tv [untitled] July 14, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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someone from taking place group wants the courts to declare perry's organization promotion and participation in the event to be unconstitutional because it violates the establishment clause of the first amount as the clause in the constitution that says congress shall make no law as quoting from the from the constitution congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion and the f a r f contends that perry's participation in the event violates the constitution because it gives the impression that the american government quote prefers evangelical christian religious beliefs over other religious beliefs and non-beliefs and of course so is rick perry gone too far this time and should elected officials be pushing events that clearly support one particular religious viewpoint and they're supposed to be upholding the separation of church and state your offer to take on this issue is dr carol swain conservative commentator and author of be the people of color to reclaim america's faith and promise when welcome back thank you good to see you again. i'm a christian i believe in separation of church and state and have
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a lot of educational value and i think the the worst thing that would happen that could happen to this country is for any religion to take over the government you know someday they may come after me. why why should we be tolerating a political figure who is saying that is religion is now he's using his political platform to promote his personal religion tom this country was founded on judeo christian principles it was founded as a christian nation it is true definitely true and i did time as your son through the new testament and all the mirrors on top of my thomas is still not. jefferson he was one person why he was that he was the d.s. and i'm here most of the other founders wide open george washington i'll use the other him up until nine hundred sixty two we had bible reading and prayer in school and it was an atheist that got rid of that and since the one nine hundred sixty s.
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that country has been living in court that really well because there may be a smile to suit and i think that the atheists have really hurt our nation the overwhelming majority of americans are christians over seventy eight percent profess to be christians even though they don't live like christians they profess to be christians so let's let people have their religion have their worldview have their perspective and live in peace but let's not have the government. not having you know if rick perry was was a mormon or if he was a buddhist or if he was hindu or something like that and he was saying hey let's all pray to rama you know for the rain i would be concerned wouldn't you not if he was in front of you being a politician they don't say whatever they need to say but i think that his position before christian group in america where the country is overwhelmingly christian that it makes a lot of sense and i believe that one reason we have some of the conditions that you talk to fight at the beginning of the show is because we have ousted god from
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public life because of a small minority of people those a.p.'s created when one nine hundred sixty two and the constitution does not say anything about a wall of separation between church and state that was to prevent this man of a state church not to say that god had. you know what rick perry is doing the last abolitionist a tragedy establishing a state here because he is calling people to under the name of jesus he has apartheid eight and some yes and either way makes those all those countries we are talking about any quality in the first segment and denmark is the least religious country in the western world and they're the most equal and they are by all standards the happiest they have one of the longest lifespans they have great wealth it's not about religion care or why did you say that because because the countries of europe are not religious like we are you have to look at you most of you or most of europe isn't a man most and most of europe is not really actually most of europe is doing pretty good thank you very much other than what the banks did to them right. now i'm sure but i lived there for what america was ok. america was founded as
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a christian nation and we've gotten away from those principles because of atheists and believe that part about decline is because of the choices that we are making that are unbiblical. and so our curry i don't know how sincere he is maybe just being a politician i don't know that pierre and i do know that prayer works and i know that america needs to change course that we have found in the wrong prayer and a lot of it is coming from the secular humanists and atheists they are leading us down the wrong the secular humanists and atheists accepting those who are evangelical who are trying to convert us all religions are the only ones in america that on the seat. of the atheists are under siege they will be the first to tell you garbage right in the universe of the. people here in this country it's a quick path to persecution to declare atheism and frankly any kind of nonstandard
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religion it's like. and it is a leap in this being under the seat right now how i mean i mean one example all the time one example if you me one example just one example you don't know when you just gave or by pay a tax those are seen as you know well a titian and i said well look at the crosses on the highway that we've always had look at every time that they're trying to remove any references to god in any cross you're talking about the process of dying for accidents yeah states are trying to remove those because people slow down to look at and of course for current yes show i know some people turn them into shrines and states have had a lot of those people are going to die when times are also some of the best friends that have been there for you know fifty sixty years all of a sudden the so concerned about the crosses and the ten commandments that we've already had to seize in the back of my book i think that band ational document the declaration of independence the bill of rights first of the terminal. because the
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first to of the ten commandments as though she had no other gods before me yet where is that in our constitution it's not in a constitution it bigoted the ten commandments say that you don't usually when i hear god or another and if you don't you should be taken to the public so why be stoned to death what does that usually say that we the people have the power and if read or write people are not god we the people are christians we have a right to have influence own you are going to majority rules and i certainly am just supposed over this concept i am hearing that some has ontario and i'm very disappointed with the majority in america because they profess to be christians but they live like devils your i would like for what the bulls want in iran so be it i'm average american for theology i don't believe. that people should be forced to live by my bay use and principals get what i like here and we should be able to argue public policies were really just we're hearing in scripture is ok will you have one as we thank you very much thank you earlier today several texas newspapers
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there earlier today several texas newspapers reported on a transcript of a private meeting gov perry held and made to raise funds for the current racial business leaders he was called to the ministry and serving as governor of texas is a pulpit provided to him by god at this time to do his will it is true governor perry may have missed his calling at the expense of one of the fundamentals of american democracy separation of church and state. with a nine hour ceremony and amid much fanfare south sudan became the world's one hundred ninety third country and said his independence was the climax of a two thousand and five peace agreement and then a decades of civil war with the arab dominated north sudan a bitter conflict that cost over two million lives and called for a referendum last winter when south sudan voted overwhelmingly first the session people of south sudan are exuberant over their newfound independence they also seem to be very aware that they have a long road ahead of the north and south sudan still have to agree on
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a. and clarify the critical issue of citizenship and they have yet to reach an agreement on oil and well sharing the south sudan holds the lion's share of this valuable natural resource and the north is going to be depended on to keep their country running and of course south sudan must develop all of its democratic institutions by fighting corruption and dealing with threats from insurgent groups my next guest was in south sudan to witness the birth of a nation with his own eyes and is here tonight to share his thoughts of what is next for the world's newest country joe madison as those in the joe madison show on sirius x.m. satellite radio a good friend joe welcome welcome back thank you good to have you with us i wish you were going to miss. this time with us as you were the last time in the new sudan yeah well it's been and that's that's how things change since you and i were there what two years ago well. juba is quite different there are there's two juba's there's the extremely poor and then of course it is now
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being a capital made temp it may be temporary capital because there is discussion of moving it. but. as you remember there were very few hotels and there weren't any paved road where you want to stay today i would have to say there is a lot of good and want to and the rusty water and the but but there are a lot of businesses and it's primarily because again money is flowing oil is flowing to the north and as you know norm i think the counting the money i lease the oil is that we know we excuse me no we are counting the oil as part of the agreement because you can't trust the cartoon to count it so it's changed quite a bit a wheel again where we were is very rules still no infrastructure there's still a little less than probably one hundred miles of paved. clinics people
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are still living in probably the same way they did. four hundred years ago but what is happening is this new constitution. is quite honestly b s p limbs constitution in other words these with me and women who fought in the bush or twenty three plus years they control the government now they are now they have now gone from military to being now governors they now are politicians and it's interesting some are capable and some aren't quite as capable. as soldiers that for example. want a commander paul known as governor of the wheel and i spend several hours with him and he in the minute on the days he spent in the bush for most of the twenty three
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years and wasn't quite sure if he was a good governor or not. you and i met salva kiir when yet as the guy who is now the president of south sudan he was the leader of the revolutionary forces i was really i mean it when i first walked into the room with him here's this great big guy you know he's got this big baton and he just i just read an article just see him with you know the make a forty seven or something and we sat down and he was so not just well spoken but soft spoken in some ways but very emphatic very precise very he really struck me as a man who could be a great leader and so was his speech. because he was sworn in as the president but constitution was signed that day so we watched the news we should in two weeks hear that you got it right this was july ninth so we watched the new nation be born we watched the first president sworn and. and we watched their
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constitutions sign and he and and what was really amazing was that the sheer who is the president of sudan came in recognize southern sudan a really yes and they stood side by side what's a good sign for the exact same right now remember bashir of course is a world criminal and people kept wondering if he would be arrested but he was this is such a country of contradiction he was warmly received by the southern sudanese. but he said we will cooperate now he has the problems going on now in in the upper now certainly in the newbie and mountains but understand limits of the share is fighting right now and battles on the forefront he cannot afford to fight southern sudan or now the republic of south sudan one is because south
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sudan can sustain itself this is not only where the oil reserves are or the oil fields but it is it has enough bag of cultural land to actually feed most of the central africa and it is the source of the nile river and so water is as important to now in northern sudan khartoum area as oil this is a country the size of the state of texas and what will and what was also said to us what was also said to us is that it will be the easiest country to do business in as long as it is mutually beneficial people who will go to south sudan thinking that they can take advantage of these individuals need to think and they made sure we understood better it had to be mutually beneficial after twenty three. wars two
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point three million people died but here made it very clear even right there in front of bashir we were a marginal audience we were discriminated against we we were enslaved i think he showed photographs we now it's people have been taken slaves years ago i'm now being told ok you've got a new country go back home to south sudan and it was it was an amazing trip very few people i think in our generation get a chance to see a new country and i wish you had been there because i think you would have appreciated it right we're all right thank you for bringing the story back to what think you were never to see a. south sudan has some huge challenges ahead of her but i can tell you as a person who's been there the will and strength and tenacity of our people is tremendous with all this stuff at the very best. coming out you've been commenting and i've been listening after the break all or some of your comments and opinions
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in our new segment my take your take. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's going to break through it through it if you had made who can you trust no one who is human view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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we're in the news in a new segment here on the big picture your take my take it's your chance to send in questions comments ranson observations about anything that we talk about here on the big picture or during my radio show and it's my chance to give you my take on it one more time or on your take our first counted tonight is from the viewer rant line for years i've been talking about the necessity of bringing back america's manufacturing base we need to make to be a country that makes things again so how do we entice american corporations to bring the jobs back home there's a caller with one possible solution if we are boycotted the companies that were making things in other countries if we boycotted everything except
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the united states and made items including cars we might get somewhere special recipe for that seems to be running this country company or. are you if you are a person can congress. rick i really appreciate your sentiment and then thanks for the call the problem is that generally speaking boycotts don't work it's because what basically what a boycott means is that people with money are deciding the outcome of things because they're either buying or not buying and what we really need to do. as change our laws if we don't like the way things are working change our laws in the case of bringing our jobs back home we need to change our tariff laws our trade laws we need to go back to the kind of trade policies that this country had from seventy nine hundred three to one thousand nine hundred eighty six and and restore tariffs that will protect manufacturers in the united states and earlier this week i thought pigs must be circling the skies over d.c.
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because i actually found myself agreeing with newt gingrich when he said that the supreme court has turned into an unconstitutional institution i agree the supreme court is not acting in a capacity that our founding fathers and vision for the third branch of government apparently my take on it as hit home with some of you we are in agreement with mr hartman about his analysis of the supreme court and its powers thank you so much for sounding off on that action or mr hartman is meeting with a lot of resistance but it doesn't matter sometimes when you're right he gets more resistance there's a saying that says a lot goes around the world three times before truth is putting on her proof and it's true in this case and so you're absolutely right what we need to do is go do away with the idea just the core idea that we're a monarchy that we have kings in this country for some somehow we have been been convinced over
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a couple of generations that five guys in black robes in the supreme court building five men and women in the supreme court building should be able to make laws strike down laws and tell us how to conduct ourselves that's not what the constitution says and we need to do away with the concept of judicial review and you and i newt and i are not the only ones who have some criticism for the supreme court but i have to admit that these ladies found a much more colorful way to voice their thoughts. the other three i. call our. rights and free. press. the press. rights. purse. yes.
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oh after that last. time she had some time and yes. earth. if you would like your comments and questions heard was set up we want to know your tick send us your comments by visiting the thom hartmann facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore hartman or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two two five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. we're going to. pursue the guys on wall street want you to think after all they're looking at the two point six trillion dollars surplus in the social security trust
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fund i'm thinking how many billions they can take by skimming just a little bit off the top of it were privatized and if they get their hands on medicare which is even more money than social security and growing faster is boomers age and they could make hundreds of billions of dollars paul ryan privatization. so the politicians and the think tanks they help fund are his sterile here's an example from the washington post set up budget committee chairman republican pete domenici warned the nation's governors the other day medicare could be bankrupt in two and a half years somebody has found to put the brakes on its burgeoning costs oops that was from the washington post on march sixth one nine hundred eighty three how about this one from the new york times the fund that pays all government reimbursement for hospital care of medicare patients is projected to be common saw that in the next decade or so. that was from the new york times on january twenty
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second one thousand nine hundred eighty nine in fact there's a long history of predicting medicare is going to go go broke any minute and along with social security you'll see republicans getting hysterical about it everyplace from congress to morning joe medicare is going broke right and here's a graphic from the congressional research service that shows how last year the progressions the projections changed and dotted lines are they projected income and expenses when calculated in two thousand and nine you can see how bad things looked when they recalculated things last year and the solid lines are the new projections . you can see how the actual numbers in past years were always pretty close to each other all the you know this this is up to the projection point is pretty close projections and actual costs are always back to one hundred sixty four when the fund was created. but here are the projections that were made when the fund would be exhausted starting in one nine hundred seventy it was projected in one nine
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hundred seventy and seventy one actually it would be bankrupt by seventy three i don't remember that happening to you i mean it's in seventy one they say we'd be out of business by seventy three and one hundred seventy two the nixon administration projected disaster but one hundred seventy six in one thousand nine hundred one the reagan administration said we're going to be out of the prop in one nine hundred ninety one and the next year they even got more dire in one thousand nine hundred two they said that it medicare was dead in eighty seven i remember nine hundred eighty seven i don't remember medicare die every year of the reagan bush one nine hundred eighty s. and first couple years the nine hundred ninety s. in fact medicare was predicted to croak within at the most fifteen years and usually like in one thousand nine hundred four it would be in the sewer and six years. there's an old saying figures don't lie but liars can figure that's why the republicans got medicare part d. in there so the government can't negotiate wholesale drug prices it'll suck over
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six hundred billion dollars out of medicare in the next decade and and all all of it as in profit over to a dozen or so big drug companies medicare part d. was intended to be a poison pill plan to kill off medicare want to save medicare just change the law so they can negotiate fifty or sixty or eighty percent discounts on the billions of dollars worth of drugs that they buy every year let them do exactly what the veterans administration and wal-mart and walgreens pharmacies do you negotiate lower prices and what about the other big untitled social security most likely you like other americans make less than one hundred six thousand dollars a year which means that every penny of income you get you and your employer pay a social security taxes even if you only make four thousand dollars a year so little money you pay no income taxes you still pay social security and medicare taxes and the green here is the source if your people if you make sixty
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this is forty nine hundred dollars a year if you make sixty one hundred dollars a year or seventy seventy three hundred dollars a year like some wal-mart employees get all the social security taxes you're paid but did you know that if you earn more than one hundred six thousand dollars a year the magic republican fairy dust gets sprinkled on you and after the first hundred six thousand dollars you no longer have to pay social security taxes not a penny so last year when felipe dumont c.e.o. of viacom took home eighty four point five million dollars. he got to take eighty four million three hundred ninety four thousand dollars of it totally free of any social security tax not a penny while business robert iger took twenty eight million dollars in income but only paid social security taxes on the first hundred six thousand and that's twenty seven million eight hundred ninety four thousand dollars that he took those tax
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free at least with regard to social security taxes this is what's referred to as the social security happened and fix social security forever just do away with the cap and then the millionaires and billionaires are paying the same rate as everybody and when the and when they pay the same percentage as you do it'll start to work truly easy except that if you even mention it to a republican like eric cantor paul ryan or mitch mcconnell they'll walk out of the room got a pretty hard nosed billionaires so let's stop all the stupidity and the demagoguery and and stop scaring the average working people and make these relatively small changes like letting walt disney c.e.o. pay his fair share of the social security taxes that will solve our entitlement programs for us pass it on. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website at thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and. also check out our two youtube channel for
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a links it's our dot com sarah shows also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free thom hartmann i phone and i pad app in the app store you can sense feedback and twitter autonomy score are on facebook it's an underscore our blogs message boards and telephone comment line. and don't forget democracy begins when you get out there get active tag your it see them a. little
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