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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 5:01pm-5:31pm EDT

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all. wealthy british. market. happening to the global economy. headlines kaiser reports.
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a diplomatic between russia and reportedly the french. head. to junk status with. psychological support and radiation levels in the area around. international news and. this is good to have you with us this hour diplomats from
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russia and reportedly clashed of the libya crisis at a meeting of the u.n. security council held behind closed doors it's believed criticize the french decision to deliver weapons to the rebels which russia says was a violation of the u.n. resolution. looks at the roots of the dispute at the u.n. . no official statements but we do know that there was a discussion and russia says such actions violate the arms embargo that was imposed on libya and the weapons supplies also breached the un mandate that was given to establish a no fly zone and protect the libyan civilians the u.n. authorization was given in the middle of march and since then nato bombings have killed scores of libyan civilians undermining the goal of the operation speaking those goals western powers have their logic of understanding the goals of the operation they say in order to protect the civilians they need to get rid of gadhafi in order to get rid of gadhafi they need to weaken his strongholds which means intense bombing of the country and that's what the forces are now actively engaged in but by no means alone they say will not bring is desirable and to the
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conflict which is ousting khadafi so there needs to be action on the ground but the u.n. resolution explicitly says no foreign troops on the ground in any form and that's why they arm the rebels according to the french for example but critics say that logical change takes us very far from the initial goal stated in the u.n. resolution which was to stop the massacre and nowhere in that resolution they did say a forceful regime change many say made those actions were meant to stop a massacre have brought about a lot of destruction not to mention that it's a direct and now a long lasting involvement in a civil war there have been reports earlier that the military has been shipping arms over the border to leave in rabble. egyptian military is very much influenced by washington as we know but those reports were never officially confirmed france was the first to acknowledge weapons supplies to the rebels in libya we're talking about rocket launchers assault rifles machine guns and anti-tank missiles there are several aspects that analysts point out in france in this dispatch apart from the
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fact that he very clearly breaches the arms embargo that was imposed on the one their radical elements among among those rebels while and there are unlikely to from mercy for their opponents and those arms supplies most certainly inflame the situation even more and the way it was done the weapons were parachuted from planes got ahold of them it could be kids it could. but it seems nobody cares as long as it's the rebellion and that's the phrase used by the french as the reasoning behind the airlift to boost the rebellion but many libyans now say the last thing they want is a boost to the civil war that has taken so many lives and has torn their country apart and the other aspect that experts point out is that such make it almost impossible for the two sides to sit down and talk and find some kind of a political solution because of the constant blotch at any ma city is growing and the rift between the libyan people is getting deeper. and author of the book humanitarian imperialism says nato will do whatever it takes
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to get the job done in libya and get rid of gadhafi. its influence my decision will move these. people you need to go through the negotiation. themselves to political bone no matter what and it's going to do go through with. this is we each know months as the notes months we three months there is you that in another three months you cannot go on. to something you know you can go on and not. well coming up in a few minutes from now here in r.t.e. shining a light on the weather for international terror russia publishes a declassified list of people and groups it says are financing extremism in the north caucasus. and make gains the technological revolution boosting the trade of
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indian fisherman mobile phones have transformed their business and their lives. europe's ongoing struggle to save the euro has been dealt another blow was portugal has had its debt downgraded to junk status with ease the credit rating agency behind abuses by default is likely to miss the country is given another painter many elements of question the logic of saddling struggling economies with more debt and speculation grows over whether the e.u. is ready to come to forty rescue again michael ross an economic analyst and author believes that if germany were to ditch the euro it would help weaker economies deal with their debt. you don't have to be the chairman of very constitutional court to find out when you discard politically and legal because it's obstructing the mastery treaty it's also against elizabeth treaty it's against everything we have a and no bail out clause in europe and everybody is breaking it more and more
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taxpayers of course getting fed up with what is going on here it's the best solution if germany withdraw from the euro many experts say you have to drop greece or portugal or you can file and all the southern periphery of europe but what this being at the end of the do it would mean that they will have their debts in europe and. the local currency is there and will be devaluated the euro will go up and then the problem is even higher if germany pulls out of the euro then there's some situations totally different then the use your old debts will decrease or will be devaluated and this is exactly that what those countries need. and now to latin america it's emerged that drug dealers in mexico have been kidnapping computer programmers to force them to hack bank systems experts say the i.t. experts are being also being used for credit card fraud scams one over now two
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dimitry bester jeff he's a latin american specialist with moscow headquartered worldwide antivirus firm kaspersky kaspersky lab and joining us live now from quito ecuador thanks very much indeed for joining us some tell us in what way could kidnapped programmers be useful to drug dealers. a lot of our body and there were two benefits of the regulars here the first one so brew crime moves a lot of money and it's growing so it's another source. and it's also fourth dimension that in many cases crime isn't. despite all or all efforts and the second reason is drug dealers also internet and kidnap cyber criminals can just receipt secure their communications we have other people so who would have thought that being a computer programmer would be a dangerous job presumably these sort of people now need some sort of protection themselves yeah absolutely this is actually true and in what way what sort of
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support can they get through or is there no such security. i'm sorry about this would you believe we're talking about internet and cyber warfare perhaps being hacked into that's rather unfortunate i'll see if we can get back our guest live there from quito in ecuador who's talking to us on his web cam rather ironic isn't it well i think i can safely say all website is running smooth moment well protected you can read more on the stories we're covering and lots more besides including dramatic footage from one of our correspondents becoming caught up in the violence showdown between protesters and police and continuing to report through clouds of tear gas. also online how to fund the secret to eternal life with all the advice you need if you want to live forever or less or more at r.t.
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dot com. the russian government has published a list of all individuals and organizations proven to be sponsoring terrorism it also includes international entities involved in funding extremism and names taken from a u.n. blacklist are north caucuses correspondent medina as the details. list of individuals and companies suspected also involvement in financing of terrorism was published in this government own newspaper this morning no this document was a previously confidential but now part of it is open to public now companies that are present in this list are located in different countries and basically across the globe there are companies that are based in egypt in afghanistan in somalia and
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even in germany and the united states in terms of individuals the also come from a significant range of countries from the countries of the middle east from african countries from germany the united states and from russia russian citizens primarily komo from of the republics of the volatile region of russia's north caucasus from cheney and from and done there are also some well known names in this list some well known groups like the muslim brotherhood. and russia's most wanted terrorist. you know this document shows that some kind of a not work has been created that connects countries with each other and that the problem of terrorism has become an international issue now several years ago the world thought off by a chechen terrorists that are present here in this region asked of chechen rebels but now the situation has changed whether russia's most wanted mottos being present on the list of the world's most wanted terrorists and really this document shows
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how the system works and the problem off attorney is far from being solved is an international problem. the mobile phone has become an integral part of every day more than life but what's seen as a useful and fun gadget in some countries has proven enough to revolutionize the lawyers and livelihoods of many people. ortiz reports now on the indian fishermen who are costing the next generation network for their coach. up his engine for a day of fishing off the coast of carolina the southernmost state in india then there's a little bit of i studied in school until the seventh grade but then i had to leave school because we were not economically well off so i had to help my dad out of fishing kumar's one of thousands of fishermen in the state who wake up at one o'clock in the morning to earn a living for decades fishermen like him are from my own thoughts and prayers to find a good catch but all that has changed since the introduction of the mobile phone in
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the state more than ten years ago the boy you are going to if the fish is not available where we go fishing or fisherman in other parts of the sea call us and tell us where we might be able to find a good catch ah but then we go to that particular place. in addition because of the new ease of communication kumar is able to find out how much demand is that his local market and the prices the fires are offering in order to determine where best to sell his fish today he is making double the amount of money he was making before he started using a mobile phone he now owns his own boat and says he is able to send his three daughters to college india has the fastest growing mobile phone market in the world and the most growth is happening in rural areas what may be seen as a convenience in the west is being utilized by indian fishermen revolutionizing their business and turning them into entrepreneurs and business men in their communities most of these fishermen have been doing this work for generations and never imagined they'd become so tech savvy they had watched their fathers and
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grandfathers come home from sea several times with no fish at all but today that never happens you know about it a little there's a lot of difference between the time when we used to get a fishing that would stick and now when we go fishing with engine but the arrival of the foam it's become easy to laura the studies show that mobile phones aren't just empowering the fisherman in the community more competition means better prices for consumers and. average they've fallen by four percent it's a new quality of life for the people of this community who never dreamed that they would escape poverty and liberty most fishermen they're illiterate but we want to give a proper education to our children and that is possible because of the earning we get from the fishing business there's no doubts that mobile phones have helped. providing new opportunities by advancing their tradition with technology preassure there are team carola india. activists in romania say they want unification with
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neighboring moldova by next year they say the two countries should be together again as they have been various points in their history but as all of these. reports there are a mixed feelings about the plans with many moldova remaining bitterly opposed. from photo exhibitions to loud bradleys in both bucharest and kisha now since two thousand and nine some movements in romania have been combining to win back what they see as their land. since april it's been impossible to miss colorful stickers like that in towns and cities across romania besar robbia is romania they say believing that the land which is now the sovereign state of republic of moldova must again be on the book arrest control and indeed it was until the nineteenth century which saw it pass hands several times with the collapse of the u.s.s.r. moldova declared independence becoming a member of the united nations cancel of europe and the world trade organization now in alliance of more than thirty n.g.o.s in romania say these achievements would
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be sacrificed in the name of reunification. of the romanians from two states from romania republic of moldova one states because. we are separated unjustly and we want to. bucharest official line is that reunification of the two nations can only happen if the both soviet state becomes an e.u. member but politicians in moldova have expressed concerns that president a cesspool would not wait for that eventuality and will instead at some point in the future expand his country's borders to absorb moldova the iranian president. a couple of months ago clearly said that within twenty five years from now. we'll integrate. under the. european integration romania but
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it's actually actually discrediting the whole concept of the european integration because for most of the people the european integration is definitely not integration. analysts in the moldova and capital say the. last few years have served as a clear proof of this intention. after the change of power in two thousand and nine loads of remaining media outlets appeared and those include several major t.v. stations and two dozen. we believe the main mission is the urbanization of moldova and the deconstruction of the most overnight and. next year which marks two hundred years since book arrest last for the first time the action twenty twelve movement is planning a massive information offensive on population action twenty twelve says it is not funded nor officially supported by bucharest and that their mission is peaceful form the people of the need to restore the greater romania the majority of people
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from romania and from the republic will decide that. they want to. take a leap possible. if that's the case then it's hard to imagine any reunification in the near future especially with up to forty percent of romanians agreeing they'd love to have best rebbie back but almost two thirds of population wants to remain sober and. see reporting from book arrest in romania and kisha now republic of moldova. and we've got more on what's happening in the publics in the next hour explore in central asia last year it saw a violent revolution and ethnic conflict on its way to becoming a parliamentary democracy. almost four months since the massive earthquake and tsunami tore through japan's northeast the daunting task of rebuilding homes and lives continues efforts have been boosted by the passing of a second emergency budget of almost twenty five billion dollars but as well as
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financial assistance traumatized survivors are also in desperate need of emotional support the sean thomas reports. as the waves crash against a damage to sea wall on the japanese coast volunteers work tirelessly to clean up the debris and bring some sense of normalcy back to the area. i want to tell people we need more help more supplies and things are still down tears just beyond the physical destruction there is a distressing psychological factor as well the city of the walkie is right on the edge of the twenty kilometer exclusion zone for radiation contamination in fact in a recent study by japan's nuclear safety commission forty five percent of one thousand children tested in any walk and neighboring cities have tested positive for thyroid radiation exposure a figure that has parents appalled at all we have the government has resets the great tariff a safety and are not concerned with the consequences their reaction is only to help
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the governments they face that they don't actually take care of the damage and the people here first there was the earthquake then the devastating a wave which rushed in and destroyed this part of the coastal city of it walking also there are the nuclear radiation waves that are coming into this area as well the volunteers that are coming in to rebuild this city certainly have their work cut out for them but just like the city itself the people who live here the community they need to have their spirits rebuilt as well. that my god again in an effort to keep this community emotionally strong organizers have brought this acting troupe in from tokyo they saved their goal is to provide something beyond simple entertainment or provide on their web a certain japanese pride and in this destructive situation i would like to bring good things and present the spirit of japan and japanese pride by bringing people
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together and making people smile. through that shared community experience there is a sense of hope that the city of a walkie can indeed recover the convenience of a pathetic close to city hall but you see anything live is coming better. and with an understanding that there is still much more work that needs to be done the people here are working to keep their community together. i just want them to stay where they want and they fatten be have. a good thing that. rebuilding the city one step at a time any walky city japan sean thomas party. in the wake of the crisis in fukushima japan is going to stress test all of its nuclear power plants to determine how well the reactors could withstand further natural disasters the move is also into shoring people at the facilities a safe to be towards the general of the world nuclear association he blames the media for stirring up public panic in japan and that interview is coming up in just
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a moment stay with us for that here on r.t. . thank. you. jerry it's great to have you with us today thank you so how much does it make the production technology improved since its first reactor well the
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history of the nuclear age goes back more than a half century and enormous changes have taken place in that period of time i think the remarkable thing about the history of nuclear energy is how safe it has been almost from the very beginning. when we go back and see the first reactors experimentally being built in the one nine hundred fifty s. we're looking at a very very new technology and now we've had some bumps along the way that is force for sure we had three mile island in america but we have churned all ball in ukraine we just had fukushima. but there i think the remarkable thing about this technology which is producing so much of the world's electricity is how essentially safe it has begin been it does not emit any emissions into the into the global atmosphere and it has only on very very rare occasions harmed anyone and meanwhile we've had thousands hundreds of thousands even millions of fatalities from the
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extraction of fossil fuels from the surface of the earth and from the health consequences of carbon emissions so if you look at the history of nuclear technology you not only see a very safe technology but you also see a relatively superior technology because it is essentially emissions free tallis always wondering who pays for storing the waste and how can it interest or be profitable when they have to pay for storing away for thousands of years you know that the question of waste is i think the most fundamentally misunderstood aspect of nuclear energy most people say well nuclear energy might be ok seems to be pretty safe but you don't know what to do with the waste let me say something that may shock you. the greatest comparative asset of nuclear power is its waste now why is this. in other major energy forms whether it be coal or natural gas or oil what you find is that the atmosphere the global
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public atmosphere is being used as an enormous planetary waste dump all of those carbon particulate all of that carbon monoxide all of that carbon dioxide is going in there right now we are emitting carbon dioxide at the rate of thirty billion tons a year which is eight hundred tons or seconds into the planetary atmosphere as an atmospheric. nuclear energy producing a considerable portion of the world's electricity one six while producing an amount of radioactive waste the sequence is the size of the fuel which becomes highly radioactive and then must be safely stored but the wonder of nuclear technology is that it can be managed it can be contained there is a relatively small amount of it and it can be very very safely stored in the immediate term when it comes out of the reactor and a convention would be put in long term storage containers placed back into the
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earth in geological repositories that are carefully selected and without any ultimate harm either to people or the environment the climate for christina what happened there and least you keep telling me that it's all safe and i don't keep telling you that it's all safe there was an accident fukushima look what happened i mean how can how can that nuclear power be the future when it's still so incredibly dangerous for life well it's interesting that you would say that because we've just seen twenty four thousand japanese citizens killed by an earthquake and a tsunami. we've seen the media have a frenzy in covering the accident at fukushima which has not made or had not been responsible for a single radio. fatality we have twenty four thousand citizens having died from the earthquake and the tsunami we've had a mishap a serious mishap at the fukushima power plant that has yet to produce a single fatality and yet people are using the words the phrase nuclear disaster nuclear tragedy as if something terribly harmful has occurred relatively little
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damage done by this event and this was a worst case nuclear event after for christina you said we need to go back and look at whether those posts shut down cooling systems can survive the worst case events we can imagine what do you mean by go back the japanese made a mistake. the fundamental mistake they made was deciding that the worst tsunami they might encounter would come at a certain height and that would be the worst case to nami that they would encounter and if they defended against that there there their backup cooling systems would be say that was a mistake because they misjudged and the result was that they did not have waterproof backup cooling systems and because they did not have waterproof backup cooling systems those were flooded and rendered to an operative now why is this important how did this happen you have to think of nuclear energy as the equivalent of a racehorse that finishes running a race and then needs
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a cool down period the reactors at fukushima when the earthquake began shut down they became essentially helpless on purpose but they still needed some exteriors some external resupply electricity supply to power cooling systems that would get them down from five percent of their overall heat level they'd been at one hundred percent they were already down to five they needed some extra cooling to get down to normal atmospheric and ambient temperatures all nuclear power plants require that outside assistance after they have shut down and the japanese mistake resulted in those outside non-nuclear. systems not being available so the great irony of what happened at fukushima it is that it was the failure of non-nuclear support systems to be available after the shutdown that resulted in this meltdown thank you very much for this and change.
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the east side. of the earth are the news. just six feet. six six six six six. six or is that similar to him if he's visiting.


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