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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2011 7:31pm-8:01pm EDT

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i'll be there are i not going to do if this doesn't look as a reporter with me max kaiser and stacy herbert my guest dr michael lots and if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report in r t t v dot ru until next time this is max keiser saying.
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broadcasting live from the heart of moscow certainly glad to have you with us. the press is good at britain's biggest selling newspaper mired in a phone hacking scandal media mogul rupert murdoch has pulled the plug with police investigating the tabloid for snooping on the. murder victim and of the families of dead soldiers and people killed in terrorism attacks. have been arrested on suspicion of espionage just days after nine people were sentenced to lengthy jail terms for spying the opposition has a time president regime for targeting mass media saying he's a. russian hysteria. politicians allowed
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rating agency moody's decision to downgrade to junk status and threaten possible retaliation. through financial markets. could follow greece. defaults. and up next the daughter of pioneering film genius charlie chaplin the spotlight on her own acting experiences. for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. how again a walk into spotlight. on. i'm now doing all day today my guest is geraldine chapter. and granddaughter of all nobel prize winning playwright eugene o'neill and
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a daughter of charles spencer chaplin the movie genius she herself managed to achieve international arena and today she's often invited to be a member of the jury's tough international film that's to talk about cinema talk about her life to talk about the days she spent here in moscow my guest today is geraldine checked. job and chop and comes from the family of an actor who is a symbol of cinema itself she's the daughter of charlie chaplin and just like a father she's a brilliant actress she's rage work tirelessly day night and own ways with a contagious smile probably that's why she's a frequent guest of different festivals this year geraldine was chosen to have the moscow international film festival.
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thank you very much for being with us on the show pleasure well russians are pretty critical self-critical everything from weather to the governments that football their movies what's your point of view how did you. would you estimate the thirty third film festival because the press was pretty lousy over the radio in the russian press yes. and the were they owe. about this election you know about the first oh i thought i had the greatest time i saw brilliant movies we discovered these three discovered i mean that i discovered these three four extraordinary films. utter luxury of being in a hotel room where i open the curtains and there's the red square every morning i got to see that with this beautiful weather the absolutely charming more lovely
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people. so i can't find that. maybe this afternoon something out of the movies what about the movies. you were the chair of the jury so what's the criteria you yourself introduce through for selection for judging no not at all i mean a diversion for me it had to be. it's you can't really rationalize emotion and it went through my eyes my heart my stomach my brain not necessarily in that order but the amazing thing was that the jury we were all very very different and we were sort of avoiding each other at the beginning and then thinking oh boy this is going to be such a battle and everything and hey came the reunion we had all picked the same film. we were all absolutely.
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and that was incredible i mean i had in the matter of the night before i was saying ok i want number one to be the special prize the jury prize to be the story and i want the best directed to be from that chinese film which is the hong kong for no one to go into that out of criteria without coming across you know as the only thing i can compare it to would be. say. you're presented with this. chest the chest and is minutes full of treasures and you moment you have all this wonderful jewelry and you take and there are this necklace and this necklace and this ring in this and this brace and it's all full of this treasure and suddenly there is this perfect pearl. and you take that out. and that is the film. and then you take out the amazing
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opulent full of jewelry magical really and necklace and that is the story and then you find this very strange but perfect design and you can some of the something exotic about but it's such the artistry is so amazing that's the chinese film there's no other criteria and then it doesn't mean all the rest are fake mo we had a couple fakes there. but they were. comparing it to jewelry isn't that awful but. i'm not surprised. because you do have a special feeling to spain to everything spanish ury you can speak you speak spanish well i mean that in my local area oh no but but but what what's your opinion spanish cinema today is really as different a special a spanish football what we can say what makes perishable different but what makes
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spanish cinema's so special. when good directors good directors under fortunately there's a severe lack of value of. a produces i mean the crisis there's very little money. well there's little money makes you think she's met them pig know then people go for something that they're pretty sure that they're going to get mum's on seats with. you know for the first week and that's it. but this film is really a set such a jewel and the amazing thing is that that the free press he also gave that the first prize so it wasn't just because we spoke spanish and this is what's your opinion about the contemporary russians and which is which is also very much criticized by the russians say well these were the days when the soviet times when the russians did good movies what about today's russians you're personally did you
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see a lot of them no i saw two the two that were in competition and they were both f. ing brilliant shop ito show which we gave the special jury prize to is a magnificent film it is well it is unbelievably funny it's very sad it's very russian it is incredibly intelligent it tells four different stories and it tells them from different different as not different point of view but you see what yes it is when you see one story and then suddenly that story is in the other side of the story it is the beautiful images at one point you know the subtitles were very low and very tiny and suddenly the image didn't matter the images they completely took over and. it went out thing i want to work with this guy this is an amazing film it is amazing the other spanish
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movie heart the boomerang is very. very beautiful spanish version russian mission actually spanish. russian special feeling to the spanish you know it was. it's the story of a young guy twenty three year old he works in the metro and the doctor says to at the beginning of the movie you know you have this heart problem and you could die any second and how everything suddenly is transformed but not in an obvious way he tells no one he doesn't tell his mommy doesn't tell his friends he doesn't tell his girlfriend he doesn't tell anyone but the filmmaker by showing it by staying a little longer than he should on this cup makes you feel that maybe of course this guy and in two seconds may never see a cup again and the relationships change or become more feel that this man
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is looking at the last moments of his life you have to part you played him in the number of movies that were nominated different systems so you know this feeling of being judged of the way they were what's more difficult to to be judged or to judge for yourselves. can you compare and again i'm not mad about the word judge i mean i think the prizes are often often in this case not but often the prizes are certain. compromise i mean i've been in a lot of juries where. part of the jury is that about one film and another part is passionate about another film and so one chooses for the first prize a film that sort of most people agree that they like and so and then after insisting on them you know that really does not mean we get this consensus which is which is not good. in this in our case it wasn't like that we were all of the jury
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were absolutely passionate about these three films but in answer to your question. i don't know the festivals they're all with when you go to a festival as a as a participant in the film it's just you're so overworked and it's so crazy and it's so you don't see and you don't don't get to see any movies all you do are interviews and selling the movie and you don't even have time to worry when people talk about sport this. isn't about selecting the best it's about selecting the we're naming the will will be the festival is about selecting the best movie or is it again about see who won this canal it's just a certain thing that happens at a certain time i'm sure a lot of it has to do with what time the jury see the film how late they were up the night before. yes which none of us went to win two of them but no i don't think i don't think it's i don't think it's the best i don't
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think it's it's those those words are all awful i mean we're looking for. movies and we're passionate about movies if you get into a jury have to because otherwise it's. it's an uncomfortable job as you say judging no. and you see and you learn and you learn from every movie that you see is it fun being part of. it is a. it's very hard work it's very hard work we saw. i'll tell you the number thirty four hours and twenty minutes of movies. which but working into they give you chills to you to watch something on a d.v.d. and you hope solo i know that wouldn't have everything that wasn't me that wouldn't be fair we have to be in the in the movie theater at a certain time and see it on the big screen with a public and i guess any action of the public yes yes prejudice to react since
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i don't want to be able to sit down i don't think it is for me i think i'm going to get completely involved. in the film says children chaplin chair of the thirty third moscow it's national film festival spotlight will be back shortly after a break we'll continue this interview so stay with us don't go. shoes that so much and there's each musician on the mark after decades but then one south sudan is set to become an independent state drawing as the world in. spending the year in iraq is military journalist. killing us characters there is
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to waste the time trying to get killed. i thought all along the way to. my. twenty seven days to publicize it he invited me to take the lead species you. who started the debate have a dialogue with. truthiness where you seriously. download the official location on the phone only pod touch from the story. one jaunty life on the go. video on demand on
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t.v.'s mine gold comes and says feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. more news today violence is once again fled uplands these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are today. welcome back to spotlight i'll bring all of in just a reminder that my guest on the show today is joe chapman the famous actress and
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she came to moscow this summer to be the head of the jury in moscow international film. children well we talked about a first about yourself well bit well you actually started your acting career maybe not the career bitter learn. when you took dancing classes in switzerland is not true and i wanted to be a ballet dancer because i fell in love with my sister in law who was a ballet dancer and i thought she was the greatest thing on earth and so i wanted to do i wanted to have her hairdo and so i went into dancing and then i fell in love with ballet ballet with my feet and that was when you went to boarding school so it's a little know what was the late late late i wasn't you know i was here i wasn't boarding school but my parents live nearby but i go to the ballet class and you went to the belly and i went to ballet classes and then i was a dancer then i was a professional dancer and then i worked for a while in the circus i trained elephants and then you train go knows then then i.
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not as romantic as it sounds and so i love the let's find a look for something easy it's interesting that you told me that because in some of your interviews i heard that your dad spencer he was he was strongly against his children take an acting oh yes and you started for of the verb for from a very early age being a ballet dancer then serious so what do you say though that ballet or it was ok for him dosing was ok well i had never thought i'd be that serious about it i was fourteen when i started which is a bit late now he wanted his children's to have his children to have decent professions like doctor lawyer and dentists says a lot of engineers would have been ok marmie tax would have been ok but actor i know that's the pits and so. i i left home i kind of did i leave home or was i thrown out i'm not quite sure i either left home or i was thrown away out of the seventh and and went into ballet and went to school and became a dancer and although i danced really beautifully in my head. the body
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never falls. oh i was doing without a job and i thought well let's look for something easy with a name like kaplan hey i can get a job and not. you or you were thrown. should watch the chaplain movie once again to see how it happened the question i want to ask you many people today they know your family your father. from the film. i know anything about charles chaplin you played in the movie you played your grand so how quickly i love this movie myself but how adequate is the food from your point of view is chaplin himself adequate when you watch this movie was it really do. you know. i thought robert downey jr was absolutely extraordinary but i don't know if that was daddy i was born when my father was
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already of white haired. i've got to know him when he must have been about sixty five or six and it was all you see you see. from a child the man the little tramp in the movies with this guy with dark hair when curly hair and it had nothing to do with my father my father was charlie chaplin and the tramp tramp and so i don't know if that's a good portrayal of not. but it's certainly a very attractive one it should have been longer the movie version and then. because it was a long life. you played your first. mistake in landlines yeah it was a it was an extra yeah what was your first impression when you when you first came to know how it's made i mean behind the wings of i had no idea i was eight years old. i was just so happy not to have to go to school. and then we had
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to go to school anyway because that was a law that you had to have classes but i so yes i still reconstruct in london and it was it was ok it was cool but it was nothing i wasn't old enough to really. be curious and appreciate just help. one of the greatest movies in which used on the was a was. tanya marsh reefs wife in dr zhivago. really great movie but there were way too later versions of the same movie and clued in the russian version of a jealous other versions of no i didn't know i didn't know i was. somewhere i can't we're coming aware and some journalist found when he said hey you know they're making. a t.v. version of i think with keira knightley i'm not sure is that a great you know good it's a compliment if they're remaking it they're remaking it it means the story is still
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good and gives a chance to other people i didn't know there was a russian one zero zero zero be interesting to see there actually. was a lot of talk about the talkies killing in the. cinema do you do you share this opinion do you think. that the sound in the movies killed the whole era to which you were. not at all no i think that. my father was very brave he made city lights one sound and you know he really was. but. did destroy a lot of activists whose voices had nothing to do with what the public thought i mean there were the lucky ones that had been voices. and but it didn't destroy a lot of people's careers. your daughter also become become and what do you think about your children following in your family for oh
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i'm indignant. i want them to have decent professions. in law you know. no no you really have you know that's what she wants but i said to her the first you know advice is you have to be able to take reject. because if. you if you're lucky and you go to if you go to one hundred auditions and you're lucky you're going to be rejected ninety nine times while you were you harbored the daughter of charles spencer chaplin and it's also the same for you you also go to you had to go to a hundred or do you know i was lucky i was lucky the chaplain they opened every door for me i mean i was so of been so lucky all my life i can't believe it did you enjoy being his don't i loved it really i just i got so schooled you know i got to school i would make friends with this is awful i would make friends with the with the girl who was the head of the class cause who was the cleverest and i'd say if
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you let me copy your latin exam i'll take you to my house and you can meet charlie chaplin. and that's how i got through my studies that's why i'm totally ignorant i covered all the girls and my mother would say this very strange friends this is with the glasses these studios tells us they've. that's how i got to school that's . its real life my father was so loved so well will you look you know because you go i think you're lucky because you managed to become something yourself not just being his daughter i hope not i have you know i've hoped that just because of the way you're also the granddaughter of famous playwright nobel prize winner his name's o'neil. in this part of the world people usually ask you about your day in the united states. chat with those who lost you about only is that true yes i mean they do know it happened but they're much more familiar with you know neil because everyone has studied him in school and because the one dollar stamp is eugene
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o'neill really i used to i used to collect instead of family photos family stamps i had it as a charlie chaplin this. is now. an english as i don't know and then eugene o'neill is the one dollar stamp in the states i said i open up my my little thing and i say this is my family they're all stamps that collection because you mean. the renaissance of cinema the first steps of cinema of the i mean you know that is no today you have to watch a lot of very modern and three d. . all those new technologies computer technologies and stuff what's your impression about these. new high tech technology come and do they bring something good into the cinema or do they kill something good oh well i don't know i saw three d. for the first time here and musk a million transformers yes it's quite amazing i mean yes i think maybe oh
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apparently venders has done film about pina bausch in three d. now that ought to be research alice in wonderland in three d. . as a matter of fact we right now are sitting in this bar it's a movie theater in the center of moscow where they have been showing soviet three d. movies for the last like thirty years what today three d. is. something new well i don't understand it is a i think being a perfectionist i remember the three days oh you had one one last which was read and one that was very and women had snow movies where. the hero would be walking through a. field of flowers and the sea god what about flower and i thought our boys movies . are so so so do you think do you think movies need that. you can't be a can be against new technology whatever i mean. to say movies are
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movies only when they're done no way you know. i have yet to see a really good movie in the new technology but i don't go to the movies that often except in festivals thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest on the show was geraldine chaplin the granddaughter of a nobel prize winner and daughter of a genius and that's it for now from all of us and we'll be back with more force than comments on blogs dealing in and outside russia and so then stay on r.t. and take your. first. called. second place
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of. the earth in the. wanted soil. on a.
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