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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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well convey a lot of show when i look at the real headlines with none of the mersey we're going to live in washington d.c. now that i have a look at you know good very bad utterly depressing jobs numbers alas why washington refuses to take any of the blame and while congress debates cutting your programs we're going to tell you about the hefty new paycheck the pentagon is about to get also say goodbye to nasa shuttle program and figure out what could be next for space exploration but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss.
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guess who's going to turn out let's just say that it's a foreign visitor of great importance to america's diplomatic relations with the world a visitor that might affect the lives of americans the security of this country and our economic future just kidding it's wills and kate. first for the duchess of cambridge to visit the united states for the very first time following a whirlwind tour through canada with the very this is just. very different the. royals now head to los angeles are going to be doing a weekend visit to personally would have a jam packed weekend planned in california during their first visit to the united states since getting married back in april and that's right apparently after getting tired of whipping americans into a frenzy over the casey anthony trial now the mainstream media has just shifted its focus to whipping americans into
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a frenzy over royal newlyweds who once again divert all attention away from the real problems facing this country now sure holes and kate are a good looking young couple and huge surge dresses real nice but it's not something that you can leave to the t.m.c. the entertainment tonight of the world is specially on a day when jobs numbers are really thought of sunk all hopes for any sign of an economic recovery you know it's not like the royal family is going to bail us out of our debt or magically create jobs so why do we still have to fought over an outdated monarchy that really doesn't serve any purpose other than of course to attract media attention and look rich especially when there are a few other visitors in town visitors on capitol hill for a lot of the a sexually who come with pockets stuffed full of the any money now if you're wondering who the any k. are they stand for the mujahideen a it's an iranian opposition movement that was designated a terrorist organization by the us in one nine hundred ninety seven a group that helped put on the same carry out attacks against iraq's shia population in the ninety's a group that attacked americans in iran in the one nine hundred eighty s.
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and helped of the nine hundred seventy nine takeover of the u.s. embassy in tehran but they're also a perfect example of the way the our diplomacy really works which in plain terms means that all of your sins can be forgiven for some cold hard cash and of course into your resources or your land so we can build bases i think you get the point now today a hearing. was held on capitol hill about that and became the possibility of changing its status to a non charisse organization and they might actually be successful the weeks and time will tell but this has been coming for some time now earlier this year reported to you that rudy giuliani and a number of former bush officials all men parasitic form organized by any case of wars were giuliani openly criticized obama's foreign policy and that's something believe me no liberal would ever get away with what my issue here really isn't real about whether i believe they deserve this status or they don't it's about the hypocrisy it's about the double standard that apply there are a lobbyist p.r. agents communication firms all swarming around capitol hill to sell this cause can
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you imagine as trita parsi posture today on firedoglake it all kind of were parading through the halls of congress if the must organize events on capitol hill now the simple answer to that is an obvious no but it's not a no because they're terrorists and we don't like them they have american blood on their hands do you see it's a no because they can't really do anything for us whereas a number of war hogs and i want to bomb iran or his people have a need for the ek so they can pretend it's important to ronnie and people's movement while really just looking for some kind of it in to help them once again convince pundits and analysts and journalists that iran poses an immediate threat and we need to start bombing tomorrow you know it's something that john bolton has been trying to do for years but have any case becomes one of these designated friends and he's probably going to fight a lot easier and this is a true testament to how our diplomacy can be bought and so you may take it off he became our friend we wanted his resources and then we decided to bomb him and we
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try to keep the oil from us it's the same way that we did nothing to stop it from killing his people in yemen because we need him in power for now to take the blame for our drone strikes with all that hypocrisy all of those double standards and hold back everything can be bought these days and that's something that your corporate media also bought chooses to miss. disappointing dismal rotten brutal awful bad bad bad those are all words that you could describe to the to describe the jobs numbers for the month of june that were released today now despite glowing reports yesterday in the private sector again one hundred fifty seven thousand jobs it turns out when you factor in all of the other jobs that were lost mostly in the public sector across states and federally employers only added eighteen thousand jobs total last month that's much less than the predicted hundred five thousand the unemployment number that most news organizations use rose to nine point two percent and in reality it's actually much
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worse as two hundred seventy two thousand people dropped out of the labor force which brings the real unemployment number the u.s. six the bankers in those who have given up looking those who are underemployed to sixteen point two percent now we also saw the figures from april revised downward which is not a good trend so could it be any more obvious now of the suppose it recovery that washington like to speak of doesn't exist and where as you could have blamed the initial meltdown on the financial crisis but this point we've got a washington for making the jobs crisis worse joining me to discuss this is alex sites wall reporter and blogger for think progress or thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me for starters the president decided to come out and give maybe a five or six minute quick press conference today about the report that came out and i just want to play you a clip some of the factors that he really blamed the anemic job growth on this take a listen to this you watch the economy has experienced some tough headwinds from
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natural disasters spikes gas prices state local budget cuts that have cost tens of thousands of cops firefighters teachers their jobs the problems in greece and europe along with of certainly over whether the debt limit here in the united states will be raised evolved. businesses hesitant to best work. now really get into the state and local budget cuts which i do think play a large role here but i think the natural disaster is the uncertainty because congress can't make up their mind over the debt ceiling service factor in a little bit but if you only put a bit of a cop out you yeah i mean i think you know any time it's a little bit easy to blame the president congress for everything going on and he certainly deserves a lot of responsibility but from a message exam point i don't know i was a good idea to have a bomb would come out on the back of these really terrible job numbers but i mean you know the reason that we don't have the same reason we've had you know problems all along is a lack of demand people just aren't buying things companies aren't hiring because
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they have no reason to do it and you know blaming it on these other things the big factor in but that's not the core problem or one of the things that we keep hearing though if course is that private industry will begin to hire if you just give them more money right if you don't raise any of their taxes and if you let the free market have it's a way then businesses will hire and start creating more government jobs but they're not doing that and the thing that nobody wants to talk about is that since we've always been inaugurated about five hundred thousand public jobs have been lost and who's to make up with us yeah that's absolutely right i think that's a major factor in the entire jobs picture that's often overlooked is that the entire conservative prescription for this recovery slashing government slashing government jobs is actually hurting the recovery and making things worse by laying off government workers so for months we've seen a trend where private sector job growth has been positive and public sector shed jobs last month was the second biggest drop in public sector unemployment in the
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entire time that they've been keeping records of these things so you know we're actually making the economy worse by doing these by implementing these austerity prescriptions and just look at the u.k. i mean there they've implemented this very wide ranging austerity measure and their g.d.p. growth is completely flat their economies in much worse shape than we have so this conservative agenda is actually bringing us down and it's something that they. choose to fully ignore and never really bring in the u.k. when you have an example of austerity where it doesn't work but one of the things about the conservative agenda is that even though they came in promising that they were going to focus on jobs jobs jobs it's been all about confidence been all about the battle over not wanting to raise the debt ceiling or only want to raise of course if you get a large package that comes with it and once again it's come down to talking about taxes and i have something to play for you that senator orrin hatch had to say about you know who really is at fault here for why we're not getting enough revenue and i hear how their citizens caring for the poor and so forth. according to john.
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they also need to share some of the responsibility no we don't want the really poor people who are in poverty to have to pay income taxes but there's the one percent of all. and that's going up by the way because of our friend in the white house and his allies i like afterwards we kind of tribal he goes on to say. because i like him too i would really go after him right now but i like my friend down in the white house but really i mean how much revenue do you think is lost because middle class americans or you know lower middle class americans are necessarily paying their income taxes verses the riches of the rich they get to find the loopholes and the largest corporations in this country that use loopholes to pay zero absolutely i mean the biggest the biggest problems that we're having right now is we're debating this debt ceiling negotiation we're betting what's cut none of that will help create jobs and republicans are absolutely refusing to even address these giant loopholes in the tax code you know we have corporate tax dodging that's just absolutely tremendous and take one loophole the hedge fund people are losing twenty
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billion dollars every ten years because hedge fund managers are being taxed in one way when they should be being taxed in another way so i mean and corporations don't need more money they're sitting on something like eight hundred billion dollars in cash and they're not hiring because they don't have any demand for it so giving them more tax breaks giving them more money isn't going to solve the problem well let me play another clip here very clear today as to why one of the options the president thinks is out there that really could help create more jobs take a look. at risk trade agreements that will help businesses so more american made goods and services to asia and south america supporting thousands of jobs here at home that could be done right now. now he's talking specifically of course about a trade agreement with south korea here but if you look at the economic policy institute others out there that have done studies these kind of trade agreements don't they actually. and of losing jobs for americans yeah i mean it's really you
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know a double edged sword some some sectors of the economy benefit while others don't and certainly you know the kinds of jobs that you're going to be created in other countries because of these free trade agreements you lose jobs here and you know going back to the republican senate they're refusing to include money with these trade agreements as they're going through congress that would help retrain people who lose jobs here in america to get them into better paying jobs better train jobs because they you know there will be job losses everyone accepts that but there's a way to deal with that and they're just you know refusing to do it but in any case i mean a trade agreement might help down the road but that's not going to cause any kind of short term benefit for job growth we're talking about you know years decades out and what do you i'm wondering how much americans are going to be willing to take this take this notion that you're just going to have to wait and somewhere down the road it will get better because we hear that of course it might be decades or at least a decade until we get back to what the unemployment number was before the recession
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hit and you know some people are saying that in my case to the point where americans can't take anymore where the wealth disparity is and has gotten so great we might see some type of social upheaval and we actually have a sound bite of this as well and you push inskeep you have. i don't want to be a prophet to the moon i really don't believe that we're approaching. but i think what it's going to slide into intensified social conflicts social history lukey some forms of radicalism there's just going to be a sense that it's not a just society do. you think is right well i mean i think we're already sort of seeing it with the tea party movement which is you know a backwards response to this problem i would say but i think the motivations behind this you've got to be there are a lot of the same things that now the tea party movement calm down because they voted tea partiers in a november that really aren't doing anything and suddenly they've disappeared you don't see tea partiers lining the streets anymore you know what they're actually making it worse and they've been co-opted by the system and now the politicians that they've helped elect are you know making the economy worse and making this
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entire situation worse but i think you know as as things get worse people might take to the streets were. in wisconsin and ohio when the governor's going after the public sector unions there and you know i think you're beginning to see a grassroots movement of people really being upset about this but i think it takes educating people because they need to understand what's going on here and that this austerity measures want you to understand unfortunately sometimes they need to be personally hit with it like they were i was confident you really realize what's going on and i wonder if obama is screwed at this point three thousand and twelve if not looking good thanks so much for joining us and we will see you later for happy hour thanks so much. well still to come tonight there's been another twist and turn in the wiki leaks battle with credit card companies here we come back and love congress battle think of spending and trim but it's the pentagon is about to see their budget increase we're going to be more on that both increased defense and what's to keep it. you know sometimes just
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a story that seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's the part of it realized everything you thought you knew you don't. charge. welcome to the big picture let's see . clearly our. lives and you know i. feel for the first full.
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length. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the lead i think either one of the well. whatever government says they're keeping safe get ready because you're going to hear freedom.
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we've brought you all the latest attempts by the government to stop internet pirates from stealing media for example the contentious build project ip act we spoke about yesterday the sea it seems of hollywood is seen congress as efforts on this matter dwindling so they've just gone directly to the internet service providers themselves to stop piracy yesterday a group of major i as these announced that they were going to create their own system of penalties if they believe that any customers are illegally downloading copyrighted material and in this new system hollywood and our i would contact fees to determine what files and for information has been pirated and then those companies would issue a series of warnings to their customers and the warnings as of now has been described as being on different levels the first was just a cautionary note that a user has been caught stealing now if that user doesn't stop the warnings could become more severe ultimately by the bigger the six warning service providers within slow down internet access and band with almost a crawl now it's clear that this is a new frontier for peace after all
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a year ago we told you how to rise in refuse to hand over information about a user who believed it was stealing material but perhaps enemies became friend of me i think it's pretty obvious that they're still trying to figure out where exactly they stand on the piracy issue they want to cooperate with hollywood so they've set up these warnings but they're also adamantly have adamantly repeated that they would not shut down a repeat offenders account where do they stand only time is going to tell how much the eye is really enforce these methods of combating piracy but is this move actually going to change anything or is it just more proof of this unofficial war against cyber stealing is hopeless even internet analysts say the idea of stopping people from stealing or sharing files sorry but that's just a fantasy congress is desperately attempting to make legislation that earning criticism and i as pieces are making this move just to appease hollywood and frankly i think we all know the internet users aren't going to stop they're just going to find a way to work around these warnings. now the latest chapter of wiki leaks versus
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the credit card companies many became hopeful the donations were being permitted once again to the organization in iceland where all the money for wiki leaks flows through reports came out yesterday saying the donations that were once again being transferred to join us on just group and just when everybody thought that maybe visa master card decided to open their big corporate hearts and went right back and close them again and see according to viz it was a mistake the donations are once again open there was no intention to get back cash flowing back to us on his group and visa and master card continue to stand by the fact that they will not take part in illegal activities as a state that they originally made back in december of last year with a massive leak of diplomatic cables a boy many government secrets now as of now week he has been feeling the pain of this monetary protest data shows the organization has lost access to about fifteen million dollars in funding all during the credit card companies blackout so it looks as if the standoff continues wiki leaks versus the credit card companies now
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reporting to you that we can leak has filed a lawsuit against both visa and master card so you have to wait and see as to who ends up on top and what's really coming kind of an epic battle in the meantime assigned to that least kept a sense of humor about all of this spoofing mastercard as well known commercials. subregional. donations lost to the banking book fifteen million dollars that it cost to the whole service. five hundred thousand dollars. what you do. so. priceless. now all laughs aside once those lawsuit gets going i'm very interested to see who the e.u. sciences in this battle. and while the financial recovery remains a distance but the jobs numbers that we saw today and while congress is focusing on
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up to three trillion dollars in cuts to many social programs guess what today the house easily passed a whopping six hundred and forty nine billion dollar defense budget for the fiscal year two thousand and twelve that's about five hundred thirty billion for the pentagon's primary budget another one hundred nineteen billion for the wars in afghanistan iraq and but does not include any downsizing quite the opposite that boosts the pentagon's budget by seventeen billion dollars so that includes five point nine billion to buy thirty two of lockheed martin's after thirty five joint strike fighters fifteen point one billion to build ten navy ships and a three point three billion for twenty eight of boeing's and eighteen super hornet fighter jets and the whole bill also doesn't include fines for u.s. nuclear weapons programs or military construction which usually come in other bills and end up adding about thirty three billion dollars more defense by me so it looks like congress and said sorry america your social security your medicare and
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medicaid and probably got to go because the pentagon we have more jets here to discuss this with me as lawrence wilkerson retired u.s. army colonel and former chief of staff to colin powell and thanks so much for being on the show as always gosh this sounds like it's a fun day to be at the pentagon and a really miserable day to be anywhere else in america what do you say i don't think so but i think mr panetta agenda in the good news probably somewhere between fifty and a hundred billion dollars a year over the next decade over at least of which nor can he do now because let's say of course it still has to go through the senate and congress may pass this in a number of weeks but they can produce for a moment last year's through school year's request for seven hundred two point eight billion is our goal we're still talking about about fifty billion beneath what the pentagon said it needed last year we're talking about quite a bit of them under one. it said it needed this year but you're right about the congress being absolutely impervious apparently to say that the congress is not just insane it's inexplicably insane when it comes to going after that part of the
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national security establishment that it needs to go after and in your explanation there look at the study that i just purchased from the p.s. on the unified national security budget we don't look at it in a unified way we throw the one fifty accounting there to foreign affairs i would throw commerce trust the state operations account at state of there i would throw the nuclear as you do that was through the v.a. as you did i would put homeland security in there we're going to start taking a holistic look at this when you take a holistic look at it as steve clemons pointed out near atlantic monthly three days ago you know how much money we spent since two thousand though most so-called war on terror about two point six trillion dollars you know many jobs that use something like seven million jobs i mean if you just turn it into jobs we could have paid everybody in afghanistan and everybody had pretty good salary what we've done in terms of the war fighting this has got to stop it's got to stop and
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congress has got to come to its because there are some figures out there is also that say that our wars in iraq and afghanistan have cost us three point seven trillion dollars and counting and that pretty soon that will be up over fortunately i mean it really is is there a god willing it's there it's insane as one congressman said to me when i was testifying before the senate foreign relations committee and almost knocked me off my chair it doesn't matter colonel we can print more. and that's the attitude and that's what's been going on now what has been happening is that while they have pretty easily get to pass a new defense budget at least the house of representatives there has been a little bit of a tussle and bustle over a few democrats that are coming out and try to block funds try to tie obama's hands when it came to afghanistan and bringing troops home of course that is because it has once again tried to tie the president's hands when it came to libya and all of that failed but the one thing they did pass was. bill that barred arming was supplying weapons to training the rebels in libya but already doing that and how it will use it to since this is the side step is right clear understanding that one of
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the reasons president obama has taken what seems to be a preposterous legal position versus the war powers these be the war powers act and the congress is because france and germany and concerns that others were principally those countries are really doing the heavy lifting right now they have the forces on the ground they are using helicopters they're down they are making a difference where it really counts in close to the ground so i don't think this is if even comes to fruition i don't think this is a big injury to the war effort that said i don't understand this as i've said to you before we're in four wars looking for a fifth on various i'm very curious to see if you understand this next thing see speaking of sidestepping this something we discussed earlier on the show earlier this week and now it seems as if to get around the whole messy issue of guantanamo bay the president has decided that navy vessels out in international waters are a perfect place to detain people or perhaps interrogate them for
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a few months while you build a case do you think that's a good idea this is nothing new i will admit that it's been sporadic and not very frequent but it's nothing new i mean to go navy ship the quantico you can do this sort of thing i like the idea that he's defying the congress and this is looking like a wrong call untruth you will the congress say you can't do anything in this foreign policy area and he's going to do it anyway we've legislated you can do it and he's going to do it anyway i like the fact he's bringing this guy back from so if you're referring to that individual article three courts because that's where this malone's it does not belong in guantanamo it does not belong in secret prisons it belongs in the open transparent in our justice system a lot of people can say it also doesn't along in the military commissions because then you have to prove that you have jurisdiction over this human being and they haven't even told us where they were going to be at which a very. legal problems and i guess you could say so we also found out that not only did they have this this man or sammy captured from somalia but they also have been
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launching drone strikes in somalia and number of weeks ago right from here are they were not alone and growing stronger i'm just curious leaving. and i said earlier today when someone asked me this question i said wait let's start over manhattan or los angeles or houston because that's what's coming we're giving legal standing we're giving practical standing to this strike from the air from unmanned aircraft with people toggle sticking ten thousand miles away and to think that china is not developing drones to think that others aren't developing drones that someday are going to be able to do this and there were always going to be able to keep them out of our skies is sheer nonsense we're setting incredible precedence by what we're doing simply because we're at the present the only one who could do it it's very dangerous i'm going to give me a name that there are no country out there in a few weeks that you minds and i'm sure that we're going to see another report of another country and western life and from it's not i don't doubt it i don't doubt it it's one person pose this scenario to me today suppose the arab spring really
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turns into arab going to way or david miller is that it is probably going to do suppose these movements such as they are in the different countries suddenly stymie and turn into more of a bloodbath and perhaps they are now except syria's looking bad and worse and worse well what what's to say if the egyptian army can't handle the resulting problems for example that someone might not help that is to say if they can't take care of this or that target that someone like the united states might help them this is just too lucrative a technology and we have such exclusive control over it right now it seems like it's in pricing it's it's beguiling we can go in to do it we don't risk our own people we've got ninety percent perceived. we can limit the collateral damage this is to be go away it's not got a legal context yet it's not going to rush all context that's way behind it but
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we're the only ones who can do it this is my power comes out of the battle barrel of a gun so in the meantime let's just let's use it as much as we can let's exploit the technology for it there are no legal standing and if i remember correctly i think there's about five billion dollars that have been requested for more drone technology over the next you're only going to huge part of the terrorist industrial complex as my former boss colin powell told one more edition well that's unlikely said a lot of money could be coming towards the pentagon let's say that it really does take an axe to it thanks so much like true but it's rumored also to come tonight a presidential candidate will sign a pledge to vanish all born. and i told i ward and the final space flights are enough as underway for what is the end of the shuttle program for space exploration . into the.


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