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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations are today. today is the might is eighteen days and counting through the fall day and obama is starting to feel the heat from the clock we've got tony favor with us tonight to put the u.s. cyber command in context and so volatile on the real significance of the bohemian grove fanatic it's we've got the f.b.i. story on the death of american legend novelist ernest hemingway how to get free flights from the u.s. mint the city government of d.c. trying to open a gun store and what may be the solution to that little energy issue remember in order for a product to be to have increased to the point of making the five day work week and
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the eight hour day and this upcoming weekend you're about to enjoy possible you needed the freedom of markets advocated by adam vs the man. ladies and gentlemen this is nearly upon us obama says it's obvious now we're running out of time so be afraid be very very afraid. we're going to get approved alderson's so i can understand if you're. not from the have you sure some of. this means midnight or were some of them.
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to clear. then you know just when you think it's over that don't comes crashing down right ok ok oprah i promise the last time we're going to play that clip and i make this solemn pledge to you if there is not a deal on the debt by monday then by golly we will have a new opener for the d.-day countdown today is the wise eighteen days of the fall day and obama is getting serious we are obviously running out of time we should not even be this close to a deadline this should have been taken care of earlier my expectation and hope is that everybody in the coming days is going to be willing to compromise if we do not it could have a whole set of adverse. consequences we could end up with
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like what adverse consequences an innocent president like you'd have to think full responsibility for trashing the american economy like you might not get a rate reelected. well maybe you have the paul's on your side when it comes to raising taxes. all right well i was a little miss barr in that clip what obama claimed today was that he had eighty percent of the american people on his side when it came to raising taxes turns out that's a gross overstatement and i use the term overstatement very deliberately because the administration only accepts euphemism for lying he was referring to a gallup poll in which a mere twenty percent of respondents said they wanted the deficit solved with only
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spending cuts four percent said only tax increases so the other seventy six percent was with some mix of spending cuts and tax increases well no one wants their taxes to go up even if they're against an overall tax increase but if you tax other people to pay for this that's ok and that's the problem but remember eighty six point three two five percent of all statistics are made up propaganda and raise and the white house still has what it's calling the fallback option that is become a plan to let obama do an end run around congress and ignore the debt ceiling altogether meanwhile gold is at an all time high is fed chairman bernanke gets ready to fire up the printing presses and he is now warning that spending cuts could be potentially damaging to that recovery you know that recovery in which people keep losing their jobs a real success for obama to run on my prediction is that obama will step up and
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take responsibility when he's forced to go to the fallback option then doggedly shake his head of the republicans say something about cleaning up bush's mess and having strong together as a country all through this very very tough recovery then we'll be off to chicago for a luxurious birthday bash we'll see how that one gets done. remember what i told you about the one billion dollars in one dollar coins sitting in a vault in baltimore maryland looks like someone finally found a use for them they're called travel hackers and i'm just wishing i'd thought of this first you see the government is dying at least congress. has ordered them and to get these clients into circulation even though the currency market clearly has no demand for them so you can order the now at face value from the us mint with no
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shipping cost to put this together and the trick is you can order the coins with frequent flyer credit cards once the coins arrive the travel hackers take the coins to the bank pay off their credit card balances and wallah airline points but the government really wanted to get these things in circulation those one dollar coin posters on the walls of the metro stations would advertise free flights to the cayman islands not how many polar bears using the coins might save then again your credits to understand markets that's why they ended up in the public sector in the first place so who actually pays for these free flights you can see the big waste of money it was making the coins in the first place but now to make matters worse taxpayers are making these free flights possible by subsidizing the shipping of the coins don't worry and it made sense it wouldn't be the government. speaking of which the city government of washington d.c.
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never fails to fail transportation parking education grammar duction you name it they suck it and so many ways d.c. is the exemplary model of what it is to be a police state as i mentioned yesterday their solution to high crime is to keep armed firefighters nearby yes three corners and doing the favorites but it gets better tacitly acknowledging that the commerce have at least some right to self-defense the great restoration is trying to work out a deal so the d.c. might finally get a gun store if you can call it that if the mayor gray's proposal is to have a gun stop set up inside of a police station no word yet on of the a.t.f. will be hanging around the stations to funnel guns to d.c. felons but maybe i should stop talking for i give them any ideas why is it so difficult for airports to hire competence at curie i mean beyond just lust and babies and grandmothers i'm fairly certain they wouldn't be able to stop
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an actual threat if there was one at least that's what i'm led to believe when they can't even remember to take their gun with them after taking a leak investigation is underway by houston police and federal officials as to how an immigrations and customs enforcement agent managed to forget his six hour handgun in a restroom at george bush intercontinental airport by a cleaning crew at nine ten am in a secure area of terminal eat no word yet on how the ice agent will be punished but i'd suggest sending them through a t.s.a. checkpoint a few times. with the creation of the united states cyber command in two thousand and nine the department of hands is now ready for the new cyber three point zero strategy as per the title of the unclassified version quote strategy for operating in cyberspace which you know no one of the internet calls it cyberspace and we're doing it anyway as a court of their press release this is the first deal de unified strategy for cyberspace and officially encapsulates
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a new way forward for d.o.d.'s military intelligence and business operations and their new secretary of defense panetta said it is critical to strengthen our cyber capabilities to address the cyber threats we're facing i view this is an area in which we're going to confront increasing threats in the future and think we have to be better prepared to deal with the growing cyber challenges that will face the nation to help with this in developments in syria and libya in context i'm excited to be joined by our next guest and colonel anthony shaffer his book operation dark heart spy craft and special ops on the frontlines of afghanistan and the path to victory was the target of a censorship attempt by the kind of gone after they tried to buy up all ten thousand copies before approving the censored version he is currently a senior fellow at the center for advanced defense studies and slogan is innovation for peace tony thanks so much for being with us driving back adam all right so with this in context for us please the u.s. cyber command been around for a couple years now with hacking heating up accusations with china being involved
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what is the significance of the u.s. cyber command in the overall department offense that picture why i think that's part of the problem it's not significant by the fact that they're they're playing catch up what we're doing now and i think it's significant that if we're talking about three zero what happened to one do they not exist well they didn't get it and that's part of the problem that we're talking about today were issues we dealt with back in the ninety's and what is ironic here is that the very issues they're talking about today were guarding all of the different structure issues of protection the offensive i want to stuff we develop in the ninety's and guess who cooked and picked it up in. right with it the chinese now there's argue pollution issues will probably debate here a little bit but the bottom line is the chinese took the doctor and we developed in the ninety's and figured out it was because we were bothered and just over the overly focused on iraq and afghanistan during the past decade they developed this into a cohesive military strategy and that's one of the reasons they're so effective the second problem with it doesn't really do anything you know cyber command has a number of failings one of the biggest of which is they have no defined threshold
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of what does a target really mean when will you use kinetic force to deal with a cyber threat they've really not to find anything so any way for us conceptually i have to ask a measure of a more specific question on the terminology and the perspective that is the premise for this thing that they are calling cyberspace really i mean who uses this term anymore like it's clearly creating a construct to give it the ability to give the department has the ability to say we are calling this an operational domain but we have troops in cyberspace now and that's part of the probably not understand that understood this is this is organic it touches everything it's part of everything and this was part of the idea back in the ninety's that they that they got off on a tangent where they saw what we want to develop with separately i don't want you to develop it as part of everything else you do because let's face it come on today everything we do is it touches the internet in some form or spaces in a place it's the hive mind of humanity exactly and this is where they've completely
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missed the boat on this both are talking about in some instance creating mr bolton is a great big russian today it is the old idea of deterrence like we did during the cold wars like cut off now is about china and i mentioned china and i would talk rose is a really want to get in is you've got some some dirt that you can't quite spill but the pentagon reported twenty four thousand files had been stolen right and this is a big scary number twenty four thousand dollars a carer's you don't know if they're relevant you know how many gigs of information is kind of relevant and they're saying we don't know who did it but. it. it a great deal that concerns a sensitive system right aircraft avionics surveillance technology i mean stuff that defense department contractors have out on their own secured servers that get hacked by anonymous hackers all the time around online and they're saying we have no idea what we think is a foreign intelligence service you got some skin you got a scoop on two things of it well i've been called in by a certain so what are a.b.c. and they've confirmed to me it was a chinese and with that said they believe it's the thai they do and based on and
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through ways that we did not do ok so you got it from a trusted source i do but do we trust their ability do we trust their conclusion i do based on the fact that these folks have to have more concern about our money supply on wall street than they do about defense and that's why i think it's credible with that said there's two problems with the way duties doing this first of all it's it's just like the other day when one former sec def rumsfeld was was told by the t.s.a. you know i don't think secretary once it was really a threat this is we're in this is that what they're doing right now they're looking they're trying to secure networks which really aren't of concern to the chinese and they're kind of leaving this vague enough so that anything that's in or cyberspace can be a threat that we can attack and then earlier and that's my second point yeah they say that but they really don't say what is a threshold where is the threshold are off or can you go up and knock on our door before we figure that you're not knocking you're trying to get in this is an isolated act of war if it's correcting lawn clippings off the off the lawn that are just hanging off on the sidewalk unsecured data that out there right as we have an incompetent security system to begin with exactly and let me be very clear on this
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any time you have a deterrent you have to be very clear on that and on what you have to do to meet the threshold of trying to trip and in turn why are they having them and they just said well now we believe this could be an act of war what could be an act of what exactly because we're they're eating our lunch now well i think they're going to be in this is like the nightmare surreal version or a global war on terror because you know they were going to have a not just like like hide it is more of an idea than an organization where people can anybody can say i'm al qaeda you piss him off i'm not. they all are you present people off they're all hackers and they all can get on a computer and they can all figure out that pick up the basic right to get past the systems out i wish we had time to get into syria and libya but we don't it's not as bad as a thank you for sharing i think you. really hope that they don't lower this threshold so much for these digital cyberspace attacks that we end up with with real wars right all tony thank you thank you tony shaffer author of operation dark heart and
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you're watching adam vs the man will be right back. yard she is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't understand or is it.
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isn't it great that we have so many tax funded fads to keep us safe you know from the real threats out there i mean the excess is making sure our phones and e-mails are secure that c.s. . keeping our genitals bomb free and the a.t.f. is keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous americans by sending them over the border to drug cartels well our tax money may have also helped to eliminate a renowned american writer friend and close collaborator of ernest hemingway hotchner wrote in the new york times july first that i mean i was driven to suicide as a result of anguish induced by intense federal surveillance there were many explanations
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for hemingway suicide at the time that he'd been fighting with his wife that he was terminally ill and that he was drowning in financial problems but harder insists none of those were true early before taking his own life heaven we complained to his friends of torment due to constant f.b.i. surveillance as he said it's the worst hell or the goddamn missed hell they've bugged everything that's why we're using my friend's car mine's bugged everything's bugged can't use the phone mail intercepted even his closest friends are not fully believe him at the time. but it turns out he wasn't just paranoid afterall the f.b.i. started keeping tabs on one of america's literary treasures as early as the one nine hundred forty s. j. edgar hoover took extra special interest in hemingway reportedly due to his time spent in cuba and may have been a socialist and is rumored to have met with the k.g.b. but never charged with anything so was it forced politics or some specific investigation that drew the f.b.i.'s attention in one thousand eight hundred three
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hundred twenty seven page file in the writer was made public it was revealed that for two decades hemingway was spied on harassed and followed by federal agents near the end of his life and we told those close to him that he felt himself to tearing it down and self unable to produce any more work or spend time with friends for several suicide attempts ending subjected to eleven rounds of electrified their peon austral and when hemingway himself insisted was bugged he did his own life in one thousand nine hundred one so just how did all of those now classic american novels pose a threat to the safety and security of america if the f.b.i. really existed for our protection they'd go after real criminals like whoever wrote that book by something not the american icon ernest hemingway. i know you with your we've seen a lot of trash talking on charlie beach after the interview from yesterday and i still really can't quite understand why a play on words fifty five writes such silly arguments and fallacious responses
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from charlie can't possibly have become brain dead overnight people are upset at you because you insult them and out a very weak justification for your flip flop charlie not because they invested in your opinion well if the thousands of people who have never met him gov said don't you think it has something to do with people being invested in his opinion maybe some through the years are also a bit too emotionally invested in their own theories evil furby writes when it comes to the nine eleven conspiracies it seems you can be an agnostic or atheist and still be friends or allies with those that these dogmatic morons. good point but that's not true for all truth and when charlie said he had stood on top of building seven i was getting out what callous or eighteen suggests please show charlie the video of silverstein explaining how at some point they decided to pull the building nine eleven wasn't just a part of a blueprint to the rest of the world we must look like sure dolts afraid of the truth and paranoid over terrorists where so many hopefully will have a chance to get into this four hour in that segment with luke and jake maybe he
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knows a thing or two about killing seven but charlie's change of heart itself response an interesting conspiracy theory from selling out to the b.b.c. and m i six do the cia sex zero three writes i feel bad for charlie because listening to him before he appeared to really believe that he could make a difference now if you look how he acts it's fake he can't answer questions effectively so he gives b.s. answers and blanks a lot he's lying and doing a bad job there was this video he made a few months back where he was really sad about the legal issues he was having seem like he was broken no he's ok and has this fake persona he was threatened and doesn't want to die who does. in response to the story on iraqi government buying jets from the united states government will tweets i wonder if they get a we got to sell you guys these because we're going to shoot them down later this counts but our top comments on it once is episode really summed it up our soldiers go fight get drug p.t.s.d.
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that blown apart and insulted by private contractors making more for less work with better equipment then then then they get home and find out their benefits are cut or gone and find out that the banks want to take their home then there are no jobs to go back to and ready for it they and their family oh all forty thousand each to pay for the horrors if that's not a kick in the soul and nothing is who right in the so months and finally some perspective politics best serves politicians not the people i say let the government implode it what's the worst that could happen the sheeple would have to look up from their feeding trough and realize that the benevolent farmers out of gruel forcing them to either die of starvation or break free of the cage they had failed to notice since birth that or new management takes over the insane asylum and we just keep going the way we have been and some wisdom from bill in albuquerque or as the free man can develop a healthy self-esteem through the vigorous exercise of his liberty those afflicted with self-doubt and low self-esteem ever will sleep turn
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a blind nationalism or belief in american exceptionalism and a general blaming of his woes on the enemy of the day is provided by states government the corporate media and some defiance finally from canada wasn't even in mexico who writes i've officially had enough of being told i am not allowed to do something i'm planting a garden then seen it while drinking raw milk and saying god call me a rebel but i'm pretty sure my grandmother would approve. nikola tesla unquestionably more bad ass than thomas edison conspiracy theories run wild of how his discoveries were suppressed over the years by shadowy figures of government and industry and with lots of grains of truth behind them tesla worked tirelessly towards the ideal of free unlimited renewable wireless energy that could be transferred on a mass scale constructing networks of what with ours across the globe for such a purpose obviously our energy industry didn't go that route as it's dominated by federal government favored monopolies and corporatist oil companies but is ideal is
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at least one step closer to reality researchers at georgia tech have developed a wide band antenna friends of on paper that literally captures ambient energy from the electromagnetic currents in the air around them what a signal hits the internal electromagnetic waves are captured in turn from afternoon current to direct current and are able to power small electrical devices as leader researcher models and cirrus as said there is a large amount of look for magnetic energy all around us but nobody's been able to tap into it but now it seems maybe we can the implications of this are huge a printable energy source that captures ambient energy i mean you can already see the threat this could pose to the monopoly base corporatists the world over all at once this could carry the potential to solving the energy crisis shutting up the hippies and putting some real shady schedules out of business i'm not for the tesla
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renaissance and look it's already given me excuse to show you how awesome tesla coils are now since they're performing an ozzy osborne song we can't play the audio but this is the band architect with their unique use of tesla coils for rock and roll performance all right so. in california the members of the bahamian grub grove . grove club are meeting and bringing charges of great conspiracy theories as well as now protests we have a clip of some of the protesters gathered there yesterday morning in what seemed like an attempt with not quite enough people to rock the road let's play that on july thirteenth two thousand and eleven one hundred and thirty eight and you were in camp at the. california. place to some of the most powerful men in the world around ok that was actually
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a clip from the main video that was put together to promote this sort of call have the call to action can we play the clip of the protesters there yesterday do we have that as well you know all right well joining me now to discuss this and understand i hope little bit about the significance of what happens at the bill when we will human growth every year is no other than stuff on knowledge of a host of freedom in radio dot com so fun thanks so much for being with us tonight and my pleasure you know and i would stand out so you know we had a clip for all of that i'm going to i'm going to keep this up one more time we're going to play a show our audience what exactly went down outside the bohemian grove yesterday. ok so we saw they didn't quite have enough to really do want to fecht of blockade of the road maybe a dozen people there protesting there were there were reports that there were several dozen more throughout the day but they ended up doing a protest on the side of the road and being escorted off so far why do you think
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people are in two thousand and eleven and for some that's been going on for decades finally coming together to protest the bohemian grove. well i think this and number of reasons that i'm i think first and foremost there's a very powerful mythology around this right so according to a number of sources they they would ship the god mole arc and doesn't that sound like some fiery demon who should be chasing gandalf across the bridge but they worship this being called mole locke and they have ritual child sacrifices then all kinds of crazy frat house ritual way i thought morelock was the guy that was supposed to be the owner of the second largest media conglomerate in the world no murdo right right ok post it i think i think they're present but anyway. i think child sacrifice is very important first of all the the god is an ancient and akron estate superstition and so is the state so i think that sort of fits well together also the god demands child sacrifice the state requires child sacrifice the reply
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is that children be placed in terrible. teachers it requires that children's futures be sold off for the sake of buying favorites from voters in the here and now and of course it months that governments periodically go to war which is the ultimate form of child sacrifice and mythologically i think it works really well there is a very great primitivism in the state it is one of the oldest human institutions that has barely reformed itself in ten thousand years and you have at the top of them you have oh ok fine fire fire fire gates's oh you know you cut you off right there don't want to do is what do you wax philosophical it's friday or friday as a vote of the bobo growth story or ok's the following there's people coming together so it's a process is how do you really think that the members of the union grove and it's about. twenty twenty four hundred or i mean it's a pretty large group do you think that they really represent what the protesters are saying as a significant chunk of the american male it's
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a men only event male superclasses is it really that much yeah i think it's i think it's fair to say i mean a number of very prominent politicians have gotten their start seemingly by giving speeches and human growth the idea of old nixon specifically credited the boy human growth speech that he gave in seventy six as seventy one is really his first important step to the white house so. that's that's pretty good for their credibility and alan greenspan went there before he became chairman of the fed and jimmy carter and bill clinton apparently all been there so yeah look these people have way more in common with each other than they have with you and i this is what's so crazy about nationalism right we have more in common with some tax livestock over in malaysia than we do with our own political leaders that's why it's so bizarre that people follow what the political leaders do this is a class that they do live in the stratosphere like greek gods they have way more in common with each other than you and i so the fact that they get together and discuss the business of the world at our expense is entirely natural and we have one more clip i want to play from the promo videos for all of this. this
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intersection and the respectable roadways completely blocking the entrance to bohemian grove and to the presence of the police state requires you to move. this in a peaceful non combative way. where you face an enemy in. the face of the anonymous so why is it that anonymous organizers are coming together on the bohemian grove as an issue and is it really worth protesting this group of rich old powerful men meeting in the woods to do weird crazy stuff i don't think so now look the fact that these men have something to meet about that they have massive decisions to make about the world economy and their trading favors them trading relationships and so on that's all in effect of political power you don't worry about the manifestations of political power you go to the root cause of political power which is our belief in the state inability of taxation so i'll go dancing.


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