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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2011 5:31am-6:01am EDT

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becomes. if you don't bug in your teeth this is a great way to see the city. friends on the only bike isn't should. these guys prefer to ride off the roads. motorcycle team is based called the trans motor sports federation the team is made up of more than thirty minutes and the training is just over here. most of the team are away to competition but there were still plenty of people out for a quiet day of risking. a broken bones here and there and having fun. and if a seven year old can make it around the track in one piece. once i figured out how to stop the thing from stalling at least. take that society.
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over again. ok so i might not be a natural rebel without a cause but there are some people who do live rather unconventional lives. probably to say the recycling projects around russia still in their infancy but. around here. you know exactly what to do with. there are. things might. develop a whole new take on heating a bottle. engineer who just can't stop building. expensive bricks but there are plenty of alternatives just lying around. many bottles if you boil it up over the years you know mineral water beer in the. i had difficulty getting rid
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of them so i thought i might as well use them for a good purpose so the first thing i made was a bathroom a nice and warm place. and as time went by and all the projects cropped talking. like this portal tower for instance from the inside it may be all counties version of the london more. but up top it's a place for the kids to play and help with the gardening to. some yeah here's my swimming pool has a double purpose if you're into first your children swim in the water and then it's used to watering plants and then we'll feel this rolling through up again a great little flamingo out a way to will feel that's. good for. projects have made him a bit of a local celebrity he's always had plenty of fans to bring him supplies luxury luxury village news. and you can keep up with
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a news. story coming up. it took seventy eight people to collect these bottles even a plan that would everyone has brought off. each building normally takes years to complete it isn't slowing down his property empire is next one is an old chapel and he's always looking for willing volunteers if you want to try and with a few quick tips from the i was well on my way to an architectural triumph. always hard work in the hot sun makes a man thirsty. that sadly i don't have to stay and help me finish this project but i can at least help contribute to the building materials. were drinking on the job as incurred. but just one of course because my next stop was going to take some serious concentration if i didn't want to end up with a black. stuff but i'm older i get. from
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both a lot ists to martial artist is. this is ten c. karate club the biggest and most successful in the city so it's run by alexander one of russia's most accomplished karate masters and he's able to assist his son. he's a black belt of course i was in. an intensive course. quickly in here. has been teaching here since one thousand nine hundred and estimates he's trained thousand students. percent of the city's population. this is
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a man who says he wants to. blindfolded. me a little. to take. i wanted to find somewhere in the city to relax and recuperate. from the chinese border and there's a thriving community. they've also brought their remedies there are almost no russians working in this chinese. whole range of different treatments. he was particularly effective and.
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this is supposed to be great for your circulation joint. happens to be one of the. things ever experience. just relax and hope. it does get better the longer you lloyd but i'm still counting down the fifteen minutes i had to wait. for. christmas eve. to get.
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such a small close and was capable of inflicting so much pain and i was any health way through the treatments. right on happy with the second. but both gentle and refreshing the first because now my back row feels like he's had an encounter with a tyke. understandably i was a little nervous as i climbed on to my next plinths but my instructor on dre soon had me completely relaxed. and ready for some relief at least until i noticed him getting out to like. the very moment of oh my. of course i've never dealt with him. good. though. they may have been using me as a human flesh. but it's also supposed to be great for the secular. compared to
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those volatile vinyls this is a walk in the park. not sure whether most kids sucked up into little. pieces. much she. ok. with my body chewed up by centuries of chinese wisdom it was time to seek out some spiritual healing too and that meant getting out of the city. from the capital is one of the areas most beautiful nature spots. so this is the national park it's the biggest national park in the whole region and it's centered around a series of sacred buddhist monuments unfortunately most of them all high up on the hills which means if i'm going to see them. i've got a bit of a trek ahead of me. and of course i take one of the hottest days of the year to do
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. this there's plenty of refreshment available. the trucks are said to have been here for millennia and each visitor responds to do their bit to keep them flare. the piles of stones that you can see here are made by the pilgrims taking the trek up into the hills. it's traditional to remove obstacles from your part sorry that obviously helps you but also the others who are coming to follow in your footsteps and of course never head stop a bit of good karma. it can be easy to get lost here if you don't know where you're going but i was lucky enough to have my guide by year waiting for me and one of the park's most spectacular points. is a buddhist who's been showing people around here for more than ten years and he knows all of all how nice most sacred places.
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this is a holy place in the long woods name means goddess and one of the goddesses is right here in the rock for much you can answer many questions and one can profit from the knowledge that just touched the rock with your hands and for it. by. touching my forehead to this rock who post to impart some wisdom to me. it's good to stay. but there are plenty of opportunities to draw on the gods knowledge here dozens of children's journey here almost every day to make offerings will seek guidance in the parks various shrines and most of them are headed for one particular destination.
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it's been a long hot track but it's finally almost at the end because just behind me is the holiest sites for the buddhists in the whole of this park it's called the gates cathedral and people believe that it actually marks the entrance to paradise. who is left to me to do. is take a climb up the stairway to heaven. kohat there's a cold drink go to the waiting room here then there. will you lucky enough to have the spirit speak to you or not there's definitely a special energy about our. incredible views and natural monoliths make this a memorable trip and i was looking forward to seeing more of the region's british treasures.
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simplicial disciplinary. case. could the penitentiary system transform
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a criminal. life behind bars. is an amazing experience for both and pilgrims alike. can be found in the region. buddhism plays a major role in culture and the region is home to the two oldest but it's temples in the whole of the country but it's not just people spiritual wellbeing that they're concerned with here they've also got a pretty serious academic program to. home to around two hundred monks and lay students and there's always a good argument to be had. for so such discussions be. students learn the philosophic truth all food is. your game is the sunni among
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kids and also to give me a tour of the impressive temple grounds. it was built back in the late eighteenth seventy's but fell into disrepair during the soviet union and for the last twenty years you have gagne and his brothers have been helping to restore it to its former glory. but the monks haven't only been rebuilding the temple they've also been restoring their account to me. as an english teacher who's been working here since one nine hundred ninety four the students study here for five years and as well as languages and they focus heavily on tibetan sciences to get. one low grade to board decides fife for the sciences and felicity you can teach tippett and that's. he explained the types of paul's. there are lots of different ones is
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what might your polls tell you what sort of thing i'll leave you will paul's kid nepal's different kinds some long balls right. and all the others have to be able to look a certain rate for fifteen years ok. so perhaps the most important lesson is concentration on buddhist or similar ideas and they have some extremely well travelled professors. class. the listeners if. that bottom line he came from. his. former. appeared to me his thing and. fall on my words. thing. i want to study and nowadays he teaches feels to follow what one. and it's not what it should be i decided it was time to get by the monks farewell but these deep
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intellectual close's they do make you think. they may study it for five years but that doesn't mean that the philosophical question for the monks there apparently one of the favorites is simply how is it i am who i am ok that's something that probably would take a lifetime to figure out. but the people around here don't just like to exercise their minds there's plenty of healthy competition among the villages in this region especially when it comes to archery. but this is bowman ship behrendt style and that's a little different. bianchi is a much go ted targets on the ground and there are some fairly complicated rules. despite the fact that it looks like a ridiculously accurate one he just gives one point because he's not from there.
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each participant stands on the twenty or thirty meters back and gets up to thirty two shots if you knock the wind out of the target zone it's two points any of us only one. it's a technique that takes years to master went in by. myself is a bit of a. robin hood moment probably with the let's let's give it a shot. all the bozo made from but balkan horn and they have kevlar strings so not much chance of those snapping in a hurry my point here is the most experienced don't tour in the village so if i was going to get a lesson from anyone he's the man. in the chair. so . drab and release. perfect form without an arrow. see how that saying didn't about it's now and then
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it was finally time to let loose ok so i need to lie every. little white. loose one point. we have to get one of these people to put it up on the head would you. trust me. i decided to quit while i was ahead anyway compared to some of the other dr competitors i wasn't really dressed for the occasion. it was time to start exploring some. nowadays none of the limits that i was having to replace the just twenty years ago i would have been a. very huge areas of understood step in the region but in the middle as one place that was closed from the outside world for more than twenty years during the soviet union. it was because of this but it is the largest
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uranium mine in the whole of russia and it fuels one of the countries. i was about to head four hundred meters down into the. mine which produces eighty percent of the country's uranium. they. do seems a. trench.
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this is pretty serious equipment. these drills are used to holes in the wall which is good with explosives and scooped up and dropped ready for collection. a piece of more uranium. to believe that within this is this small piece of radioactive material. unsurprisingly. use any heavy machinery. it can't come down to like this. of course. when you're dealing with one of the most potentially lethal substances on the planet i think i want to be but it's. the only thing you really
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like me to suffer from down here is dust inhalation bus and the four thousand tons of coal they haul out of the pit every day there's six tons of concentrated highly radioactive uranium to sobering fault. so it's. probably mature a bit more without any noticeable effects. of the above playing in. my time in the reason was coming to an end but i still have to souvenirs to pick up in the region. hundreds of years the berea have had a reputation for beautiful and ornate weaponry like this silver knife but like with any old thing sometimes you need to give it a bit of a touch up and there's a lady around here who really knows how to put the sparkle back into things.
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as an artist and silversmith and if you want something to look it's best she's the woman you go and see. and i thought i'd check if i could get discounts by helping out with the cleaning. specific scrubbing. a bit of elbow grease this is mostly chef leave us signing away there will be the envy of all of my next gloria wedding. ok i'm probably unlikely to ever attend. but jurymen did invite me to a family picnic the next day with a bit of a difference. they don't do things when they get together in these parts and i did today was being supplied by a lawyer if she. so this is actually the most important part of the ceremony where you have to do it with your
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head cut. you make an offering to the four corners of the earth. is to ensure that the soul of the. goes to a different place and is welcomed in by the spirit and by god i left the guys to do what needed to be done and got ready to start cooking. so this is considered to be the biggest. speciality the liver but. because the meat which is still warm but it's a problem with freshness here then once we had sealed the liver it was time for the second layer. so the meat now that it's been cooked is now wrapped in the fat and then we go back and cook it again this is a very special treat. to all exceptionally primal men meet.
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and be doing it. i felt truly only to have been able to share this experience with dreamer and her relatives. an authentic piece of berea family life the few westerners ever have a chance to be a part of. and it was a perfect time in the region. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. .
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in india in the movie. the grand imperial truly.
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the hotel treat. cruise. ship. last sunday. as the operation to raise the. way. the details from the recovery sites. as loyal allies leave. the war. to get to grips. with the west's.
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face of. the stories that made headlines this week welcome to the weekly the operation to lift the cruise which sank last sunday. about to start it's still unclear why the boat went down quickly for those on board. following developments on the banks of the volga. we're in the initial stages of quite a complex operation to try and raise the sunken bug area which will hopefully help to reveal where the remaining bodies that haven't been found yet are and hopefully provide the answer as to why this ship sank and sank so fast at the moment
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a dive platform a few kilometers into the river behind me boats keep ferrying effort from the base camp here taking divers and crews out to that platform where two huge cranes have been brought up from volgograd further downstream down the river and those cranes have now been used to attach cables to enormous cables around the bottom of the sunken bowl garia now the complications that there are with lifting the ship are all pretty much due to things that happened in those few disastrous minutes last sunday and the first is that the ship when it fell when it sank and then fell to the bottom it fell on to its left side which meant means that there could be bodies trapped underneath the left side of that ship and it's also going to need to be righted so it's it's on an even keel before they can lift it as far as on the first stage is about fastening the pulling cords then we stabilize the kewl after that we raise the ship and.


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