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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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you know for nigh artsy they didn't harbor michigan an important story not being told many other places and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to our t. dot com slash usa or you tube dot com slash r t america you can follow me on twitter at frowsy i'm christine for. a charmer over here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. max kaiser this is the cause or report let's get all the details from stacey or pax
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europe declares war on rating agencies of course the policymakers from europe across the world have denounced moody's drastic downgrade of portuguese debt as an act of financial vandalism accusing the anglo-saxon rating agencies of driving states into bankruptcy and destabilizing the global system yeah that's right they call it financial vandalism they're upping the rhetoric and we we've been talking about financial terrorism for months and months and months now they're upping their rhetoric they're going to get to the point now where they realize that this is in fact not vandalism which is a quaint way of saying terrorism they didn't accuse of some of in-law of vandalism on nine eleven or never did that it was an act of terrorism moody's s. and p. of which are financial terrace and they are purposely targeting these countries for destruction because they want their assets for nothing well portugal's new premier a page or a process said moody's downgraded was a punch in the stomach at
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a time when the new government has done everything demanded by the e.u. and i.m.f. inspectors well that's part of a racket moody's a publicly traded company warren buffett one of biggest shareholders they manipulate that stock price they manipulate their ratings they telegraph what the regs are going to be before they make them so insiders can profit from the inside information inside information is legal in washington they are lining their pockets they're disenfranchising the people live in these countries or look at austerity measures imposed upon them for things they never did and that's the never occurred and this is continuing unabated because nobody stepping in to represent the interest of the people the government like proper joy in greece is in the pocket of the terrorist proper drill you are a terrorist you are a financial terrorist do your country a favor in toppers. so minor flaw suspect the rector of the un office for world trade and development said the agency should be dissolved before they can do any more damage or at least banned from reading countries or they should create their own rating agencies nothing stops portugal from creating the portuguese bond rating agency and issuing a rating american debt as deep as technically in default and therefore it would
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shift all those huge fund capital reserves into portuguese debt and greek debt and out of us worthless to it but also the other thing we see here max is that none of these rating agencies were held accountable for their crime wave leading up to the two thousand and eight financial disaster none of them saw jail time none of them faced any criminal charges and because of this you see them able to hijack and hold hostage and and terrorize nations around the world are able to continue doing this just like rupert murdoch will continue to terrorize and all sorts of people throughout britain because he's able to tap phones because he's friends with david cameron and who knows what his phone taps on david cameron's phone have on david cameron and why david cameron is unable to act against rupert murdoch so this is the same situation all these oligarchs in this neo feudal system are able to get away with fines or little slaps on the wrist for doing anything wrong right well we
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have further proof that moody's is committing acts of fraud and terror and that by slamming economies bouncing back after the kicked out the bankers and worse the upgrade well that's my next headline you know max credit readers who didn't predict iceland crisis mis rebound so the credit agencies that failed to see the icelandic economic collapse coming in two thousand and eight are now refusing to recognise this arrest or action of course this shows that it's a racket because what iceland had a aaa rating up to four months before its collapse why because it was doing exactly what the banks want this is part of the racket they they were loading up the country with what fourteen times its g.d.p. . and debts and now because they've kicked out all the banks there is they're never going to get there any sort of rating back but in the real world when iceland held an auction recently it was two times oversubscribed great lesson for greece greece says oh my god if we default on our debt no more buy our bonds again that's false
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look at iceland two times oversubscribed for their latest traunch of debt default now rebuild your economy but keep your sovereignty keep your sovereignty which is go you oh we don't think the greek people should have their own sovereignty we think it should be south germany we want to run the entire european show we do already reported to the occupied by germany once you go in for twice what you in this icelandic regard waldemar armin an economist at reykjavik based asset manager gala says when you look at how successful that auction was it's clear that investors are now crunching the numbers themselves and that the credit grades from the rating agencies are less relevant well that's because they are committing massive acts of fraud and you know you can't just say it's the wall street banks who are committing this massive fraud with impunity and it's entirely their fault because after all you want them to be aggressive in their attempt to make money the
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really the blame falls on the regulators which means the u.s. government in this case or the u.k. government and barack obama or again david cameron and this is where the two stories dovetail with cameron because in in the case of britain not only are they lax with financial terrorism but now is lax with murdoch who is the dog poop of major media yeah but i maintain that we actually don't have governments next that these regulators are not operating on behalf of the people because they are actually are only a wing of those corporations who they're allegedly regulating it's just a facade for the people there is no such thing as governments in our world today no not in a club talk r.c. you can rightfully refer to people sitting in those offices as a. from it no you're right of course when moody's downgraded portugal by for not just to junk. spreads on irish debt. irish begged to buy fridges to boost the economy so the yield on ten year bonds rose to record amid increasing speculation that the nation's credit rating may join greece and portugal
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and being downgraded to junk and the only thing that could rescue them they're saying is consumers but the consumer savings rate is over twelve percent look this is a complete disconnect between what is sound economic policy should be and the benefits or harm it may impose upon the population to people in ireland should not be out incurring more debt to buy consumer nondurables and white goods like refrigerators and washing machines they want to save money and they want higher interest rates and they want higher wages so why is the government or whoever at the club to credit class encouraging that they go deeper into debt oh let's see because it allows the policymakers to legitimize more quantitative easing which keeps interest rates artificially low that helps to oh the speculators the speculators in the rating agencies and the cook to kratz and the syndicates who are destroying the economy well irish rescale sales are falling at more than twice the pace of the
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average in the euro region after the government increased taxes and reduced salaries for state workers by fourteen percent and the irish economy is only fifty three percent consumption and the us a seventy so imagine what happens when these austerity measures are introduced in the u.s. right now we're in a death spiral in greece ireland and portugal because of all the austerity measures that the economies are just spiraling into nothing more chumps these irish are because remember when they were the first to go into the stary butchering they didn't revolt in any way and then when athens started to revolt in the street the people in ireland are very proud of themselves. gree yeah we are thinking that because we're not out there actually defending our interests and you see that there are no plans anywhere whether greece portugal or ireland to develop a real economy at all irish finance minister michael noonan has pleaded with consumers to replace their clapped out refrigerators and tumble dryer so where are
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these tumble dryer is a refrigerator is made probably china or germany it's not going to help their economy at all consuming does not help their economy producing helps their economy companies that the irish government is encouraging to relocate to ireland and in dublin now are companies like that create virtual currency which is a backdoor way into gambling they just figured out a way to go around gambling laws this is what the irish government wants they want horse racing they want think again bling and they want to totally collapse so i guess i know the government can do this they can press a law that allows people to cash in their zinka dollars forgiveness this way you keep and broke good going so over in the us a response to deficit has been an attack on workers as well union workers replaced with prison labor under scott walker's collective bargaining law to state
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employees in wisconsin make an average of fifty thousand dollars a year and this includes all of the white collar workers all the executives working for the state and includes their pension benefits and health insurance so fifty thousand dollars a year now wisconsin prison inmate cost thirty thousand dollars a year so they're using free scott walker is calling it free labor promethean into work landscaping and painting jobs they're paying thirty thousand dollars for these prisoners to do the work that's right this part of the global contraction and consolation in wages in china the wages are moving up in the united states are aggressively moving down and so mike scott walker who is there. in madison wisconsin and in wisconsin he's a he's an acolyte of the koch brothers who we know from recent revelations are in bed with the energy companies they themselves being an energy company to speed up the effects of the ecological whole
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a cost that we're witnessing and so his solution to the labor unrest is to put everybody in prison well next we were just talking about the casino element of the casino gulag economy this reminds me of the gulag economy is that like north korea you have a command and control gulag economy emerging in wisconsin using slave labor to perform your work it never works it doesn't work for north korea north korea probably started out forty years ago down this road on austerity measures that probably started as a way to cut the deficit instead they have a dilapidated economy that relies on the sugar daddy of china. because they can invade the only other way to pay for a gulag economy as germany did was you invade other countries dear leader scott walker but talking about powerful men britain's richest man to build giant arctic iron ore mine britain richest man lakshmi mittal is planning a giant new opencast mine three hundred miles inside the arctic circle in
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a bid to extract a potential twenty three billion dollars worth of iron ore the megamind includes a one hundred fifty kilometer railway line and two new ports and it's believed to be the largest mineral extraction operation in the arctic and it relies of course i'm melting sea ice destroying open casket mining operation because the earth's ecosystem is dead this fricken guy knows it and you just accept he's basically what he called a guy who rapes a dead person and necrophilia the point is that with the final headline here melting ice caps open arctic for white gold rush scott walker for example he's in prison gulag they're introducing a gulag economy but he's also a climate change denier for example but there's a gold rush up in the arctic you have all of these terms of britain's richest man probably a man who finances some of these denying industries because they don't want any competition so you have the whole gold rush whole swathes of the arctic across from greenland canada finland they're all opening up their mining rights there are also
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small entrepreneurs going up there they find no ice there remarkably a lot of the denying industry is actually telling people that there's growing ice is so much ice up there we're entering a new ice age and yet the facts on the ground the business on the ground the people benefiting from this are actually you know. they're operating and making money so yeah the deniers are adamant that there's more ice building at the same time they're exploiting the fact that the ice is rapidly diminishing will stay server thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max ok don't go. so much for coming away right after the break. download the official location q i phone or i pod touch from the i choose out story . one child's life on the. video.
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on cheese in mind bold colors an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the quality jobs come. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future of coverage.
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pretty free. for charging three. three. three. three. we broke video for your media project c.e.o. don carty talks time. welcome back to kaiser report time now to go to new mexico and talk with guy macpherson professor emerita tests of natural resources and ecology and evolutionary biology his blog is nature bats last welcome to the show guy macpherson thanks max it's great to be on with you ok now guy in two thousand and eleven it's looking to be the worst ever for climate disasters certainly worst of two thousand and ten now the us has seen the worst droughts in recorded history the
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worst floods in u.s. recorded history the most tornadoes in history the biggest fire in arizona state history is this all just freaky coincidence or is there something else at work here i strongly suspect or something else at work here good climate is underway ratcheting up i don't see any evidence that this is not driven. climate change in that it's not going to get a lot worse in the years ahead ok so you've taken this past the mystic view for the moment but segue into my next question here you started out as a climate scientist twenty five years ago but stopped researching ten years ago as part of the transition tell us about it but ten years ago i was editing a book on climate change it was my most comprehensive assessment to that point. and it became clear to me. just over a decade ago we had probably committed ourselves to extinction of our own him i
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mourned for six months to the curious amusement of the three people who noticed in that's when i stopped doing primary research on climate change because i thought it was fairly hopeless however shortly thereafter i discovered global peak oil and. the likelihood of reduced energy supplies of the global level bringing down the industrial economy and therefore forcing us to reduce emissions by eighty percent or so so peak oil and how does it also impact markets as a whole oil effects the market you know you know way for more significant then you would think based simply on the amount of oil in the ground each of the. six worldwide economic recession since one nine hundred seventy two have been preceded by a spike in the price of oil and that the more profound the spike the deeper the economic recession and i don't think we've worked out yet the spike from two
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thousand and seven two thousand and eight that led to what they call the group recession which i call the great depression i don't think we worked all that out yet and i foresee another spike on the way could very well bring the bring the whole system down in the united states ok now let's talk about the future of these oil markets we know that the u.s. department of defense consumes roughly four hundred thousand barrels of oil a day or something in the order of two hundred thirty million dollars worth a barrel of barrels of oil every day one time come when they simply declare force maybe you are and say we're no longer interested in price discovery and free markets we just we're just going to take the oil if you i think there's we've been doing since the carter doctrine of the late one nine hundred seventy s. i think the less these are men in the oval office will be known by history for his . statement that was respect to the middle east as our oil over there there's
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a kurd or so i would argue we've been doing that for a generation or so now don't you know that we're involved in six wars from this country primarily because those countries have the materials we think we need to survive i don't see much change over the course listserv a year we're doing the same thing we've always been doing which is to play other countries for their materials now going forward from the carter period through the great expansion we've had in g.d.p. which has come also with an even greater expansion in credit or debt it seems as though the peak oil scenario has arrived at the same time as this peak debt more peak credit scenario roughly in the same time two thousand to two thousand and eight seven period now going forward sense much of the trade is done in us dollars does the people while scenario in a peak credit coterminous scenario play out is this
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a net negative or positive for the us dollar well i think it's net negative we see if you can freeze already abandoning the us dollar at least trying to abandon the us dollar as the reserve currency has turned into transactions in other currencies . i refer to this relatively frequently as the titanic and people will smashing into the iceberg u.s. debt you're right the interaction between those two use a really big deal it is being ignored marginalized covered up by governments and media around the world now let's talk about an emerging hot spot in the arctic area the arctic ice sheets are melting and of course this is exposing more possibilities for development but also read knighting geo political tensions have got people saber rattling now trying to take control of these newly. exposed areas it's interesting because of course exploring and extracting and processing the energy
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will exacerbate the speed at which the climate in the arctic is melting so again the short term interests a gallon of oil today seem to be topping the long term interests survival of the species is that a fair statement and solute were at that level society were in flavor for we seem to be going after the next the next dollar the next barrel of oil or in the future b.m. and i don't know you know half a dozen people who think that the future of their children depends more on climate change than it depends on ready access to cheap oil and it's just incredibly shortsighted now as speaking of big government year of exited empire why and how well i was a professor in a very successful one nine books published twenty year career if you first heard on i was at this research one institution i was well so people wonder why would you
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leave a gig like that. but at the most fundamental level the skin tone to our question of morality for me i view cities in tucson as the classic example of a big city in the desert southwest cities are the apex of employer. tucson arizona extracts all of its water from well beyond the boundaries of the city it starts all over from well beyond boundaries a city essentially steals resources from other populations from other cultures in from the future just to survive. at some point you do there long enough and you start to look under the covers. of the screen you realize that this is not really old it's cracked up to be in terms of culture would have us believe and so once you see that you can't unsee it so it became increasingly difficult or less five years
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for me just to talk about the. costs and consequences of industrialization and continue to live there the effects whimper so i could no longer live in those two worlds finally i just had to exit him and i had to leave. something that was profound experiment with a couple of partners here on a property in new mexico we have two point seven acres a little bit of water right for all of our own food generator water from rainwater harvesting solar power and hand pumps in and maintain body temperature and establish good relationships are human is the big four for me for most urban living water food but in particular in human community so we're going to give that a run but also see if we can set an example for. economic collapse that is underway and it's going to be completely not too distant future a way for people to survive and even thrive in the years ahead now i notice on the
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polls that are conducted asking people what is the most hated company in the world usually at the top of the last is monsanto monsanto of course has figured out a way to completely co-opt c s and by having the cvs blow around and doing a work for the. there see the currency as i like to think of it is infiltrating the sea stocks everywhere so very arguments account you're trying community to be self-sufficient you will at some point be relying on seeds so how do you fight against that are you actively trying to fight against that it would you agree that monsanto is one of the most pernicious corporate players out there i absolutely agree that months into it is one when chemical owes the evil monster that the industrial global. society has become. controls are seeds
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and therefore food begin to g. poisons our water oh yeah it controls the messages we receive every day through all we think we're free of course but we don't have a control over so many of these facts what we're trying to do in this us and also many of our neighbors is rely on heirloom seeds so we are just a bunch of heirloom seeds and we're going to see to see with our garden raised so we save the seeds from this year's tomatoes for next year's tomatoes will we will be awash despite that in months into those g.m.o. . materials but we're not really very happy with certainly no doubt just as we'll also be. profoundly affected by global climate change just as will be profoundly affected but you can only collapse but there are things that we don't have any control over we're trying to control things we do have control over
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working within this community and the other parts you know you wish for the best. but there's a lot we can do about some of those doctors all right well the increasingly is reports come in from people doing some large projects yourself getting off the grid or starting to be self-sustained in communities of their own they seem to be coming under greater and greater attack from the federal government who is of course doing the dirty work for companies like monsanto so you're in kind of a conflict there and therefore out west with the feds so is the hope that the feds are going bankrupt before they have enough juice to terminate i mean is that kind of that's the bet you're making there's a loot yes there's no doubt about it you know believed a loosely defined ism is the merging of the state gratian you know and i think we're we're there i think we've been there for a while from
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a girly record. where they're all right well keep the light on for me. straggle on the night of. looking for seltzer i could be myself i. will do my it's all right guys thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you mary sir appreciate the opportunity and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert and i thank my gas guy nick verisign who is his blog nature bats last it want to send me an e-mail please kindly recorded r t t v dot are you into the next time there's a backscatter saying.
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well let's. bring you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we've got the future of coverage. mother. good. luck. if. any is eat meat.


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