tv [untitled] July 14, 2011 9:31pm-10:01pm EDT
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quinto official reports inflation in belarus may reach almost forty percent by the end of the year trying to get rid of national currency the russians are buying up imported goose exchange operations a temporary prohibited by the state the dramatic by the russian ruble devaluation undertaken two months ago hasn't stopped the process collation still it helped secure a three billion dollar bailout from the russian led konami community fun. is also suiting up to a billion dollars from the international monetary fund. welcome to spotlight hello. i mean the purpose of your current visit to moscow is to take part in this business forum on the customs union and the coming economic space. economic integration of the three states.
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stan and russia you said recently but one of the. if it's a customs union in the coming economic space this means that many factories should go beyond conventional cooperation let's integrate their company's. products. what is this statement backed by any specific proposals from delhi reuss that you are planning to put forward. the business well you know usually economic factors that force politicians to make certain decisions . such as decisions on integration. but in our case suits my subversive business with we have politicians creating the framework for the businesses to work and. mrs business also this is. why would you this time we
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agreed to have this form together with business community and that's because we don't want to just talk about it coming economic space and business so set some objectives that are at the level of governments but the more you know what we would like to hear what the businessmen who are three countries have to say. and cut them off so i think we need this harmony in the we'll do our best to combine the business initiatives on the one hand and government proposals on the other in a harmonious way and the governments of course to do their part and create favorable conditions for our business when. the was going for those loaded with the . deliberate. months ago there was president and then you look at. their thirty's are prepared to shut off international trade in case the economic situation. considering quote if it comes to disaster if you shut down the border in
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consumer goods when you go out and quote i talked to some people from belarus today in the told me that this is already happening and that lots of domestically produced goods are known sailing bellicose. would you explain how this kind of policy agrees with the commitments miller was has assumed as a member of the euro of the coming economic space as well as its obligations to europe. and. i think your cool thing bill russian president out of context. i believe we are beyond the point of no return in terms of the integration process. i mean you can't back out of it we need to go on. and our relations including. should be based on mutual respect and those we haven't been violated in you are all. we have fair competition and we have. of all the three states especially in russian there could be
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a little for sale in our market. for our trade with other countries. we did introduce some restrictions series surprised. by the way e.u. neighbors very grateful for that. because this kind of tree is that when people use them but the bring duce across the border in the trunk of their cars but has a negative effect on a regular tree. and they only need to do is just follow the rules. we're not keeping in anybody away from our market you know we're not giving anyone advantages so overall others. but if we work within the green means that we have sawing to in the put that would be to come including all the measures that we're taking on the consumer market. the russians as far as i know. russia to be the main
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reason behind bill reese current economic troubles. as we know the prices have increased two fold people can buy foreign currency and so forth as a russian while i feel quite hurt to hear that people of a brotherly nation in russia for their hardships what is this opinion really out there in to what extent is moscow to blame. well i don't want to pass judgment or make accusations. because what the price is for goods imported from russia are going up much faster than the prices for goods we exported to russia is a fact. and it's not like the prices have gone up by ten or twenty percent of double dental tripled. let's take gas prices for example which they have got up by four hundred fifty percent over the past five years. biller is the
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belorussian export prices have only grown by twenty five to thirty percent over the same period. immediately both are for for a treaty with russia to balance out that we need to step up our export volumes. and i admit that some of it is our fold movies and we see that the capacity of the russian market is he's just knowledge is the common market over the three countries as well that the capacity allows us to ramp up export volumes but in order for that to happen. in companies the business men should work harder and promote supports. a moment. businessman to play a more active rule in the privatization process and dollars but i have to say that there is a lot of talk on a subject but we don't see any progress and we don't seem practical solutions in the book on issues to deal with this it but i think the worst thing that can happen
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is if this integration takes place on paper on the e.u. boy and the beaumarchais that we need russian companies to participate in the privatization process in belarus. we are really opening up our economy. and we will create favorable conditions for our partners from the customs union first and foremost the people were treated but notice the more things when you speak about privatization if you use the future tense start on a large scale. solar ready under way if they look any perceiving at a good pace. in their furniture industry for example we have sold almost all our furniture factories by now though no clown fortunately none of the buyers were russian businessmen are also going. on and a number of other western companies are actively building new production facilities and. i think russian businesses should pitch up with them home predicts it though
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unless for the metal industry we do have something offers from russian companies dear but we also have a lot of offers coming in from western europe. so i think it's time for us to move on and proceed from assessing and considering the situation to taking some practical steps to look the better credits but at the moment our evaluation commissions are working on two projects mosque mosque and micro that. we would like to have more cooperation with the russian business manager in the syria issue we have a fairly strong microelectronics industry throw in the past well most of its products were used in the defense industry but it's there in the beloved and i think in the future we should pay more attention to the needs of word defense industry because there can be no innovation with the book without a strong defense industry. and you would get the what's on notice with you says
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mikhail nestico they should the prime minister. spoke like that would be back shortly after the break so stay with us. the big. question is that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean if you would like to see if it will create a currency crisis european finance ministers central bankers and politicians remain at odds on how to rescue the hero as pressure mounts hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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welcome back to spotlight. just a reminder that my guest on the show today is. the prime minister of. this bill. because rich or we're talking about privatization and you told me it is well underway in militarists and you expected to expand further what i would like to call greece in statements by president lukashenko he said and i quote three things are expected from deleuze today that we will sell our state assets for so long they will withdraw the social obligations we have assumed before people and that will give up our sovereignty but i was going to be clear we will never do that and. any other codes of these words have a broader context to them and that we see that the president is emotional and very specific as usual do you think these words mean that he doesn't want russian investors to participate in the privatization of by the russian companies that
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there should postal no i don't think so it's lower cost inc what he means is that it's privatization and should be fair and transparent it doesn't you said no there was furniture industry has been sold out entirely but none of it to russians rajdeep i'll tell you honestly everybody. is the most affordable among quality products. as well i don't see that we have completely eliminated state ownership from the french industry but it will help to auction for furniture companies in a row in the ending g.d.p. the bodies are not from russia and we have sold some four or five furniture factories to probably told. them the molestation we are still holding a large portfolio don't stakes in very senior streets including furniture so there is still room when you're welcome in the promised land was but let's take the chemistry accept it with me and i'm planning to. you bring it up to do it for him
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for example for oil has been assessing our polling our answer prize part of the enough time history grew for well over two and a half years we'd like them to finally make up their mind as we also have other offers waiting. we have certainly granted the right of first. but i would go we're accumulating and i believe there are also invest opportunities for partnership in areas such as the defense industry microelectronics information technologies and other setters. for instance in russia law i don't produce enough pharmaceuticals domestically and i believe you could be worthwhile if we tried to pool our resources and create an industrial venture to reproduce medicines rather than keeping porting them. of course it would be impossible to
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manufacture it tens of thousands of brand pharmaceutical products but we could produce most of these social security combine effort. rather than cling to the existing production facilities set up new transnational corporations from scratch and something that we unfortunately don't have stead. of dividing and trading assets that were created a long time ago. so i think we should really start building something from scratch the. pressure of finance could win is also criticized i mean you must have noticed that it's a very popular trend in russia these days. to his premier to criticize your government imports restricting measures rigid price regulation and it's money. even said. merely suppressing the disease is letting it fester deep down does the
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russian government if you think the loans that you've been promised commitments to adjust your economic policies is there such conditionality is this part of the work for the future that you've mentioned. well as far as the current trend of criticising belarus is concerned it's a go by the billion dollars we deal with their own shortcomings in the first place and try to criticize ourselves. as some people prefer to criticise others can often turn to get their own problems focused on the problem i'm in no position to judge here in the us would you and i believe there are plenty of sensible people including policymakers almost this year cool sort this out with the russians also like to reproach themselves it's something we have in common. yes well. as for the negative developments facing our foreign exchange market they are primarily due
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to the fact that our important volumes are exports by seven to eighty billion dollars so when we say that we should live within our means this is one of the implications to us. in by the way mr bush has strongly recommended that we should team our appetites with regard to imports and it is stipulated in the loan conditions for the. title to use monitoring instruments such as exchange rate regulation among others. therefore we are rigorously keeping in line with the course of action we have agreed upon in our respective commitments. in this. issue there's more criticism aimed at you that at this time coming from the world bank's country director for ukraine. mr martin advisor he said quote by. the social achievements of past years economic model has exhausted its
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possibilities so i was nativity you agree with this statement said leslie and would you agree that belief does need to be more up to date and should liberalize both economically and politically liberal is that say even be. no more most progress to first of all we strongly adhere to our stated commitment of developing a socially responsible market economy. therefore when regulating privatization and all were seeing it change your phone or ship it is manually do seek to ensure that new owners abide by their social partnership commitments. we cannot agree to human needs being made secondary to the object to both generating a profit. more from what we need is harmonization in between social and market policies or problem with us with the assertion that the bill of rights model has
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exhausted itself which. i think this statement he's neither entirely correct nor appropriate. life imposes for certain adjustments. alter indeed we need to open up our economy to a greater extent. we need to invite in more foreign investors lose the most and they actually do approach us these days we're getting numerous offers in the european and american businesses. and so even though we still don't get as much foreign direct investment in the belarus economy as we would like to see. those good foreign investment you know first five months of this year he's already had all of the annual investment volume of the new four thousand and ten in the us that on the in these does it hurt mumford's therefore we are bolstering these developments and the measures taken by the president in. the
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government to use. specifically aimed at promoting an enabling environment for foreign investors. and the progress so that we would have new homeowners coming to our country along with new technologies and new management to prove that it is slowing me to smoke them and that you can then make huge i don't know that much about economics. but from what i read to get an impression that. unless you get the i.m.f. loan that you're hoping for will inevitably default on its foreign debt. is that correct but i would this will really mean everything to you. know or go to. the first external debt is not in the midst of the any kind of missed can tell you that you put a hood it's a good it took almost almost it's not like we are facing a crisis in the name or some sort of an insurmountable difficulty because of the
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foreign debt that we've accumulated over time i mean the thing you are dead amounts to about maybe two or three months who are export revenues at the focus of how much is that. well our export driven years for the first five months. of sixteen billion dollars. our dad stan said nine billion total get. over we have to pay it all at once. is our application for the i am affluent is concerned that we need contact them way above mentioned the figure in the well we think it should be three maybe a seven point five billion dollars. of course this is next to nothing compared to the bailouts that the international community including the i.m.f. school provides for some countries that are facing difficulties because of the crisis and certainly post crisis develop. probably about this one
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so far problem what it's just a way for us to get some money for a short period in order to stabilize completely stabilize the currency for all sectors polish. histories are doing well already greek culture is doing well but we have enough foreign currency to take care of our production needs. we do have some difficulties providing foreign currency for net importer. companies that don't export and i think that only imported goods here or less. we have practically no need of intervention with our currency exchange offices. we can work with the currency that people sell to the banks and buy from the banks. suffice it to say that over the past few months people have been selling and proximately. in an eighteen to two hundred twenty million dollars
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a month but the just end. this same amount. of business in the. middle of the war and this is quite a substantial figure. with its population of nine and a half million people. or with so we hope that within the next few months we will be able to stabilize the currency rates and meet the demands of our economic agents and the people of belarus. you've compared their loans provided for you and for simply you can treat it they think this can pierce in a bit further. have you ever compared the current situation and the situation see in greece portugal their economic situation is extremely difficult. as yet we should say that the situation in believe is better or worse. well. this situation in the. those countries at least as far as i know are facing
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as systemic crisis what we have is not a crisis it's just some difficulties in certain sectors of our economy. but these difficulties don't affect the manufacturing industries or our social commitments. those areas are working totally as they should and you know both that we have economic growth and the government provides funds for all the social programs which we have a slight budget surplus. surplus not deficit. by the way those are the obligations that we assumed together with a common economic space. to get this loon oil from the uk and take questions fond you could. go into could just before. my final question and another quote of yours speaking about selling the bill trying. to set
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a quote no problem the well being is to have billion dollars and you can have it tomorrow if you like as if we want to deal with this that would include natural gas prices that's what we are currently working on end quote so are you making progress in your talks with gazprom to fleece gazprom willing to budge on the issue of prices. what happens here sometimes is a sort of misinterpretation but if people think that selling the remaining fifty percent of the bill trance gas that they were you know to be able to domestic prices or at least to get a special price screens prince in reality that this is a principled position that we have made this decision incidentally this was a russia's initiative another hour which is. also what we are saying is that we need a clear pricing of formula for natural gas for a longer term. how do you determine the price. we think that at the end. the day
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when we should arrive at profitability for you those days to me we realize of course that this can't happen overnight which we all i mean both belarus and russia we all should know that the scene three years all prices will be at the same level for all of them weren't so spicy with thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest on the show today was knee high heeled nestle called h. the prime minister of belarus and that's it for now for all of us here spotlights will be back with more personnel comments all of what's going on in outside russia as well stay in the party and take care.
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sea don't need to go and. run this in the kennel was a photo retreat. we've seen criminality and invasion of privacy on a staggering industrial scale rupert murdoch agrees to face a grilling by the u.k. parliament over phone hacking allegations while in the u.s. the f.b.i. begins its investigation into claims news corp journalists tried to access the voicemail of nine eleven families. america's been running on debt for years this is a disaster in the making i would liken this situation here to a cancerous tumor inside a body. a credit downgrade hangs over the u.s. as leading rating agencies threaten to knock the glitter off the country's aaa position as the eurozone continues its slide with italy introducing tough spending cuts. initial investigations into the sinking of the belgariad point to negligence
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and that the tragedy could have been avoided. heavy lifting equipment arrives at the scene of the pleasure ship sinking on the river volga as prosecutors make the first arrests over the tragedy that claimed more than one hundred lives. and ten o'clock pm in an arbor six o'clock in the morning here in moscow russia's capital on sean thomas glad to have you with us let's take a look at your top stories rupert murdoch and james murdoch. i've given in to pressure and will now give evidence before a british parliament committee investigating the u.k.'s phone hacking scandal this comes as the f.b.i. opens its own probe into allegations that news international journalists tried to get their hands on the voicemail of the nine eleven families it's alleged that several of murdoch's newspapers were engaged in hacking and bribes senior officials
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are laura and it reports. rupert murdoch's push to expand in british media has come to a halt public and political rage over thirteen hacking the sports news corp to drop its bid to buy satellite broadcaster b. sky b. but some say he's already killed the british press and they were saying it as far back as one thousand nine hundred eighty one that's when he went on a media spending spree and bought amongst others the world renowned times newspaper news international has been playing a toxic part of our public life for so long but it worked under his ownership circulation just kept on rising in a market that killed off others and sky t.v. a loss making and obscure satellite network rocketed to become the biggest player in the u.k.'s pay t.v. market i do admire rupert murdoch because he's a risk taker when he bought the times and sunday times of london.
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