tv [untitled] July 15, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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the impression that basically what we're dealing with in terms of the people behind the walls is that they're animals but they're not animals they are i mean those sorry i have to interrupt here to get real sweetheart we have to take a break but i want to thank you very much for joining us and we'll continue to cover this story thank you thank you very much to. i'll be right back. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok and. i'm sorry because the big picture. where you are broke. and you know.
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harvest time for tonight's told time warden tonight it goes to a past winner twenty twelve presidential candidate herman cain has seen its stock in a race for the g.o.p. nomination improve and recent weeks well what's odd is believe it is not going to be the nominee he's still on the campaign trail shaking hands and looking for possible votes and he's polling pretty damn well ok it was in tennessee on thursday when he was asked about a new mosque was being built in murfreesboro and without hesitation he launched into the g.o.p. typical thought it was when it comes to muslims and islam and said it is an infringement and into music of our freedom of religion and i don't agree with
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what's hot. because this isn't an innocent nazi now christine need a refresher course on the constitution and religion the document that our founding fathers came up with more than two hundred thirty five years ago guaranteed everybody the freedom to practice the religion of their choice without interference from the government just because cave like to spread islamophobia doesn't mean that islam is not a religion and fact there are about one point five billion muslims worldwide it was the second largest religion it's the fastest growing religion in the world so how can herman cain say that allowing somebody to practice islam is an infringement and an abuse of his freedom of religion thank you for little bit confused here but should we really be surprised about cain's latest offensive remark about as long he has made some off the wall comments about muslims before he's made them several times in the last few months actually so just this week in iowa and in progress asked cain about a comment he made about muslims serving in his cabinet if he were to be elected president and you said you couldn't leave the city and you're going to be exclusive
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to you because that was the stick with it i mean right out. of my street let's move over now because. look at your was ok i'll go to church probably the church members are just going to be retired from work with my kids. it kind of sounds like cain is trying to rewrite history here take a look at an interview also with think progress from may when cain was asked if he would allow his cabinet or point as a judge. you just want. the screaming at you. to gradually. and emotionally honest government. so what is your stance there and again please make up your mind now if you just google herman cain the word muslim believe me you'll read quote after quote about his views on islam and how he's so scared that
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shari'ah laws here in the u.s. never mind the fact that he's never seen a case of sharia law being dragged as here but gave his g.o.p. buddy the love to fear monger and scare white folks with islamophobia because that seems to be a winning ticket with their voters every time and also when herman cain and i strolls i'm bored. now we often talk about the bloated defense budget on this show the massive amounts of wasted money being thrown to projects with no sense of logic contracts to run over budget over time and of taking decades to complete and costing you the taxpayer millions if not billions of dollars so today let's get into a few specifics the jail t.v. is the vehicle that's currently being built by partnership of all your usual defense contractors to replace the hummer and the purchase price for each vehicle with our without armor already quitman just the chassis is three hundred thousand dollars now once you add some are more than that rise to right up to six hundred thousand dollars per vehicle all in all the initial purchase price for the entire
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fleet is about sixty billion dollars and then when you add in lifecycle maintenance cost the vehicle is going to be writing tax cuts the tax is the cost of the american taxpayer roughly three hundred billion and it sounds expensive and it sounds really really fancy repair only there's one other giant problem according to our guest tonight he doesn't mean a single requirement for use in combat as stipulated by the army so what's wrong with it and why the hell is this project still on there discuss this with me is not the former u.s. army captain thanks so much for being here tonight thanks for having me now i know this is something that you're riled up about the media really angry because it sells a huge waste of money and it is tell me exactly what's wrong with this thing why doesn't it work so the army. when they go to actually make a new vehicle has an entire office of people that allegedly will sit down and write the basic requirements must have four wheels internal combustion engine minimal amount of margaret cetera and then it says ok once you've built the thing it has to
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be able to survive certain types of explosions go up and down hills at certain degrees or cetera but all of a ship and then they go in they build a few prototypes and they put it through its paces well what they found out after the initial testing of all the prototypes is that none of them actually meet all the exposure of. stipulated by the armor and that the weight ratio that would be required to do it made the vehicle to have it for transport on airplanes so the army went back and revised the requirements that they stipulated in the contract so that the current prototypes would actually meet future requirements as written history requirements was not just been lowered if he were wrong he has basically we lowered the standard and so we're going to be getting a vehicle as it's currently made that will simply not be as protective as it necessarily needed to be and not meet the type of things that the army wanted to see of a vehicle that was alternately going to cost about three hundred million dollars to build so who exactly is building and we say that it's critical defense contractors out there who's responsible for having
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a set of requirements and then building something that doesn't fit into those requirements right away ever so this is where it gets fascinating it's companies like the northrop grumman those types of enterprises there's a couple that are working as a team in agreement there are others they're working another team agreement kind of in competition which so ridiculous about this is that a review a call a couple years ago general motors basically got bailed out by the american taxpayer arab on the reason why these vehicles cost so much for these defense contractors because they don't actually usually make vehicles so when it comes time to actually building these things they have to go out and build a factory and they have to build all the robotics for the factory and staff it manage and they only use it for one purpose building a vehicle and they tear it all down and so in the contract they write out how much it's going to cost to build the factory put the robotics and employ all those people and then actually tear all that down and sell it off and the government has to pay for that well what's sad about this is why don't we do use general motors to
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do this we already own them as a company general motors needs work we did this during world war two with tanks and jeeps and everything we basically asked the u.s. auto industry to put its people to work building our supply materials and we could do this again but we're not we're well and that's kind of my want to have a thank you run into the problem of. you know creating work where normally there would be and so then you just perpetuate this military industrial complex even further because then you have people that are dependent on a continuing and expanding defenses and continuing strikes because the that's the only thing that they have to build we don't invest in other projects that's what president eisenhower warned actually as his farewell address was the idea of this military industrial complex and so with what i want to talk about and i want to highlight this issue is it just shows how broken the defense procurement process is this is a long list of programs that we've we've spent billions on the army spent forty billion dollars on an artillery system that ultimately did not buy it spent forty billion dollars on the stealth helicopter that it will ultimately did not buy that
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eighty billion dollars actually spent they built prototypes and everything they were to field it and then they got canceled so this is it shows just how broken the procurement rather blame or do you blame members of congress who perhaps are persuaded very easily by lobbyists that come from these defense contractors because they say we're going to build a factory in your town that's right provide work for your constituents and that's going to be a big items up for you or do you blame it on the people at the pentagon. combination of both who are that combination of both in congress is for example the thirty five there's two different variants of it and they decided one of the variants had a really expensive engine that they didn't leave they were going to get rid of it and that was the defense apart and they said we don't want this well congress keeps throwing it back and so i blame congress and that type of instance but in this instance with the jail t.v. i think it's the army's per curiam office of the four hundred plus people who work there there's only one guy who has an engineering degree and there's a nuclear engineering it's not an automotive engineer it's you because of people
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who don't even understand the basic concept of building an all movie or writing a proposal that says hey listen it needs to meet the spec requirements ok now this might be a silly question and forgive me if it is but what i do need a replacement for the hunger what's what's wrong with what we already have the hunger has a serious design flaw. and we found out in iraq and afghanistan and basically the bottom hole separates when there's an explosion and people get sandwiched inside which is why we're fielding em wraps because that rats have a v. shaped hole and so the idea was well the en route was not an actual procurement process it wasn't something that the army went on to say we're going to design this from scratch and make it fit all our future needs that it was a deal that a vehicle that already existed the south africans had developed it for use in the ngo and more and so we would just like existing models and then put a bunch of them forward because we need to protect soldiers and sailors and marines lives in afghanistan and iraq there are a few interesting details if you talk about the enron that also shows how incompetent and broken our entire system is i hear that basically they were allowed
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to write their own contract they told the pentagon what to do so the contractor that handles that is a company called se i see it's one of the large defense and intelligence contractors and they were sending people in iraq and afghanistan to literally oversee the government personnel who were supposed to be in charge of them and they just came out this week that they were actually reprimanding and disciplining those government personnel which is very illegal and more importantly they were the ones who are in charge of writing the rebid when the government wants to go out and award a contract that has already been awarded you know it's a five year period after that five years they have to read it out will the s.a.i.c. people are the ones who actually wrote the refit and then were the ones who advised the government on who they should pick to ultimately when they surprise it right now there isn't any i see yeah i think we could i think probably speak for the full hour days about example after example of these projects and you think that that's going to change any time soon for leon panetta take any of that i don't know i hope
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so his marching orders apparently are to be to you know slash four hundred billion off the defense department's budget and if you look at just an example between the army and the marines in the lead up to the iraq war the army took a thirteen million dollar chemical warfare detection system with them that did not work it had a bunch of false positives a lot of u.s. army soldiers throwing on their chemical warfare protection equipment when they didn't need to because they thought there was an incoming attack from saddam's forces the marines took canaries. when you start a force of resources it forces them to be very very smart and how they spend their money well we'll see we'll see if they actually had any success in terms of making you'll get smart with their money but of course there are a lot of jobs and a lot of money for congress that's right they care to about thank so much for joining thank you so much for having me. it's how we have our fireside friday and then we kick off the weekend with a happy hour fox news believe the media is being unfair in the coverage of the hacking scandal in the u.k. and the a.c.l.u. in federal government are battling over top secret documents concerning afghan economy that in just
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a month. include only one military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. while we characterize obama as a charismatic. public merican exceptional it's. good sometimes to see a story that seems so bleak you think you understand it and then something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you just don't. charge is a big.
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it's a nice buy inside with your. demand. this week the war in libya continued on and became even more of a murky mired in that's so you all in a world tour hillary clinton stopped in istanbul to meet with representatives from a donations and there she announced that the u.s. will now officially recognize the libyan rebel rebels as illegitimate interim government of the country also includes freeing up about thirty billion dollars in assets for those rebels to use aside for recognizing that the rebels those nations meeting in turkey undoubtedly will come to no conclusion about what to do other than to keep fighting keep hoping that will knock it off he steps down or at the end of the day. but nobody knows yet how this situation is going to aunt but
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there's one thing that's become very clear if that every single day more people are losing their lives and my people i mean those civilians of the u.s. and nato nations are supposedly there to save protect the a humanitarian mission the nato has denied reports in libya's inspector general this week that over a thousand civilians have perished i don't blame them for not believing what libya is trying to sell but there's no question that people are dying process the. allam is that we just don't know exactly how many there are political it's this recognition of the rebels by the us a new perspective this week c.j. chivers of the new york times reported those same at libyan rebels that we're supporting training funding and assisting of their looting villages they are burning homes of those who are loyal to gadhafi forces and the thing that really got me in that whole report is the chivers made it seem like don't worry could obviously forces are still large worse well isn't that something we've involved ourselves in a civil war pick the side one that's not organized it's chaotic we don't know well
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apparently they're the better of two evils is something out seem utterly wrong to everyone else here this is what happens when you get your country involved in a conflict that you don't belong in and has nothing to do with you and that in reality you probably end up making worse meanwhile let's not forget about the accuracy here let's not forget that it's taken until this week for the u.s. to finally say out loud that assad is becoming given to tonight's despite the fact that people have been dying in syria for months at the hands of his forces back to libya to give you another little tidbit of information that came out this week british forces admitted that they're running out of military targets to hit they're running out because they won the majority of them because gadhafi isn't so stupid as to only use military targets he's a sick man that's going to exploit civilians and use them as shields that he needs to use but i just wonder how long that's going to hold up and i wonder how long before nato forces decide that this means we need to put troops on the ground because well striking civilian targets from the air just would look right at being
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a humanitarian intervention at all and nobody's going to complain if they just step beyond the rules of the u.n. resolution anyway i hope that we don't see that happen but what we need to do is we need to keep the pressure on and then for the fact that politicians in the u.s. have their heads so far up their asses right now having a fake debate over the debt ceiling all the attention has turned away from the illegal actions of the president they got us involved in this war in the first place i went to perth. strategy becomes so distracted by putting the country on the brink of a deep balls of course everything looks minuscule in comparison but it doesn't have to be that way we don't have to be on the edge of default we don't have to be talking about cutting social programs while leaving defense on touch and we sure as hell don't have to be fighting and fix conflicts around the world six just think afghanistan iraq pakistan yemen somalia libya it's too much time necessary it's not smart it's creating more damage and destruction and death around the world and i have to stop.
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trying to it's friday and it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is our producer jenny churchill and mike riggs as the editor at reason magazine and reason dot com so obviously we have been covering some of the murdoch scandal for you asked me if this could be the end of the empire but the funny thing is that everyone has been covering this expression for fox news for the most part and here's them trying to explain why it's really not that big of a deal. and the company has come forward and they've said look this happened a long time ago at a tabloid in london somebody did something really bad and the company reacted they close that newspaper all those people got fired even though ninety nine percent of them absolutely had nothing to do with the for a mistake and. as apologized but for some reason the public media keeps going
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over the summer again. that is just so that it i mean can you imagine if box news was all over some story and let's say they were doing something about the president now he's a muslim and he came out and apologized to people and that's very i've been lying this whole time about my religion where they just let it go but it will get over it's called grounds for impeachment i think i have problems that segment one of them is that all those people getting fired are not people getting shuttered was murdoch still exist he did not have to do that he could have waited for an investigation he could have let rebecca brooks who was the head of news of the world people so i think that shows you that he knew what was going on and the second part of that is go to jail for like a long time like nobody you know could say sorry for doing or you know can say sorry for stealing you don't see starts the other stuff there punishments you know what i mean you know i when you murder someone you just say sorry and everyone gets over it that's just how it works. but i mean honestly and then later in the clip
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they talk about all the hacking that's going on in this hacking is really getting out of control i know it's part of a larger issue you know i'm sorry this is not this saying this is you hiring a private one not band but an organization hiring a private investigator to go snoop on people that's not even close to the same it's like low security and anonymous and well now the f.b.i. is looking into it which i think rightly so they are i think it's great i am curious to see where this all goes because murdoch has just seemed like this all powerful media mogul first so so long i wonder if this could make things a little or maybe early to start speculating totally but we'll see now also during this weekend. there's this big gathering going on of all these elites and it's a males only club and it's called the bohemian grove and it's something that there are media has actually been reporting on for years and decades take a look at small clips every year with this obviously around the country got to go. on and so people say with this much power and this much money located in one place
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there is more to the whole give me and club than campfires and canoe way stated reasons for the demonstration were the connections of the clubs members to nuclear weapons research the large political and business deals made there and the exclusion of women from membership inside the compound there have been persistent rumors about closet homosexuality. there in love the rumors about it was a story we did a couple weeks ago and so it was accused of homosexuality how do you get accused of something like that but. and he has since you don't know if you look at it it is just prison or a funny way right i mean especially when you have people like the stories that came out today did not mention that alex jones the slightly not so radio host from austin has written about this i'm sorry he has been on the air for he has been clear about spears people have complained about tons of other meetings and i think what they're missing here is that like poor bold decisions and crimes against
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humanity if you want to call some of them like war horrible citizens it may have bars they get made private dinners or a lobbyist or they get made at all times almost never seen it stirred when you have a league rupert's together for two and a half we who knows maybe. take you with us and she came alone and i were to tell offer to weeks every year not adding on what we were doing and call it like i don't even know what we call it i would be carried away a day i was out of here he's a very talented artist but he was tired after the civil war is now has about twenty four x. he's got twenty five thousand twenty four hundred members among those are every republican president supposedly since one thousand nine hundred eighty three cabinet officials major companies banks oil company executives i mean this it's not just about a bunch of elites getting together this is about all of that collusion that isn't supposed to be going on when you talk about why government and corporate powers and wall street all are working for each other and this revolving door that's what the
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problem is all supposedly all the republican candidates are chosen there and not only of the manhattan project was there too so we want to devote more through friday does get you know you're writing a lot why do you look at look at some of the big corruptions we've had in government tom de lay did not work out his deals with indian casinos at a huge campground ok in texas or in california he people do this in small groups they do in big groups here conspicuously conspiracy i think another enemy or not it actually is very curious they released a whole video let's take a look. we must know known. allow our government officials to meet with c. of large companies military contractors oil companies and too big to fail banks without the direct consent of the people without transparency. it is a wonder of anonymous to be able to dig something up and then stop all the conspiracy theories from i don't know if you have it they showed up a day early just a pair they got to be fairly certain some members started protesting in a cave
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a day early let's move. to god this is so so ridiculous this story i think our audience knows very well how i feel about the investment coverage of casey anthony trial and because of that coverage this is what's now happening to people. she's. just trying to hurt babies out babies and she's going to stop it from happening again blackwell says the woman followed her around her truck causing it to flip to one half times she says she never talked with her attacker but believes she was targeted because people tell her she resembles casey anthony oakley's reports i'm going to tell you exactly why that woman was attacked and this woman is the reason for it but let me just. bring tonight. friedan's with me here how ludicrous the woman who may be looks like casey anthony is being attacked in her car dealer saying you were her baby's you
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know i mean we have to be clear here she did have a daughter named caylee and it was really confusing really really had a lot of i want to. know why are you could be her that we know. maybe grazes not yet what oh i don't know how you know you got i don't i don't buy that i don't buy that it's a gray said some really of scenarios some really stupid some people are actually saying oh so are you going to be this or you know she did like i really told me jump off a cliff alone i'm not going to do it ok you know but i mean really helping out come on. the point is like nancy grace is like a despicable human being who is kind of entertaining but like this isn't her fault this isn't her fault this is the fault of like somebody is bad parents ok i'm going to say i leave nancy grace bell in that room was resolute and whoever watches her and actually listens to her is that fell to her unfortunately people are you guys are going to wrap it up have a great weekend that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you can back on monday not well from reason magazine is going to be joining us for another dose of happy hour now in the meantime don't forget to become
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a fan of the alone or show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you know if you see a dot com slash to let us know where you can find interviews as well the show in its entirety we have maxed out in person. wealthy british style. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our feet. we'll.
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