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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2011 4:01pm-4:31pm EDT

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my grandson or daughter in law they're not on the new list now i'm waiting to see photos well our upon our pasts and a lot in this last day and through the past night there on the on the small strip of step son behind me boats have been leaving in a riving shifts of divers another rescue work has changed and they have been going down again and again so the rest of the ship to the sunken ship they took some camera equipment with them and showed us some quite graphic footage of them bringing up bodies earlier on good just knows what that footage would look like if they'd taken a camera into this room but it now they have now said that they're not going to be able to bring all of these children's bodies out just through just through taking them through the ship there was already a plan mooted to try and bring two ships up involved a grad specialist ships that could raise the raise the ship part of the bulgaria and then they could make make the extraction of those bodies easier and they think
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that that is now what's going to happen even though that will take another four to five days to do of course when that ship comes up it will be a culmination of what suddenly turned their nightmare. child remained on that boat. it was a sunday afternoon when the holiday river cruz garia run into difficulties on the volga catastrophe came swiftly she was sick of it didn't work is that people were basically buried alive in china metal coffin we managed to get out through the windows i was there with my ten year old daughter i couldn't rescue her she swallowed too much water when i was pulled out i realized my child was gone and the ball garia now lies at the bottom of. the missile sinking listen three minutes it flew to the right people swerved and went down and we were literally thrown out and that's how we survived. our whole family was on that ship we lost everybody my wife
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your grandchildren two vessels passed by and didn't even care to stop and reach out a helping hand we spent around two hours in the water before we were rescued i swam around searching for survivors and couldn't find anybody so there were a lot of children on the ship they were all in the going through it was impossible for me to get out of that my grandson would be five years old tomorrow he went on the ship to celebrate his birthday many of the passengers were families with children on a weekend sightseeing great survivors and relatives powerless to act and now able only to weight loss. making thing we are telephoning everyone trying to learn anything about our dear ones we called the police but they said to contact the search and rescue service we did but there was no reply so we came here to find out at least something but even here nobody knows anything. it's horrible we haven't the slightest knowledge of what's going on but they should give us at least some
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information we're calling the search and rescue service but i don't answer the phone. as many as fifty of the passengers were under eighteen years old hold and three kilometers about these people behind me are just some of the relatives desperate for news about their loved ones and what was a pleasure boat cruise for them turned into a living nightmare. the volga bank central russia. investigators in the snow discover why the aging boat was allowed to sail into open water in the same really poor weather in the search for the truth begins at the very highest levels as artie's natale never cover a moscow explains that. this news reaction to this has been an immediate one and subversive was outrage at those behind the desk all those innocent people first of all of these hold up an emergency meeting with gordon this tragedy that were ordered to set up a special state investigative committee that's going to look into what could have
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caused this tragedy and he's appointed to the house and the ministry of transportation or russia to be the house of this investigative committee. i want the prosecutor general's office to check for compliance with the political transport regulations by the owners of the vessel the state officials that certified it as suitable for cruising and generally everyone related to the organization of this cruise especially considering the fact there were so many children on board the ship the results of that investigation should be summed up and not only in relation to this specific catastrophe but in relation to all vessels of this class and other classes as well the number of decrepit barges cruising along our waterways is enormous and the fact that we were lucky before yesterday doesn't mean anything like that couldn't have happened it did happen and with the most grave consequences right now the investigative committee is looking into three potential causes that could have led to this tragedy number one being
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the condition of the vessel whether it's been properly looked after for the past fifty five years that it spends on the water then with you being human error and number three bad weather conditions at present give has also announced tuesday the twelfth of july to be the day of national mourning to remember those who died on that boat and the flags will be lowered throughout the country during the day president is also expressed his condolences to the family members of those who never left the vessel. there's little hope of finding survivors but the emergencies minister says the intense search operation will go on. issues converged to the rescuers have circles around the scene of the tragedy four times and also nearby islands in search of survivors helicopters and boats are patrolling the area around the clock additional help from psychologists is very much needed we are expecting
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more medical personnel to rush shortly to cancel the victims and relatives. so gay should go there well let me bring you up to date on the main points as we know them so far about what's happened here in the volga a cruise boat disaster the number killed has risen dramatically today is divers discovered the bodies of up to forty children in the sunken pleasure cruiser the children gathered in a play room before they became trapped as the boat rapidly went underwater around half of the two hundred seventy who were on board the vessel have died tuesday will be a day of mourning across russia surviving crew members say they couldn't send a distress signal because the electricity supplied failed to transport ministry has identified two boats which passed nearby without helping their captain's face prosecution now an investigation into the tragedy has been ordered by president medvedev early reports point to a critical technical failure and human error as we know more developments as we get more details through we will of course keep you posted. of the news now
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today israel has passed a law that allows it to take legal action against his own citizens if they oppose jewish settlements in the west bank it covers israelis who boycott all petition against the occupation of palestinian territory and it coincides with the latest piece of terms by the international middle east quartet in washington russia the united states the u.n. and the e.u. have a tough job ahead of them now the u.n. is due to vote on recognizing palestine and televisa angry that its biggest ally the u.s. supports the pre-one nine hundred sixty seven borders before israel sees land in guards or in the west bank cause also growing to for the u.n. to stop people being silenced. if you are preventing me from expressing myself but then to me from buying whatever i want. and calling yourself. that democracy that democratic state in the middle east it's not perfect adjective for such a country. what what we need here as dated nations for example needs to
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activate its rules and accountability they netted nations needs to. the international. league of arab states for example which is looking just for the palestinian refugees they're not intervening they have to start pushing and bush giving getting pressure on then it states on the big countries the capita countries to give their pressure on israel to to move to art's one state solution we don't have two state solution we don't want it the right to return is the biggest case the biggest question and the palestinian israeli clashes . so the areas being fought over have since become a no man's land for both the palestinians who live there on the jewish settlers who want to move in algiers paulus leo visited one ancient arab village near jerusalem which its former inhabitants say stands as
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a painful memory to injustice. this old in the mountains of jerusalem are the remains of a once bustling arab community only the memories of those who once lived here have survived intact i feel is. the come back and to be. in my village. to see the hobson's this rain also to remind. my tire that. among the cacti and fick trees but in one nine hundred forty eight just before the state of israel was declared his family evacuated and like the hundreds of villages that disappeared in forty eight and sixty seven most of the original houses of lifter are still here so they really were headed sure thing. mama. they will shoot through the middle of the hall with the whole deal with the hope that they will shoot. our mother took us inside the room in the corner and then the
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table so as to protect us here cook was one of seven hundred thousand palestinians who became a refugee in one nine hundred forty eight his childhood home was quickly absorbed by the newly established jewish state almost inevitable as the man who lived his house in london for nevertheless if he was forced to do just because he was reared and he is considered as absentee and he lost the property in the early one nine hundred fifty s. jews moved into the abandoned homes like you and your husband's parents they were also refugees fleeing arab countries we life had become dangerous after israel was created these really government sent them to live in lifter the only says to prevent arab owners from returning or in their came here on me for believe here years without water without electricity the came here. for the memory here
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is a very important most of the original two hundred jewish families lived because life in the mountains was difficult and the government was slow to develop the area no one has lived to me is how those for forty six years all that remains are stone walls where wild flowers and grass now grow if there is empty. i didn't see that emptiness that the israeli government now plans to build more than two hundred luxury homes a chicago tel shops and a museum insisting they'll preserve the area's history we will find ourselves with a neighborhood where history has been conserved there will also be documentation and the story will be told of who live there as we do in all the neighborhoods of jerusalem but maybe luckier could say it's palestinian land and a double injustice why you want to destroy our hearts and. yanni. four of the route three will came from anywhere in the
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way i can move in my village and come back. return back to my precinct and live. this new me. and. so i'm going for palestinians lifter is a physical reminder of injustice and survival but for a fair number of israelis it's an eyesore and they'd rather not be reminded of what happened here every time they drive into jerusalem policy r t lift or more world news a packed train has derailed in northern india while traveling full speed at least eighty people are dead over three hundred are injured it's not known exactly what happened but some reports suggest the driver hit the emergency brakes to try to avoid cattle that then caused some of the twelve carriages to land on top of the others army teams and cutting through the crush carriages to try to find traps survivors and to recover bodies. a series of blasts of the naval munitions dump in
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cyprus has killed twelve people and wounded more than thirty others it's thought a grass fire spread to the base setting two out of almost one hundred containers there like the blast of damaged cypresses largest electricity station leading to island wide power cuts reports say the explosives had been seized from a trip that ship that i've been travelling from iran two years ago and they were kept in an airplane with. hundreds of angry syrian government supporters have attacked the american and french embassies in the capital damascus the broke windows of the u.s. compound and raised the syrian flag it's in response to the american and french invoice controversial visit to an opposition dominated area that have been months of protests in syria now calling for president assad to quit let's talk more about this new story than and talk to political writer col shero he's behind the car remarks blog is joining us on the line from london to share a very good evening to thanks being an r.t. international the u.s. claims syria's trying to destruct the world's attention by allowing the u.s.
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embassy to be attacked here how would you assess what's really going on. i think that would be the wrong type of question to ask soon as something like this happens in a situation like the one we're witnessing at the moment everybody starts speculating about the possible motivations and. conspiracies behind it i think what we need to look at is that there is a blatant intervention by the american and french governments at least if they were fully aware of what their ambassadors were doing in a very fluid dynamics tuition on the ground in syria and whether the reaction if you like is orchestrated or not i think it's a bit of an irrelevant question at the moment. the real question what is interesting one of i just want to pick up what you say about the orchestrated bit maybe i mean there's a duty for governments is needed to protect diplomatic property now it's thought
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police in this case were very slow to react to the people storming those compounds host spontaneous than overall do you think what went on actually was. if you push me i would say i don't think it was that spontaneous and i think there are lots of security barriers if you know where the embassies are and the stew ation on the ground in damascus so it would probably had a bit of official help let's put it that way but i think we need to focus on the bigger picture over here and i think this is indicative of by the u.s. and france. to sort of do a bit of face saving exercise and appear as if they're on the good side in syria. and i actually i wouldn't be surprised if some of the demonstrators were actually there even genuinely by anger because that sort of intrusion that nobody can
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tolerate. do you think the friends in the u.s. were provoking president assad's regime by letting their envoys visit those opposition terms. i think there's a there's a sort of let's describe it as a tangle over here that the parties are dancing where they've arrived at the stage where they both need each other and i'm talking about the syrian government and the west and specifically syria where i think the perception is now that the u.s. wants to find. convenient solution if you like that maintains the ability in syria and the government is running out of options it's quite obviously has lost a lot of its authority if it if if not most of its authority on the ground in syria and any sort of at them that restoring that by appealing to anti american sentiment or nationalistic national rather sentiment or throughout that sentiment would sort of give them the illusion that getting back credibility so there is
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a very fine balance that it's being done or very here but i don't think it's convincing to anyone who is observing the situation from the outside neither the u.s. really is willing or has the power to actually intervene realistically in syria which i would reject anyway and the syrian government or authorities are in a very tight corner and gestures like that are likely to help them but let's ask the broader questions what it what justifies this american action in syria and what about the national dialogue this much publicized national dialogue is taking place now in syria i mean we've got all the opposition figures boycotting it we've got the regime deploying troops against its own citizens can it succeed. i don't think it will succeed that i mean some people have described it as there is having a dialogue with itself many of the. very prominent let's call them all generation
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this events most of them actually have boycott the national dialogue while on the other hand the emerging local coordination committees that are the organic voice of the uprising in syria have completely it is directed the dialogue and this sealing of their demands and what they expect out of the uprising has virus or bias both what the more conventional circle of this hadn't expected and what there is even appears to be heading towards at the moment what it's willing to offer three through this dialogue or i'd call shero remarks blogger as you are thanks for your thoughts on the program so it's interesting to hear your views thank you thank you . more now on one of the other main news stories we're covering the mideast peace quartet jus to make another effort shortly to negotiate the stalled talks between israelis and palestinians but the decades long conflict could take another twist
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with palestinians asking for the u.n. to officially recognize the state of the meeting in september next that we talked to a palestinian politician a former foreign minister to ask whether a solution can finally being reached. we are now joined by the former foreign minister of the palestinian authority and the current member of the fabulous central committee the palestinian israeli conflict has been around for so many decades that it almost became part of
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political discourse and bargaining chip and some political and some political leaders may not feel that pressure to change things really are you hopeful that any sort of lasting solution can be found i wonder why i mean why is it that. the world that have ended colonization and the no colonies anymore. except our. in line nine hundred ninety. your question was answered all right but east indians were willing to give up seventy eight percent of the country and accept the west bank and gaza that the world accepted as not israeli occupied in one nine hundred sixty seven. i spent all my life to go shake that agreement way before school started and when all school started between the lobby
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in the late president the israeli prime minister of israel and preside over from the late president i think the hope was absolutely. there this is the solution two states side by side on the holy that. divided by the one nine hundred sixty seven borders and an opportunity for peace to allow the solution of the refugee problem of the problem unfortunately this process is facing great difficulty the president the president ruler of israel and his coalition do not want to give up the west bank. and not really. under any pressure to do so by their internal or external pressure and that is what really makes it difficult the parameters of the solution are there but accepted by the international community there accepted by the road map they accepted by the arabs and muslims as well that once you have two states side by side with the share
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jerusalem becomes the capital of the two states and then over all peace a arrangement fifty seven arab and muslim countries will recognize israel and will normalize the relations with israel but the present government of israel is not interested this is really the problem now why isn't this pressure forthcoming part of it has to do with the the history of the jewish people i mean israel in the final analysis has tried to resolve an issue with the jews in europe in particular and in germany in specific where. persecuted and in fact at a genocide take place during world war two against them and therefore it is very difficult to put pressure on people who all the time refer to
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that genocide that happened with the book. those who did that genocide. europeans and not palestinians. and we were willing to share in the solution but not on account of the palestinian people their dignity their rights to detect. this very difficult really to see what israel can get away with but no other occupying. there is a strategic relationship between the united states and israel and that's the relationship. only very rarely. to put some pressure to get the israelis to warm the baby on the peace table as far as i understand the palestinian authority is still hoping to go ahead united nations vote on the recognition of the palestinian state in september i still hoping to get those one hundred thirty votes that you initially sat here sides on absolutely we have one hundred sixteen
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countries who have. recognized the independent palestinian state committed themselves to have members of the and i think sions one of them of course is russia and. i believe that adding another twenty to this one hundred sixty is not difficult we don't really need the back but because two thirds because the united nations the two thirds is counting out of those present and voted never in the past had we more than three or four countries voting against usually the united states israel michael and. the marshall islands both against us which means that the two thirds have always been assured but i would drive for more countries is a drive for digits of four dimensional support and that's really what we're going to
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do thank you very much for. the. first tree removal called clear cut. second explosives are used to plans to go deeper than the there's a. third the remains are made by machinery. finally easy from mortgage soil is deposited in vallecito. legal and. will comes with a. good mix of big splash in the world of high tech business what turns events science into high gear cheap products they don't understand. he says kept he
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new story dominating our coverage tonight. forty children's bodies inside the sunken pleasure cruiser in central russia it went down in minutes killing almost half of the two hundred seven armful. the missile sinking listen three minutes of our whole family was on the last over believe it my wife grandchildren relatives are struggling to come to terms with how their loved ones were dragged to the deaths survivors have been describing the desperate attempts to save others. and an inquiry to find and punish those responsible for the tragedy early indications played a mix of circumstances technical failure to human error. and update on the main and tragic news story in thirty minutes time next though on our t.v.
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a multi award winning report about one of the biggest environmental and human rights catastrophes in american history. lewis blayse. let's say. a. day. you see a. long
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. sleep. most of the carbon that we buy from across the earth is millions of years old cold particularly interesting because per unit of energy generated coal actually may be the cheapest fuel but it also releases the balls curve to be with her as carbon dioxide beginning in earnest with the development of the steam.


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