tv [untitled] July 13, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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three. stooges free. world free bronstein a video for your media project c.e.o. don carty. the day is the night is ninety days to the full day and for the latest on these items will be joined by the king dude my church there's the b a t s fast and furious operation have you wishing they would just give the guns to the minutemen instead larry pratt of gun owners of america joins me to break down the latest round of gun grabbing fear mongering we've got the real reason that jake dilbert all supports the troops are medal of honor winner honored by a digital comic book and violence over baghdad literally not the song we complete anyway not everyone believes the freedom of information and intellectual property is a scam the way that we do it adam vs the man. ladies
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i pull out more. that's never going to get old at least not for me today is the minus twenty eight days to deep all day and it kicked off a new round of fear mongering fed chairman ben bernanke you testified before congress to share his you know expertise on trashing the economy. we need both increase in the debt limit which will prevent us from defaulting on obligations which we've already incurred in which would create tremendous problems for our financial system in our economy but we also need of course to take a serious attack on the unsustainability of our fiscal position i think both of those things could be accomplished he also announced that the fed is planning a new stimulus program that will entail what they call asset purchases by which they mean we are going to print money there's only created to make some paper or it
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all signals that that is totally worthless to give our friends for their worthless pieces of paper which will this call assets so that they can force the rest of you pianist who are forced to accept bernanke the paper funny money dollar bills greenbacks green toilet paper to do their bidding fortunately ron paul was there to call him on the fundamental flaws of his belief that only paper i mean money in the first place you know the price of gold today is that fifteen hundred eighty dollars the dollar last three years was devalued almost fifty percent when you wake up in the morning do you care about the price of gold well i pay attention to the price of gold but i think it reflects a lot of things it reflects global uncertainties i think people are the reason people hold gold is a protection against what we call tail risk really really bad outcomes and to the extent that the last few years i meet people more worried about potential of a major crisis then they have gold as a protection do you think they'll lose money no it's not money it's even if
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you pushes money for six thousand years somebody reversed that and eliminated that economic law well it's you know it's an asset i mean it's the same would you say treasury bills or money i don't think their money might have been taken into either central banks hold it. well some of them are reserves so what the whole time it's. well it's tradition for tradition some people still think it's money tradition we just threw it away because well we've always done it that way i was at all of us of this a pick apart the statements there but we will have more guests in our. day count down here and yesterday you know i called it caving when mitch mcconnell senate minority leader for the republicans suggested giving obama the power to unilaterally raise the debt limit somehow but i change my mind see this could be a brilliant franked the g.o.p. leadership obviously has no problem with taxation by inflation and one expects
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obama to make significant cuts but everyone is certain except for the most delusional obama supporters that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better this is the g.o.p. genius strategy for two thousand and twelve put it all on obama shoulders and i think it's going to work the only way it could in is if obama finds a way to take the new powers and actually improve life for enough americans getting reelected i don't think he's quite capable of that but it least this will work for the corrupt leadership the money gets spent and the g.o.p. gets to make it clear that it's all been obama's fault without acknowledging their own complicity in the dumbed down cable news debate dialogue if only we could have a change in party leadership. and on that note joining me now is the king of dude himself mike church host of the mike church show mike welcome to adam vs the man thanks for being with us tonight good to be back with the adam was i know you're following this debate in congress with with the president in the white house with
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all the back and forth all the fair mongar we have bernanke you testified before congress today threatening a new round of quantitative easing or stimulus if you're looking at this from the perspective of the constitution is it even possible to wrap your head around this when the fundamental premises of this would really is an important conversation important debate is almost completely out of the bounds of the constitution. well there is no constitutional ban for anything that chairman ben bernanke me does the federal reserve is unconstitutional so how can they guide it running the un constitutional agency be doing constitutional things so the short answer to that is no and ron paul knows that i think that. somewhere in his heart of hearts that dark icy cold place that he calls a heart he has to know it but i was just intrigued by it it is cold money and then
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burning good air but it's there and i use it as a t. bill money no i have a question for you chairman bernanke my daughter collection jones soda bottles or jones sholto bottles money if i put them in a vote or bet the money how about royal crown cola caps lots of people sell royal crown cola have to remember those i don't know all of you get a body bake and she is that money i think that for the first time though really in a long time to be perfectly honest with you chairman paul actually got a glove under bernanke each a he haiti and he had a hard and i don't think the chairman liked it very much he looked very very agitated over the question but to answer your first question nothing constitutional about this whatsoever and i can't imagine that anyone in that room other than congressman paul even knows what the constitution say is about gold and silver coins well i hope it's not the first time for only the last that ron paul gets a glove on of bernanke but there's a lot of our play
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a lot of politics going on here and we know that bernanke he was i was appointed by bush for originally reappointed by obama the republicans have a lot of stakes going into two thousand and twelve not wanting to dust take the white house as i think most people believe is in their grasp if the party if we can nominate someone who can take those votes away from obama and those who are still delusional and obama still is is playing the politics here who do you think is going to come out the winner from this latest round of talks about the debt ceiling . well or even though i don't like it i think that mitch mcconnell's move is a very shrewd one and i've been saying all along adam that look this is how you play this game the house the representing is pretty safe so long as bantering can or in company keep doing what they think the tea party wants them to do i think that they can hold that ground it's the senate that is in question here and so what you gain to send it back will you send a bill that a senate that you know democrats aren't going to go for and then you will go back
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to the people if they choose to you you need to help us elect a majority of rabab like kins and if you give us the republican majority we will get that debt ceiling bill and we won't need all palmer to sign it because we can override his veto so at the end of the day this is all about party politics and right now i think that mcconnell's move i don't think that move is going anywhere by the way but i think at the end of the day the house will pass the version that they passed two weeks ago ok that out of there because if they did that they took out of their committee bill passed that bill sent it over the senate the senate won't touch it they don't have a stalemate here and from now until two thousand and twelve we'll get a little c.r. increases and mcconnell and company will campaign and say give us a republican senate and we'll fix this i will you can only help those tea party activists that got so many republicans in the house in the first place are able to make the connection between taxation through inflation and that being
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a violation of the american taxpayer protection pledge that all those republicans sign mike thank you so much for being with us and if we hopefully will get a chance to check in with you if we make it all the way to the day without a deal we'll have you back on the talk about the tea party's role in this and i thank you so much for joining us tonight absolutely stairwell brother raw all right so the blood soaked party that is the iraq war is slowly dying down as the camel clad attendees quietly begin to scatter just ahead a financial hangover of at bric proportions awaits. when they come home once we're also brought to the debt bond though will be regretting all the money we well as we would say influenza pissed in the sand but the show's not over just yet looks like all the defense contractors that live off the seat of the american taxpayer are going to get one more harrar in iraq talks of a new between the united states and iraq on the potential sale of as many as thirty six f. sixteen fighter jets and surface to air missiles there's no estimate on how much
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a sale of this magnitude possible to previous sale of eighteen jets plus a necessary training weapons cost or point two billion dollars so it's going to be a pretty having one way or another it seems iraq will be used as a proxy agent of the military industrial complex for taking your tax money even into a foreign government then giving it back to them to buy weapons meanwhile economic distortions abound and people are out of work while capital that could be used to meet real human needs here at home is instead used to enrich the beneficiaries of empire and for more on that we turn to our own military analyst jake deliberate over who yesterday you were at the it would be memorial you got the footage we're going to have i don't know if it's slightly more or slightly less cheese didn't really have a sort of our one time because they were a little more cheese a little ok folks yesterday i was walking around the war memorial here in d.c. getting footage for this one time boot camp also i went to the marine corps morial
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so i will drill team performance and i went over to the vietnam memorial afterwards while i was there i spent some time reflecting on my tours of duty and afterwards i went home to see my friends after they came out last night i remember i served in both theaters of conflict and i know the names in the faces of many americans that have paid the ultimate sacrifice always walk around the memorials yesterday i could not help but think someday my friends' names are going to be on a wall. and whether you're for the war or against it it is simply in comprehensible to forget about those names and faces who will be on the wall if you're anything like me you probably turn on the news every evening to find out what the world is going on the world and what's going on what the world's doing we find what's happening in american politics and as i watch it with a critical eye it is completely obvious to me that the media and the congress are unfathomably feckless at recognizing the plight of the american soldier the
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american legislative branch has completely forgotten about the that the us is still engaged in the longest and most expensive war in american history many economists claim that the iraq and afghanistan wars have cost the u.s. economy over six trillion dollars the apartment of veterans affairs accounts for over one hundred sixty thousand deaths or injuries to the american military every major debate in congress including today is about everything else besides the war the legislature is more interested in partisan politics and culture wars than they are at dealing with american security and foreign agaves roots and every t.v. screen across the country more jerk more pundits journalists and talking heads are concerned with obscure and complete up with obscurity plea irrelevant issues from the casey anthony situation to rupert murdoch shenanigans in england to kate middleton's nose ring the media has allowed the congress to forget about the soldiers and marines at war well folks here out of adverse the man we are not journalists are politicians we're just like you the viewers we're just concerned
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citizens who are adverse to manage we will not forget about those u.s. marines and soldiers who are deployed to wars we want to take this moment all of you thank you for your vigilance and thank your willingness to put on the uniform you are a public servant and you are my heroes for being humble servants willing to put your lives on the line america owes you one even if we are going broke. did you think heat middleton has a nose ring well it's a rumor running around. concerned citizen concern not journalists by any stretch all right stick around when we come back like larry pratt and it's wednesday why not you the viewer you're watching adam vs the man. and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who make decisions to predict what will get through to people may who can you trust no one who has
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even deal with the global mission we see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called back when nobody dares to ask we'd give our tea question more. you know sometimes you see a story and seem so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some of the part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't. charge is a big. welcome back to out of versus the man calles continues in mexico with drug cartel violence
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surging recently over the past weekend at least forty people died in drug cartel related attacks so we support of the mexican government so many people were massacred in monterey on friday at a bar with many innocent bystanders caught in a crossfire between the drug gang and the gulf cartel tend to have faded bodies including those of three women were discovered by authorities and torrie own and child that was just outside of mexico city a loving people were found shot to death at least forty two thousand people have died in the past four years. cartel fuelled violence as sheriff of the year paula bo recently noted in this is in arizona this pretty much well qualifies as terrorism beheadings kidnappings the massacre of entire towns sick gladiator fights to the death and this is happening on our border not in the middle east not in north africa where the government doesn't want to call it terrorism don't worry they intervene anyways just on the wrong side it
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is a scandal of the a.t.f. fast and furious program has revealed the feds certainly didn't mind sending thousands of guns over the border to these thugs no word yet on whether any a.t.f. supplied weapons turned up after these latest attacks so you think that with their credibility gone the gun grabbers would drop the border violence argument after it turned out they were the ones or our government were the ones supplying the bad guys with the guns but no this is just me or do any of you have trouble saying the justice department with a straight face at least in comic books the bad guys aren't from a big us sort of step with their titles why can't we just renamed of justice department something simple maybe more more obvious like the legion of doom we can we give me eric holder dark lord of the sith and in their latest display of evil prowess the justice department has in the midst of being tied to the a.t.f. gun running scandal issued new law a new fascistic law by their own feet up anyone who purchases more than two
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automatic mag fed rifles above the caliber of twenty two in a five day period about complying with all that will have their personal information sent into the feds. that media attorney general james cole of call memo about shutting down dispensaries claims that this will help the feds quote confront the problem of illegal gun trafficking in some mexico and along the southwest border they should start by not giving guns to actual by definition terrorists or maybe if they want to confront the problem they should start by arresting eric holder and joining me now is none other than larry pratt of gun owners of america the only no compromise gun lobby and washington larry thank you so much for joining us tonight. now i know you are following the ripple effects of the fast and furious program did you expect to see this turned into
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another excuse for gun grabbing the a.t.f. gives guns to criminals in mexico hoping to trace them somehow after people are killed as of killing one of their own agents and then somehow that gets twisted into a reason to restrict americans gun rights in some leftist does that mean these people let's just look they're doing just so. and what we're finding out about and. continues to grow recently we're. told it will probably some twenty five hundred pounds that it will in mexico under this operation fast and furious no learning probably not a good equal number when used in analysis. and one of those guns were spent at the crime scene and i missed that. and i see agent and
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even in central mexico. this is. now as we are finding out the temple wasn't doing running guns and so on doris amended it and also you know mr keene it has links you know the records go in mexico so where are all these different incidents through the a.t.f. all through the a.t.f. although some of the other agencies involved one way or another in. money. or tell leaders have to be answered at least released a video interview with this guy we were buying our guns in the united states and he learned from you. and i think in that case what he's referring to is you know me i and norman lived in a drug dealer to pay to flip. a prisoner and he was
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on lots of guns. the f.b.i. evidently and the same kind of activity as fast and furious and he was being surveilled by the a.t.f. unbeknown he was in government and they were watching him what to. do next on it can execute it. so it is and it's just so well it almost and keystone kops. what is really little article too much of it is some hundred and fifty people were murdered next. to the border agents are among. children linked back to mostly needs. it looks like maybe we're just starting to get at the data somewhat we. all. but one hundred. might be. he lives near the right street regulars really.
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and he went to the first two gun stores. and the end of the question based on what. stories being told i just don't read that interest and she was just going so too many were monitoring all this and so he said if you don't have the same experience when you. really have no ground and he said oh yeah. so you know how extensive this operation has been throughout the country and it's never an isolated incident when we see one crime of government like this that we know usually turns out to be false so i hope that the pro-gun lobby is able to now that this is come out thanks to the internet thanks to the speed of communication say is able to turn this around so that people are able to see it i hope it's obvious the american people who are following this the government is taking they're keeping guns away from people law abiding american citizens that would use them to prevent
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crimes and instead of giving them to known criminals larry thanks so much for being with us and i s'posed to go to release an outstanding gun owners are larry pratt of gun owners of america thanks so much for being with us tonight i know you have your first up tonight a comment just begging to be read from a four door chevelle on you tube who writes. put this comment on t.v. the un and navy slave writes in response to a one sided who can't segment adam you failed to mention that a military budget isn't really half of the pay you receive on active duty as you know and military personnel are paid their checks they're broken down into several categories called allowances the base pay which is the only loans that is considered in retirement is only a fraction of military members pay so it's hardly a fat pension and my opinion that is hardly worth putting up with twenty years of b.s. and f. f. games yes that's a recent column fair enough the last use of your monday i was called out for my
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teleprompter skills and asked if we had to rename the show adam vs the teleprompter who would win well according to mute and bam hammer if it's adam vs the teleprompter then the people with him and my twitter evil old tended writes if the teleprompter stopped sending social security checks does that mean the rest of us can stop pain in the teleprompter oh you mean the teleprompter in chief well if the government stopped sending so scary checks that would certainly be a nother appropriate time to launch a tax revolt i would just say that the time was. one hundred years ago all right this next comment is not a product of the anonymity of the internet on facebook marcus white our writes this a lot of shit is hot but she should really watch more adam vs the man but i agree everyone should watch more adam vs the man. except for those of you who watch every
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episode multiple times and then send me the story emails about what you do all watching little or to someone suggest we have or are shown unfortunately because of the studio schedule it's not possible but if things get switched around when we go to our long show i'll be inviting her on a regular basis and now a report from matthew adams in ne indiana in my town the jobs all left during the g.w. years following his attack on america now all the jobs are service related and minimum wage reporting broke in ne indiana and my email will ackerman writes hey adam i was watching some beloved show and i saw you suggesting to google a particular topic i think you've seen how google tracks a lot of personal information from you when you use it so i'd like to suggest a new search engine to try out its quick that come and they don't save any personal information from you when you search with them anyway check it out so you think by the way your so is bad ass keep doing what you're doing please good to know so if i use the generic verb to google from now on. to mean use x.
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quit dot com or whatever secure search engine is a certain protect yourself personally i've pretty much given up on trying to avoid an intractable. and i'm not sure what touched this off but on yesterday's full episode on you tube allie eldar yes two zero writes yeah well abortion is murder over fifty three million american citizens have been murdered through the selective genocide carried out by so-called doctors that love the sure reading maybe the live if you are truly constitutional you know that humans have the right to life if you kill someone before they are born you private person of life adam you need to make your stances more clearly do you support a woman's right to murder or do you support the right to life liberty and happiness ok well let me set the record straight once again and answer question in a way that should leave no doubts whatsoever yes apparently i'm not the only one holding out final hope for america and ron paul two thousand and twelve i hate ron paul writers writes there is no point for ron paul serve another term in congress
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unless ron paul is elected president this country is doomed and even if ron paul wins the presidency this country is still probably doomed and corporatists that control congress will still be in power and will surely try their hardest to impede any dressing changes paul wants to make and finally an e-mail from an anonymous specialist that's the rank of specialist serving in the u.s. army first of all as a soldier i want to say thank you i've researched around and it seems or you're the only revolutionary if you will that isn't that a scandal your speech woke me up and i seen the revolutionary change and got me angry at the right people for a change i respect everything you're doing and i come to you with a question what can i as a soldier in the army do until nihilism is over after hearing that speech i shredded my old unit future as i removed the combat action badge from my ac use as well as the combat patch i had my parents and wife are moved out of the political crap from their cars i dare not protest or speak too much on the subject considering my current situation the information is out there nine eleven the wars the blatant lies that everyone does except the way i see it anybody serving now is
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either ignorant or a traitor i was the former but i don't have any choice but to bide my time for now is there anything i can do without putting myself and my family or myself in jeopardy. want to help i have to atone i was fighting the wrong war a long apathy is our greatest threat never stopped fighting specialist anonymous us army well they've run specials and thank you for discovering what your true service to america should be ultimately we must all decide for itself based on what we are capable of and willing to do how we can best serve the cause when we decide to devote our lives to freedom i know several active duty and former military who work as anonymous online activists an anonymous with a capital a there is there's no end to how you can spread the message of a captive audience of your fellow soldiers and counter recruiting is a great way to help young americans find a more sustainable and satisfying career path in fighting for empire but it turns back to you the viewer and invite you to leave comments on this segment video want
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to get suppose to do you think unwelcome specialist anonymous to the freedom movement and help him find his niche and finally tonight not to promote militarism but to acknowledge courage i like to congratulate my fellow santa fe and sergeant first class leroy petry was awarded the medal of honor for service in afghanistan yesterday by the teleprompter in chief now the army has a new high tech way of honoring the medal of honor recipients they put together a visual recreation of the events in a kind of digital comic book form you can go to the army got mil site will have linked it out a verse of the man dot com and relive the raid in which he risked his life to save his fellow rangers and lost his right hand despite being eligible for medical discharge petry has opted to stay on active duty to work with other injured soldiers we can only hope that before he leaves the ranks he gets to me specialist anonymous that's our show for tonight thanks here in the adam versus the magic of our website devoted to guess and topics and finally on the.
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