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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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pressure arrests over the u.k. phone hacking scandal rocked rupert murdoch's already shaky media empire public fury over the case challenges the future of britain's newspaper industry also. they've got to take a nap so they've got to take a chainsaw to government spending and do something about it calls for the u.s. to cut spending and threats to the country's credit rating might be downgraded it will make us fail to raise america's debt ceiling as more states the economic crisis. and the one hundred and thirteen bodies have now been recovered from the
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water something pleasure cruiser disaster on the volga river while divers that continue efforts to find around twenty still missing. a very warm welcome to you this is on the line from moscow i'm rob reception a former executive of the disgraced news of the world has reportedly been arrested over the u.k.'s a phone hacking scandal british m.p.'s meantime pressing rupert murdoch to face questioning of a continuing allegations that several of his newspapers were engaged in a voicemail hacking and bribed senior officials result he's a lawyer and reports the media mogul's read rise over the decades was littered with red flags warning of what was to come. rupert murdoch's push to expand in british media has come to a halt public and political rage overthrown hacking the sports news corp to drop
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its bid to buy satellite broadcaster b. sky b. but some say he's already killed the british press and they were saying it's far back as one thousand nine hundred eighty one that's when he went on a media spending spree and bought amongst others the world renowned times newspaper and news international has been playing a toxic part of our public life for so long but it worked under his ownership circulation just kept on rising in a market that killed authors and sky t.v. a loss making and obscure satellite network rocketed to become the biggest player in the u.k.'s pay t.v. market i do admire rupert murdoch because he's a risk taker when he bought the times and sunday times of london there are people who will say that he saved the newspaper industry but now it's clear that success came with a heavy price tag morality murdoch's journalists kept the ratings high i violating
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and exploiting the vulnerable they hacked the private voice mails of families of dead soldiers and murdered children a sign flee we've seen criminality and invasion of privacy on a staggering industry or scale not even the rich and powerful could escape then chancellor gordon brown's baby was splashed over the front page of the sun his illness a sick headline royal family phones were hacked the scandal even goes right to the heart of the police force senior police officers were bribed by journalists for tipoffs on sensitive investigations private lives were made public now we've got. to be somehow came into gordon brown's private life you have to start you have to stop what else is in of course it's not only it's not just. blanket use of people to train information what should be private sources medical records
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tax records it's taken thirty years for the worst fears about the british press to come true but come true they have the murdoch may own successful newspapers in an ailing market but their papers which have lost their greatest asset the public's trust the u.k. has more c.c.t.v. cameras per person than anywhere else in the world i've counted eight just in this small car park so britain's always know big brother is watching but the question now is what's big brother watching thought and more importantly who's trying to bribe him you are at it. so what will the scandal mean for the global media and i. think it looks like a proper police investigation for the first time in to this it could well mean that we see the rupert murdoch's empire in britain crumbling collapsing its work on the issue with the u.k. based investigative journalist tony gosling check out our website our to talk calm
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for the full interview with. moody's rating agency threatens to review america's triple a credit score for a downgrade that's the first time in over ten years and says there's a risk for us to fail to resolve the deadlock in its budget negotiations but even if the package is approved. a solution to america's debt that's according to investor and co-founder of the quantum fund should rogers. you know understates already has been downgraded the world markets every i'm not the only person who knows that the united states is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world look at the value of the u.s. dollar is down fairly significantly over the past few years they have to increase again ceiling for the moment there's no question about that their choice though for the future is they've got to take an act you know they've got to take a chainsaw to government spending and do something about it they're not going to do
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that they might announce they're going to do it for this to get the budget ceiling passed put aside going to have any effect everybody sees that washington is not going to solve this problem and more and more people are looking for something to replace the u.s. dollars. at the same time eurozone debt crisis now focuses on italy i said the senate is set to vote on tough austerity measures it comes amid concerns that italy the euro zone's its largest economy may become next to ask for help and it was by hard into portugal having very ratings downgraded to junk status dealt a serious blow to the bailout ridden euro block which struggles to prop up its weakest economies u.k. any people not all told r.t. that these latest developments prove the single currency union simply is not what. this was always about politics it was not the economics the idea that you could have a column in the mediterranean in line with economies like germany fast growing economies
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like germany was never going to rate the only way to get out of this mess is for those countries to go back on their national policies to devalue their growth moving. exports going in at the moment because if you think that because they couldn't see these are controlled by frankfurt they're controlled by the european central bank they're not controlled by athens or lisbon or even thought of greece of the people out on the streets in athens and i just wonder how long it will be because the people i will see in the streets in rome and in lisbon and thought this thing is contagious this thing will move right across the continent specifically in the mediterranean and the big issue now facing the european union is really italy is the third largest economy in the eurozone if they start just economy in the world i think the eurozone can actually cope with greece and portugal this modern economy if italy goes the whole thing could cave in because italy goes italy's economy intertwined with spain's under spain and italy go then we are in serious trouble. that plagues sweeping that you are spreads to it's only the arteries of
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max keiser and stacy hope it's got to work of a country's gold reserves might make it an even bigger target in the report are coming your way later today but for now it's a pretty. little actual gold at the i.m.f. and the people who support the i.m.f. the terrorists as i mentioned like eric cantor they are helping to facilitate the thieving of that twenty four hundred tons of gold because that is meaningful they need that gold because of course is the i.m.f. are going to get the airport landing fees from naples or sicily. now. live from moscow and i still to come for you in the program a wave of outrage in israel. the israeli government has managed in fact to hear very very possibility for
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a very think of the peace process people take to the streets as the government pushes through a bill that outlaws speaking out against jewish settlements on occupied palestinian territories. as victims of mumbai's terror attacks are laid to rest we look into who is a behind of the blasts that killed at least seventeen. russia has a less disagreement with the u.s. on the libyan crisis than with some european countries that's the view or foreign minister laughed off after talks with the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has gone into kind of brings us more from our bureau in washington. with regards to leave here both russia and the u.s. have the view that colonel gadhafi must step down and that would leave you should be able to choose their future leader it's the path towards those aims that moscow and washington disagree i mean the world russia criticizes the scope of the and the foreign intervention in libya possible sees the actions of the allied forces the forces there as
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a violation of the un mandate minister lavrov said the resolution is being wrongly interpreted as anyone can do whatever they want for minister was also asked about why it is blocking a u. and they should have to condemn the syrian president assad he said the attitude of the west is exclusively about exerting pressure on one of the parties namely the syrian government and president our side of moscow sees it as sees it as the wrong attitude russia says it sends the wrong message to the syrian opposition prompting them to believe that if they were remain insistent in the situation keeps getting critical the west will come to help them the way it is happening in libya mr lavrov said it's unacceptable that the opposition who resort to violence agitating peaceful protesters into engaging in armed clashes and if actively turning them into a carcass for the police and security forces take a listen to what is a. diploma see exists not so condemn and score political points diplomacy exists to solve problems and make it condemnation without proposing any solution to any
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straight through neither in syria nor in any other place there is a good example of how we are all dealing with the situation in yemen no one's proposing to condemn anyone or a doctor un security council resolution supporting one or another signs everyone is urging the two sides to see down and hold negotiations down to the responsible approach that we hope will prevail america's missile defense plans is one of the most irritating issues in the relations between the two countries president obama has scrapped the bush administration missile defense but they are going ahead with a new play for many. scilab rob said questions need a legally binding guarantees that the project will not threaten russia's security washington has made we're shorting statements before but moscow needs to have it on paper so there is an understanding among the russians that words are good but words in a legally binding document are better. to read a more. sort of visit to washington i just log onto our web site that's all to top
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post alongside lots of other news from the u.s. there's a taste of what's on mind for you right now find out why a monument to the first man in space if you read her current will be gone by old white in the very heart of the not. funny it's a ten year old with a happy ending in a snake scare in the russian city of kaliningrad after a runaway boa constrictor finds its way home i logged on to our dot com to learn how the chimp longsuffering it slipped away in the first place. with the end of the four war and going the way of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared with the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake special the sounds of nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. the civilians to use it
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a day as it's written or as an extra bit you know if you keep spinning a trillion dollars a year on weapons of eventually you're going to blow everybody up you can't you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see if people don't wake up to nuclear weapons or a bill. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war this. is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today.
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wealthy british style. markets trying to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's culture the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on r t. l a quarter past the hour here in moscow and without me as time has continued to retrieve bodies from the volga river the number confirmed dead after a pleasure cruise is sinking on sunday has now risen to one hundred ten meanwhile yet more details emerge over procedural violations that could have contributed to the tragedy that bulgaria crew reportedly under stated the number of the passengers
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on board to obtain permission of controllers to set sail climbing the number on board of three just twenty instead of two hundred forty somebody now joins us live from the disaster site now and so you have more arrests and more revelations of the investigation does seem to be picking up pace so we any closer to a single explanation. well not yet roy but as you say the first arrests have been made and this is starting to move beyond just a disaster recovery operation the key people that have been arrested so far. she is the owner of the company that rents a double daria for what would be. its final voyage also yeah cause you are sure he is a state expert on shipping and some time before that voyage he said that the area was fit to sail and so perhaps was negligent in that decision you also mentioned the how were the daria when it was leaving port it's standard procedure for the ships
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to to say to ports how many passengers they're carrying as a number of checks before a ship leaves for any voyage and officials at the port were told that the ship was carrying twenty people instead of two hundred it was made to carry one hundred forty people twenty means it's nearly empty two hundred means it's absolutely bulging and so that if it had been honest and said they had two hundred people on board it's very likely they wouldn't have been allowed to leave port. o'connor what about what about the ongoing search for the bodies of those who are still missing there now. divers are still working in teams in our in our out in a on a platform out in the river over the sunken bowl garra it's now estimated there are around a dozen bodies left to be recovered divers have explored most of the ship now there might be some places left where bodies could be but it is possible that some of those bodies may know may not be in the ship they may be in the water around the
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ship and in a worst case scenario currents may have carried some of the bodies up to two hundred kilometers downstream so they may have to increase their search area for some of those bodies but there's also been revelations added to the to the case of the of the ball garia and it's particularly concerning to ships just after the sinking passed by and didn't pick a single person up there's been massive public fury over this and that has recently been perhaps somewhat. by the views of some experts saying that actually these two ships had to rives with people in the water and in the oil slick around them they weren't passenger ships they were barges and it would have actually been very difficult for them to pick people up and they may have actually hindered the third ship the arabella which came and did start to pick people up we earlier spoke to the captain in exclusive interview the captain of the arabella
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saying what he found when his ship arrived at the scene of the disaster. it happened really fast five to ten minutes after we heard the distress call as we approached it was hard to distinguish in the dark water of people who were alive from the rubble that was floating around people were in panic when we rescued them in a state of shock some suffering from traumas they were all covered in oil field that was leaking from the sunken ship it was a terrifying picture i have to say. the captain of the arabella also added his own views to those of those two other captains he was in the vicinity as they were and he gave his own views on the public fury and the experts saying well maybe it was they didn't do such an awful thing let's hear what he had to say about that. we were approaching the position of the tragically almost at the same time as it could be cargo ship i don't know why he didn't stop
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maybe and try to but the inertia of heavy cargo wouldn't let him but as we approached the site its presence could only hamper the rescue operation asked him to proceed and not waste time. so there is very mixed feelings now about the role of these two ships the rescue operation will will shortly if they can recover the rest of these bodies be moving into its next phase and that is for two ships specially equipped to try and raise the sunken bowl garia and then it will be known hopefully in a proper investigation you can start as to why this ship sank and sank so fast causing so much tragedy artist our partner reporting from russia's republic of thought a kind of stand thank you very much. we've got more on our website including the full interview with a captain who's a ship and crew helped save over eighty people from a sunken cruiser log on to a party top combat firsthand account there's also footage of the underwater
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recovery operation still underway in the volga river. a wave of criticism is gathering momentum in israel over a new bill that outlaws the boycott of jewish settlements on occupied palestinian territory opposition parties have called the law an attempt by the weaker government to silence the people one peace movement has petition but supreme court against the bill coming to a. stormy session in the knesset on wednesday as he was himself forced to defend a law some member states are protesting. legislation imposes fines on boycott organizers and allow settlers to sue them for compensation or has pushed the already distant possibility of peace talks with palestinians even further well that's the view of hillel bennett a spokesperson for the solidarity movement. obviously this is not the only and only democratic law but it also shows that in a sense in a very deep sense settlements already lost
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a large part to their original raiser was in the international community only in israel because that is the only view that is the only reason why you need to search in search of such petitions as the boy that petitions your current regime in israel is not really interested in promoting a very big peace accord with. this move is not only another bash in the face. of the chances. to reach a peace accord but also all. services a very strong step forward diligent always being there for the israeli peace is fighting for if you're going to church we support. you with our to live from moscow it's good to have your company today let's take a moment to check out some other international headlines for you a suicide bomber has a type of memorial service for the. the native half brother of afghan president hamid karzai poor people were killed in the blast that rocked the mosque including a top cleric a day earlier two explosions shook the city of kandahar during the funeral ceremony for ahmed wali karzai but the leaders brother was shot twice by a family friend
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a longtime head of security on tuesday. egypt's ruling military council has announced it will fire hundreds of police officers implicated in the killing of protesters in february the interim government also announced that elections should all for september will be delayed meanwhile protests carry on for the seventh day running into rear square the epicenter of the original uprising that ousted president hosni mubarak. well the victims of three coordinated bombings are being laid to rest in mumbai at least seventeen were killed when blasts struck three locations and downtown one by during the evening rush hour no one's yet claimed responsibility for the attacks though investigators say terror groups are being probed initial reports suggest the most likely culprit is the indian which i have seen and that could mean the attacks were organized from wrong because according to our she should have investigations ever so with the help that we can eat magazine in mumbai. shared we will go on jo
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moore do you a lot of good looking you. want because of this book i got this group basically has not stipulated financial support from across the border in pakistan so i decided as you know to think is good i did it. but you know you can see from politically a. nation which we have made you can be six eleven less critical was you know during this term or do you jamile the last seventy two years there have been the instability financial support you have been created to you seem to go to darkest times and you come back and do india and then you think. that i would have to call or email. the bosses back in pakistan and get you to conclude your plan to get a strike you got a mission maybe you can stand. well write to you without me i'll be back tracked
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later on our top stories in just a few minutes here prefers the business news with well. hello and welcome to business here on artsy thank you for joining us now precious metals are enjoying another strong session as investors look for a safe haven from the storm brewing in the world's biggest economies all this post in fresh record highs and seen as a traditional store of value it's being driven by concerns over the u.s. that situation and the prospect the federal reserve will print yet more dollars but also a lot of all senior trader you t.x. capital believes there is no limit to the current rally. it did look like a few weeks ago that the price of gold was going to come in lower but you're starting to see increased eurozone concerns increased inflationary concerns the prospect of more quantitative easing more stimulus spending from the from the
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federal reserve we thought that that finished at the end of june and now in the last couple of days or so there's an increased likelihood that the federal reserve could start to print more money and that is going to go to two areas that's going to go to gold and equities are most likely gold at the moment so obviously sixteen hundred dollars would be an obvious level for gold to hit and then you've got season profit do you take it off the table then you could push through that and there's no ceiling you could carry on going to see hundred eighteen hundred dollars . and that's take a look at the markets now or oil is next after two days of gains we're still see worries over the debt situation in the u.s. with some fear in the world's biggest economy will face that period of stagnation. and let's take a look at what's happening in europe the markets there are trading in negative territory that's driven by the overall on certainty of our debt problems both anything. you asked lloyds banking group in spain on two percent bucking the trend
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in london and in frankfurt metro a.g. and commerce bank are down by one point five percent so far carmakers b.m.w. v.w. and daimler are strong. and in the rush hour markets are max this hour coming back from stronger fall soon after the opening let's take a look at some of the individual movers on the my sax i don't you shares are coming back with gas from losing almost point eight percent is also lower in the year in point four percent telecom story and frost telecom it's. trading had seen in the past couple of months it's also down almost point nine percent. springs. yes it's ready to declare a war on russia's cash driven society it wants companies and people to switch to electronic payment methods the bank claims their high proportion of cash in the economy is halting growth causing the country to lose up to one point one percent
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of g.d.p. spread banks address pain all salaries and pensions and supplant accounts instead of handing over of move all bills it also wants the government to offer tax incentives for non cash payments. the ratings agencies like s. and p. and moody's have become the subject of vicious attacks from politicians across europe the agency's claims and the pentagon assessment of the credit worthiness of countries but they have been blamed for helping cause the crisis by stirring up alarm however some analysts suggest this means they're doing a good job. the ratings agencies quite justifiably came in for a lot of criticism during the global financial crisis we're accused of being overoptimistic they were taking some fairly generous assumptions about ability to repay there were sometimes overlooking some fairly fatal flaws in some derivative structures but it's fair to say i think most reasonable people would agree that
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perhaps the ratings agencies did contribute to the global financial crisis however i think there's been a notable improvement in standards over the course of the last two or three years and the fact that the ratings agencies now are actually getting so much criticism from european finance ministers probably suggest they're doing their job rather well. and that's all it is a snooze for an hour join us for another hour they've got about fifty minutes in the meantime states in for the headlines for the boree.
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for the full scope we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on the t.v. . commission free equity taishan free comes for charges free from a challenge free risk free. to free. and free blog can come in video for your media projects and free media john darche dot com.


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