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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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food for inspire shares and i would print certain displaying the photo in touch with her tell me touch your group the future a good girl how would international house flood the cheese every green loafer told in talk of. egyptians could take to square again in what they call a new phase of the revolution not the expectations from the previous uprising with dutch. king kills off britain's biggest selling newspaper rupert murdoch hits the panic button shots of the world i mean fury over phone snooping. and israel braces itself for hundreds of protesting in activists arriving by plane off their aid for to the ship's looks great. despite a windfall of oil revenues russia's budget gap as it struck expected to widen this hear more of this is about twenty minutes.
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they are watching r t well live from moscow welcome to the program egyptian activists are calling for a million people to converge on time this square later on friday saying the revolutions goals have been achieved high ranking officials of the previous without regime are being charged with organizing attacks on civilians meanwhile the former president's trial is pending next month but these are now reports objections and evil regimes legacy is still very much alive. i hear revolution was hijacked and they want it back egypt's uprising might have ousted president mubarak but to them he's far from god. we've got rid of mubarak but. all.
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well the taste of freedom was short lived the military is in full power mass media is being choked and oppression still rampant worth then before i think they werent catching activists as much as they are doing now. with prison yes now they're being really violent they want to. loose and they still get in the first place he's known simply as uncle hans and here in egypt a social network or with a twitter army of some thirty thousand followers the military troyer civilians have to stop you need to immediately this is you know one of the major commands were putting forward one of many demands including transparent trials for the fallen regime and the purging of corrupt officials unfortunate for the people. they had this kind of revenge with water that when he fell down they felt it's over everything is going to be fine and the country is full of cleaned up. but that's
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not. the truth. early in the week protesters began setting up camp here on talk weird for what they're calling the next phase of the revolution but this time they don't just want hundreds of thousands to come here they want to take the career across egypt and get rid of all but little people like myself have been arguing for taking. the king. to the word since meaning that every single word police we have in egypt. now what it was never interested in politics in till january she was shot with twenty three pellets by riot police twenty of which are still in her like the pain is finally gone but her perseverance is not a barrier of fear is gone. and she will continue to fight till the end i want every every egyptian citizen to be treated as
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a human being every pro chast or has their own vision of the egypt they're fighting for some want a constitution then free elections others think the new laws should follow the vote but one thing that brings them all together is that this egypt is not the end and he said no way are cheap cairo. but in libya rebel forces have advanced on the key road south of tripoli right away towards the capital u.s. lawmakers are continuing to bankroll the v.a. campaign despite repeated complaints that it's not sanctioned by congress. franklin lamb of americans concerned middle east peace so that nato is bombing is only uniting people on the come good though. the bombing needlessly puts the population on edge it increases anxiety and anger if nato is trying to weaken the
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regime it seems to me that as history teaches us would be a bomb of population it is often the unite behind the government of the day and rather than breaking the connection between the people and the leadership it seems to increase it was a mistake obama election may be on the line cannot afford a defeat and the victory comes like it's supposed to be as it is saddam and osama you've got to kill the bad guy so it looks to us like it's now a game of targeting the leadership otherwise nato ruses if nato loses the consequences are enormous there's enormous trillion dollar financial consequences for those members of the nato countries who are seen as aggressors and invaders here so the feeling is that they've got to do something the only thing they can do possibly to achieve a victory is either assassinate khadafi and some of his circle of order to add to that they might have to come on the ground nato has joined the side of promoting
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the rebels against the government again a clear violation of nine hundred seventy three. that was dr franklin there from the group americans concerns middle east peace his views on base his actions in libya. well best selling newspapers to shut down being engulfed in a phone hacking scandal it's a blow to their mettle as the news of the world's profits helped drive the dominance of news corp. the sixty eight year old sunday who it became branding claims the phone calls of thousands of crime victims dead soldiers and marines to set. up a backlash this week. have access to voice mail of missing teenager found was. later murdered his daughter some of her parents and desperate messages were white possibly giving false hope she was still alive british government is
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promising at least running into the early patients against the news of the world media analyst phil restyled r.t. the scandal is largely to sound the death knell of a politician's cozying up to looks newspapers but says the locals employ our instance of life. i think something changed this week and you know for decades british prime ministers have been on their knees to the to the murdoch press because they knew that when the sun which is his main daily newspaper here in britain when the sun supported a british politician running for prime ministership you know they won it and then you find in the next day you find that prime minister reading the sun and looking like an idiot same girl the son who got me elected i mean so you've got this demeaning of british democracy is that an initiator of democracy really which the murdoch press was at the heart of but i think there was a for a silence as well because important people needed the murdoch press and they couldn't be there they couldn't attack it because of that and i think a line was crossed but i think of the action that you know the rupert murdoch took
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shows that they'll be more revelations about remember river murdoch has a very finely tuned business brain and in my view this was a business decision he has a lot of things going on now one of them is to purchase the largest satellite network in britain called b. sky b. and that decision is about to be approved by the government that was in jeopardy i think he felt that as a businessman he had to sacrifice the news of the world because it in terms of the whole news international it's a tiny part of or about in terms of his global empire the amount of profits it brings yes it was profitable but he can satisfy that very easily and furthermore he could maybe in a year have a sunday sun the sun is the daily newspaper that he's very successful at and reopen something like that but i tell you the most important thing in my view is a good political cast have been sucking up to rupert murdoch for so many years including prime minister david cameron he now has to stand back and say no i can't do it anymore it's going to bag. well still ahead in the program georgia brings
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down the shutters on photographers before to take a spin on it it's clear the presence of free meals and spies to bolster his regime also. girlfriend issue. it's not a big deal if your guy is like expect to be all over. the doctor's discovery that screen helping generations of patients we're told again that's in russia close up in a few minutes not. massive explosions in the terminal city of other than there have reported left half its population without electricity gas and water the government statement says they were caused by my work with heroes and that they were injured. but media sources when the situation is far more serious that witnesses are reporting seeing bodies and injured people military and emergency vehicles have been dispatched to the scene from the capital following an emergency cabinet session chaired by the president just
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a little official information as to what's happened. hundreds of appropriate student activists are trying to reach blockaded gaza by air after several ships about eight thirty there were forced to dock in greece heading for largest international airport from europe in the u.s. but around top israeli security is waiting for them most near their first. this is the focal point where from the course of today friday some six hundred activists will be arriving on fifty different ways to show this thing for the palestinian people will be converging here at israel's largest airport pingree an international the israelis are paid out fine they must be at least five to six hundred police and security officers and the israeli media is reporting that the police have the names of more than three hundred activists the police are refusing to either confirm or deny this now the activists say that the action which has been dubbed
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a fly to let as opposed to the flip side which has been holed up in greece where some ten ships are being with use the mission by athens to sell to gaza these activists are saying that they want to highlight the plight of people not only in gaza but across the west bank and the palestinian territories they say that their action is nonviolent they said that they will be open the field parties here that they intend to travel to the palestinian territories and that proper course of the next week will have a number of activities that they will be participating in it will be interesting to see how the israeli authorities here at the airport deal with this because traditionally when people fly into israel and if they going to the participation of pro palestinian activities they can be dealt a very posh coat very often being supported also this country will be five french and belgian activists have been detained and deported from israel israelis are dropping these people for the guns and troublemakers israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in his latest of grace said that they will be dealt with as they
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need to be dealt with me insists they gave that gaza is not and to cease but is being held captive by the hamas leadership a must of course being an organization that is well because as terrorist policy our team in the international television. passes historic a final space shuttle mission they have to wait longer bad weather threatening to delay the launch when the turn up to the. spectators are expected to want to launch this commence the fleet's voyage as our team is going to take on reports what will be an unforgettable moment some will be painful for others. empty shells that's what was once florida's thriving space coast. up to ten thousand people will be out of a job as soon as the last shuttle makes its final voyage back to earth home to many of the kennedy space center workers rock which is on the verge of becoming
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a ghost town without the space program or pretty much nothing i mean this is what you know cocoa beach is built on the space program you know just a lot of you are going to be sorry me and people welfare left and right for you chance anthony chris a fully spent twenty three years with the shuttle launch team as an engineer with a client is blasting our for its final mission it means the end of his career with nasa and the beginning of uncertainty a year ago he started looking for a new job to no avail i have applied for jobs and so far i haven't gotten any concrete responses there's not that many jobs out there for sure the u.s. scrapped its shuttle program and now wants the private sector to come up with ways to get astronauts to space several companies are working on new vehicles but it's not clear when bill be able to deliver them one thing is certain though bill be able to hire only a fraction of the skilled space industry workers will be out of work soon this is
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the first ever it never made it to space but it was used for tests before the columbia shuttle first launch into space in nineteen eighty one a total of five shuttles i've been used for space missions since that two of them were last thing tragic accidents a nine hundred eighty six and in two thousand and three those lawsuits and the skyrocketing price break each launch gradually less to the cancellation of the. program but critics say it's hard to estimate the losses that the end of the shuttle program will bring about both for the space industry and the people involved i think it's a really bad thing for the united states to elt we're going to be difficult to rebuild it for years the shuttle has been the only vehicle that could very crew and a massive load of cargo to space officials say one of the reasons the program was scrapped is that it's safer and cheaper to send cargo and people separately something that russia for example has been doing for many years but whatever the
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reasons for scrapping the thirty year old program for those who devote their lives to it is the end of their dream job because i've already seen a lot of a few of my friends go in there being more people that are probably may never see again it also means the end of a once vibrant scientific community that's grown up around the shuttle. r t. but it sounds look into cyberspace now and see what's going to launch us r.t. dot com today. you have something to the credit agencies moody's causes a misery rating which was junk reading its words a second bailout. under a russian museums top stuffing for sourcing rhotic exhibition in the capital to compete for yourself but don't. for the high profile photographers have been arrested in georgia accused of espionage for
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a foreign state is detaining the president's personal sniper as well as an employee from the press who say wait and see if we're talking falls down rather allegations for you arrests come as nine other people were jailed for fourteen years for spying for russia the georgian opposition says a spy claims he turned to moscow styria to boost the presence of insurance control . writes novels the. russian steria see the mamie's this for. the worst. and mean allah be easy ways to write he should care in power because these cycles through a second care we truly and into solving he's going through normal case care and he thought of you in a cocoon nation for european compeers and why georgia so-called democratic country
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why do. you always call nation buggs to. keep independence of georgia and keep the position but he's going to get the so-called russian agents or russian spies or i do know. well more international news for you this hour. syria is accusing washington of interfering in its affairs after the u.s. ambassador to the country visited the flashpoint city of. forward travel to the city record temperatures are facing a security crackdown after weeks of i think of a new term inspiration transformation outside the area where rather than twenty people were shot dead and mr romney's thousands of people from fear and violence forces. the man who shot dead seven people including children who are american unstable who shouldn't have been killed after trying to promote himself or trick or
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trying to or is loosely connected to some of his victims through an extreme right the place manhunt began after four bodies were discovered in one house and three others were. also learned something say the three hostages he was hunted overnight . yemen's president has made his first t.v. appearance since being severely injured in the form of type one is not ali abdullah saleh who suffered burns to his face and some of the underground eight successful operations is uncovered in saudi arabia in his address and on state something inside a call for dialogue the result of months on restaurants and hundreds dead protests and steps down. russia has been renowned for its world leading scientists and inventors over the years will today explore one that says radical novel.
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you. are taking it in a cool gun range and in southern siberia in the ninety's fifty's it became the center of soviet orthopedics when a surgeon there invented a revolutionary method restructuring. sixteen years into his breakthrough. coma disability. the soviet union and russia gave the world many great inventions and what special about them is that it acknowledged you behind the snow houses often very simple very basic yet they remain in service for many many decades take this or use a rocket for example it was designed back in this sixty's the design hasn't changed that much to these day it remains the most reliable and actually at this point of time the only means of transporting humans to the international space station today we want to introduce you to another great invention of which proved just as durable
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and this is the frame of the paradis it was first designed back in the fifty's but it still remains the main orthopedic technique for treating both fractures all sorts of deformities and injuries as well as for a limp lengthening our next story is about back. to both of them it's about walking tall eight year old into the ground with his leg in left leg and twenty seven year old japanese engineer could if lightning self-confidence and if intrigue and even choose his predicament very much did turn centimeters short of an average charge for manager because some employers refused to hire me one of them actually was too short to deal with the client's computers already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to his stature it may seem like a tall order but the actual surgery is fairly simple though painful invented but if
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pain soviet orthopedic is good for you is there a family night in fifty's these frames were unusually used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them up or therefore stimulating tissue regeneration. was able to receive arms. unlike some people who thought they were crippled for life recent to be other patients shallow bones in their shattered lives. when professing lazaro designed his first brain using bicycle parts sixty years later as his invention is increasingly being used to help people who are eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller also goal is still the same fixing some of his life both literally and figuratively about a third of patients admitted she was out of central nowadays seeking surgery to focus medical reasons most of them are men and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor nor because of who operated on many of them sas it
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usually comes down to a man's pride some of the first patient he turned to was with a leg lengthening a quest was two meters fifteen centimeters tall but still want a surgery because his partner was taller than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix their head maybe nothing wrong with them for all for peter point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living their lives fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries are banned in many countries and even when i go out there pressure expensive in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package of the united states. financial considerations were one of the reasons that brought this washington state native to west and say bierria his main motive for the surgery had to do with how he paired him and others in america average height is one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty eight and so
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eight centimeters were brought here i doubt very it's what your average for women height isn't so important you know i think girl can be sure it's not a big deal like your guy is like expected to be a plumber just before your peroration knows it's mad a russian girl who found he's a regional hide why didn't during yet he still want to have to get surgery adding seven more savvy meters to he self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. it's an hour's work or you're so what a compliment for somebody who's used to fallen short of his own expectations sound like an artsy gun region. but i just think it's the david and goliath story of a tiny check village that took a stand against the bite of the american military on its doorstep. to get the
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business up that we walk. hello time to delve into the world of business russia's budget gap is likely to widen next year despite world revenues prime minister will double to three point seven percent while the gap will be filled with domestic and international woes on and by selling state assets whether the reserve fund accumulating world revenues will be left on caps instead the government will increase tax pressure on the gas industry russia spotnitz minister explains challenges his team faces one hundred of the state's growing appetite for. any expert will tell you that given our high oil dependence it makes more sense to raise taxes and cut the budget deficit by doing so he would not increase the risk for the whole economy but rather for his sort of industries here raising taxes for
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in our case giving golden state spending we have balanced the burden between business and the state. time to have a look at the markets now world prices are on the decrease as the market awaits us jobs report for insight into the basic a nonprofit of the world's biggest world's consumer that's after shot gains a day earlier brant to hit a three week high on thursday as u.s. state i'm told this buy ins and retail sales came in stronger than expected. because if you see asian shares are rallying on friday helped by the gains on wall street in japan it's just on the rise on the weekend. but in our head searching the opening bell in moscow the r.t.s. on the rise it's climbed around two percent on thursday propped up by high oil prices high oil prices helped set another record for rushing into says it's the largest daily gain both horses. to international
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companies have interviewed some of the country's business leaders about the trends and prospects of doing business in russia u.b.s. and camden kind of the range of business sectors including banking financial services and telecommunications when of course more brings us the highlights of the findings. business family and wealth that's what it all comes down to forty percent see new opportunities in russia from increase consumer demand and fallout from economic turmoil but fifty six percent are more interested in international ventures and the market has grown here certain companies have expanded their their their operations and they need now to find further places to deploy capital simple right secondly for reasons of diversification i think people have learned in the crisis that you need to be present in different places to be able to weather more difficult times three i think it's a function of the new thinking it's the going on here more and more people are spending time in the west are more western educated certainly the second generation
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research shows that russian super nourse are not impressed by the current business environment here they say there's not enough encouragement for and a vacation from fledgling companies as we know here in russia not everyone has their wealth from the bottom up some have become beneficiaries of wealth put out any economy to be successful to be and to thrive and you need to have an involvement a landscape that is conducive is supportive. of entrepreneurs and the next the next. business. the russian businessmen need to work on is long term personal wealth plans four or five i don't even have one and those i do see real estate as a safe harbor but yet again they are more interested in international property and if given the right price tag not that it would sell their business in a heartbeat. as archie's marna calls for pushing back and that props up the
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business boss new york state now joining in less than last time for another business update. coming to. the.
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movies. just so. it's. the first summer. the close up team is beat to the republic of north a situation where half of the area is occupied by nature research. this time are cheap goes to the region where men flock from all over the world to add a few centimeters to their self-confidence.


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