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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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welcome to the new and improved world of one hundred ninety three nations now featuring southern sudan and i we've got don harel joining us for his analysis of the obama jobs plan yeah he's he's actually calling it a plan still that's a pall mall news here to talk about body pleasure and the origins of violence sure to be a wild friday show with convict three convicts or guard someone's going to jail for a front yard garden the last shuttle flight ever t.s.a. with their pants down and an i pad in the in their pants and of course you the viewer start your weekend off right with adam versus the man.
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ladies and gentlemen meet the new and improved shoulder thing that goes up yeah right there oh and that flag in there that that represents the newest nation of the world southern sudan which technically doesn't exist yet but will in about five hours or is there already been knighted in the sudan anyway as of minutes tonight the u.n. and the republic of sudan see very similar flag will recognize southern sudan as its own free and independent nation well sort of it least it will be counted by the united nations as number one hundred ninety three remember over two hundred gets
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a prize you see this goes back to two thousand and five when an internationally brokered peace deal between the north and south was struck after decades of civil wars remember so then used to be a part of egypt and then when independence from england until one thousand nine hundred six so with this latest break off are the sudanese finally free of colonization not. quite ok not even close the united nations has unmissed un m.i.a.'s a ten thousand plus strong peacekeeping force in the area on both sides of the border as they've had since two thousand and five but when the resolution authorizing it expires on saturday the un security council will see to the republic of sudan stood mans to not have any troops in the north despite all five permanent members of the council usa russia china britain france asking oh so very nicely so instead there will be a mere seven thousand troops and nine hundred cops employed only to southern sudan the new resolution is supposed to support the political transition establishing a state authority throughout the country and quote an inclusive constitutional
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process or holding elections and according to the associated press establishing an independent media great government supported independent media trust me there is no such thing. and all the controversy swirling around rupert rupert murdoch and news corp over the news of the world scandal in which there have now been several arrests in britain cleaning out a former communications chief for prime minister david cameron the discussed at the scale of today's media conglomerates is alive and well many see the undue influence wielded by rupert murdoch in turn to government pleading please don't let corporations get too big give us more regulations usually in a voice kind of like that well the media consolidation is a direct product of our current system corporatism including burdensome regulations which inevitably support consolidation see regular lesions mean overhead costs for businesses which govern impose overhead costs the relative burden on small
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businesses is much greater and they are at a competitive disadvantage to large companies or those that conglomerate have an advantage in a highly regulated environment over those who don't so small local newspaper in a sense operates more efficiently as part of a large multinational corporation where they can keep all their accounting legal and administrative staff in a central location the more of those kinds of people they need to keep up with regulation the better the advantage of the conglomerate so in media there's always going to be some concentration of power but in a true free market at least that would be determined by the size of the audience not the size of the corporation there might be some conglomeration but it would be based on how that consolidation affects ability to deliver content efficiently and not to comply with regulations but to me the consolidation of media power that we see in the world today is genuinely troubling because of out is then manipulated however consolidation itself isn't always bad and everyone loves to hate on wal-mart because they're a big nasty evil greedy corporation and i would agree that because of government
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power they get away with doing some nasty evil greedy things however it's pretty clear that in the service of providing a retail outlet for americans to spend money they don't have on cheap plastic crap from china they don't need consolidation is more efficient and as much as i hate some things wal-mart does i love the fact that we have megastores like prague and walmart and that's where i go for all my cheap us to crap from china and i can get it all in one stop. very efficiently all right a michelle obama all about her organic garden on the front lawn of the white house we know but for the rest of us peons this is now a jailable offense they create gardens no serve it's up to the standards of your local poet bureau it's a convict three garden or convict or garden get it at least this is the case in oak park city michigan where a local city planner as a side of it really bass's vegetable garden is unfit for city approval right let's
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let's get a look at this potential terrorist training camp up close here all right why because front lawns according to city code require sustainable live plants material . never mind that vegetables are suitable live plant material but when asked about that the planner here kevin real koski had this to say quote that's not what we want to see in a front yard if you look at the definition of what suitable is in webster's dictionary it will say common so if you look around and you look at other in any other community what's common to a front yard is a nice grass yard with beautiful trees and bushes and flowers. that nice man just wants to see some flowers and maybe take out those japanese rock gardens from a city how was telling people what to do with their private lawn suitable is this common or does this guy actually have a job by the way webster's also has a definition for fascism quotes a tendency to order actual exercise
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a strong autocratic or dictatorial control. isn't it good to know that while cities are going bankrupt nationwide they're wasting their time and public treasure harassing productive citizens now while michelle may be getting to produce delicious healthy vegetables for her fellow tax parasites the rest of us apparently have to go with frozen monsanto g m o's from wal-mart if we can afford to grow our own crops away from the prying eyes of a fascist city governments so if you want to let the humble public servant know how you feel feel free to send him an email or give him a ring crawl koski k r u l k o w s k i see i've got oak park that m.r.i.'s are going to get on the screen or you can call him at two four eight six nine one seven four five zero and i suppose with unemployment as high as it is today there are lots of americans that have time to engage in such accountability for government we can only hope at least some of our audience wants to get involved
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in this and joining me now to talk about obama's speech today the jobs joblessness unemployment what they're calling it a job market now but if only they really meant that situation here in the united states is none other than don herold investment adviser and host of the day trade show me a trade show dot com i want to get that you are all right for you there don don thank you so much for being with us tonight and it's a beer and i'm all right so they condiments expected ninety thousand we're going to have we're going to have payrolls go up by ninety thousand jobs over this last reporting period instead we saw them rise non-farm payrolls only eighteen thousand why are people still listening to those so-called economists on. well that's a great question actually an even a more fundamental question and i've asked this for months now for years why do we need an economy with nearly one hundred percent of americans working. the
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concept that with the nominal unemployment we have but our country is still mired in what even the rosiest of animals call the great recession as well they were slave plantations where every slave on the plantation had a job and they were are still slaves and these numbers that came out today they're not good they're not bad adam they are irrelevant these numbers can be ratcheted up ratcheted down they could be changed to revise any way this administration or the next administration chooses to do so it's not a matter of how many people are working it's why so many americans have got to have a job in the first place just to make ends meet i now want to play a clip for you from obama's speech stands for all that our economy as a whole just isn't producing nearly enough jobs for everybody who's looking at the problems in greece and in europe along with uncertainty over whether the debt limit here in the united states will be raised have also made businesses hesitant to
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invest more aggressively. so don if these numbers are meaningless what isn't bet is making businesses has its in to invest more heavily and hire more people here well in the first place i want to address this issue of the debt ceiling if i can because it really is through the canard the red herring the straw man used by this administration and others to scare people into agreeing that's a good idea to go deeper and deeper into debt to solve our debt problems it's unbelievable i mean i i did a video for the summer you tube channel last week i just wonder what these economists are doing to either laughing at us behind closed doors the administration is either laughing at us or they're just incompetent to think that a house on fire with debt will somehow you can put the fire out with gasoline with more debt as lunacy i cannot believe that obama has the gall to say at the root of our problems is the need to raise the debt ceiling so we can borrow more money and
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make sure we get more people back to work the truth is this country is going to go one of two ways either we're going to have an absolute collapse when eventually the house of cards is the us dollar will fall or everyone will be on the dole just digging ditches i mean it's so bizarre i know that there can be a lot of manipulation of these numbers in the job numbers and it's i mean it's funny how they say that. according to sandy c. article here the unemployment rate climbed to a six month high of nine point two percent even as job seekers left the labor force in droves from nine point one percent in may drop seekers leaving the force is that this doesn't make any sense but what is it that's actually keeping employers or would be employers from being able to hire more what of the current policy is impeding job growth ok the problem is that the way our country was built for the first hundred year or the last hundred seventy years before the last ten everything up to about the one thousand nine hundred to two thousand we had somewhat of
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a manufacturing base you talked about wal-mart on the intro the cheap plastic stuff from china. well the truth is we've given away or manufacturing a manufacturing jobs we lag in every technology field around the globe and our workers still want to get paid a whole lot or the workers in any other country on the planet and we all are carrying massive debt that we'll get this china the people from whom we're on the in the in the truck full of that plastic crap there's there aren't jobs they're not the kind of jobs that build a nation but kind of jobs that we have now are likely donald's hiring sixty thousand people to flip burgers the thing americans have got to come to grips with is the jobs aren't there but manufacturing jobs have left and at the root in the base of this and adam i know you don't want talk about the fed you're maybe you didn't. listen we could look at the fed's balance sheets trillions of dollars they own everything from gold to property and we pay them a tax a tide a tribute every single day simply to print money for us right think i sort of
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psychology go to the vets and i that's all the time we have to thank you so much for joining us we hope that the obama administration will acknowledge their own language in this being a jobs market and do something to reduce the costs of jobs instead of all the taxes and regulation that keep them high and make it harder for people to hire and it was don pay for a show dot com thanks so much for joining us tonight all right so the last hour well the last shuttle launch was a day today marks a milestone in space exploration where we haven't been back to our own moon in almost half a century it is the end of an era nasa will no longer be sending bureaucrats on ancient shuttles to chill in orbit and not explore our nearby moon and planets special planets made its final launch they carry a crew of four bureaucrats on its way to do what it always does attend a freeze dried ice cream party at the international space station yeah. i was we had one arab with you hopefully we'll be donning a new one in
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a watch government begin to get the hell out of the way of private innovation the most likely reason rather than invasion that nasa is ending the shuttle program is the fact that the united states government is broke. a lot of little left the rags out there are limits in the death of the shuttle program saying it singles an end to american innovation of course that's preposterous government subsidies and not intrinsically tied to innovation at all the universe is not a national park the international spirit of cooperation propagated by united nations bureaucrats crushes private incentive in the last thing i want to see is the t.s.a. and outer space in the long run interest in space exploration to militarized outfits such as nasa known for using the primers reverse euphemism conquering space will only continue to provoke arcade arms races with rival nation states who are also quite literally shooting for the stars when man can escape the confines of earth we can escape the confines of our elite run governments only when we reach
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our full potential only when we are able to move freely about and space where we truly be free and let us hope that even amidst the looming monetary crisis and all the other professional warfare we're now enduring we someday reach that ideal and hope that when we get there we don't run into any galactic empires or fascist leaning alliances all right as soon as we get back from the break we'll be sitting down for the fun of molyneux about the relationship between violence or lack of physical pleasure in children and the violence that they are prone to as adults you're watching adam vs the mental you're about. r g is the state running english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera.
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and. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. the website which twenty four seven vine streaming news tells us what to do about the ongoing financial hike unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find the need. for me that there's a need for the. most in more aren't done such to. well go back to adam vs the man joining me now is to found all new host of freedom
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a radio to discuss body pleasure and the origins of violence of all things a great subject for a friday so it's a fun thank you so much for being with us all the way from ontario canada you did. a video on this where you illustrated your reading of this twenty five page article written by a neural psychologist in one thousand nine hundred seventy five and expressed your shock upon seeing this information and the data of the body of knowledge that this paper represents not being more widely acknowledged that we've had this information available from one nine hundred seventy five and yet it seems widely ignored and i will come back to that but explain first that the basic concept and why you think this body of work is so important to what we're experiencing today. sure well the argument put forward by james prescott in the article is that we have and this is
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you know really oversimplified a pleasure center and a violent center in the brain and his argument is that a lack of sensory pleasure particularly in sort of cuddling and physical affection as a baby and so. sexual pleasure as a young adult is the principal root cause of violence in other words if you accentuate the experience of pleasure you can minute the desire for violence and vice versa if you accentuate your desire for violence you diminish your capacity for pleasure and this has been borne out in a number of animal studies where if you stimulate the pleasure center of an aggressive animal it immediately becomes i guess we'd say something like mellow yelled out. violent aggressive that's right that's right and they've done some significant studies on cultures wherein they look at the degree of physical affection that lavished upon babies and then compare that to adult rapes adult instances of rape and murder and theft and other sorts of violence and they found a near perfect relationship ninety eight percent correlation between societies that
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are affectionate towards babies and allow for premarital sex and cultures that have very low rates of violence and convert the converse is true cultures that are cold towards children and or prevent premarital sexual relationships or extramarital sexual relationships have very high rates of violence which is really quite fascinating ok i want to get back to the young adults partly because i'm a young adult there and most of the implications of. conversations or studies like this is what kind of social engineering do we have to engage in now to address these problems and if you're saying that young adults have to have more premarital sex in order to avoid violent behaviors what is the policy implication for the obama administration here in order to get me laid on this how does that work well clearly i think it would be a tax refund you should get oil is and inflatables and for globes and all other kinds of things perhaps low throbbing disco soundtracks you know are you are you tell me are an artificial stimulation isn't is an adequate substitute here if you
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if you look i would rather they stimulate other things in the economy and. you might reference that the stimulus could actually work ok but seriously what is that when you when you say leon adults in the context of the study you talk about premarital sex is it really that simple societies that allow young adults we talk some we're talking post best since at least adults to engage in sexual activity end up with a lower incidence of violence from those people as adults yeah there is a is that who phases to the theory the first is that you know it's best to get the physical affection as a baby but if you don't get physical affection as a baby it's very important to have sex as a teenager i mean i'm just giving you the science and it's not necessarily the graphic videos but it's really important to have that and what that does it's tech our stimulus you know they've done studies on monkeys where they raise them in a group of other monkeys but isolated by cages and they show high degrees of violence and the social behavior inability to bond and also with their own children it's gone to the point where this is precise enough information that it's almost
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perfect prediction to say that women who abuse their children have not experienced an orgasm in their life i know it sounds bizarre but if you look at how it's very accurate wow it is amazing be able to say it now it's not you can't say with absolute but near statistical certainty right ok now this this article is fascinates body pleasure and the origins of violence by james w. prescott i've got a poster on my facebook page got some great reaction there there's some intense. tables and here they take a little a little process whole time to get into so for our viewers that want to do that definitely encourage them to fawn back to how we started this why are you sock that this information has been available since one nine hundred seventy five and hasn't been put into a wider practice perhaps at this point there is a lot of statistical information about the long term effects of child abuse and child neglect that simply has not made it into the mainstream media i've got a free audiobook reading of the origins of war in child abuse by lloyd to mass i've
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done a video series called the bomb in the brain on you tube which shows the statistical correlation between adverse childhood experiences and things like drug use dangerous promiscuity cigarette addiction alcoholism and so on it's estimated that significant child abuse can reduce your life six expectancy by up to twenty years and has a forty to fifty percent increase the likelihood of contracting cancer for a variety of reasons including and over production of the stress hormone cortisol these kinds of health risks are simply not discussed in the mainstream media instance dead we're told to worry about lead paint in toys from china and b.p.a. which turns out to be virtually meaningless so we're not told about the real risks that we face in our lives which is abuse from caregivers often but we're given these fantasy risks that really don't add up to anything and i think it's just because it's such a painful and difficult subject to talk about but i think it's something we really do need to talk about so that we can begin to bring about a society that raises children peacefully and that has a significant reduction in violence so for instance some of the norwegian countries
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have banned spanking and none of them went in the war to iraq. but you wouldn't be advocating government coming in with regulations like that but you are putting the love in love olution so far malo freedom and aerated i can't thank you so much for joining us tonight lately our affectionate friends at the transportation security administration have been hard at work building a laundry list of abuses beyond radiation exposure and molestation they have quite a criminal record. if we had a justice system system worth a damn it seems though even with all the touching and trauma going on sometimes the bad guys do get what's coming to them as it turns out sometimes t.s.a. agents sneak around with interesting things in their pants too and we can officially add best to the list of their abuses police have arrested thirty year old nelson sent jago after he was allegedly caught stuffing an i pad into his pants by an employee of continental airlines it's estimated that the government
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sanctioned groper may have stolen as much as fifty thousand dollars worth of products over a six month period he's been at this gig since two thousand and nine and while it is pathetic that someone of such low moral character could get away with theft on the job for this on perhaps it's a testament to what kind of people are taking these jobs charges are pending and know to round out the week you the viewer are first comments night comes from jack on his ground on facebook in response to our story on wiretaps having nearly doubled under obama the nobel peace prize gives you the secret power to spy on whatever the hell you want and you know that i didn't know that apparently gives you the power to start a bunch of wars too but that's not so secret of power from our conversation with john cards from americans for tax reform yesterday buffalo new york u.s. news tweeted very loudly in all caps i might add signaling to russia t.v.'s increase a move to the right now even adam coco's is featuring one of grover norquist c.
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suckers if i recall there was no oral sex included in the interview but it did also problems a post on facebook from him lee mcclintock research fellow at the cato institute writes. just watch your interview with tom dart from a to b r and i'm so glad i found your show you actually understand economics and you're right i actually do and you can thank the bush bails for that seriously that's what i understand of economic crystalize into what passes for organized framework and here i'm not just a dumb angry working after all so diving in judgment governor writes on facebook sorry but you can't fix the deficit without cuts and raising taxes on the rich cutting spending cutting jobs equals economy gets worse i'm really sorry but i will be listening to warren buffett on money matters since he is the richest american and says he could pay double taxes easy he also said the stimulus was a big enough and we need another one well you can't cut taxes on the poor unless
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you on the reserve currency scheme and you can fix the deficit and i think that just cutting spending if you want to listen to warren buffett check this the reason he supports increasing taxes that he knows will benefit him more if you try to tax the rich the super rich can always buy their way out of taxes while the relatively moderately successful bear the burden as for the stimulus yeah a bigger one so that friends of government can get more handouts speaking of government cheating the people our story on teachers and principals organizing shooting parties for standardized tests many of our education stories prompted a lot of fencing a first ration from some traumatized government indoctrination center incidents but i want to share one particularly relevant one from the teach a piece cravell who writes in tennessee the students are given nothing but practice state tests for three months prior to the actual test my son had such an exile be about taking the test i have decided to homeschool in this year as i want my child to have a quality education there is nothing in life that comes with an answer from yesterday
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i shared this clip of the rare good cop caught on tape. on that video segment on you tube kid music writes find out all his info out of that we can call in and let them know his actions are what us people want from cops and these are the cops we need to have remain on the force please like this people so it can be in the comments awesome and way to get our attention with the comment if someone is able to find the info for this officer i'll share it and make sure people get the opportunity to make sure this guy was rewarded and hopefully not punished for is bravery we got the video from our friends that block or so you might want to start investigating there and from a fan to the north brandon sending sin writes i just wanted to tell you to keep up the good work on the show there sincerely needs to be more hard hitting thought
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inspiring controversial and rationalist programs like adam vs the man on the air not only in the us but also north of the border anyways keep running and gunning and going against the grain your viewer base will only continue to grow cheers from her ideological allies in canada canada they want to know our show is so popular internationally but especially among canadians well aside from being an ethnic what i also have canadian don't tell anyone or they might start to notice my silly thought being head thing and from a fan in the deep south mighty mouse australia writes adam murdoch is no longer an ozzie he's now american and you can have the scum bag know him back and we have some wisdom from sergeant crowley from u.c. who writes it's nice to see how somebody people who were previously approach or leave each have dropped him like a hot potato because he not only deceive insure a public you can see his position on nine eleven without even considering his side of the story or wondering what would make him change his nine healthy until proven
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innocent of course charlie's new perspective on. nine eleven is pure crap but he's still the same old nice guy and this is how quickly you get bags turn on your own your revolution is didn't know how rouge it is not doomed love and light i think substance all around and yes we're still having planned on having charlie back on soon as we hear from him about being in my district that will surely fuel some conspiracy theories and finally perry little sums it up for us tonight when can we simply evolve the government will become totally obsolete once we can become responsible for ourselves isn't freedom a paradigm meaning a free man is free in his own mind that's our challenge to become aware of and then the dawning of that paradigm i don't have to fight for my freedom you have to fight to strip me of it i am a free man amen and that's our show for the week hopefully will be able to get the time next week in an update on the white harrison.


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