tv [untitled] July 14, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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maher said being added to a list is a modern day backhanded character assassination then to say that the southern poverty law center things everyone is a right wing extremist did most of our viewers come away thinking he was a racist not was he taken out of context no one thought that either but what a lot of people are missing from this conversation is that rand paul's point of view is pretty standard libertarian one so would that make all libertarians extremists in the eyes of the as b l c no my view the problem is a restaurant owner saying you can't bring a firearm in here isn't the same as i'm saying you can't bring a black or gay person in here it's about people and right now to his credit rand paul didn't manage to say every fiber of my being doesn't believe in discrimination maybe they should have just left it at that or maybe he should have people to look into what he believes before jumping on that libertarian bandwagon. well thanks for
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giving us your input and here's our next question for you we just discussed the fact that after more than a year wired finally released the logs between bradley manning and adrian lamo getting a lot of critique for it is close relationship to limo is making some speculate as to whether he was protecting him and after a year in some of the lies that limo has spread in the media. so i want to know what you think about wired do you think the wired magazine should have released the full manning limo chat logs earlier you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows the response just might make it on air. now while we watch congress huff and puff over a debate a debt ceiling debate and republicans consistently insist that tax cuts must be completely off the table let's take a step back into reality let's take a look at two polls that show us what americans really want a new gallup poll finds only twenty percent of americans want to debt deal that includes only spending cuts. it's but just one poll won't tell you all the
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quinnipiac poll finds that only twenty five percent of voters believe the debt deal should include only spending cuts and in fact sixty seven percent of voters in that quinnipiac poll believe that it should include an increase in taxes for the wealthy and for corporations so if you listen to the people sound like they're asking for a little bit of that real shared sacrifice that politicians only speak of but never act on how much higher with these numbers be if americans knew about the true disparities in wealth in this country so currently income inequality in the u.s. has reached its highest level on record and estimated one percent of the population holds fifty percent of the country's wealth the richest twenty percent holding eighty four percent of that wealth and the numbers are startling to many americans that may not know that they exist as a study last year found that when americans were given a choice to look at a chart of wealth distribution they deeply underestimated the reality and ninety two percent even chose sweden system over ours so how to get people to wake up earlier i caught up with the co-author of this study dan ariely who's
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a professor at duke university and a behavioral economist he's also the author of the upside of irrationality so i first asked him if he was surprised by the results of his wealth distribution survey where most americans preferred sweden to their own country. so you know i wasn't surprised people were as clueless as they were but there was something that drew surprised me in this study so basically you know we asked people to tell us what they think is the ideal wealth distribution we asked them to estimate what's the u.s. wealth distribution and people were dramatically missing it but we also asked them just what do you think is do you will what so wealthy should be you should or should culture that you would want to join people drink out of relatively equitable wealth distribution but it was the first surprise but the biggest surprise was that there was not much difference between republicans and democrats and that's kind of surprising you look at what's happening the road. in washington you say my goodness republican. never creds can't seem to agree although we started the street to walk
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but it turns out at least in our study if you talk about people about the deep down beliefs street politics there's no words about political you know there's no one to hold taxes or death tax to wealthy and poor it's just a question of what do you think is a just society a society that you would want to join people end up quite similar to that that was the big surprise for me now do you think that it's in the politicians interest perhaps to tell americans or at least convince americans that they are so polarized and on such opposite ends of the spectrum they can actually realize what they have in common is that why they constantly stick on let's say some of those wedge issues rather than a greater economic look at equality i think so i think that politicians basically use words of you skate in obscure deep down believes they're trying to cover it with words that give them more power and more differentiation from the
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other party and because of that i think we have a bigger difference in the bigger is estimated difference not believed in our actual beliefs and you know recently we've done the same study that you're talking about in australia and we did it a couple of months ago and the people of australia our research your partners thoughts that those trillions would be even much more equitable the americans at the end of the day the australians look good and very much like americans. you know they don't have the same wealth inequality we have but in terms of their beliefs about what's right. and what's wrong and what society would want to join they seem to be quite similar to us so why do you think it is that americans are so woefully unaware of the realities of the fact that you know income inequality has now reached record levels in this country. so i think the couple of reasons the first one is that we don't see the wealth inequality if you live in new york you have
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a chance to see how the very wealthy people and how the very poor people people live but if you live like me in durham north carolina i just don't see the same range of income differences i live in a neighborhood it's mostly university professors almost everybody is the same you don't really see the range of inequality a dramatic range of inequality a very rich keep pollute selves and the rest of us don't get to even understand the scale of inequality the other thing is that in the us there's a deep belief. about the phrase that the opera is not over until the fat lady sings and it turns out that when we ask people to think about the world in which there's more social mobility in which where you are born doesn't determine where you end up under those conditions people are happier with more income inequality and i think one of the things that has happened in the u.s. is that people are convinced themselves and others. that there's more social
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mobility here then really is so you know we americans pride ourselves on this idea that in this society doesn't matter where you're born you can achieve anything it turns out there's some cases of that of course but it's not really the standard case the standard case is one in which were you born really determines to a large degree where you end up there's not really escaping dramatically those consequences if you don't go to finish high school your terms are not very hard if you don't go to a good university a good college so there's lots of things that really matter there but when people believe that they live in a society with more social. mobility also sunday say if you live in a society with high social mobility and you choose to be poor it's your choice it's nobody else's fault you just you chose to end up in those places you couldn't you could have pushed up because there's no restraint from that so i think that also helps disbelief that we should tolerate more income inequality than we actually
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have but do you see those attitudes changing at all for example you first started conducting a survey in two thousand and five and now that you've updated it throughout the years through the financial crash now we are in this great recession as people are calling it and you know some people are saying that the american dream in itself is dead for a lot of people out there and even from these polls that i mentioned earlier where americans are finally saying you also need to raise taxes in order to solve our budget problems does this mean that we're seeing some kind of an awakening. we don't see the data showing a big awakening yet i think it depends on how worse things are going to get. but but right now it looks like people are really there's no question people are suffering there's no question people at the low end of the scale are incredibly miserable you know when we talk about the income inequality and we say how much wealth does the top twenty percent have as most people understand that it's about eighty five to ninety percent of the thought that wealth is held by the few at the
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top but when we ask people how much wealth is being held by the bottom forty percent people dramatically overestimate the people think it's four five maybe ten percent of the wealth is held by the bottom forty percent of americans it turns out it's all point three zero point three percent of the wealth is owned by the bottom forty percent of americans so we dramatically underestimate what's happening at the bottom at the bottom end and the problem with the bottom end is those people don't necessarily vote yet and we do our best interest in mind especially not in terms of taxes. again politician can hold onto words like family values. general words with not much meaning behind them or they can talk about abortion they could talk about all kinds of things that get people excited without actually thinking about what is in their financial but it's interesting i think because of that we don't see the level of rebellion people should have are old and i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and of course we'll see if i know you
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this does and up hitting some tipping point you know at some point soon are for americans are going to continue to be perhaps naive about it thank you i think i think the next election is going to be crucial for the next election is going to be largely about taxes and we'll see if we get any action on that right dan thanks so much they care. our it's time for our last break when they return he's a very afraid of the big banks getting bullied by a woman we're going to tell you which congressman wins are tool time award and happy hour ron paul has a new apocalyptic campaign out there gives it symbolically the latest trailer a run for its money and there's a new religion in town the pasta fargas. culture
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is that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean everyone says you're going to real ministry and it's not a currency crisis european finance ministers central bankers and politicians remain at odds on how to rescue the euro as pressure mounts. the first tree removal call the clear cut. second explosives are used to blast to go deeper than the jurors. heard the remains are removed by machinery. finally easy on mortgage soil is deposited in vallecito. on a. forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents only a thousand. seven hundred thousand people murdered and thirty two thousand will
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discover it's. become very. nature can give you. that it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to california congressman darrell ice up to the public and is the chairman of the house oversight committee which today held hearings on the new consumer financial protection bureau and that's the new bureau created after the two thousand and eight economic meltdown that's designed to protect the consumer as in you and i but
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shocker obamacare is are big fans of this new government agency in fact they're trying to be funded before even before it even gets off the ground but just listen to congressman ice a speaking on fox business news before today's hearing. what the. ours are an arch and with the checks and balances will be as you know we're very concerned that this is it and it cheats essentially funded around congress and yet it has the ability to. lie this was going to ask you do you have a problem with her or the entity you can now do you hear what i just heard there eyes that actually thinks that professor elizabeth warren in the consumer financial protection bureau might bully the banks the big bad bureau is going to bully the poor helpless little banks how sad hello i think of the banks and need to be bullied a little bit i'm not advocating for violence here but i think that those bakers need to be held accountable for the economic mess that they've created i just don't understand what world there are living it you know the economic collapse of two
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thousand and eight can be traced directly back to the big banks and wall street greed and corruption across the board said the u.s. and the world economy into a dive that we're still trying to recover from isis friends the republicans have all gone out of their way to attack professor warren the person the president obama wants to run the new consumer financial protection bureau because they see her as the boogie man or woman simply because she believes that the consumer deserves as much protection as the banks do you see the bureau schedule to begin operating and a week and it still doesn't even have a leader because republicans are blocking elizabeth warren's nomination and why would i sign as friends on the senate side to block her nomination well i don't know maybe because warren's role at the bureau would be to inspect the books of the nation's biggest banks and wall street with the washington d.c. establishment on their side they definitely don't want anyone looking at those books so i just wonder what would they find if they did it now think progress pointed out today there are far more consumers out there than there are banks so i
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wonder when republicans are finally to wake up start caring about the consumer probably never since wall street just happens to run washington d.c. but that's why we're giving republican congressman darrell i said tonight's tool time award. ok it's time for a happy hour on this evening and joining me tonight as are two producer jenny churchill and alex sites wall reporter and blogger for think progress dot org ok guys it's campaign season in there and one of the things i love about campaign season is when people put out campaign ads and we finally have one from ron paul take a look. you . know. like well
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our party people in the states of the they choose the. one candidate has always been true. but spent the but you know. standing up to the washington machine. like prince we store barack. to do that was so apocalyptic like the world is going to end if ron paul is elected president i mean i liked it right i think he just kind of put tempo and things adds to shame he just one upped him but i'm wondering if that's a little unconventional for ron paul who will he usually is the unconventional candidate to start just doing the same old hollywood flare thing that everyone else is yeah i actually checked out some of his videos from last time and they look like kind of local cable thrown together commercials for carpet stores or whatnot so this is actually a big step for him this is like produced and i have expected to see i have expect
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to see it for harry potter tonight i really could use some explosions maybe some gun fire a car chase i don't know i mean it is a little sad to see ron paul moving away from his you know shoelace kind of low budget production values that i really came to love about. paul he's just you know i think he's i think he's been turned by the washington establishment making big budget hollywood ads so we'll see how i say this is go big or go home oh maybe because we know that he's not going to run again for his congressional seat is going to put all his eggs in the basket of the presidency right now so it's just go big or go home here it is apocalypse now we're talking about him so i guess like you. i just like how we arrived at the conclusion that his anti-establishment is so ridiculously establishment absolute because everything is saying it still. because he's saying go for your convictions and do not compromise which at the end of the day i'm assuming they are going to compromise although it's kind of a big headache right now this whole debt ceiling debacle of the next thing also
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g.o.p. presidential candidate michele bachmann she was trying to get her jewish on and look what happened. here's the big issue the president doesn't want to have to be confronted with priorities and spending because he has a lot of chutzpah he spent a trillion dollars on the stimulus if failed. ok how do we properly say it instead of. getting it i don't lack for the i mean i don't know is this worse than her mistakes that she makes when it comes to u.s. history and the constitution since that's what she always is you know going on and on and on about what i think is where i don't even think she used it correctly i mean it's basically supposed to mean he's got a lot of balls and she said she was saying things that were kind of embarrassing to him and then he's got. this makes sense to me yeah i mean i think this is actually is worse than the history things because she's really launched on to this whole pro
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israel produce bandwagon that a lot of the republicans are saying i'm a better friend of jews than barack obama but she can't even pronounce the word which is like the most common you dish word out there she says she is jewish have you not seen that in two thousand and ten she said you know. she says i ok very bad . and she says i'm not against him but i consider myself to do it because that's the religion and that christianity was found because it's politically convenient to say so and it's. like i said because it's very clearly saw it written first you know it's pronouncing the phonetic who here who's a written before the ever heard it in their entire life which is just suggest she's not surrounded by many jews. think you put your nose or your whatever whatever that thing is i can't speak english today and i had to go in for yet as this next one comcast comcast they claim to have the fastest wireless internet and broadband speeds out there take
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a look at some of the ads that they put out. just one. speech. where is the final. round i want to grasp it. check out the one hundred percent pure broadband power of comcast high speed internet. you know i have comcast i'm pretty sure my internet doesn't do that but moving on so there you know it's supposed to be so great and so fast and wonderful but it turns out there's a guy who service has been shut off he's a thirty nine year old gaming consoles and who lives in seattle and they actually just shut it off because he used too much data apparently he went over the two hundred fifty get away foul line or something and they didn't even warn him they just shut it off. i think about some like disputed i think that they had warned him
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in the past about it i don't think they warned him this time i mean honestly though is how they get you when they start raising your rates and nobody tells you until your bill comes and you really bury don't you just thirty seconds and it was really hard and then your call him about his outrageous status and honestly i mean this is about he was using so much data that it was hurting his neighbors their bandwidth speed was lower because he was using so much and i find it hard to believe that he used all that band with only downloading a few bit torrents i'm sorry that just doesn't add up to. what i don't know and i guess i didn't realize that there was a limit on how much data you can download if your behavior is really internet reaches the limit no real person would reach the limit. somebody has reached two hundred fifty gigabytes a month i mean that's a lot of data and you got to wonder you know what he's already but i was totally. right no you just say i just saw him on his side until i got to the part where the comcast spokesman said this is slowing down the internet of his neighbors and if i
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was one of his neighbors i would be pissed and then i'm like comcast so i guess the i totally depends on what your position you're in but i just say that that means comcast needs to adjust and realize that some people are going to start using a lot of data or download a lot of porn now this next story i just i just love it this guy is. austrian and he's an atheist and he apparently won the rights to be shown in his driving license photo wearing a pasta strainer on his head as his religious headgear which i find kind of funny because he claims that he's an atheist but he also says that he had to wear the c. because of his religion but anyway he is a he's a pasta faria and. i like that how great it was that i became a pasta foreign today actually i visited the website there was a section do you want to be a pasta foreign and i clicked in there like congrats you are all you have to do yes and actually i signed up and i'm going to be mailed a certificate i'm already a pasta party a minister now so that any that i don't know it seems
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a little counterintuitive that there's a religion that's anti-religion but you can still be a member of the religion or whatever but i got to give him props for this it took him like three years he went through all these hoops he had to get mentally screened physically screen. you know they really tried to not let this is going to be the green screen and i'm delighted with this thing i did submit a mental evaluation because they thought he must be out of his mind if you want to wear a spaghetti strainer but this whole process for anything is pretty cool so the god is a flying spaghetti monster is like a religion invented to protest you know the teaching of intelligent design in schools or trying to get schools to teach spawning spaghetti monster is a long way along with things you know it sounds fun now it is just one guy who's just trying to get a picture taken for his driver's license at some point pasta farming isn't isn't going to just cost you a click it's going to start cost me a lot of money it's going to be like the next scientology is going to come as we are called and then we won't be laughing one of these days i'm just saying and i'm
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warning you i'm warning you don't cost of. everybody because i don't see my theory or that but i mean. look out for positive barring is there because it could be coming. to steal your body. and all of it just to punish it for you well i'm going to. see evil in a matter of like thirty seconds that's been my friend. you guys thanks for joining me tonight that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure that you come back tomorrow former u.s. army captain matthews there literally on the show to discuss some of those projects the defense budget goes to let's just say if the american people are not getting their money's worth and i mean time don't forget to become a fan of below show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight. or any other and i think you know a catchall that you cave dot com for the flash sale on a show where you can find the interviews as well as the show in its entirety we have next is adam vs the man.
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hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. is he used to. be. in india oh geez available in the move go hard on the joint be hotel rooms the violence the gateway photo the grand imperial trying to toss western toast coromandel you can a was her toe toe she lifted her toe see don't need to go and.
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run to some of the kennel was hoto as used to retreat. to appear to be up in the millions and millions of people to be unemployed and to be pull all the coal billions but suffered so that you all you wrote rainbow continued. the e.u. scrambles to cut spending as a dead plague sweeping you are free just the stores in italy. markets misery mounts the f.b.i. looks into whether or not an eleven victims' phones were happens while the fallout of these empires and british armed forces and out of a multi-billion dollar t.v. to take over. and america is to face torture tactics human. rights activists uproar over the us training brutal interrogators while condemning other nations for doing the same.
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it is a.t.m. of the russian capital you're watching our joshua welcome to the program drastic spending cuts are on the way in italy as parliament desperately tries to fend off a spiraling debt crisis it all bodes badly for the euro italy's finance minister even compare the currency troubles to the titanic but as r.t. sarah first reports there is only so much that can be done before the people take power into their own hands. there will be one significant difference between the people who take to the streets between greece and italy and that is that greece at least thank goodness the taxi drivers don't go on strike where is nuclei expected almost everybody is going to end up on strike and it's going to be absolutely chaotic the only way they can slip this through is perhaps because we do have this long lead in time until the cuts really start to make an impact in two thousand and thirteen but i think the problem is in the meantime a large amount of the sort of the leftist opposition in italy for see the fact that
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silvio berlusconi many of the reasons most of which are outside of the direct school reason are well i mean he's a wounded animal at this point in time and in some ways i think that he's going to be very difficult to hold his government together there are big problems in western europe behave them to be and are definitely to the east everyone not so fortunately expect further to the prize and because the academic the contingent seems to be spreading and we have no political leadership seeming to do with the. dress expanding cards are on the way in italy as parliament desperately tries to fend off a spiralling debt crisis and all bodes badly for the euro italy's finance minister even compare the currencies troubles to the titanic let's now take a look at sara for a report. as the clouds gather. in the greek ballot battle continue the times kidney.
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