tv [untitled] July 7, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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me. the drug war is zero or no i don't mean that in a john lennon war's over if you want it kind of way i mean it in the if only we had a consistent principles government legal technicality kind of way so basically not all white people native american search is p.o.d. and accidentally on a study hall come together in that story and i got a feeding frenzy our ozzie pal rupert murdoch and his news of the world is on carts of americans for tax reform on the budget talks and why is the job cost less than the simulate jobs ron paul for gotten by m.s.m. d.c. charlie beats on his nine eleven flip and our special guest is health ranger night adams of natural news dot com if you're not enraged you're not paying attention to
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adam vs the. news of the world is no more because news corp overlord rupert murdoch has pulled the plug on the british tabloid paper in reaction to the fast spreading cell phone hacking scandal controversy exploded yesterday when allegations were made that the paper had illegally eavesdropped on the phone messages of murder victims celebrities terror victims politicians and even families of slain british soldiers james murdoch news international chairman which owns directly news of the world the clerk of the paper sullied the reputation and has no place in his company police
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claim to have a list of more than four thousand potential victims whose phones may have been hacked so not only is the corporate media cheerlead for invasive governments i guess now it's also trying to emulate them news of the world has been around for over a century over century a half opening in eight hundred forty three so symbolically speaking. it's a pretty huge thing for a one hundred plus year old paper to close down overnight but in reality it's just another head of the hydra a puppet may be taken off the stage but the man behind the curtain remains and news corp is still the world's second largest media conglomerate still owns fox news and countless other propaganda outlets. instead of focusing on the dollars the basement or the illegality of our wars this people will hear about casey anthony and how important our government is for justice meanwhile now there are bullies in the media are taking shots at the scandal in their attempt to steal eyeballs as they refer to your attention as a media consumer and while the internet is killing if not at least keeping honest
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the mainstream at least thanks to this show the revolution will continue to be televised and the good news we promise the war on drugs is over. it is for us at least to see we're all now members of the oklahoma have a native american church. going to be at least in utah a landmark court ruling has been handed down stating that anyone in white guys can be members of the church and that any member's untitled has to be permitted to use quote any earth based her transport in their cars have it in their homes and use it in their own ceremonies on their property and any federal land previously had been asserted by the courts that it was illegal for the church to possess cannabis and then that only those of native american blood were allowed legal exemptions to use pay o.t. and ceremony but this is the longer the case because the tribe is federally recognized under constitutional law it's been deemed a restriction of religious liberty to restrict access to cannabis so bust out the
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pipes bombs blunts and pay o.t. but not the acid ecstasy or strangle as it was those are not earth based herbs and you have no right to put them in your body at least according to government oh and most cops don't recognize the law and most courts want to actually take this decision as president anyway so i guess the word is. not really over but at least the next time someone is taken prisoner by the enemy in this war they'll have a new novel the facts. and joining me now is mike adams of natural news dot com the health ranger himself about the f.t.'s latest attempts to squeeze out parts of the supplements industry i think the highest of the pharmaceutical industry mike thanks for being with us tonight and i'm going to join you again thanks for having me back on i know before we get into this we've also seen a story from the associated press going around that in one thousand nine hundred five not a single state in america had an obesity rate over twenty percent now all but one
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does now you came from. having type two diabetes or sell to curing yourself by paying attention to your health and eating properly eat the f.d.a. doesn't mean what you say vitamin c. cure is scurvy now we'll come back to that but what is it that's going on in the minds of americans there's got to be something more than just the crap food that is that is forced into supermarkets by the government's meddling in the free market that is accounting for this what's your theory behind it well the food has a lot to do with it but it's also the chemicals that are added to the food so we have bisphenol a which is a hormone mimic or we have images g. and it what are called excited toxins which actually create artificial hunger in your body to make you want to eat more of the same food that's making you will be so in the first place and like you said i used to be borderline obese and borderline diabetic so so i know what i'm talking about and i i'm not making fun of
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anyone who is obese it's a very difficult challenge but it can be overcome if you just dismiss the conventional information from the f.d.a. in the food companies and get rid of that junk get rid of the chemicals and start turning to healthy foods and super foods and some exercise along with that in the sunshine which is good for you not deadly by the way as the inside out of national cancer institute wants you to believe you can actually reverse diabetes levitical seen it for the for the obesity of the national you really think that the increase we've seen over the last several decades is directly a result primarily of the increase of those chemicals in the food supply. i didn't catch the last part of what you think it's the increase in chemicals in the food supply that's primarily responsible for the obesity epidemic you have audio there can you get me out here i mean why i didn't quote unquote hear that i'm sorry so you are you just saying that it is the the increase in chemicals in the food supply
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that is primarily responsible for the obesity epidemic i think our quote part of that question i'm sorry we're always having. and i should difficulties. if certain i can hear you are the connections a little spot here so will us who want to hear stories i want to cover this more importantly about the f.d.a. all right we've lost mike out of get unfortunately we'll see if we can get him back up on skype but one of the stores we want to talk about here was the latest attempt by the f.d.a. to squeeze out a lot of the natural health products industry from the pharmaceutical industries desire to have less competition in the market and so what they're doing is they're crying what they're calling requirements called and the n.t. eyes for this is any time a natural supplement company wants to change their ingredients or alter the formula in any of the products they're producing they now have to go through
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a new process of f.d.a. approval which would be potentially more onerous then what pharmaceutical industry the pharmaceutical industry has to go through to get new drugs approved unfortunately also did not get a chance to ask about the g.m.o. marijuana but we'll work on that all right so we have another disturbing incident to share which i think is particularly revealing of the consequences of a police state the details so far are thin but apparently the gentleman the victim you are about to see in this clip was in a bike accident and was being treated on the scene by paramedics with the help. if you can call it that of the police look closely here and you'll see that he's telling them he does not want a neck brace put on and when police not paramedics attempt to do it anyway and he pushes the breaks away he's tackled.
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they. go. even one police are here to help you they seem to have a way of making it very clear they usually care more about imposing their will by force i said in the past it's the bad apples in law enforcement they give the other five percent a bad name well when one of those five percent stands up for justice we stand with them at adversity ma'am. was. the way. we were. so that's an extremely rare kind of incident but this can only happen under the right conditions first there can only be two cops present if there's
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a third they're probably taking the side of the guy doing the beating even if not actively second they have to think there aren't any witnesses once again this video that you see ends when the cop standing over the victim realizes he is being recorded and comes out for the camera third it has to be a rookie cop because the department fires anyone who challenges the status quo of letting cops get away with murder but we can just hope that this guy this one particular great cop was able to stay on the force. so maybe the t.s.a. has been watching the dark knight too many times but the terrorist chatter being parroted from the v.h.s. now is that bogeyman are planning to surgically implant bombs inside their own bodies in order to sneak explosives into airplanes the d.a. says the media outlets are saying that this would make explosives nearly undetectable nevermind that explosives mean smuggled properly onto a plane are already undetectible without
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a cavity search the new message from big sis here though unlike the pat downs the light being molested tough expect more c.b.s. news is already reporting that the t.s.a. has been told to keep an eye open for people who may appear in discomfort or pain you know like most people going through t.s.a. checkpoint as they may appear so because of their implanted explosive devices that's going to go over real well with more patience meanwhile ron paul is again mounting an attack on the t.s.a. reintroducing the american traveler dignity act perfect timing to use the fear mongering and obscure in his valiant efforts paul said of the t.s.a. behavior quote the press reports are horrifying ninety five year old women humiliated children molested disabled people abused men and women subject to unwarranted groping and touching of their most private areas and voluntary radiation exposure to these new d.h. s. alerts are going to make the fight easier for civil libertarians but it's vital
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that we keep the pressure on the t.s.a. the longer this goes on the harder the fight against these invasions of privacy are going to get and i remember our silly friends over at morning joe on on m.s.n. b.c. the ones that giggle uncontrollably when someone calls obama a dick. i'm sorry i'm sorry the viewers certainly meek and i also apologize to our kids watch yes they call it boring joey but it all happened. to the kids of america we certainly have no it's not about appropriate on any level it only started it again and we all apologize we apologize for the entire show i'm a profoundly sorry as well i'm sorry i will tell you we are so yeah well they've been up to their usual sad attempts at manipulating reality to fit their liberal agenda who we have here romney pullin see huntsman cain the enrich they couldn't possibly be anyone in the g.o.p.
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with integrity there couldn't possibly be a republican with a constitutional platform there couldn't possibly be a non-establishment outsider running for office of the base of the party against the shills oh wait. yes ron paul raised four and a half million dollars this past quarter that would have put him in second place on their little charts now our good friend gary french the reality report is calling for ron paul supporters to demand an apology from m.s.m. b. c it's on m s n b c dot com slash tell joe what i would suggest instead that when the statement gets cut out for you to you share this video with everyone you know who watches imus and b.c. so they can see what ate the liberally warped view of reality they are being fed in words right in the audience. whereas here on adam vs the band we like to please our viewers so after this break as requested if we're really talking to charlie beats on his change of hearts we're not going to college. nine eleven plus an interview
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with john carts of americans for tax reform on the president's that talks you know they're going to have to keep raising the debt limit somehow in order to keep screwing over the american people also the bigger since he has some predictions for civil unrest in america and the role washington and wall street play in your life will be covering a role that should be obvious by now states in your watching adam versus the. r g is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. the old. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's considered breakthrough that sort of who can you trust no one who is in view with the overall mission that would see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do r t question more. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't understand hard look at the big picture. into a little military recluse a little to bring justice to accountability. i have
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a right to know what my government truly want to know why i think. i would characterize obama as a charismatic. of american exceptionalism. welcome back to adam vs the man unfortunately it seems starlee beach is having some technical difficulties from across the pond which gives us a little more time with our next guest i'm very happy to be joined in studio right now by john carter director of communications and americans for tax reform john thank you for being with us tonight thanks for having me i dealt a lot of the news media were saying on the talks between obama the republicans and
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democratic leaders in the senate lot of back and forth not a lot of progress it seems like it's a game of chicken leading up to this default deadline coming up when when the treasury will no longer be able to borrow money to actually pay the daily bills of running the united states federal government is there more to it than this why am i missing something or is this waiting till we get as close to that last one as possible so everybody can see how much of how big a piece of the pie they can get for their own interests well the mainstream media you can tell where their biases lie because every time republicans speak about taxes and it's always holding the line on taxes as in texan creases are off the table so boehner and mcconnell in through and through throughout the house and senate republican caucus they've been very solid on that so the media every time they say something they they think oh is there an opening up here to the republicans want to raise taxes but you know. sadly for the for their bias that's that's not the case but let's look what happened here obama came into office he took federal spending increased it by one trillion dollars he took it from an average of twenty one percent to twenty five percent
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a matter of two years and he wanted to lock that spending in long term permanently so now you see the collective left having this primal scream because they're realizing that the republicans are not going to fold on taxes and we actually have the co you have confidence in that give congress the republicans are not going to fold you don't think you're going to have any i do now all of these all of these republicans that we're talking about here all the way up the banner right they've all signed the a.t.r. play you know they have everybody is on the taxpayer protection pledge in the house with the exception of six republicans and seven in the senate because there is that this is a they miss it or they want to reserve the right to raise taxes though those those few rows of the republican party they have varying reasons of them say that they don't sign pledges but we got most from like it's over ninety five percent of the republicans so when you take that pledge though is the necessary but not sufficient step to focus on spending so first you need to draw a line in the sand saying no new tax hikes ok then and only then you get the question of spending cuts so this is where the left is going crazy so what's what's
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your take on the raising of the debt ceiling itself i mean is that something that has to happen i mean are we conceding at this point like this yes to continue this the miserable system to keep it from collapsing. we're going to we're going to accept that the debt ceiling is going to have to be raised well another thing let's look at obama since we've since he's taken office said spending has gone up one trillion dollars in you know spend eleven more days of your life working to pay off the cost of government three year yeah this is a study that we put out the one trillion dollars in the increase in the budget equals eleven more day lesson for the average american lawyer being that you've lowered the government so thanks for that and that's that's now over over half the . isn't it. true they want to tax freedom day well in august ours is cost of government is well into august but to get to your question and i think boehner has the right approach and he says dollar for dollar if you're going to raise the debt
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limit by x. number of dollars you have to cut x. number of dollars if you want to raise a bill i'm going to join you get a cut two trillion i think that's a pretty good standard to go by i'm i'm a little surprised to hear a true fiscal conservative say that banners on the right track there were maybe maybe on this wish to give him a lot more credit but i want to turn to obama speaking of obama yeah we have a clip from the twitter town hall he did yesterday on the debt limit. if we do not the entire world capital markets could decide you know what the full faith and credit of the united states does mean anything. and so our credit could be downgraded interest rates could go drastically up and it could cause a whole new. spiral into a second recession or worse so our second recession or worse because we're the first one is the long great one that we're not willing to call it depression yet but he makes a he makes a very important point about the full faith and credit of the united states government not being worth anything how was it still worth anything at this point.
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well when we hit the quote debt limit obama has it's up to him to figure out what we pay out the revenues come in it ten times the amount of what we have to pay off immediately with respect to creditors so this is just another artificial deadline put forth by him and treasury secretary geithner to try to scare people if they wanted to do you think this deadline of not being able to borrow this coming i would august i will cite already moved it once and you know like i just moved again based on you know we don't what are his numbers or not so is that is the inability to borrow money not even relevant he said we're getting ten times the amount to service the debt but that doesn't have anything to that it doesn't even cut into funding the day to day operations of the government right i mean how does how does that relate to well that's really never governing it's all about making choices it's finally you have to when you cut spending you have to you have to prioritize make choices cut things and maybe you only hire one employee for every two to quit
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and there's any number of reforms that you can do to cut spending structurally before you even got to look in the dell i we have another clip i want to play from alan greenspan former chairman of the federal reserve board let's roll that. where we default on interest rates it would be ricochet through the international financial system and our aaa credit standing before more importantly our view as the saver of last resort because. we can't afford to do that i don't know that america was ever consider the saver of last resort as much as though the printer of last resort when it comes to generating money through the federal reserve system and i know greenspan used to be a real free markets area kind of sold out of the whole centralized monetary policy thing is this term of the fed but what is what he's saying correctly in terms of the implications that if. rick is saying throughout the economy through global
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markets if we default on the debt you know it's not like were greece a lower heading that way i mean we have the money to to pay those to pay those obligations and so this is underlines the fact that we need to cut spending and long term if we don't cut if we don't get spending under control now and we just keep going the way we are going up like europe and then nobody will have confidence in our ability to to pay those debts so then and yet it says i don't know it's going to send a more practical sort of messaging for conservatives going into the two thousand and twelve election cycle trying to take out obama who said that you know with the stimulus unemployment was going to go over eight percent now it's officially nine point one nine point five you know by saddle government stats it's twenty two and a half percent or so how do you convince the average american who goes government spending unemployment checks but if we cut government spending employment generally goes up yeah the public is obviously not buying it friday late evening on friday
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this is what the obama administration does they dumped all their cheerful news late in the day this last one was their stimulus report which you know if they actually thought it was good news they would have put it out of big you know earlier in the week or they would have trumpet or had a press conference out of no they dump it on a friday what they claim is their made up metric of jobs saved or created think about that jobs saved or created so even if just there's a net loss of jobs which there's been about two million so we'll say credit to whatever's going on yeah it gives you this huge. ability to fudge so how do you get the american people past that basic obvious mental block that you know we see money from government ah that's going to help us when they don't even see the broken window fallacy the hidden costs all the what's behind that all of the potential economic development lost because the government is taking and spending this money in one part that the obama administration will never tell you about the stimulus they always talk about the money that they showered on the money they spent on people well that's one side of it what about over here with the. took the money in
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the first place every single dollar comes from somebody who earned it only once or more in debt or dos or general bright of course well what i mean i guess it's easy for us when you can understand how where that money comes from or how inflation works it really comes from the poorest the people who are least able to protect their assets from government confiscation we want to play one final justice from rand paul his commitment to not vote for an increase in the debt ceiling until we get a balanced budget amendment we will actually vote in favor of raising the debt ceiling next week if we can but it will be contingent on passing a balanced budget amendment to the constitution is a worthwhile deal we're focused on americans for tax reform on the line in the sand of no net tax increases. i don't know if we'll get a vote on the balanced budget amendment one thing it's difficult because it contingent upon democratic votes are you really going to get twenty democrats to vote for a balanced budget amendment i don't know well maybe if it comes out of the deadline even if it's the one that timothy geithner kind of invented or the mint
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administration is is advocating for themselves we we can only hope we should push all right thank you so much thanks very much i really appreciate it i that was john carter director of communications at americans for tax reform now being a brzezinski former national security advisor to president carter appeared on morning joe today on imus n.b.c. . we're really not trying to pick a fight with them in particular they just made themselves really ripe targets lately. yesterday so this is where his daughter mika brzezinski is a co-host to discuss the income disparity and potential for unrest in the united states now is the doubts he would put it there since he is globalist scum but for all his time and experience being globalists he's learned a lot. we are the worst in terms of social inequality and that is a problem that can be only endured if that country is economically successful and
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right now we're not. note the collectivist language but moving past that he does point out a problem that may be coming to an end he was asked when we might see civil unrest in america and this was his answer when the lower middle class begins to be more securely affected and for your business of joining duran's of the unemployed or the in this financial if you can. wait are we there already has he not heard that real employment is over twenty percent in america maybe he's insinuating that those are the people below the lower middle class if we don't get our act together at home will not on the suffer domestically that we may find ourselves in a world which is increasingly out of control. and remember when he says we it's hard to know if he's referring to americans the government or the globalists but either way we can only hope he's right as gerald celente calls it the first great
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war of the twenty first century is the one we're already seeing now between the people and their governments and so many countries we can only hope we as in we the people are able to be the would be controllers present with all the talk of financial calamity of one kind or another i help my fellow human beings yes you all of you are coming to realize a fundamental truth about economics. none of our capacity to produce goods and services to provide for basic human needs is changed by anything done in washington or on wall street if anything as for the natural course of humanity to be more productive and lead better lives from generation to generation our capacity has continued to increase and yet we see stagnated and decreasing quality of life throughout the world we see sustained unemployment we see massive exploitation by governments in those financial institutions institutions empowered by government we
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see the greatest divide between haves and have not have nots and it's not because of the free market it's because the government keeps stealing from the people through taxes and inflation and you feed in the superclass they are parasites we do not need the financial system they speak of failing to enjoy freedom and prosperity is that realisation matter well humans we are ultimately practical creatures and we do what we must to survive and prosper before we stand on principle but when most people realize that the current leech on society referred to as the financial system spawn from the federal reserve is a threat to our survival we will overthrow it and that's our show for tonight thanks for tuning into adversus and please take out adam was the man accountable and yes the topics by me on facebook and twitter as always you can email me adam it out of reach of the man dot com and catch his broadcast live as it airs at r.t.e. dot com so i should say in.
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