tv [untitled] July 13, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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doesn't name get to put a cap on the amount it puts a cap on the. time that they're yours i think i mean any production in there and costs i mean all of us are going to be doing that all of us would have to deal with something when a million or anybody or any any reduction in what is what reduction in cost is going to millionaires and billionaires. they're americans do i don't understand what they pay and this is a benefit from all the things that we benefit from so i don't understand why they would go up and go if you were millionaires and billionaires as those people a lot of people you think are going to be hit by certain things make less than two hundred thousand dollars a year those are not millionaires and billionaires but i'm talking about millions and those might we're rich people we're but they are not nearly there is a million or so i'm not hearing anything specific i mean there's no i don't think that there's anything specific on the temple at the moment they are in negotiations so i mean so now they're brought immigrants aren't saying anything either thanks thanks for bill thank you thanks for getting up the republican war against american
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welcome back to the big picture i'm john harbin coming up in this half hour republicans have taken off the gloves in their war against women stepping into rather personal choices like whether or not to bear a child so far is the g.o.p. so hell bent on following the taliban's meanwhile both medicare and medicaid remain on life support as lawmakers discuss massive cuts to the entitlement programs and the growing wealth inequality do more harm than good to the economy.
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the republican war on women has reached an all time frenzy high in the past few months a good backer institute study released this week shows the states have an active one hundred sixty two new provisions related to reproductive health and women's rights in just the first six months of two thousand and eleven and a sharp increase in last year forty nine percent of these new laws seek to restrict access to abortion services and twenty six percent of the new laws restricting abortion as this chart that was included in the report shows eighty abortion restrictions on acts of this year are more than double the previous record of thirty four abortion restrictions and acted in two thousand and five and more than triple the twenty three an act in two thousand and ten and here's the zinger all all of these new provisions were enacted in just nineteen states where surprise surprise either the governor's office the legislature or both are controlled by republicans so far. how far are were republicans willing to take this war on women
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and what can be done at the grassroots level to stop their attack on women's health or offer her inside of the solutions as lose winston radio television personality activist and co-creator of the daily show liz great to see you. are having me planned parenthood is seems to be the favorite target of these guys and i say these guys because in most cases it is now on the house voted in february to strip federal funding from planned parenthood how the money for contraceptives hiv has cancer screenings reproductive health services as part of an attempt to weaken this by you know planned parenthood because some tiny fraction three percent i think are what they say the providers portion services on how do you what's your response to that and how are women in america in general respond. well i mean it is even to say you know the three percent that they use to use for abortion now one penny of anyone's tax dollars goes to funding that and yet you hear eric cantor hemming and
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hawing when the president says you know maybe we need to cut the tax loopholes for it to say to three billion dollars for those with corporate jets that's a huge thing oh well that's not enough i mean that's barely anything yet they prioritize women's health and you know you as you just cited so accurately on the state level the legislatures that are overreaching so profoundly in ohio it's incredible they're they're passing two pieces of legislation one is you know that they feel pain bill that says that effete is can somehow feel pain at twenty weeks when the american medical association has said well that's not true our extensive studies have said twenty four weeks and also that the second you hear heartbeat in a fetus a woman can no longer i have an abortion that is past their state their state legislature is going to move on to their state since it was so crazy and what the taxpayers should be really angry about is that any time those laws that cannot build up to the law of the land which still is roe v wade it's going to cost them.
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the money bite is legal battles it's really insane tell us about your campaign you're on the road on this right now. i am up with i you know as you've said this is salt has just reached a fever pitch and myself i am fifty years old and i've used play and hearing it since i'm sixteen and every woman i know has or everyone i know either knows someone who has or hasn't sounds and the fact that this funding is getting cut i decided you know what i have this skill i can get onstage and i can make people laugh and for some reason time people pay money to see it so i thought why not go on a road trip and start raising money doing my comedy to help at least plant care to keep keep the money coming in because at this point. i don't know what else to do i feel like this is all that's not going to stop on the legislative level so if i go to town to town and anywhere between you know two hundred six hundred people who are coming out to see my shows and they look around and the opposition is forced to
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see these faces of people in numbers who say we are the true majority were the faces of planned parenthood they had to take pause because all the sudden they're looking at basis and saying oh i know these women these are my sisters these are my aunts these are my mom these are my coworkers and they're not to closet and reassess their rhetoric i hope the can we disentangle for a moment the issue reproductive services and women's health services you know mammograms and perhaps news and things like that and from abortion it seems to me that. actually we talk about the same time but but i'd like to see it to cleave them because it seems like the effort of the republicans has been to always jam them together and get hysterical about abortions very loudly while in the background most of what they're putting in the case of planned parenthood ninety seven percent of what they're cutting is the ability of women to find out at an early stage if they have cervical cancer. cancer or or get access to birth control
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pills that would prevent the very pregnancies that you know abortion you know that would prevent the need for abortion what's the state of that in the united states right now and you know where to go on and we're using this all and you know. the irony of it is as i'm doing these tours and also document women who have used planned parenthood for services and the number of women who are low income women who use planned parenthood throughout their pregnancies i talked to one woman who she has played here in it to have her baby and then she dropped a whole bunch of weight really quickly after the baby and at first she was excited about it and then she went back into planned parenthood may examine her and they did detect a thyroid condition that she had and she could not afford a regular doctor to do that and they helped her find a great you know place where she could get treatment for her thyroid and stories like that are happening all the time breast cancer screening hiv screening just
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education about helping young women who are entering into their you know sexual beings in south with counseling and with asking them questions about what birth control they should use and tom the thing that i always feel so incredibly. i guess avery really about is when i hear people talk about they want to renew just reduce the number of abortions when their argument and the way they want to do that is to close down access to women and it just saves health it's such a disconnect that i can no longer even debate with them in a logical manner because it makes no sense to me whatsoever that ninety seven to three percent ratio seems beyond bizarre lizz winstead thanks so much for being with us tonight tom thank you so much for having me great great great talking with you in a recent report from un women eighteen percent of americans said it's ok for a man to beat his wife the pay gap between men and women in the u.s. is twenty three. percent and the united states is the only developed country in the
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world that does not mandate paid maternity leave just pushing pregnant women into poverty every day all across the country on the other hand when the violence against women act was passed in one thousand nine hundred forty or in the clinton ministration the immediate result was a forty nine percent decline in non-fatal violence against intimate partners in the us over the next ten years and the percentage of women in congress has gone from eleven percent one thousand nine hundred seventeen percent this year that makes news but fighting for women's rights is more than just an ethical imperative it's literally the key to saving the world because when women have rights then population stabilizes and our impact on the planet our environmental and global ecological impact lessons and that's good for the plague. it's the good the bad of the very very good they're going to is the only ugly
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a good congressman juror when it comes to reducing the nation's debt congressman paul is offering up ideas that are being discussed behind closed doors but are better in an op ed in today's wall street journal poll this proposes that legalizing and taxing marijuana and internet gambling to raise revenue just doing these two things the government can take over forty billion dollars a year in extra. polls isn't afraid of weighing in on controversy wishes we need more lawmakers just like the bad bill o'reilly sounding unusually reasonable last night or rather took republicans to task saying they need to accept that revenue raisers must be on the table in debt limit negotiations but instead of calling for more taxes on corporations millionaires and billionaires o'reilly called for more taxes on working people and argued for a one percent national sales tax sales tax by the way on the g.o.p. side we need tax reform desperately in this country we need to raise more revenue
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in smarter ways perhaps a one percent national sales tax that could raise close to one hundred billion dollars a year without hurting the economy that money could fund medicare sales taxes are notoriously regressive hitting poor people much harder than most people once again republicans refused to include millionaires and billionaires when it comes to national shared sacrifice and the very very ugly republican congressman kevin brady interview a c.m. d.c. yesterday brady slammed the federal government saying it's not doing enough to get its finances in order and recommended a very very ridiculous solution the goal of. most companies laying off workers small businesses in america it's tiring to water so my question is once a government in a sacrifice or to help us get our for me i'll say you know. unemployment is above nine percent and republicans are calling for more job losses and even surprised by the way the truth is that over five hundred thousand government workers have been
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laid off mostly by republican governors since president obama took office and that is by the way killing our economy which of course is exactly the republican plan and that's very very. coming up later in tonight's daily take part two of why the supreme court does not have full power running this country. house majority leader eric cantor told me yesterday that his ideas to cut medicare medicaid and social security had all been seriously discussed with varying levels
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of democratic support in seven weeks of negotiations led by vice president. but his proposals to cut medicare and medicaid it provoked fierce opposition from almost every major group that represents beneficiaries and health care providers as well as democratic lawmakers who first saw the list for the first time yesterday and this is no surprise considering that health care inequality is it an all time high in this country in fact the inequalities created by the current health care payment system in america have created nothing short of health care apartheid in this nation and our next guest has been an eye witness to these inequalities specifically in the chicago public health care system dr david ensor currently serves as the vice president for clinical affairs and chief medical officer at russian averse the medical center and he. began his medical career in one nine hundred seventy eight at chicago's public hospital where he worked as an attending physician for nearly twenty years his new book county life death and politics as chicago's public hospital examines health care in america and its injustices from
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the perspective of the people suffering its worst effects the uninsured dr and so welcome to the program thank you your first time in the men's room of the cook county hospital is a pretty remarkable story can you tell us about. well i was a twenty five year old kid from upstate new york who we decided we wanted to come to county because this was the crucial role in health care or a crisis type of place where the poor in chicago were being served and we wanted to go there to serve went to interview and the chairman of medicine was gone we were taken to a mass meeting and the discussion was all about the closing of the hospital so my head was spinning and my stomach was turning and i had to relieve myself and i found the bathroom in the lobby of the hospital and i'm a former eagle scout and i couldn't use it and in some ways this is
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a true story and i ran across the street in a greek restaurant i was able to take care of business there but i did does reflect the conditions in those days that the patients were under which were physically abhorrence of unacceptable. conditions in the bathroom states it was a public lobby which just an example of that now this. this was a public high this is the cook county public hospital what is a public hospital what differentiates that from all the other hospitals and in this case in chicago well public hospitals have always been the place of last resort for the poor or the undesirable the uninsured in this country really since the early eighteen hundreds and about as many public hospitals the united states as there are academic medical centers many major and most major cities in the country have them from oakland to new york and then many small rural public hospitals exist all
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around the country the you know in this country we've made a pact that the poor get different health care than those who are not poor though by everyone's estimation is going to get worse for everybody going forward but the public hospitals have traditionally been the place for those who have nothing. but we in this context we've made a tax that says the poor not only get different care they have worse health outcomes oftentimes because these systems are not funded adequately to provide the level of care is not necessarily the doctors in this day and age it's not the physical facilities like i faced in the patient space back then it's actually access to care some of the things you were talking about in the prior program women and men being able to get access to broad primary care especially care in a timely way and this is a national problem that goes beyond public hospitals and my book county i talk about it from my point of view but it really is every town usa.
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letter to the larger issue i understand it at cook county hospital right now there are four thousand people waiting for colon aska peas and these are not like people who are waiting for corners because their doctor said hey ya don't get your five year exams these are people who actually have blood in their in their feces and and need them right away but they're not getting so i had a statistic right yes and as you know new york city there's a wait list for mammograms for the women in the public health system in chicago there are a long way to go around the country public hospital systems or whether you have medicaid even in out in the public hospital system is very tough to get in and while you've got great doctors and great facilities the demand exceeds the capacity of the system four thousand the way it was for mammograms there's a two to three month wait to go see an eye doctor the doctor told me a couple weeks ago said you could go blind on the waitlist my hospital is right
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across the street and you could see an eye doctor tomorrow if you needed to and that kind of an inequity leads to early death is one thing to be income inequality in this country but the idea that a poor person an uninsured person should face early death or disability simply because they don't have access to health care. i think is unacceptable un-american immoral and we have solutions to it at hand we're just not applying them but even even people who have access to health insurance my best friend had spinal surgery yesterday morning and today he was told that if he wants to have the physical therapy in a high quality hospital his health insurance company won't pay for it and he has to go across town to a place that has minimal certification and doesn't have the equipment that he needs simply because the insurance companies try to cut the costs. yes so we that's the i think the unfortunately dirty secret of our health care system the uninsured get the worst care of those on medicaid the next worse medicare is at risk but even
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people the private insurers are finding their abscess getting blocked because then it really depends on what card you hold and so you really need something you don't even know what's the next card that's why i'm an advocate for medicare for all i actually called medicare plus for all this got to be better than medicare but this is been a very successful system for people over the age of sixty five and disabled and if we had one card for every one we could know what we would get with their car to be excellent and this is how most of the other developed countries in the world do it and seems to work fine for dr randall thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you for having me back in two thousand and eight candidate obama was adamant about health care being a right for all americans. i think it should be a right for every american in a country as wealthy as ours for us to have people who are going bankrupt because they can't pay the medical bills for my mother to die of cancer at the age of fifty three and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing
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with insurance companies because they're saying that this may be a preexisting condition they don't have to pay her treatment there's something fundamentally wrong about that the august second debt ceiling deadline is very quickly becoming a reality in the obama administration is going to be forced to make some tough choices no avoiding that for the sake of our nation's seniors and uninsured i hope president obama doesn't lose sight of the people who put him in office in the first place because they would be something fundamentally wrong with that as well. in last night's daily take i said that i agree with newt gingrich when he said that the supreme court has to work under rules set by congress and congress can limit the court's powers and that the court has taken on to itself the power to both shut down legislation and create doctrine like the ideas that corporations are persons
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and money is the same thing as speech here's news cobb. insisted he believed the constitution if you read it for the smaller commission of the need for the status quo. the fact is the congress can pass a law and can live in courts stitch through constitution the first leaders and this is the promise of these numbers of. their lives in addition to the we face is the greatest since the poor of the american hostage is the court which is we should run. we settled since he moved the lives. we've done this is only. the once the believe in the firing the leaders. our constitution. i pointed out that the founders never intended this to be this way as you can read
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in federalist seventy eight federal eighty the supreme court to have jurisdiction over congress and the president never intended supreme court was beyond their constitutional power and they handed george w. bush the victory in two thousand they were beyond their constitutional power every single time they struck down a law passed by congress and signed by the president and most importantly every single time they created out of out of whole cloth new legal doctrines like separate but equal in policy versus ferguson or corporations or people the citizens united if you want to see the whole thing the complete. complete take from last night with the quotes from hamilton and jefferson is the july twelfth two thousand and eleven daily take on our you tube page you can easily find it. so in responses to yesterday's daily take about this number of people opposed messages over its sound harben dot com and on you tube and other places asking if you questions about what i had to say the first is if the supreme court can't decide what is and isn't
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constitutional then what is its purpose what's a really supposed to be doing the answer to that is actually laid out in the constitution plain black and white and supreme court is the first court in the nation goes for cases involving disputes about treaties embassadors it quoting the constitution now controversies between two or more states and when a state and citizen of another state and when citizens of different states and foreign states end of quote read article three section two of the constitution it's all there second the supreme court is the final appeals court when everything else has been exhausted for pretty much every other kind of litigation two people have a lawsuit and it goes up through the courts it has to stop somewhere and that somewhere is the supreme court they and they alone can make the final decision about who wins and who loses in civil and criminal cases. but they have to do it under the laws passed by congress and signed by the president they have to do it the way congress says they have to do it as the constitution says the supreme court
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chil have appellate jurisdiction both as to law and fact with such exceptions and under such regulations as congress shall make period end of sentence now to word in there about what's known as the doctrine of judicial review the power of the courts to decide what is and isn't constitutional which raises a second question who does decide the constitutionality of a law passed by congress president thomas jefferson was pretty clear about that as were most of the founders and they said that the core and by the way the court does didn't start seriously deciding constitutionality until all these guys were debt back in the day there was actually one case here in jefferson's lifetime of the court did this back in the day here's what jefferson had to say the constitution has erected no such single tribunals knowing its or whatever hands confided
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with the corruptions of time and party its members would become despots it has more wisely made all the departments he's talking about executive legislative and judicial all of the departments co-equal and close sovereign within themselves when the legislative or executive functionaries act unconstitutionally they are responsible to the people in their elective capacity their elective capacity that's a fancy presidential founder way of saying that the people can toss out on their brights any member of congress or any president who behaves in a way that's unconstitutional you ought to remedy it with the people it's the ballot box if we don't like the laws being passed then we should all like you legislators and a new president. it's really pretty simple but without the supreme court some say we never would have had brown versus board one hundred fifty four ending apartheid in america we never would have had roe v wade any restrictions on abortion in one
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nine hundred seventy three through a proverb says before it was mostly the supreme court reversing itself from its own eight hundred eighty six plessy versus ferguson decision which established legal apartheid in the united states and if the supreme court hadn't decided roe versus wade remember the birth control pill had just been invented and brought back to market thirteen years earlier and the women's movement in one thousand nine hundred eighty three was in full bloom if they hadn't done it in seventy three it would have just been a matter of few years before congress took care of that the fact of the matter is that the supreme court has never found eternal truths in the constitution they just reflect current popular view and they usually do that with about a twenty year or one generation time. so let's end the charade that we have nine unelected kings and queens in america who serve for life and can strike down laws the way it works and some constitutional monarchies we don't have
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a monarchy here in the united states this is this supreme court this raw and supreme court has become a cancer on our democracy slowly but steadily eating out all the rest of it tell your members of congress to wake up and read the constitution. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website so tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and our two dogs you can check out our two you tube channels there are links from our dock and the entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free child part and i phone and i pad out in the app store you can send us feedback it's twitter at tom your school or on facebook at tom underscore for our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom harkin dot and don't forget the doctor see begins with you you show up when you participate tag your civil.
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