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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT

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beasts which brighten if you move from phones to pressure these.
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stunts on t.v. dot com. see thousands of protesters frustrated with the rate of reform are filled cairo's tahrir square it was being dubbed a million man march to protest against the interim government and. also from flotilla to flight pro palestinian activists what further ships for planes to reach guards there after a combo of humanitarian vessels was halted in greece. dozens of activists interrogated think that if only one manages to step through we speak to her in just a few moments. to one girl live. and in the final blas the last of the launch of atlantis marks the end of the u.s. space shuttle program and the end of an era as we report.
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this is r.t. world needs eight pm here in moscow right now our top story for you thousands of egyptians have been gathering in cairo's tahrir square demanding a faster pace of reform just five months after ousting hosni mubarak as president dubbed there's a million man march the rallies expected to be the biggest demonstration since the uprising protesters want to keep up the pressure for the change on the country's in . to room military rulers and seen former regime officials brought to trial we're going to talk to our correspondents and now in tahrir square just little bit later on in the program that will be coming up shortly tonight let's move on for now hundreds of pro palestinian activists have been blocked in their attempts to reach garza by air as they try to defy israeli policies many are being stopped at european airports while several have been deported as they arrived in tel aviv so
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far only one activist has managed to cross the israeli border and artie's paula sleep here spoken to. dozens of activists are being interrogated as i speak to you here at ben-gurion international airport only a few have actually managed to trickle through and it's not quite clear how the israeli police and security have allowed them to go through because there are still hundreds of police and security officers both inside and outside the bank of an international now have to meet the battle latif of the palestine solidarity campaign and she is one of the few people who's actually managed to come through you on the phone with the activists who are being interrogated here at the airport what are they telling you. this telling me that they were taken from passbook control as i spoke on the phone they said the heavies were coming in and they were about to be interrogated i actually think i literally slipped through the net just mean as far as i can tell there is only one of us a row of forty or fifty people waiting hoping not to be deported or likely to be
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deported and this is me so it is up to me to be their voice and to put forward the points of view especially of people in the u.k. but there are people from belgium and from france and scotland from all over the u.k. waiting to come through i don't know why netanyahu wants to whip people's passions up the whole time as if we were threat i mean look at me look at me i'm a british woman i came deeply about peace and justice i cared deeply about a just peace with both sides we folded and turn and yet netanyahu sees us as a threat he says us as a threat to the legitimization of israel can we be friends and yet he whips up these crazy kids care he pouring all over the airport he gets the british police the french police to stop activists coming out we never come to demonstrate we always planned to be here and being here for this day and ensuring the the cultural
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activities of policy if you're going on to truth with these phrases. well there you have it and it's true as far as we can tell that it is the only activists to have actually made it through to the arrivals hall here and as i'm speaking to you there must be dozens of security officers i'm looking at there surrounding the area and she has managed to come through and talk to us here on r.t. . fall asleep they're bringing us up to date now you can have your say on what's being dubbed the fly to load by logging on to our web site r t dot com you can take part in the latest poll we've got there for you online tonight we're asking whether a pro palestinian activist will be able to convince israel to lift the blockade on gaza this is what you've been telling us so far close to half of you say would only happen if the activists arrive in overwhelming numbers over a quarter of you as you can see there think that israel would yield to any pressure seventeen percent say the activists can succeed as they have got truth on this side while a minority believe that the blockade will only be lifted the palestinian stop attacking
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israel thanks for voting if you to to do that throughout the night. also online and google have shut down the internet sites after deciding their militias and they don't meet suitable standards find out what the repercussions are for the rest of the way. and rumors about barack obama's childhood continue to swirl as an american journalist claims the president's parents had thought of giving him up for adoption and to r.t. dot com for the lowdown on that story too. this is our team from moscow coming up this hour stop the press the latest twists in britain's phone hacking scandal that's already seen his biggest selling newspaper shut down and now its former editor has been arrested. next though georgia
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claims the high profile photographers arrested in the capital tbilisi have been spying for a foreign state the four detained are accused of providing information to another country to the detriment of georgia's interests among them is the president's personal snap as well as an employee of the european press photo agency photographers deny the allegations now those arrests come as nine other people were jailed for up to fourteen years for spying. from moscow the russian foreign ministry says tbilisi's actions indicate the state of democracy and freedom of speech in the country meantime a member of the georgian opposition told us at r.t. that the spy claims are meant to foster anti moscow sentiment as a means of boosting president saakashvili control. writes novels the continuation of. this is the may be for. the mr. and me i would be in the right he in. power
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because the second which we were. going through all your. explanation for in europe why georgia. why. your way explanation by mr. hughes she. should but he's rightly. so in the agents or since. libyan rebels have battled their way past government forces on a key road south of tripoli moving towards the gadhafi held town of guardian which controls access to one of the main roads leading to the capital and it's considered the most significant advance of the rebels have made in the past two weeks but they say their progress is being slowed down by a lack of army nation and inadequate support from nato this is the u.s. continues to fund the campaign despite the opposition of congress let's bring into
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the conversation mideast specialist william beeman he's on the line from liverpool in the united kingdom for us on a skype line very good evening to you mr freeman thanks for being on r.t. why is being so slow to respond you think to the rebels needs if what they're saying is true is it a political problem here or other other other issues at stake. nato forces from their home country. of their own countries france the united states. that they expected or were the forces or the government forces. there no i don't really believe in doing their bits they really are not sure exactly what the outcome is going to be but it looked like the. opposition forces were going to.
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take over the government there was a lot more enthusiasm for the new york forces actually helping them. i think that there is a kind of wait and see attitude at this time the. libyan government forces are showing surprising strength in resistance as you said lot of question marks about where this is going to go they're saying titanite headline tony has got no intention of a ground invasion in libya after months of airstrikes still saying no results as you're saying where is it going to go. well this is a very good question. the. sons in particular. are absolutely going to maintain their resistance to. this is this has
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actually rally some of their supporters i think all of your viewers should understand that the. rivalry between the eastern portion of libya and the western forces. back to the critical to the beginning of the twentieth century. was from the eastern portion of the country. and of course the strong western part of the country so there. is not necessarily opposition to. the civil war. nato forces to just thirty to take the side. of the opposition forces from the east so what does gadhafi have sort of we've got a slightly awkward like to you on skype of breaking up a little bit when i ask you a few more questions if i can what sort of support and does colonel gadhafi now
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have you know seventy eight days of nato bombs laid out there is people still with him as he suggests. you know going. back a tribal society. commands. only. mr bremer. we're losing thanks for your input on the program we got the most of what you were saying there thanks for bringing us your thoughts william beeman specialist of mideast studies at university of minnesota in liverpool england tonight thank you. all right now masses final shuttle flights blasted off as almost up to a million spectators were there witnessing the historic launch it is the hundred thirty fifth mission of the thirteen year history as america's space shuttle
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program experts have warned of a high chance that alone should be delayed by bad weather but in the end we are through its did leave earth with a delay of just about a minute the clock stopped religious and last minute checks by the way as up to is gone each account is also pretty poignant moment for those who devoted their lives to this program. empty shells of what was once florida's thriving space coast. up to ten thousand people will be out of a job as soon as the last shuttle makes its final voyage back to earth home to many of the kennedy space center workers rock which is on the verge of becoming a ghost town without the space program or pretty much nothing i mean this is what you know because the beach was built on the space program you know just a lot of people are going to be out of jobs sorry to be out of homes people are going on welfare left and right the chance anthony chris
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a fully spent twenty three years with the shuttle launch team as an engineer with a plan to splice thing there for its final mission it means the end of his career with nasa and the beginning of uncertainty a year ago he started looking for a new job to no avail i have applied for jobs and so far i haven't gotten any concrete responses there's not that many jobs out there for sure the u.s. scrapped its shuttle program and now wants the private sector to come up with ways to get astronauts to space several companies are working on new vehicles but it's not clear when they'll be able to deliver them one thing is certain though bill be able to hire only a fraction of the skilled space industry workers will be out of work soon this. this is the first shuttle ever it never made it to space but it was going to put this before the columbia shuttle first launch into space in one thousand nine hundred eighty one a total of five shuttles had been used for space missions since the two of them
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were lost in tragic accidents a nine hundred eighty six and in two thousand and three those lawsuits and the skyrocketing price for each launch gradually led to the cancellation of the program but critics say it's hard to estimate the losses that the end of the shuttle program will bring about both for the space industry and the people involved i think it's a really bad thing for the united states to lose this skilled workforce it's going to be difficult to rebuild it for years the shuttle has been the only vehicle that could ferry crew and a massive load of cargo to space officials say one of the reasons the program was scrapped is that it's safer and cheaper to send cargo and people separately something that russia for example has been doing for many years but whatever the reasons for scrapping the thirty year old program for those who devoted their lives to it is the end of their dream job it's kind of sad because i've already seen a lot fewer of my friends go in there because they'll be more people that are
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probably never see again it also means the end of a once vibrant scientific community that's grown up around the shuttle. r t. the other side of the story that we often talk about some mixed feelings there among those involved in this thirty year program is get some thoughts on the a space shuttle final flight of the close of the program with william l. anderson he's an associate professor of economics frostburg state university of maryland very good evening to you from moscow thanks play with this let me sum up for us if you will how big of an impact on the community the end of the space shuttle is really going to have well it's a good question i though i think it obviously is going to have an effect on the people who are losing their jobs and and on the local economy there in florida boy . the other side of it is it does free up resources to go other places and i think over time believe it or not this is going to be a net plus because over the last several years we have treated the shuttle the law
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the space program as a pure jobs program for smart people and when you do that be you going to lose something what about the look on effect to the broader economy the u.s. economy as a whole is that going to have an effect on that in any way no i don't think so i really don't i think that it's more local but people up here in a lot of places aren't going to feel that and the matter is that there are going to be some very talented people on the market looking for work i know it's tough for them but also these people have skills that could be transferred elsewhere and that's going to be a net plus that's going to take a few years down the road but that's an a plus as i see it all right not affect the national economy but what about the national pride. i don't know i think did it one time did it book back in one nine hundred sixty nine and i remember very well when the moon we had the moon landing and we were in competition with the rule skis and oh my gosh we can lead this so it's get to the moon before austin all but the
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problem is this the. an economy is not a game and resources are it when you're to or when you talk about using resources in ways that maybe we shouldn't be using and maybe there are too costly i think it's some point national pride and the space program is really should go by the way i mean i've i'll be honest i have a lot more pride in apple in the things that they're doing now than i have in the space program times move on don't they you know it's going to have a good effect i guess as far as russia is concerned lately has been a heck of a lot of cooperation between russia and nasa russia's been basically tell us we're taking this forward for the most part isn't it oh yeah and i think that's a good thing for the russians i'll tell you this though that i. i think in the united states what we need to do is get the government get to be rocker see out of the space program and let's see what the entrepreneurs can do i'm let's think about this what if steven jobs had been employed by nasa instead of. coming up with the
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ideas that he has had after all i wonder where technology would be. if we probably wouldn't be looking in you know the communicating with skype and all these things had it not been for people like that so you know i think it's good for russia i think. but i don't mind having americans going up on russian space ships it's a whole lot better than the cold war you know i lived through most of my life you know the last twenty years we've been at peace with russia and i kind of like that and so if we can use their space craft that's a good thing william h. anderson associate professor of economics at frostburg university state university of maryland thank you for being with us appreciate it thank you very much. all right now news from took a stand tonight there recovery efforts are underway off for a series of explosions of nomination depo in the city of up and down toward down nearby buildings authorities say the it's the place of the fireworks where it all
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went up because of the summer heat according to local media reports they've been up to two hundred casualties it's not clear if anyone else has been killed thousands of people were evacuated from the buildings immediately after the explosion witnesses say that i mean nation from the burning depos scattered on the street some of it's reached neighboring towns depictions they're basically telling the story completely large sections of the city lost power as well water supplies they have since been restored we hear security has been tight there's one of the police patrolling the streets tonight. going out to twenty past eight pm here mosco also in the news this friday night a passenger airline about twelve crashed it kissing danny international airport in the. democratic republic of congo as it was trying to land and mission reports say at least forty survivors have been pulled from the wreckage officials suggest strong winds and heavy rain could have caused that accident the country seeing numerous crashes in recent years with its jets plagued by maintenance problems.
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security forces in the pakistani city of karachi have been ordered to shoot on sight after three days of violence in which eighteen people have been killed government linked to rival political parties went on shooting sprees in several neighborhoods the city's virtually been shut down shops schools and roads deserted most people are staying indoors fearing more violence the government says an extra thousand troops have been deployed to deal with the situation. yemen's president made his first t.v. appearance since being seriously injured in a bomb attack in his compound last month in his speech. criticised the protesters and accused him of misunderstanding democracy he also gave no hint that he planned to step down from office but said that he is ready for dialogue with the opposition to end the crisis we haven't been rocked by months of anti-government demonstrations now calling for the end of president's. use of japan the prime minister there has admitted to a series of mistakes after ordering stress tests to be carried out on those nuclear plants weeks after declaring them safe to restart the stress tests were designed to
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dispel people's safety fears two thirds indeed of the country's reactors have been shut down since the devastating quake and tsunami in march the destruction of the fukushima plant caused radiation leaks which have led to a worldwide review of nuclear power. is bringing up to date on our top story thousands of people have been protesting in egypt's tahrir square all day and into the night now indeed to voice their anger at the interim government over the country's sluggish rate of reform in this now is the latest from cairo. thousands of protesters are back on talk radio they're calling it the second phase of the room vote because they say their freedom was short lived then they got rid of mubarak you know their high banking officials but now egypt with the same way it was before january so we're told that little officials little mubarak so many new likes was there moving them running the country the. people are still here
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they come back to where this revolution was born and now they want to take a taxi or to the universities they want to take taxi or to the factories to the workplaces and make things as they are it's really good we don't know how many people was going to stay some say they're going to take for example that takes two hundred the real changes in the economy here in egypt would be interesting though because no security no belief i mean here it's people. that are checking was doing security checks the risk just as i guess what that coffee read so people here are going to keep on fighting until they see the egypt that was think they can work out of different political parties really just kind of silly old like different things but one thing they can come together are the fact that. not the was not the reason they begin to change is they're going to keep on coming back was pretty. hard and we'll be hearing much more from minister throw the evening as well she's
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covering those demonstrations for you and if you want to keep abreast of it as well on twitter you can she's abetting the regulation got all the details on the breaking developments from tahrir square eyewitness accounts fresh updates on the protests live on the twitter followers said to underscore. twenty three pm thanks for being with our team for moscow's cut she was trying to many accounts ago well the latest business news now for the day. hello and welcome to business this hour russia has increased its annual crude or production forecast to five five five hundred nine million tons over the quality of russian oil products is still very low it's becoming more and more urgent for russia to modernize its refinery capacity and prime minister putin is going to make sure it will happen as our tista teleplay quarter of parts. prime minister was obviously unsatisfied that rush of the world's biggest oil producer
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has such a weak refighting industry he says it's still as it was fifty years ago demand for high quality fuel in russia grows at double digit rates annually however refining hasn't caught up either in volumes or in quality experts say legislation russian made it more profitable for oil producers to explore crude oil low quality oil products but now putin says the measures to reverse the trend will be taken. when you do we need to closely monitor the implementation of the modernization plans by the oil companies and if we don't meet their obligations the state will have the right to apply sanctions including the seizure of unreasonably of change. just to remind you in may of russia banned the exports of high quality fuel the country will spacing gasoline shortage domestically as producers chose to exports more cashing in on the high oil prices now with the russian economy picking up and
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growing even faster than expected demand for high quality fuel is expected to grow at more than ten per cent annually and the prime minister made it absolutely clear producers will have to invest billions of dollars to more than ours their refining capacity and. that's a look at the markets now crude oil dropped during a second weekly gain after the u.s. added fewer jobs than forecast in june futures well as much as two point three percent brant crude fell ninety nine cents and let's we've lost dollars. now let's have a look at the markets u.s. stocks are sharply lower after the government said businesses added fewer jobs in june and over a year the unemployment rate rose to nine point two percent employers created only eight hundred thousand jobs last month a fraction of what economists expected banking stocks topping the losers list on the dow j.p. morgan. pace and bank of america are both down one hundred percent and stocks in
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europe fell sharply on friday after disappointing me weak u.s. jobs data financial shares under pressure especially in peripheral markets ahead of european bank stress tests next week shares of commerzbank fell one point seven percent and the ocean bank was down one point four percent in the retail sector chose a metro fell over two percent while in paris shares of care for one and a half cent and russian stocks to raise gains and head for their biggest loss in more than a month as the world drops and the mys exposed last point nine percent energy majors the biggest losers of course is let's have a look at some individual moves on the my six. point six percent and gasp of a one percent in the red the banking stocks also closed lower burbank fell over two percent. now russia's biggest retail group x five has boosted its revenue by fifty one percent in the first half of the year the company says seven point eight billion dollars come from stronger sales and consolidation from the recently
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acquired a store. which is looking for pay before pumping when it comes to supplying gas to china the company now wants advance payment for its future energy deliveries by the misty newspaper says it could make up to forty billion dollars with gazprom offering count in exchange but is being seen as another obstacle in the long running energy talks both parties are trying to agree on a new thirty year supply contract can't agree. that's a business update for this hour i'll be back with more in about forty five minutes from now.
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