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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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for whatever reason their fate was very different. to it. as crowds gathered in remembrance of those killed by the sinking of the volga pleasure boat it was the younger victims that seem to cast the longest shadow. was. the schoolgirls had lost one of their classmates. the most we studied together for a year she never had arguments with anyone she was a very kind girl and was always ready to help us. as divers reached the playroom one of the bokhari is upper decks they found the bodies of the children that had gathered there just before the boat sunk. once inside the boat the bodies were everywhere in the corridors and cabins most of them were wearing the life rafts
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divers now have the awful task of bringing the bodies to the surface those left behind can only wonder at how fast their families were torn apart. our colleague was on that ship she went on a cruise together with her family husband five year old son and all says she was pregnant and was to deliver her second baby in august has not found yet only her husband managed to survive she and her son died. and for those children left suddenly without parents the terrible truth they may not be able to comprehend for years she lost her mother and father we're all but will have to look after and she's only want to. tell her we can't she wouldn't understand. there is much that people don't understand about this disaster reports about the ship's engines failing about blocked emergency exits and electricity failure that
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stopped any s.o.s. or evacuation instructions going out criminal cases have been opened into why two ships passing straight after the sinking didn't stop to pick up a single person and into why the aging vessel was allowed to sail in the first place but for those who have lost loved ones the case will never be closed tom watson. and on our website r.t. dot com you can read the account of one man who were alone saved almost eighty people from the bulgaria many of praise the captain of the only ship that stopped and helped the stricken pleasure cruiser he modestly points to his crew and passengers as the real heroes he said that everyone was touched by what they saw and rushed to help without hesitation he went on to describe how they took their own clothes and gave them to the wounded is more on our website that's our team dot com. washington's proposed missile shield over europe remains the stumbling
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block in russian american relations that's according to foreign minister sergei lavrov who is currently on a visit to the united states he's due to meet secretary of state hillary clinton shortly after a brief talks with president obama are he's going to church carney has more from our washington bureau. the meeting took place the meeting took place behind closed doors and there have been no statements afterwards so there's no way from knowing what they were actually discussing it could be the weather but they are definitely more pressing issues and one of the most irritating ones in the relations between the two countries is america's missile defense plans in europe president obama has scrapped the bush administration missile defense plans but they're going ahead with a new one foreign minister lavrov said where she needs legally binding guarantees that the project will not threaten russia's security washington has made reassuring statements before but moscow needs to have it on paper some analysts explained this urge their washer has for getting everything on paper with promises in the past that were not fulfilled for example when the soviet union collapsed or she was
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assured that nato would not be expanding towards its borders but it did it continued recording new members so there is an understanding among the russians that words are good but words even legally binding document are better on international issues there are certain disagreements and the are being discussed with regards to leave you for example for the lever of said colonel qaddafi must step down and there's no place for him in the future of libya and that's exactly view shared by the obama administration as well but russia criticizes the scope of the foreign intervention in libya moscow sees the actions of the allied forces there as violation of the un mandate means to live or offset the resolution is being wrongly interpreted as anyone can do whatever they want with moscow seizes the west now clearly taking sides in a civil war and extending the conflict talking about syria for minutes the lab rove said the attitude of the west is exclusively about exerting pressure on one of the parties namely the syrian government and president assad and moscow sees it as the
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wrong attitude he said it sends the wrong message to the syrian opposition prompting them to believe that if they remain insistent in the situation keeps getting critical then the west will come to help them the way it is happening in libya. mr lavrov said it is unacceptable that the opposition to resort to violence agitating peaceful protesters into engaging in armed clashes and in fact only turning them into a target for the police and security forces a lot of different approaches as you can see and they are being discussed here. three explosions a struck the indian city of mumbai reports at least seventeen people have been killed and dozens injured and islamic group called the indian mujahideen has reportedly claimed responsibility our correspondent. is in india for us. three bomb explosions occurred within minutes of each other and this happened in very crowded neighborhoods one was the famous jewelry market and there was
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a bomb that was said to be found in a jewelry shop also near the offer a house in mumbai by if then the western state of maharashtra obviously a very important city in india to consider the financial capital here the ministry of home affairs has that this is a terror attack the national investigative service has flown from new delhi to mumbai right now to figure out what exactly has gone on down there the most recent terrorist attack. that in eight it was the serious of shootings that happened in the taj hotel one hundred sixty four people were killed there it was that to have been a fun make terrorist actually the pockets down from the great service otherwise known as the i.s.i. were held responsible for those attacks back in two thousand and eight two years prior to that in two thousand and six another series of coordinated attacks that happened on seven different trains in india that with that two have been the students islamic movement of india one by is still trying to deal with those two
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recent attacks then now this has happened of people are just left wondering how this could have occurred so soon after those two thousand and eight attacks. well to discuss this let's talk to turn he's the investigations editor with the to help weekly magazine in mumbai we join him live thanks very much for being with us here . so what do we know about this group the indian mujahideen. a lot. of this group. this group basically does financial support or because it was but. as we know to the newsgroup. but the mayor. the nation which was behind you can do six eleven kind of attack so you have been. is a whim gotten what do it but even controlled by. a bunch in pakistan. you mention
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pakistan. what they'd be any links to told with that group who were held responsible for the hotel bombings back in two thousand and eight when something like on from eighty people were killed there would there be links perhaps between those two organizations yes absolutely they had dearly could you have been back. if you remember any pakistani would be in who had infiltrated mumbai they claim concerns to be deprived of bacon would have been trying to. portray themselves as indians that do a part of the deccan mujahedeen it's a document you can actually comes from an indian would be less spin it does not has been the chilling this gentleman doing in which i had been able to lie seven eight years there have been providing logistical interventions uplift there have been trade. secret better hide out in pakistan and a lot of them to come back into india and then the remaining text or the dick or
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the emails is big boxes back in pakistan and getting them concluded by them and plan to get a strike by the nation. in pakistan since there is this all based on extra extremist islamic fundamentalism what is exactly that aim that to destabilize mumbai what they're trying to do. so you. have been their biggest devices have been the demolition of the disputed mosque in one thousand nine hundred two by who had become the body was you. who called and who went along one thousand muslims that massacred this student good job there. might be. decided to leave the stage it's grown so be they have been there because of you once this and a little bit of i mean they have been. i do. so we're there. because we've got pictures. right back. to back and that's the
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reason that the locality has been attacking the domain in. the community populated look at the beach. happens to be. most of whom i can be just as we had to get a good jockey and big revenge what i think we're going to talk just briefly we talked about those two thousand and eight hotel attacks in your city which originated in pakistan now a lot of course strained relations between the two countries what effect could this attack have now on relations between the two just briefly. built the conclusion. that actually the. they had infiltrated mumbai. it was a big deal if you can link these a backpack with the i say in pakistan in pakistan but in this instance it's a clandestine attack it's not in. your back so they're going to be here.
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back with. pakistan so. i don't think there would be a standoff between the two going to be just very briefly please we're talking you live in mumbai obviously these are events are unfolding at the moment this could be the start of many more explosions tell us what is it like to be there at the moment how the emergency services coping what's the mood like is there panic there in the streets in mumbai just briefly. maybe any spending been in the sense of video who because we had been attacked. it was full of five guys who were the last twenty years the hose attack or feel attack that happened in the world when they do the things that they had to speed up to have. a sense of panic but at the same time the whole birth of a. child. the spray will make of the date of the beacon and i will be in. the company and be sure yet if i did.
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i may be a third star. in our movie really in the city or a town thanks very much indeed investigations editor with the to health weekly magazine live there in mumbai. other news now this hour rupert murdoch's media empire has announced it's to withdraw its bid to buy outright control of the u.k.'s biggest satellite broadcaster b. sky b. it's the latest twist to the phone hacking crisis that's engulfed the company as the scandal goes global across the atlantic it's claimed that journalists try to bribe new york police officers for access to the voicemail of nine eleven victims u.s. senators are also now calling for their own investigation into news call british prime minister david cameron has also demanded a probe into the nine eleven claims and paul lashmar he's an investigative reporter and head of journalism a brutal university in the u.k. he told me earlier that the story's gone beyond the united kingdom and well beyond just hacking into voice mail. the events that we've seen over the last couple weeks
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be extraordinary what was the u.k. story is now the can tell you should know spread through news international the u.k. right out now into united states and australia it poses quite a big threat to david cameron because it's the first time we've seen his judgment quite clearly brought seriously into question the decision to use and be called who had been the editor of the news of the world when some of these events were very place as his press advisor was clearly a very very bad judgment. and he now is trying his best to make clear blue water between him and news international and now we've got the fact that they appears to be some hacking into gordon brown's private life you have to say. you have to start to wonder what else is in and of course it's not only it's not just going back it's now the use of what we call bloggers these are people to tell you from oh you
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should what should be private sources like medical records and tax records so it's developing as we speak polish more talk to me much marshall say talking a little earlier here on r.t. the explosive mixture of media and politics in the hacking scandal that's gripping the world's attention is also discussed in today's edition of cross talk and you can join putin of oil and his guests in two hours from now but here is a quick preview for you. but in this particular case with news of the world it looks more and more like you had reporters and editors who are engaging in criminal conduct there is no concept of free press anywhere in the world that enables journalists to break the law if someone hacked my voicemail i would love to see them in jail but if you look at the criticisms that are being leveled at murdoch it goes far beyond that people are using this as an opportunity to attack him for his politics and for a straight and see as far as partisanship. in. the
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eurozone has been dealt a fresh blow as arlen's debt is downgraded to junk status by moody's credit rating agency fueling concerns the country could need a second boner this comes a week after portugal's rating was also reduced and follow speculation that italy to you might soon ask for a helping hand well discuss these latest developments and what they might signal for the e.u. and indian art itself i'm now joined live from dublin by joe higgins he's a member of the parliament thanks very much indeed for joining us so this downgrading surely hasn't come in a good time for ireland helpful or destructive what's the feeling there. well the point about this latest twist to the news is. it shows the failure of the policy to date of polishing the irish
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people for billions of gambling debts by european bankers and irish bankers with property speculators in ireland. putting doubt on the shoulders of ordinary people increasing their taxes cutting their wages and cutting their public services in order to pay these bankers bought causing for the reka nomic crisis and thereby giving the rating agencies the excuse to say that the economy is. failing and that they're there for there may be. an inability to pay the debts in the next in the next two years and therefore reducing the cost to junk i have to say however these rating agencies like all the discussions in the financial markets have nor credibility in reality they are part of the problem not part of the solution they were up to their necks when the speculative the. the
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various issues were being created in the united states. europe and not presume to. tell us how to out of this really and the government. the government in ireland has adopted a disastrous policy in my view in agreeing to take on tens of billions of euros of profit or to i'm really sorry sorry sorry if we're not war we are cutting out a little bit with the communication i've just picked up you saying that disappointed by the government's handling this and accepting these pay not measures but what should the irish government be doing now what is the alternative. first of all we should not assent more in these private gambling deaths to european banks or irish bankers they are not the responsibility of the irish people secondly
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we need. major public investment in our society especially in major infrastructure to take tens of thousands of people off the disastrously rising on employment queues and in order to generate to recreate our economy create new wealth. in which to develop these services like education and health that are under severe pressure after at the year of the president by him secondly we meet the financial and the sorry sorry we have got a lot of time in this this connection is breaking up but i do want to ask you though. clearly life in our end is very tough for people at the moment could we perhaps e anger spilling onto the streets in dublin in the way that we've seen the violence in athens are people getting extremely angry about this what is the mood. people are very angry and now a protest movement is beginning there were a thousand people outside the parliament today protesting against cuts in education
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for special needs children there is a major movement of opposition there was a few thousand on the streets outside parliament last week in regard to cuts in local hospitals i would predict that from september on when the parliament billions after the summer break there would be major mobilizations of. we cannot pay anymore these banks have to earn speculators must take their own losses and i would predict a major movement of people power which we in the socialist party are under to. change in policy the banks and financial institutions the financial markets will spin public ownership democratic control for developing helping to develop society in ireland and throughout europe rather than creating crisis after crisis for hundreds of millions of our europeans joe higgins the technical gremlins were slightly against us there but i'm glad we persisted because i'm very interested to
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hear what you had to say live there in dublin joe higgins a member of parliament there in dublin thanks very much indeed for joining us. now time for a brief look at some other international news in brief this hour thousands are protesting in the egyptian capital car of the six day running demanding the removal of the military council and threatening to expand their city and to other cities demonstrators are also calling for else to present was going to barak is a used to face prosecution for the killing of hundreds of protesters during the uprising in february the military has warned protesters against using violence but said it wouldn't try to stop the rally. and half of the afghan president hamid karzai has been buried in kandahar because i was murdered in his home there on tuesday the taliban has described the assassination as their biggest achievement in ten years shortly after the ceremony two explosions were reported in kandahar and the regional government narrowly escaped a roadside bombing on his way to the funeral. brings up the thing for the moment the business news is next with marina stay with us live in moscow.
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hello and welcome to business here at sea now we'll start with a goal that mentioned there earlier that is going great was actually trading in the record highs and that's because investors run for safe haven from that that crisis spreading across europe seen jacobson from saxo bank believes the strength in precious metal will continue until politicians find a workable solution gold is now the only currency even though ironically it's not really a currency that is valid dating your your long term investment criteria is in the sense that this is a currency that cannot be devalued by printing of money i think the reason why gold is going up right now is that everyone seems to sense that the political solution once again becomes throwing more dead at a dead issue we need to change here sturdy there will probably take some pressure off the rescreening goal but gold is going up today tomorrow and for the next week
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as long as the politician play this game of hide and see and no decision making. and the spy the nervousness in europe infecting the russian market peter weston from ats and capital still believes there are good stories to trade here. speaking of our sectors i do think that in this environment you're likely to see more support for the defense of names like telecoms like utilities although you could argue to what extent utilities throughout all defensive but nevertheless a more liquid name like. holding my. breath you know in this kind of a run of it but nevertheless you also have the elections to look out for and we know that utilities tend to be associated high political risk. telecom so you know i mean really interesting it's going to get beyond this year listing it's going to london listing and really that we're seeing increasing interest to that name so i you know this is something which is both defensive but it's also a good story. and let's take a look at the markets now wall street is trading strongly in the black as the
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federal reserve says it could further stimulate the u.s. economy if conditions deteriorates also sentiment is being supported by stronger than expected economic growth data from china. european markets finished on a positive note helped by the gains on wall street and that's the spike another downgrade arland by moody's rating agency over the sovereign debt for every group was up five percent in london and that's after the luxury goods maker reported revenues rose thirty percent in the first quarter. and here in moscow all the markets also closed in the black let's take a look at some individual movers on the my sax sperm bank and in the red the losses were limited by earlier reports of one hundred eighty percent jump in first half net profits overall colleague was up more than one and a half percent after the you left of course on posts hash imports from russia and coal mine are spot sky rally their expectations of a takeover bid from v e b. b to be capped its all wraps up the day straight for us
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a yesterday was it was a tough day for for for russian market the global markets were selling off but as the c.b. started to intervene there was room. that they are going to start buying italian bonds. and intel and sort of following that help market propel markets higher into the close yesterday and movement expanded into today's earlier session generally volumes have been subdued investors are bit lost as to how to position themselves because in the one hand there's a lot of very tricky in difficult circumstances in the west of the other hand the world price. is performing quite well which is obviously posed for us in stocks. brusha software lies or maker force our growth has raised a little over half a billion dollars from its london i.p.o. of a stock was priced at the bottom of the range value in the company at five billion
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dollars and the spill a full saga has strong upside potential as the fertilizer sector benefits from rising demand for food and biofuels. but others may sell stakes in seven companies to russia after accepting a bailout for its crisis hit economy these will include gas pipeline companies and two refineries russian technologies corporation and state wrong gas from arm on those interested in the assets minsk received an eight hundred million dollar bailout last month as the cash strapped economy burn through its currency reserves . now that's all the business news for now would join us for another update in about fifteen minutes in the meantime stay tuned for the headlines with bill.
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we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from a realm for sure. we've dumped a few jerks covered. in india in the movie joyce p. hoto. the gateway hotel the burned imperial tried to talk western coast coromandel. closer to sit down to go or. rather see the kenilworth
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toto treat. coming from the russian capital half past the hour now top stories the bodies of over one hundred people including many children have been recovered from the volga river the site of sunday's sinking of a pleasure cruise and rescuers continue the search for more is around thirty remain missing. up to twenty people are believed dead after three explosions hit the indian city of mumbai the blasts hit meet business district in a crowded marketplace as numbers group called the indian mujahideen has reportedly claimed responsibility for. the american missile shield every year it remains the main obstacle in russia u.s. relations as moscow wants legal guarantees it won't be targeted the statement came from russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov on a visit to the united states. and the euro zone economic crisis deepens as debt is
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downgraded to junk feeling fears that country may need a second bailout has come shortly after similar predictions were made about portugal with italy also tipped to be at risk. in the stores in less than half an hour from now in the meantime a special report on one of the most scenic regions in russia from lush woodland to . the. ski region presents a sight to behold discovering russia is next on arctic. region deep in the far east is one of russia's newest trees. two thousand and eight it brought together the chip. regions and with it a striking mix of asian and european culture. traveling around you can find
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buddhist temples spooling national parks and remote villages that still practice traditions that date back a thousand years but if you're flying here in the regions vibrant capital. one of. course the best way to get to know is to have a local show you around and. a bit of. just over three hundred thousand people and it's a real mismatch of styles it's one of the only cities in russia that's based on a grid system and the downtown area has some beautiful european influenced. but the further the more soviet and industrial it becomes. if you don't mind the teeth this is a great way to see the city.


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