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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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you're watching our live from moscow as the day's news and the week's top stories we're covering the start of the summer task of lifting the ship the gravelly went down the river last sunday taking nearly one hundred thirty lives. sorry saga of the tycoon publicly will save his stricken empires loyal allies leave the police and the police close in on both sides of the atlantic. losing
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battles but winning the war. in foreign recognition and acts is to get out the essence but they are fires struggle to get to grips on the ground. plus the west and the wallet as america and the eurozone race to save their labs the economies in the face of soaring debt and wanting credit scores. as our t. hears from the captain of a vessel who screwed to the rescue of survivors in the volga river tragedy last weekend. captain's outing thank you very much for this interview was the first to come to the rescue of the sinking cruise ship gary how did you get to know about the tragedy. yes we were the first to help we were sailing in the same direction as the bulgarians we picked up on the radio just bits of conversations between some ships
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we couldn't make out what the ships were what we heard them talk of seeing people overboard and speculating that it looked like a boat or a small ship it capsized once we heard that we put on more speed to get there faster when we did arrive at the tragedy site we saw terrible things and only when we realized that it was the area that had sunk to the true scope of the disaster strikers. how long did it take you to get to the scene. yes i would say about five to ten minutes fifteen at most from the moment we heard the radio talk it all happened very quickly as we were nearing the site we began to figure out how many people there were in the water although that was hard to do because there was a lot of rubble floating around as well it was very hard to pick out individual people from among the floating debris it was truly a tragic picture of. what condition where these people where they panic stricken to sound. when we got them on board we had so much to deal with and if of course they were kind of stricken they were in deep shock what happened is quite horrible my
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crew members who were involved in rescue works they got deeply involved too some people were in a dreadful condition many were injured they had all all over their skin because when the ship sank the fuel came up to the surface and spread everywhere and covered the people that made rescue even harder because the oil made the victims were easy and hard to get a holes to pull them on board seeing children in da condition it was particularly heart breaking with you and probably it was very hard on survivors. had lost family members of the tragedy. as far as i know although it may be wrong i understand that only one family survived the wreck without losing any members of the most people did lose their close and loved ones and yes indeed it was very hard for both on the survivors and on us too we all felt very deeply for them. right there was just that saskia area crew were coping with it and how are they doing now it must have been
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hugely stressful because that double was we couldn't afford to think about stress we had to do all we could to prevent panic spreading of course each of us felt it deep inside but we had to remain calm and professional to control our feelings. and succeeded in saving so many people a total of seven to seven what helped you do that was there anything particular that helped. killed as well you know i find it hard to say what helped us because after that storm there was a brief period of calm and it happened just as we approached the wreck site that short moment of camelot is to pull people on board once the rescue operation was over and we went to investigate the wreck site again the rough weather came back over the water was very rough again we got there just in time as for the crew when i already said that they performed in the last possible way everyone acted very competently the speed of the crew significantly helped save people's lives they just wanted to get the job done how many passengers were on board at that time and
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how did they react when the arabella was taxed to full capacity at the time one hundred fifty passengers they acted like heroes our youth is allowed were deliberately they helped a lot i consoled the injured and there were doctors among the tourists on the arabella they assisted the ship's medic as he rendered first aid and they gave a lot of psychological support to survivors that was very important. to people who survived the ship practical the journalists had run they found themselves in the water and the boat sank they were instantly cope and of what's happened after the rock and then popped up to the surface again one of the sack if that is because they're the same king boat from the sort of funnel that put everything in what happens in reality. more than that of course a sinking boat can pull objects floating on the surface onto the water because of the huge water displacement that churns the water into a whirlpool that can stop people live about it but the people who were afloat when the ship sank most of found enormous strength to fight the world pool and return to
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the surface it is difficult to tell because i have never been in their shoes and i can't imagine what it would be like if. they've been the one point pick them up. i can't be precise about that but i think they were in the water for half an hour or so some of them are trying to get into life rafts others were still in the water you start seeing. there are a few theories of how this tragedy could have happened and one of them sas the boat attack on the facts esophageal guarantee sometime before the same time it's not a factor to you as you see not all technical defects can be seen from outside experts say that the crews are listed to one side i don't know how dangerous this was for the passengers because i'm not familiar with ships of this tight i've never worked on the design of put it listed and everyone knows it as for the technical state of the cruiser i say again that i can't pass judgment because i never inspected its engine but it is very difficult to tell if you don't know the particulars like your eye witnesses who insist that the boat with it to the right
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even when it was darker so the listing was visible i'm not sure it was worth zero because i wasn't there and i want to ask you this question is it true over here but then we go to you i told you just now that the boat was listing but i can't tell you how critical it was to the ship. can you happen to talk with the crew of the bulgaria before the boat sailed what were they thinking and they consider the possibility that something might happen did they tell you about it that's. when the arabella dr bull got it is one of the clowns stops. by the second birth of the bulgari it was tied to the first one they were leaving in eleven o'clock and we stayed till thirteen hundred hours when they were sailing off we had to maneuver in order to let the boat out and continue its cruise when we berth in the morning i went ashore and spotted the former captain of the boat in the current second mate of the bulgaria law to me a novel of in the center of the name jack he had worked with the bulgaria from the
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very beginning back in the times when she was called ukraine he was the captain of the ukraine but old age prevented him from remaining in charge because it is an exhausting post the captain works very hard and it's too charming for an old man but he realised this and decided to step down to the next position because it is easier and better for the older man he did not want to leave the bulgarian. crane his mothership and i approached him and we chatted a bit we shook hands and i asked him mr nasr of i should charge of sending at your age and he told me with this sadness you know but he's got nothing to do at home his wife had passed away a few years ago and all that was left for him as a consolation was his job of the most memorable thing he told me one that stuck in my mind was when he said he didn't want to sail this year i don't know i just didn't feel like sailing this season and then this thing happened and seen from the way you're telling this story is no longer alive. that's right sadly he is gone his
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body was recovered and identified it's such a pity he was a good man and a true captain such a pity is it true that the ship sank really fast yes you know i've spoken to some of the witnesses i mean survivors of course there are different versions but i attribute this to shock because they just couldn't get their thoughts together and were rather confused but they still say it took the ship something in like two or three maybe five minutes to sink and that really is a very short time and it is difficult to lower any boats or rafts in the meantime with a strong lurch like that or brace up somehow and that suggests that it is possible that the accident could claim so many lives because it all happened so fast but i saw her body parts talk about these two battles that as many claim possible carrier that they were just caused by or didn't stop at the same what was going on. i did a quick scan and i saw well we were approaching the side of the tragedy practically simultaneously with one other vessel a heavy duty tow boat with
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a large part maybe it was a little bit ahead of us i don't know why they didn't stop in front of the site if they saw it happening and i can't say whether they saw it at all either but by the time they decided to hold and come to the rescue we were already there i don't know maybe it was because of the ship's nascar jurisdiction inertia maybe they had tried to stop earlier than that. anyway we were there and the ship's presence at that spot could be counterproductive and hazardous for the people who were in the water and below the surface. in that situation it was paramount that we avoided panic could assess the situation it was necessary to observe the scene of the accident and it was necessary to start rescuing people immediately but anyway i think we did a lot faster than the solution could have because at that moment there was just so little time. you have brought in contact with us as we had contact but we just exchanged a few phrases i merely told her captor that it was pointless for him to try to rescue anyone at that moment and i asked him to move ahead
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a little so as not to impede our rescue operation about moments there was no use for his health that's all i can tell you maybe if it had been rendered earlier it could have come in handy but at that time there was no point in it and a sandwich i don't want to blame but at that moment it was already too late he should have grabbed her there with he would have to hold the ship lower a boat but we were already approaching the site in our ship i already had boats afloat and advancing towards the site and his boat luckily to we were practically beginning to collect the people from the water once again i'm not trying to accuse him of i don't know his vessels nasa and inertia characteristics maybe he needed much more time to stop his ship and the rebels i wouldn't rule out actually i was just assessing the situation realistically about moment and i think or that there was no use for his boat there at the time you see what was supposed to bayeux it is in that situation or not of course not i'm the captain of one ship he is a captain of another ship i couldn't give him any orders or instructions because he
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didn't report to me and now some people in the press are already twisting the story saying i ordered him not to stop if you've been right person and you've been the captain of the other ship and you were told they should move on and you're how quick one hears what would you do. but i can't imagine myself a captain of that ship i don't want to offend anyone it's just that i don't. you know what i would do if i were in his shoes at the moment but if i had seen all that happening right in front of me or simply sold people overboard i swear i would have done the same as i did being on my ship thank you very much. first cream a little cold a clear cut. second explosives are used to blast to go deeper than the fear that.
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hurt the remainder of our nation. finally the unwanted soil is because a judge in vallecito. on a. book of submission disciplinary punishment. education. works could the penitentiary system transform a criminal into a law abiding citizen. of the prison life behind bars on r.g.p. . forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents only a thousand. seven hundred thousand people murdered and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us here part disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy
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thousand americans every year. welcome to the kook me simply splash in the world of high tech business what turns events science into i just seen products going to understand coke easy steps he followed russian invaders to ensure bidders abroad and their degree threw back. sunlight on storms constantly update here on. we've got the future covered. for the flu we've got it's. the biggest issues get the human voice ceased to face with the news makers.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for asians rooted a. day's news on the week's top stories here in our t.v. recovery crews start the somber task of lifting the ship that rapidly went down the volga river and last sunday taking nearly one hundred thirty lives relatives and investigators hope raising the vessel will help establish why the disaster occurred in the. worker murders sorry saga the tycoon publicly to save his stricken empire is loyal allies leave and the police close in on both sides of the atlantic and the news corp mogul faces a grilling by british m.p.'s and allegations of hacking the phones of nine eleven
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victims. losing battles but winning the war the libyan rebels earn foreign recognition and absence stupid obvious that some of their fighters struggle to get to grips on the ground. plus the west amphenol is america the eurozone race to save their collapsing economies in the face of soaring debt and wanting credit score some of the u.s. congress needs to raise the debt ceiling to avoid default while italy is on the verge of meeting a bailout of. politicians here with the latest action from the world sports. a lot of lives for susan marty thanks for joining us now on the headlines carol service may have been found to shop a lot of europe wide gulf coast and see that also the copa america while you're rich the semi's for the first time since one thousand and ninety seven. darren
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clarke leads the way off with three days of the british open with dustin johnson alone in second as bad weather continues to play the one hundred and forty is efficient of the major. and local dollars but better examines the yellow jersey two weeks into the tube for all this while here live on the desert belgium when saturday's stage fourteen. and that start with the warehouse of the coupe america's semifinalists have been decided here a while through often knocking out this all started to see their own penalty is your why me to six minutes that's a good lead to go free kick foam had a romero in the area who calls the ball to get the paris to open the scoring belgians on is equalized in the eighteen for minute masses sending it resized cross to the head of the boring so the match for one one ninety minutes of play didn't find the win then neither did extra time forcing the highly intense much into
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pounds to shoot out. the city's carlos sevens couldn't be the keeper many euro was homesick osiris with them for home the winning goal for the fourth same time copa america win as europe wide alps asked the crowd to make it into the last thing. and why i will play. in the other quarter final no girls schooled in regulations on this one also wants to over time but the root. the double and i sometimes feel the columns are still the box on finally breaking the deadlock after a hundred and two minutes with this powerful shot and the goalkeeper is mistake and sealed the victory ten minutes later. followed guerrero founding finding manuel garbus in the box may move the stage for the final swirls.
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over a quality poor scottish matilda charlie adam has opened his goalscoring council liverpool as the razz thrashed the malaysian selected in a pretty says unfriendly blackpool man as a hating than that for all the spot anyway for the first self. an equaliser from a free kick had the hosts back on level terms before the break though. it was essentially a one way rounds traffic off to the break david brooks and that's why so many minutes before mark syria drink is for good up with the lighting fool's gold follow a ball. so comfortable for one margin by then but no botox mohammad saffi serves up a quick brace off the bench to put malaysia just one goal but stoppage time put an end to their comeback or draghi is headed home his second goal of the night and then who are we to the school line with only thirty seconds left on the clock they will take it's six three. to go off where darren clarke will answer the
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last day of the british open as the man to catch the overnight leader firing off a round of sixty nine to ensure he would take a one stroke lead into the final day dustin johnson had taken the lead from clarke of course steve during the back nine but no larger than clark wrestled the back with a twelve foot part of the function in total we keep our lions almost bjorn like two shots behind johnson. humanise alongside lukas lobert side for fifth rory mcilroy him in a while dropped from level parts in four. of offering mixed crowd of seventy four a. lot of people from home here and. i think they were expecting you to thank you rory at this stage and say anything but. you know it's supporting me it's been classic and not just a bit different every other way you know this. little bit more.
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and just enjoy it and. you know the creative been fantastic. now we're now two thirds of the way through this year's tour de france with belgian here in the depths of the breaking his maiden stage going on sounds as a that's victory after stage fourteen also saw the on their go far lots or go top of the king of the mountains faster creation bonded at just two points ahead of spain some well scientists and trailed bites when sea won seconds to come in second and to share was third fastest lines in five seconds for the back local hopefuls almost vertical i mean while retains the jersey after finishing with a palace on sunday's fifteen ses will be one hundred ninety five kilometer run from here like that and in a sprint finish. now misty may train and kerri walsh have won the moscow leg of the world beach volleyball to the reigning olympic champions upsetting the current world number one powering brazil's larissa and giuliana which is more powerful it took his say for the action. the last go round of the gold
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beach volleyball has become a regular fixture on the russian capital some a sporting calendar i will go going for competition reaches its business and a lack of russians battling it out for medals has unfortunately become a little too familiar occurrence. to prove no exception and time is running out of the london olympics to get underway in just a year's time however the reigning olympic champions misty made kerry walsh are optimistic. that russia could start to improve soon i was here last summer and they actually have a good kids program you know development program and they're just they're catching up to the rest of the world but indoors there they're big things so there is a developmental program in the works and they are bringing players that it's just taking you know it's taking a little time but there are some good young teams and their development you can see
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it you know we play two russian teams this weekend and they're so young in their head nevertheless russia could do well to take a leaf out of china's book the school doesn't have a long tradition in e become tree however china just like in practically every sport i'm a fantastic strides and the two thousand and eight beijing bronze medalist explain why. that forgot and i'll add to that magic if i will with a business model. who and young jeezy couldn't make it all the way to the final but they were played italian pair of many gutsy and she khiladi the bronze medal home the chinese would easily take the first chance it started in the second composure when it mattered most to take the decider and seal third place. was in the main event of the days of the reigning world champions lady's turn giuliana from brazil take on the currently big gold medalist misty may and curry walsh of the u.s. saying. the american jew have been in
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a better form this year but they hit back brilliantly to seal a one sided margin straight sense and gain a much needed confidence boost for the london olympics just around the corner i think that's what's driving us right now you know i know i think about it every turn every day in training but i'm not overlooking anything you know but be at the time gold medalist and i swear i'd be amazing if that's the number nobody's done to get to the five three no work it was so it was a delightful you're saying they had a very brazilian rivals a rare defeat this season but the crowd was far away entertained oh. all of those fans will be hoping one day they'll be able to achieve the victory of a russian jew and hopefully for them this will happen sooner rather than later richard i'm painfully don't see. not to suppose now and not to pay standings like the case of stone i had secured his sixth pole of the season at the prevailing qualifying for sunday's german grand prix it was a tight session at the songs and ring for an informal world champion stoner edging
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out on the teammate that he controls while a title holder for you around so will complete the front for thirty play center marco see one shelly's sent a smile on full for the greatest by donating both of friday's practice sessions. struck a little bit this morning until the end of the practice we did a little action on boys' toys and i needed a fastest ride on the on the end which was a race distance so we're really happy with that but it still wasn't quite fast enough for this afternoon we worked a lot more numbers blacks going into different directions and then we managed to make big step forward each time we try and tried something different so i've been there we were able to run some really good luck times with a hard time and then i thought you know we deserve to be able to to beat that you know quite a bit but unfortunately couldn't really go any faster and the meantime colons christe of whole should stay with the top corners in the car section of the a while our list of the prize dominates of the trucks category ahead of the held
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bravery come on stream riders after seven days of racing covering nearly four thousand kilometers halted victory on the final stage from the sochi nine times a car when a frenchman stefan better ansell came second with russia's alexander showed the crowding out of the podium in said in the trucks category it was not prise who won the final stage and the overall title claiming his maiden victory in an international race for i was beautiful and andre carnegie you know where overall second and third respectively. and some sad news finally rushes to his play on the second a bonobo has revealed she has cancer the world now got swine see a choosing to make the announcement on her twenty second best day here bonobo hasn't played a match since may missing both the french open and wimbledon and a message on the w.c. website of the muscovite said she's being treated as skins named spots and that she is hopeful of a chance to reach out to the sport if the treatment is successful in the coming
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months. that's all the sport for the moment coming up next as the weather states and. hungry for the feel we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on. a disciplinary on. tour. to the penitentiary system friends former criminal into a law abiding citizen. prison life behind bars on r.g.p. . from
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in indian culture you.


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