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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the debt deadline draws closer and closer yet republicans are stepping farther and farther away from the negotiating table the republican party actually forced the united states into default just to protect their billionaire billionaire buddies are well more moderate voices in the party and as much as the republicans would like to argue how corporate taxes are destroying our economy truth be told there are not the truth about corporate taxes will be revealed in rides alone liberal rubble.
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you need to know this another day another step closer to default and enough another debt limit negotiations set for this week and every state yesterday president obama squashed the idea of a short term debt limit increase killing republican hopes to kick the can down the road and going to election year on republicans would have even more leverage and then called for another meeting later this week with congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle to reach a long term debt limit deal a deal president obama is pushing for includes closing tax loopholes on corporations millionaires and billionaires a change for trillions of dollars in spending cuts targeting mostly working class and poor families a deal that conservative columnist david brooks referred to earlier this week as
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the mother of all over brainers for the republicans. but the republican party of no isn't interested in making deals it's interested in crashing the economy speaker john boehner immediately threw cold water on the president's message yesterday saying that bipartisan talks are fruitless his word if even a nickle tax increases on corporations on millionaires like him or on the billionaires who fund the republican party are on the table so how can that possibly be a constructive tone heading into another round of negotiations with the president are republicans the self-proclaimed adults in the room willing to crash the economy if they don't get every single thing they want and how can they get away with this joining me now to talk more about this issue is david sell federal tax practitioner pro-business advocate david welcome back. thank you for having me tom it's always a pleasure thank you david can you name one thing republicans have proposed in debt limit negotiations that would require millionaires to make sacrifices like the rest
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of us just one thing. well i think the issue here is the republican party is strenuously opposed to the spending that's going on but what they ought to do as well is call for the government to adhere to generally accepted accounting standards now i'll give you a perfect example so your viewing audience can grasp the waste that has been taking place as of late now previously our foreign aid spending not including the wars in afghanistan and iraq and the president's baffling involvement in libya cost us approximately one percent of our budget now that this increased over the past two years exponentially we're closing in on the five percent mark and it's going relatively undisclosed because the general accounting office makes. on past
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history and it's really not an accurate reflection of what we need to do is get our arms around the spending nip in the bud and as unpopular as this might sound to some of your audience we have to lower corporate taxes and really get a resurgence of business in the united states and again romney as he again can you name one thing that the republicans have put on the table or are offering that would say ok average working people and poor people you're going to experience pain you're going to lose the working people's students are all going to get screwed in a little way here's what here's how we're going to cut a slice here's the here's the haircut but the billionaires the multimillionaires the big corporations are going to say just one thing that the republicans are willing to do that is shared sacrifice. well tom even if you were to take all of the money from the millionaires and billionaires and disperse it equally i'm not
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asking why these i don't invest in for one just thing or in the republicans are willing to give one thing well what they're willing to give is fiscal and financial responsibility to an extent they're not going nearly far enough and that's the problem you know more and more david is unwilling to set a new area perhaps it was a little and then say to democrats eric cantor was sitting in that in that negotiating room a week or so ago and the democrats said let's take the accelerated depreciation of corporate jets it's seven years for all commercial jets right for us airways united they have to depreciate their planes over seven years however if you've got a private jet like general electric has or or or exxon mobil has or whatever you can appreciate it in five years instead of instead of seven years it was a little sweetener that was given to them some time back and so the democrats said why don't we take that appreciation back to seven years we'll save a few billion dollars a year at that point eric cantor gets up walks out of the room say here are going
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to hear that you're going to cut the tax deduction the accelerator depreciated for corporate jets we can't have that these guys have got to be able to eat their corporate jets with their gold silver plated silverware while their flight across the country without having to go through the t.s.a. . the reduction in the appreciation should be contingent upon any reasonable standard it wouldn't matter if it was for miles flown it just has to be a consistent way for the company until swayze he or she even knew one thing i mean that's to to say that the general electric has to write off its jets at the same speed as united airlines that seems reasonable to me that's not reasonable to focus name one thing that the republicans are willing to do where their billionaire millionaire and back can't corporate buddies are going to lose even one penny please one thing. i have and that's fiscal responsibility on the part of the government because that covers everyone with a broad brush it affects the billionaires and the millionaires as you always say as
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well as the low earners but the fact of the matter is here and you are sitting wondering a great c.e.o. what's where's the u.s. defaulting or the millionaires and billionaires paying an extra three percent in taxes like they did under bill clinton which got us by the way a balanced budget surplus again so even if you were to take all of their property and possessions if the government doesn't even use the way they're going they will squander this money in short order these spending would make emperor nero of the wash it is so outrageous as a question to you they are we were down to about a minute left here are you comfortable with members of congress like eric cantor having shorts on the us dollar he's placing bets that the us dollar is going to crash just as he goes into negotiations they can crash the us dollar and you could make a lot of money if those bets pay off. you know i think that's outrageous it really is outrageous and i think there's a great deal of self dealing both sides of the aisle ok the democrats and the
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republicans need to be called so the carpet on this but most importantly we've got to stop this wasteful spending because it is ruining us here and it's ruining our quality of life and our young men and women who are graduating school they just don't have the opportunities now they should be having largely because our government is putting them deeply into debt and it's not right tom actually our students are going deeply into debt because they've got student loans if they lived in most of the european countries they would have gone to college for free but i but i get it that's wasteful spending david we're out of time thank you for being with me today thank you tom what's going on here is republicans figure if they can just hold out for a few more weeks and force the nation into default and crash the economy and they'll see big gains in the polls next year when voters blame the depression an economy on the president not only that house majority leader eric cantor will receive a fat dividend check from his investment bet that the dollar's going to lose its
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value and these guys patriots. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's the day's question is there a legal system being eroded by murdoch styles and station allies infotainment your choices are yes we should use the old canadian system of only reporting crimes after convictions or no waiting for the next sensationalized infotainment jury trial bring it on log on to our dot com let us know what you think the poll be open until tomorrow morning. that's simple much of which are saying all the time someone say i don't want your kind of it all boils down to one thing the right. to refuse to.
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know where there is no way to go once again what. you say to do. before the read is today on all right the movie the big splash at this year's brooklyn film festival is a documentary chronicling the life of jimmy mcmillan eccentric eccentric presidential candidate from the rent is too damn high party who you just know it first made waves last year in his bid to be new york's governor stealing the show at the gubernatorial debate with his rent is too damn high stick plenty of material mcmillan's life for a movie i fought in vietnam the attain a black belt in karate he was a seventy's soul singer even a male stripper and now turned politician let's just hope the movie isn't too damn long. after the break conservative guest panelists other servo and genuine steve join me for our midweek load a liberal rumble. with
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twenty four seven live streaming news tells us what to do about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. from the get go so. the political. posts in more on our teams are.
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that's what the night is for the long liberal when i debate to expert conservative commentators on the big issues of the week on our panel tonight how the sermon the concern of this conservative strategist and managing owner of four forty public roup public relations and jeannie weinstein senior editor at the daily caller another james hird so you get back you have a batting thanks very much the republicans plug their ears and home to themselves and with that when they go shooting table research from the center for tax justice proves the republican argument against closing corporate tax loopholes is all smoke and mirrors as much as the republicans like to argue the united states forces corporations to pay some of the highest taxes in the world. it's simply too true look at the numbers from the o.e.c.d. the tax justice center discover that u.s. corporations actually pay the second lowest taxes in the developed world twenty
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four other developed nations including slovenia turkey and austria have higher corporate tax rates than the united states as the old saying goes you're entitled to your opinions but not your own facts and the fact the matter is corporate taxes in america are among the lowest in the world for us when you're only agenda is to look out for millionaires and billionaires than you have to plug the facts of the bill so you're part of the ninety nine percent of us who are not worth millions of dollars right actually the world bank has compiled the effective tax rate of one of the countries in the world and the united states is among the highest of those it's not quite number one or two it's about number four among the industrial major industrialized nations that's still pretty high i think in the o.e.c.d. have different numbers i don't know that's something you would have to ask but the super tax justices are just beginning their own right also to realize that you know what brings that corporate tax rate down is those organizations those corporations like whirlpool that can have
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a tax rate of almost zero because if we promise but as you can see we have little interest in the homes you can't afford those lawyers paying their tax rates about thirty five percent and president clinton even said you know we should lower the rate to where it's more competitive no i'm not opposed to lowering our tax rates every sample is what we actually should be pain when the fact of the matter is that corporations in the united states paid about thirty five percent of the total federal budget. back in the ring in another pain six percent of the budget. that's on average that's if you have lawyers they can you know you're going to total the total amount the total revenue into the into the united states government has been picked up by i mean look what there are too many regulations on businesses what we're trying to want to do expand and grow jack welch is a hot lively respected businessman who used to run g.e. i was pointing this out at the welch brags in his book about having invented outsourcing to india i don't i don't think i don't think i went over there so we
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had bad thing i'm sorry i grew. it was about having invented outsourcing my i don't mean i don't think he invented it but i was over there i g.'s i grant plenty looked around he said look at all these people he's. also said he's very bitter and i don't know if you know or didn't put my point is that i grew to ninety percent of the economists who say that outsourcing is healthy for an economy parity advantage is something that is good for trade is that something that's going to create compromises on the table is president obama to make rats want to raise taxes on businesses they want to republicans obviously don't and a great way to compromise is saying let's. create the corporate tax rate close loopholes increase revenues and then the net you didn't actually don't end up raising taxes on business there's no net tax increase and they can run on that to great compromise and also general suggests if you're assuming that there are companies paying thirty five percent i don't there are companies ok yes go there but it's again very five percent maybe thirty nine percent maybe one day i would
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just point out the report almost zero zero zero this but i know ok karl rove donor can go on he says i should pay more taxes former g.o.p. senator alan simpson he says that refusing to pay more taxes is bowl crap because you. well you know again this is what david brooks said in an op ed the new york times is a republican. already has been infected by a faction that is more of a psychological approach as though their goal governing alternative the members of this movement do not accept the logic of compromise no matter how sweet the terms it is on the right the members of this movement do not accept the legitimacy of scholars the actual members of this movement have no sense of moral decency and members of this movement have no economic theory worthy of the name and congressman duncan hunter said this about ronald reagan he said well here it is.
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how out of whack are republicans that even their savior ronald reagan couldn't get away with it i disagree with that ronald reagan inspired argument that he was a moderate i don't subscribe to was he an amazing individual i mean if he raised an interesting one times on what i'm talking about campaigning i'm talking about getting capturing or you know early. now if acted out to lead the role of head of state brilliantly well yeah but you know i'm like obama who did that he actually followed up with an acting some changes that perhaps he didn't agree with but he said i'm going to do this and i'm going to help america become you know these heroic nation i believe it can be i haven't helped ronald ronald reagan ronald reagan was revolutionary change this country as much as franklin roosevelt did i actually sat down i actually sat down with david good morning but. he said down
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with david brooks on tuesday for an hour long interview in the new york times washington bureau you can see the daily caller dot com he he he brought up that column and we discussed that at some length and he also we also brought up the larger budget battle and what he said on the larger budget battle and that democrats were being serious and it's been republicans who have been coming to the table with a serious plan what the democrats. and i would like to see those i would like to see democrats go out and campaign on tax increases see how many people say well you along with alan simpson you look at it and you will be looking for you because i want to pay more taxes sixty six percent of americans live on taxes increase some people making over a quarter million go eat percent american lives and we're going to you know if that's true it surely will be a tax return on that well it worked for bill clinton we got a balanced budget you can even plan b. and then raise taxes on people who didn't know he did so you're absolutely right it's not him that was the thing that killed walter mondale you know you yeah ok
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moving on from right wing fanaticism in washington d.c. to right wing fanaticism in ohio governor john case it is getting killed in the polls you've got forty percent approval ratings right now look at the last four bills these past senate bill five ends collective bargaining for public workers now you have people saying well he gathered over a million one point three million petitions more than ever before the state of ohio has passed a fracking law that opens up all of ohio's public lands to fracking to making your water flammable seventy percent of the public opposes this particular guns in bars eighty percent of public opposes that and new budget eliminates the estate tax the personal tax that cuts income taxes for the rich it also cuts education health care funding and is going to cost fifty one thousand ohioans their jobs how does this guy plan to keep industry well it turns out his plan is to restrict people from voting new voter i.d. a lot of problems that we're republicans no longer require poll you know you know
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the story here i mean this is this is part way work on steroids so it's going to happen only because if if if the voter id law is as bad as think progress and you suggest it is and this is part of a series of election reform some of which i think you probably would support if it is bad is that you know in eighty percent in what cases it was doing is so terrible and eighty percent of people don't like him it doesn't matter what. election laws he passes is no way. that's going make a difference but it is when you have some law that says you can stay there for twenty years and if fourteen thousand people in the last election oh yeah but if you think they're going to just because they're able to rob eighty percent of the blog area seven people in ohio now hate john case it doesn't really matter what they perhaps well yeah ok you're right on that and we'll see but eighty percent don't hate him and sixty percent or sixty days are going to go to the dissolution of the committee i think as stealable. percent ten percent is nuts the oval and i don't think these are election laws that are like
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a whole series of these thing what some of that makes it easier is there are people in here this is this is what we said back in the one nine hundred eighty surplus where. now many of our crystal have. grown good government they want everybody. i don't want everybody to vote elections are not won by a majority of people they never happen from the beginning of our country and they are not now. when the election is quite candid like go drop out go calling populist go is the guy who is helping run the reagan campaign that speech was given when he was running the reagan campaign he helped run the george w. bush campaign the republican plan for the last thirty years has been disenfranchised voters i mean in florida just before the two thousand election katherine harris kicks eighty seven thousand mostly african-americans off the voter rolls illegally so nobody is even talking about it anymore except the end of just because paul said it he doesn't want the wrong people to vote does not mean that he
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doesn't want democrats that i know but obviously that means he's going to help republicans vote get out the vote for republicans no you have no evidence you have is better ideologues no evidence of hallway rick therefore a set of stumbling blocks for democrats to get to the poll well that's that you know that's one million rehnquist made his chops was standing in the republican party in the eyes of the president was stay doing in phoenix arizona and paul winds kicking latino's in american native americans out of out of line by challenge and you're also pointed out i don't i'm not even going to i can also point to mcgrath so sitting out buses to pick up people who you know need help getting there making sure they get there and he's going to steal was running for the sun you know i don't know. but there's we're making much ado about such a minor thing in the ohio election but i mean just it's what you do well it's not just i tend to be all over the country in fact i did a google search on that law i found that one article from think progress people are not talking about that so i can now see switching gears the casey anthony case.
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apparently the latter we don't we still don't know i haven't seen any evidence that he did actually rape this made a joke other than she's making a bet with his will but in both cases the media got them. it's never been a law in canada but for a long time the media policy there back in the seventy's were. i was working when i was doing news in michigan and can i was reading a story the media policy was you don't announce the name of somebody who's been arrested you announce their name when they're convicted should we think about doing something like that here in the united states not this i'm not suggesting as a law but as you know as a as a media policy it should be more prudent i think i mean i think there's no question as they say where do you get your name back after it's already been said here if you're. struck khan is completely innocent and he did nothing unseemly i mean it will matter because his name has been tarnished and always be tarnished and people are not to remember that he was exonerated they remember him from the million times they said his name was producing something horrendous other friends said they might
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want to run again you know so you throw in france well i think a french were always skeptical of the arrest although now he's got a woman in france who is suing him for it so i think he has a long history a long history of not needing necessarily doing something illegal and you very. well may have but he's not known as one of the best characters we have i have real issues i mean seriously just talking points aside we have real issues here in the united states with one of the highest levels of child poverty in the developed world we've got one fifty percent of all american children at some point between birth and the age of eighteen will be on food stamps that doesn't exist anywhere else in the developed world we've got some serious and it's ninety percent for african-americans we have some serious problems in this country and we're not talking about those we're talking about casey anthony it just seems to me like we've got our you know the media has its priorities scrambled. generally the specifics i mean ninety percent that seems pretty high to me i don't know at some
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point the birth eighteen i agree with you i'm a general point i can't agree on the specifics because i'm not sure about those stats i think the united states is only going to use poison for anyone who grew up in the entire world one in five children right now is like that but generally i think that we get obsessed with these type of story it's because they're good for ratings and it would be more helpful if we went to more serious issues that are out there. no i agree and i think that there are real problems in our country and you know some people have been crying out that it's very ironic that you know we were so upset that i women who seemed to have murdered her two year old child you know it goes on but yet we still have a huge abortion problem as well in this country where some people would say you know every day we have thousands upon thousands of babies that are thrown into the trash well and you know and the problem that is a real problem that our country you know tries to address and every day there are children who don't have who need foster homes that we don't have them every day there are kids being abused every day there are kids who go missing who are just don't get to go you know have their day in court is it just seems like the whole
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circus thing it's like at some point the american people are going to say hopefully enough of the bread and circus you know we'd like to and. just just you know it too will republicans cave and agree to a debt limit deal to raise taxes. to raise taxes or i think there will be a debt limit deal i don't know what the composition of the deal will be but i imagine that there will be we will not default on our debt as my guess i think the last general suggest is good that we have a temporary extension like for two months and then we actually do cut a deal where we say ok we'll raise taxes on those but they were going to cut the corporate taxes me i'm going to do that well i think that you should read about future and all and then see that invariably no solution for both parties he can go out there and they listen to republicans and i rose in that to turn it into an election they want to push this into the election but he can use as the election issue to see he can say look i don't know this new polls i go i'm definitely going against those corporate jets that these businesses can get i mean i think it's one of those if you read the wall street journal you know i think you have really got
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to worry a lot about suggesting that the president should be reading. these words he doesn't . at leisure thank you both for being with i think it down for sure coming up the republican race for the white house is getting a bit more interesting for the possible bid from the white supremacist after the break from. state representative david duke lays out his plan for the republican party. bribes the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions completely break through it through it if you have made who can you trust no one who is you who with noble mission to receive where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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about the big picture on child marvin coming up in this half hour three years ago change was brought to the white house when america like the first african-american president ever repeat possibly take place would be a lie from the former k.k.k. leader i guess david duke. and a plus a one of those kicked off an american actually was a us here airlines flight after being told she was
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a security risk you won't believe what her offense was and just how far security theater you know airports is turning flying into a national. and tempers are still high after the final verdict in the casey anthony trial in my daily take will break down another trial that americans are hungry for the people versus wall street. what else could round out the republicans field of candidates for president than a white supremacist jumping into the mix that's right david duke the former republican state representative from louisiana and with thomas robb the man who changed the k.k.k. from white sheets to business suits is their uniform is hinting that he may be jumping onto the race for the white house take a look at this online video released by duke about a year ago.


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