tv [untitled] July 12, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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today is the wind is twenty one on our countdown to the fall day and joining me tonight to discuss this is chris das of the leadership institute will also be joined by robyn curnow who is leading the second wave of ron paul supporters into the g.o.p. and just in time for ron paul's announcement that he is all for the presidential race and will be returned to congress in two thousand and thirteen win or lose we've got violence in mexico a new facebook contest and a special appearance from our friends at anonymous. only on adam vs the man.
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how can one grow government impede individual liberty and claim to be conserving anything asking that same question is presidential candidate gary johnson who has taken a stand against the so-called family leader pledge that republican presidential candidates are being asked to sign you know the one that it least alludes to banning porn quote government should not be involved in the bedrooms of consenting adults i have always been a strong advocate of liberty and freedom from unnecessary government intervention into our lives the freedoms that our forefathers fought for in this country are sacred and must be preserved the republican party cannot be sidetracked into discussing these morally judgment the issues such a discussion is already wrongheaded we need to maintain our position as the party of official government management and the watchdogs of the public's pocket book in
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one concise documents they managed to condemn gays single parents single individuals the war stays nozzles gays in the military unmarried couples women who have abortions and everyone else who doesn't fit in a norman rockwell painting. damn well at least we know he won't be after all the porn the size scope and reach of government required to regulate and police morality is so large that it's one thing to do so becomes anti-conservative in itself at least if you want to be the kind of republican to associate with terms like liberty and run around with don't tread on me flags and yet so many of the jackasses standing up on stage for her to talk about outlawing drugs that no one intends to use and banning sexual practices that few people desire to perform and poker is still illegal this afternoon a bombshell hit the facebook many feet of libertarians everywhere when it was revealed that congressman ron paul is not going to be seeking reelection for his
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congressional seat in the two thousand and twelve term the facts dot com broke the story this morning after twenty four years of serving as texas district fourteen's representative dr paul will be focusing his efforts solely on his two thousand and twelve presidential run going full steam ahead as he said quote i felt it was better that i concentrate on one election it's about that time when i should change tactics what does this mean he's all well it could be a double edged sword on one hand losing an inspirational voice in congress on another round has already paved the way for future liberty minded leaders and is he himself pointed out so much stronger position to take the g.o.p. nomination this year but he was in two thousand and eight and will be speaking with the good doctor himself about this and his latest bill to pave the way for competing currencies tomorrow so be sure to tune back in for a follow up and hear how he plans to head for the white house in two thousand and twelve. and leading in the second wave of ron paul
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republicans into the g.o.p. joining me tonight is none other than robin curnow founder of the blue republican movement robin thank you so much for being with us tonight it's a pleasure and a privilege out of it so the story that you wrote for for the huffington post that's really what got this going but this is been an idea that that's been in the works for a long time and you what you did with the story was give some form to something that's been brewing for a while that's been waiting to happen that's almost already been happening on the down low in a disorganized way without identity but when you came up with the term blue republicans specifically asking people to do what and that's why it was. perhaps voted for supported obama last time around for the right things but he's being he will give us back our civil liberties to stop killing people in faraway lands and we've now seen what a bomber has done
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a couple of years and i thought another way way way way way way those there were a few more right reasons if i can recall to vote for obama he was going to and the wasteful war on drugs he was going to bring transparency to government he was going to post bills online he was going to close one so i keep going sorry go back to the story but it is quite a few there's quite a few but i think in my article money. which was called if you're not economically republican just that was the right and i think i listed about the ones that to me are the most. just being bush like bush plus and it isn't really new. candidate out the. how does echoed a psychic think that many intent was left behind in portsmouth for one thing that if you voted for someone things will. be the left right pseudo dubai has failed us
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we have to party line. and become a publican to make sure that one could win the primary because i'm confident that if i want the bomber election i think it's going to lose. on the g.o.p. ticket but the point of all of those is the point of the the term blue republican is so that you can maintain your identity as a democrat right but you can't any other state democrat i'm you know i'm i'm not a kind of democrat you can tell my act that i'm not even allowed to vote i'm not pissed and yeah i will think about yet. but you know i can certainly speak to those more liberal sensibilities so i don't need more and whatever there are many reasons why we're all in if your liberal sensibilities are defined by wanting to all those things you said about obama what why would you be
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a democrat at all because they're not and she realizes there's still some really something fundamentally wrong with the democratic party it's not just rock obama is it's the infection of the leadership of the democratic party divorcing it from some of these principled positions that it's baseball i mean it's true in the republican party too but if you really believe in those things those small government things you know what i want when i just stay republicans you know i only for a minute and look out of it really if the republican party becomes the republican party today it's supposed to be i you know clueless republican i am not near the all of a spin to make the g.o.p. think so many people then we can be we can be republicans forever but right now the fight is to make the republican party run both republican party and not a new. well i put in the article. to become a republican just so yeah maybe i should have been in the first instance you could
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just wait we're going to have the people bang bang but. you know i the point of becoming a republican is vote on who way nothing left. but i hope indeed the republican just becomes a couple of glad i don't know if you've heard this but but ron paul didn't or several other candidates one of whom won a senate seat he has a very similar name he happens to be his son his name is rand paul so there's there's just an image now in congress as well i was a republican candidate myself you know in the in the party of the constitution of smaller government of individual rights there we welcome with open arms any blue republicans that want to be a part of it but you know that there really is a the long term opportunity here of working within the republican party when will we see the use the base of the republican party you know being brought into power in the so much in such prominence by the ron paul movement or as part of the ron
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paul movement is there something for a parallel going on in the democratic party that you think is represented here. no that's why you're jumping ship for the others that's why you're jumping ship for there's there's no hope in the report and the democratic party going into two thousand and twelve. i mean look there's one candidate that can land on the think civil liberties in pain but only what you happen to be a republican so i mean that's really that's all you need to know that ok so you have a facebook group is really catching on you're using facebook to organize people are coming together on this how many how many fans do you have now where's the steak and i'll be gone i can find twenty three hundred we started when we can but it was just before we can ok one shot a call here so we've got quite some amends and it's been very exciting i think it really was doing it i mean this is america right it's the one of the salesmanship in the land not i'm not the first is that to come up with this idea many many
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democrats already crossroads but giving something a labor which i think is nice because it to the left right paradigm. back in i mean people like that and and as you say it allows them to maintain an identity. maybe in a perfect separate i guess in the public party but of course once we win it will then be the republican party. but i think the most important point about all this is that there's no other candidate in the republican primary who's bringing cans bringing in supporters is bring in a sign of grassroots support and from the left there's no other candidate has a stance for obama why is that what is it the setting him apart now what do you think is wrong with the republican party is as i'm welcoming you in here as part of the conversation is new republicans ludo you maybe what why do you think it is that the rest of the leadership of the party other than ron paul is so divorced from the
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base of so divorced from these principles that would bring people together around the g.o.p. would bring in democrats even against obama because they. if they were to do so they were to hook line and sinker the pushing thing should be pushing some of the big things then they make years of their work wrong and nobody likes. the reason one poor. is going to be anywhere he did or is that. he has eaten bisping cannot be a politician but a grandstanding you can go back years to his video interview because of his buds physical and you can see that he is being consistent in his personal. and and economically between right now you know the story about stumper and the and as his record will show he will stand alone to vote on principle when he has to and one man with courage can be
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a majority when we've got blue republicans coming out of the g.o.p. robin thank you so much for being with us and i thank you. that was robyn curnow founder of the blue republican movement all right it appears that members of the british government are not as fun as being spied on as they are of spying on other people. is the news corp empire collapsing well not a chance but fox mogul rupert murdoch is seeking his share or seen his share of turbulence after the hacking scandal surrounding the news of the world tabloid made the rounds last week in the latest episode of the debacle we're just government all three but major political parties including prime minister david cameron have expressed opposition to his bid to buy british sky broadcasting saying quote this house believes that it is in the public interest for rupert murdoch and news corp to withdraw their bid for b. sky b. turns out bureaucrats can dish it but they did take it when it comes to spotting the tide turned against murdoch and company after former prime minister gordon
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brown gave a televised testimony last tuesday condemning several news corp outlets which client with claims that they invaded his personal information including bank accounts tax records and even personal health information about his son several of several british politicians including three senior liberal democrats wrote to murdoch with the following news international is simply no longer respected in this country given the history of the last six or more years it should be of little surprise to you that many people in this country have no desire to have any more of our media fall into your hands tainted as news international is by a history of completely unacceptable journalistic practices. that was that the party leader simon hughes from the party part of me and party president unfair and and a culture spokesman don foster. so not fun to have the entire mind of the british empire coming down on you even if they are a bunch of tea drinking markets the question will be looking to answer in the
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coming days is does this infraction of the of the murdoch empire pervade his entire organization or will he be able to contain it to this is british operations and you know be really interesting to see if any of his american media outlets have been gauging in the same kinds of nefarious practices as his british operatives still ahead here on adam vs the man the countdown is on the minus twenty one days until the fall day so what obama really stop paying social security checks if no agreement is made love chris goss crescents corner of the leadership and students to get away on that and the government is paying again married couples a diploma is no longer the key to success united states and anonymous strikes again plus all explained how you could be an executive producer for a day on an m versus that. r g is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera
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for. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. into that only military making use of the digital would come to bring justice and accountability. i have every right to know what my government truly you want annoying i think taxes. well i would characterize aloma as a charismatic sort. of american exceptionalism. ladies
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and gentlemen welcome back to adam vs the man and the countdown it's the default day would obama really stop sending social security checks for the republicans blinked first only on tonight's countdown to d.-day we're going to get out the older says so i can. think of nights from the have you sure some of . this means a midnight all of a sudden. i
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thought oh yeah we're told. as of today the minus twenty one thanks to senate minority leader mcconnell and the president might have a lot more time just before returning to the white house today for another round of budget talks mcconnell proposed to give the president some new borrowing powers that would effectively be an end run around this whole negotiation process of course it would for obama's commitment to reducing spending by kindly ask him to do that later as mcconnell said about the unusual nature of this proposal quote i had hoped all year long that the opportunity presented by his request of us to raise the debt ceiling would generate a bipartisan agreement that would begin to get our house in order i still hope it will but we're certainly not going to send a signal to the american or to the markets and the american people that the fault is an option. i like the way treasury secretary geithner remember this tax he put it best though quote let me be clear the debt limit will be raised failure is not
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an option so what made republican start to cave first in this game of brinkmanship obama played the trump card can you tell the folks at home that no matter what happens the social security checks are going to go out on august the third there are about twenty billion dollars worth of social security checks that have to go out the day after a government is supposedly going to go into default well this is not just a matter of social security checks these are better instructors these are folks on disability and their checks. there are about seventy million checks that go out can you hear in the news president those checks will go out on august third i cannot guarantee that those checks go out on august third if we haven't resolved this issue because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it. oh social security see they're just working to build up the fear of the power of
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the american people will accept a tax raise to support the ridiculous spending that the leadership of both parties have historically and to stay continue to support but if they can find a way to increase taxes without holiday tax increase then everybody wins i mean everybody in government wins and the rest of us are screwed you see the way they're going to do this is print more money and sure there might be some closing of loopholes thrown in for good measure so obama can hold them over the g.o.p.'s heads through november of two thousand and twelve but when our government spends money this way the ones that get screwed are the poorest of americans who cannot avoid the inflation tax and the young and future generations who might be forced to pick up the tab for the irresponsible governments government of pursuing generations join me now discuss this further is chris das of the leadership institute grassroots organizer chris thank you so much for being with us and i think that it was great to be here with you are so what is what do you think is the real purpose
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politically for mcconnell giving obama this option. just today twenty one days from d. day say why don't we just do an end run around this whole thing and give you special powers to borrow money on your own did you really cave to something here well i think it's an easy way out but i think that's the simplest thing about it it's one way to get past this without having to deal with all the downsides of having to face the music ok so what's the hard way oh well the hard way out would be simply to face the music and say we're spending more than we can afford because that's the easy part of understanding the problem then what's the what's the right right solution here what's the right way aleutians as they say we're spending more than we can afford we have unsustainable entitlements we can't afford. it it so the democrats say oh we're pushing old people off a cliff well old people are standing on
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a cliff it's crumbling underneath them but when the democrats say that the republicans free there's stairs stokely like those in the headlights they don't know what to do so what happens we just keep going down this road ok so obama coming out. playing the trump card saying we don't know for sure social security checks are going to go out on august third the day after d.-day the way it came out of that interview do you think that was a deliberate play by obama do you think he really meant to do it it was kind of get pushed into it by circumstance and i was this time to say the republicans have pushed us that far to the brink i don't think rock obama does anything that isn't deliberate. everything he does they has as some nasty or plan behind it he knows what he's doing he knows how to push any knows the republicans can be pushed because they've dumb unaided the message the democrats have dominated
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their message they've always framed the message they've always been on off it and the republicans have always been on the fits the entire time leadership institute you do a lot of work educating young activists organizing young activists your grassroots organizing your self when when the republicans cave on something like this and i say are the president going to borrow more money the effect is that they're going to be either borrowing or printing and either way it's my generation it's the younger people i mean if anything i'm too old to be included in this and it's really the people who are in high school today who aren't college they are the ones who are going to be forced the can down the road eventually are they going to be making that connection i mean is there is this something the leadership institute is taking on or seen in college age activists that while the republican leadership is failing us who want us well the leadership institute does campaign train and we teach technologies techniques we don't teach philosophy however i do teach
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a lot of groups such as young americans for liberty and these are activists who really do understand sadly the overwhelming bulk of america's college students contrary to popular belief are not left leaning they're out with that in you know i think a lot of young obama would be obama organizers coming into their lives lately to get geared up for to vote for well you fortunately our reputation is good enough that they're told by a lot of left leaning organizations hey leadership institute is good you ought to infiltrate them where every now and then we do get a few but sadly the bull don't. paying attention and don't realize that they'll be the ones paying the bill i think it's hard. to explain to someone who's twenty twenty five years old pay a loaf of bread used to cost twenty five sets that same loaf of bread costs three books today in your lifetime you'll see that same loaf of bread cost ten dollars
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what does that mean to you it means to you that when you are retired you will build be living a standard of living that is less than what you are living today well that's now on the road it doesn't register they don't understand they're going to be paying for all that well thanks to those numbers thanks obama thanks all the solutions on the table that i can see at least those numbers are going to be getting a lot easier to convince people with chris thank you so much for joining us and i thank you cursed us of the leadership institute and living in your parents' basement traditionally a stigma play again many financially helpless twenty somethings looking for love but with the way things are today maybe that shouldn't be indicating luser done so much as just been basically economically sound the hidden economic depression of the millennium generation continues and national journal is reporting that one in five recent grads are out of work and of course one even qualifies for work these
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days and for these people are probably just the potatoes and the gulls not exactly the career they saw their masters degrees opening them up for sixty five percent of sixteen to twenty four year olds remain completely unemployed more than half of youth surveyed for a recent poll believe america is on the wrong track despite the official line that the recession is over on top of that treasury behrendt timothy geithner is promising it won't get easier as long as he and his keynesians are running the show as he said on n.b.c. . it's going to be it's going to feel very hard harder than anything they've experienced in their lifetime now for some time to come and that but that is because that is the tragic effects of a crisis this deep and this bad caused by a long period of lost opportunities to do things to make the country stronger what were those things we maybe say not debasing the currency or passing keynesian legislation that creates the malinvestment at least the unemployment we have today
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hunkered down in those but basements boys and girls and enjoy the next three years of the recession and now some news. from anonymous. yesterday he had anonymous an operation and the security released our military meltdown monday i'm angling booz allen hamilton the data down contains over ninety thousand military e-mail addresses along with their passwords and four gigabytes of raw data the e-mail addresses and data were taken from the private security contractor whose allen hamilton who is allen hamilton has been contract it by the united states government to aid in several illegal programs involving domestic spying and the expansion of unjustified government surveillance it took part in the swift surveillance program the collection of financial records deemed illegal by the european commission whose allen hamilton was also complicit in the pioneer groundbreaker warrantless wiretapping scandal and helped to create the border
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control system pisces or personal identification secure comparison in the valuation system pisces is currently used by multiple governments around the world to track travelers without their consent or knowledge whose allen hamilton represents the worst of revolving door government corruption and global war of terror profiteering through no bid contracts but they believe it's acceptable to share the private information of the people they most certainly also think it's acceptable for their own private information to be shared thankfully there are laughable security allowed us to easily facilitate as we even included an invoice for hours of manpower forty dollars network auditing thirty five dollars webapp auditing thirty five dollars network infiltration zero dollars prices based on the amount of effort required password and s.q.l. dumping two hundred dollars price is based on the amount of badly secured data to
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be dumped which in this case was a substantial figure the corruption of data zero dollars no security in place no effort for intrusion needed media and press zero dollars trolling is our specialty we provide this service free of charge pond you mad bro we told them to expect us we are anonymous we are legion we are and to say we do not forgive we do not forget expect us. and on that subject us to far the u.s. defense department spokesman said quote we are aware of the incident and coordinating with our federal partners a spokesman for alan said of its security policy quote we generally do not comment on specific threats or actions taken against our systems. you have a security policy we never noticed. all right. here adverse is the man we like to involve our audience and supporters of our
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message as much as possible i've had great exchanges with many of you on our facebook page we take suggestions for guests and topics from the suggestions page at an aversive the man dot com we do our viewer fewer but viewer feedback segment you the viewer as often as we can and now we are inviting you to help produce the show directly and one of our facebook repos contest will get to be the executive producer for an entire fourteen minute block of the show and decide who guest will be and what subjects will cover you can even make yourself a guest broke through a third of the block or remain anonymous the contest starts today and will go until august twelfth when we will announce the winner all you have to do to score points is repose the you tube video of the latest episode of adam versus the man for your facebook profile before three pm the next day and say our page in it if there's a tie the winner will be selected at random and the winner will be invited to produce the first half of our show on friday august.
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