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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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gibson's flocked to tahrir square protesting against the interim government which they say stole their revolution for democracy and freedom. a fatal paper cuts for the news of the world britain's best selling newspaper killed off by its own toxic tabloid tactics the prime minister is launching a full inquiry into its phone hacking and. israel on high alert as pro palestinian activists swap their gaza flotilla for light turning to air travel after ships are held a port in greece. dozens of demonstrators prevented from reaching its goals in a post one hundred small stop to communicate cities i'm pleased to meet
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a few moments point nine days. two pm in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story thousands of angry protesters have started gathering in cairo's tahrir square unhappy that the revolutions goals are not being achieved and gyptian activists have been calling for a million people to gather their former president's trials pending next month but as artie's an isa now a reports gyptian believe his regime is legacy is still very much alive. their revolution was hijacked and they wanted back egypt's uprising might have ousted president mubarak but to them he's far from god. we got through the book so that ship is still alive and well the taste of freedom was short lived the new a
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terry is in full power mass media is being choked and oppression still rampant worse than before i think they werent catching activists as much as they are doing now. take them to prison i guess now they're being really violently want to kill. the school in the first thing he's known simply as uncle force and here in egypt a social network or with a twitter army of some thirty thousand followers the military throws of civilians have to stop immediately immediately this is you know one of the major commands were putting forward one of many demands including transparent trials for the following regime and the purging of corrupt officials unfortunate for the people who. they had this kind of revenge with mubarak that when he fell down because it's over everything is going to be fine and the country
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follows cleaned up. but this it's not. it was too. early in the week protesters began setting up camp here on talk we are for what they're calling the next phase of the revolution at this time they don't just want hundreds of thousands to come here they want to take talk rear across egypt and get rid of all but little people like myself have been arguing for taking you to the factories they can hire you to. do the work pieces meaning in every single word police we have in egypt that is amenable you know what it was never interested in politics in till january she was shot with twenty three pellets by riot police twenty of which are still in her leg the pain is finally gone but her perseverance is not the barrier of fear is gone. and she will continue to fight to the end i want every every egyptian citizen to be treated as
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a human being every protester has their own vision of the egypt they're fighting for some want a constitution then free elections others think the new laws should follow the vote but one thing that brings them all together is that this egypt is not the end and he said no way our teeth. in libya rebel forces have advanced i mean he rode south of tripoli is the battle their way toward the capital meanwhile u.s. lawmakers are continuing to bankroll the libya campaign despite repeated complaints that it's not sanctioned by congress dr franklin lamb from americans concerned for middle east peace says nato airstrikes are only uniting people further under gadhafi. but being needlessly puts the population on edge it increases anxiety and anger if they that was trying to weaken the regime it seems to me that as history teaches us with the a bomb a population is often the unite behind the government of the day and rather big
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breaking the connection between the people and the leadership it seems to increase it was a mistake obama. may be on the line cannot afford a defeat and the victory comes like it's supposed to be as it is saddam and osama you've got to kill the bad guy so it looks to us like it's now a game of targeting the leadership otherwise nato loses if they don't lose the consequences are enormous there's enormous trillion dollar financial consequences for those members of the nato countries who are seeing as aggressors and invaders here so that the feeling is that they've got to do something the only thing they can do possibly to achieve a victory is either assassinate khadafi and some of his circle or to add to that they might have to come on the ground they do who's joined the side of promoting the rebels against the government again
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a clear violation of nine hundred seventy three. commentary from franklin lamb from a group of americans concerned for middle east peace with his views on nato's actions and what you. train today's other top story britain's politicians have failed to stop the country's best selling newspaper from resorting to phone to hacking the phones of murder victims and dead soldiers families haven cameron rounded on the news of the world which is being shut down by its billionaire owner rupert murdoch this weekend following a massive public backlash one hundred sixty eight year old sunday tabloid became embroiled in claims of phone call interception theory is action reaction gathered pace this week when it emerged the paper may have access to voicemail of missing teenager milly dowler who was later found murdered. it starts on her parents' desperate messages why are you possibly getting false hope that she was still alive and he course in the papers former editor and most recently prime minister cameron's press spokesman faces arrest later on friday media analyst phil reeves
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tells r.t. the scandal is likely to sound the death knell for politicians cozying up to murdoch's newspapers but says the mogul's empire will survive i think something changed this week you know for decades produced prime ministers have been on their knees to the to the murdoch press because they knew that when the sun which is his main daily newspaper in britain when the sun supported a british politician running for prime ministership you know they won it and then you find in the next day you find that prime minister reading the sun looking like an idiot saying well the sun got me elected i mean so you've got this meaning of british democracy it's missing of democracy really which the murdoch press was at the party but i think there was a for silence as well because important people needed the murdoch press and they couldn't be they couldn't attack it because of that and i think a line was crossed rupert murdoch has a very finely tuned business brain he has a lot of things going on now one of them is to purchase the largest satellite
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network in britain called b. sky b. and that decision is about to be approved by the government that was in jeopardy i think he felt that as a businessman he had to sacrifice the news of the world because it in terms of the whole news international it's a tiny part of or back but i tell you the most important thing bill in my view is that the political cast had been sucking up to rupert murdoch for so many years including prime minister david cameron he now has to stand back and say no i can't do it anymore it's gone too bad. stay with us here on our t.v. still to come final step in nasa history by gloomy weather the shuttle atlantis set to lift off on the pleats the last ever of flight but while thousands wait for the momentous launch for others it's the end of an era and possibly their livelihoods. and a creamier remakes of top russian d.j. hopes his version of lot of your putin's blueberry hill will be
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a future club classic. before we get to that massive explosions in the turkmenistan city of abidjan have reportedly left half its population without electricity gas and water the government statement says they were caused by fireworks materials that if i work materials and that no one was injured local media sources claim the situation is far worse saying witnesses are reporting fate tallaght eason injuries there's also reports of looting and thereby buildings are being heavily damaged with broken windows and shattered glass telephone lines have been disrupted leaving distressed relatives elsewhere unable to contact family and friends military and emergency vehicles have been dispatched to the scene from the capital following an emergency cabinet session chaired by the president there is still a little official information on what exactly happened. hundreds of propellants tinian activists are trying to reach blockaded gaza by air after several ships among an aid flotilla were forced to dock in greece or headed for televisa largest international airport from europe and the u.s.
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but around up israeli security is there waiting for them or he's call a sleeper as rival durian airport with more she joins us now hello paula so really top security for the activists who say their mission is a peaceful one does it appear that these measures are actually necessary. well we're talking here are some six hundred israeli police and security officers both inside and outside been through an international airport and city at this stage it does seem a little excessive when you bear in mind that almost all the activists have been prevented from actually reaching the seaport now we are talking with a number of high profile left wing israeli activists by telephone and they're telling us that they've been warned by the israeli police that if they sit in the state court they will be arrested i have spoken with the israeli police approached us and micky rosenfeld and he tonight as he said that they will come to can come if they cause trouble then we'll be arrested israeli police have the names of three hundred and forty cheap passengers intending to participate in the so-called fly
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tiller which is really an attempt to draw attention to the people of palestine we know that of those three hundred forty two already two hundred have been stopped from boarding planes in european cities prepared means that another one hundred forty two are on their way here and we expect them to arrive in the coming hours these many authorities did give names of these passengers to foreign airlines they say that it was the airlines responsibility to make sure that these passengers did not fight israel and that in fact they do the airlines will need to actually stand back home and cover the costs of doing that. and we've seen several attempts to get supplies into gaza most of them a failed is there a chance that this campaign well actually reach its destination. well it's ironic because the whole attempt obvious frightened of is really to attention to the palestinian people in the situation of one and a half million gazans who are living in one of the most densely populated areas on earth the it's made your priorities and israeli peace and security by doing so much attention on this attempt only actually hoping the activists in furthering the
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goals and it's been a lot of criticism here in the israeli media they say that these radio parties are acting almost as if they preparing for a war not for a demonstration journalists including r.t. have been receiving instead of press releases almost military sounding updates with intelligence reports intelligence assessments and this is in line with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that these activists will be dealt with accordingly now we're keeping track online there's a huge buzz particularly on twitter we know from twitter feeds that all the german passengers except for one have been able to board flights we also know that there is a call for all people to boycott those airlines that are actually participating with the israeli authorities and again you need to remember that demonstrators and activists were never under the illusion that they would actually reach gaza they say the big goal is to draw attention to the plight of the palestinian people so certainly in the specs of the goal they seem to have been successful. parties
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because they are alive it is a real danger in airport thanks for that report. stay with us here on our t.v. still to come we explore a russian medical marvel that still improving lives. sure it's not a big deal i think a guy is like you expect to be told where a doctor's discovery that's been helping generations of patients walk tall again is coming your way in russia close in a few minutes. first though nasa's final shuttle flight is expected later on friday with atlanta studio launch although bad weather may keep it grounded a little longer that wanted turbo up to a million spectators who are waiting to watch the shuttle program's last ever launch but as our he's got or it's what will be an in for an unforgettable moment for some may be painful for others. empty shells that's what was once florida's thriving space coast. up to ten thousand people
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will be out of a job as soon as the last shuttle makes its final voyage back to earth home to many of the kennedy space center workers rochlitz is on the verge of becoming a ghost town without the space program or pretty much nothing i mean this is what you know cocoa beach is built on the space program you know a lot of jobs are indiana few going on welfare left and right food stamps anthony chris a fully spent twenty three years with the shuttle launch team as an engineer with a client kiss blasting our for its final mission it means the end of his career with nasa and the beginning of uncertainty a year ago he started looking for a new job to no avail i have applied for jobs and so far haven't gotten any concrete responses there's not that many jobs out there for sure the u.s. scrapped its shuttle program and now wants the private sector to come up with ways to get astronauts to space several companies are working on new vehicles but it's
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not clear when they'll be able to deliver them one thing is certain though they'll be able to hire only a fraction of the skilled space industry workers will be out of work this is the first shuttle ever it never made it to space but it was used put tests before the columbia shuttle first launched into space in nineteen a new one a total of five shuttles have been used for space missions says that two of them were last thing tragic accidents a nine hundred eighty six and in two thousand and three those lawsuits and the skyrocketing price for each launch gradually less to the cancellation of the program but critics say it's hard to estimate the losses that the end of the shuttle program will bring about both for the space industry and the people involved i think it's a really bad thing for the united states. to the skilled workforce difficult to rebuild for years the shuttle is being the only be called that could ferry crew and a massive load of cargo to space officials say one of the reasons the program was
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scrapped is that it's safer and cheaper to send cargo and people separately something that russia for example has been doing for many years but whatever the reasons for scrapping the thirty year old program for those who devoted their lives to it is the end of their dream job it's kind of sad because i've already seen a lot of a few of my friends go in there being more people that i probably never see again it also means the endo for once library and scientific community that's grown up around the shuttle going to check out on t. that's launch now into cyberspace and see what's on line for you what r.t. dot com europe calls for urban credit agencies as moody's causes misery overrating portugal eyes john pelan towards a second bailout. and put are you to travel for more of these stunning pictures of a giant spanish sandstorm moving through our zone of which blighted a wider area plunging it into
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a dusty darkness and see it all for yourself and our future out. more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. giant corporations rule the day. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe syria is accusing washington of interfering in its affairs after the u.s. in the basket of the country visited the flashpoint city of hama robert for travel to the city where protesters are facing a security crackdown after weeks of anti-government demonstrations tanks remain outside the area where more than twenty people were shot dead in recent days thousands of people have fled the country fearing violence by security forces.
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america's most senior military officer says pakistan's government was behind the killing of a journalist who wrote about its navy's links to al qaida so he. should zod was abducted near his home in may his body was found two days later at the time pakistan's powerful intelligence service the i.s.i. was accused of the murder but admiral mike mullen said that couldn't be confirmed pakistan rejects the allegation calling the u.s. claims extremely irresponsible. yemen's president made his first t.v. appearance since being severely injured in a bomb attack on his palace last month ali abdullah saleh suffered burns to his face and hands said he'd undergone more than eight successful operations he's recovering in saudi arabia and his address aired on state television for dialogue to resolve the months of unrest that's left hundreds dead during protests demanding that he step down. russia has been renowned for its world leading scientists and inventors over the years and today we explore one doctors medical marvel.
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taking you now to the caribbean region in southern siberia and the one hundred fifty s. became the center of soviet orthopedics when a surgeon there invented a revolutionary method of bone restructuring sixty years later it is a break from breakthrough is still being used to help people overcome disabilities archy's oksana boyko reports. soviet union and russia gave the world many great inventions and what special about them is that the technology behind the snow house is often very simple very basic yet they remain in service for many many decades taken so use a rocket for example it was designed back in the sixty's the design hasn't changed that much to this day remains the most reliable and actually at this point of time the only means of transporting humans to the international space station but today
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we want to introduce you to another great invention of which proved just as durable and this is the frame or the paradis response design back in the fifty's but it still remains the main orthopedic technique for treating both fractures all sorts of deformities and injuries as well as for a limp lengthening our next story is about that. for both of them it's about walking tall eight year old into ground with his leg in left leg and twenty seven year old japanese engineer jeter with lagging self-confidence and if intrigue on didn't choose his predicament very much did. charge for manager graham because of some employers refused to hire me one of them told me directly i was trying to do with the client's computers already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to be covered seven santa majors to his stature it may seem like
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a tall order but the actual surgery is fairly simple though painful invented british pain soviet orthopedic of really result of a night in the fifty's these frames for initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them up or therefore stimulating tissue regeneration. was legal to reshape arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life recent to the other patients in the. lives go when professor who designs first brain using bicycle parts sixty years later says invention is increasingly being used to help people quite eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same fixing somebodies life both literally and figuratively evolved third of patients immediately was out of century nowadays seeking surgery focused medical reasons most of them are men
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and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor not because of who operated on many of them it usually comes down to man's pride some of the first patients he turned to us with a leg lengthening request to meet his fifteen centimeters to be still going to surgery because his partner was taller than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix their heads maybe nothing wrong with them for all for p.d. point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living their lives fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries are banned in many countries and even when allowed there prohibitively expensive but in russia the entire course costs about one tenth of the similar package in the united states . financial considerations were one of the reasons that brought peace washington state native to western siberia if he's main motive for the surgery had to do with how he buried him in auditors in america average is one seventy five i was one
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sixty seven or one sixty eight and so one eight centimeters would have brought me right to our very nice i just wanted to be average for women hype isn't so important you know i think girl can be sure it's not a big deal i think a guy is like you expect to be heard just before your peroration moses mad at a russian girl who found he's a regional hide cladding gearing if you still want to have a big surgery adding seventy most centimeters to his self-confidence she took told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. so now or should i call you so what a compliment for somebody who's used to fall in short of his own expectations i sound like an artsy chord on the region. finally in his music we've heard prime minister putin croon
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a tune now his recent rendition of blueberry hill could dominate the dance for. the. top russian d.j. has remakes the premier's performance of the song and it's already getting a fair bit of radio play last year when revealed his musical side we took to the stage a star studded charity concert in st petersburg to perform the fats domino classic an english video attracted two million hits on you tube and this inspired d.j. smash to remake the vocals in hopes the carrier will use it as a ring tone for his work. and it's time to hear what's playing in the business world you'll be joining us with all the business news outlets work.
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on the fall guy. little pal of the international sanctions has a good taste they simply chose on july ninth intense. this little introductions by russian designers to the most beautiful the decision of central russia. this is a dance i live for children fashion show slum is like presiding over the festival. fashion festival. this is. hello and a very warm welcome time for your business update russia's budget gap is likely to widen that chair. when full all revenues prime minister says it will double just three point seven percent the gap will be filled with domestic and international lows and by selling state assets how will the reserve fund to kim waiting for oil revenues well bill left uncapped instead the government will increase tax pressure on the gas industry russia's finance minister explains challenges his team faces
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one handling the state's growing appetite for spending this new bridge export and the experts tell you that given our high oil dependence it makes more sense to raise taxes and cut the budget deficit by doing so you would not increase the risk for the whole economy but try to for a set of grain of truth here raising taxes for in our case giving golden state spending we have balance to do them between business and the state. really russia is looking for a baby for pumping when it comes to supplying gas to china castro now wants advance payment for its future energy delivers the better mr newspaper says it could make up to forty billion dollars with gazprom offering a discount in exchange but it's been seen as another obstacle in the long running energy talks both parties are trying to agree a new strategy yes by contract but country agree on the price. as i have a look at the markets. second week of gains and speculation that fuel supplies
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a sufficient to meet the boost in consumption from vietnam recovery investors also of course was ahead of weak u.s. jobs report for insight into the basic knowledge recovery of the world's biggest world's. and european indices a flat this hour the footsies downs tightly under german debt says up to three chancellor percent market players are keeping an eye on the us non-farm payrolls and unemployment rate at twelve thirty g.m.t. . five here and russia they are just in the minds of suppliers after thursday's rally which saw both indices close their lodges do it again in two months investors here are also looking forward to digest data from view outside and i'll have a look at some of the individual show moves on the my six week proved as gravy on energy majors with ross now down around a third of a percent bucking the trend to producers want to match was more than one percent on high gold prices. down more than two hundred percent holding the news. the rating
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for the newly acquired bank of moscow was another story yesterday with the chippy on the rise despite the forecast from some analysts is that risk would be from the takeover of bank of moscow. so we have time for now you are up today during your last i'm going to more business stories here on r.t. and let me remind you you can find more on our web site that's our q. dot com slash business.
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first cream remove old hold of a clear cutting. second explosives are used to blast to go deeper than the piers. heard the remains are removed by machinery. and finally the form more good soil is deposited in vallecito. chumley's on a. wealthy british style the sun comes up that's not on the top of the. market why not. come.


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