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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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it's time to. market weiner scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy because a report on. the aftermath of russia's worst river disaster in decades as the bodies of over one hundred people including many children have been recovered from the volga river rescuers continue the search for . the american missile shield over europe remains a main obstacle in russian u.s. relations with russia's foreign minister who's on a visit to washington calls about legal guarantees moscow will not be targeted. on the eurozone economic crisis deepens as downgraded to junk status fueling fears the country may need a second bailout. when
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using comments from around the world this is r.t. live in moscow with twenty four hours a day revelations keep coming about the ill fated voyage of the sunken pleasure cruise on the volga river as a former captain says it was technically dead long before sunday's disaster over a hundred people are now officially confirmed to have died after the area went down in just a matter of minutes in the republic of tatarstan. and has the latest now from the scene and you may find some of the images in his report disturbing. at the moment two hundred divers are working out in the volga three kilometers from the bank in shifts searching room by room inside the sunken belgariad pleasure to i cruise or and behind me the river ports the number of flowers and cuddly toys and candles that are piling up against the walls of the river port here continues to grow our
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there's also another feeling going here was well as of grief and that's of anger and questions increasingly growing as to the revelations that keep emerging about the ship just earlier here at the river port a former captain of that ship the whole garia came and reveals some alarming details about the ship's life before its last voyage. i became captain of the vessel in two thousand and seven the ship had been renovated for a while before that there were big problems with the engines and power generators repeatedly mention that to the management and even had an argument with them these debates will continue as to what caused this tragic sinking but it doesn't do anything to relieve the grief here on the banks of the volga. this is the happy scene that should have been this ship was designed almost identically to the ball carrier in this room almost identical to the one that children on that ship played
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in but for whatever reason their fate was very different. as crowds gathered in remembrance of those killed by the sinking of the volga pleasure boat it was the younger victims that seem to cast the longest shadow. these schoolgirls had lost one of their classmates. we started. you know for a year she never had arguments with anyone she was a very kind girl and was always really to help. those divers reach the playroom one of the pole carriers upper decks they found the bodies of the children that had gathered there just before the boat sunk. that once inside the boat the by ideas
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were everywhere origin and cabins and most of them were in the way for us divers now have the awful task of bringing the bodies to the surface those left behind can only wonder at how fast their families were torn apart. from our colleague was on board ship cement on a cruise together with her family husband five year old son and all says she was pregnant and was to deliver her second baby in august has not found yet only her husband managed to survive she and her son died. and for those children left suddenly without parents the terrible truth they may not be able to comprehend for years when she lost her mother and father we're all but will have to look after her and she's only one of years old that tell her we can't she wouldn't understand but there is much that people don't understand about this disaster
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reports about the ship's engines failing about blocked emergency exits and electricity failure that stopped any s.o.s. or evacuation instructions going out criminal cases have been opened into why two ships passing straight after the sinking didn't stop to pick up a single person and into why the aging vessel was allowed to sail in the first place but for those who have lost loved ones the case will never be closed tom watson. on the web site r.t. dot com you can read the account of one man who alone saved almost eighty people from people daria many have praised the captain of the only ship that stopped and help the stricken pleasure cruise if he was asleep points to his crew and passengers as the real heroes he said that everyone is touched by what they saw and rushed to help without hesitation he went on to describe how quote they took their own clothes and gave them to the indy is more on our web site at r.t.
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dot com. washington's proposed missile shield over europe remains the stumbling block in russian american relations that's according to foreign minister sergei lavrov now in the united states but he's got a church car and spoke to us from our washington bureau a little earlier. portman is alive rove is meeting president obama this morning and is taking place the meeting is taking place behind closed doors so there's no way of knowing what they're actually discussing it could be the weather but they are definitely more pressing issues and one of the most irritating ones in the relations between the two countries is america's missile defense plans in europe president obama has scrapped the bush admin administration missile defense plans but they're going ahead with a new one foreign minister lavrov said where she needs for legally binding guarantees that the project will not threaten russia's security washington has made reassuring statements before but moscow needs to have it on paper some analysts explain this urge their russia has been getting everything on paper with promises in the past that were not fulfilled for example when the soviet union collapsed
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russia was assured that nato would not be expanding towards its borders but it did it continued recording new members so there is an understanding among the russians that words are good but words in a legally binding document are better on international issues there are certain disagreements and the are being discussed with regards to leave for example for the ladder of colonel gadhafi must step down and there's no place for him in the future of libya and that's exactly view shared by the obama administration as well but russia criticizes the scope of the foreign intervention in libya moscow sees the actions of the allied forces there was a violation of the u.n. mandate to live or offset the resolution is being wrongly interpreted as anyone can do whatever they want with moscow seasons the west now clearly taking sides in a civil war and extending the conflict talking about syria formants the lack of said the attitude of the west is exclusively about exerting pressure on one of the parties namely the syrian government and president outside and moscow sees it as
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the wrong attitude he said it sends the wrong message to the syrian opposition prompting them to believe that if they remain insistent in the situation keeps getting critical then the west will come to help them the way it is happy. being a leader you miss a lot of us that it is unacceptable that the opposition resort to violence agitating peaceful protests or if they were to engaging in armed clashes in exactly turning them into a target for the police and security forces the laws are different approaches as you can see and they are being discussed here. later in the program or to take you to remain where it's planned to hose doesn't solve the controversial u.s. missile shield which it could have a hard narrative claims that the heel does not mean that russia uses local and russian sentiment to promote it. three explosions of struck the indian city of mumbai reports say up to seventeen people have been killed and dozens injured there is no mystery group called the indian version of the which i have been has reportedly claimed responsibility our correspondent is in india for us. three bomb
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explosions occurred within minutes of each other and this happened in very crowded neighborhoods one where the famous jewelry market and there was a bomb that was that to be found in a jewelry shop also near the opera house in mumbai by it's been the wife and fate of maharastra obviously a very important baby in india it's considered the financial capital here at the ministry of home affairs that there is a terror attack the national investigative service has flown from new delhi to mumbai right now to figure out what exactly has gone on down there the most recent terrorist attack i mean. eight with the theory of that shooting that happened in the taj hotel one hundred fifty four people were killed there it was that you have been on the terrorist actually the pakistan for the great therapist otherwise known as the i.s.i. were held responsible for those attacks back in two thousand and eight two years
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prior to that in two thousand and six another theory of coronated attack that happened on that and different trains in india that we've been through have been the students islamic movement of india one by is still trying to deal with those. then now if it happened and add up people are just left wondering how this could have occurred so soon after those two thousand and eight attacks crucially to reporting from india rupert murdoch's media empire has announced its to withdraw its bid to control of the u.k.'s biggest satellite broadcast of b. sky b. it's the latest twist to the crisis that some go for the company as the scandal goes global across the atlantic it's claimed the journalist tried to bribe new york police offices for access to the voicemail of nine eleven victims u.s. senators are also now calling for the investigation into new school british prime minister david cameron has also demanded a probe into the nine eleven claims for for more on the story we're now joined by paul national he's an investigative journalist and head of journalism but
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university there in the u.k. thanks so much for joining us now we're hearing that rupert murdoch's empire is now withdrawn its bid for b. sky b. but also reading that five billion dollars has been wiped off the company's body we've just been talking about the global implications as well could this perhaps be the beginning of the end for one of the largest media organizations in the world. well i'm hesitant speculate because rupert murdoch has a lot of resilience. but he's getting older now and i'm not sure he is children who run the car lot of the company of the same brazilian but i mean the events that we've seen over the last couple weeks big strong what was the u.k. story is now the contagion is spread through news international the u.k. right out now into united states and australia let's concentrate on what's happening there in the u.k. it isn't just about the abuse of power by the media this is now actually spreading into u.k. politics isn't it or how big a threat does this pose to the british government and indeed the prime minister himself while it poses quite
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a big threat to david cameron because it's the first time we've seen his judgment quite clearly brought seriously into question the decision to use and he called the editor of the news of the world when some abuse events were taking place as his press advisor was clearly a very very bad judgment and it's thrown it and he now is trying his best to make clear blue water between him and news international. what was the alleged intrusion that covers royalty and top government officials or are they really now risks to national security. well there are some who most of the screen don't use the world was really salacious impurity it was about celebrities background you know what celebrities said to one of them which what paula was sleeping with which model that was their main area but gradually it's moved out and
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now we've got piers to be in some hacking into gordon brown's private life you have to search your thoughts wonder what else is in there and of course he's not he's not just going back and it's now the use of what we call bloggers these are people to change information from what should be private sources like medical records tax records so it's develop heat as we speak those gordon brown allegations of course refer to the son the sister newspaper and of the same stable of course as the news of the world just to make that clear to our international viewers but our other british newspapers are playing this in all of this i mean you're an investigative journalists and can we be sure that other newspapers and couldn't be facing similar accusations now the answer is yes and no because i mean what you've got to see about this is that this is a very proud we are proud joe but it's a good week for journalism because its reporters the guardian like nick davis of
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the you really have been consistently campaigning on this issue against the normas political pressure from the complaints of the media complaints tracey's here against news international they've kept going i'm a big supposes so that's good work by journalists what this is here is all the growing number. of people who are very commercially orotate it's a celebrity gossip and more as we are so you and that's a number of newspapers a smaller number of newspapers but the ones that have the most money and and certainly it's not just news of national or is my you know there are indications that one or two arbor news organizations have been gathered in. gather in this kind of fishing do nice machine exercises and go motion on other people's private lives just finally paul you're a lecturer in journalism you're also an investigative journalist britain prides itself on the freedom of its press we see kneejerk reactions to scandals in the
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past what impact could this scandal have for future media regulation and for investigative journalism could it actually have a negative impact if we do a see the severe knee jerk reaction to all of this and bring in tighter regulations . well there's always that you know all my life is the journalist this be what the tabloids do when they do this. celebrity stuff so people who do try to do seriously personal relations and corruption and crime it always works out and it's very very depressing but i think that actually does play a term that's a lie because it's going to be a very brave editor but now accident someone's photo you know it looks at somebody's medical records because they have seen what's happening to those who have so in terms of ethical journalism you know i think it might be a breakthrough i think this could be some serious revocation of the press generally we're going to seriously persecute journals that this may be a good thing paul ashwell great to hear what you have to say investigate generous
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and head of journalism a brunello university there in the u.k. thanks very much indeed for talking to us. the decision to extradite wiki leaks founder julian assange has been deferred by a london court after an appeal hearing and was most famous whistleblowers wanted in sweden for questioning over sexual assault and occasions however investigative journalist tony gosling fence the case against him is focused more on destroying his name than on any substantial evidence. still hasn't been properly charged with any crime in sweden this is the crazy thing about this entire case they want to extradite him for questioning but he hasn't been properly charged and it seems that the european arrest warrant has been used for this there hasn't actually been any kind of proper probably faces evidence presented in sweden to show that he has committed a crime this is just he just has a very basic suspect i would draw a comparison with what we've seen in the dominique strauss kahn fire meth case and that is that this looks to me to be some kind of sting operation to the political
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people that don't like what assange is doing a chance to get at him but he's becoming quite clear now that the extras can there may be actually no prosecution finally in new york against him and i think we may well see the sign with the. kind of other where you can find more web sites as r.t. dot com including the latest news blogs and expert analysis here's what's lined up there for you the moment you log on a snap shot from the stars how you could soon be able to see a picture of yourself taken from all the special spy cameras installed at the international space station also there on the web site from catwalk to cap world of beauty turns i believe far from model behavior the russian fashion show but not the full story behind the high heeled hostilities at r.t. dot com. the eurozone has been dealt a fresh blow as arlen's get is downgraded to junk status by the credit rating agency moody's concerns the country could need a second bailout this comes
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a week after portugal's rating was also reduced and falling speculation that italy too might soon ask for a helping hand paul nuttall m.e.p. from northwest england has told r.t. the latest developments prove that the single currency union is simply not working . this was always about politics it was not economics the idea that you could have a colonies in the mediterranean in line with economies like germany fast growing economies like germany was never going to break the only way to get out of this mess is for those countries to go back on the international court and see the value of losing. exports going in at the moment because if you say that because they couldn't see these are controlled by frankfurt they're controlled by the european central bank they're not controlled by athens or lisbon or even talk to people out on the streets in athens and i just wonder how long it will be before the people are out in streets in rome run in lisbon and talk about this thing is contagious this thing will move right across the continent specifically in the mediterranean
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and the bigger issue now facing the european union is italy italy is the third largest economy in the eurozone is the eighth largest economy in the world i think the eurozone can actually cope with greece and portugal the smaller economies if italy goes the whole think ok then because if italy goes italy's economy intertwined with spain's and spain and italy go then we are in serious trouble the euro is inextricably to the whole project and it's linked to the european union if the eurozone goes i quite frankly can see this whole thing breaking up but that is right there so. that's why this will test with the favor we in the u.k. are for the replay a lot of the only way for these countries is the break out of this prison which is the eurozone. now a quick look at some other international news in brief visit world updates selves protesting in the egyptian capital current for the sixth day running demanding the removal of the military council and threatening to expand their city into other
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cities demonstrators are also calling for us to president hosni mubarak and his aides to face prosecution for the killing of hundreds of protesters junior uprising in fabric and militarist war protesters against using violence but said it wouldn't try to stop the rally. was a novel that made the south a half brother of the afghan prison. karzai has been buried in kandahar amid wali karzai was murdered in his home there on tuesday the taliban has described the assassination as their biggest achievement in ten years shortly after the ceremony two explosions were reported in kandahar and a regional governor narrowly escaped a roadside bombing on his way to a funeral. was going to want to make sure that the u.s. missile shield in europe doesn't target russia washington claims there's no need to worry but once any legal guarantees now if he's elected leadership skill reports now from romania where parts of the proposed shield will be placed there and the russian sentiment is what encourages the locals to welcome the rockets with open arms. the vice mayor of the romanian village of their still cannot believe his luck
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after washington picked this place in romania region to locate a new raider base the locals have been all smiles about hypothetical investment. when we first heard that the us would build a retard we were a little bit scared police who we were informed as having myspace would mean better infrastructure and possibly jobs and firms who cools proposed to consist of radio facilities and interceptor rockets it is scheduled to be built by twenty fifteen and will become instrumental in president obama's european anti-missile defense shield in the one nine hundred fifty s. an airbase in the town of devore cell in romania was used by the soviet forces now with washington's plans to place a radar station here locals have a job that should booker us change his foreign policy again the place will be occupied by the chinese similar plans were no joke for some in other european
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countries thousands in the czech republic and poland protested against the initiative to have military bases on their soil with mixed results while the first line of interceptor missiles was eventually placed in poland the czechs suddenly pulled out of the anti-missile defense in romania there have been no demonstrations like that at all but there is a historical factor that makes romania one of the most pro-american countries economies came from the east everybody was expecting the american to lead then as the whole thing so there is this sentiment and this feeling that. the presence of the us is contra balance the influence of russia in the region if there is the real case then what security with this new shield provide and most importantly difference from whom not even two years since barack obama restructured the bush era european shield scheme moskos delight over the u.s. president's moved. was replaced by feelings of discontent and concern most of all
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would push. with worry that washington does something before informing us of these actions it is unclear what exactly they are creating as soon as we understand that this is and won't be used against russia will have legally binding during tista this tension will be result of this discord being described as fruitful the recent summit between president with nato ambassadors in sochi broke no consensus on anti-missile defense so experts say the issue will remain a thorn in the side for both moscow and washington at least until next year when the next nato russia council meeting will be held in chicago by the time construction of the raider facility endeavor solo would most likely be in full swing let's see russia ski r.t. reporting from devon selo and book arrest in romania. to bring it up there for the moment with some of our main news stories in about six minutes from now meantime
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business news is next with maria. hello and welcome to the business here in r.t. now let's start with gold which is trading the record highs as investors run for safe haven from the debt crisis spreading across europe seen jacobson from saxo bank believes the strength and precious metal will continue until the east politicians find a workable solution. gold is now the only currency even though ironically it's not really a currency that is validating your or your long term investment criteria is in the sense that this is a currency that cannot be devalued by printing of money i think the reason why gold is going out right now is that everyone seems to sense that the political solution once again becomes for owing more debt at a date issue we need to change her stary that will probably take some pressure off the rescreening gold but gold is going up today tomorrow and for the next week as long as the politicians play this game of hide and see and no decision making. now
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the spike in nervousness in europe in fact in the russian market you know less than from athens capital still believes there are good stories to tackle here. speaking about sectors i do think that in this environment you're likely to see more support for the defensive names like telecoms like utilities all the. utilities throughout the transom but nevertheless the more liquid me like i'm sorry bro you're holding my. breath you know in this kind of a rut of it but nevertheless you also have the elections to go for a lot of utilities tend to be a so-so with high political risk. telecoms though you know i mean really it's going to get a listing throughout a long listening and really degree seeing increasing interest to that name so i you know this is something with the currency but it was a good story. let's take a look at the markets wall street is trading strongly in the plank as the federal reserve says it could further stimulate the u.s.
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economy if conditions deteriorate also sentiment has been supported by stronger than expected economic growth data from china. now european markets are closing on a positive note helped by wall street that's despite another downgrade of ireland by an agency over the sovereign debt burberry group was off five percent in a london and that's after the luxury goods maker reports of revenues froze thirty percent in the first quarter and here in moscow the markets have closed in the black let's take a look at some individual movers on the my sex burbank and it in the red the losses were limited by an earlier reports over one hundred eighty percent jump in first half net profits there you can see it now overall carly was up more than one and a half percent after the e.u. left of course on post sasha imports from russia and a coal miner at a spot sky rallied on expectations of a takeover bid from v e b. b t v capital wraps up with
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a straight for us yesterday was that was a tough day for for for russian market global markets were selling off but as the e.c.b. sturdy and serene there was rumors that there. inserted by italian ones both revealed zone. and one started falling that helped market a propos markets higher into the close yesterday and sorry movement expanded into the earlier session generally volumes have been subdued investors are a bit lost this through how to position themselves because in the one hand there's a lot of very tricky and difficult circumstances in the west for their hand the world price. is performing quite world which is obviously positive for. russia stop fertilizer maker force agro has raised a little over half a billion dollars from its london initial public offering the stock price that the bottom of the range value in the company at five billion dollars analysts believe
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four sagger has strong upside potential as the fertilizer sector benefits from rising demand for food and biofuels. now bellerose may sell stakes in seven companies to russia after accepting a bailout for its crisis hit economy these will include gas pipeline companies and to refineries russian technologies corp n stevan gas from armand those interested in the assets minsk received an eight hundred million dollar bailout last month as the cash strapped economy growing through its currency reserves. well that's all the business news for now join us for another update in about fifteen minutes time in the meantime stay tuned for the headlines with bill. the.
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limits. to. please. him.


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