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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2011 4:01pm-4:31pm EDT

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because people may have been swept several kilometers away. but. just to recap on the events of the last few hours we had the good about t.p.m. musk a toy vendor the emergencies ministry dispatched a rescue team of helicopters and divers to go to the say they managed to retrieve the seventy seven people one person with the confirmed dead and they were put onto a possum boat which as we've heard has now arrived. so they had managed to achieve these people we can hit the lakes from the emergencies ministry. rescue teams left for the scene as soon as reports came over those who were immediately rescued were taken to another ship that was standing close by but it's now arrived to because. some people managed to swim towards nearby island who are now searching for the other one woman has died another man is in hospital with
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injuries so we do seven people have been saved we're going to. know if i actually heard the likelihood of people being able to swim to the shore tool say is island is thinking less and less probable is very strong currents in the area of the volga and it would be a long distance to swim now the beta stuff was headed friend a ton of both to the people who survived being taken it was a two day trip it was going to have a turning focus and the focus of an incredibly popular area this time of year the tourist to take these kind of boats and we've heard from present day that the investigation has been launched the emergencies ministry has set up a special department to look into exactly what happened because really cools now as the time goes on for this rescue operation as these people remain house in the water and on lake hated to find out if anyone is accountable and whether the situation could have been avoided as you say you know if those reports are true the . this sank within three minutes not
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a lot of time for people going to live from so good life and so on was it now this boat of course is one we hear that work those waters for many many years are there any clues i know it's early days but already clues as to what went so badly wrong. well there's a number of different versions about what could it possibly have been we've heard from some eyewitnesses that actually potentially human error could come into play that the queen and the captain and the way they responded to the problems that the ship had could have contributed to the sinking and probably have souls and how do it as best as it could it be no we've also heard from the queen and she was on board the ship apparently has its technical difficulties before it even starts all those possibly something wrong with the engine so that's another possible version of events that they could have occurred the weather conditions not helping they had the stormy conditions certainly going to hinder the rescue operation as well as
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they really started out to try and locate the hundred people that say this does he going to be looking into exactly what happened and he could be held accountable we need to update itself with fifty five years old say there is some search spectators is saying that perhaps he could have contributed as well that perhaps some design structure in the age of it could have left him vulnerable to breaches like this and we've also heard that the boat was eva capacitated they were only capacity for a hundred forty people we know that there were one hundred eighty eight passengers on board and as he said only seventy seven at the safe being like hated the rescue mission goes on of course it's really going out to family and friends who are going to be just really concerned and very very anxious to hear information about what has happened to these people. as earlier on pictures of the rescue mission and we talk about it being a river but it's one heck of a big river where it happened this boat went down three kilometers off shore didn't it in waters that were twenty meters deep. you saying there are strong currents
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there is some hope though maybe the rescue rescue was hoping against hope that some people may have been able to swim to dry land may have made it those three kilometers of course across this story very much with your help sara thanks for bringing us up to date with what you know. well let me bring you some details about this actual boat we heard a lot from sarah there but just to recap it was a pleasure cruiser had been used for years for day trips and we came breaks along about volga river it was a double deck ship called the bold carrier there it is it was built back in one nine hundred fifty five in czechoslovakia as it was then it had seating for one hundred forty passengers asaram ensured it could reach speeds of nearly twelve knots that spoke twenty two kilometers in terms that may be normal to call people who understand better cruising speeds in other words the boat also had restaurants and bars and providing to tame went on board since most trips last a few days at a time but it's been suggested again as we heard from sarah that the borg areas engines maybe weren't working properly at the time of the accident that's not been
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confirmed also it may be that that ship was overcrowded again very early days that's more being confirmed either the official investigation will of course be asking all those questions and probing what went so badly wrong we'll bring you more as we know it. in georgia three high profile photographers have been charged with spying for moscow to police it claims it has video confessions proving their guilt but skeptics say mikhail saakashvili is on a witch hunt to score political points artie's tom barton reports next on what's being seen as anti russian hype. georgia is on a spy role and not for the first time this time the spotlight being shined on those usually behind the camera four photographers were arrested on thursday on suspicion of spying but who was there suppose it must but first georgian authorities didn't say who they thought the ledge spies were working for but a day later they did russia in turn moscow has accused georgia of paranoia the
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georgians are so quick to stick a spy label on to anyone i guess is just a level of democracy and that has been noticed not just by russia but by various key international organizations like the un one of the photographers was released without charge the other three were charged with espionage and will remain in pretrial custody for two months one of them has gone on hunger strike in protest. however georgian president mikheil saakashvili is personal photographer has reportedly made a video confession admitting to spying for russia opposition figures are skeptical she was there and i think not they are looking actually the wife too and they have a very small child to enjoy your time to time with everything that comes out but they've kind of have no real when we go out come and we never saw any kind of real they're human creations that the government is going through this isn't the first time this has happened last year thirteen people were arrested and accused of being
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on russia's payroll earlier this week nine of them received sentences of up to fourteen years in prison for the georgian government this is a matter of national security but others in georgia are very critical of what they see as particular ruthless political calculation if you are into iraq surely you want the rest of you are always there and you are a democracy and if you want to go. there is no great example in mostly human rights because it really isn't a russian who's never produced or who's politicized words like well why wouldn't you going to. tbilisi must know deal with that most serious about a geisha spying it has a neighbor with whom its relations are at rock bottom and it has some men in jail but many are questioning whether this is really about justice or about politics tom
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bottom ninety. egypt's prime ministers vowing to sack any member of the security forces accused of killing protesters during the uprising that toppled former president hosni mubarak the statement comes after thousands of egyptians turned out for the biggest rally in months angered over the slow pace of prosecuting officials and reforms the people say they'll keep fighting to until they see change but he's innocent now is at the same for us. egypt's uprising might have ousted president mubarak but to them he's far from gone thousands of people out here on top here they all see different visions of egypt but they join together because the people we've spoken to feel like their revolution has been stolen we go through the books of the mubarak's dictatorship is alive and well the taste of freedom was short lived the military is in full power mass media is being choked and oppression still rampant and worse than before i think they werent catching activists as much
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as they are doing now and take them to a prison and i guess now they're being greedy violence they want to kill that evolution they still that in the first place he's known simply as uncle horst i'm here in egypt a social network or with a twitter army of some thirty thousand followers the military throes of civilians have to stop immediately immediately this is you know one of the major demands we're putting forward one of many demands including transparent trials for the fallen regime and the purging of corrupt officials they got rid of mubarak you know their high ranking officials but now egypt will be the same way it was before january sort of got that little officials a little mubarak so many new marks rather is what they're calling them for running the country people like myself have been arguing for taking the high due to the factories they can hire you to the universities seeking to have you to the wood places meaning that in every single word police we have an egypt that is i mean you
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know what it was never interested in politics in till january she was shot with twenty three pellets by riot police twenty of which are still in her like the pain is finally gone but her perseverance is not the barrier of the fear is gone and she will continue to fight till we end. every every egyptian citizen to be treated as a human being every protester has their own vision of the egypt they're fighting for some want a constitution and then free elections others think the new laws should follow the vote but one thing that brings them all together is that this egypt is not the end and he said no way r t cairo. coming up on the program with me kevin now in just before the anniversary of europe's world massacres since then obscene party travels
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. where people are still in search of justice special report coming up. rebels in libya are battling past government forces on the road to tripoli they're now moving towards the key turn of litter after a six week long impasse but the capital still remains over one hundred fifty kilometers away the rebels say their progress has been slow because of a lack of ammunition and nato support have been suggestions that the alliance of data is running low on arms and has asked germany for munitions early reports now and burly of surprise turn after opposing the mission from the outset. more bombs wanted just over one hundred days of airstrikes and with just over two thousand bombs dropped by nato allies on libya the mission has run into an unexpected problem a lack of cells to drop where there is demand there is supply in this case germany has agreed to provide the much needed ammunition previously berlin has abstained
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from voting in favor of the u.n. security council resolution on libya and move that surprised some and angered others but it may now be backing out of a decision the germans may not want to participate but are they have decided that position does not preclude them actually supplying weapons in this case or systems some believe germany is under pressure from other nato members particularly the united states france and the u.k. to take a more active part in the libyan campaign at first. you know ministries toward the foreign affairs minister don't go into libya it's a very bad conflict it was started by the cia and it's a dirty business don't go there so this is why you voted with russia and china now the backlash from washington is so tough obviously we are under pressure to. do something to make up for this decision aside from peer pressure germany may be alerted by the possible financial benefits of making its weapons available for
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natives use in libya probably germany will get paid for delivering these arms to other counts but that is normal practice between countries even between nato countries. out of the twenty eight nato members only eight are actively participating in libya with civilian deaths to which nato recently admitted to a shortage of weapons and the ever relentless more market duffy still at the helm the coalition may be facing just the beginning of its problems. berlin is in a tough spot on the one hand it has disappointed nato by refusing to support the mission in libya in march on the other by agreeing to supply bombs it may now lose friends in other high places and whatever the real reasons for its contradictory policy may be germany could find that by trying to please everyone it may end up pleasing no one even goes corti. well for its part russia is holding firm on its
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condemnation of nato military action in libya the foreign minister says the mission's a political game and so really cost to money. but. nato is bombing libya longer that it was bombing yugoslavia several years ago and there is no end in sight it's obvious that politics is a cynical matter we hear from the western capitals that the bombing should go on until gadhafi backs off but the human cost of these political statements is very high. let me bring up to date on the latest on the main stories you can see on the bottom your screen there in red it's our breaking news the tragedy in central russia today after a pleasure cruise assange with almost two hundred on board in the revolver intact in tatarstan more than one hundred people are still missing rescue divers are continuing to search those dark volga rivers tonight dozens of people who were immediately rescued were taken to a nearby vessel they've now arrived ashore in cars and as you can see these are the latest pictures we've got through concerns relatives and friends gathered at the
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dock side of the rescue people were met by police and medical crews that were taken for treatment was most of them clearly in distress the vessel itself called the pole garia reportedly sank within three minutes of getting into difficulty it was three kilometers from the shore when it went down in waters about twenty meters deep it's thought to have been carrying people on a weekend sightseeing break indeed it was itself. eyewitnesses say a storm is likely to blame for the sinking others suggest a failure of the end boat engines of the that's not been confirmed an investigation is currently underway. in other years britain's scandal plagued news of the world newspapers rolled off the presses for the very last time its final edition was apologetic but defiant after being hastily closed by rupert murdoch this week the embattled media mogul flew to london to take charge of the crisis which engulfed the paper and its parent company news international it claimed journalists hacked the phones of murder victims and dead soldiers families police made
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a number of arrests on friday including a former editor of the paper who's also served as the prime minister's press chief media analyst phil very says rupert murdoch has now lost his long standing community among britain's politically. i think something changed this week you know for decades british prime ministers have been on the needs to the to the murdoch press because they knew that when the sun which is his main daily newspaper here in britain when the sun supported a british politician running for prime ministership you know they won it and then you find on the next day you find that prime minister reading the sun looking like an idiot saying well the sun got me elected i mean you've got this demeaning of british democracy is that missing of democracy really which the murdoch press was at the heart of but i think and that was that for silence as well because important people needed the murdoch press and they couldn't be they couldn't attack it because of that and i think a line was crossed rupert murdoch has a very finely tuned business brain he has a lot of things going on now one of them is to purchase the largest satellite
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network in britain called the sky b. and that decision is about to be approved by the government that was in jeopardy i think he felt that as a businessman he had to sacrifice the news of the world because it in terms of the whole news international it's a tiny part of all that the political class had been sucking up to rupert murdoch for so many years including prime minister david cameron he now has to stand back and say no i can't do it anymore it's gone too bad. the four balls general accused of ordering the servants of massacre is likely to have a new legal team to represent about the hague write code not angrily disrupted his second hearing in the week parades and judges for not allowing him to have his lawyers present but many serbs feel the notorious general's trial will not bring full justice parties catalinas out of a report. liquid little town of sibling meets in bosnia and herzegovina who looks it daily you houses are being built people go about their business and in the
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center of the town a mosque and a church sit side by side but this apparent unity is an illusion sixteen years ago the entire region was torn apart by ethnic clashes during the yugoslav war and seventy two became infamous when the united nations stated eight thousand muslim men and boys were massacred by bosnian serb forces today and the moral for the deceased sits in the grounds of a former un military base the city but it's a memorial ground as well maintained and frequently visited by locals journalists and tourists who get boston from the bosnian capital of. what the tourist aren't shown are the thousands of serbian graves that lined cemeteries all around the state of being it's a region. thousands of people were killed during the balkan wars of the one nine hundred ninety s. but cemeteries like these with entire families of murdered serb civilians only get visited by the very few remaining survivors but only comes here all the time his
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entire family lives here he says a bosnian muslim general is responsible for you know i was only nine years old when this had already struck away everything i had in life first he killed my mother then my father and brother i was wounded and taken captive they held me for fifty six days and only god knows how or why i survived. but even though but on a survived his loss just like that of thousands of people here is being ignored. each was at the hague tribunal and i was supposed to be a witness in his trial but in the end me and about thirty other witnesses were simply cast aside they didn't call us didn't ask what happened to our families and the tribunal only gave him two years in prison. the balkan war so heinous atrocities visited on all sides and perpetrated by all players but the version most often propagated by western media is rather one sided in blaming the serbs the
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purpose of that is to set the stage and create a rationale for so-called humanitarian interventions which indeed occurred in considerable number in the mouth of stock in it so that so-called precedent can be traced through the years and into today's headlines bosnia iraq afghanistan and most recently libya have all played unwilling hosts to nato troops and u.s. imposed no fly zones it is very important and the creation of the. scenario to make sure that in the minds of most people. was a genocide which was preventable but for whatever reasons the so-called international community didn't do anything about it. some might say the journey
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from sitting needs it to benghazi via baghdad and kabul could now be traced as a kind of nato road map but as with any road paved with good intentions there is only one possible destination. castros are the r.t.e. bosnia and herzegovina. a deadly fire has broken out of the nursing home for the elderly in northwestern ukraine it's killed sixteen people fire crews battle the flames for five hours and managed to rescue eleven from the blaze victims were then treated in hospital for carbon dioxide poisoning three remain a great condition you phone from investigating the cause of five and other reports suggest it was not started deliberately. turkmenistan's government admitted that a series of explosions that shook the city of up or down occurred at a munitions depo the blast happened on thursday and killed fifteen people according to official reports no initially authorities said it was an instance of the fireworks factory that there were no casualties but that contradicted eyewitness pictures and reports that around two hundred were killed and scores injured it's
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understood that the officials responsible for giving out false public information have been sacked now took my stand as long but every secretive state even the internet was banned until recently repair works are underway in the stricken town of all victims a big problem government a. world news tonight in brief. violence in bangladesh over a change to the constitution to make the predominantly muslim region more secular police used tear gas to disperse angry isn't this protest with at least fifty youthful to be the islam remains the official religion because when it's removed of course speight think absolute faith and trust in. the u.s. is now pulling the plug almost eight hundred million dollars of military aid to pakistan relations between the two countries have been strained since the sullivan lawton's killing in may the white house called pakistan an important ally in the war on terror but added that the relationship quote must be worked on over time. dating you know on our main news story this hour the tragedy in central russia
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after that pleasure cruise sank earlier with almost two hundred on board in the revolver in tatarstan the late as we know is that more than one hundred people are still missing rescue divers are continuing to search the dark waters of the volga tonight that. sins of people who were immediately rescued were taken to a nearby vessel they've now arrived ashore in khazan as you can see here anxious friends and relatives gathering at the dock side with the first survivors were brought to shore most of the clearly in distress ocean sleep they were met by police and medical crews and taken for treatment the vessel itself was called the ball garia reportedly sank alarmingly within just three minutes of getting into difficulty according to initial reports it was three kilometers from the shore when it went down in waters about twenty meters deep it's thought to been carrying people on a weekend sightseeing break itself was on route because an eye witnesses say a storm could be to blame for the sinking right now investigators are considering a number of possibilities including faulty equipment and whether the boat itself was overcrowded no conclusions yet being drawn we will of course keep you cross all
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the very latest happening in tartus down for the night my name's kevin irwin you're watching r.t. from moscow. the
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from fans to. t.v. dot com. wealthy british style stock. market . find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger no holds barred the global financial headlines kaiser report.
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breaking news from us divers will continue searching overnight for over one hundred people missing a pleasure cruise a sank in the revolt in central russia it went down in just three minutes it's not yet known why some survivors of arrived. and some of the top news stories of the week just gone ga. charges high profile photographers were snooping for bosco but skeptics say it's an anti russian image who stood by president saakashvili. as they returned a square. while authorities ordered a suspension of police officers accused of killing protesters from rising. well the
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syrian government is holding talks on reforms to but the opposition activists are boycotting the national dialogue they say they will not participate as long as the regime continues to crackdown on protesters up next a syrian politician shares his views on whether a solution could be found. so i would like to talk about what has been going on in syria for the last three months can you please come in under us but i'll ask you are i want to know what the new are but answer out of syria has seen complicated events in these three months when religious extremists started to destabilize the country's peace and security and undermines to billet in syria of course the mass media have also done their bit to present syria in an unfavorable light as a country that is hostile towards its own people never in the history of modern syria has the country been attacked the way these armed bands of extremists are
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doing it syria is in need of reforms and we have had peaceful demonstrations in favor of reforms the syrian government and president bashar al assad responded to the demands of the people but as you may recall every time the government was about to introduce reforms violence surged in the country i witnessed these acts in daraa and other syrian provinces like many other citizens did the incumbent president of syria is committed to reforms and in two thousand he proposed a major program of reforms but events in the region that followed affected the implementation of the reforms gravely the us invasion of iraq and the potential threat that the aggression would sweep over syria after the american government made its intentions clear the turmoil in lebanon and the assassination of the lebanese leader rafik hariri the situation in the region changed in the state of syria is threatened the reforms were shifted to the back burner and defense of the country was made the priority task and has been the most important thing.


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