tv [untitled] July 14, 2011 10:01am-10:31am EDT
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scientifically we've seen criminality and invasion of privacy on a staggering industrial scale not even the rich and powerful could escape then chancellor gordon brown's baby was splashed over the front page of the sun his illness a sick headline royal family phones were hacked the scandal even goes right to the heart of the police force senior police officers were bribed by journalists for tipoffs on sensitive investigations private lives were made public now we've got. to be some hacking into gordon brown's private life you have to so you have to stop what else is in and of course it's the heart of it it's not just. the use of what we call blanket these are people to information what should be private sources like medical records tax records it's taken thirty years for the worst fears about the british press to come true but come true they have murdoch may own
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successful newspapers in an ailing market but their papers which have lost their greatest asset the public's trust the u.k. has more c.c.t.v. cameras per person than anywhere else in the world i've counted eight just in this small car park so britain's always know big brother is watching but the question now is what's big brother watching for and more importantly who's trying to bribe him lower and it r.t. london what might of the scandal mean for the global murdoch media empire. looks like a proper police investigation for the first time in to this it could well mean that we see the rupert murdoch's empire in britain crumbling collapsing we spoke on the issue with investigative journalist tony gosling check out our website. for the full interview with him. here we are live from moscow now as divers continue to retrieve bodies from the volga river the number of confirmed dead after the
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pleasure cruiser sinking on sunday has risen to one hundred thirteen meanwhile yet more details emerge of procedural violations that could have contributed to the tragedy the bull daria's crew reportedly under stated the number of the passengers on board to obtain permission from river controllers to set sail they claimed the number on board to be just twenty instead of two hundred r.t.s. dumbarton brings us the latest from the disaster site. the first arrests have been made and this is starting to move beyond just a disaster recovery operation the two people that have been arrested so far are. she is the owner of the company that rented the ball daria for what would be its final voyage also. he is a state expert on shipping and sometime before that voyage he said that the bulgaria was fit to sail and so perhaps was negligent in that decision divers are still working in teams in our in our out in a on
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a platform out in the river over the sunken bowl garcia it's now estimated there are around a dozen bodies left to be recovered divers have explored most of the ship now there might be some places left where bodies could be but it is possible that some of those bodies may know may not be in the ship they may be in the water around the ship and in a worst case scenario currents may have carried some of the bodies up to two hundred kilometers downstream there's also been revelations added to the case of the of the bowl garia and was particularly concerning to ships just after the sinking but passed by and didn't pick a single person up there's been massive public fury over this and that has recently been perhaps somewhat tempered by the views of some experts saying that actually these two ships that arrived with people in the water and in the oil
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slick around them they weren't passenger ships they were barges and it would have actually been very difficult for them to pick people up and they may have actually hindered the third ship the arabella which came in did start to pick people up we earlier spoke to the captain in exclusive interview the captain of the arabella saying what he found when his ship arrived at the scene of the disaster i want to get a little bit of it happened really fast you have five to ten minutes after we heard the distress call. as we approached it was hard to distinguish in the dark water people who were alive from the rubble that was floating around and people were in panic when we rescued them were going to state of shock with some suffering from other traumas they were all covered in oil fuel that was leaking from the sunken ship it was a terrifying picture of discerning the. captain of the arabella also added his own views to those of those two other captains he was in the vicinity as they were and he gave his own views on the public fury and the experts saying well maybe it was they didn't do such an awful thing let's hear what he had to say about that.
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because we were approaching the position of the tragedy it was almost at the same time as every cargo ship and i don't know why he didn't stop to maybe try to get the inertia of heavy cargo wouldn't let him but as we approached the side its presence could only hamper the risky want to ration him to proceed and not waste time so there's very mixed feelings now about the role of these two ships the rescue operation will shortly if they can recover the rest of these bodies be moving into its next phase and that is for two ships specially equipped to try and raise this sunken bowl garia and then it will be known hopefully in a proper investigation can start as to why this ship sank and sank so fast causing so much tragedy. right there what we've got more on our website including a footage of the recovery operation still underway in the volga river i logged on to r.t. dot com for the first hand account. moody's rating
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agency threatens to review america's aaa credit score for a downgrade that's the first time in over ten years it says that there's a risk the u.s. could fail to resolve the deadlock in its budget negotiations and even if the package is approved it's unlikely to offer a solution to america's debt well that's according to investor and co-founder of the quantum find jim rogers. you know and the state's already has been downgraded in the world markets every i'm not the only person who knows that the united states is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world look at the value of the u.s. dollar is down fairly significantly over the past few years they have to increase again ceiling for the moment there's no question about the out there choice so for the future is they've got to take an axe you know they've got to take a chainsaw to government spending and do something about it they're not going to do that they might announce they're going to do it for this to get the budget ceiling passed put aside going to have any effect everybody sees that washington is not going to solve this problem and more and more people are looking for something to
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replace the u.s. dollar and at the same time the eurozone debt crisis now focuses on italy where the senate has approved tough austerity measures the package is set to receive final approval in the country's lower house on friday it comes amid concerns that italy the euro zone's third largest economy may become the next to ask for a helping hand and follows both island and portugal having very ratings downgraded to junk status dealt a serious blow to the vale out written euro law which struggles to prop up its weakest economies more on the e.u. don't worry so we now are joined by writer and patrick young i thank you for joining us today so tough budget cuts in italy are now a step closer to reality will that help to deal with the debt without taking its begging bowl to the e.u. do you think already i think it's going to be a huge problem for italy because the difficulty is the cuts are good in one way forty seven billion euros start to be helping hand but the problem is that mr
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skilling in the presence of the prime minister of italy is deter trying to push back the cuts so they won't take effect until twenty thirteen well that's a long way away you look at how much the world is moving at the moment just from what we do the next year together in order to and you can see that the whole problem is that we are facing a contagion it's interesting how you say he's pushing about a two thousand and thirteen is not exactly a quick fix or right there we've already witnessed the reaction to a budget cuts in greece will italy now be swamped in civil unrest or the people just going to take to the streets. well you know it's one of those things i mean at all points in time when you try to defeat a client states and what are you going to be very very large and blow to the public sector where you've even got let's face it i mean that members of parliament in italy get paid something like twice as much as they get paid in the good pay or germany you've got a lot of people who are going to complain there will be one significant difference between the people who take to the streets between greece and italy and that is that a greece at least thank goodness the taxi drivers don't go on strike where is nuclei expected almost everybody is going to end up on strike and it's going to be
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absolutely chaotic the only way they can slip this through is perhaps because we do have this long lead in time until the cuts really start to make an impact in two thousand and thirteen but i think the problem is in the meantime a large amount of the sort of the leftist opposition in italy for see the fact that silvio berlusconi many of the reasons most of which are outside of the direct fiscal reason are well i mean he's a wounded animal at this point in time and in some ways i think that he's going to be finding it very difficult to hold his government together now if you're the euro zone's are third largest economy and saving it would require more cash than bailing out greece or portugal this point i mean our partners are ready for a rescue operation on that scale that might seem there's quite a lot of a bailout fatigue going across the region. well look i mean this is really a crisis because i mean greece is only what two and a half percent of the entire euro zone economy something like but it will get it's a serious heavy hitter as everybody who's ever bought
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a designer italian brand or an italian car or another italian engineering knows and it's ultimately going to be hugely difficult i mean the germans only two days ago have issued or a fairly robust and not mind to the whole idea that they are going to manage to involve themselves in some sort of a rescue it's a huge crisis and actually i don't really know that the euro zone has either the stomach politically to manage to rescue this economy or indeed that they've got the funds to do it i mean to put it the print correct of italy needs to launch a bar and they need to issue about one billion u.s. dollars. trillion u.s. dollars in the course of the next six to nine months of re funding for their reforms not that whole lot of people to get investments and i think it's going to be very difficult because one of the big issues. in the italian economy instead if we look at the money it's money and credit in the economy it's defining rampantly
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what does that tell us it tells us that a touch or scared or their fiscal future a way of ordinary citizens who are scared and they're scared not just in italy they're scared in germany in other parts of the euro zone as well then really it's going to. credible political leadership managed to get a side of this crisis and at the moment actually we have a complete absence of government at the euro zone level and that's very worrying the leading politicians and government was not really getting involved there were there was always been some skepticism about the smaller economies like greece and ireland but if it is now join you know the list what other eurozone surprises do you think a lie ahead for us because it seems to be as you were saying a contagion earlier just spreading spreading across europe. well of course you know the french are celebrating but still day to day it's a huge holiday everybody's been out marching celebrating the events of seven hundred eighty nine of the revolution there the truth of the matter is that the that the french have not managed to have their their government current account in surplus so i think nine hundred seventy or one hundred seventy five the lifetime of
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many people who are watching this bulletin it's absolutely crazy all of europe's governments have got too much debt and actually i would echo jim rogers words of just a few moments ago this is a fundamental debt crisis across the whole euro zone and in fact what's incredible is we have an atari and mario draghi who's going to be the next head of the european central bank he's coming into office of the moment and he himself notes the solvency of sovereign states is no longer to be taken for granted in other words at this point in time any possible shock could take place the difficulty years but all of the large economies along side most of the small ones have all the road too much money and i think the problem is also look at the continued not just within the eurozone itself but within the broader european continent and that for example leads us to the united kingdom they've been making cuts but at the same point in time the amount of money that they've cut in the course of the last year from their budget only just about equal to the amount of money they've just had to
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put into the bailout fund of the i.m.f. itself there are big problems in western europe rory the heavens to be in are definitely to the east and everyone fortunately expect further surprises because the academic the contagion seems to be spreading and we have no political leadership seeming to do with the right patrick young a writer and editor thank you you thank. one of the debt a plague sweeping across the e.u. spreads to italy oxys max keiser and stacy her but discuss whether the country's gold reserves might even make it a bigger target that's in the cause a reporter coming your way next hour but for now or here's a preview. italy's got actual gold that the i.m.f. and the people who support the i.m.f. the terrorists as i mentioned like eric cantor they are helping to facilitate the thieving of that twenty four hundred tons of gold because that is meaningful they need that gold because of course is the i.m.f. going to get the airport landing fees from naples or sicily. no.
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you with r.t. live from moscow now russia has less disagreement with the u.s. on the libyan crisis than with some european countries that's the view of foreign minister sergei lavrov after talks with the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton. brings us more from our bureau in washington with regards to leave both russia and the u.s. have the view that colonel gadhafi must step down and that the leaders should be able to choose their future leader it's the path towards those aims that moscow and washington disagree on the world russia criticizes the scope of the into the foreign intervention in libya possible sees the actions of the allied forces forces there as a violation of the u.n. mandate minister lavrov said the resolution is being wrongly interpreted as anyone can do whatever they want for minister laugh it off was also asked about why russia
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is blocking a u. and they should have to condemn the syrian president assad he said the attitude of the west is exclusively about exerting pressure on one of the parties namely the syrian government and president all side of moscow sees it as sees it as the wrong attitude russia says it sends the wrong message to the syrian opposition prompting them to believe that if they were remain insistent in the situation keeps getting critical the west will come to help them the way it is happening in libya mr lavrov said it's unacceptable that the opposition resort to violence agitating peaceful protesters into engaging in armed clashes and effectively turning them into targets for the police and security forces take a listen going to deploy more diplomacy exists not to condemn and score political points diplomacy exists to solve problems and make it condemnation without proposing any solution won't leaders to any breakthrough neither in syria nor in any other place there is a good example of how we are all dealing with the situation in yemen no one's
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tripos into condemning anyone or a doctor un security council resolution supporting one or another science everyone is urging the two sites. down in hold negotiations dance a responsible approach that we hope will prevail america's missile defense plans is one of the most irritating issues in the relations between the two countries president obama has scrapped the bush administration missile defense plans but they're going ahead with a new plan for minutes the level of said russians need for him legally binding guarantees that the project will not threaten russia's security washington has made reassuring statements before but moscow needs to have it on paper so there is an understanding among the russians that words are good but words in a legally binding document are better. and it's a remark about the agreements reached during his visit to washington going to our website dot com that's alongside other news and videos and lots of blogs as well he's a taste of what's waiting for you on line right now and find out why
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a monument to the first man in space yuri gagarin has been unveiled right in the very heart of london also a furry a fugitive for freedom most people run away to do this but this unusual group escaped from one a depressive a monkey and the parrot all got together to get away from it all find out how they made their way to break loose. on. a wave of criticism is gathering momentum in israel over a new bill that allows the boycott of israel in jewish settlements on occupied palestinian territory opposition parties have called the law an attempt by a week in the government to silence the people one peace movement has petitioned the supreme court against the prime minister netanyahu who faced a stormy session in the knesset on wednesday as he himself was forced to defend them or someone was staging a protest walk out the legislation imposes fines on boycott organizers and allows
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settlers to sue them for compensation. from the boycott divestment and sanctions movement in ramallah says the bill will only make the pro palestinian actual story . has never been a democracy and can never be a democracy so long as it's an apartheid state so long as it has tens of flaws discriminating between its jewish and non jewish citizens so long as it denies millions of palestinian refugees the right to return home and so long as it continues with its occupation of the west bank including is true as well as gaza so a country committing such violations of international law of basic human rights cannot call itself a democracy professor illan puppet israeli historian maybe had to try to win he said israel is that heading for which is a. mocker see only for the master class not for everyone and if anything israel is going it's really pushing fast forward in digging the grave of its occupation and apartheid as long as palestinian rights are not respected by israel as long as the
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occupation continues apartheid continues then i look at refugee rights continues palestinians have no choice but to continue to resist to continue to struggle. it's an hour twenty three minutes past the hour here in moscow you with r t it's time for some other international headlines for you the brief victims of the three coordinated bombings in mumbai being laid to rest at least seventeen were killed when blasts struck three locations downtown during the evening rush hour police say the attacks were well prepared and the explosive devices were quite sophisticated investigators admit they have no immediate suspects but all terror groups are being part of. a suicide bomber has attacked at the memorial service for the assassinated half brother of afghan president hamid karzai four people were killed in the blast that rocked the mosque including a top cleric a day earlier two explosions shook the city of kandahar during the funeral ceremony for ahmed wali karzai the leader's brother was shot twice by his family friend and
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longtime head of security on tuesday. egypt's ousted president hosni mubarak has reportedly told you are there you said they didn't order the crackdown on protesters during february's uprising that's after the country's ruling military council announced it will fire hundreds of police officers implicated in the killing of almost a thousand demonstrators meanwhile protests carry on for the seventh day running in tahrir square of course that was the epicenter of the original uprising that ousted the former president. well the pentagon is reportedly preparing to launch a new strategy to defend itself from cyber attacks this comes as a media campaign warns against the threat from al qaeda because in just about ten minutes time we speak to security software mogul you have to keep he says it's the so-called activists who pose the real threat. the books where the guys do for money is are less dangerous than others do just for fun or
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like protest and it's even more dangerous because they are getting more experienced and more free to the called the police is for tourists to employ these forces i am afraid that in the future of cyber terrorism. will kidnap or force them. all right now it's time for the business news with marina. i. hello and welcome to business here on r.t. thank you for joining us now safe haven assets such as gold are scenery new demand over fears the u.s. could lose its top notch credit rating moody's investor service is threatening to downgrade the country due to political deadlock over raising the states that ceiling although is still seen as unlikely by many analysts a downgrade could cause mayhem in the markets. money investment funds etc must only
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invest in aaa so therefore a lot of the would have to divest of their investments in u.s. treasuries and that would put. pressure to the downside on the treasuries yields would go up become more expensive for the united states to borrow money from what is pretty a pretty poor deficit situation at the moment so it would be quite grim and would harm the u.s. is the prospects for g.d.p. growth in the future but in the end the consequences of a default by the united states far too far even for these people to contemplate and therefore i would probably suggest that they know will come to an agreement both sides will have to give way a little bit but they'll come to an agreement in the end. and let's take a look at the markets now and call this trading at a record high as investors look for a place to park cash silver is there an even better itself three percent but it's still some way short of the record that set
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a couple of months ago. now wall street opened on the positive note after reports of a three month low for jobless benefits applications clinical friend ups is leading the gains among energy stocks after announcing plans to spin off its refining units and on the losing side the shares of hotel chain marriott international fell by about four point eight percent after its third quarter earnings would be below expectations but it's like a look at what's happening in europe while the markets there are flats in the negative although lloyds banking group is putting on over three percent sparking the trend in london and frankfurt metro a.g. and commerce bank are down about three percent while carmakers b.m.w. v.w. and daimler are strong. and in rush hour markets have made a comeback of the art c.s. and my sex are trading in the black this hour. let's take a look at some individual movers on. the my sacks of gas from is losing point three
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percent sperm bank is positive the sour point seventy four percent and telecoms giant ross telecom has left the negative territory it's now up just over one percent. russia's biggest company is plug n n c europe's power generating sector gas from n germany's r w e r to create a joint venture with plants across the continent earlier der spiegel magazine reports that the russian gas monopoly could become a key stakeholder in r w e investing as much as fourteen billion dollars r w e needs cash as it seeks to develop new sources of energy after the german government decided to abandon you clear power. well that's all the business news for now and join us for another update in about fifteen minutes in the meantime stay tuned for the headlines.
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a threat all as an actual bit you know if you keep spinning a trillion dollars a year on weapons of benchley you're going to blow everybody up you can you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't wake up to nuclear weapons or build the new features. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war and this second sound is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today. in india all these available in the move go hard on the joints the hoto the violence the gateway hoto the grand imperial trying to torch western coast coromandel new. the socialist says don't need to go. read this in the kennel was
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her job as a retreat. six thirty pm here in the russian capital and without seeing a brief summary headlines fresh arrests over the u.k.'s phone hacking scandal rocked rupert murdoch's already shaken with the media mogul himself facing difficult questions meanwhile the public fury over the case that challenges the future of britain's newspaper industry. calls for the u.s. to cut spending and the threats to the country's credit rating could be downgraded if lawmakers fail to raise america's debt ceiling that says more states plunge deeper into economic crisis with italy becoming the latest countries of possible austerity measures. and the one hundred and thirteen bodies have now been recovered from the office sunday's pleasures of disaster on the volga river this while divers
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continue efforts to find around twenty films. was hacking a global many are looking for new ways to make computer systems safe talks to security software mogul. who shares his view on the issue that interview is right now. thank you very much for being with us today so i was just wondering did you or do you personally know someone who is directly personally involved in cyber crime. fortunately in the hall because we are great far from these people that keep our way to a good distance are about are we are there working with cyber police departments and different cultures so we know all these bad guys from our contacts and police
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and are also from news. fortunately this cyber police force is globally there they're doing their job better and better your brain so the a more professional and the i think that i hope they were able to handle the situation so all we see these people from the news are we see these people in the grown internet forums and we see we understand this people from the job they do from their from the crime from a cyber crime which with treason by court which would varies by statistics romantic to the computers actually where abortion in this world but we are not in touch with that well who are the people when you think about it are those lunatics or is this a well organized criminal society or will in the past there were just you'd still need years there so a bit of a.
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