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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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in india oh she's available in the movie argument joyce p. hotels the home of the that's the gateway to the grand imperial truly the george west coast coromandel you can go with her till the close richard good to see don't need to go and. read this in the kennel was her job as a retreat. to the crisis rages on both sides of the atlantic as a need here appear in banks to fail stress tests for their vulnerability to financial troubles while america nears its a fourteen point three trillion dollars debt ceiling. rupert murdoch floods of the british media with i'm sorry messages days that before a grilling by m.p.'s over the news of the world phone hacking scandal meanwhile the fear of moves across the atlantic with reports of nine eleven victims the phones were targeted as continuing outrage and disgrace engulfs is once again impregnable media empire. and urgency crews are preparing to lift the russian cruiser that sank
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in the volga river in minutes claiming almost one hundred thirty of the lives of. the operation to raise the sunken bulgaria has begun hopefully providing answers the grieving relatives and investigates this will bring you all the details from the recovery site in just a moment. and bring you the top news and headlines from around the world this is r.t. glad to have you with us let's take a look at your top stories eight out of ninety one european banks have failed stress tests designed to ensure they could withstand another financial crisis five of those are in spain the country commonly seen as the next weakest link in the euro zone on friday italy passed seven hundred billion euros of public spending
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cuts to slash its whopping budget deficit and with the euro sinking this week artie's sarah ferguson reports on why the future of the single currency doesn't look so bright anymore. as the clouds gather the ins and the greek bad bustle continues its dark times could now lie ahead. what everybody. is afraid for the future if you think countries like italy looking on increasingly unstable grounds can new year a right out as financial still this is really something quite frightening if indeed it only. goes into big trouble on the financial markets this is certainly a totally new phase of this euro crisis new dimension theory fairy tale was all too appealing countries trip save themselves for a plight of the g.c. apple but now many election aggressing taking the bait.
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not bad i mean. after more than a decade of businesses like that asus have been hit hard. things three and athens is still bustling the problems with the economy means that many businesses here in greece simply can't and communing the year in many european prices and for many of their members we could colonies it didn't mean european wages is one botched bailout after another year of skeptics who wanted danger from the start they have become the unlikely heroes of this tale just who the hell do you think you people are you are very very dangerous people indeed your obsession with creating this euro state means that you're happy to destroy democracy you appear to be happy for millions and millions of people to be unemployed and to be poor untold millions
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must suffer so that your euro dream to continue if you rob people of their identity you rob them of their democracy but they are left with these nationalism. i don't but it's easy now waking up to the reality of a nightmare that chap says the euro is a political prison for for countries such as greece and spain and they need to be liberated from their prison recreate their own currencies have the valuation make their exports cheaper make it easier for tourists to visit their countries and they'll get back and on their feet greece ireland portugal italy spain and dominate continue to topple the year and it seems there will be no you actually ever. i see athens. as the eurozone debt crisis shock waves spread the ratings agencies have put the us in the firing line as well america is on the verge of reaching its fourteen point three trillion dollar debt
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ceiling which means obama and his republican opponents need to strike a swift deal before the government runs out of cash in theory any rate but economics professor roderick tremblay believes that the debt limit will once again go on as it always has done in american history. the united states is not in the same position as any other country this is a country of currencies use internationally and therefore they can afford to print more dollars than the ural can only out of currency but their debt level is very high they raise the debt ceiling each ear will be raised because the president obama has a tradition of caving in to the demands of the republicans he did that he did it twice before so the republicans are expat think that he will do the same it will take a fall
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a few days or few hours before the deadline of august second there could be a several hour situation as that out in one thousand nine hundred four when representative enrich chose the government for a few a few days or should but if you are in the nearly two weeks this held very much to president clinton about time to be re-elected in one thousand nine hundred six that's what president obama is hoping now that the republicans will be so extremist than they in two thousand and twelve next year he may be re-elected. later on in the program the formula for prosperity. we look at the driving force of boosting india's economy to make it fit tenth largest in the world. and another story of success this time a russian orphan who's become a golf prodigy after being adopted by american parents but his biggest challenge is not in the world of sports but in finding the family he left behind. rupert murdoch has apologized for the news of the world phone hacking scandal with
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full page ads in seven british national newspapers and the media mogul is now working with a team of topping our experts before a grilling from british m.p.'s on tuesday made public outrage over illegal accessing of the models of murder and terrorism victims and the dead soldiers families the crisis has already forced him to shut the one hundred sixty eight year old newspaper scuttled his bid for b. sky b. and claims two of his top executives journalists. says however some are set to benefit from the meltdown murdoch's media empire. the political classes here finally feel freed up for the first time in decades and decades so i do think appeasing would particularly work everyone is watching for tuesday's committee where rupert murdoch his son james will appear so it will be interesting to see that i think we should remember that the prime minister. and we would probably know
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today because it's saturday said the truth is we've all been in this together the press politicians and leaders of all parties and yes that includes me for a story and i went for democracy in this country and coming through there i suppose one could say that it was a multi-national if you are using murdoch in a way so they're lobbying rupert murdoch it's the big companies big multinationals and so forth that seem to get things done by helping m.p.'s behind me perhaps not as bad as in washington. but i do think it's the end of outside influences outside undemocratic forces as regards influences on the parliamentarians behind me it is interesting that he owned these newspapers and they would say rupert murdoch loves newspapers he basically had newspapers so that he could manipulate monopoly concerns over his broadcast interests which actually did make money unlike newspapers newspapers are just a tool as a word he has lots of enemies out there he's probably a lot of ammunition to hold back at them though thanks to all the muckraking
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journalists who spent their time. looking at sex scandals really he does have lots of friends one should add but it looks that some m.p.'s have it believable that he has the right to own any form of media in this country we're about to talk about the united states because that's where it gets really interesting the democratic party in congress is a full on party doesn't really have anything any hope left now to president obama has sort of destroyed his reputation warmongering and and his sort of reaganites economic policies as he deals with the deficit so the democrats have nothing much to do but they all hate one particular influential cable channel fox news and i'm hearing that if if the nine eleven victims have been hacked by subsidiaries of music or men fox news is finished it took it took the most curious cases of hacking phones rather than any kind of regulator ie
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a body to be able to get murdoch to finally. finally overthrow him as it were is an amazing story we'll be all i'm sure be looking forward to hollywood blockbusters and as we've just heard the scandal in britain is now starting to spill over to the us where even bigger trouble could lie ahead for murdoch with reports on the phones of victims of the nine eleven terrorist attacks were hacked charges could also result in the u.s. over bribing of british police by staff. as corruption abroad is illegal for american based companies it is an associate you're going to reports the tabloids keep flying off the shelves. sex drugs cheating and lies phony political scandal flashing dirty laundry brings the made up celebrity gossip and crime stories almost beyond human imagination. old list serve on a platter and sold for a couple of quarters by tabloids it was only an insult those were her something
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kids moms in the freezer. i thought that veteran journalist michael musto was one of millions falling for the catchy headlines even though he knows the business inside out in america we don't break the law per se but they do have sleazy tactics i mean they will slant a story they probably make sources i mean when you read them a source. a source said well who is it. they can just make up the quote themselves and they say joe smith from queen said blah blah blah a lot of times i feel the. quotes to back up the thesis of the story fascination with scandal is almost religiously observed in the u.s. and great britain we are both countries and both media environments and gossip sells and there's a tremendous interest in celebrity both countries are of was after rupert murdoch's news of the world newspaper phone hacking shocker broke in london his empire
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stretches far and wide across the u.s. as well let's not forget he owns the new york loves the wall street journal and the daily to protest outside rupert murdoch's big apple pad protesters demanded an investigation into these publications at home we know what murdoch does in england because he was caught and we want congress to investigate what he's doing here in the united states we don't know if newspapers are backing other people in this country yet i see no reason to put it past them so how far from potential public embarrassment do american newspapers stand by the ones that are owned by rupert murdoch without question the new york post. is one of the most hideous deceitful. tools of criminals that there could be when it comes to getting scandal fuld in the u.s. counting on the readers short attention span is a common publishing trick jennifer aniston and brad pitt have gotten together about forty two times so far this year and i haven't seen them photographed together since two thousand and six they were able to keep selling and repackaging the same
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story that isn't even a story no publication what it meant to paying for. information but that's also often a technicality what a lot of mainstream news publications can get away with doing is even though they won't explicitly give someone money in exchange for an interview someone might set up a terrible organisation and then the news will happen to donate twenty thousand dollars to that charitable organisation the culture of sensationalism in the press is putting the future of journalism on the line the anglo-american style is it's trashy it's ribald. just sort of this snickering tone is very american and you know we're a juvenile society we're young society and i don't really know what the brits excuses i mean they've been around a long time but. we blame it on because we're their children while some will always remain fascinated by tabloids as rights continue to sell others have reached a breaking point i don't have that great of a sense of what happens in britain but i know it's pretty bad here and there are a lot of people who are really upset about the culture of news in america and just
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how little information seems to get out there between all the gossip the press has to be vigilant and in the united states the press has fallen asleep and archie new york. reading a newspaper gossip columns has become a daily habit for millions. of people in new york if the phone hacking scandal surrounding murdoch's media will make them change. how it tabloid journalism becomes so influential and so popular in today's world this week let's talk about i mean people like to read about other people's business . you know. newspapers have to try to compete with the internet. with the you know. i think it's absolute trash
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its lows space in this world for it will go on. but they're not going under they're increasing in power i don't believe that this is going to be the biggest takedown ever rupert murdoch is going down i think it's more of pop culture based audience and so the journalists kind of cater to that and in turn it's kind of fun for them to be easier detectives isn't it terrible i mean it might be fun but it's still criminal acts it's horrible i hate her noise you know whatever that whatever it takes to get the story and her whoever they want you know do you do you have that attitude at your job no not at all so what makes journalists special and they're not special there are the opposite of special they have no scruples we have it in the market. because. people. you know they like to end where you've a right. that's not what journalism's it's typically what's true but never believe the media's. if you're just going to keep getting worse probably do
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you think journalism like that is bound to spread around the world from become as rampant as it is the britney i do unfortunately it really isn't journalism i mean there is no logical reason to your garbage the bottom line is that if the rampant popularity of tabloid journalism in the u.k. is any indication the rest of the world should be prepared for their own journalism to get a lot dirtier. emergency crews are to use a special crane boats and lifting equipment to raise the bulgaria cruise ship from the bottom of the volga river after it sunk on sunday killing one hundred twenty nine people twenty eight of them children the search operation for fifteen missing bodies continues archies tom barton reports from the site. the two enormous cranes
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behind me are begun the process of lowering two cables which will then be threaded underneath the ship and used to right it is currently leading on its left side divers will then be able to go under to check for any of the remaining fifteen bodies that are yet to be found the shores are also being searched for any of those bodies and they'll also be able to search for the potential damage caused to the bog area to sink they will eventually find that damage as the ship is ready to be raised and not have to seal the hole lets all the water in and any other holes and then all the water inside the bulgari will be able to be pumped out making it's light enough to be raised the divers though i've got a difficult task ahead of them with me is under a oregon he's from the emergencies ministry under a could you maybe just tell us a bit about the conditions that the divers are working in. divers are currently working on the roof but it's really difficult because of crew
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visibility basically you can't see anything even if it's right in front of you and that's why the divers are preparing to lift the ship up there clearly evil to see what they're doing obviously this operation now everyone is waiting especially the relatives on the banks will be desperate for news of what has happened to their loved ones and increasingly investigators want to know what caused this ship to sink and sing so fast causing so much tragedy. turn to some other international news in grief we're covering for you today. syrian opposition members have been holding meetings in damascus. to discuss ways of our staying president aside this comes after a massive nationwide protest to rock the country on friday leaving at least thirty two people dead hundreds of thousands of anti-government demonstrators poured onto the streets of the capital and other cities before facing a crackdown by security forces. government has launched
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a national dialogue but protesters are demanding president assad step down. venezuelan leader hugo chavez has transferred part of his presidential power to the vice president and minister for finance as he travels to cuba for a new round of cancer treatment he's been given unanimous approval from the national assembly for the trip even from the opposition travis's battle with cancer has raised down so over his a fitness to leave the country but he insists he still plans to run for reelection next year. despite warnings from china u.s. president barack obama has held a private meeting with the exiled tibetan spiritual leader the dalai lama the chinese government earlier called on the united states to cancel the talks saying it would generate relations between the countries the leaders are expected to discuss the dalai lama's hopes for tibet to be semi-autonomous trying to has accused him of pushing for full tibet in. in vienna
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thousands of mourners have attended the funeral of the last heir to the austro hungary an empire crowned prince out of was the son of austria last emperor and an outspoken politician and advocate for european unity royals and political leaders were among those paying the last respects a prince that died earlier this month aged ninety eight and has been buried in the imperial crypt. india has recently become one of the top ten largest economies of the world a key driving force is the willingness of indians to work long hours for lower pay doing their western counterparts who wish to records. it's a busy city with is the people india is a rising economic locomotive still what's the driving force behind its success it could very well be that people like. both are co-directors of
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a small one import can't we called divine and his indians have developed a strong liking for french and spanish language is young men are working overtime to fill their glasses you have to be very flexible with your working hours. engineers were to go to globalization or because of oh you know interacting with so many people from abroad especially america you know europe so. we can't keep extending is where we can say we're only going to work from nine to five but people in britain for example can and do say that stephan spent years working as a business consultant in the u.k. and he says brits watch that clock closely and britain people leave at five o'clock and they won't stay later because they go to trains or catch up for many years in britain and you're there is that some people don't work in britain people don't work weekends it's changing a little bit now particularly in periods of economic recession. but generally it's a monday to friday as recently as just two years ago india had
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a six day long week the government has put in stricter regulations regarding libor hours but that doesn't stop people from spending more time in the office then needed notice of the most significant difference in the kind of work culture in india and in britain is the pressure people are under to work above and beyond their contracted hours. everyone will do this irrespective of. really if there's work to be done if there is a small enterprise to run then all state regulations go out of the window prices equal success then you have to meet them i wasn't ready for seven. working and i don't know what off i work that is i'm an office working because of all the bitching across first place things are being organized so as well of course eleventh. but what may seem a fine example of dedication may actually be
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a drawback in the office environment i think people are expected to do the job for two or three people. in the contract it also might say one thing which isn't always such a good thing because if you work such long hours it's going to affect your performance while europe and the u.s. spend their money on fighting wars and their time on trying to figure out a way to get out of economic slump india is busy getting things done the indian way lord garnishes probably the most popular god in the entire hit pantheon in india he is supposed to bring prosperity and success to those who worship him but the success of indian businessmen should not be attributed to the divine help alone ninety five working hours just don't cut it here in the unskilled long hours of hard labor but at the end of that hard work pays off it involves party new delhi. for more exciting stories and videos check out our car here are some of what you'll find on our website. a ukrainian man goes through the wild planning to spend over
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a month living with a family of lions while blogging about his experience. also online more than half a ton of radioactive what blueberries have been found in moscow stores find out more on the story and similar cases that i. can also check out all of our best videos on our you tube channel. the official policy allocation. called talk.
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show you see. the. old girls. on the call to call. a young russian boy has become a golf prodigy after being adopted by american parents but the biggest challenge for. he lies in not in the world of sports but in the quest to find his birth family are his ego has the story. she might have a smoother swing but from the outside nicholai looks no different to the pampered junior players in this hyper exclusive moscow golf club but this couldn't be further from the truth we call like alecky was an eleven year old often when he was adopted by an american family and you can never say that life is easy and basically
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there they make you feel like it's nothing you're nothing to me when i came to united states i had a lot of problems emotionally he's an incredible young man he is someone who has taken on many challenges in his life and he's always overcome then came the gulf one day i guess winning a golf club in a backyard and. i don't remember exactly but i had no idea what it was i just was a piece of metal and i asked him what it was and he told me it was golf and then he asked me he said when i didn't want to try and i tried it and i had his face. and he said you're playing. this part making headway in sport was one thing nicholai could not get over when he moved to the united states nikolai was separated from his younger sister and brother and lost track of them he rejected several sports scholarship offers at top u.s. colleges to play for the russian national golf team so you can search for his siblings. then this year during
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a top junior tournament held news about his sister my whole life. my dad and we have paid a lot of money to different companies to try to find her and then i met a family out of nowhere and they found her in less than two weeks so to me i never thought that i was ever going to see her again reunited at last nicholai sr minister sere was never adopted she's about to graduate from a school in southern russia. when they heard about my brother that i thought it was a prank my friend played on me i don't remember much of him but i'm going to become close again. i'm going to buy her a computer so that we can talk to each other all the time so that we never lose touch again we're going to put it all. back in moscow nicholai has won the prestigious filed zero series tournament and will compete against europe's top young players later this year but he says now his priority is finally his brother
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we can only wish nicholai the best and his dream to become a professional golfer. whatever happens next he is already a winner either of our own now. oh and a hole in one right there a recap of our top stories coming your way in just a few minutes stay with us. all. hungry for the full story we've got it firsthand the biggest issues get the human
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voice face to face with the news makers. of. the observed nature and discoveries museum in the. communication with the wyoming under the sun. test yourself and become free and. see what nature can give you on auntie.


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