tv [untitled] July 12, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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deciphers show and sell on tonight's program now last time we told you about the consequences of wisconsin's anti-union bill which is now going into effect prison inmates are filling in for county workers and they're doing those jobs for free but for the president may be allowed to replace public sector employees let's go to producer for trees in a sense you to find out what you have to say. when you think of prisoners going to work well you picture them in stripes but soon they may look more like this you never know under governor walker's law that dismantles collective bargaining rights
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this state is now giving jobs to prisoners because they are cheaper than union workers for now they may be doing things like cutting lawns or painting but is this the start of a new low cost workforce for the government prisoners are already trusted with building parts are guided missiles so why not helping around the city also serve even handling our tax payments in twenty times the social security administration found eight states where prisoners in more programs were given access to our personal information. or will it all end well let's see what you had in that under said no way prison labor and inmate exploitation should ever replace government workers at any level the war told us i pay taxes and obey the law it's bad enough jobs are going overseas but having a government local over private citizens to save a few bucks and make them sick brian agreed he said don't we have an unemployment problem in this country and shipping jobs overseas it didn't help much then makes
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they took it one step further his private prisons make their money on wall street the value lies in the number of prisoners i want to throw in all that free labor it becomes an incentive to keep a lot of people behind bars so most of our viewers you guys with true. it's definitely a trend that we should keep our eyes on and back when the free trade laws gave u.s. companies access to cheap labor overseas they abandoned american workers and now when i go to china and prisoners in the states cause even less or even work for free i think competing for jobs against cheap foreign labor wasn't enough now american workers have to compete with prison inmates right here at home. thanks for giving us your input and here's our next question for you a southern poverty law center has just decided to place kentucky senator rand paul on its list of extremists part of the reason being his feelings about the civil rights act so we want to know what you think is rand paul an extremist you can
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respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response it just might make their. last night protests broke out in san francisco over the death of a forty five year old homeless man charles hill was shot by bay area rapid transit cops after a call was placed to police about a quote wobbly drunk on a train platform a minute after they arrived on the scene hill was shot dead and the man was said to be holding a knife in a broken bottle when he was shot but as word got out of the hills that protesters as i had to take to the train station to demand answers. demonstrators are demanding the release of surveillance video that supposedly shows what happened that night charles silva shot and killed that was july third there is some video you can see here destructive approach to stare. at the incident happened over the fourth of july weekend and both obvious there is involved in the shooting and then placed on administrative leave the hills death happened just one week after transit
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cost reached a one point three million dollars settlement with the family of oscar grant as you probably remember twenty two year old grant was killed on new year's day in two thousand and nine by a bart officer and he was not resisting arrest nor threatening law enforcement when he was shot in the back. now the officer who killed grant here has mesereau he was given every very light sentence by all light jury another point of contention a month of people of san francisco in oakland that incident also sparked radical changes to the current system including a civilian panel that oversees the actions of the section of law enforcement let's get back to the case of hill i'd like to bring up an issue here over the method of the bart cops use i understand the concentrated protect themselves but is shooting to kill really the only way that the police can use their firearm even if somebody has a knife aren't you trained apprehend the suspect to disarm them do you really have
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to end their life as if that's their only option because you know if that's the case there's absolutely no hope for the person on the other end of that handgun and what about the fact that hill was get just one minutes after officers arrived on the see if they're telling the bart cops use every non-lethal option possible before opening fire on the drunk man i understand there's a need to protect cops from unruliness vigils but shouldn't individuals be protected from gun wielding cops as well this concept should work both ways and perhaps the glaring inconsistency is what's wrong the people of san francisco to the streets to demand justice to demand change and prevent any more unnecessary deaths are going to keep an eye out for you on whether or not the footage of hill's confrontation with the transit cops will be released. well congress has finally decided to protect america's children from child pornography or at least that's what they want you to believe the hearing by the house judiciary committee today focused on legislation brought up in may of this year called the protecting
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children from internet pornography twenty eleven that was harmless in fact it sounds very moral doesn't it but the truth of the matter is that this bill would require internet service providers as well as companies like google to retain it records of ip addresses of millions of americans for up to eighteen months to help in investigations against child pornographers but what else could that be used for doesn't treat us all like criminals and is there any chance of the bill's going to face any scrutiny from politicians with a name like protecting children from internet pornography is actually joining me to discuss this is julian sanchez a research fellow at the cato institute thanks so much for being here tonight it was a joy so the spike the very very touching name here when it comes down you know used to seeing in this. i good hearted good natured we're all through i go what does this really come down to this legislation this is a smokescreen for something that the justice department the f.b.i. and law enforcement have wanted for years if not decades and it has really nothing
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essentially to do with child pornography it's about undermining something they've long found frustrating which is the fundamentally anonymous nature of a lot of internet activity and the way to remove that unanimity is to requiring the service providers to collect information about who is assigned a particular ip address at a particular time for in this case a year and a half so that if any one of those millions of people happens to come on police radar and be suspected of a crime then that information is theirs that they can be linked to their online activity not just child porn but any on the right now they can do that right if they if somebody is under investigation then they can act or they can ask the companies to perhaps monitor this i. can actually do much more. and that is like a pre-crime kind of thing right yeah this is data retention what exists already is what's called data preservation which means if someone is suspected of a crime in any crime not just child born any illegal activity the cops can say we
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want to freeze this guy's data while we look for evidence to get a court order to obtain it so you can't delete it you know well while we're working on it it's not just ip addresses it's freezes e-mail account we don't want to delete the evidence of his crimes while we're looking for evidence to get a quarter of a look at that e-mail but that at least requires them to have specific suspects this is a kind of dragnet that says everyone is a potential criminal therefore everyone's records of least of the ip addresses they're assigned must be kept so that there can't be true internet anonymity and it's not just you know big i ask he's like comcast they're subjective as probably not that big a deal for them it's you know your corporation you know that your workplace and if they run their own network schools if they run their own or any organization that has good runs a network that assigns ip addresses to individual machines and is affected by this online proxy service which foreign dissidents often use to try and conceal their online activities from repressive governments they would be required now to compromise the privacy of their users by keeping logs of who's assigned what ip
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address so it's compromised government privacy and what is actually doing to. child pornographers ironically not a whole lot because well it does cover all of those entities there's a huge exemption for wireless providers which means if you have any kind of wireless broadband service but also cafe or hotel or and you kind of free public wi-fi they're only exempt because for a lot of reasons it would be extraordinarily complicated for them to implement this even if they did implement better across the board which would be a bad idea and again not clear it's technically possible cross the board but even if they did see the actual sophisticated internet criminals not refers or otherwise have a lot of ways to get around this we talked about anonymizing proxies the ones based in the u.s. . would be forced to compromise their users privacy but there are ones overseas that this law wouldn't apply to there are software like tor the onion route allow people to relay i make everyday that you could actually just go to starbucks and go on to their wife i now work and apparently looking these calls are not
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a free there is fine this is a perfect storm of stupid it's both burdensome and invasive but at the same time ineffective please tell me those who were at the hearing today at the house judiciary committee please tell me that somebody actually stood up to this legislation or was this name of protecting children from pornography just too much surprisingly this is a bill with a lot of co-sponsors on the committee both democrat and republican but it was congressman james sensenbrenner the co-author of the patriot act he said important is to fight child pornography this ran roughshod over the privacy interests of millions of innocent internet users when the guy who wrote the patriot act is saying let it while it is a bad person to privacy invasive i'm just saying this is not a nice guy here when he's saying oh you've got a little too far i think it's time to step back and you know wonder whether whether what you're doing makes any sense what do you think the chances of it are passing it's hard to say i mean again i was surprised sensenbrenner is has actually in the
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past been opposed to legislation like pass. it actually has been actually a big supporter of legislation like this it was actually a big surprise to see him flipping come out against it here but it does have bipartisan support it's supposed to be a very high priority for sponsor congressman smith so we'll have to see i know the . p.s. internet companies aren't that happy about it but you know nobody is too enthusiastic about being you know the lead face for the crusade against something called the protecting kids from child porn act but how many times that we see this how many times have we seen a piece of legislation a bill that really at the end of the day it strips people of their privacy strips them of some of their some of those rights that they have within the constitution and. they just play upon it as if this is all about protecting the children yet you see i mean and and you know any number of other things and you see the sneak and peek warrants that were part of the patriot act there are talk about how we need these to investigate terrorists without tipping them off overwhelming you used for
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for drugs wiretaps in general there was talk about kidnapping you want to protect your children from being kidnapped but that's what we need more wiretap authority for and begin this just on the criminal side overwhelmingly used in drug cases i mean likely eighty plus percent for drug cases but they never see drug cases when they're going to congress for more power they say kidnapping are usually set by the by it is a year you neal would it be internationally if we actually passes because if you look at the e.u. they actually already have this type of legislation but a lot of people are fighting tooth and nail against it and to reverse that yeah you know ironically it was just a few months ago that europe's data protection authority issued a report there's a good blasting their own somewhat more limited data retention initiative saying that it had been ineffective no one had really shown that it was necessary and certainly they haven't done that here either they've said isn't important enough to get a child born but the government accountability office did a study and they found this isn't really a problem for the most part you know law enforcement can get the information it needs when it's investigating child porn all right we'll tell you thanks for
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filling us in on this protecting children from pornography a.k.a. just invading your privacy act thanks for your time. i still to come tonight another presidential candidate thinks that congress can block the supreme court from ruling on some case that's going to get him or not and i still find segments and will have happy hour out of floyd man's extreme offer to find work in arizona politician under fire for finding a gun at a reporter about that just a month. into it only the military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have the right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i paid taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't i'm trying hard welcomes a big. say. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. either one well. we never got the that says they're for keeping safe get ready because their freedom .
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week i mean by raising numbers and by week i mean the fact that he the debt and he's also battled numerous very unflattering stories about his spending habits at tiffany's so it's safe to say that newt's had a bad summer so far but he's still out on the campaign trail shaking hands and trying to win support and i did stop in iowa this week we began talking about judicial activism as a member of the g.o.p. call it when judges just don't rule the way they want them to so listen to make to a very shocking claims about the supreme court. more. from the. let. the courts the right. all right so new thinks that congress can keep the
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supreme court from hearing some cases and he also believes that there is just no supreme court by. to the constitution. the think progress is quick to point out today that article three of the constitution begins with the judicial power of the united states shall be vested in one supreme court so that already punk's one of those comments but he was also under the under the perception that congress can keep the high court from hearing certain cases he's also wrong on that issue if congress could limit the court's ability to hear cases and that would give congress unlimited power to pass any law and then block the supreme court for ruling on it and that's just not the case we have a checks and balances from here in the us to prevent power grabs by three different branches of government we have to wonder why new business so pissed off at the supreme court oh wait he's not actually mad at the nine justices on the court he says stealing it this idea from another presidential candidate. this circle over
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what are called particles to the courts article three of the united states constitution we live the subject matter the justices. we have always that are already decided black churches to rule on and one of the. so newt gingrich has now turned to michele bachmann for inspiration since he's trailing in the polls why not just steal the front runners ideas that is really pathetic but it's also sad when our publicans who claim to learn of the constitution and all its freedoms are just going to step on the document for their own political gain and that's why newt gingrich is tonight's top time later. ok it's time for happy hour on this lovely evening and i'm a saker earlier jim hansen is in fact not staying with us for happy hour joining me
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tonight is our g producer jenny churchill and libby jacobson senior policy analyst for new media strategies ladies thank you for joining me. the southern poverty law center i'm not sure what your feelings are exactly about this organization but they've decided to come out today and say they think they can talk instead of the rand paul should be labeled an extremist and one of the examples that they use behind it that logic there is because he said that he would not have voted for the civil rights act because as a libertarian that's just not the way it is why it works and these things but i really have beef with the s.p.l. see too because i feel like they just over label everybody as extreme as they went home we have a clip of rand paul he said the truth the way. i like the civil rights act in the sense that in new discrimination in all public. domains and i'm all in favor of. that but i don't. why does the idea of telling private business owners are poor racism i
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think it's a bad business decision ever exclude anybody from your restaurant but at the same time i do believe in private ownership but i think our that was right after he got elected that interview and of course everybody freaked out about it but does that make you an extremist libby what do you have to say about the poor guy i feel like he really should've picked a better example of government overreach i mean he should have known that they were going to jump on him for that one you know i just i actually i focus really bad for rand when all this stuff was happening because he had a lot overwhelming amount of support from kentucky and then he started saying things that were true radical for even kentucky and how ever i think that he's not saying anything that's crazy and out of the sphere of libertarianism and i think it's kind of funny that people were just unaware that that's a little mean i just believe the crazy thing is that people actually elected officials who have certain political beliefs that they don't bother looking into and they don't realize until afterwards they might have
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a certain stance on things but i also think there's an over branding who it is the s.p.l. he likes to call extremist i think they also did it to sovereign citizens some people we tried to interview on the show a couple times they did a whole thing about our t.v. so apparently word three was because we bring different ideas on the program i think a big stream us out there are the people that are anti-abortion they're anti-gay marriage. america really and yet somebody like rand paul can still be labeled an extremist i don't think so i'm so disappointed but you're going to say what i was thinking i think the southern poverty law center are extremists and what i am really on a means of my grandpa on a list with like k.k.k. grand wizards and neo nazis i think it's really unfair it's a little ridiculous if you ask me the other big announcement though it's a day of course is that ron paul announced he will not be running for reelection for his congressional seat because he wants to focus on on the presidency do you think that if he doesn't win the presidency that he's going to run and run again or is he is going to hand it over to rand paul after this. no idea. the ron
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paul crowd i think makes ron paul's candidacy very interesting if you know the reason because they're so loud. at all the debates and. i think it would be really sad if he you know just kind of gave up after that as we were arguing about it earlier and it was pointed out to me that he's kind of really old but at the same time you know he's just now starting to get legitimacy or he's in a he's in his seventy's but i mean sure it might be a little sad but i think you know he's leaving his son behind a couple other progeny so. he was made a difference here let's move on to another thing everybody is freaking out over what is said there from arizona to take a look. an arizona lawmakers under fire today after pointing a gun at a reporter that reporter arizona republic's richard ruelas says republican state senator laurie klein pulled out a grass very painful review ruger from her purse then pointed it out of his chest and think she must know what true story. she is she would be doing this if it was
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a reckless thing to do. i don't even know i like the fact that the gun was very pink but that's about the only thing i like about the story. yeah i personally don't like the story either because it's just such awful guy and practices gun safety i mean she should know better you never ever ever even if the safety is on even if you think there's no it's never point a loaded gun at someone that's gun control gun safety you want to whine you just don't do it the next campaign slogan on the other hand could be guns don't kill people i do. i almost did i mean i it's really embarrassing and a lot of you know pro-gun doesn't look so good to look like myself who are not big fan of her manner of guns because the new house and he will just syster women are out going to aren't hits are really really upset especially in her area they say this makes us all it's stupid we're out there trying to have a legitimate point and then people like her like i did my think on it so q let me
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point out you look at my laser right thank you. this story is i don't know if it's sad or funny but there's a man in utah whose name is apparently he says his real name is more it and so you know and he's created a web site and says that he will be willing to be human prey for people who want to go hunting if they pay them ten thousand dollars and it will cost you an extra two thousand if you want to hunt him in the nude so what he's a human prey that's that's what people are stooping to these days because the guy can't get a job so he's going to be human pray to people but i need our t. to give me about twelve. thousand dollars so i can go do a special report on this that sounds like fun i really want to talk to him i want to ask him why he why is why does it cost more for him to make it i don't understand is he being hunted like shoot to kill or just capture the flag kind of hunt and you know like like i would be shot i was wondering if i was going to call
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him out on it because you're saying that he doesn't actually want to have to be shot and killed he's just hoping all that attention is going to bring him a job which makes him look really really smart well you know what he could be a new guest on anderson cooper's show that's right he's moving on to a little bit of a different style for himself take a look. now there's a bad question i want to enjoy you want to leave. it more or why i want other people to as well. one story a new daytime talk show it's a time. that's just so funny in so many ways but i think i know why he wants to relax normally this is the anderson cooper that we often see was thanks i was.
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was. here at the cherokee. one of the world couldn't do without anderson cooper in a t. shirt in every warble situation imagining a rescuing notion or saying you know a lot of your continuous we will still have that interest and we're going to have two hours of interest in three sixty percent during the day to going to have time when i didn't dream and residential and. good to see oprah's passing the torch i mean i just i don't know what i would do if i didn't have three hours they understand every day we need it it's like we're well need it don't need it want it don't want you're going to get it apparently ladies thank you for joining me tonight that's a pretty night show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow and be around as over reasonal be on the show to discuss the latest tactic of nations in the meantime though it's become a fantasy a large show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the nice or any other nice of the ways youtube dot com slash you want to show requests for
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interviews as well as the shell in its entirety and that's next is adam vs the max . first a creepy removal call that a clear cut. second to explosives are used to classify a deeper than the fears. heard the remains are removed by machinery. finally on wanted soil is deposited in vallecito. mountaintop removal on a large. wealthy british style. tied to. market
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