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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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you're watching r.t. the headlines for you. for national day of mourning across russia around one hundred thirteen people believed killed at a pleasure cruiser sank in. the mideast quartet needs in washington hoping to jumpstart the stalled israeli palestinian peace talks decades long conflict drags on. wiki leaks founder julian assange has
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a fresh appeal against action a sham london's high court allegation is nothing more than staging this. next an r.t. it's our interview show spotlight star not going off to talk to start off the presidential commission of a children's rights about how moscow is working to protect russian children adopted by foreigners and taken abroad. hello yellow welcome to spazz like the interview show on our t.v. and i would love to enslave my guest in the studio is our stock of the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov is on an official visit to the united states among other things he's flying to try to deal with americans concerning the child adoption process just recently several american families have been blamed. to
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two more children adopted in russia south of moscow wants to have a lights to examine the living conditions of adopted children what other problems does the russian children are both going to face here is the presidential commission for children's rights to try to left after. a number of scandals where american parents badly treated the children it up in russia forced moscow and washington to come up with a solution talking designed by russia will make the organizations helping americans adopt to russia needs international recognized convention but inside russia it's a different story she never just writes on in this. country doesn't have a single juvenile poor to do such things. who is this stuff and welcome to the show thank you very much for coming in first
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of all about this new agreement that the russians and the u.s. are planning to sign what will be the new. rules of adoption will there be new rules because there are a few changes on the few rules in this because this is the first agreement with united states of america which will be signed i hope for on these days and first of all we. official agencies which help came to do it for future adoptive parents to take the russian children to their american families and we stop at all so-called independent option because the most problems which we hear when this area of our interests is independent adoptions independent adoption is when is this really acts not through an agency but i think by a tour guide and i'll turn to morocco you can go through an agency you compare you
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can go through an agency or you could just individually come to find out how so this is individual adoption when people just at the edge of my visa come to moscow to find a child somewhere and try to course although sometimes to find in a person who can be intermediate or in these broad for example in their independent lawyer so this will be abolished for good only through wages once well i've read that from now on the adoption of russian children by families in the things will be carried only i quote by u.s. based agencies that need the hague adoption convention of the quorum and yes that. one settles there a principle they were there before and america was one of the countries who signed were the obligatory before that one of e.q. you can think of tension to it's. necessary to be to be.
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recognized as official agencies in the united states of america based on principle of looking eventual and. official it in syria must be recognized in russia is the official agency for adoption process i thought of where we do not recognize the how convention on the adoption of children. but anyway and we situation we. have restriction or. no. necessary step to be to be honest as an official agency based on hog adoption principle conventual here you are you talking about the officially recognized agency because it's very it's very comfortable for the american partners to to do to establish all this work based on hard adoption principle from it ok you recently protested was able to. because we are
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pirates in different convention rights we really govern eyes as the income of children's rights but the united states of america doesn't do it once the same time as it is america recognize how common we do not part of this commitment i see so you recently protested against an adoption of eight russian children it was carried out through a us production organization in this case that an official organization. pointed option and from your point of view it was it had to be turned out to be illegal. what paved the way corruption question corruption isn't kids at the root of the power of all the problems with adoption you're right when when when you are talking about some corruption surats because in each kids which we
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know were in the which we. researched for example the case of. the kids or denise record as a case of. sisters. in each risk is we find out we found out some mistakes or illegal do commit. so it means that the candidates for future adoptive parents. presented some. i can see not. real papers not real duke humans and in this situation we didn't have any chance to check it because there were no instrument nobody to do to check. this this agreement will give you just. a minute deal we say agreement to build up to establish the body the central body
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of peace agreement which will consist of american specialists and russian specialists minister of education and from the department of justice of that is this of america is russia planning to to sign similar similar agreements with countries in europe is of course our fortunately during the last eight years in eighteen years and which we. have heard these persons of international adoptions we don't have enough enough agreements and we have all new one agreement was italian republic unfortunately and our goal is to establish or underside all these contacts agreement all treaties with all contras from where adoptive parents come to russia to pick up due to take and to adopt our russian children across the border adoptions gone wrong have shown the failure of
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international law to look after children's rights spotlights limited media reports . a russian boy flown back to moscow by he's adoptive family in america this story made headlines a year ago it stirred public indignation and made lawmakers of the two countries work on the solution seven year old aaron. so they live. with the numbers from his adoptive mother she claimed the boy was mentally unstable and she could no longer care for him after what happened to her told the russian foreign ministry immediately called for suspense and all the options by the west citizens russia in the u. west giving truly studied draft in full agreement concerning the issue now after seven rounds of negotiation the document is about to be signed a set of rules governing cross border adoption is believed to guarantee the safety of russian children adopted by parents from the u.s.
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but america is just one out of dozens of countries where russian fans find a home currently one hundred thirty thousand kids are you waiting list for potentially being adopted by foreigners many russians believe the country should try and solve the problem of abandoned children domestically as for the international law there's another area which is believed to be on the regulated cross border disputes between parents in the case of liza being who was abducted and taken across international waters by her own parents three times a russian porn gave custody to the girl's mother well the french authorities to the father's side in cases like this it usually takes the efforts of diplomats on both sides to reach an amicable deal between the two parties. you mentioned agreements with italy their charter and usually two years ago it's el
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european country some other countries that you're working with today we started to walk. is. starting to form whiskeys which we look to. just so you. remained with the french republic almost through and i hope it will be signed. probably next spring. where we can agree mint was in israel because israel. has a bricked is to the ford option many russian children a huge speech in which is norwegian we feel and love you work with. with a great deal of agency with a great deal of cases in many countries but the most cases the most tragic cases that we hear about in the news the news comes from america how would you explain this regularity i would be
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a version adopted children children in the united states. i was just of the united states of america just three weeks ago when we this was not the first time. it was a special we visited center internet missional center for missing and exporting children and not me the american specialist told me that the level of violence and cruelty in the american family is too high too so you can see it that if situation the saudi tours russian children to add to all children or to toward all children even their own children yes absolutely so you want your saying now that american families generally cruel. oh no i didn't say so but as americans we sleep at all cruelty monitors more and more and more every year and month among native americans or among immigrants or first wave immigrants have
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i can cheer like and share and. i think in the year in every in every. kinds of families what we can find and i can compare this to asian is united states of america in russia because russia has a problem of cruelty and violence in our families against children not only gain. or doppler children and still. you said in one of your interviews that since the got started well what well like a wired practice more than fifteen years ago seven billion probably deals in years ago seventeen russian children have died in the united states as a result of child abuse but some sixty thousand children born in russia have been adopted by families in the sixty thousand children maybe more sudden tede of them
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died can we talk about an exceptional level of our violence seventeen out of sixty thousand. and you see a lot of large numbers doesn't work in research sure and i can see that. not sixty thousand probably much more about and maybe more than one hundred thousand because we do not have any information about so cry and independence adoption we don't have any information children who are pleased from russia to the united states with a lot of cross border adoption like yeah exactly even now we have two cases children who were sent. and still in the united states of america this is a win tonight is this going to get three years ago for example or the case of dina
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zuma which now is leaving the family in the state of your and the problem is that these parents are not parents exactly because they don't have any judicial status. to work to raise a child they don't want to adopt him. do not want to let him go home to russia. this is a zero situation since part of the stuff the presidential commission or for children's rights spotlight will be back shortly will continue this interview out there break they'll go. public. with the end of the cold war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappear. the risk is not zero that something might
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be going off by mistake especially nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. but simply to use it a day as a threat or as an extra. you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of eventually you're going to blow everything up you you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see if people don't wake up to nuclear weapons will be mute. that represents all the firepower of the second world war and this second sound is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today.
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welcome back to spotlight time elgar not on my guest on the show is part of the last of the presidential commission for children's rights photo you just mentioned . exceptional case in the state of iowa in the states when when a guy from russia a kid went on vacation to stay with american family years ago yeah you know they don't want to adopt them and they don't want to send them back to russia and what about his parents what are they doing where are they are they in russia you know. does the ad living parents know no no no he's in office or from your home office so he will send them to cation by an orphanage your way or for sure with your support or for non-government organisation and now we're here second case when children
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were ripley's from the russian federation for vacation tonight as this is america and to a problem free is free free days a goal is a head to bear but didn't. so why don't why goes. this is a kind of fictional adoption i can say but this is not a legal adult show they're actually making the kids ok i mean i mean but the kid has no rights if he's there is a legally what do americans court say about that all american official said told us that we're is not violence or is not cruelty toward these children so we don't have any authority to to do something if me if you go to the united states and stay there for three years is there are three months they'll keep you out because you're violating the laws so we're always they can stay with three years and well you can
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say things like i cannot explain the situation because we have some papers from some response from american officials from the state of or your some of the city will abuse a child leave now. this is they didn't see any any violations of law anywhere else. and as we told the. seventeen died or keel children in the american adoptive families i can see with the words of a former under so there are generally. american officer in the russian federation he told me that he won one is too much human ones too much ok the russian you mentioned that in russia the level of violence to be frank in families is as high as the united states is not true. even towards their own children we can compare because we don't know the exact truth about the situation
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but there's a level of while and since cruelty against children adults or children later children is too high in france how how how how serious is this problem in russia and who accept your office is dealing with the problems of violence against children in inside russian family from my point of view this is the main problem of russian families and russian society because the level of cruelty and violence against you don't in russian families is too high for her and you can see that all problems of small children is going for on of these be here or their parents. abusing violence cruelty to work children. and we're working on the situation we're working with security as we're working incentives to get into the police authorities was
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a social worker said because my my idea is to start to walk when the family just is staying on the border of these social instability and we have to start to work with this family starting. earlier but to prevent future cruelty of violence and the last time you came to the studio we talked with you in the studio we talked about special juvenile courts and you said that pretty soon special juvenile justice will start working the courts will open when will you when we're going to use is a problem is that in the russian society and first of all the russian mentality the jew in northeastern words you know just is he's now something like. like a ghost like a ghost and. many of our russian people do.
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not know exactly what is this and they afraid of the scary wild. so called juvenile justice i thought i was very very good when i would see that many russians are against you in ultimate is that because russians don't live judges i don't believe it maybe maybe not good don't don't like judges it on limited afraid or scary about judges and all the judges use them but we have decided and we need the political decision to stop these. the future a lot of juvenile system that we have we hear some juvenile courts in the russian federation civil regions here's a so-called plan your sprawl ject and juvenile courts the started to work probably ten years ago and there. addition we can we can research experience we can present this experience to the public discussion for example and
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we are. both the situation where some people in russia. for these juvenile sees them against so in this situation we first of all need to calm down calm. enough not a problem we discussed in spotlight was the necessity of our children's ombudsman's in schools because according to to statistics how do statistics lie. but it's a terrific lie in two thousand and nine there and thirty nine hundred children have committed suicide in two thousand and ten thirty seven of them to children have committed suicide because of humiliation at school is something done about it are obvious when coming to schools probably were promised there's a problem is that official figure but we know that the number of these poor
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children more so. a new situation we're looking for some decision not very expensive decisions but necessary decisions in the one i was there with is to establish a so-called mediation. or mediation group or mediation mediator who can be between. the school authorities burdens and children and where we're looking for the decision to establish psychologist in erie in every school oh maybe it was doubling the institute of school on what's wrong or school commission of which you last rites you're a few different issues but all of them can be the system for prevention of so high numbers of suicide. more young children but who will children trust i mean you need
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a lot of people young people that will be trusted by kids so well well well you can have britney spears working at it as such a person mediating but. you need people of this level of trust from here. this is a mean idea to have a person. who can be. who who children can trust to and they will talk to i mean here's an example and i'm sure of that and they really they really seek it in every region we can find such person who can do it and the problem is that nobody wants to search for these people. there are some who can be the mediator or some. unofficial for it's here for his children ever since but there are hundreds of schools that we need hundreds of people a lot one was a major source of prevention for children. to
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a form of trust little from drug a a suspension term for special tell one year in the we can give you the wrong number which now work in a region in the recent years it's just telephone psychologist it was work in her words yes i can see that i have chipped in many regions of more than sixty regions and a region we still have one is working and the already in every week very good there is a good two or three calls from children who has ideas about maybe future suicide thank you thank you very much harder than just to remind that they're my guest in this video to meet with probably the presidential commission that put children to rights and that's it for now from all of us if you want to have your sales problem. if there are someone of the mind where you think i should invite him to the studio just drop me
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a line of albion r r t t v dr you and let's keep spotlights interact back with more free time comments on what's going on in and out foundation for children to stay in a party and take as. little move and. move .
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in taiwan all teas available against the man just might be her child miriam ogaden typee the how it falls a hotel tonight be sure sometimes the hotel hotel won't show his the grim photo the show would have shown some will do see typee hotel kuvasz photo photo from the hotel the resort evergreen the hotel typee friend victoria hotel gloria prince hotel oil hope springs resort and spa titan hotel while she plans the most of the town you know that hotel the west in taipei evergreen close a hotel in thailand to eat lunch as hotel time.


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