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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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as japan approves of second disaster recovery budgets devastated communities called out for more psychological support and fears grow over radiation levels in the area around fukushima. and the euro's worries take a turn for the worse as political that gets downgraded to junk status with panic spreading over where it will end. a diplomatic dustup between russia and france moscow reportedly hit something in french on strong to libyan rebels saying it was a violation of the u.n. resolution and the conflict he tells on france just ahead. from our business desk the russian automaker gas continues to put the financial crisis behind it agreeing
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to assemble talks wagon cars that's planned to. kill me for a full business bulletin at twenty past the hour here at hartsfield. international news and comment live from moscow this is our team almost four months since the massive earthquake and tsunami tore through japan's northeast the daunting task of rebuilding homes and lives continues efforts have been boosted by the passing of a second emergency budget of almost twenty five billion dollars as well as financial assistance from the top survivors are also in desperate need of emotional support thomas now reports. as the waves crash against the damage to sea wall on the japanese coast volunteers work tirelessly to clean up the debris and bring some sense of normalcy back to the area. and i want to tell people
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we need more help more supplies and things are still tight here beyond the physical destruction and there is a distressing psychological factor as well as city if you want he is right on the edge of the twenty kilometer exclusion zone for radiation contamination in fact in a recent study by japan's nuclear safety commission forty five percent of one thousand children tested in any walk here and neighboring cities have tested positive for thyroid radiation exposure a figure that has parents appalled. at the government has referred to the great fear of her safety and they're not concerned with the consequence that's their reaction is to help the government save face but they don't actually take care of the damage and the people here first there was the earthquake and then the devastating away with rushed in and destroyed in this part of the coastal city of new walkie also there are the nuclear radiation waves that are coming into this area as well the volunteers that are coming in to rebuild this city certainly have
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their work cut out for them but just like the city itself the people who live here the community they need to have their spirits rebuilt as well. get it in effort to keep the community emotionally strong organizers have brought this acting troupe in from tokyo they saved their goal is to provide something beyond a simple entertainment for wear a certain japanese pride and in this destructive situation i would like to bring good things and present the spirit of japan and japanese pride by bringing people together and making people smile. through that shared community experience there is a sense of hope that the city of milwaukee can indeed recover a convience store but pretty close to the city although it's you've seen feeling like it's coming. and with an understanding that there is still much more work that needs to be done the people here are working to keep their community together. i
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just want them to stay where they want. and if i can be helpful that i keep doing it. rebuilding the city one step at a time really want the city japan sean thomas or a team. in the wake of the crisis appreciate much upin is going to stress test all of its nuclear power plants to determine how well the reactors could withstand natural disasters and it was also ended assuring people that the facilities a safe but he spoke to the director general of the world nuclear association who blames the media for storing up public panic in japan this interview is coming up later this hour. but also in the program this hour selling weapons or selling out germany is reportedly planning to export two hundred tanks to saudi arabia and the move sparking human rights concerns and condemned by opposition politicians as illegal. but first diplomats from russia and france have reportedly clashed over
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nato's handling of the libya crisis at a meeting of the u.n. security council held behind closed doors it's believed moscow criticize the french decision to deliver weapons to gadhafi rebels which russia says was a violation of the u.n. resolution let's get more now from what is going to teach her and she joins us now live from washington it seems like this was something of a diplomatic. what else do we know about what happened at this u.n. security council meeting. well as you said it was a meeting behind closed doors so no official statements but we do know that there was a discussion and russia says such actions violate the arms embargo that was imposed on the day and the weapons supplies also breached the un mandate that was given to establish a no fly zone and protect the libyan civilians the u.n. authorization was given in the middle of march and since then nato bombings have killed scores of levy and civilians undermining the goal of the operation speaking of goals western powers have their logic of understanding the goals of the
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operation they say in order to protect the civilians they need to get rid of kadafi in order to get rid of gadhafi they need to weaken his strongholds which means intense bombing of the country and that's what the forces are now actively engaged in but by all means alone they say will not bring it desirable and to the conflict which is ousting khadafi so there needs to be action on the ground that the u.n. resolution explicitly says no foreign troops on the ground in any form and that's why they arm the rebels according to france for example but critics say that logical change takes us very far from the initial goal stated in the u.n. resolution which was to stop a massacre nowhere in that resolution that is a forceful regime change many say nato is actions and bad or we're meant to stop the massacre have brought about a lot of destruction not to mention that it's a direct and now a long lasting involvement in a civil war have also been reports that the u.s. was in directly libyan rebels what more can you tell us about land. well bill
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there have been reports earlier that the military has been shipping arms over the border to leave in rabble and it says its military is very much influenced by washington as we know but those reports were never officially confirmed france was the first to acknowledge weapons supplies to the rebels in libya we're talking about rocket launchers assault rifles machine guns and anti-tank missiles there's several aspects that analysts point out in france is this dispatcher apart from the fact that he very clearly breaches the arms embargo that was imposed on the one their radical elements among among those radicals while and their own likely pull from mercy from their opponents and those arms supplies most certainly inflame the situation even more and the weight was on the weapons were parachuted from planes who knows who got ahold of them it could be kids it could be criminals but it seems nobody cares as long as it's the rebellion and that's the phrase used by the french as the reasoning behind the airlift to boost the rebellion but many libyans now say the last thing they want is a ghost because this through the civil war that has taken so many lives and has torn their country apart and the other aspect that experts point out is that such
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groups make it almost impossible for the two sides to sit down and talk and find some kind of a political solution because of the constant bloodshed and even bossidy is growing and the rift between the levy and people is getting these are you going to thanks very much indeed for that from washington d.c. well let's get more analysis on the developing situation in libya we're joined by rick goes over he's a political blogger and understand we can go to him live right know is rick rose off the able to join the military can you hear me very very rick can you hear me. we can hear you fine thanks for joining us now from france admits it's been dropping weapons and no one says there's no need to do any more of. dropping why this change in their approach to things. i don't have no contacts in the inner circles of the french government of course but i assume you have released
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a lot of the logic of that study five years or so there's been weapons of already been provided to rebel forces. are they going to require any further ones right now i don't know what other conclusion to draw from that i mean like weapons coming from other countries for example we've just been talking from to god if you can in washington speculation that the us is in direct you've been supplying weapons already the u.k. of course has been supporting for over this argument with russia does that you can provide a to have actually been supporting rebels with ammunition and not admitting to it i think you are correct there and we have to assume that we have to look at the example are there of a model for this you know in one thousand nine hundred ninety u.s. and its nato allies were arming training and assisting the so-called possible liberation army in the serbian province of council vote you know during the seventy eight day bombing campaign against yugoslavia similar. covert actions or special operations missions were used of course of afghanistan with forces of the northern iraq alliance in two thousand and one to overthrow the taliban who are already
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running around with a select committee châlons in northern iraq where you were a so i'm sure it's those reports on the ground working with them and the girl you have to be a patient of iraq in two thousand and three so this would be a scenario quite frequently and i think you know the fact that there are consequences on the scare. as you're along and others have openly acknowledged in airdropping grafton's and so again as your commentary is that earlier a very markedly better a few years down the road. in many ways dangerous what i said why why is it wrong to draw weapons to civilians the french say they want to boost the rebellion that process by bringing the company to an end date have been humanitarian reasons why they've been dropping weapons to civilians so what is the problem about that. that's a curious statement you know providing weapons to civilians are you assumed americans are used by military forces you know whether our governments or otherwise united
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nations resolution one thousand and seventy is quite clear it is for you to. know the military equipment even matter of dual use serves secondary use and so forth that is to be provided and the nation of libya the curious and both of resolution which i'm quite certain was offered by the united states is that it believes it somewhat ambiguous over whether the arms embargo it was aimed at a nation of more of the or the government of iraq but in any event in order to provide arms in an already tense situation were for military involvement is now our units under way with a three month extension and you know they're authorized by the north atlantic treaty organization and this is much like rating matches or perhaps even more applying for a new yorker our americans and six star you can't let me just ask you wait i've got an awful lot of time and your blogs make the case against nato his actions and you won't be allowed to stop this campaign but is there really any alternative now to
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going to trains invention. i mean continued military intervention intervention by third parties by outside forces are simply going to continue the fighting it's going to continue the loss of human rights the destruction of the un first start for the country that's going to occur there in pit or in defiance of the population of the earth you know sort of a reconciliation or is going out there it's going to be more difficult and it's resolved i understand that the west doesn't want to lose face of ruin of knowledge that they move in bombing or going to the printer in ten days of the hundred and sixty million going to succeed but they're going to cause from the union from so like figures in the arab belief from other nations of britain we need to see a mediator peaceful resolution of the conflict and not an intensification of military actions by outside forces i mean the north atlantic treaty organization recommend anyone who wants to talk to clearly somebody on the phone trying to get hold of here some scary thing i would say that pegs right about to be futile and
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joining us live rick ross thank you thank you. well to more on controversial arms flows germany is reportedly sending two hundred tanks to saudi arabia talk of a deal has caused outrage among germany's opposition politicians who claim the government would be breaking its own export rules yun van auken he's a foreign affairs expert from germany's left wing party as told me earlier that the move compromises the country's position on democracy and human rights. we know that even in the ruling party there's a lot of opposition against this because you know it was this government in the past couple of months went to egypt went to an easier well we say we have to promote and support the movement for democracy in the arab world and everybody you know also talks about that it was saudi arabia who invaded behind with tanks by the way. to fight down there and a bloody intervention the democracy movement so even in the ruling parties there
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are a lot of members who say we can't do this if we now see two of them on tanks to saudi arabia that really sooner whites later then we lose any kind of credit in the arab world so turn to it but whether the government or not will make you turn will see and we had the first time a stray sions today and i hope that there will be a larger movement and then yes maybe we can stop it. coming up in a few minutes here on r.t. net gains. one maybe even at the convenience in the well being utilized by indian fishermen revolutionizing their business and turning them into an entrepreneur and businessman in their communities we report on what it takes to turn a traditional trade into a high tech enterprise. that's still to come this hour but first europe's ongoing struggle to save the euro has been dealt another blow as portugal has had its debt downgrade to junk status and moody's the credit rating agency behind the move says
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a default is likely unless the country is given another bailout many analysts of question the logic of saddling struggling economies with more debt and speculation grows over whether the e.u. is ready to come to portugal's rescue again while to discuss what the future might hold for an embattled e.u. we're now joined by michael ross he's an economic analyst and author he's in berlin thanks so much for joining us interesting developments there in germany we understand that germany has actually begun to review the legality of these bailouts but they've already been handed out these massive amounts of money so what would an illegal ruling achieve. first and foremost we will have to say that not every money has been handed out so far some brilliant this is enough but now the constitutional court here has to decide if this is legal or not legal you don't be you don't have to be the chairman of very constitutional court to find out it is
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completely legal because it's obstructing treaty it's also against the listen on treaty it's against everything we have a nor be allowed clause in europe everybody is great and furthermore it is interesting how the outcome of this court will be and already the chairman of the constitutional court has said that he is not going to deal with economical issues it's to it is in his words. the task of the politicians to solve this debt crisis and this of course is a very elegant way calling out their responsibility and the question if it is legal or not legal at the end of the day they don't decide about it this is to fear that many criticisms critics have fewer in europe some commentators call this constitutional court and nothing else but as a prosecutor of the german government well germany's been one of the countries
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least affected by the ongoing financial crisis of course the strongest economy there in europe is this legal review perhaps a sign that taxpayers and politicians and activists are getting fed up with what's going on in the rest of europe. mark moore taxpayers of course getting fed up with what is going on here but if you listen to the media and read the newspapers it's not the number one topic most of the germans. are not regarding this as a very big problem of course because the economy is booming here in germany unemployment is on earth thirty year law so this is not in the spotlight right now of this problem all right ok going to spotlight for example yes carol carol so. it will be under spotlight for example next year when the economy experts are already . in the economy and then we will see what it's going on but as you say germany in
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a strong position but if as a result of this legal hearing germany was to withdraw its support what impact would that have what would be the implications for the eurozone. i mean it's a better solution if germany would draw from the euro many experts say that you have to drop greece or portugal or even ireland of the southern periphery of europe but what does being at the end of the do it would mean that will have their debts in europe and. the local currency is there and will be devalue it or the euro will go up and then the problem is even higher if germany pulls out of the euro then there's some situations totally different then views your debts will decrease or will be devalued and this is exactly that what those countries need i could just make an historical observation here after the second world war greece was among the countries that waged war reparations from berlin so that germany
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could recover economically isn't it time now for germany to return the favor with no strings attached. i mean this is a very political question we have to deal here with economical fail just for example if. you don't click with the right cards and hired some critical economical figures and then you open your hand and want somebody this is a totally different case i mean a southern power if in your let's face it had a party that was going on for ten years for the very law into the switch and instead of constantly do it again spend billions and billions and billions but not go on forever everybody knew that right in the beginning so at the moment it's not on the germans to the responsibility of germany in order to help greece but at the end of the day they will help it i think it's a political will here instead of the critics criticism that we have of some
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economic economy commentators politicians doing what they're one no matter what it costs no matter if it is legal or not and very looking into the future and very not so optimistic if at the end of the do it all sort of man under street will cover this politics and put politics thanks for your thoughts on this michael michael ross economic analyst and author joining us live there in. the mobile phone has become an integral part of everyday modern life but what's seen as a fund gadget in some countries has proven enough to revel revolutionize the lives and livelihoods of many people elsewhere are reports now on the indian fishermen who are costing the next generation network their catch. mohinder kumar revs up his engine for a day of fishing off the coast of carolina the southernmost state in india with a little bit of i studied in school until the seventh grade but then i had to leave
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school because we were not economically well off so i had to help my dad with fishing kumar's one of thousands of fishermen in the state who wake up at one o'clock in the morning to earn a living for decades fishermen like kumar relied on luck and prayers to find a good catch but all that has changed since the introduction of the mobile phone in the state more than ten years ago but. if the fish is not available where we go fishing fisherman in other parts of the sea called us and tell us where we might be able to find a good catch then we go to that particular place. in addition because of the new ease of communication kamar is able to find out how much demand is that his local market and the prices the buyers are offering in order to determine where best to sell his fish today he is making double the amount of money he was making before he started using a mobile phone he now owns his own boat and says he is able to send his three daughters to college india has the bathurst growing mobile phone market in the
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world and the most growth is happening in rural areas but maybe seen as a convenience in the last is being utilized by indian fishermen revolutionizing their business and turning them as it entrepreneurs and business men in their communities most of these fishermen have been doing this work for generations and never imagined they'd become so tech savvy they had watched their fathers and grandfathers come home from sea several times with no fish at all but today that never happens no doubt a little bit of a lot of difference between the times when we used to go fishing with stick boats and now when we go fishing with engine but after the arrival of the phone it's become easier for us as studies show that mobile phones aren't just empowering the fisherman in the community more competition means better prices for consumers on average they fallen by four percent it's a new quality of life for the people of this community who never dreamed that they would escape poverty. most fishermen are literate but we want to give
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a proper education to watch children and that is possible because of the earning we get from the fishing business has no doubts that mobile phones have helped. providing new opportunities by advancing their tradition with technology preassure either r t carola india. oh as for the former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn meeting the prosecutors in his case of alleged sexual assault in a new york hotel maid reportedly pushing to get the charges dropped after the woman's credibility was called into question during the investigation prosecutors back in france are weighing up whether to prosecute strums on similar charges new complaint was filed by a writer he says he tried to rape back in two thousand and three charles cullen is a prominent member of the french socialist party and was seen as a leading contender in next year's presidential election before the scandal broke out but even if his presidential hopes are now over the paris bureau chief of newsweek magazine says there are still options for him to continue his political career. is certainly
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a huge story it's dominating all the news it's dominating all the lead up to the presidential elections next year there is a socialist primary that's supposed to be taking place there's even questions about whether strauss kahn will register for that primary which he would have to do before the thirteenth of this month other people think there's a conspiracy against him maybe a conspiracy that involved even the president of france nicolas sarkozy all of the while this kinds of claims and counterclaims are being made right now and it is completely dominating the political life of the country in truth it doesn't look like he could pursue the presidency that would really be a strange new twist in this but he does want to have a political career and there are various possibilities that will come up over the next year or two or three there's a very good chance that there will be a socialist president although not strong scott and that's because if he is cleared or at least of all the charges are dropped against him could serve in that president's cabinet he could also run for president of the european union where
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a lot of possibilities that he probably believes are open to him and that might well be if he is absolved of these charges. the project takes the moment business is next with kareena. welcome to our business bulletin the currency wars are not over their drive to find a way out seems to be fading brazil's finance minister says he's ready for extra steps to stem the damaging rise of reality according to give one take big economies have failed to agree on guidelines to manage their current ses he well knowledge lovebug from in t.x. capital says russia has no reason to take on the battle. russia seems to be in a slightly better position than some of the other developing nations there's not forget that these emerging economies have been emerging economies only last few years or so. russia's been around a lot longer although russia has
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a huge trade balance inflation is not really a major issue in russia and it does have a more developed economy so if there is a currency war between the brothers in two developed economies in emerging markets going to be used i don't think russia will be dragged into it. because there is some interest no use. let's have a look at the markets now a stronger dollar and high interest rates in china pulling oil low or high rates may slow economic growth and demand for oil u.s. energy department is to release a report on thursday that could show that crude stockpiles drop to happening also last week stocks are edging in the u.s. in midday trading as investors shrug off a setback in the u.s. service sector visit you first apply management said business growth slower u.s. service provider as u.s. service providers in june the report followed a broad selloff in europe another interest rate hike. and european stocks were down for the same reason that portugal's got great and china's rate hike the first
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percent on the dax was down. over the sand bagging stocks are putting pressure in london with him standing over four percent at royal bank of scotland over the side and here in russia equity markets closed in the red with banking and energy stocks under pressure let's have a look at something to major shambles on the energy majors were among the main losers from last one percent banking stocks were also on the pressure would be to be setting any two percent cut in the trend was part of gold it finished over four percent in the back supported by stronger precious metals. that's an auto maker of gas cooler continues to put the financial crisis behind it it's increased sales twenty five percent year on year in the first five months of two thousand and eleven the results that kept place with the growth the group saw in two thousand and ten when it would turn to profit boosting this news is gas is agreement to some good folks like cars and its plants. but gas c.e.o.
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paul atterson says this is just a short time since. we had a short term need to find products for or work because the president of course the danish you know we know it's filled up so we can focus for us now is really to improve our own products because that's what we have our. swords and you will see if you use new buses and we will try this and if we can help someone else we will do it but present a car we fix the problem commercial vehicles that's where our focus is and we will take it from there. i think for this hour we'll have most for you in less than miles to stay with us for headline news with bill up next. to.
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culture is that so much diminished because it is on the mark when the united nations tribunals indicted some members of the lebanese shia movement hezbollah for the assassination of the former lebanese prime minister. the end. of the.


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