tv [untitled] July 6, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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and i'm not running for president two thousand well at least not yet that will completely depend upon you if i get enough support to run a credible campaign i will run. i will make the sacrifices required by such a campaign i put myself at risk of why in the end they were the pummeling of the media but i can't do it without sacrifices and generosity on your part. if you wish i will speak out for you i will stand up for a long silent shrinking american majority and i will speak more honestly in this campaign of any other candidate you ever heard in your entire life and with your duke is now about to embark on a twenty five state tour to measure support for a presidential run so how do you stack up against other republicans in the race here to answer that question is david duke himself david welcome. and it's already here nice talking with you we've talked on the radio
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a number of times. good to have you here on television every now and then a republican or right wing talk show host will imply that they're horrified that there's a black man in the white house limbaugh with his brock the magic negro song comes to mind another example is their problem of any discussion of immigration reform is another example do you think that the republican party needs you because you represent their core race based views that they are afraid to say out loud and you're not afraid to say out loud. no i think democrats and republicans me because i'm not all right sopranos as you describe me i am a right so right. and i believe in the right of every people it will be free i believe in every people has that every people has a right to preserve their heritage and also they shouldn't face this criminalization of the recent court decisions in michigan show your p. an american now face racial discrimination racism and hiring you promotions and
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college admissions and i think the democrats and republicans leave be too because unlike barack obama i would bring us out of iraq and afghanistan and i would have done it a long time ago and i would have close guantanamo and i think that the iraq war and the afghanistan war has been horrible for the interest of the united states and damaging to the entire world i've been one of the largest and one of the most well known american anti-war spokesman across the world on those issues who in your opinion david duke are the republicans most afraid of what would be the jews the african-americans or the gays. well i think that back is that both democrats and republicans are very afraid of the jewish extremists the zionists because the zionists have a credible amounts of media power. and most powerful lobby in washington which is a pack of course and they've got enormous financial power i mean they control the federal reserve ben bernanke we have even international monetary fund by former
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head of it strauss kahn and of course the second in command is lipsey and it's just recently i read an article not rule imposed talking about the fact that the international monetary fund is putting pressure on greece because what's going on right now. is because of the back that they need to you greece and they're doing what israel wants because they know the zionist control powerful economic and media and political apparatus in just america in a rhetorical or perhaps you know if the jews really run the world how do we end up with five catholics running us into a supreme court just i'm sorry i don't buy your premise of this i just want that to be on the record how do you offer the younger people in america don't share your concerns about the need for racial purity or or these you know well racial or religious the first off we have we have we have two jews on the supreme court is very powerful and the point is this not a question of whether
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a jew is going to take a position of power but jewish extremists interests are israel is truly a terrorist state israel even attacked america which terrorism in the pac and the liberty and the love on a fair and the truth is that you have here really pro-american you wouldn't let a foreign nation control your foreign policy israel does that today and then he said american president david was there and there to eric harris is no shortage of israel conservatives who come on this program and said the same thing about you know muslims and muslim fanatics and we've got a way about this and that as they go you know my limbs control of the cradle right they control on. control how they would media they control the federal reserve right sure i hate i'm not i'm not stipulating the jews do you favor sleep brought this you can look i'm not saying that all jews who are not against all jewish people i definitely think you are the jewish extremist who control the jewish community also control these critical aspects of power called the jewish matrix of
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power and control massive international finance like the i.m.f. like the federal reserve like a lot of the international banking like goldman sachs who by which by the way was obama's biggest campaign contributor they also control the media which is and gave it another another with the anti-semitism and let's move on because and yet we've got your we've got your worldview you feel it was actually that. magic a true but that was that you know a symmetric that's reality well it's your reality you famously god has a reality of of of life how we would it's like a jewish whether you like it can we just i mean it's did you even stroke as obama's image is the truth big brother would like to know i would like to ask you about mormons if you don't mind you famously got catholics in the k.k.k. but that was just catholics who've been through as asian flowers as ation the fact that a grand champion was a cow but no it wasn't planned thirty five years ago i know i thought that was the time you brought women into early. years ago but you know he didn't get this
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brought up an air reinterviewed program you were going on no i said that i thought this was going to happen and david i'm sorry as our take our backyard forget a lot around the world the k.k.k. are you worried about mitt romney and jon huntsman being warman's are you ok with the whole mormon thing i'm worried about mitt romney are. being controlled by these zionist interests i'm worried about the fact that they don't pay sucked in this country is being basically invaded noble wilm and massive immigration i worry about the fact that none of them have the guts to stand up to defend the so. all rights not just of minorities which their civil rights should be dependent but the civil rights of the american european were jarvey that based discrimination the fact is we're losing our country and or any many disparate discriminated against when they're the majority. what whether or not let me tell you something the palestinians are a majority in the area between israel and of course the west bank you know the
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problem problem is you know we're all powerless than i was has really was fescue about the as the david the last question is there iranian for president united states right and a jar already doesn't mean that you're not facing a minority control and let me tell you something we may be a majority the country but we're not a majority of hollywood we're not a majority of the federal reserve bank today we're not a majority of the i.m.f. we're not a majority of them. because a back that's not a majority. david wasn't a condition of your pleading guilty to felony tax evasion that you wouldn't run for public office or just as mayor as you know you talked about jewish extremist power there comes the smear as well you know i was charged with filing a false tax return and financial things they did the funny thing is that while i was in prison they did a lot of. the internal revenue service that taskforce audit needed term and i overpaid my taxes by six thousand dollars and so do you legally run for president
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now. well can you legally run for president now because i thought that a condition of your of your plea bargain was that you wouldn't run for public office but that's not correct of all that was not in the broad agreement on that line and also in the constitution you're allowed to run for president ok i'm going to dance david thank you very much for being with i don't believe you know i believe that i don't know if i'm going to run yet but i tell you one thing americans may go to david duke dot com you can see my side of the story you're right david thank you for being with us tonight. you know race baiting is nothing new in the republican party it started with richard nixon's southern strategy and then reagan take up the torch and here's how it worked in one nine hundred eighty ronald reagan went to philadelphia mississippi this little town of the population of six thousand people who right after he was nominated to be president it was his first public speech why would ronald reagan pick philadelphia mississippi he gave a speech there on states' rights with which in mississippi has historically meant
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the right to discriminate against african-americans why would he do that as his first speech in philadelphia mississippi a little town in illinois where his promise this is what he said these are actual quote from ronald reagan's speech he said he was going to restore to states local governments their power that properly belongs to them he said i believe in states' rights i believe we have distorted the balance of our government today by giving powers that were never intended to be given in the constitution to that federal establishment this was his first speech after his nominated president ronald reagan why philadelphia mississippi well it turns out the reason why philadelphia mississippi is pretty straight forward in one thousand sixty four three civil rights workers james chaney andrew goodman and michael schwerner were murdered in philadelphia mississippi they were missing for two months they this story inspired the movie mississippi burning these guys had been had been stopped by the klan affiliated police apparently they had been used as so they could set up
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a roadblock outside town they got them they beat them they chain. in whipped one of the three of them they shot all three of them they buried them in an earthen dam and for two months these bodies were missing and it inspired the one thousand nine hundred eight movie mississippi burning republicans have been talking in code for a long long time ronald reagan kicked off his campaign philadelphia mississippi everybody in the south knew that that's the place where you killed civil rights workers that's why he went there republicans have been talking in code about race for a long long time at least david duke has struck it applaud it honestly it's rather tragic but there you have. it's time for the good the bad and the very loose of lucifer figure was slightly ugly they're good at etiquette governor dan malloy malloy
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a democrat made connecticut the first statement nation to require companies to provide aid sick leave to their employees thanks to a new law signed by the governor as many as three hundred thousand workers in connecticut will get an hour of paid sick leave for every forty hours the work force this is a basic reality in most european nations that actually care about their workers a kudos to governor malloy for understanding the people do occasionally get sick and they should be fired or lose paid as the bad republican congressman fattiest mccotter carter is now running for president which means he has to pick up his far right rhetoric appearing on fox and friends this morning mccotter call both president obama's health reform law and mitt romney's massachusetts health reform law inhumane i guess making sure that every single person the nation has access to basic health care is inhumane to mccotter that health care system that kills off forty thousand people a year because they don't have insurance is just fine republican race to the bottom
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is eating up and the very very ugly rush limbaugh i was radio show yesterday limbaugh put in his two cents on the on going down and strauss kahn rape case limbaugh admitted he was puzzled about the story of d s k and explained it this way but what puzzled me about it is that this is a ruling class guy this is the kind of guy that gets away with this ted kennedy kind of guy. accused rapist vs cases like ted kennedy who died over a year ago what does that make you rush you're worth four hundred million bucks and you're the most powerful voice of the republican party and you seem to have gotten away with quite a few things still sounds like. you're a ruling class kind of guy and under your own definition that's very fairly. after the break a florida jury found peace in the casey anthony not guilty of murder yesterday in my daily take i'll tell you who else needs to be facing a jury of their peers now this national distraction.
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in our commercial air travel nightmare news last friday in miami woman was kicked off a u.s. airways flight in philadelphia right before it was about to take off why because she took a picture with her i phone. sandy do it noticed a u.s. airways employee being rude to several customers at the airport gate she was boarding air flight intending to write a complaint letter when she got home and went snapped a photo of the rude employee's name tag and stored it in her phone however when she boarded the plane that very same employee came aboard too and demanded that should delete the photo which do it did but that's not all u.s. airways employed then notified the pilots to do it was a security threat and it was promptly removed from the plane by two flight attendants after speaking with a u.s. airways manager in the terminal it was told she was not allowed back on the plane
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because she's now considered a security threat on u.s. airways again this is because she took a photo of a rude employee luckily southwest airlines helped her out flew her home at least to wit made it past the t.s.a. that day some aren't so lucky to get by without being groped or radiated these days that's why the libertarian party of florida wrote a letter to sixty seven county sheriffs in the state to demand the arrest of t.s.a. agents who they claim are committing sexual battery every day for their michael chertoff x. ray plan on scanners and their so-called green checks so how long was national nightmare of air travel continue before we all realized the security theater is doing nothing to keep us safer from actual terrorists here to offer his take on the issue conservative commentator t.j. mccormack t.j. welcome welcome back. hey it's nice to be back and i tell you this should be a holiday because this is i believe one night where you and i are going to be on the same page well then let's get each other worked years yet as we are speaking
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right now t.j. and you and i both know this as we are speaking somewhere in the world somebody is literally probably to the minute because so much of it is happening somebody as somewhere in the world is getting onto an airplane or off an airplane with diamonds or heroin wrapped up in a condom and stuck up into their rear end shall we say so it could just as easily be c. five i mean the amount of heroin that typically gets smuggled is enough that if you was it was plastic explosive it could take down a plane so you know if we're logically worried about this and we know that was kind of smuggling is happening constantly what's next k.-y. jelly is that going to be the next tool of the t.s.a. is it. who's going to save you see them pull out the is the scanner listen you know actually honestly if there is a reason that u.s. airways is one of the one thousand most hated companies in america and if you take a look at that at that group of nineteen many many of them in that list are
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airlines people are very disgruntled these days and you know i think part of it too is that you know what makes this particular incident so irritating is that you know this is right on the heels of a young nigerian man boarding flights with other people's boarding passes and no. no no proper identification etc etc and meanwhile this sort of thing goes on i guess where my side of the aisle looks at this is you know hey look it's about time you know that we stop with this political correctness this woman was that was a reason she was kicked off with political correctness you know it was no wreckage she she angered an employee what has happened is that is the wrist national hysteria this the security state that we've created after nine eleven this is this national p.t.s.d. that we have has echoed down to the point now we're. flight attendants are behaving like the shoppers and they have the power to you know what and it's also a crock because what which we say should we actually be reporting should we submit
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a u.s. airways for being for being as a threat to national security because u.s. airways then took this security risk and put her on a southwest airlines flight how much of it were they putting a known security risk that to me i think puts a should put u.s. airways in jeopardy they should be receiving some kind of fine here was a someone they thought was going to take down a plane will do is to go take down a southwest flight i flew back from germany a few months ago and not only did they not ask me to go through a church or no x. ray scanner when i asked if they want if i should take my shoes off the security agent the woman there laughed she actually laughed and she's we're not afraid like you americans i mean i you know i was at the at the at the at the correspondents dinner with the president months or so ago here in washington d.c. and to get you know there were no church up bodies scanners and nobody was doing growing checks really i mean all i had to do was go into the right time to spend
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two hours sitting you know in a room with michelle obama what are we doing in our airports. it's crazy it really is crazy but you know i can i and i will say you know anytime i get an opportunity and a lot again i want people on my side of the aisle you know while we're talking in general about airport security and stuff i think there is a legitimate reason though look you know a couple of weeks ago we had a group a woman dying and all a senior citizen white american lady completely on absolutely and nobody's threat list who had to remove a and adult diaper god bless her she's in her dying days that was right around when that night young nigerian man that i just mentioned was like i guess my point is that you know anytime the subject of airport security comes up i have to take up that banner and start talking once again about profiling it needs to be done and some people say it happens anyway i think i really i just any time i get the chance i have to beat that drum if we really do need to be profiling there are people that absolutely fit a certain it's worth it or you know i was definition of profiling is i don't think
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that either one of those would be opposed to well actually maybe we would you know it should should you are are we innocent until proven guilty i mean what you say ok you because of the way you look because of the genes you have because you're not a member of the lucky sperm club whatever it may be you are going to. bend over here we've got the k.-y. jelly whereas everybody else is just fine i mean. whatever happened to good old fashioned police work well you know what i tell you what though tom you know good old fashioned police work and all you guys are we got obama read there execute somebody. put but that's what you see look everybody everybody may go a nickel in the jar i know it's a. book but it's only going to do is read the paper you know there really is kind of a consistent thing out there you know nine nine and i have times that attend these days if somebody blown somebody up they tend to be muslim i know you're going to be again most of the last big bomb threat that we had in the united states was
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a white guy in washington state who tried to kill a bunch of gay people and actually was after americans in washington's. it was the martin luther king day parade and you know that's that's the kind of terrorism that we're facing and that again is a very good police work it's not a profile you know that the majority of the of the terrorist incidents that we've had the united states since one nine hundred eighty have been by white guys but in any case he's a pencil out for being with us that it's ok it's nice to agree with him and we should commiserate more often it's ok. business business insider magazine recently ranks u.s. airlines as t.j. point as a sixth most hated company in america by kicking people off their planes for taking pictures doesn't look like u.s. airways is helping their case.
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three years ago a two year old little girl in florida died also three years ago crooks on wall street swindled the middle class of america out of seventeen trillion dollars and plunged our nation into a great depression today one of those crimes is now resolved but all the other is still festering as a gaping wound in the side of our american legal justice and legal justice system yesterday casey anthony the mother of that little two year old girl caylee who died three years ago was found not guilty by a jury of her peers closing the book on a three year long saga it's gripped america there are some of the reactions of people around the country to the verdict. i'm shocked and i'm absolutely shocked. first and i think the whole family is. i think she got away with it at least. manslaughter yes murder i can't be sure but it's a pretty harsh crime it's crazy i thought they'd. just be in
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a mode there knowing how i would have been and it would never went down i don't think any mother around here really wants you know they're going to be a different state of mind if you lose or something missing if anything even if you save your make believe baby sitter so took the money and you're searching for that person twenty four seventh's it's really sad that this country is that backwards at that at that age you know the lady is guilty as the day is low. the visceral outrage across america this trial is telling and it begs the question how is it the millions of people across america who are so ready to kick this flick the switch on casey anthony yet twelve jurors unanimously found her not guilty but did millions see the twelve people on the jury didn't the answer they saw are irresponsible mainstream media for the last three months t.v. played the role of judge jury and executioner in this case torching the most basic
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legal tenet in america the defendants are innocent until proven guilty and inciting a lynch mob hell bent on making sure that casey anthony got the electric chair and in the end all those expert legal analysts got it wrong in the end our legal system worked exactly as it should a fair trial a jury of the peers looking at the evidence coming to a decision and if you have a problem with that then you have a problem with the american legal system or maybe with that prosecutor you should check out how things are done in somalia where there is no legal system it's just a libertarian paradise or just a point and see grace as the final arbiter of all cases and give her the final say on all legal matters and have some unique justice. and even though the courts got it right yesterday millions are still outraged which goes to show us just how influential the media is in shaping our thoughts and emotions and it makes me wonder what if over the last three years instead of putting putting casey anthony on trial for
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a news media had put the banks toure's on trial i don't want to downplay the death of p two year old caylee the truth is it has no effect on any of us were not close to the anthony family and it didn't deserve near the twenty four hour cable news coverage it received it's simply not need to know news whereas what the banks on wall street did three years ago affects each and every one of us who live in america and are now suffering in the second republican great depression the casey anthony trial may have been the tabloid story of the decade what happened on wall street is literally the crime of the century and the news media dropped the ball and feasted on sensationalism instead of substance in the three years since the great american swindle now one legal show on cable news has broken down the mountain of evidence against banks toure's that has been uncovered by numerous congressional hearings and investigative journalists. we've seen the face
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a one child plastered on our t.v. screens for three years had never the faces of fifteen million children who now live in poverty in america thanks to wall street's crimes the death of a child is a family tragedy but the fact that half of all the children in america will at some point before they become eighteen and ten on food stamps is a national tragedy we are the richest nation on earth but we also have the worst poverty of any elite developed nation the four hundred richest americans own more wealth than the bottom one hundred fifty million of us and if our media decided to lead off their news reports over the last three years with our wealth gap and how much worse it has become because of the wall street crimes instead of speculating about a murder trial in central florida but i can promise you that the same anger that's directed toward and casey anthony today would be directed toward the banks on wall street instead of just as it should if the news media did its job the last three
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years we would be talking about the people versus casey anthony thing instead it would be the people versus lloyd blankfein the c.e.o. of goldman sachs that's the trial america needs that's the justice most americans will frankly tell pollsters that they'd like to see until we stamp out rupert murdoch style infotainment it puts a premium on tabloid news and that a real news it creates artificial heroes and villains and it foments mr record rage until we change that it will all continue to wander around in this echo chamber of nonsense our nation goes down the tubes. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website sometime arvin dot com free speech dot org and. also check out our two youtube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free time have an i phone and i thought app in the app store if you sent us feedback on twitter a tom underscore arbonne on facebook or tom others who are been on our blogs
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