tv [untitled] July 12, 2011 5:01am-5:31am EDT
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immense tragedy here amongst the crowds amongst the relatives and amongst the survivors but also of a growing number of questions as to why this happened but the moment the rescue operation well it has really turned into more of a recovery operation but the tempo has not let up we were at the the site of the center of the rescue operation yesterday and boats kept going from the bank throughout the day to try and recover people you can hear some of the music being played behind me now to try and commemorate the sinking of this ship that was brought down stream for the rescue efforts are going on with divers going to the wreckage to try and search the rooms inside the ship and find people find bodies of people who went down with that ship they're moving into one of the most difficult parts of that operation into a large room a play room which was where around forty children were at the time of the sinking and it's thought that
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a large number of children there and that they simply weren't able to escape and they all drowned in that room they're going to try and recover those and on the sixteenth of july they're going to begin trying to raise the the sunken bulgaria ship to try and recover all of the the remains on the ship and also to try and ascertain what happened there is a growing number of accusations either given anonymously by crew members although eyewitnesses of the big problems on the ship it's hard to verify the moment but all together they add up to quite a damning indictment of what may have gone wrong things such as the s.o.s. alarms and tunnel is not working at the time of the sinking because of the electricity generated stopped working one of the engines itself repeatedly kept breaking down according to crew members the captain ignored. in here now some horns blowing in a memo. real tribute to those that died this is
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a large river with many craft traveling up and down it a lot of the crews on those ships would have known the crew on the bulgaria. paying their respects now to the ship that sank. first came to terra and. the old leans a bit there were three of them in the cabin my son my daughter in law and my grandson my son said he tried to open the cabin door holding his child when the waves crashed into them and he lost grip of my grandson he say he swim towards the
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light and made it out alive but i can't find my grandson or daughter in law. now amidst the grief comes the anger and the questions you're right as you p.c.'s do your job so you don't understand a thing. the bulgaria pleasure boat sank in just three minutes on sunday now some people are saying it should never have been on the volga atoll but they knew. the power of the bulgarian past two hours before look than an awful condition of their done a pretty voice in the show before it set off would never have been allowed to sail to get that growing evidence seems to point to gross mismanagement on the vessel including a broken engine ignored by the captain and blocked in the agency exits. used to work on its side it was called the more and more people complained to the just change the name to the bulgaria the crew themselves always praise god for saving them every time they got off that ship. the vessel was first built in one nine
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hundred fifty five and as recently as last month was given official clearance to sail despite this rescue teams say it was hopelessly outdated the crew that was working tell me they noticed water coming in through the windows at such a pace the boat went down very quickly now president medvedev has ordered wide ranging checks saying there are many more bulgaria's out there the number of decrepit barges cruising along our waterways is enormous and the fact that we were lucky before yesterday doesn't mean anything like that couldn't have happened all of this will come to the fore when the ship itself is raised to the surface for investigation of what is the hiring accounts of what happened on the weekend pleasure cruise told the real story is that people were basically buried alive in time atl coffin we managed to get out through the windows i was there with my ten
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year old daughter i couldn't rescue her she swallowed too much water when i was pulled out i realized my child was gone rescue workers will continue their efforts throughout the coming hours and days but hope has now gone they will find anyone else alive leaving just the shock and grief. of all go back some to wash. up in a few minutes so join our decision frances similar to what to do with the libyan town paid to. the country or sit down and talk to colonel gadhafi. mideast quartet meets in washington hoping to jumpstart the store palestinian peace talks. rejects criticism of its west bank settlements. the a half brother of the afghan president hamid karzai has been assassinated in his own home initial reports suggest he was shot dead by one of his body go. well the
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taliban is claiming responsibility. because i had a provincial council and it was one of the most powerful politicians in the south of the country he was a controversial figure used by critics of corruption cronyism and criminal activity to shroud the current afghan regime. what he's killing me for the country when i joined my first journalist. from kabul thank you for joining us now if it's true the taliban were behind the killing why do you think they would target him specifically. was one of the top political figure not only in the south of the country but it was a political figure all over the country. he was one of the. over there in south of afghanistan he was. doing
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a lot of. things. activities over there and also he was. making and making you know. have some political clout and also political problems. when he. was. this period. out of the country and he. tribal leader and. i think the taliban targeted him he mentions a tribal leader there but he's also been accused of being involved in a number of corruption scandals so how serious. a scandal could they have made him a target.
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this. a lot of stuff he was accused of smuggling drugs he was accused of killing innocent people and. all of. us than he was accused of some. dispute. he was involved in. some. companies but all of them not. only also mr president. mentioned at ones that i knew and. prove that. he was. involved on it. because of afghanistan. take decisions on the one hand you mentioned president karzai there why did the president seem to go out of his way so much to protect him
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. i didn't hear you yes why did the president karzai go out to be swayed to protect him so much. he wasn't going to protect him i think. because i do not have. he was not told get off with the media thing he had some personal dispute and personally. it. was. different stuff but. ok i will leave it there freelance journalist. says i live from kabul thank you for joining us here in our. thanks thanks. well the middle east peace quartet made up of russia america the u.n. and the e.u.
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has gathered in washington an attempt. to revive stalled israeli palestinian peace talks meeting comes at a low point in relations between israel and its biggest ally the us of the presence of bombers spoken favor of return to established pre nine hundred sixty seven borders. israel occupied vast swathes of palestinian land and a since declared the much of it as its own the gathering of the quartet also comes ahead of a key un vote the september one officially recognizing palestine as a something state something strongly opposed by israel is going to come explains why there's such see to see the talks take off. the quartet has met at a time when its efforts as the global mediator in the middle east peace process are largely seen as ineffective there's a says that cost for negotiations alone are not enough in fact they've reached a dead end and with the failure to negotiate a solution palestinians plan to seek a vote by the un general assembly is september recognizing the state of palestine
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that adds urgency to the meeting of the quartet as some analysts say could be the last chance for the global mediators to prove their efficiency before at the possible vote in september divides the international community which it most certainly will there is a vision that all quartet members share and that is a two state solution for these elites and the palestinians and that the starting point for those negotiations have to be the pre-one nine hundred sixty seven border lines but the israelis find the mere mentioning of nine hundred sixty seven border lines unacceptable the palestinians on the other hand demand israel stop building settlements on the occupied territories demands which israel effectively nors so it's a snowball of conditions that have resulted in the decades old impasse the two sides have not been able to come to a solution and the hope always was that wall powers could mediate a peaceful outcome but even though the quartet members say they want to see two independent states eventually they have not been united in how they see. the path
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to the solution the u.s. for example blocks every day when attempts to influence the situation take the settlements the obama administration has called these really settlements expansion illegitimate but when it came to actually voting at the un security council to condemn the settlement expansion is illegal the u.s. veto the resolution analysts say the fact that israel is the protectorate of the united states makes it hard to expect a balanced approach from washington whereas russia is seen by many as the more impartial mediator moscow has held consultations with both the israeli authorities and the palestinian authorities many times hearing out their complaints their grievances because the palestinian vote voice is virtually blocked in the u.s. their leadership is labeled as terrorists here and experts say mediation is next to impossible when you refused to talk to one of the sides. just hours before the middle east quartet convened in washington israel introduced
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a nor that makes it a crime for its citizens to boycott jewish settlements in occupied palestinian territory and you know has already been criticized for violating free speech and stifling democracy human rights organizations keys these are government acting as food police legislation and any second business to sue for damages caused by point costs and imposes fines on organizers it's a stark reminder. of civil rights in the country as israel seeks to preserve its decades long stranglehold on palestine that's according to. executive director. for civil rights israel. the passing of this was a bad day for freedom of speech a bad day for as a democracy. and even more unfortunately it is only the current representation of the rising wave of democratic legislation that is gradually
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drowning the foundations of is that of ocracy as well for many years and i think rightfully so has been recognized as a country with strong democratic out your beats but what we're seeing here is the gradual sad process in which the israeli parliament is by itself doing eroding those democratic principles not just a call along to keep a shoe in for more than four decades but also targeting the rights of. minorities in me as well and specifically arab citizens of the state of israel targeting human rights organisations and of ability to function freely something that we've always taken for granted and is now being gradually eroded and also targeting the independence of the high court of justice and its ability to continue to defend human rights and civil liberties in israel. well you can always find more stories on our website at r.t. dot com along with the latest news blogs and videos here's to some of what you can find there right now shady circumstances surrounding the death of
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a high profile russian prosecutor who shot himself in his workplace. alcoholic found his blood. on a street. car in central. speed and carnage. just a few days after hosting his fortieth birthday party we can expound on the son is appearing right now before london's high court to fight extradition to sweden he's wanted for questioning over sexual assault allegations. more emmett's who's outside the court you know lower it's not the first time he's tried to fight this extradition to his chances look not today. but we still rest. cool here on cheese day he was flanked by his lawyers and his assistants he was silent obviously reserving his energies we were all asking him how he felt about
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how today was going to go but he didn't answer any of us he had a hat he's now wearing gloves does he look that much older than his forty years and certainly much older than him that he did it looks like these months of chill house arrest that he's been under have really taken that told he's been staying at the home of a friend of his out in the country where he's had to wear an electronic tag he's been under a curfew and he's had to report to the police station every day to really taken its toll on him this hearing that we're seeing this week to last until wednesday but even then the rulings expected to be resigned so we might not hear what decision the judge has made for days or even weeks and in fact even if that this appeal is rejected. he vows to take this case. higher up the justice chain here in the u.k. first to the supreme court and then if you have to on to the european court of human rights because he was lost in court in february here in the u.k.
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where the judge ruled in favor of sweden face said that he should be extradited to sweden saying that there was no reason to expect that our souls wouldn't receive a fair trial even though he's now in court today to appeal that decision and he and his supporters have always suggested that the prosecution on sex charges is politically motivated and that the end goal of this is that sweden will eventually send him to the u.s. where of course a grand jury is currently investigating the work of wiki leaks and in fact there are significant links between sweden and the u.s. which is the subject of a report that you can see now. seven months since today in our souls was released on bail he returns to the high court to appeal his extradition if he fails will be sent to sweden within ten days but many believe his feet won't touch the ground next stop america i think. the worry is that
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swinging which in the past has extradited people to america with a minimum of fuss when they were asked was show us a possible you know door to get him out of britain or to wait him in the u.s. is this. trial for war used on you're a notorious neo conservative ruth helped the swedish prime minister friedrich reinfeldt when reelection last year and there's another glaring link in the shape of lawyer thomas bloodstream his firm's representing the two women bringing the sex charges against us songs in two thousand and one he was minister of justice and is alleged to have helped turned over to asylum seekers suspected by the cia of terror . they were sent to egypt and allegedly tortured he might well want to stop wiki leaks from functioning the questions about neutrality became even even clearer
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thanks to some of the documents from exactly wiki leaks there is. a willingness to . do the ariens of the united states over many years from. question of. making asylum seekers in sweden. to the cia freddy's is particularly strong now with a government in sweden sweden one on sex crime charges the us is reportedly preparing an espionage case and it suits no nato member sweden just fine to be a conduit in this case and in others they get. all the benefits of being an intelligence partner of the united states without the baggage of being in nato sweden seen as an easier way for the us to get their hands on our soldiers particularly after it requested the extradition of gary mckinnon from britain which so far hasn't been granted but critics say the u.k.
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is just as much in cahoots with the u.s. as sweden. to represent us foreign policy in europe. militarily and politically and economically. unfortunately has to do it ourselves goes back to court in london he'll have an eye on the british justice system which could save him from being extradited but the other i will be firmly fixed on this we did a country that insists on its own neutrality whilst turning asylum seekers over to the us allegedly to be tortured only our soldiers and his staff that wiki leaks know what else we just got to hide your average forty. french parliament to show you how to vote on an extension to the military campaign in libya the government there. says it's determined to take the fight to come gadhafi and some experts believe a ground invasion is now the only option left president sarkozy. not tell
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me which. books is like bragging will destroy their opponents they're often wrong and gets a nasty surprise i. french foreign minister should pay both did france would win libya in quote days or weeks the war's into a fourth month no final round inside. sarkozy with his western allies seem shocked their little opponents fighting back well it's not just an embarrassment for sarkozy it's an embarrassment for all nato for the whole west paris even admits libya's rebels but on some somalia wench to libya for training within the last two or three years that's documented we have to fly records and everything else so it seems strange in many ways the whole western support of some of that i will groups in libya must be questioned because in some
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cases i think we are effectively arming al-qaeda. it's all making a mockery of the un vote on foreign intervention in the country. giving. none of. this. witnesses nato bombing of libya is causing widespread atrocities for every one military personnel that was supposedly a casualty there were ten civilians frauds categorically ruled out sending troops to take spurs predict is the only way male to break the libyan deadlock the moves of splitting the nato coalition silvio berlusconi head of keep italy admits invading libya was a mistake and did a stunning u. turn the fridge defense minister says the rebels should negotiate with moammar gadhafi this is the same man that they already indicted in the international court
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. so. i mean from a legal point of view it's even possible what they're saying they're saying now and the person accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity is part of the negotiations men and of course our media here are not the ones who are going to pose these critical certainly not in france. to the president on the contrary. the u.s. vote. would bring how much would you place it believe. support . lloyd lee diplomat speak for up. with elections just more in months away so voices that a successful war could resurrect his childe says instead one paper writes libya's becoming a slow motion call crutch for france's deeply unpopular president. is easy jogging
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for excessive sweating is understandable this is libyan spring is turning into a. new bush will see paris. for the latest stock markets outlook coming up at the business desk. thanks carrie this is a quick business update let's have a look at the markets all is continuing to lose ground despite crude inventer is have been interest rather has fallen from peak levels of fears of softening demand dominating the market or the rest is concerned about u.s. economic recovery and the possibility of further military tightening in china brant is trading at around two hundred fifteen dollars per barrel while the w. is nearly ninety four dollars a barrel. european stocks are saying having sent up after a sharp drop in the previous session investors continue to down banking and insurance stocks on persisting sovereign debt fears are not helped by trying to
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minister saying a selective default greek debt its path. simple while the market is nervous about the possibility of the winds it spreading to egypt and spain the cost of insuring scottish anytime in government bonds jumps to record levels. paid in russia the markets the tracking of the season losses. right now let's take a look at something to be told this on the most six most of the blue chips on that would punish old suffering the most for a bank is losing the ground on one in the second week of crude is weighing on energy majors gazprom is down one percent has slipped into the red up to l.a. gays and it's reported a nine percent increase in earnings for the first topic yet. you're up to date more business news and now it's time they had lines with carrier next.
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to a face to this is none of the magician but more. into it and you should see just everybody you should support retreat they have no idea about the hardships to the face. plate one it's this is it is all going to need to. bring in the army the life never used the other is the most precious thing in the world. use of self-sacrifice and heroism with the those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world need. to treat
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nineteen forty five don't r.t. dot com. so you're watching r t the headlines on national day of mourning across russia for around one hundred thirty people killed pleasure cruise assange kind of all derivative dates. to these quarter two meets in washington hoping to jumpstart the stalled israeli palestinian peace talks as a decades long conflict drags on. and wiki leaks founder julian assange launches a fresh appeal against extradition london's high court and that sweden is nothing more than a staging post to the u.s. . military naughtie a multi award winning reporter about one of the biggest environmental and human rights catastrophes in american history. on the day of
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this interview the small creek less than one mile from their home flows black and that's not normal that's coming from an abandoned home odds are it's come from sorry pot. i don't know. what takes bait. are caught. maybe a few more years. i don't deny health this went down tremendously. and i don't ever look to be healthy as i don't ever have the time not bankers in vain if i can do it help me. that are only thing i want now i want good morals i want them to quit pump and are quitting jade and whatever they're doing i want them to quit that. and. i'll mop the rebated. for the last twenty years.
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and all. you can't make it without good water. salumi. blues. currently there are over one hundred forty billion gallons of coal slurry contained in more than one hundred lb ments in west virginia alone the total quantity of coal slurry in the rest of southern appalachians. on december twenty second two thousand and eight acall ash impoundment at the tennessee valley authorities kingston fossil plant failed when an earthen dike broke spilling over one point one billion gallons of coal ash sludge over three hundred acres. coal ash sludge has waste created from the burning of coal at the kingston coal plant it is believed to contain toxic compounds including arse.
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