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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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today is the do you mind is nineteen days the evil day and obama says it is up is enough well we're not really sure how he said it but i'm sure it was the only as our commander in chief could muster we got some great guests tonight charlie beams of the british love police joins us on a recent nine eleven flip flop and retired colonel douglas a mcgregor has something to say about obama's big picture abroad we've got nigel died with an update from the d.c. coalition of police the police how do you special recognition against the police firefighters uses on armed cops in d.c. and a case there was any doubt the department of defense the united states marine corps
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and the commander in chief have officially denied all responsibility for adam vs the man. ladies and gentlemen but the vote is nearly upon us is no fan of obama says so just as he may have declared he will lose his presidency over the budget deal. we're going to go through all this is so i can understand if you're on the night of the have missions. this means midnight all of a sudden. today
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is the wind is the one thousand days to the fall day and it go she asians at the white house continue as we are now getting our reporting on the issue of e.a.p. from unnamed republican sources who claim that the talks ended perhaps dramatically when obama stood up and said enough is enough i'll see you all tomorrow and in a nearly two hour session yesterday but since the sessions are off the record we don't really know how he said it could have been. off i'll see you all to morrow or maybe enough is enough i'll see you all tomorrow we're still on impressions i ever get those now obama's got to have an ace up his sleeve you know i know it's
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coming but he may be on the ropes as according to another unnamed republican obama also said quote i've reached my limit this may bring my presidency down but i will not yield on this i got it he's going to use this to appeal to his base because he's so noble and willing to sacrifice for principle but the way the a.p. is also reporting that quote according to people who are in the room obama also said let's stop the posturing and positioning stop catering to the political base and let's start compromising. so what is it oh compromise is the principle now makes sense doesn't it fortunately a man of power and prestige doesn't have to compromise when it comes to his birthday according to the chicago sun times on august third the day after d.-day obama plans to celebrate his birthday back in chicago with fundraisers with pickets
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ranging from fifty dollars to thirty five thousand dollars eight hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred dollars per couple and for just ten thousand dollars you could even get a photo with the president i would want to spend my birthday making money like that but if d.-day hits without a deal on the debt limit and without a deal ready for me to go she actions to go through the legislative grinder by july twenty second there is effectively no deal then on that same day that obama is polishing up his cufflinks in chicago at least according to him he will have to choose between sending out checks for social security military salaries veterans pensions unemployment benefits student loans and you know stuff we've come to depend on the feds for i'm against all the dependency but this is not the way to pull the rug out from underneath people with obama making last minute after the minute decisions can the government live within its means certainly but that's not the point of all this political theater this is about politics to the politicians
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to i think the sixty nine percent of the public that doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling they may be called stupid by the political class but i think they understand to them it isn't politics they don't like the political maneuvering they want to live within their means so he says us to mean the government i say us to mean weak people and to us it's becoming obvious that whether by direct taxation or by inflation this is all just a big fake them and we're starting to see that the ultimate effect of the government's intervention in all aspects of the economy is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. so welcome to atlas shrugged was lee mouches apparently in charge of payroll in cambridge massachusetts you know tyrannical little municipal government seem to be all the rage lately in cambridge it pays to be gay hairy gay couples will officially be paid more than straight couples or
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individuals yeah well to of course each according to their need or all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others incomes will be supplemented for twenty to homosexual workers to offset their additional taxes because they're in a homosexual relationship the value of their health coverage is considered taxable income the additional taxation yeah that's wrong period but this illusion is not for governments this is literally trying to treat a symptom instead of the disease the disease being the income tax itself. in england the murdoch phone hacking scandal rolls on with a ninth person arrested by scotland yard since the new investigation began in january. no not murdoch who i wonder why are you smiling like that anyway not rupert murdoch owner of news corp second largest media conglomerate in the world who many people would like to see arrested but rather neil wallis former news
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of the world executive editor now the scandal is threatening the western wing of the murdoch empire is low democrat senator jay rockefeller of the insidious rockefeller banking cartel has been stalking us put around the senate floor and anger there's speculation that the phones of nine eleven victims were also hacked by news corp own ellis and about half a dozen senators and congressman have joined in calling for a formal investigation as he said quote i am concerned that the admitted phone hacking in london by the news by the news corp may have extended to nine eleven victims or other americans if they did the consequences will be severe that process is already started the f.b.i. announced today that they will be conducting an investigation both into companies held by murdoch in the united states as well as england but what constitutes severe for a corporate empire slap on the wrist a fine a bailout i may never take the side of a rockefeller again but go get mr rockefeller so why is
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murdoch smiling all creepy like oh it's because while news of the world former employees were filing for unemployment and others at murdoch's main british company news international side what to do with the b. sky b. buyout bit rupert seems to be enjoying the personal attention lavished on him and his spread legs by media outlets other than his own as seen in this photo by steve parsons with a wire. well there seems to be a fuss about an old man showing off his pace to liver spotted guys as is often the case with powerful men trying to assert their virility by working out the hot young female trainer in public and truly revealing nature of such embarrassing impromptu photo shoots usually reveals something nor is is that really necessary ok i think murdoch may be enjoying the attention more than he's in anguish over the scandal it's the young female trainer stuck with him in
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the backseat of that car who looks like she's in pain and joining me now from across the pond an interview we've been trying to do for several weeks now we are joined by charlie beech founder of the british love police recently he was invited to be a part of a british b.b.c. documentary series about conspiracy theorists and was taken to see some of the sites around nine eleven here in the united states and talk to a variety of experts and has now officially changed his position from dean one of the most outspoken advocates of nine eleven truth to say it couldn't have possibly been the government because they're not competent enough to have pulled something off charlie thanks so much for being with us tonight. thanks for having me on the just want to just correct you there i don't think i was one of the most prominent advocates assisted my channels on high profile and i mentioned this number so that was a true third and i've never really done for crying stake in the ground by nine eleven
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sure just i did get interested as we all do ok well then what will come back to that but first tell us about the story you were invited to take part in in this documentary series what did you see that fundamentally changed your mind. it's not so much what i saw the fundamentally changed my mind it's just the whole experience openness on thinking clearly on my feet ground zero at the top of building seven at the pentagon of flight ninety three and a lot of conspiracy theories aren't really based in fact on the i got to grill experts they retired or not retired and their chosen field about what happened he explains to me quite reasonably quite logically that it wasn't a controlled demolition but it wasn't an inside job. the intelligence agencies m f that basically so the b.b.c. give you a chance to in that same context hear from some of the critics of the official
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government story about what happened on nine eleven well yeah some of the people we spoke you. and they were incredibly critical of the nine eleven commission report they were incredibly critical of the cia and they were they were calling for bush to be impeached and for cheney to be thrown in jail so but we also went all down on what grounds specifically were they calling for those charges then obviously the incompetence failures around nine eleven and also lying about the u.n. these and the iraq invasion so all the stuff that happened on the day of or afterwards nothing in premeditation nothing in terms of conspiracy let it happen on purpose or made it happen on purpose but you're saying you talked to people at the cia and f.b.i. you were saying it for what they did on that day and what in following bush and cheney should be investigated in process possibly prosecuted for their actions around nine eleven and covering up government competence. yes they did and to be
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participants i was one of five people they got so many engineers its authority controlled demolition analysis but because of the way the program was filmed i wasn't in that group but i got to meet the skeptics i just got to meet very dispassionate people who i could tell by hanging out with them wouldn't be the kind of normal man that would be terrified of federal agents or part of some giant illuminati conspiracy they were just normal americans so were there any specific facts your revelation has as hands down or was it just sort of like the narrative you had isn't as strong as the narrative the b.b.c. presented you with. us a very loaded question i don't offer sleep it wasn't a revelation also. i can't accept it's evil options you've given me there ok it wasn't it wasn't a revelation it was just it and i guess i spent four or five years looking at you conspiratorial view of nine eleven and then before i went to america i started my
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doubts thing wait a minute what if those buildings still pretty much as we've been explained what if building seven are so strange only there which we don't know because we're not engineered what if i'm wrong basically i went to america and the main one i was grilling the engineers on the controlled demolition expert guy was how come one of the tower starts at the trip took over it and when it corrected itself and fell through but when you actually study and there's this countless studies of how the actual world trade center is built the middle columns of the outside bit the stuff in the middle is just a ok we're going to have a chance to get into those details new or have you back on to talk about this would grouse and take the old bird when look it's back in a couple weeks but you're saying that you've gone for what happened on building seven you're now accepting the government's story of some fluke rather then some of the very contradicting testimonies we've had of controlled demolition in response to some fluke or some other damage that day i think the truth is somewhere in the
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middle of them i think the conspiracy theory side not fully correct and i think the official government line is basically the propaganda ok fair where a lot of was a chance to get big we had just a second left why do you think so many people are upset with you for having made this change in your position. because maybe they invested too much in my opinion i guess or emotional investment in the nine eleven truth movement in general perhaps . i think so yes well i appreciate you having the courage to come on and talk about this and explain and we will get into this again in the future but also thank you for having the courage through examine your promises and not being afraid to defend your conclusions trial even if all the british love police from london thanks so much for being with us tonight. outstanding all right when we come back we'll have the greater the former army colonel. what the president is going on in afghanistan and i think on the d.c. coalitions of police the police would not be with god satan you're watching out of
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versus them right back. in the us. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions come to didn't break through a bit through to be made who can you trust no one who is you know deal with a global mission that would see where we had a state controlled capitalism in school satchel so when nobody dares to
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ask what we do you are a key question morning. welcome back to adam vs the man now when i was a sergeant in iraq i served in a civil affairs unit and would like to think that my little experience in fallujah gave me a certain situational awareness on foreign policy not just great war stories it's all checks of cars but then most war stories that are totally made up anyway so the discussion of always broader foreign policy strategy bring in the big downside joining me now is colonel douglas a mcgregor. out there of warriors rage the great tank battle of seventy three easting he's also a retired army colonel and the recipient of a bronze star with a v. for valor for his leadership in the battle of seventy three he's seen as a squadron operations officer in the gulf war and which would tend and thirteen
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bradley's unit destroyed almost seventy republican guard armored vehicles and twenty three minutes he served in the army from one nine hundred seventy six until two thousand and four colonel thanks so much for being with us tonight but so from from your perspective with what we're seeing in afghanistan and pakistan today a lot of wrangling now that this thing has got so much money and so many troops being thrown at it by the obama administration now with with congress and the threat now to hold back eight hundred million dollars from pakistan. how is this supposed to serve national security well keep in mind that two years ago president obama signaled to everyone in the region that we're going to leave two thousand and nine he made it very clear that the additional commitment of thirty thousand troops was temporary it was not permanent he also made it very clear to the voters here before that yes absolutely and again he signaled we were also going to leave iraq by the end of this year but it doesn't seem as though these public statements are backed up by fundamental action in fact the opposite seems to be the case and it
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seems that he capitulates two forces in his administration did want to prolong our position over there the problem is iraq today we're taking casualties largely because the arabs absolutely do not want us in their country and they will fight to drive us out so staying at this point is self-defeating and at the same time in afghanistan you have forces that have been organized as stupid as it enough to resolve the conflict once we're out of the way to be blunt so staying in that country doesn't seem to make a great deal of sense in the decision making process going as you speculate for a second in obama's head as he's deciding what the global empire is going to look like where all the test cases are going to be how much of that decision making process do you think is influenced by actual national security concerns versus the politics of the situation presidents most of the time do not lead public opinion they follow and you can point to very few presidents f.d.r. was one ronald reagan was one there are a few out there historically that actually led public opinion obama seems to follow
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the polls and if you look at the polls less than five percent of the american population is even interested in what's happening in afghanistan less than one percent following the polls as much as getting away with as much of the polls will let him get away with if they're not paying attention we can really do with more if the polls tell you that the number one concern on the minds of the american people is the economy and jobs that tends to be where you focus and you treat these things overseas with marginal interest because it appears that no one really. cares the problem with that of course is it all costs a great deal of money and it has a huge impact on your force and people are trying to make that connection to the broader economic problems finally right so we see now secretary gates mean replace with the former cia leon panetta coming in to the defense department coming to the pentagon why is obama doing this in the middle you know at this point in the history of these wars well i think gates was someone that under normal circumstances would never be in there but again he was someone who was imposed on
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obama this is a and outsider this is a and because my own well i think the deal because the so-called neo conservatives both on the left and the right remember that the notion that the people that brought you to the party in afghanistan or iraq are all republicans is wrong there are nation building counterinsurgency advocates on both sides and essentially counterinsurgencies turned out to be a trojan horse for nation building and a very expensive one at that they pushed gates on the grounds that well we cannot just leave this is always the argument this is what nixon ultimately encountered when he finally took over in ninety six said we can't just leave well of course you can just leave and there are these arguments will the rest of the world will think you're weak if you leave absolutely or you can't when you have politicians deciding news in charge of the military who were elected and supported by military doesn't conflict today there's not much difference between the generals that were stars in the politicians there all of that a lot of the there's no one it the four star level today who was not enthusiastic
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advocate for all of the bad things that we've been involved with the last ten years where they went to being promoted president skip the generals they want that's the history ok back to afghanistan's civil we saw the murder of present kamikazes half brother ahmed wali karzai and then at a funeral ceremony moral ceremony for him a suicide bomber blows himself up kill six people what's the significance of this for the united states look there are forty three million pashtuns there are eleven to twelve million in afghanistan. in the balance of thirty three million or so in pakistan they hate karzai even though he's a pashtun he is seen as a traitor his family is inextricably intertwined with much of the corruption and narcotics trafficking that is going on in afghanistan remember that under the taliban the narcotics trafficking was ten percent of what it is today so this is more like a mafia hit then it's a little bit and then that's that's a nation of a supported public figure you have a disses this is personal the pashtun want karzai and his family out ok so what
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does obama does the second letter what does obama want out of pakistan just now threatening to withdraw up to the eight hundred million dollars in military aid what's he trying to get out of them but i'm not sure he's the one who's driving it as much as it is probably of secretary of state clinton. who they are hoping that they can intimidate the pakistani government to cooperate more closely with us against elements inside their own country and afghanistan it's absurd pakistan has no interest in doing that most of the people that we're fighting by the way are have nothing to do with al qaeda but they are loyal to pakistan and they are seen as a strategic age against india which is the real enemy for pakistan the indians are close to karzai and that's made another problem for pakistan they cannot have someone in power in kabul who is allied with india against them and we have been pushing that route talk about entangling alliances all the manipulations it's kind of scary but also i guess with with as much as we've been for lack of a better term pissing people off an august than with the old what would be
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a summer raid the drone strikes that are continuing to kill civilians it's no surprise that they're they're trying to back off and now we have to go back and remind them know we already bought you off right will remember after nine eleven that the most popular name in pakistan was osama sixty nine sixty percent of all the children born after nine eleven were named osama so we've always been up against enormous difficulty and it's not going to get any better and keeping hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground over there isn't going to improve that situation outstanding thanks so much for being with us and i'm. colonel douglas macgregor author of warriors rage. i. even when cops whimper and whine about being uncomfortable on camera they're preparing to dish it back they finally figured out how to use google and those on the wikipedia page on smartphones and wall street journal is reporting the
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blue shirts of no less than forty police agencies are awaiting the release of facial recognition devices that will attach to i phones the device developed by a b.a. two technologies in massachusetts called morris for mobile offender recognition and information system will let cops take pictures of individuals and run their faces against a national database oh and it can scan irises they can also detect three crimes and perform lethal injections on site. ok so they're still working out the kinks on those last two features but the database and iris thing are our no joke but why don't we as watchdogs of government develop a similar application not just for cops but all public employees and accountability database a way to truly level the playing field and information gathering officer runs a red light to grab a burger documented eating donuts on the job we've got that on the list a cost of
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a journalist there's a record for them they've already got saurus for sex offenders so why not chorus for government offender recognition and information system see the idea is you could you could get this program on your phone and you could use it you could hold it up to the face of any government employee scanned their face and have it checked against the database that would tell you whether or not they could be trusted. nope. nope. it was quite a rap sheet of broken promises for this one and oh there's pictures for this one. oh yeah
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oh and yeah i know this d.-bag yeah. i really hope someone is able to make this happen. and in response to a rash of muggings of young people from last summer for the last three weeks the sea city government has had e.m.'s workers and firefighters firefighters parking their vehicles in a high crime neighborhoods to act as a crime to turn and see the right to self defense is practically outlawed here in the district of columbia so only the bad guys and cops sometimes the same people get to carry guns which leads to lots and lots of crime one of the highest rates in the country in fact millions and other violent crimes are routine around here and so this is the solution city planners have come up with park fire trucks ambulances medics and armed firemen in trouble spots and as deputy d.c. mayor paul quander said it's to prevent things from bubbling up the idea is that if
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you have a fire engine with adults there no one is going to commit a crime never fear the group of thirty year bad guys disperse at least the police are showing a little common sense here is the police and spokes person chris bowman said i think this is a disaster you're putting untrained unsupervised under quote firefighters and some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in towns perform a law enforcement function maybe next they can park near kratz intersections and threaten muggers with citations or a park in force now to put boots on anyone can be a drive by or maybe they should look by government policies that cause crimes or are crimes in the first place for more on that journey now is not a giant of the d.c. coalition to police the police not to thank so much for being with us tonight now you had a meeting last night give us an update on what you're working on or post. continuously concerned with this issue but as we. grow do you want to show
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a month ago we came together. to respond to a particular incident that involved emotional throws a police department right that white here is a case where we have a clip of the scene let's just remind our viewers on the phone. and you know we talked to mr harrison and. he didn't want to make a big. stink publicly about it i think he's going through some other legal avenues but. now at least all this started have been dropping out and you know all of his drug charges have been dropped in the police and their cases are on desk duty they've been relieved of their police powers and are awaiting the outcome of a best and that's that's not normal i mean a lot of times you see events like this there's nothing papered over the cops down
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the beach or it's paid vacation these guys are getting punished with destiny but we're still waiting for the u.s. attorney's office to finish their investigation unless now it's finally going to happen what we do to support because until that. well i misled us concerning this kind of a waiting game. it's typical usually takes a long time and the same outcome and then it'll be up to the attorney's office to the prosecutor and finally to get back to the metro transit police to decide exactly what they want to pursue something else they just want to give the attorney general's office first crack at it but you know we've expanded our mandate so to speak from that so what we're organizing around is police misconduct and abuse and accountability in general in the d.c. metropolitan area. so that's what we're looking at the larger issue fortunately dwyer's was in the first class so we have to make sure that work with the capacity to deal with those types of situations as they occur down keep up the good work we've got the facebook group out there as well.


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