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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2011 10:31pm-11:01pm EDT

10:31 pm
who is the staff and welcome to the show thank you very much for coming in first of all about this new agreement that the russians and the u.s. are planning to sign what will be the new. rules of adoption will there be new rules there are a few changes and a few rules in this because this is the first agreement with the united states of america which will be signed i hope are always this and first of all we decrease the number of agencies official agencies which help candidates for future adoptive parents to take our russian children to their american families and we stop at all so-called independent option because the most problems which we hear when we see of our interests is the independent adoptions independent adoption is when this study acts not through an agency but like like
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like by a tour what i do now to morocco you can go through an agency you can where you can go through an agency though you can just individually come there find out tell so this is individual adoption when people just buy a visa come to moscow find a child somewhere and try to sometimes sometimes to find in a person who can be an intermediate or in these birds for example in an independent lawyer so this will be abolished for good only through age as well as well i've read that from now on adoption of russian children by families in the united states will be carried only i quote by u.s. based agencies that made the hague adoption convention requirements just that what are. they principles they were there before and america was one of the countries who signed were they obligatory before that one will think of you. you can take
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attention to it if it's necessary to be to be. recognized official agency in the united states of america based on principle of adoption convention and. official in syria must be recognized in russia is official agency for adoption process unfortunately we do not recognize the how convention on adoption of children but anyway in the situation we. have this restriction or. necessary step to be to be united as an official agency based on hark adoption principle conventual here you are you talking about the officially recognized agency because because it's very it's very comfortable for the american partners to do to establish always work
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based on hog adoption principle from which ok you recently protest because i'm sorry because we are parts in different convention rights we haven't eyes as the income of children's rights but the united states of america doesn't do it. at the same time as the united states of america recognize convention and we do not part of his convention i see so you recently protested against an adoption of eight russian children and it was carried out through a u.s. adoption organization doesn't this case that an official organization. performative option and from your point of view it was it had to be turned out to be illegal. what paved the way corruption russian corruption isn't good at the root of the power of all the problems with adoption you're right when when when you . talking about some corruptions roots because in each case which
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we know in which we. researched for example the case of art of severely the case of denise her record as a case of sisters. in each was case we find out the found out some mistakes errors or illegal documents so it means that the candidates for future adoptive parents. presented some. i can see not. real papers not real do commence and in this situation we didn't have any chance to check it because there are no instrument nobody to do to check so this this agreement will give you. the main idea we see agreement to build up to establish the body the central body
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of peace agreement which will consist of american specialists and russian specialists minister for education and from department of justice of the net is this if america is planning to to sign similar similar agreements with countries in europe yes of course unfortunately during the last eight years eighteen years which we. have had this process of international adoptions we don't have enough enough agreements and we have only one agreement was italian republic unfortunately and our goal is to establish or underside all these contracts agreement to treaties with all countries from where adoptive parents come to russia to pick up due to. taken to adopt our russian children across the border
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adoptions gone wrong have shown the failure of international law to look after children rights spotlight's yelena did me there were reports. a russian boy flown back to moscow but he's a doctor defender lean america the story made headlines a year ago big stir public indignation and made lawmakers of the two countries work on the solution seven year old or term so they leave the way no alone with a note from these adoptive mother she claimed the boy was mentally unstable and she could no longer care for him after what happened to our told the russian foreign ministry immediately called for a suspension of all the options by u.s. citizens russia in the u. west eventually started drafting a bilateral agreement concerning the now after seven rounds of negotiation the document is about to be signed a set of rules governing cross border adoption is believed to guarantee the safety
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of russian children adopted by parents from the u.s. but america is just one out of dozens of countries where russian infants find a home currently one hundred thirty thousand kids are in the waiting list for potentially being adopted by foreigners many russians believe the country should try and solve the problem of abandoned children domestically as for the international law there's another area which is believed to be on the regulated cross border disputes between divorced parents wake in the case of elizabeth who was abducted and taken across international borders by her own parents three times a russian court gave custody to the girl's mother while the french authorities took the father's side gazes like this it usually takes the efforts of diplomats and lawyers on both sides to reach an amicable deal between the two parties.
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you mentioned this agreement with italy that you have and you did two years ago oh european country some other countries that you're working with today we started to walk on this matter on this issue starting from whiskeys which we look to. just so you know and now or agreement with the french republic is almost through did and i hope it will be signed probably next spring. where we can agree meant there was israel because israel. has a project is to pay for dogs and many russian children with an e.u. spain which is norwegian with feel and love you work with and. with a great deal of agency with a great deal of cases many countries but the most cases the most tragic cases that we hear about in the news the news comes from america how would you explain this
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regularity. of russian adopted children children in the united states. i was a geneticist of america just free weeks ago and we this was not the first time. it was a special we visited center internet in the national center for missing and exporting children and not me the american specialist told me the level of violence and cruelty in the american family is too high too high so you can see the situation the saudi towards russian children towards all children and to toward all children even their own children yes absolutely so you want your saying now that american families generally cruel to. say so but as americans what is really says it all cruelty is more and more and more every year among. among native americans or among immigrants or first wave immigrants
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i can share and share and. i think in the in the every in every of. kinds of families what we can find it and i can compare this situation is in that it is of american in russia because russia has a problem of cruelty and violence in our families against the needs of children not only against step or adopted children used to. you said in one of your interviews that since the adoption started while well like a wide practice more than fifteen years ago seven billion probably and it's been years ago seventeen russian children have died in the united states as a result of child abuse but some sixty thousand children born in russia have been adopted by families in the sixty thousand children maybe more seventeen of them
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died can we talk about that and an exceptional level of violence seventeen out of sixty thousand. you see a lot of large numbers doesn't work in vista sure and i can say is that. not sixty thousand probably much more about maybe more than a hundred thousand because we do not have any information about so kind independence adoption we don't have any information about children who were placed from russia through the night is this where they live across the border adoption like yeah exactly even now we have two cases children who were sent to work asian and still in the united states of america this is a win tonight is this. i'm going to get the goal for example.
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which now was leaving there's a family in the state of iowa and the problem is that. parents are not parents exactly because they don't have any judicial status. to work through his child don't want to adopt him. do not want to let him go home to russia this is a zero situation so that's part of the presidential commission or for children's rights spotlight who will be back shortly will continue to contribute after a break and go. public. feeling.
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to. us. wealthy british style. market why not sooner. find out what's really happening to the global economy.
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for our. global financial headlines kaiser report. more news today. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. today. welcome back to spotlight i'm al green of in my guest on the show is spiral our star of the presidential commission for children's rights panel you just mentioned
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in the exceptional case in the state of iowa in the united states when when a guy from russia a kid went on vacation to stay with american family years ago yeah they don't want to adopt him and they don't want to send them back to russia and what about his own parents what are they doing where are they are they in russia does he add living parents no no no no he's in all his or from the other offered so he was sent on a vacation by an orphanage or what orphanage you know with no support or for non-government organisations and now we hear a second case when aids children were ripley's from the russian federation for vacation to that the states of america and to a probably pretty is free of three days ago on they had to be back but didn't. so i don't why does that happen this is a kind of fake cheryl adoption i can say but this is not a legal adult show they actually nuking the kids i mean i mean but the kid has no
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rights if he's there is illegally what do american courts say about that all american official said told us that were is not violence or is not cruelty toward these children so or we don't have any authority to to do something even if me if you go to the united states and stay there for three years instead of three months they'll kick you out because you're violating the laws so why is the kid staying with three years and well you can say things like i cannot explain the situation because we have some papers from some response from american officials from the state or for yours. some of the city way of use child leave now. this is they didn't see any any violations of law anywhere else. and as we told. seventeen died or killed children in american adoptive families i can say. with the words of former under so there are german
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burly. american i was there in the russian federation he told me that he one wound is too much even one is too much ok the russian you mentioned that in russia the level of violence to be frank in families is as high as the united states is there true. even towards their own children we can compare because we don't know the exact truth about the situation but there's a level of violence of cruelty against children adopted children need to chill is to high above countries how how how how serious is this problem in russia and who accept your office is dealing with the problems of violence against children in russia family from my point of view this is the main problem of russian families in
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russian society because the level of cruelty and violence against children in russian families is too high to play and you can see that all problems of small children is going from these be here of their parents. new visions. abusing violence cruelty to work children. and we're working on the situation we're working with persecutors we're working with the ins investigative the police authorities with the social workers because my my idea is. to start to walk when the family just is staying on the border of this social instability and we have to start to work with this family starting early. but to prevent future cruelty or violence and the last time you came to this studio we talked with in the
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studio we talked about special juvenile courts and you said that pretty soon special juvenile justice will start working the courts will open when will that be you when will you see is a problem is that in the russian society and first of all in russia mentality the juvenile system would do no justice is now something like. like a ghost like a ghost and. many of our russian people do. do not know exactly what is this afraid of this scary wild. so called juvenile justice although i fear we may get away with this a good many russians are against you in our quest is that because russians don't like judges i don't believe it maybe maybe not don't don't don't like judges at dawn when they be afraid or scary about judges and all the judge system but we have
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decided that we made the political decision to stop these. in the future a lot of juvenile system and we have we hear some juvenile courts in the russian federation similar regions here's a so-called pioneer sprawl ject and juvenile courts and started to walk a broadly ten years ago is the russian federation we can we can research experience we can present this experience to the public discussion for example and . the boy. the situation when some people in russia. for these doing or says there are some against so in this situation we first of all need to calm down to go on the panel and know they're not a problem we discussed in spotlight was the necessity of our children's arbitrement
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in schools because according to to statistics kind of statistics don't lie. but there's a terrific lie in two thousand and nine. thirty nine hundred children have committed suicide in two thousand and ten thirty seven hundred children have committed suicide because of humiliation at school is something done about it are obvious when coming to schools probably were promised the problem is that official figures but we know that the number of poor children more money is higher and in this situation we're looking for some decision not very expensive decisions but necessary decisions in the one i was there with is to establish a so-called mediation. or mediation group or mediation mediator who can be between. the school for it is
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the parents and children and where we're looking for the decision to establish psychologist in area in every school oh maybe to establish the institute of a school or school commission of which units rights. few different issues but all of them can be the system for prevention of so high numbers of suicide. among young children but who will children trust i mean you need a lot of people young people that will be trusted by kids well well well you can have britney spears. working at it as such a person mediating but. you need people of this level of trust from. this is a main idea of a person. who can be. who who children can trust to and who they will talk to i mean exactly and. i'm sure that every city in
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every region we can find such person who can do it and the problem is that nobody wants to search his people. who can be a mediator or some. unofficial afford to for these children ever see but there are hundreds of schools so we need hundreds of people like what one was a major source of prevention for children. to build a form of trust. a special term for special tell one year and we had that for their own number which is now our work in a region in the recent years telephone psychologist it was this is where you have yes i can say that i have checked. many regions more than sixty regions and religion is working and. every week very good
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good to free calls from children who. ideas about maybe future suicide thank you thank you very much and just to remind that that my guest in the studio today was part of the presidential commission for children rights as that's it and that from all of us if you want to have your sales pipeline to have someone in mind do you think they should invite here to the studio just drop me a line and how do you know how to guard are you and let's keep spotlight and would be back with more than. coming from the worlds going on in. stay in a heartbeat and take a. look for a. little. the burial.
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continuing to follow a developing story here on our t.v. divers finding the bodies of as many as forty children trapped when the pleasure boat they were on sank in central russia tuesday has been declared a day of mourning for the victims of the accident. but even those both shoulders remained on my part. as relatives struggled to come to terms with the loss of their loved ones officials say the captains of two passing boats that failed to come to the aid of survivors will face severe punishment surviving passengers and crew have described their desperate attempts to save one another. preliminary findings into the accident say a combination of human error mechanical failure and bad weather caused the disaster president medvedev has ordered wide checks of the country's water transport system following the accident. next the alyona show looks at whether the news of the world
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scandal could spell the end of rupert murdoch's media empire. for the feast we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice ceased to face with the news makers. welcome the loner show around get the real headlines with none of them or see or hear live out of washington d.c. now tonight we'll take a look at the ongoing standstill over the debt ceiling and deficit reduction plan and we're going to ask what the politicians are actually punished for their inaction and we'll see if the news of the world scandal could lead to the end of rupert murdoch's media empire speak to radley balko who says that caylee's law one which would punish parents with a felony for not reporting a missing child within twenty four hours or
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a child's death within one hour he says that's a bad idea they've got all of that more free to night including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to miss. now call me crass but i'm just going to say the mainstream media has moved on from a dead little girl to a newborn and this story was all over the news this morning they say everything is bigger in texas and that certainly holds true for a baby boy born over the weekend little fingers ten little toads but little john michael is anything but little john michael brown the biggest baby ever born there weighing a whopping sixteen pounds use a liver by c. section and guess what his parents said no more kids. really i mean it's not as of our entire economy is on the brink of a d. fault because congress can't get their act to.


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