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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the. breaking news on r t a rescue effort that's now a recovery operation sixty five confirmed dead after their poker cruiser sank on sunday and the whole river would settle. rescuers say the hope of finding anyone alive at the scene he cites is no next to nothing but the search continues at the size of the boat sinking under surrounding islands russian president need to give orders to those rigs responsible for the fact he to be found and punished and he says the boat was to old to be sailed. but even over those poor child's remains will not oppose it with more the hundreds here and around distraught
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relatives struggle to accept how their loved ones were dragged to their deaths in a poll to say with this event. six pm in moscow i match reza with our continuing coverage of the tragedy on the volga river divers there are now undertaking the grim task of retrieving the those killed when their pleasure cruiser sank sunday in central russia sixty five are confirmed dead but recovery teams report seeing more than a hundred bodies trapped inside of all the area artie's town barton has the latest assessment from the rescue center in tatarstan. they currently stands rather like this there were now two hundred eight people said to be on the boat after some debate about that that's been settled the two hundred eight now stranded in eight people which is far more than the boat was supposed to hold one hundred forty as
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eighty of those have been rescued we spoke to the emergencies ministry earlier which is coordinating efforts here but they said the prospect of finding other people survivors is no plea. as a sweep in the bottom of the ripper both been searched my symptoms and extra exam have closer but there is merit badge as ability the waves are quite high and this is also making the one of the difficult part in toss specialist there is almost no chance of finding any more survivors still both banks and the ship will be trapped divers have been working around the clock in shifts on a special platform above where the ship lays on the riverbed to try to explore the ship and to extract the bodies from there are now approaching one particular room in the ship the play room where lots of children went to play and indeed between thirty and fifty children were thought to be there just minutes before the the boat
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began to sink they're going to try and possibly raise the ship as well i think you about bringing special craft from involved grass for this to the process of raising our children to helping conduct the investigation could take four to five days extra just to give you a flavor really of the kind of thing that they have heard about and some of them have actually been through the survivors picture the scene next to pm yesterday when the boat was cruising along the polgar very popular waterway for a lot of a lot of cruise boats to come along in the summer a lot of people enjoying the afternoon there and suddenly it all went wrong most of the problems stemmed from the fact that the boat sank so fast in just three minutes . which resulted in that absolute chaos and board not enough time even for people to put life jackets on trying to get into the water and many of this just drop it back you ation of the bogus cause family to be torn apart and some terrible
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personal stories that from the people that have talked about their experiences. some a dream so one night in a matter of minutes. oh so much for me no matter. what. it was a sunday afternoon when the holiday river cruz kariya run into difficulties on the . catastrophe came swiftly that you were sick of it is that people were basically buried alive in anti-matter and coughing you managed to get out the window i was there with my ten year old daughter i couldn't rescue her she swallowed too much water when i was he was out i realized my child was gone even though the boat garia now lies a part. of you and i still sinking less than three minutes you. will probably be able this year we were literally thrown out about how we survived good will for our whole family was on that ship we lost everybody my wife and children
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showed you two vessels passed by and didn't even care to stop and reach out for help and how. we got a meter and two hours in the water before we were rescued i swam around searching for survivors and couldn't find anybody that's why they were killed on the ship they were all in the game troop it was impossible to get out of there my grandson would be five years old tomorrow if he went on the ship to celebrate her birthday. many of the passengers were families with children on a weekend sightseeing quake survivors and relatives powerless to act i'm now able only to wait. maybe we are telephoning everyone trying to learn anything about our dear ones. we called the police but they said to contact the search and rescue service we did but there was no reply so we came here to find out at least something but even here nobody knows anything but you miss horrible we haven't the slightest knowledge of what's going on but they should give us at least some
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information we're calling the search and rescue service provider asser the phone. as many as fifty of the passengers were under eighteen hours old told into the vulgar three kilometers but these people behind me are just some of the relatives desperate for news about their loved ones and what was a pleasure boat cruise has for them turned into a living nightmare. of all the black central russia. a relative of one of the survivors have been has been giving a whoring account of their ordeal one you know you don't know you've gotten leans a bit there are three of them in the cabin my son my thoughts in law and my grandson my son said he tried to open the cabin door holding his child when the wave crashed into them and he lost grip of my grandson he saw you swim towards the light and made it out alive but i can't find my grandson or daughter in law they're not on the new lists now i'm waiting to see photos investigators must now discover
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why the agent was allowed to sail into seemingly open water in such poor weather and the search for the truth of the tragedy begins at the highest level as artes italian overcover reports from moscow. person doesn't hold a special meeting regarding this tragedy he's met up with the country's emergencies minister sergey shari who and he's set up a special state's commission to investigate into the case and find those responsible he's made the have over the commission and just quickly mr. i want the prosecutor general's office to check for compliance with clickable transport regulations by the owners of the vessel and state officials that certified it is suitable for cruising and generally everyone related to the organization of this cruise especially considering the fact there was so many children on board the ship the results of an investigation should be summed up and not only in relation to vicious if a catastrophe but in relation to all directions of his class and other classes as
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well as a number of decrepit barges cruising along our waterways is enormous and the fact that we were lucky to fall yesterday doesn't mean anything like that couldn't have happened it did happen and with the most grave consequences to the cause of present it announced the keys the joy that swells is going to be a national day of mourning in russia to remember the victims of this horrible tragedy well as the president has said the main reason is probably because it was very roots and other reasonings or can be easily derived from that one it's a sum of reasons really some are saying that the that particular vessel did not have a permission a why since to transport passengers in the first place there are reports of a saying that's because that's the deal with was only one hundred and twenty people and it has over two hundred people on board now when it sank are other reasons being mains is that one of their boats engines was not working but according to the
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owner of the best so even if that was the case he claims that so the vessel with could carry on with the trip anyway even with one broken engine are some are with this is saying. where there was really stormy and all these a very wide river and the storms and the winds can get really strong there and what is really cool so those people who stayed in the water for two hours waiting for how someone just didn't make it through that sign and some survivors of this warble tragedy is saying that's as they try to actually evacuate themselves from that those emergency exits were blocked again referring to the fact that the boat was really. arty spoke with the director of moscow's river transport here explain what might have caused them to sink so fast. it's hard to name the reasons for the
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sinking of the cruiser before we speak to all the witnesses i think there were a number of factors human error weather conditions we know there was a storm and other factors but i would rule out overcrowding because both of these type can carry up to four hundred fifty people and it doesn't matter whether there were one hundred fifty or two hundred on board the thing that is very striking is that the boat went down so quickly we haven't heard events like this in the past fifty years at least so the fact that there was a storm and the eliminator windows were probably open late to the cruise or possibly filling up with water quite quickly especially when it leans to one side the illuminatus should have been closed to food into the reservoir. so recap of the tragedy for you the number killed in the boulder of a tragedy now stands at sixty five as divers continue recovering more bodies from the doomed pleasure cruiser that sank sunday in russia's republic of tatarstan it's thought about a third of the boat has now been checked divers are trying to reach the music hall
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where some thirty children are believed to have been locked before the ship went out emergencies ministry says there's little hope of finding anyone else alive tuesday has been declared a national day of mourning president medvedev has ordered an investigation into why it is ship sank saying it private vessels shouldn't still be cruising the country's waterways and investigative committee believes a critical technical failure is to blame for the accident which he is following developments as they unfold in this tragedy and we'll keep you fully updated throughout the day. turning out of the country to any other main news we're covering out r t the middle east peace quartet it will meet in washington later on monday at a time when israeli palestinian divide is growing wider russia the united states the u.n. any e.u. have a tough job ahead with peace talks with iran and yet coming un vote on a recognizing an independent palestine the impasse has been compounded since israel rejected u.s. backing to return to the pre nine hundred sixty seven borders as a basis for the talks israel started occupying the territories including gaza the
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west bank and east jerusalem during the six day war also driving a wedge in finding a solution is the refusal to stop war with drug jewish settlements on disputed lands and parties policy or visited one ancient arab village near jerusalem which its former inhabitants say stands as a painful reminder of injustice. and missiles in the mountains of jerusalem on the remains of a once passing out community only the memories of those who once lived here have survived intact i feel. we are coming back and simply. i can see the hard since the rain. in my car that. there could be a grew up among the cacti and fit trees but you nine hundred forty eight just before the state of israel was declared his family evacuated unlike the hundreds of
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arab villages that disappeared in forty eight and sixty seven most of the original houses of lifter are still here so they really were hurt and. and child. bride they really should do the whole of the whole group a whole. hour another us inside the room in a corner and then the table so as to prove to. us you could was one of seven hundred thousand palestinians who became a refugee in one nine hundred forty eight his childhood home was quickly absorbed by the newly established a jewish state almost everything has been and all of his house and went in for the inevitable as if he was forced to go just because you were for years and he is considered those absentee and he lost the property in the early one nine hundred fifty s. jews moved into the abandoned homes like you or your convinced parents they were also if you g.'s arab countries will likely become dangerous after israel was
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created these really government sent him to live in lifter your lease is to prevent arab owners from returning when the current here and for live here near without water without electricity came here to draw the line for the memory here as the very import of most of the original two hundred jewish families lived because life in the mountains was difficult and the government was slow to develop the area no one has lebanese how those for forty six years all that remains are stone walls where wild flowers and grass no grow if there is empty. i didn't see that emptiness that the israeli government now plans to build more than two hundred luxury homes a ship hotel shops and a museum insisting they'll preserve the area's history we will find ourselves with a neighborhood where history has been concert there will also be documentation
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and the story will be told of who lived there as we do in all the neighborhoods of jerusalem but really lucky i could say it's palestinian land and a double injustice why you want to destroy a world. and build. yeah me. for a loop three world came from anywhere in the way i got in my village and come back . to my village and living. with. me. and. so and for palestinians left it is a physical the mind of injustice and survival but for a fair number of israelis it's an eyesore and they'd rather not be reminded of what happened here every time they drive into jerusalem policy r.t. lifter. trouble is brewing for italy as it edges closer to becoming the fourth european country needing arbella borrowings at
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a record high as italy's debt surges passed erling is raising fears over whether its banks can pass even stress tests senior u.s. officials will meet later but since italy's one of the biggest players saving it won't come cheap your hard bet over delta is the editor in chief of belgium's leading business magazine says throwing cash in troubled nations will not save. italy represents seventeen percent of g.d.p. of the euro g.d.p. which means that italy in its own is almost three times as big as the tree smaller countries or the all together so this is really something quite frightening and if indeed italy really goes into big trouble on the financial markets this is certainly a totally new face of this euro crisis a new dimension of throwing money at the problem where the risk portugal ireland certainly not also italy there's not enough or that can't solve the problem on its
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own enormous amounts of for the i call political capital as in this the in this in the euro project so giving it up is a very tough decision and a decision that will be made just overnight so a lot of energy and a lot of additional money will certainly be spent before we arrive at such a situation and according to me there is no such decision on the horizon if italy comes into this ballgame with the amounts that they're involved with this country that might change things quite rapidly. five people have been killed in a suicide bombing at a political rally in northwest pakistan it's the latest violence in the taliban stronghold and comes after pakistan said it could manage without the near billion dollar military aid that the u.s. is currently holding back it's not washington's decision as retaliation for his lot about. and more than one hundred u.s. military advisers and u.s. pakistan relationships have been strained since the killing of osama bin laden in
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may and u.s. drone attacks that are thrilled civilians the white house says as long as an important ally in the war on terror about the relationship quote must be worked on over tie journalist ahmed correctly says the bitterness is going to be tough to fix i don't think we're seeing any signs that the u.s. officials are really sincere about this relationship. as a relationship with the two depends on them and they would like to work together ten years ago. it was really very hard to find a clean clean shaven black stony criticizing the united states it was it was taken for granted if you're criticizing the u.s. you must be some radical extremist but today you have people from the upper classes apart some really neat and very very critical of the united states so i think there's something really wrong and i think it is very sort of a huge responsibility. of the u.s.
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media to convey the right sure to the american people which is unfortunately they're not doing very much telling the world ever is the official line of government so i think i don't see the near future many of the serious differences between buckstone in the united states can easily. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe a train has derailed in northern india while traveling at full speed at least eighty people are dead more than three hundred injured not known how it crashed but some reports suggest the driver hit the emergency brakes to avoid hitting cattle on the tracks causing some of the carriages to land on top of the other army teams are now cutting through the crush carriages to find trapped survivors and recover the dead. a series of blasts at a naval munitions dump in cyprus has killed twelve people and wounded more than thirty others it's thought a grass fire spread to the base setting two out of almost one hundred containers
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all right the brass damage cypresses largest electrical so the station leading to island wide power cuts reports say the explosives had been seized from a ship traveling from iran two years ago and were kept at the depot without proper care. sudan's president is warning that a border to you with a newly independent south sudan could descend into conflict northern forces seize the abbey a in another border region in may causing around one hundred seventy thousand people to flee in recent months president bashir said a protocol governing the area must be respected where there will be consequences and it's hoped this south seceding would bring peace after decades of brutal civil war. and recapping the hour's top stories breaking news rather the number killed in the volga river tragedy stands at sixty five as divers recover more bodies from the doomed pleasure cruiser that sank on sunday in russia's republic of tatarstan it's thought about a third of the vote has now been checked divers are now trying to reach the music
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hall where some thirty children are believed to have been locked before the ship went down emergencies ministry says there's now little hope of finding any other survivors tuesday has been declared a day of national mourning our president made a bet of his order an investigation into why the ship sank saying that to clean up at vessels. shouldn't still be cruising the country's waterways and all investigative committee believes a technical critical technical failure is to blame for the disaster our team is following developments as they unfold we'll keep you updated throughout the day and of course you can also find updates throughout the day on our comprehensive coverage of the world tragedy at r.t. dot com you can find with many children on board our report on the lucky escape for some but also those who didn't stand a chance after being pulled and trapped underwater within minutes plus. our video reports and footage from the rescue and recovery also online on our you tube channel.
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four news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images seen from the streets and cameras that. giant corporations rule the day. who keep you updated on developments in tatarstan in a few minutes but business up next with dimitri. i was you washing business seem president's been very busy met with top business men to brainstorm ways to improve russia's investment climate they've been looking at how to combat capital flight and the amount of safe in the economy going south these money because they were wrapped up a meeting. the meeting started with present with the bears have given
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a forecast that the capital outflow this year will be part of billion dollars the last balance went to tank but he's still not satisfied with that figure he wants to see more investment in the country and better conditions for international specialists he wants the government to make it easier for them to come and work here a lot is also banking on the privatisation clients but the president says the government's proposals are sumo this and he wants to see them decrease their stake in the business sector even further at the same time we are getting reports of proposals to introduce a golden shares which will see the state have special rights to veto any strategic decisions made by the company though some fear that this will go completely against everything privatisation stands for others are calling for those representing the day to fulfill his goal which is to modernize the economy create more competition and make sure the government has a less control in the business in the street and in the course of the reporting
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headline inflation could be on the wane in russia the central bank says consumer prices could be quiet over the summer and this believe there's a chance this will happen given lower food prices and positive for forecasts for crops however they still see some risks such as soon rising demand on budget spending amid soft monetary policy measures inflation has been running a five percent since the beginning of the year. castro may become a key investor in germany's second largest energy firm. spiegel magazine says the investment could amount to fourteen billion dollars. it will ease facing hard times after the german government decided to abandon nuclear power within a decade but on a power has been its main business now the firm was looking to invest in other sources of energy including gas oddly is developing a multi-billion euro investment plans to build renewable energy stage. into the markets and we stay with the energy while is still down ninety five dollars per
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barrel brant just over one hundred sixteen and this is on a stronger dollar and concerns about the u.s. economic recovery. move to europe and european stocks also hit today footsie down point eight percent as fresh concerns about the sovereign debt are putting financials under pressure investors are waiting for the results of an emergency euro zone meeting in saying that preventing the debt crisis spreading to leave euro zone's third largest economy countries athens have seen a heavy sell off with one year old rising to the south of us are concerned by the high level with these public debt now stands at around one hundred twenty percent of the gross domestic product. russian markets also been hit badly tears down point nine percent my six month point two percent this is mainly due to a decline in oil prices and therefore we are seeing energy shares going lower with gazprom down one and
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a half percent across nafta one point three percent try to make it come out of this also losing that aspiring better in the markets this is on course rosner pains to invest for the hundred million dollars to upgrade the company's metal production and implement nanotechnology. russian investment fund d.s.t. global is buying a share in twitter at the second attempt the deal is said to be worth around four hundred million dollars twitter itself has been valued at eight billion some analysts say the company is overvalued with the service earning around two hundred million dollars a year here's the global held talks with twitter last december and then they estimate of the company less than half the current price the fund is the international investment arm of a male dog or you group has already stakes in other internet companies such as i see you groupon zynga and facebook and it appears new car sales in russia are easing the market has grown just forty percent in june compared to a fifty percent increase in the previous month the biggest slowdown is seen by
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japanese producers suffering from supply disruptions they've run out of stocks which were made before the disastrous serve great two years there that made four hundred fifty thousand less cars as a result of production pick ups in the spring. and business r.t. will be back next hour an update on matters next with the headlines two slayers.
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heard. the. judge in valley. if. the.


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