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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT

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husband five year old son. was pregnant or was to deliver her second baby ne she's not found yet only husband to survive she into santa i. meanwhile back here at the site of a sinking divers have reached the room inside the ship where around forty children were trapped as the boat began to sink they were holding a party there because there were so many of them it's thought that they were not able to get out and drowned in that room first came terror and tragedy hit. the board leans a bit there are three of them in the cabin my son my daughter in law and my grandson my son said he tried to open the cabin door holding his child when the wave crashed into them and he lost a group of my grandson he say he swim towards the light and made it out alive but i can find my grandson or daughter in law. now amidst the grief comes the anger and the questions of why you pigs do your jobs you don't understand anything.
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the bulgaria pleasure boat sank in just three minutes on sunday now some people are saying it should never have been on the volga at all. as the bog area passed us two hours before it looked an awful condition of their own a preview on the show before it would never have been allowed to sail. growing evidence seems to point to gross mismanagement on the vessel including a broken engine ignored by the captain and blocked emergency exits probably are not long ago in the twenty three hours we travelled on these motives are but he was in a poor condition then yes because most serial times you're in or a trip that it would have to stop. because the engine was working properly the vessel was first built in one nine hundred fifty five and as recently as last month was given official clearance to sail. despite this rescue teams say it was
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hopelessly outdated the crew that was working tell me they noticed water coming in through the windows at such a pace the boat went down very quickly all of this will come to the fore when the ship itself is raised to the surface for investigation but it's the how wring accounts of what happened on the weekend pleasure cruise that told the real story we still hope that our daughter has survived your house in an air pocket or some other way but yet we still believe that our little angel is a life sort of didn't like it is that people were basically buried alive in giant metal coffin we managed to get out through the windows i was there with my ten year old daughter i couldn't rescue han she swallowed too much water when i was pulled out i realized my child was gone rescue workers will continue their efforts throughout the coming hours and days but hope is now gone they will find anyone else alive leaving just the shock and grief than r.t.
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the volga bank central russia. scenes of terrible anguish there was also growing anger too after claims the two vessels passed the cruise ship as it was sinking but did nothing to help a criminal case has been launched against those ships captains but again we've got more about the awful human side of this tragedy on our website they often interview with divers to how to work at the sea they give a harrowing account of the underwater search for dozens of bodies impossibility you can read what they had to say and further news now says r.t. . the little house the french parliament voted to extend the military campaign in libya today it comes after recent remarks by the french defense minister suggesting that the rebels should talk to colonel gadhafi that spot rumors that one of the most active advocates of the nato led invasion might be starting to backpedal on the campaign and i certainly don't know bushell reports next anxiety is growing in paris that what was intended to be short lived mission is turning into an embarrassingly long war. not tell me which.
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books is like bragging they'll destroy their opponents they're often wrong and gets a nasty surprise. french foreign minister ship a boasted france would win libya in quote days or weeks the war's into a fourth month no final round inside nicolas sarkozy with his western allies seem shocked their little opponents fighting back well it's not just an embarrassment for sarkozy it's an embarrassment for all nato for the whole west paris even admits libya's rebels were written some somalia went to libya for training within the last two or three years documented we have to fly records and everything else so it seems strange in many ways the whole western support of some of the rebel groups in libya must be questioned because in some cases i think we
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are effectively arming al-qaeda. it's all making a mockery of the un votes on foreign intervention in the country. giving. none of. the. witnesses to libya's causing widespread atrocities for every one military personnel that was supposedly a casualty there were ten civilians frauds categorically ruled out sending grilled troops to take splits predict is the only way male to break the libyan deadlock the moves the splitting the nato coalition silvio berlusconi head of keep italy admits invading libya was a mistake and did a stunning the french defense minister says the rebels should negotiate with
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moammar gadhafi this is the same man that they already indicted in the international court so. i mean from a legal point of view it's even impossible rocher upstream did the un's vote warning foreign bombs would bring havoc in libya to pay said the latest talks with counterpart sergei lavrov will quote lloyd lee diplomat speak for a blazing row with elections just annoying months away sako advisers said a successful war could resurrect his chances instead one paper writes libya's becoming a slow motion crash for france's deeply unpopular president. is easy jogging for excessive sweating is understandable as his libyan sprint is turning into a marathon and the new bush will see paris. let's talk now to a steven brown is contributing editor of front page online magazine joins me live to discuss the story in a bit more depth of the spread and hi there it looks like france is going to
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continue that its participation in the libyan operation doesn't it despite the cost and the criticism you surprised at all by that. well france has just recently called for the rebels to negotiate with gadhafi and if the bombing will stop as soon as the are at the negotiating table this shows to me that nato is surrendering the surrendering process has begun i think. he is continuing just putting up a front of the moment to looking for a way sort of peace with honor withdrawal they can be. the scale of french but as a patient was why the link isn't it international internal rather politics going on in the country ahead of those presidential elections but do you think the psycho's who would win more votes if he withdrew from what looks like a terrible stalemate taking what you say looking for a way but it's kind of backfired on cozy isn't it if that is what he was trying to do gain political points at home. oh i think the whole thing's backfired on
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both cause the nato they thought was going to be an easy victory. i said way back when and then they should have negotiated with members tend their ground troops in the media glee the rebels were too weak to defeat what they were thinking they simply got caught up in. their own human rights. going through the u.n. waging war of the u.n. and this is the result you know there's no decision it's costing tens of millions of dollars civilians are being killed libyan civilians and now they've had to sheerin into southern libya to protect the office so these i think he's the worst criminal than. shows of the war was never about protecting libyan civilians it was a vote making sure the oil states britain and france do you think presidents are cozy and the rest of the nato alliance were at all surprised about the resilience of gadhafi and how long this has gone on do you think they have
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a better way going on this long. oh i knew right from the start was going to go on this long i think they're very surprised. he's by saddam hussein a dictator like saddam hussein he's got billions of dollars in cash lying around like we found billions of dollars in cash after we invaded iraq he's got the same thing he's paying he's paying mercenaries he's paying people still to train his troops to proceed on a ruse he's paying mercenaries to fly is airplanes he's got all kinds of cash and he's a survivor and the rebels are going to come nowhere near to defeating his regular forces which are very well trained the regulars the irregulars are the rebels are still just a regular force they want a quick victory nato should have sent his troops to rate the start it would have been or within two weeks all right see the front page on one magazine. international tonight. nato is lying when he says it's
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a military is to protect civilians that is the claim of independent journalists another view see you something else to think it but we've got his full interview next hour and see this is a brief clip of what he had to say. starting from the moment it was decided to launch this operation the lives of civilians were not taken into account and this is just the beginning it is rather a question of the rearrangement of this region and we are yet to see a series of wars in this case nato keeps line at every stage during the war and possible nato would normally lie only to conceal its mistakes at this time it's being done not you consume the stakes but you can seal the strategic. questions over the conflict in libya has been raised in washington on a visit there russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov said that colonel gadhafi has no future in a new libya must go not is going to change you can reports foreign minister lavrov
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said colonel gadhafi must step down and there is no place for him in levy his future and that's a view shared by the obama administration as well we support the if we can you know initiative to start negotiations between the representative of three put it for a present a two for three bullet and representatives of the guys in transitional national council on the understanding that gadhafi. of course would not have any place in the future libya. and that the fish yourself would not participate in those discussions he also repeated that moscow sees the actions of the allied forces there as violation of the u.n. mandate he said that the resolution is being wrongly interpreted as you can do whatever you want but there must be limits to an intervention what moscow sees is the west now clearly taking sides in a civil war and expanding on the conflict the u.s. missile defense plans in europe are of course up for discussion here in washington
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foreign minister lavrov said russia for him legally binding guarantees that the european missile defense project will not threaten russia's security there has been words before washington has many times said that the same. i would not be against russia but moscow needs to have it on paper some analyst explained that this urge that russia has for getting everything on paper with promise is indeed has that were not fulfilled for example when the soviet union collapsed russia was assured that nato would not be expanding towards its borders but he did it can be continued recruiting new members of the bottomline is words are good but words in a legally binding agreement are better foreign minister lavrov said that's probably the most irritating issue in the relations between the two countries and there is a huge desire to live it behind and to rather turn it into an area of cooperation. he's gonna cheat you can you watching our team from moscow still ahead we look at the continuing saga of u.k. reporters illegally obtaining people's private information of the us could this be a threat to the country's national security is coming up in
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a few minutes. the half brother of afghan president hamid karzai has been assassinated in his own home and initial reports of yours that with well because i was shot dead by one of his own bodyguards the taliban's claimed responsibility described it as one of its biggest achievements because i headed the kandahar province it's a volatile region of a border with pakistan he was often accused of media reports of having links with afghanistan's massive illegal drug trade there's talk about these developments go to massachusetts discuss the issue with all journalist doug valentine mr valentine thanks for being on r.t. as i just mentioned there we know the world media rumors of murky karzai connections some even called off with well he karzai a major afghan drug kingpin but the karzai brothers was still a force the u.s. could rely on in the country how serious a blow to washington is this assassination. it's more than a blip it's a big deal he was a power broker provided
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a lot of stability here the hart office which of course is one of the key provinces in afghanistan. a place where o.b.l. was growing where a lot of people live so his presence will be missed. what about his demise will that have a significant effect on the massive drug trafficking trade from the country his absence will not affect the drug trafficking there is plenty of other people who are going to step in and. fill in the gaps. since has more to do with. his role. as a conduit to the taliban itself he was actually very political you know. the u.s. and the cia as somebody who could. represent their interests in negotiations with the taliban and he was considered a very very tough negotiator for the united states he was someone who represented
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u.s. policies rather. policies and so this is a very big coup for the taliban they will have to deal with. with his hardline for a while but it's not the first time the taliban's targeted either one of the cars i brothers is it i mean it is the group stronger now is as they claim that they've succeeded to to to get rid of them this time is it there is it made them stronger it's a big coup i guess for them well yes really although i have to say nobody knows exactly why the. kill why why the security guard. karzai hey don't know whether or whether he was an agent of the taliban the taliban claims he was but it may have been. internal. power struggle with you know it could have been it could have actually been a. rival drug dealers or. any number. of
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power struggles that we're not really aware of so a little certainly that may have killed him knew that he would pay with his life and that kind of. committed and usually only comes from the child does the backdrop here this is a big blow isn't it this is a high profile killing to and it's and it's happening at the same time as america says it wants to withdraw and leave a stable afghanistan yeah this is a high profile killing a man killed in his own house. you have to differentiate between stated policy and real call said you know. has been saying that it wants to withdraw for ten you know i mean going on for ten years they've been wanting to clear victory and leave but if the united states policy is actually to stay you have for the considerable future to control its natural resource you think they'll be there after twenty
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fourteen you. think what you think they'll still be there after twenty fourteen oh yes no doubt because it's a strategic. military base. in regards to china. russia all those central asian countries the united states' presence there is just far too important for national security interest for the united states ever in a foreseeable future. or i doug valentine us based your listener story and thanks for being on the program you're welcome. now two years ago i spoke to a while because about how he viewed the allegations against him. this is a drug in obvious things but they never in the last seven years know we challenge we challenge the international community we challenge everyone to please bring the
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proof where the forum is log on to the free video section of our website they can access the interview in full and huge archive of the news footage to. the big story today wiki leaks founder julian assange is back in a london court where he's appealing against an earlier ruling to extradite him to sweden the world's most famous whistleblowers wanted there for questioning over sexual assault allegations but his supporters fear that if he is said to stockholm he'll end up in the hands of the u.s. government. has the latest now from outside the court. but you know so much has hired an entirely new legal team pool based appeal he spied at the old old lots and he's got people who are much more have much more experience in criminal law and they're much more concerned with the ins and outs the old e.u. lore and specifically the european arrest warrant there are arguing that the european arrest warrant enough case is invalid because of essentially discrepancies between the allegations made and the testimonies of the two alleged victims that
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are full of charge is that they range between are no full coercion just sexual assaults right down to rape they're also saying it's important to remember that no charges have been brought against authorise he's wanted for questioning in sweden and so far no more now this case is slated to go through wednesday if based appeal is rejected by the high courts that you and i saw since ballots to take the extradition case right to deceive queen courts and even on words to the european court of human rights customs and his supporters have always been worried that one section started to sweet and they would he would be sent to the u.s. that this case was politically motivated and of course have noted that a grand jury in the u.s. is investigating wiki leaks and that some people in america would love to get hands on ourselves. correspondent ivan watson reporting sweden's links with us on our website after you go home always latest news there are blogs videos chunks of your
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cyber war stories you see on our channel good pictures to always try to get some action for you like this one latest video footage of a plane rescue operation for hours all for a bird an aircraft crash landed on a lake in siberia and watch the divers try to rescue it back out again also look before you cross the road it was a good tip revenue us first year of moscow's street race of pushing a sports car the mugs seen in the center of the city but his need for speed ends in the obvious marriage. more details on why some. tonight. rage grips britain over allegations aimed at several newspapers in rupert murdoch's media empire including obtaining secret information about the queen and former prime minister gordon brown that's a senior police officers have been questioned by and pays over claims they knew about the scandal i spoke to richard at is sees editor in chief of the day online news service he told me things that data could be misused and not just by tabloids i think that where this does become
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a question for national security is the idea that police are selling private phone numbers and private contact details of people like the royal family in the prime minister yes well this is not necessarily the same to sell these things to a newspaper as it would be to sell them to a terrorist organisation but if you can do one you may be able to do the other so yes it's very serious but i think what people i talk to and. expecting is for the scandal to go up through rebecca brooks who's the chief executive of news international to james murdoch and james murdoch himself many people say should step down and take a break. just a few minutes time find out why our financial guru most kaiser launches a campaign to buy a refrigerator you hear me right why i want to save the economy more of the later to catch up with a business that now with dmitri. welcome
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to business customs union of russia kazakhstan and belarus wants to expand its links and says it's ready to start creating free trade zones with europe has been meeting the prime ministers of all the union members to discuss the first year of cooperation. it has been a year now since the three neighbors russia belarus began trading with borders and russia's prime minister vladimir putin says it has already brought tarnishing results of the trade models between the three countries to four to three per cent in the first four months old this year and also says the customs unit is now ready to integrate more into international trade with its closest neighbor the european union. and the three countries together have a population. and sixty five million people a very lucrative market for foreign partners and this allows the c.i.s. countries to ask for better conditions in international cooperation. by
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removing barriers within the customs union we intend to erect barriers. on the contrary. to ensure our joint efforts can morphic to really integrate our countries into the global economy the customs union would also seek free trade co-operation with the european union. talking about russia's not korea's threat to tell so they're of course is all three conscious within the customs union will have to compete for businesses and this may finally become a real step to fight corruption. in russia on the markets and the. mixed joining the hesitation on the overseas markets with the debt crisis you're looking at some of the individual. bank is flat unlike other finance. stocks around the world the stock even managed to gain a notch gazprom down point three percent as energy prices continue to use most of
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the session but a major again on tuesday was coal miner spots great swelling on reports russia's state development bank meet the could by eighty percent of the mine a four billion dollars peter weston from ads on capital wraps up today's trade. we have recovered. russia has actually done better than most other markets but if you look at the sectors that have been doing well it's in telecommuted it is the metals well telecoms and utilities you know most of us defensive so that's not a a surprise given the environment but also if you look within the metal three years it's been called a real scale again we are really interested ahead she says there should be gold companies so it is a very defensive mode and we don't see a lot of sort of conviction. any kind of relief rally that the scene is like to be short term in this environment and also from the business team for now come and see the headlines to stay with us if you can.
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wealthy british scientists scientists sometimes the tireless money. markets why not succumb to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our.
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mood. it's just so. just so. if. the fact remains.
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this is r t my name is kevin irwin let me bring you up to date on our top story the first funerals have been held now in russia's republic of tatarstan as the country mourns victims of sunday's pleasure cruise a sinking on the river almost one hundred deaths have been confirmed so far many of them children meanwhile the search for dozens of bodies trapped under water continues. to the french parliament voted to extend the military campaign in libya that's why the analysts highlighting consistencies in paris is frantic attempts to find ways out of the deadlock including a recent suggestion that the rebels should negotiate with colonel gadhafi. and the half brother of afghan president hamid karzai has been assassinated in his own home and the death of a powerful politician allegedly linked to drug trafficking deals a blow to nato his plans to leave a stable country behind when its troops withdraw. one of the headlines for you wiki
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leaks founder julian assange is back in a london court fighting an earlier decision to extradite him to sweden over sex crime and a geisha but his supporters say the case is just a pretext to hand him over to the u.s. . programs continue next on r.t. financial guru most keyser names and shames who he thinks is behind the world's financial turmoil and he's got something to do with the fridge the kaiser report is on the. max kaiser this is the cause or report let's get all the details from stacy herbert pax europe declares war on rating agencies a chorus of policymakers from europe and across the world have denounced the moody's drastic downgrade of portuguese debt as an act of financial vandalism
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accusing the anglo-saxon rating agencies of driving states into bankruptcy and destabilizing the global system yeah that's right they call it financial vandalism or upping the rhetoric and we we've been talking about financial terrorism for months and months and months now they're upping the rhetoric they're going to get to the point now where they realize that this is in fact not vandalism which is a quaint way of saying terrorism they didn't accuse a son of in law of vandalism on nine eleven who never did that it was an act of terrorism mooney's s. and p. is pitching our financial terrorists and they are purposefully targeting these countries for destruction because they want their assets for nothing well portugal's new premier pedro passos coelho said moody's downgrade was a punch in the stomach at a time when the new government has done everything demanded by the e.u. and i.m.f. inspectors well that's part of the rocket motors is a publicly traded company warren buffet's one.


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