushima which has not made it had not been responsible for a single radiation fatality i think it was a tragedy in terms of the world's understanding of the essential safety of nuclear power i also think however that it might also be educational in the long term because people have begun to focus on it and as they begin to begin to focus even more clearly on the ultimate consequences of fukushima they will learn that there was relatively little damage done.
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and the interviews coming up later this hour it's now or five minutes past the hour here in moscow where the russian government has published a list of all individuals and organizations proven to be sponsoring terrorism but also includes international entities involved in funding extremism their names taken from a u.n. blacklist our north caucuses correspondent in a question about details on this. i list of individuals and companies suspected also involvement in financing of terrorism was published in this government own newspaper this morning no this document was a previously confidential but now part of it is open to public now companies that are present in this list are located in different countries and basically across the globe there are companies that are based in egypt in afghanistan in somalia and even in germany and the united states in terms of individuals the also come from a significant range of countries from the countries of the middle east from african
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countries from germany the united states and from russia russian citizens primarily komo from the republics of the volatile region of russia's north caucasus from cheney and from and that is done there are also some well known names in this list some well known groups like the muslim brotherhood al qaida and russia's most wanted terrorist motto you know this document shows that some kind of a not work out has been created that connects countries with each other and that the problem of terrorism has become an international issue now several years ago the world sought off by a chechen terrorists that are present here in this region asked of chechen rebels but now the situation has changed with russia's most wanted some models being present on bill list of the world's most wanted terrorists and really this document shows how the system works and the problem all for a target is far from being sold and is an international problem. being
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a question of reporting for you right that well coming up in just a few minutes here in our net gains. revolution of the trade of india the fisherman. to transform the business that my. boss was behind the romanians wish to unite with and they bring it down for reports from both country. when tensions are high. following europe's ongoing struggle to save the euro has been dealt another blow as portugal has had its debt downgraded to junk status moody's the credit rating agency behind the move says a default is likely unless the country is given another bailout many analysts have questioned the logic of saddling struggling a economies with more debt and speculation grows over whether he was ready to come to portugal's rescue again now to discuss this we are joined by douglas carswell an
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m.p. from the british conservative. thank you for joining us today so moody's says that portugal like greece may need another bailout if the e.u. ready for a fifth round of bailouts do you think i think it would be immensely food dish to have another bailout because what we're doing with each so-called bailout is adding to the amount of debt owed by countries who are already bankrupt this is the first time in history we've had an i.m.f. presided over a bailout that is if you like ladling water into the boat if we really want to fix this problem instead of adding to the debts of portugal greece and other countries what we should be doing is three things we should be devaluing the currency is that means leaving the euro we should be allowing them to default on their debt restructuring if you prefer that term and we should be forcing them to downsize their expensive public sectors if i if i may jump in here sort of to interrupt you but if i may for
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a moment there are some that are saying that all of this bailout money it never goes to the people it just goes to the banks and the government as they continue to line their pockets some say this is the biggest part of financial fraud in broad daylight your take on that. i think that's a pretty fair summary i mean for example in greece at the moment i think forty two percent of total debt is owned by foreign private institutions many french and german banks by so-called bailing out greece we're not helping greek people what we're doing is we're transferring that debt burden onto the shoulders of european taxpayers it's frankly an outrageous scam and i think it will mean that you know my children and my children's children will have vastly higher tax bills it's not right it's not good for us in western europe it's not good for greece it's not good for portugal so you're saying you call this an hour's rageous you call this an outrageous scam so where are the outrage of the people we see we see the riots in greece but shouldn't there be a larger movement across the region to bring down the fat cats as they continue to
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line their pockets and just foot the bill to the people. well when when big business and big government get together i think we should all start to count the pounds or in our pockets. i think we clearly see in greece that people are very upset but i think we're increasingly seeing people in the rest of europe getting increasingly upset because i think they're not you know the people are not stupid they understand that these bailouts are adding to the debt burden the way you deal with the debt problem is to reduce debt you don't double up you know we've been told ever since the western credit crunch. erupted in two thousand and seven we've been told that bailouts of banks and countries are the answer all we've managed to do is to turn a banking crisis into a sovereign default crisis we've not got rid of the debt now we need a different approach one but allows the i.m.f. to do what it's traditionally done which is to reduce the burden of debt rather than passing it on to the taxpayer now the i.m.f. has announced a new ten billion euro hike in fees for britain even as britain continues to cut
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its benefits and public services and what's the public reaction to this in the u.k. . well it's interesting earlier in the week we saw a lot of debate here in the u.k. as to how we should fund long term care for older people. we're increasing our i.m.f. contribution by nine point two billion i can't help but note that you could buy a lot of social care for older people in britain with one point two billion you know the argument is that we should continue to pay this money to the i.m.f. but i happen to think the i.m.f. is not doing what it has historically done so well it's actually ineffective it is an organization that is that is run with the the wrong approach it's a little bit like putting yasin is in charge of the fire department i was i was just going to ask you because in your blog you say because today christine lagarde formally takes the helm of the i.m.f. and you say in your blog that it's like putting an arsonist in charge of the fire brigade that's a very strong statement why don't you say that well number one madame lagarde has
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been wrong on pretty much every analyst that she's done of the credit crunch since two thousand and seven number two she's waited in fixated to the idea of so-called bailouts this is adding to the debt problem what we need is the i.m.f. to do what it has historically done so successfully which is to come in and if you like require the country being rescued to do three things default on its debts devalue its currency and downsize its public sector i'm afraid that so long as the creditors sort of the debtors they're in charge of the i.m.f. so long as the debtors run the bank there's very little sign that they will do that we will continue to see hard pressed western european taxpayers asked or rather not asked but required without consent to foot the bill for the folly of the political class in pursuit of a grandiose vision of monetary union it's outrageous and it's not fair incidentally it's also going to consign us to the economic slow lane for many years to come if this continues douglas carswell a british m.p.
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from the conservative party many things thank you. well for more on any of the news stories we're covering you can just log on to our web site that's our dot com features analysis and exclusive videos waiting for you twenty four seventh's check out our online gallery where you can see pictures of the cars the crashes the chaos from the first ever crimea survival race. also how to find the secret to it the life we've got all the advice you need if you want to live forever. but also you don't call. for the mobile phone has become an integral part of everyday modern life but what's seen as a fund gadget in some countries has proven enough to revolutionize their lives and livelihoods of many people elsewhere. are now reports on the indian fishermen who are costing the next generation network for their catch. most when kumar wraps up his engine for a day of fishing off the coast of carolina the southernmost state in india is that
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a little bit of i studied in school until the seventh grade but then i had to leave school because we were not economically well off so i had to help my dad fishing kumar is one of thousands of fishermen in the state who wake up at one o'clock in the morning to earn a living for decades fishermen like kumar relied on luck and prayers to find a good catch but all that has changed since the introduction of the mobile phone in the state more than ten years ago the boy you are going to if the fish is not available where we go fishing fisherman in other parts of the sea call us and tell us where we might be able to find a good catch og then we go to that particular place. in addition because of the new ease of communication kumar is able to find out how much demand is that his local market and the prices the buyers are offering in order to determine where best to sell his fish today he is making double the amount of money he was making before he started using a mobile phone he now owns his own boat and says he is able to send his three
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daughters to college india has the fastest growing mobile phone market in the world and the most growth is happening in rural areas what may be seen as a convenience in the last is being utilized by indian fishermen revolutionizing their business and turning them into entrepreneurs and businessmen in their communities most of these fishermen have been doing this work for generations and never imagined they'd become so tech savvy they had watched their fathers and grandfathers come home from sea several times with no fish at all but today that never happens you know about a little bit of there's a lot of difference between the times when we used to get a fishing that would stick and now when we go fishing with engine but after the arrival of the phone it's become easier for us as studies show that mobile phones aren't just empowering the fisherman in the community more competition means better prices for consumers on average they fallen by four percent it's a new quality of life for the people of this community who never dreamed that they
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would escape poverty. most fishermen are literate but we want to give a proper education to our children and that is possible because of the earning we get from the fishing business there's no doubts that mobile phones have helped. providing new opportunities by advancing their tradition with technology preassure either r t carola india. you with a lot from moscow now germany is reportedly selling two hundred battle tanks to saudi arabia talk of a deal has caused outrage among germany's opposition politicians who claim the government would be breaking its own export rules they're also angry as saudi miller. the saudi military rather has helped to crush anti-government demonstrations in bahrain more on this now let's cross live to yens a wagner a peace activist standing by in hamburg. and i give her joining us today thank you there's criticism that this deal as i was saying would breach weapons export guidelines it is is this true yes it's true of the weapons export going along and
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clearly that it's illegal to export weapons to the area that is known for human rights violations and as we've seen of the recent months. arrive your saudi arabia is clearly. can be accused of human rights violations or a. military military force so you measure your links there between between a saudi arabia using military force to crush our regions of the arab spring as people call it two hundred battle tanks during a time of regional chaos is this why saudi arabia is buying the tanks or is there something else going on. there's certainly no you must see the larger picture which is. which is certainly. any at the west of dominance in this region specially now through the iran so all. of the weapons deal. in concert with all that in contrast with the.
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with the regional dominance of the regions of western obviously region that has to be strengthened after all the uprising in the us is because of the arab spring so it's possible the saudi arabia it's for costing more local regional chaos by by trying to build up its battlements here. yes that's possible it's also possible. so explain to we it's one of the certainly the battle tanks are in iran to further threaten iran. only because he's telling a story with all sorts for. or against uprising riots. so it's also to crush the flu the political region when you talk about the tanks possibly turning their toilets are facing iran with saudi arabia being so close for example with the united states do you think
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washington or remain quiet on this subject of saudi arabia getting its hands on two hundred battle tanks most united states and others. as we have been for all the already be consulted on the issue of the. sort of speak it would like for weapons deal of the german the german differences or and if we can let's turn our attention to germany where germany had previously decided against selling heavy weapons to saudi arabia what could have prompted it suit possibly change its mind. when there are certainly. you know certainly two ways to two two threats or two pressures on government that it's not trying to face the one of the pressure of the east through his agent of the euro that means the bankruptcy of greece. and the bankruptcy of of portugal.
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so the german nearly is forced to. use its exports more to maintain some of. it which is to maintain some kind of stability financial stability to to be able to cope with this situation of the bankruptcy of. the euro last night and that certainly would seem to make sense to boost exports to make some money when it's having to buy time to support so much of the bailout for the eurozone but you know germany is also considering supplying bomb components and other weaponry to aid nato in libya what do you make of this yes it's a kind of wonder if that's the second what it's going to be under pressure politically because it has this back up or is this a abstained from active military intervention in libya and of course it wants to get also or get a share in it in the oil contracts later on that are expected to happen with. the heat on rebels or germany doesn't want to get too far behind
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it is race war for oil so it's certainly now showing its alliance to the west or to the to the western powers would this arms deal yet a peace activist life from him thank you thank you very much. well activists in the romania say they want unification with neighboring moldova by next year they say their two countries should be together again as they have been at various points in the history but as aussies alexian reports there are mixed feelings about the plans with many in moldova remaining bitterly opposed. from photo exhibitions to loud bradleys in both bucharest and. since two thousand and nine some movements in romania have been combining to win back what they see as their land. since april it's been impossible to miss colorful stickers like that in towns and cities
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across romania besar robbia is romania they say believing that the land which is now the sovereign state of republic of moldova must again be on the book arrest control and indeed it was until the nineteenth century which saw it pass hands several times with the collapse of the u.s.s.r. moldova declared independence becoming a member of the united nations we cancel of europe and the world trade organization now an alliance of more than thirty n.g.o.s in romania say these achievements would be sacrificed in the name of reunification by reunification. of the romanians from two states from romania and republic of moldova to live in one state because. we are separated unjustly and we want to leave this historical truth bucharest official line is that reunification of the two nations can only happen if the both soviet state becomes an e.u. member but politicians in moldova have expressed concerns that president
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a cesspool would not wait for that eventuality and will instead at some point in the future expand his country's borders to absorb moldova the remaining president. a couple of months ago clearly said. within twenty five years from now. we will integrate. under the. european integration many of its actions is actually discrediting. the european integration because for most of the people the european integration is definitely not integration. analysts in the moldova and capital say the. last few years have served as a clear proof of this intention. after the change of power in two thousand and nine loads of remaining media outlets appeared and those include several major t.v. stations and two dozen newspapers we believe the main mission is the roman i'd say should have moved in the deconstruction of the moldovan identity. next year which
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marks two hundred years since book arrest last for the first time the action twenty twelve movement is planning a massive information offensive on moldova's population action twenty twelve says it is not funded nor officially supported by bucharest and that their mission is peaceful form the people of the need to restore the greater romania if the majority of people from romania and from the republic will decide that. they want to be so used to. taking the leap possible. if that's the case then it's hard to imagine any reunification in the near future especially with up to forty percent of romanians agreeing they'd love to have bessarabia back but almost two thirds of moldova's population wants to remain sober and alexi russia c reporting from bucharest in romania and kisha now republic of moldova. the business
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news is next with kareena. hello welcome to our business program here in our in america good to have you with me the currency wars are not over the drive to find a way out seems to be fading brazil's finance minister says he's ready for extra steps two steps to stem the damaging rise of reality according to get on take a economies have failed to agree on guidelines to manage their currencies meanwhile . from it capital says russia has no reason to cheer about. russia seems to be in a slightly better better position than some of the other developing nations will forget that these emerging economies have been emerging economies only last few years or so. russia's been around a lot longer russia has a huge trade balance inflation is not really a major issue in russia and it does have
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a more developed economy there so if there is a currency war between developed economies and emerging market economies i don't think russia will be dragged into it as suitors. money pouring out of russia is a trend the government has long been struggling to reverse became the first mold to see foreign capital go the other way and register and flow a central bank reports suggest that the inflow could be as much as three billion dollars that's against an eight billion dollar outflow in april and a five billion flight in may it's been a rough first half of the year with over thirty one billion dollars leaving the country but the central bank is sticking to its annual estimates of around thirty five billion dollars of capital flight. now let's have a look at the markets precious metals are catching their breath after tuesday's rally problems in the u.s. and europe are feeding investors in the first safe haven. gold prices at over thirty dollars an ounce on tuesday the biggest one day gain in eight months now oil
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is losing around ground this hour that is off of the day's rally when it was trading near a three week high speculation that crude inventories in the u.s. could decline for the week a report by the u.s. energy department will be released all. of those suggest it could show that crude stockpiles drop two and a half million barrels longs. stocks in europe fell wednesday led by banks afternoon these investors service downgraded portugal's credit rating for no injuries to the loan vestment grade and investors absorb a hike in chinese interest rates and a pretty similar picture in russia of the arts as in my eyes it's the floods as investors are cautious to make any big moves let's have a look at some individual shambled some might say it's energy majors among the main losers this fall could look all down one point six percent banking stocks are also on the pressure would be to be losing over two percent bucking the trend though is
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called it's up four percent supported by strong the precious metal. inflation in russia for the first six months of the year has top five percent the biggest price increases in cereals and beans which. came almost twenty percent more expensive and non-food back i was up twelve percent and ten traditionally inflation russia grows faster and the second half of the year and authorities still expect it to be around seven percent having is that. that's our business update for this hour stay with us for headline news up next.


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