tv [untitled] July 11, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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welcome to the lower show the real headlines with none of them or see or hear live out of washington d.c. now tonight we'll take a look at the ongoing standstill over the debt ceiling and deficit reduction plan and we're going to ask what the politicians are actually punished for their inaction and we'll see if the news of the world scandal could lead to the end of rupert murdoch's media empire and will speak to radley balko who says that caylee's law one which would punish parents with a felony for not reporting a missing child within twenty four hours or
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a child's death within one hour he says that's a bad idea they've got all of that and more free to night including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to miss. now call me crass i'm just going to say the mainstream media has moved on from a dead little girl to a newborn and this story was all over the news this morning they say everything is bigger in texas and that certainly holds true for a big boy born over the weekend little fingers little but little john michael is anything good little to michael brown the biggest baby ever born they're going a whopping sixteen pounds use a living by c. section and guess what his parents said no more kids. really i mean it's not as of our entire economy is on the brink of a deep balls because congress can't get their act together and now social security
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medicare and medicaid are all about to be cut affecting millions of americans right let's talk about a fat baby that's a great local news story but is it really how to take up the time of the most trusted name fair and balanced forward leaning supposedly real news channels now i don't blame the mother for not wanting to have any more kids but how about. we think about the mothers all across this country that have lost their kids in the pointless wars that we're fighting abroad is that really too much to ask especially when leon panetta fresh in his new position of secretary of defense is making the rounds talking to the troops and there are a number of very intriguing very revealing that statements made by the new defense secretary over the weekend let's first start over in afghanistan maybe it was a slip up maybe it was on purpose but panetta pulled back at out of the bag on just how long our troops will be staying there while speaking in kabul he said that seventy thousand troops will remain there until the end of twenty fourteen to hand over control to afghan security forces seventy thousand until the end of twenty
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fourteen that really doesn't add up with the supposed steady pace of withdrawal of the president promised we'd see that's after the troop surge is out by next summer in fact that sounds like withdrawal is going to come to a complete standstill and i'll tell you why he made that statement or at least why becomes even more odd to see panetta also said over the weekend that we're this close to beating al qaeda apparently all we have to do is take out ten or twenty key leaders of boom we're done so if that's the case mr secretary then why are our troops staying in afghanistan until at least twenty fourteen if that's the case why did you go to iraq this weekend and put more pressure on the iraqi government to ask us to keep our troops there after their withdrawal deadline at the end of the year do you know what else leon panetta said when speaking to the troops he said the reason to you guys are here is because on nine eleven the united states got attacked what that light has a use since the bush administration when it was discredited because everybody found out that there were no weapons of mass destruction and that iraq had nothing to do
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with nine eleven so is he trying to blame al qaeda for the recent spate of violence we've seen in iraq for the last month being the deadliest for u.s. troops there since two thousand and eight for the rockets that hit baghdad's green zone on monday the day after panetta flew in is that justification for the troops. hey even when it's very obvious that the situation is only becoming more dangerous for them i thought we only had ten or twenty al-qaeda left to take out you know it's a lot of back and forth a lot of contradictions lot of very confusing rhetoric coming from our new secretary of defense so if you want any glimpse into what the future of our wars is going to look like when our men and women are coming home then you better start paying attention to what he says but of course that's what the mainstream media chooses to miss because a sixteen pound baby is far far far sighted. while
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the clock continues to tick down to august second the day of the debt ceiling must be raised according to the treasury department and washington always see is more gridlock and what was supposed to be a constructive round of talks over the weekend john boehner dropped out again saying that any raising taxes is completely off the table so the president gave another press conference today trying to take both parties into gear. it's not going to get easier it's going to get harder so they might as well do it miles off the bat. eat or piece. now's the time to do it if not now when. problem it's nobody forces you to why would you eat your peas so badly phoebe that talks progressing and one of our politicians actually held accountable to discuss this with me is benji starling congressional reporter for talking points not up and he thanks so much for being here tonight revenue i want to start we're going to play
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a couple sound bites from the president had to say today and i think that he did kind of kick both parties of course he little crap talking on on the republicans when it comes to just dropping out all the time but he also had the democrats and here's something going out to say when it comes to cutting entitlements programs. and if you're a progressive who cares about the integrity of. social security and medicare and medicaid and believes that it is part of what makes our country great that we look after our seniors and we look after the most vulnerable then we have an obligation to make sure that we. make those changes that are required to make it sustainable over the long term and if you're a progressive that cares about investments in head start and student loan programs and medical research and infrastructure we're not going to be able to make progress on those areas if we haven't done our fiscal house in order. so he's talking about all the areas where he wants to make progress we want to start new programs but he
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says we have to get our fiscal house in order first has it become very very clear now that this president actually believes and austerity. well he certainly has adopted the republican party's frames for most of these issues a lot of progressives made fun of republicans for selling that their own medicare plan is saving medicare and strengthening medicare with really was draconian cuts now obviously president obama's not proposing anything even slightly in the neighborhood of that i mean we we don't know exactly what we're talking about with medicare but it's probably pretty minor in comparison to no fundamental change what he's adopting this basic idea that look we've got to strengthen these programs by maybe cutting them or maybe finding new ways to finance them so he definitely is giving it a bit there i missed all of this by in the sense that we've talked about many times on our show if you look at the u.k. parity isn't exactly working out for them so we have examples here of where it's not working properly to get other economies to get them to jump start again and yet the president is now adopting this too i mean why does he want to put social security on the table if he himself admits it doesn't actually contribute to the
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deficit i mean has he completely given up on any liberal progressive ideas was he was he never a liberal to begin with well there is a somewhat progressive case for messing around with social security right now maybe not in the context of these talks but in general even some of obama's own advisers like peter orszag who left earlier this year last year have said that look social security finances aren't perfect but it would take just a few little changes maybe even raising the retirement age a bit and you pretty much have the thing fixed up so there is some case to be made that it's better than waiting for republican. to take over and doing god knows what too is going to be cutting benefits much more drastically but is that supposed to be part of this massive discussion that we're having right now when nobody is focusing on jobs and instead they want to make it about the debt ceiling and deficit well if it's what it takes to get something out of the republicans then maybe i mean that's one of the biggest bargaining chips is they've been they're desperate not to touch social security they didn't do it in the paul ryan plan just
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today someone dropped out of a republican bill that would partially privatizing social security because they were getting so much feedback back home i mean this is something they don't want to touch without democrats coming in so if you could dangle that support from democrats you might be able to get say some revenue increases but right now the whole thing looks like it's collapsing anyway this is something that really kills me is of course part of the argument is that there is no debate going on here there is no discussion because republicans have put their foot down and said that tax increases are completely off the table so i mean there's no compromise right you guys won't do anything but eric cantor had a different way of reasoning out of this today in a press conference after obama's speech he said the fact that we're even discussing voting on the debt ceiling as a compromise i'm sorry how many times has the debt ceiling raised under the bush administration well it's also the characters on the record saying that not raising the debt ceiling is just not an option he's basically saying my own members are economically illiterate so we have to explain this to them but me personally i of course realize that we have to eventually raise the debt ceiling he's been
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aspecific lee whether independent of obama asking him he would raise the debt ceiling and he's been very clear of course you know the full faith and grow the united states needs to be guaranteed so it's kind of a disingenuous argument but i just love a parent lee according to them that's that's the master compromise that they're making but you know the thing is if you look at certain polls out there a lot of republican voters say you shouldn't raise the debt ceiling they don't want it done but do republicans actually want to be they have big business on their side they have lost it on their side which is trying desperately to convince them to just get this done because not raising the debt ceiling would be bad for all of them. so i'm just confused as to how long are they going to let this play out to pretend like they're pandering to the base and then just go on flip at the end well this is certainly the script that they use for past standoffs i mean with the continuing resolution everything look lost if you go she were breaking down no one can agree to anything in the last minute literally at the eleventh hour is right before the midnight deadline they work something out and sold it and it was easier because there was less time before they passed it to look it over you can say we've
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gotten down to the last minute so i think it's very reasonable to assume we're going to see something similar here and yet somehow they like to pretend like politics shouldn't be involved here at least that's what the president tried to pretend today let's take a another listen to something he said. this is the united states of america. and we don't manage our affairs in three month increments. you know we don't risk u.s. default. on our obligations. because we can't put politics aside. that's funny because i thought that's exactly what we do in this country is we actually risk because we can't put politics aside is we always just keep extending things for maybe thirty days sixty days ninety days because we can't actually solve any big problems well obama loves to be the guy who breaks that cycle it's always i was presented himself from his very earliest days on every issue and this is
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a perfect example they come to him with an issue and he says well let's just totally transcend this go big mess with every single party you sacred cows and come together and not everyone is so. but does he win does he win let's say that the debt ceiling isn't raised who is it going to be blamed are people actually can point the finger at republicans or are they going to point to the president or is he doing a really good job here of saying that i've tried i've done everything that i can i think you certainly set up decent narrative and early polling it's hard to tell in an actual fight but early polling shows that most people are blaming the republicans if things go wrong. as present himself as the adult the room he is able to name specific concessions is like look i've actually said medicare social security these things are on the table the other side has refused to even float any tax increases yet everything is just vague things that are leaked to the press they won't stand behind even the basic idea of giving ground so he certainly has an advantage there but i for a number of the president always gets blamed when there's an economic disaster and
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that's really what we're talking about with a default maybe the first few weeks he'd be ok a few months later come election time when there's been a double dip recession say as some economists are warning people might not remember who exactly started this i think you make a good point there let me throw an idea your way and this is something that warren buffett actually said he thought i could end the deficit in five minutes you just pass a law that says that any time there is a deficit of more than three percent of g.d.p. all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection and china right now they're linking officials performance levels with the amount of local debt that they have i mean what if we had some of these incentives for our politicians that they actually got punished for not doing their job that's what we have right now all the republicans are assuming they're going to get primaried if they sign on to anything that actually solves the problem because that's exactly scary enough private primaries you can say sure some of the tea partiers got in the last midterm elections but you still only have two parties at the end of the day but i still don't have that many places to go should there be some kind of punishment while
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they're actually sitting there in the seat it's a funny idea in theory in reality it would just mean you get even less experienced and more populous figures every time around when the big problem right now the biggest problem is that republicans have this infusion of new inexperienced members who just frankly don't understand the stakes a lot of people are very concerned that they just don't get that the debt ceiling is something that has to be raised and just what happens if it isn't so you might just repeat that performance every two years. i guess warren buffett is wrong then have it maybe someone should give him a try at some point thank you thanks so much for joining us thanks for having me. well just ahead while washington tries to raise the debt ceiling minnesota isn't entering week to have a government shutdown so time will have a look at how that shutdown is hurting small businesses in the state and the phone hacking scandal in britain grows now there are allegations that reporter the murdoch owned papers attempted to have former prime minister gordon brown and making the nine eleven so could that be the end of murdoch's media empire to get
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into its name rick. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else hears you some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture of. the world your. world. and yet. fuck fuck fuck. fuck.
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for the second time in six years the state of minnesota had to shut down its government this morning the government of minnesota shut down because lawmakers sailed to close a five billion dollars deficit that means twenty two thousand state workers are now out of a job. that's right just last week state lawmakers were butting heads over a five billion dollars budget deficit ultimately forcing the entire state to come to a standstill and the democrats including governor mark dayton and house republicans argued over proposal of how to fix this ailing budget by taxing the state's top earners and so as you can imagine the minnesota g.o.p. said no way and the statements of deadline to pass a budget so every day minnesotans i.e. not politicians are now live it over the stalled arguments saying that their representatives have checked out and analysts are pointing fingers at both sides of the aisle for not using all of their assets to solve the problem. to move
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republicans ference of the they've got a step forward and republican lawmakers up for reelection next year you would think that would put heat on the legislators but apparently they're more concerned about pleasing their own set of republican constituency. all right so now we are week two and the fallout from the shutdown continues currently twenty two thousand workers have lost their jobs sixty six parts of closed one hundred highway projects have been put on hold all of this also affected by the way the fourth of july holiday activities now the public sector always feels the pain from the government faces a deposit like this one let's take a look at how far by the shutdown really reaches for example private businesses are hurting to buy because brewer who can't open his business without approval from the state first say you know we've been planning a long time we have our entire life savings on the line here and we tried to pretend you foresee all these advances. cause problems and this one just because.
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of the. career is just one of many people who'll be forced to shut their doors until the name calling in the state's capital subsides as close signs continue to pop up it's a clear reminder of the domino effect that's happening here say government offices shut down private businesses that stir serve state employees are losing customers forcing them to shut down as well and moody's analytics even estimate that two weeks without the government working will kill sixty million dollars it would normally be pushed into the economy it's a good reminder the shutdown doesn't just affect government workers it affects everybody the concept is simple now that minnesota's government has reached a new record for the longest state shut down ever on people are cringing because frankly there's just no end in sight yet and this is just one state just one example can you imagine if something like this happened on a federal level oh boy that's right it almost did earlier this year but now congress is battling it out over raising the debt ceiling and risking
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a default default will look a lot worse than what's going on in minnesota. well it's being called rupert murdoch's watergate it all began last week with milly dowler a girl who had gone missing it was later found murdered by his cell phone and murdoch owned news of the world he reportedly hacked then more information came out of the happening it included even victims of the london subway bombings relatives of soldiers killed in iraq and afghanistan but the real kicker could be the information that was released today and it spreads throughout the murdoch british media empire journalists all across news international reportedly targeted former prime minister gordon brown attempting to access everything from his voicemail to his bank account even his family's medical records and some say that this is only scratching the surface of the worst information as you have to come because so far this scandal is legit government led investigations a public outcry murdoch shuttering the news of the world paper and high ranking officials are now urging the mogul to drop his twelve billion dollar bid for
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british broadcasting which for now they've just passed on to the competition. nothe already has to review but could this finally be the story to bring down his media empire in the u.k. and what are the chances that things are going on just like that here in the us joined because that's a is dave involvement interesting and there the editor in chief of congress matters david thanks so much for joining us tonight now a lot of people like i said are calling this rupert murdoch's watergate is that fair. well it ought to be i mean this is really as more details come out and more people see more and more what he's been up to and what the empire he controls has been up to i mean i think that the word is on a lot of people's lips that he's really dug in to some things are equal and i'm personally offensive on a number of levels even if it hasn't happened to them it's happened years that are important enough or in this case the. hopeless enough that it really tugs at the
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heartstrings and just turn stomachs everywhere and that's a lot of the same feeling people had during the worst of watergate you know but the thing is rupert murdoch this is a master of spin this guy knows how to get out of every situation bad press is nothing for him but could this be the story that finally really does bring his empire down at least in the u k. well in the u.k. it's possible yes i mean things people react things differently there we've just seen a number of you know uprisings across the middle east and in through europe things are just different elsewhere whether or not that spreads to the united states and the united states empire that's a long shot and if there's one thing that you feel like rupert murdoch special who specializes in it's surviving in a person he you know money shelters you it builds a terrific wall between you and accountability murdoch has built his life on magnify expect that he'll be trying to rely on that. but what about i mean there
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are reports from the daily mirror today which so far nobody has confirmed they're from an anonymous source that. the reporters who work for rupert murdoch in fact actually tried to pay off police to hack into the phones in the contract and big i'm not an eleven that's something that you would think would really talk on the heartstrings of americans yeah that's going to be what erupts in america and i think that changes the nature of the scandal for him in the united states and there's already connections in that he has and he is chief of operations over in england during the last go around these hacking scandals and went before the british parliament and swore that in an internal investigation it turned up no evidence of any more never spread yes the news of the world is now of course been rewarded with the the seat as publisher of the wall street journal which of course at least used to be a very prestigious deeper here in the united states and the fact that it's connected to nine eleven victims is really just unbelievable and it's going to take some time for that to sink in for people here i think that it's sort of thing you
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usually want to dismiss just out of sheer horror but yeah that story that is corroborated is going to change the nature of america's relationship with rupert murdoch and the media properties he owns your absolutely and it should and should well considering that we now have ourselves involved in and. this wars around the world our civil liberties have been stripped of us all thanks to nine eleven you would think that something like that would at least be able to take down a media empire but then the propaganda machine of course comes into play but do you think that this could already be happening in the us that maybe other companies are up to it maybe not even murdoch owned ventures or is this something that's really specific to the style of journalism or spin and misinformation that he's espoused. well you know right now there is no evidence that it's gone beyond the murdoch empire but then again for a long time even the murdoch empire insisted that it had gone beyond the means of
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the world and for some time they insisted it wasn't even there and so in every turn we find out that there's a little bit more a little bit more but it all has been so far in the murdoch empire now he's in competition in competition with people who i'm sure would like to have the same access to scoops that he's got but so far it just hasn't turned up and so for thankfully has not been the culture even of the tabloid press knighted states seems to be kind of a british thing seems to be something that rupert murdoch cheerfully exploited and in a number of his properties i hope that it's limited to his properties for a number of reasons not least of which is i really don't think that americans are going to stand for the pain of having a nine eleven bodies for a scoop and a tabloid press that's really a tremendously upsetting prospect i mean the other hand i will say that i mean box properties which of course are murdoch properties and his opinion journalists
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haven't really been terribly respectful of nine eleven did all along all the time you know the of course bill themselves is patriotic american channel and you would think that this would be very important to them but pretty regularly opinion journalists coming out of that outlets have been pretty outspoken in saying hey i'm really tired of the way nine eleven victims' families are exploiting this and that i mean really incredible things so i guess if you had to pick one network one media empire there where you might actually i've been to the trash like this mike yes well that would be murdoch properties and turns out all right do you think that there is any blame they can put on audiences or at least in this case on a viewer is you know the news of the world did it really well this paper sold a lot of copies over the year and the u.k. and it's because of that facial appetite that people have for these types of scoops for this gossip and the dirt rather than let's say you know perhaps real news
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stories and the facts. well that's always possible but i will i'll be the first to let you know and i'm sure rupert would agree remark as a supply side and it applies in his practice it was business too if you put it out there people were gobble it up ask around and ask around whether there's a real demand were hacking the phone mail messages of the good of nine eleven i don't think that's going to play all really well so you know you can ask the people whether that's something they wanted and it might actually be something he secretly desire you provided you but no one has had the gall to do it except rupert murdoch so yes he's making sales it probably is is it something that almost everyone who were even those who would buy into this might i'm disgusting if you want to cover that up not talk about there and zooming yeah i think so just to stay away from it he just hasn't been able to our thing is you know in the u.k. so far there have been government destinations launching this there have been calls
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for new regulations but a lot of people are criticizing that because they're saying well if you look at how this story even came to be it's thanks to real and best a gate of journalism you don't need government meddling here you don't need more regulation and some of the daily telegraph even said don't let politicians turn the british press into an american style lapdog of the establishment when you say that . well certainly i didn't do worse the idea that the rest needs to avoid the lapdog but i think there's plenty of middle ground between that and hacking the voice mails of the queen and her children and grandchildren yet of nine eleven murder victims teenagers etc i think there's a lot of room and you know what the american and british press have proven it over decades there's a lot of good solid investigative journalism doesn't have anything to do with this kind of current in the in the in the bushmills of the day i mean honestly that's
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really kind of where the story ends you need to assume people are story you might be investigating wrong and people are saying to you that this could be just the tip of the iceberg and the worst is still to come so of course all be bracing ourselves and see what this does mean in the long run from murdoch's empire thanks so much for joining us david thank you very much. let's go to cons and i respond to some of your comments about and show and tell or excuse me anything is that if i read it and then i'm not guilty verdict in the casey anthony murder trial has outraged a lot of people here in the u.s. so some politicians are rushing to pass caylee's law a measure that they claim and protect children as a really just bad legislation built on our bench radley balko joins us now people. into it only when there were. people were called to bring justice or accountability . i have a right to know what my government's true.
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