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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2011 5:01pm-5:31pm EDT

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because there were so many of them it's thought that they were not able to get out and drowned in that room first came terror and tragedy. the boat leans a bit there are three of them and be cabin my son my daughter in law and my grandson my son said he tried to open the cabin door holding his child when the wave crashed into them and he lost grip of my grandson he say he swim towards the light and made it out alive but i can't find my grandson or daughter in law. now amidst the grief comes the anger and the questions. like if you do your jobs you don't understand a thing. the vogue area pleasure boat sank in just three minutes on sunday now some people are saying it should never have been on the volga atoll at the. past two hours before it looked an awful condition of they had done a preview. before it would never have been allowed to sail that growing evidence
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seems to point to gross mismanagement of the vessel including a broken engine ignored by the captain and blocked emergency exits blowing it i'm not long ago in the twenty three hours we travelled on these motors he was in a poor condition then yes because most serial times during her trip would have to stop for somebody or because the engine was working properly the vessel was first built in one nine hundred fifty five and as recently as last month was given official clearance to sail. despite this rescue teams say it was hopelessly outdated the crew that was working tell me they notice water coming in through the windows at such a pace the boat went down very quickly all of this will come to the fore when the ship itself is raised to the surface for investigation but it's the how wring accounts of what happened on the weekend pleasure cruise to tell the real story we still hope that our daughter has survived your house in an air pocket or some other
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way but yet we still believe that our little angel is a line from the star didn't pack it is that people were basically buried alive in time metal coffin we managed to get out through the windows i was there with my ten year old daughter i couldn't rescue her she small i too much water when i was pulled out i realized my child was gone rescue workers will continue their efforts throughout the coming hours and days but hope has now gone they will find anyone else alive leaving just the shock and grief in r.t. the volga bank central russia. gadaffi is ready to go that's according to the french foreign minister. reports say paris has been engaged in negotiations emissaries of the libyan leader and the rebels now this comes as a lower house the french parliament agreed to extend its military involvement in libya that is daniel bushell reports. not tell me which.
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books is like bragging will destroy their reported lives they're often wrong and get the mill city surprise. french foreign minister should pay both did france would remove him quote days or weeks the wars into a fourth month and the final round inside. because the with his western allies seem short their little opponents fighting back well it's not just an embarrassment for sarkozy it's an embarrassment for all nato for the whole west paris even admits being libya's rebels but on some somalia. when should they be up for training within the last two or three years that's documented we have to fly records and everything else so it seems strange in many ways the whole western support of some of the rebel groups in libya must be questioned because in some cases i think we are effectively arming al-qaeda. it's all making
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a mockery of the un vote on foreign intervention in the country. by leading it. giving. none of. this. witnesses at the to go of libya is causing widespread atrocities for every one military personnel that was supposedly a casualty there were ten civilians for all categorically ruled out saying what the real troops protect predict is the only way to break the libyan deadlock the moves the splitting the nato coalition silvio berlusconi head of keeping italy admits invading libya was a mistake russia abstained did the us votes will be the bombs would bring havoc in libya which plays at the latest tool to help support so you get several full quote
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lloyd leads diplomats meet. with elections just annoying months away sako advisers said a successful war could resurrect his chances instead one paper writes libya's becoming a slow motion crash for france's deeply unpopular president. so it is easy jogging for excessive sweating is understandable as is libyan spring is turning into a mouse and the new bush will see paris. well questions over the conflict in libya have also been raised in washington on a visit there russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov said the colonel gadhafi has no future in a new libya must go. he's going to go that's sort of the story today foreign minister lavrov said colonel gadhafi must step down and there is no place for him in levy his future and that's a view shared by the obama administration as well we support the if we can you know initiative to start negotiations between the representatives of three
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representatives of three political representative some of the guys the transitional national council on the understanding that good definition of course would look to a new place in the future libya. and the future and so would not participate. discussions he also repeated that moscow sees the actions of the allied forces there as violation of the u.n. mandate he said that the resolution is being wrongly interpreted as you can do whatever you want but there must be limits to any intervention what moscow sees is the west now clearly taking sides in a civil war and extending the conflict the u.s. missile defense plans in europe are of course up for discussion here in washington foreign minister lavrov said russia for legally binding guarantees that the european missile defense project will not threaten russia's security there has been words before washington has many times said that the system would not be against russia but moscow needs to have it on paper some analyst explained that this urge
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that russia has been getting everything on paper with promises in the past that were not fulfilled for example when the soviet union collapsed russia was assured that nato would not be expanding towards these borders but it did it can do it continued recruiting new members of the bottom line is words are good but words in a legally binding agreement are better foreign minister lavrov said that's probably the most irritating issue in the relations between the two countries and there is a huge desire to live it behind and to rather turn it into an area of cooperation. going to see in washington that. brother of president hamid karzai has been assassinated in his own home and come initial. suggests that while he cuz i was shot dead by one of his own bodyguards the taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack that they called the group's biggest achievement in ten years because i had of the kandahar province a volatile region on the border with pakistan and was considered. a u.s. vital ally indeed against the war on terrorism in the region is often accused of
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media reports of a links with afghanistan's massive illegal drug trade major league by washington so by this know the dependent journalist north jere van dyke he indeed was held for forty five days by the taliban in two thousand and eight jerry very good to have you on the program thanks for taking the time to be with us and eight said isn't it that whoever controls kandahar controls afghanistan how serious a blow than is his death to the country i think it's a very serious blow for two reasons number one of course well the cars i was the younger brother of the president of the country and seen by many as a possible heir apparent secondly they both belong to the populous clan of the. populous oyo are the founders of afghanistan they are most of the kings of afghanistan have been popular choice while the karzai it was not just the governor or the shadow governor of kandahar he was the most powerful in the most popular
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person throughout all of southern afghanistan this shows that right now with the canadian troops pulling out and with the u.s. trying to you know focus on eastern afghanistan feeling that they have controlled the south there is now a vacuum who is in power who can the west rely upon the one who is reported to have been no while the chief of security in the taliban have claimed responsibility i mean can they really have penetrated so deeply into the inner circle of the country's authorities. the taliban have claimed responsibility for this but it's not clear that the taliban are responsible many people are saying and what i heard in talking to people in kandahar this morning is that it could very easily be a power struggle there could be other clans other tribes that are jealous of karzai is increasing power throughout the region and may have wanted to do him in don't forget he's also been on the payroll it is alleged the cia very close to many drug
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dealers and i've also heard and others have reported that he was responsible for perhaps starting to bring the taliban together with the united states to negotiate therefore someone would have had a definite reason perhaps pakistan perhaps the taliban to stop this we don't know yet who is responsible because they kill the person who had all the information it's going to take time before we find out who's responsible but in the short term we do know that there's a power vacuum throughout all of southern afghanistan he who holds kandahar holds that country. and now of course there's a power vacuum is there a likely successor. there has to be a successor some time as we both know or as everyone knows nature of poor is a vacuum there is no one on the on the horizon at the moment what people should remember is that on may twenty eight the taliban killed general. in
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northern afghanistan the most powerful person in northern afghanistan yesterday somebody killed the most powerful person in southern afghanistan there is no clear afghan leader in the north and now in the far more important the all important south there is no leader the canadians are pulling out the americans feel that they now have pacified this area and want to focus on the east they have relied upon. as their person their their man on the ground there is no one there right now someone in time is going to have to come forward there is no person right now with the stature of wali karzai generally speaking to oxy very recently the former chief of the pakistani intelligence service said the only way to ensure peace in the region is for the u.s. to hold direct talks with the taliban really interested to get your views on they smell the death of one cause and now force washington.
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that's a very interesting point for pakistan to say that because in the one nine hundred eighty s. when i worked as a newspaper reporter in afghanistan there were negotiations between the dean of the united states the soviet union pakistan pakistan does not want to watch from the sidelines when pakistan says that there should be direct negotiations between the united states and the taliban what it is also saying is that pakistan wants to be at the table also because don't forget and i know that most of your viewers know this the leadership of the taliban is not enough gamma stand like al qaeda it is in pakistan it cannot operate there independently it has to have institutional backing you touched on this just now i just want to put a bit of meat on the bones of it when off to the killing how realistic is america's ambition to leave a stable afghanistan when nato troops finally depart in twenty fourteen. i think the fact that would happen today shows very clearly that there are two
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universes really enough gana stand there is the universe that the west knows that outsiders know that the united nations that foreign diplomats the journalists and militaries know and then there is afghan culture that's very very hard for the outs for an outsider to penetrate we do not know what is going on behind the scenes what we do know however is that the united states is able to kill it is able to hold the ground hold ground but once it departs there is a vacuum and someone will come in there by no means is the united states in any position to leave afghanistan because there is no leader on the ground in the north in the south that the u.s. or its allies can rely upon it's a very very serious precarious position in the west is in and we have been there now for ten years independent journalist. very good to have in the program thank you. wiki leaks founder julian assange is back at a london court where he's appealing against an earlier ruling to extradited to
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sweden the world's most famous whistleblowers wanted the questioning over sexual assault allegations blue supporters fear that if he is sent to stalk oh he'll end up in the hands of the u.s. government but he's laura muskoka latest roadside the call building for you to not so much has hired an entirely new legal team for this appeal he started the old old lots and he's got people who are much more have much more experience in criminal law and they're much more concerned with the ins and outs of e.u. law and specifically the european arrest warrant they're all queuing that the european arrest warrant enough to own his case is invalid because of essentially discrepancies between the allegations made and the testimonies of the two alleged victims there are four charges and they range between on lawful coercion to sexual assaults right down to rape they're also saying it's important to remember that no charges have been brought against
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a false he's wanted for questioning in sweden and so far no more now this case is slated to go through wednesday if based appeal is rejected by the high courts that you and i saw this is about to take the extradition case right to the supremes courts and even our own words to the european court of human rights ourselves and his supporters have always been worried that one section started to sweden they would he would be sent to the u.s. that this case was politically motivated and of course have noted that a grand jury in the u.s. is investigating wiki leaks and that some people in america would love to get their hands on ourselves. what is laura meant that also in the headlines a protestant parades again turned violent in northern ireland's car but all belfast as bonfires were lit to mark the annual twelfth of july celebrations catholic protesters threw stones and firebombs of protestants and police security services attempt to separate the opposing factions only seven police officers were injured in the attacks the twelfth of july marks the end of the annual protestant marching season commemorates the seventeenth century victory over catholic forces. now says
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astronauts are back now to the international space station after a six hour long space walk some four hundred kilometers above our heads two astronauts are working to retrieve a broken section of the international space station and pack it aboard the shuttle atlantis they also stage an experiment in robotic refueling the shuttle leaves the station next week and its landing will wrap up america's shuttle program after thirty years in space. it's one nineteen am moscow time next r.t. talks to independent journalist tere mere song who questions the official aim of nature's intervention in libya that it supposedly protecting civilians.
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where have you been and what have you discovered what have you found in your time here. first of all it's quite obvious that the usa wanted to answer the war at the same time with libya and syria. that we should was made public by john bolton in two thousand and two the plan was passed over to france and britain who decided to bring it to life in november last year certainly it was necessary to a very high whether an attempt of a coup had been made before that that could be organized by france or britain the attempt failed in october. after this failed attempt another coup was planned it in
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this is killing all the heads of the libyan national congress if they got together in one place during a big celebration. that failed though because the situation in the region changed after the revolutions in tunisia and egypt at that moment france and britain decided to carry out our operation and present this good town where as a people's rebellion. was the aim of. every member of a call ation pursues their own particular goal it is necessary that everyone should be interested in the war. however in terms of basic goals a book it is worth noting changes that have started in africa like those which begin large areas of the middle almost all feel there are already two zones being created first of all it was decided to create if west african soon it will be with ivory coast as the center which in fact explains the french intervention in the
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ivory coast go with after that it was planned to obtain a considerable part of northern africa except in egypt the latter being part of northern africa represented another block. in case of old states aren't you thought it through control would be spread first to morocco and if northern africa is revamped the conflict would have to be a creative effort not between shiites and sunnies as was attempted in the middle east but between arabs and the berbers this is where the real source of their dancing in god's ears. are civilians dying and that. indeed starting from the moment it was decided to launch this operation the lives of civilians were not taken into account and this is just the beginning of it is there either a question of the rearrangement of this region and we are yet to see
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a series of wars so what's that's the strategy. is it with the initial goal of this thread to do was to overthrow the people's government that was in power and to establish western authoritarianism in the country i believe though that they had actually given up the plan because of the military resistance to prove stronger therefore it was decided to act in a different direction of the besides western t.v. channels that don't speak of repression and rebellion anymore but it was civil war just trying to prepare a public opinion for a declaration that there is a need to divide the country into two parts that they will say they were. protecting the civilian population a theory that and that is enough there are planning to set up a base in regard to land and deploy their troops there and in about ten years to start a conquering africa. there really is an even a more serious problem we will big nato has begun a campaign on destroying the psychological resistance of the country's leaders
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who've built this campaign in visitors for the killing their families to meet michael they can't reach them because they never stay in the same place at the end they are protected so our sounded too good to consume their homes even a children's bedroom you could be a target or you can systemic method of pointed liquidation children apparently being the main target you know what a task is to simulate their parents do you think the truth based truth could ever be established could ever be recognised. i think that the lies have begun to dissipate at least to some extent for instance by the time of the un security council vote everyone decided on the basis of reports submitted to the council and the security council was certain that during the ride some demonstrations saying been ghazi that going to rights the government killed six thousand citizens a terrible number but now five months later the prosecutor at the international
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criminal court which accused the libyan leadership has reduced the number after many inspections it has been proven that the previous number was wrong now the prosecutor is building up he said it ends up on two hundred in eight victims instead of six thousand several more inspections will turn out that there were no victims of tall then what happened in the ghazi is quite different from what we were told before that in fact that it was a staged event has international mainstream media have held its responsibility to the control of media truly happened several times a day for that one something. happens journalists are brought to the site to show them after which they make their reports telling quite different things than they witnessed. for example a form was shelled several days ago you know nobody knew why perhaps it was a mistake for journalists who were brought in to show them what happened all
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confirmed it was a former full stop on the day that followed the footage was shown on many settler channels with captions from that he had been shot in misrata and that he could be off his troops had caused a destruction by what the jorn list and they had seen with their own eyes exactly what channel. l r b a was the first channel to that it is a us finance a channel belonging to saudi arabia as it will be based in the united arab emirates the same report once repeated by many other satellite channels but this is a deliberate policy. also we saw a c.n.n. report not long ago from a mobile phone you about gadhafi soldiers raping women it was surely no pleasure to see the footage so some frames were blurred it turned out though that someone recognized the audiotapes being from a libyan who are now on the movie but they're not so many libyan
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a porno movies so that one was widely known so that fragment was used to claim that it had been a rape could duffy's troops at the it was a deliberate montage with the not a mistake to say demanded that the satellite broadcaster libyan channels are stopped all over the world they have already shut down the arab said channels despite being a stakeholder and now they are shutting down. to prevent libya's version being heard in the arab world have already shut them down on the other satellites are broadcasting to other countries to thank you very much for being with us. thank you .
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subsists. be. a. hunger for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get
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a human voice face to face with the news makers. it is easy to. see.
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live from central moscow broadcasting around the world this is r t thanks for being with us a preview of watching our top story the first funerals have been held in russia's republic of tatarstan as the country more the victims of sunday's pleasure cruise a sinking on the river almost one hundred deaths have been confirmed so many of them children meanwhile the search for dozens of bodies trapped under water continues. france's foreign minister claims the libyan leader colonel gadhafi could be ready to go this is paris six a diplomatic solution out of the impasse despite the french parliament backing the military operation anxiety is growing about an operation that was meant to last weeks and there's no into months with no end in sight. and wiki leaks founder julian assange is back in
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a london court fighting an early decision to extradited to sweden over sex crime allegations but its supporters say the case is just a pretext to hand him over to the united states. thirty one i am next an r.t. financial guru most kinds of names and shames who he thinks is behind the world's financial turmoil and this time it's got something to do with the fridge don't know ismay keep watching the cars report on air in just a few. max kaiser this is the cause or report let's get all the details from stacy herbert pax europe declares war on ratings agencies
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a chorus of policymakers from europe and across the world have denounced moody's drastic downgrade of portuguese debt as an act of financial vandalism accusing the anglo-saxon rating agencies of driving states into bankruptcy and destabilizing the global system yeah that's right they call it financial vandalism or upping the rhetoric and we we've been talking about financial terrorism for months and months and months now they're upping their rhetoric they're going to get to the point now where they realize that this is in fact not vandalism which is a quaint way of saying terrorism they didn't accuse the sullivan law of vandalism on nine eleven who never did that but it's it was an act of terrorism mooney's s. and p. is pitching our financial terrorists and they are purposefully targeting these countries for destruction because they want their assets for nothing well portugal's new premier pedro passos coelho said moody's downgraded was a punch in the stomach and.


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