tv [untitled] July 8, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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an i've. we've got the raiders are the pursuits and get the government to live within its means while still making the investments that help put people to work right now to leverage the land of the fee and the home of the unemployed because us government create too many barriers to jobs. to. zero one live the final liftoff of the world and make that three to one layoff for nasa with atlantis on its final mission we'll tell you what's ahead for the american space program and thousands of its workers. plus russia rules
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scientology literature as extremist but what exactly is scientology a cult or religion. good afternoon it's friday july eighth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster and your watching our team well as the conversation in washington continues to focus on national debt and the u.s. government deficits a new jobs report is out and highlights what many argue is the real issue that's not being discussed seriously enough unemployment the numbers are way worse than analysts were expecting take a look at them unemployment ticked up to nine point two percent it was nine point one percent last month only eighteen thousand jobs were added employers hired actually the fewest number of workers and nine months and to give you some context analysts were expecting ninety thousand jobs to be created and just to remind you
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the economy would need to add one hundred twenty five thousand jobs a month just to keep up with population growth and two hundred fifty thousand to bring down unemployment so you can see eight hundred thousand jobs really just a drop in the bucket and obama go today he spoke about the jobs numbers he had plenty of excuses for them here some of them. we've always known that we'd have ups and downs on our way back from this recession and over the past few months the economy has experienced some tough headwinds from natural disasters to spikes in gas prices to state and local budget cuts that have cost tens of thousands of cops and firefighters and teachers their jobs the problems in greece and in europe along with uncertainty over whether the debt limit here in the united states will be raised evolves of made businesses hesitant to invest more aggressively i have excuses but other analysts say job growth came to a halt the second month in a row which suggests a sharp slowdown isn't merely
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a belief but that the us is getting closer to recession and that the broad weakness broad weakness all over sectors means excuses like natural disasters pretty much means what and take a look at this chart this shows the average to ration of unemployment showing how this touted recovery compares to past ones take a look at that it is much worse now some analysts say this points to a structural unemployment problem with a big chunk of the population that is permanently out of the workforce and joining me now for more from our new york studio is less leopold is economist and author of this book the looting of america how wall street's game of fantasy finance destroyed our jobs pensions and prosperity and what we can do about it he's going to help us try to assess this situation unless i'm curious first of all if you think obama's excuses that this is a rocky road to recovery hold weight or if this is yet another sign these jobs
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numbers of structural unemployment in the u.s. that millions of jobs are just gone and not coming back. actually both explanations i think aren't accurate it's not a structural obama's excuses don't mean anything and it's not a structural problem what it is is that we had a gigantic implosion for the last three years due to the wall street gambling casino crash and those jobs have not been recreated because people don't have enough money in their pockets. instead of trying to put more money in people's pockets spent especially by putting windfall profits taxes on page funds and wall street banks and profitable companies like that the financial companies who caused the problem in the first place instead of doing that state after state has been forced to cut their budgets would leads to more layoffs which leads to less buying power and of course you're going to have a stagnant economy what's going on in washington are right now we know i'm sorry i know you're in washington and i want to attack you but there is like collective
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insanity going on there the idea of dealing with a deficit crisis well we have actually the real unemployment rate is eighteen point five percent there are nearly thirty million people unemployed if you count all the people like people who are forced into part time work people have to look for work in the last four weeks and cetera we need twenty one million new jobs there's nobody to get back to full employment there's nobody in their right mind that thinks this is just a little problem that we're going to econ through because there's bumps in the road the more we cut state deficits the more problems we're going to have ok i want to get to that issue of deficit but first i want to get a thumping you thought you mentioned street you mentioned that wall street got us into this crisis and one of the reasons that some people point to that's been a problem is deregulation over the last thirty years government deregulation from the fed that this let wall street go willy nilly about whatever it wanted i'm shacked it's something that people have accused to play a role in for example of the oil spill in the gulf that that deregulation allowed
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for that kind of if that's going to happen do you believe that deregulation has been part of the problem over the last thirty years. i don't think it's a question of belief i think it's an established fact two things contributed the rectally to the housing crisis one was dramatic cuts in income taxes for the super rich so they had an enormous amount of capital that they wanted to find investments for and the second was the deregulation of the entire route but especially wall street because that allowed wall street to curry fancy new bets to suck up all this money that it was floating around in the hands of a few that's a lethal combination now was the combination in the late one nine hundred twenty s. that led to that crash and when we did it again it led to this crash when we sat on finance i mean really regulated them from the night plate one thousand four hundred forty s. all the way to nine hundred seventy five or so and we really had high taxes on the super rich there were no financial crises none globally. or virtually no i think
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there was one in brazil in one thousand nine hundred eighty four we've got one hundred eighty eight since we've deregulated i don't think there's much to argue about here the question is what do we do about it ok then my question is peaking broadly about deregulation if it's been such an issue why is it that when you look at the three decades that deregulation the economy is still more regulated in some ways than it was in the one nine hundred fifty s. during a period of world war two boom an expansion for example and if fifty's fewer than five per cent of american workers needed licenses and today that figure is almost thirty percent and when you compare this to other countries other developed countries regulation is higher you more jobs need license as an example would be britain thirteen percent of their workers need licenses. i wouldn't call licenses regulation let's talk about regulations on. this this practice is in profits
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all during the fifty's and sixty's we had strict regulations on your lines telecommunications trucking and a whole host of industries where we basically said look you can make profits but you can't make too much profit we try we have scripture its relations on the non-police we unfortunately trust go to solution but most importantly we sat on wall street it was a boring place to work it was not a place where you could go and set up a casino ok but i really learned a lot about it as i really want to talk about i know that those are the regulations that you're going to but i want to talk about because jobs is the big question here and how are jobs going to be created and what many people are foreigners that i've spoken with them in my very office are very surprised to find that america which is considered the land of the free when it comes to starting a business and being entrepreneurial there is a lot of red tape you think this is a problem that needs to be addressed in order to create more jobs you know how so because a lot of these aren't doctors or lawyers and examples of people that need licenses
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that have to spend thousands of dollars on education and time thousands of hours of time to start a business or to engage in this kind of work are people like glorious tour guides frozen desert sellers second hand book sellers interior designers there was some guy in an abbey was making and selling wooden coffins in louisiana he got shut down by the board of embalmers and your own director is because it's coffins are unlicensed you don't see those as problems. no how i don't think that has anything to do it has nothing to do whatsoever in my opinion with the unemployment rate but if you have no music there's not going on there's not enough demand there is not enough demand there's not enough money in the hands of people's pockets they've got devastated housing values of collapsed people die overwhelmed with debt problems there's a high level of unemployment that when you reach that demand then you can't cut interest rates anymore it's called a look what are the trap that's what we had during the great depression the way out
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there is only one way you cut those regulations to zero you cut tax rates to zero for corporations you can give them all the stimulus you want you can let them repatriate their profits from overseas for nothing you can do all that they're really sitting on two trillion dollars worth of cash they're not investing it why aren't they investing it there's no demand there's only one way out of the liquidity trap there has to be government to direct the job creation either directly by hiring people or indirectly by letting out contracts where the rising every home and business in the country for example ok but you don't see that little it well and lodging to do that at all so what if i am a hairdresser i have braided hair for twenty five years but in my state i can't do it because i need to spend eight hundred thousand dollars to go to cosmetology school which doesn't even teach hair braiding but that is what's keeping me from getting a job now i don't know what they pump day and that aren't being lent out to people . no i don't think so because i don't think we have a shortage of hairdressers right now i don't think we have
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a shortage of those of and dollars i think we're talking about is whether or not you know some people get jobs or other people have too much work and other people don't you're talking about on the margin here what you're saying could be true on the margin but it's not the central feature you've got to keep your eye see there is something in the water in washington you've got to keep an eye on the price we're down thirty million jobs you can take all those regulations and bring them in small tomorrow and you're not going to create anywhere close to one hundred thousand jobs thirty million that's three hundred times more than what you're talking about there is no you need if you're mayor we'll i don't maybe you need to do a lot of different thank you and this is washington it's reality things just can't you what you're calling for there is no political will for it doesn't seem and on the note of job growth where the regulation of these kind of things between one thousand nine hundred and two thousand and twenty percent higher was the job growth for i'm regulated occupations then regulated ones do you disagree with that if
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there. no i just think it's absolutely irrelevant right now yes you're right was it washington there's no political will in washington because washington is is so far from reality they got their hands out to the biggest donors in the country the biggest lobbyists in the country they were frayed to put even have hedge fund people who are making one million dollars an hour they're afraid to increase their taxes so they pay the same tax as you and i pay i mean it's outrageous they're so completely out of touch of course they're not going to do this but there's going to be a series of i'm afraid very negative long term impacts the united states the political will will emerge it's going to be ugly one of those though i want to put up with us ok would i want to add that you don't really see i just want to keep this going per one more minute you don't see the political in washington you see a now there are jobs report that shows that this is bad but yet you still have the president united states coming out saying you know we really need to cut the deficit this is this shows that we need to tackle our debt so what is the solution
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that you propose to this jobs crisis that would work in this current environment. well that last is your kicker i think. that would work yeah but the current environment change i mean the vironment now is very different than it was in the height of the crisis three years ago and you know what i think there's another crisis around the corner because we haven't solved anything fundamental we still have too much money in the hands of few banks are still finding ways to set up their casinos we still have hedge funds completely on the loose making obscene amounts of money and we don't have any controls on it that's the formula for ongoing and another crisis around the corner that will change the environment but the question is what do you do what you do is you have national purpose we have to rebuild our entire infrastructure from top to bottom it's collapsing we need to weatherize every business at home we need to send our population to school we should have for you higher education here's a plan to put a million people to work in a month just say we're going to have free tuition at every college and public
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college or university in the country for those who are eligible to get in and you'll have people flooding to school and bring the unemployment rate and you have a construction boom on campuses just like we did with the g.i.'s at the end of the g.i. bill of rights at the end of world war two ok really ative really quickly like those are so creative and so big i want to have time but yes or no will it take a nother crisis and order for there to be any political or public consensus behind the kind of things you're calling for probably all right i think the consensus is there the politicians aren't though all right we're going to have to leave it at that i certainly appreciate you accusing me of drinking the water in washington but i appreciate your insight that was left leopold economist and author of the looting of america now today the space shuttle atlantis blasted on take a look at that it was the last time know the final launch agger and when it returns
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thousands of settled workers will not blast off will be laid off on top of the thousands that have already lost their jobs this. after this american astronauts will have to hitch rides to space from someone else will have to go on the russian soyuz for example at fifty million bucks a trip this is really an end of an era in the united states that we're watching behind me that happened just this morning and also the end of livelihoods of many people as artie's guyin should you can have more about. empty shells of what was once florida's thriving space coast. up to ten thousand people will be out of a job as soon as the last shuttle makes its final voyage back to earth home to many of the kennedy space center workers rock luge is on the verge of becoming a ghost town without the space program or pretty much nothing i mean this is what you know cocoa beach was built on the space program you know just
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a lot of people are going to. feel like welfare left and right food stamps anthony chris a fully spent twenty three years with the shuttle launch team as an engineer with a client his blasting off for its final mission it means the end of his career with nasa and the beginning of uncertainty a year ago he started looking for a new job to no avail i have applied for jobs and so far i haven't gotten any concrete responses there's not that many jobs out there for sure the u.s. scrapped its shuttle program and now wants the private sector to come up with ways to get astronauts to space several companies are working on new vehicles but it's not clear when they'll be able to deliver them one thing is certain though they'll be able to hire only a fraction of the skilled space industry workers will be out of work this is the first shuttle ever it never made it to space but it was used for tests before the columbia shuttle first launch into space in nineteen eighty one
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a total of five shuttles had been used for space missions is that two of them were last thing tragic accidents a nine hundred eighty six and in two thousand and three those lawsuits and the skyrocketing price for each launch gradually less to the cancellation of the program but critics say it's hard to estimate the losses that the end of the shuttle program will bring about both for the space industry and the people involved i think it's a really bad thing for the united states. to lose this forest it's going to be difficult to rebuild it for years the shuttle has been the only vehicle that could very crew and a massive load of cargo to space officials say one of the reasons the program was scrapped is that it's safer and cheaper to send cargo and people separately something that russia for example has been doing for many years but whatever the reasons for scrapping the thirty year old program for those who devote their lives to it is the end of their dream job because they've already seen a lot of
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a few of my friends go they'll be more people they're probably never see again it also means the end of a once vibrant scientific community that's grown up around the shuttle going to shirk on our team and space to science early scientology in the u.s. it's famously known perhaps as the religion of choice for hollywood elite such as tom cruise and john travolta or perhaps infamously known to critics and detractors as a cult it's a church founded in the fifty's by side if i author ron hubbard some countries have moved to ban it and in russia in fact a court has ruled that some scientology literature is now illegal a russian court found eight books from that of scientology l. ron hubbard to be extremist and anti-social for inciting hatred and promoting the supremacy of its members and the fight against the rest of society are to thera for it has the details of that ruling from russia. well scientology here rushford
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indeed in many countries around the world has proved controversial lots of debate about whether it should actually be considered a religion there are lots of countries do you think scientology is actually more of a cult or sex they were actually at the main headquarters and you can see the break up that they got on the lower floors they sell some of these books that those materials that were considered by the court to consider contain calls for extreme activities now this ruling actually mirrors a similar thing that we saw in a court in april of last year that was in the siberian city as they get it in that instance it was very similar books that were thought to be found to contain calls for station or religious hatred. people to work against law enforcement activities in that instance the justice ministry actually overturned the decision we actually spoke to the p.r. director of the church of scientology we could handle what she had to say about the decision. the court decision is surprising
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hubbert's writing have been going around the world for sixty years people across hundred and sixty five countries have been using his books to make their lives to be turned into country if you found them to be extremist who think the keys was how moved and appropriately and who make an appeal to because decision is brought into force who keeps only because just like before he does have a long history of entering into these legal battles if i can t. thousand and seven the church. took the officials to the european court of human rights where they criticise the mosque a government allowing until a t. to register register as a religious organization as you said it's not just russia many countries across the world have the same issue about whether it's got to consider a religion ten million followers worldwide and as we said scientology often coming
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into the limelight for controversy. prices again this is another example of where that's happened that was r t correspondent sarah firth and as she mentioned it's not just russia scientology has also been a source of scandal in the united states where it is considered a religion there are allegations that the church cut a secret tax deal with the i.r.s. which gave them unprecedented tax relief getting them out of paying millions of dollars that they did oh that's just one example joining me now is mark bunker he is an emmy award winning journalist who's been investigating scientology fraud and abuse since the ninety's and he's making a film about it he joins us thank you so much for being with us now i watched. part . of your film i guess that you're that you have in the works and you have people that you interview some are critics some are past members of the church of scientology that make allegations against the church such as physical abuse forced divorces being harassed for being critical being forced to choose between family members all horrible things it would seem i want your opinion is scientology
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a cult or religion. well cult is a strong word and you know i i tend to think of scientology as a religious themed business and it seems to me that since its formation it has been selling expensive courses teaching you how to be better in your life how to communicate better how to have better relationships with your family and friends how to improve your business. almost everything in scientology is the latest you're buying expensive books you're buying tapes and you're buying these therapy sections which they call auditing where you are paying tens of thousands of dollars to go into a room with an auditor hold on to a couple of soup cans that are carriage to a little even meter and you discuss the problems you're having in your life and then these are all three products that are being sold and they sell it is my profit
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on profit so here's my question i think i even read that our ron hubbard once made very public that starting religion would be a great way to make some money i want to ask though along those lines you know because we saw how in other countries scientology is considered a quality and i thought a lot of controversy over whether to consider it a religion so what is the difference between a religion a cult and let's bring your argument in here a religious business. but i think professor lifton years ago came up with. a certain number of criteria what. a destructive group would be and i guess you would say cults along them are things like loaded language having your own terminology that only people in the group can understand in scientology is just packed with loaded language there's a control of your environment and this is especially true for people who sign up billion year service contract to work for scientology's elite sea org and these
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people are actually. living sleep on the church's properties and in many cases like out of their desert compound in hemet california there is razor wire on top of the fence and motion detectors and it's really impossible to lead and for those folks their mail is read their own calls are monitored and they're working one hundred hours a week for fifty dollars if they're lucky if they do something to christophe management they can be spent to what's called the rehabilitation project force or the r.p.s. and this is essentially a reeducation camp where you're working hard labor half a day and studying the teachings of l. ron hubbard the other half of the day until you are back in good graces of management and this can take months or years before management feels that you are
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readability it during that time people are separated from their families and you know if the husband is in the r.p.s. the wife won't even be able to talk to that person usually i was getting as i want to get in your car for almost at a time i just laugh you're going to meet a lot of practices that people would think are wrong but there are also some practices and widely accepted religions that people also think are bizarre and abusive. some would consider circumcision in the jewish religion to be gentle mutilation some believe they can union eating a symbolic body of jesus is weird so what makes some ok and others wrong and you think there's any kind of universal gauge or is that relative i know it's kind of a long question and i guess response to what you think is the most pertinent they are started at a time i really don't understand i think the important thing is for the same college you do since and not everybody concerned college is abused but for many people it's forced. you probably can do so when you want to have your child
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circumcised or not but the child. well that's true the child can. but we're all we're asking is is that the abuses be reformed or at least there people are aware of these abuses because i don't think scientology is should be banned anywhere and even though should just be a warning label slapped on them i say ok well we want to we appreciate you for lifting the curtain on what you know about it that was mark bunker and he is a documentary filmmaker and also founder of xenu t.v. now speaking of the hollywood elite we mentioned some in that scientology story well some are getting a visit from the u.k. royals fresh off a celebration of u.s. independence from the british on july fourth americans are going crazy over the arrival of the duke and duchess of cambridge in los angeles arches among the window gives us a look at the over the top love the u.s. shows for the monarchy and on skid row where will and kate are planning to visit
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why everyone isn't so thrilled to have him. homelessness growing in america thanks there's controlling the global economy. the cost thirty measures of banking the poor and most vulnerable these are the stories the mainstream media flatly ignores or into reports instead this afternoon l.a. is getting a world visit yes it's finally going to be happening you'll get this this couple they are all subsets the most famous couple in the world right now. anyway we'll be following their every move because that's what we do in a city known for a blitz glamour and hollywood celebrities to visit printed you can purchase of cambridge is drawing massive attention so why are so many americans and patch we did with will and kate and it's a little bit of culture in l.a. they were not used to going to class i think it's good work you souvenirs british
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flags even tea pots are hot sellers forgive the americans who can't wait for the royal arrival so in a sense this new british invasion is a good thing for us it is a very good thing and i care so much for all that patriotic pride over beating the brits. i think it's quite funny that visit the willing came because it is happening just talk of independence day i always feel quite alone me place our own in and on july fourth given the fact that you fought to get us out and how we could have flooding into your party and while hollywood elites and california governor prepare to roll out the red carpet for the duke and duchess people living in a not so blabber is part of l.a. could really care less about the arrival of the royal newlyweds but here. they all do some oh ok you'll be all right. back to your
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palace. and life goes on you're willing kate's visit also comes amid a recent maris poll which shows one in four americans don't know basic u.s. history many unaware that the u.s. declared its independence from england in seventeen seventy six who are more of us are coming over i think willing. to you know maybe we're going to record a noise america america may have succeeded in breaking away from other england but in the end it's the british who may have already succeeded in colonizing american minds this is l.a. so it's perfect because they're pretty people coming clattering looks and photogenic smiles apparently good enough to forget about a tyrannical monarchy that once controlled this land she was the apheresis the first let's go to from great lives to great value in los angeles but i'm getting the.
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