tv [untitled] July 6, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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to the. as to the charge of first degree murder verdict as to count one we the jury find the defendant not guilty a not so guilty pleasure for the mainstream media put shouldn't just be case closed . what lessons do you see now for to be sure in the way the us legal system and though the transcon case welcome to circular guard where the new i.m.f. chief has to balance her job with a d s k case so why isn't the mainstream media asking if she can tame the world i think you know economies instead. and the white house is all a twitter with obama's town hall today but could social media reach
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a character limit when it comes to privacy. plus ready aim and fire a new television ad puts a target on gun rights and wrongs we'll debate. good afternoon it's wednesday july sixth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster and your watching r.t. now yesterday of course the case the casey anthony saga that has compelled never ending coverage on some mainstream news stations came to a climax when a verdict was delivered take a look. we the jury find the defendant not guilty a stunning. jaw dropping moment this is a historic rejection of the prosecution's case. she wakes up thinking i could face lethal injection tonight she's thinking i'm
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going to be free probably in forty eight hours a historic verdict it inspired analysis hours into the afternoon after that and in fact this is a trend that we've seen long since this case began in fact a smart politics study of transcripts from c.n.n. and with n.b.c. a.b.c. and n.p.r. found that more news reports mention the casey anthony trial at least one more time than any of the republican presidential candidates since opening statements were delivered may twenty fourth and today a fresh day we thought you know the verdict is behind us maybe this saga will be put to rest on cable news and again somewhere around there. the devil is dancing tonight this was a good mother you see the. super bowl here her soon to be acquitted of killing her two year old daughter people across the world were comparing it to o.j. simpson if you believe casey's lies or was this just orchestrated but it's
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a sad day for the criminal justice system i believe. and less coverage it seems now while casey anthony is a household name due to all of the attention this case has gotten i wonder if most people had ever heard of another mother accused of killing her baby when he gives now this case is in mississippi gives became pregnant at fifteen she lost the baby at thirty six weeks she had a miscarriage in two thousand and six the baby was stillborn now prosecutors found out that she had a cocaine habit so they charged the girl under one hundred thirty year old statute they got her on did crave heart murder style when someone is suspected of putting another person in imminent danger of death now if convicted under this law gives faces a mandatory life sentence and note she is the first woman in mississippi to be charged with murder relating to the loss of an unborn baby and this was argued before the state supreme court and we're still waiting to hear on the decision but it's one that could have an effect on the rest of the country the rest of the country unlike
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casey anthony which has an effect on casey anthony and i guess the people who have been obsessed with their fate and i suppose cable news ratings which they've seen soar now why is kids not being covered or talked about every day and every hour that casey anthony has been or even a tiny fraction of that now we don't know but that's what we're asking as this casey anthony verdict has been delivered meanwhile over at the international monetary fund new head of the i.m.f. christine lagarde her first press conference on her second day of work now this comes at a very important time this is just as moody's cup tortuous bonds to junk and is warning the country may need a second bailout this follows an even lower rated greece which a second bailout for that country is being talked about as well what the artes christine present find a lot of people want to ask the guard about the sex scandal circumstances surrounding her predecessor dominic strauss kahn take a look. from violence on the streets of the middle east. east coast.
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to protests in north africa. war in libya. to europe. for portugal's credit rating has been deemed junk. and in greece. for unemployment hovers at about sixteen percent and the debt crisis has sparked anger. in ireland a blanket of despair as people there too have come out to speak out in hopes of igniting change entire cities as well as their policies have been lit up in flames but for good nearly all of this anger stemming from poverty and failed economic policies in the us as well high unemployment sits atop a mountain of problems like a housing crisis and slow financial growth. this is the world christine legarde
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inherits as she begins at her new post as managing director of the international monetary fund and her first formal meeting with the press at the i.m.f. headquarters in washington she seemed optimistic in her hopes to get the country back on track the international monetary fund is here to serve and to provide services to its hundred and eighty seven members if not those that feel as if news stories i'd fill in on the world press conference for the new managing director of the i am there garner quite a bit of media attention most likely it has less to do with christine lagarde herself and more to do with the reason why she's here. campbell inside the room at cameras and tripods stood like soldiers guarding the entrance of a castle keeping close watch and wondering aloud about the guards predecessor what lessons do you think ought to be drawn from the way the u.s.
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legal system handled this transcon case will be any reforms in the human rights and human resources policies here do you plan any changes in light of the controversy over mr strauss kahn the controversy of course with dominique strauss kahn accused of raping a hotel maid in new york and that case now starting to crumble after it turned out the maid had credibility problems are back to the i.m.f. were low guard will take over then ask you about a couple of issues what worries you the most guarded her best to stay on message we cannot be only driven by the hope to reduce fiscal deficits and organize fiscal consolidation in a big way whether you look at advanced economies a whether you look at emerging markets or low income countries the issue of employment. is a critical one the one hundred eighty seven nation organization has already lent
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one hundred sixty billion dollars to cash strapped nations many of which have little hope for paying it back. so the real questions are manifested here on the streets of some of the nation suffering the most are accepting aid from the i.m.f. has been presented at times as the only option is a staring measures are now being put into place the questions too are in the dollar and how its value may or may not change under her watch for managing the debt crisis around the world will fall at the top of her agenda as the rest of the world watches this hope first ability in an unstable world in washington christine freeze out r.t. . and from international debt to the national debate the u.s. is less than a month away from defaulting on its debt if lawmakers can't get a deal done to raise the fourteen point three trillion dollars debt ceiling that's what's going to happen now it's getting down to the wire for u.s.
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lawmakers to break the stalemate and if the eve of more debt talks obama yesterday invited the top leaders from both parties to the white house tomorrow to try to move forward towards an agreement haven't happened yet he is calling for a longer term solution to the country's deficit not a short term fix here's what he said yesterday i've heard reports that there may be some in congress who want to do just enough to make sure that america avoids defaulting on our bed in the short term but then wants to keep the can down the road when it comes to solving the larger problem of our deficit i don't share that view. yet we've seen deadlines pass again and again so is it kind of a solution even possible or a lawmaker is going to continue to do what some have called playing a game of chicken with the u.s. economy we're joining me now is katrina vanden heuvel she's editor and publisher of the nation magazine the way and we certainly thank you so much for being with us and you're one that has labeled the debt ceiling theatrically in your column i want
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to know who you will responsible or is it certain aspects of our system of government that you will responsible for this whole circus we've seen. it's a good question talk about an unstable world as we saw in those previous in the push you know i hold the structural obstacles of our system responsible but mostly at this stage republican party or it has failed to understand that unless we achieve until it is one of shared prosperity that includes increased tax revenues and not just spending cuts we're never going to get anywhere in terms of. a strong america so i think when i wrote this up or the other day about fourteen that it is in our constitution that president obama could invoke article four of the fourteenth amendment to say that this steps that stealing is unconstitutional it is a tool in the toolkit to have leverage as we face an increasingly obstructionist
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extremist republican party unwilling to consider tax increases on the richest on corporations on those who have taken their money across so i think that's where i would place them in the home so then why haven't we seen president obama make a move like you're saying and instead we saw him yesterday call for a long term deal and to majorly tackle the deficit as opposed to just getting their debt ceiling raised and getting it done well you can't get the debt ceiling raised if you have no one to tangle with the republican party isn't willing at this stage to grow any kind of compromise so i think with president obama is trying to do is keep this idea of the constitutional amendment in the backdrop as leverage in this game of chicken to i think president obama we use it unlikely in light of the kind of leadership we've seen from him he has confrontation of course i do think it's useful though because as i said earlier and as some republican commentators have
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argued in these last days this is not a normal republican party this is a republican party unwilling to make any kind of compromise because it is unwilling to. see that you can't have a healthy industrializing advanced country without increasing taxes on the very richest who are benefit the most one of the politics of this is maybe that we will see a president try to avert a crisis or there will increase the global instability we just saw in that footage that would increase the pain in this country leaving more financial institutions to collapse more pitches to collapse more unemployed so i would say we don't know i would say never say never because we are living in uncharted times we see that across this globe in ways that we have not anticipated and in this country we have a system which many feel is not working is not working for everyone though the rich may think it's working for them we're not seeing
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a country that is pulling together and doing the things we need to do we are sitting watching silly trials we're failing to invest in an infrastructure that is deteriorating and we're not doing the politics to rebuild but some like to think of as the american dream right i'm curious if you think first of all that it's inappropriate for our politicians to be playing a game of chicken over something like the debt ceiling which may argue could derail the entire global financial system do you agree with that but it's sort of i mean i think it's very self-serving it's for potential of these people particularly the rip the republicans at this stage the democrats have need come from us and they're willing to make compromises some of which i would disagree with many i work with would disagree millions would say don't cut like that i care to give it more tax breaks why are you cutting funding for unnecessary confessed budgets so i think it is selfishness but look all hostage taking the global financial situation hold
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hostage the financial economic fate of this country and senate but at the same time you see democrats use. in president obama and every time he is a talking point over the corporate jet packs for example you know and saying that that's something that is really important needs to happen but the white house can't even quantify what that would save some say would only be you know three billion dollars over ten years which really isn't much when you're looking to cut trillions of dollars so isn't everybody kind of guilty of playing politics in a situation like this you know i think some are more guilty of playing politics than others because you know we're looking at a country right now or where the tax burden for the very richest lowest. in decades really looking at a republican party that believes you can cut your wage recovery or prosperity we're looking at a republican party that has been under willing to consider any kind of revenue producing increase in this agreement just to want to rely on people in the
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democratic party who have said ok fifty percent revenue fifty percent cuts that's you know veritas in my view let's make a deal i may not agree with up with us out on the table republicans are going to use republicans or even add a little gimmicks that they belong for like a balanced budget amendment moment in this negotiation only do you think this all takes away the debate over the over the debt or the debt ceiling something as many many see as needing to jeff happen you think it takes away from a broader debate on many of the things you're talking about investing investing in jobs something that many argue is really what needs to happen the whole debate here or skewed i'm reminded of the two i met director christine lagarde who i think very carefully and eloquently tried to save him from kitchen hopelessness if we're going to recover we need to boost demand how do you who should manage with best in the country in the short term you allow short term deficits in order to have
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a longer term recovery and thinking is all the rage or except among a group of democrats but even many democrats have. bought into this idea that we that we have a crisis with the deficit we don't have a crisis we are not bankrupt the crisis is joblessness the crisis the bankruptcy of economic debate and sapping in this country and we need to we set the economic debate but we can have the policies we need in the short term we're faced with what we have and i pick up on your good question that some are playing really kind of the line politics there's an argument in this country right now more republican party opposed to president obama understand that but are they now in a position where they really want to check hurt this economy. increase their chances of coming back to power ratio not be the big one house races like what we see republicans who are not i think the interest of this country well that is the
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million dollar question that we're going to leave our viewers with we certainly thank you for your analysis that was katrina vanden heuvel editor and publisher of the nation magazine now as obama tries to get a deal on the debt any questions he's answering on the economy today are not a press conference there over twitter he held a twitter town hall starting it by saying he was the first president to live tweet and he did so he asked the public for their input in order to reduce the deficit he asked what cost would you cut and what investments would you like to keep very optimistic for us to think that we could have an impact on what the president's decision will be but he asked for it and he's relying on twitter for his town hall it's interesting the same week that fox news reportedly had its account hacked with tweets claiming that president obama himself had been assassinated this all kind of points to both how social media really is driving our world today and is so important but also how in this world oftentimes anything goes on social media but
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harpist one of those things that sometimes goes you could argue is privacy she says there's a street she's of the resident dot net she does the streets of new york to ask people how they feel about that. in today's social media driven world you can post whatever hate speech doctored photos or other nonsense you want with virtually no consequences how you feel about that finding our times this week let's talk about that i was talking about my own facebook once and by mistake instead of writing his name in the search i put as my status i was awkward and you caught me things very quickly adding everybody to already see did you learn your lesson people just put anything on the young girls young kids you know home addresses and everything i got an. open approach is that. people see what you show them not what you actually are in my experience and if you put something on the internet people will watch and think that that's actually your
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life you know when when people could be sitting at home doing nothing for a whole weekend they might just make things just make themselves more interesting a lot of people tend toward. being snotty or rude and they've been taught through television and other media that that's that's the new cool yet there's a shift in our culture going on that will change as people start to understand that they end result of that is isolate you isolate yourself and you do that kind of stuff we need to be center of attention. as the world just become a giant high school yeah i would say yes we are all of the things i am but we owe a high school we all hated it so why do we want to live it every day that's a good question and it's almost even in a more middle school that sort of mean girl kind of being and i think even adults get into the bullying which is kind of sad but do you think that as we grow as a society people will get smarter about what to post or will it just kept worse and
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what i think people always be people you're going to have people that are smart you can have people that are not and i think it was the fruitcakes that put things on there is just. hopeful in the home. regardless of how you feel about the pitfalls of social media the bottom line is that it's probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better it every day. now as for president obama as for his town hall some critics say this twitter tactic resembles others that the administration has made to go around white house reporters and traditional media to you know if they have things go the way they want them to go we'll have more on that though and also where social media is all headed at five pm i'll talk to declan mccullagh of seen at the right here on our he's still ahead new york city mayor bloomberg is taking aim at gun rights with a new ad so we are firing up the debate that's next. what
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drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through to get it made who can you trust no one. is to imbue it with a global vision that would see where are we cutting state controlled capitalism it's called sexual so when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. it's just. welcome back last month al qaeda spokesman adam gadahn appeared in
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a video urging followers to exploit u.s. gun laws to attack enemies of islam if you missed it here's a snippet. but in the worst you've got a lot of your disposal puts take america as an example america is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms you can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show an identification card so what are you waiting for all then gun rights advocates would argue new york mayor michael bloomberg exploded exploited that video to push his gun policy agenda take a look at this. the latest kind of plot instructs terrorists on the bike. so what are you waiting for. all your member of congress tell them to close the loopholes that let terrorists and criminals by guns ok so given all of this we want
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to take the opportunity to exploit the subject of gun rights for the purpose of debate over gun control in the u.s. and joining us for this debate is our t's own adam kokesh host of adam vs the man have firearms and through this and fire our isn't busy as i said probably at the let's start with obviously we saw that al qaeda video and then we saw the mayor bloomberg response which gun rights advocates say you know he's going after gun rights he's exploiting this but is the what's wrong with closing loopholes that congress is going after this private sale loophole is one of them that is aiming to keep guns out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them well there's nothing wrong with having a legitimate debate about that policy but to say ah here's something that we can make people really afraid about and we can leverage politically and exploit it to push our agenda you know that really lowers the debate because there's no logic there's no rationale behind this we can't have a reasonable conversation we can say what actually leads to better reality from gun control policies with the worst effects in terms of making people prone to attacks
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by criminals or less able to defend themselves or more money wasted in a government bureaucracy that's ultimately completely futile and being able to have that discussion is very important and i don't mind being able to say we'll let's have a rational discussion about the state of gun control right now but to say well let's start with the very very afraid because the terrorists are going to come get you well then let me ask you this what do you take away from that video with adam gadahn what alarmed you about that well it's alarming in the sense that it's it's another excuse and it gives people like mayor bloomberg an excuse to push that in any time there's a tragedy nothing about his actually racks will video concerns us someone who is a gun enthusiast and does firmly believe in second amendment rights that they go. it doesn't alarm you at all well it does concern me in another itself but you know i'm from new mexico and in new mexico i open carry everywhere i go and that's a great benefit of living in a state where i have more freedoms than i do here in the district of columbia so if you live in a city where you're not allowed to are far lower allowed to own firearms and you're
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already completely dependent on the government for your own protection then yeah it would be cause to be afraid but you shouldn't be afraid that your own can so that someone is taking advantage of you for being disarmed but that there's a massive government effort to keep people disarmed and disempowered and keep these rights away from us despite our founders' best efforts to protect them in the constitution ok so you're talking about gun rights that when it comes to guns i want to ask if there's more at stake and yes gun rights i want to run a video but you may have played it was because i want to say like oh because it would clarify when you said it do i have any real reaction to the video i mean i do i think for the same reason that anytime there's a tragedy involving a firearm you know it's not just a tragedy in itself but it's a tragedy or potentially a greater tragedy as the fear from it you know like the four year old who was shot in in baltimore on on independence day this past weekend or you know i mean any any shooting that shouldn't have to occur you know makes you know i i feel that and i'm
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affected by not just because of the tragedy in and of itself and and yes there is a potential for tragedy out of the video points out that you know hey because we have firearms rights to a very limited green here in united states there's an opportunity for them to be used against us but that the logical fallacy behind that is like well if americans are able to breathe air you know we should cut off the air because of the terrorist won't be able to breathe while they're going to you know you're going to kill people guns do i think i want to also know people law enforcement officers kill people and on it you have in this country you have a tool of your people eight times more likely to be killed by a police officer and by terrorists ok well let's talk about people that have been killed by police officers because this is a video that we ran when this helmet you know came out i think you get to today of that's what team killing of a marine in his home let's run a little bit out of that i can see it.
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so they banged on his door they shot off seventy one rounds the part you don't see is this guy was in his home and he was pointing a r fifteen at the cops allegedly allegedly because we've already seen so many lies and this was allegedly the case a lot of you say ok let's look at this like that is what he did was the point that they are picking at the police and i granted a perhaps he is allowed to do that by law but if he wasn't pointing an arabic team at those police when they banged on his door do you think he would be alive well again sort of making the case from reason this is a case based on a single incident and i'm just reactionary i think i think one of the are you know you look at it look you know there are able to protect yourself but in this case and having a gun is that what contributed to him being killed there well the cops have more guns and none of them are but it was like ok seriously what it right why you don't know because you know one thing about the oscar grant shooting thing we thought was face down on the floor and in a bart station in california in the back and that's
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a great point to me and i think that's a problem but i'm just curious if sometimes gun rights backfire on innocent people no i think you can look at a free case and you can always make that argument but more often than not. there are plenty statistics are backing up on this when civilians use firearms because they have accountability for the way that one force and doesn't they are much less likely to fire them their farms are much more likely to be used to prevent crimes rather than as flawed person softly as if you made prior to the gun where he was holding it and you know he got shot right in the crime was by the swat team there right but he's dead so who cares his crime when he lost his life but i don't that's that's a tragedy and that's what we've been talking about this is why you need to be looking at this from of fundamental human rights perspective that marine had a right to be safe and secure his home not just as a human being. living peaceably to get along but under the fourth amendment to the us constitution and the answer isn't to say well let's take away more rights and let's think of what this law is let's take away more rights and so you know we're
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all just completely disarmed government wage slaves whereas and so we can say no let's give people more rights let's respect privacy let's respect property let's not knock down their door in the first place with these you know no knock raids where people are being ambushed in their homes and this poor marine was under the assumption rightly so that his home was being invaded right was speaking to misuse though the u.s. is the primary source of weapons for mexican drug cartels i said no no they got us in mexico is in the past two years or smuggled from the united states whether it's the a.t.f. problem or the united states those are u.s. guns that are if it involved in that violence that is a problem as a result of all of the crimes in the united states how do you not look at it actually it's a problem of basic market forces there's a demand for firearms in mexico because of the drug trade because of the illegal drug trade and there's a certain there's a surplus in the market in the united states that's able to supply that but if we outlaw them going across the border except for our government doing it with you if i can be done anyways they're going to be.
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