tv [untitled] July 17, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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the top news of the week right here on our cheerless take a look at your headlines a snap cable has forced rescuers to restart the complicated operation to lift a massive wall gary a cruiser that sank a week ago claiming one hundred twenty nine lives. the murdoch media phone hacking scandal claims another v.i.p.'s count as britain's top cop wits over police connections to journalists suspected of criminal behavior and a transatlantic cash crunch as america struggles to raise its debt ceiling in time to avert a default while the euro crisis spreads adding more pressure on the single currency
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. up next watch the second part of our special report about anti-nuclear activists who are trying to open the world's eyes to the danger of atomic disaster. the follow up from the french test went beyond the polynesian islands it caused outrage in new zealand which took the lead in the n.t. nuclear movement and became a black sheep among western countries yes unlike any other country new zealand refused to rely on nuclear weapons for its security but here nuclear technology is damned it's the law i think a lot of the young people do feel proud about usual especially for a policy that people work with come complacent and feel that it's foreign we're safe there are these other issues here i mean a lot of people to say people in the peace movement has had a certain older members gravy it's mr adams but that's what people say like. even in new zealand it's difficult to find young people concerned about this issue
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they're more sensitive to the melting of the antarctic and he wants to revitalize an aging pacifist movement and i'm working his foundation in my role as they used outreach called matters. of race and they are going to taxi to the pacific you festival and facing all these amazing people from twenty seven different countries in the pacific and i felt for the first time in my life that new zealand was not remote and that we were big compared to. some things out the pacific garden country . i was brought up in a higher peace activist mother she's been around during pace it took just last year she starts in my blood and i feel a responsibility to continue that work. i have this funny memory of mum buying a crane place to get the apron on and one down it was of the rainbow warrior and
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the fit that terrorism couldn't have in our back on a part that was on a peaceful mission really a straight shot client here living in a safe come. i think it's the younger generation that teaching the next generation a legacy of hope really i think that we have given young people especially on actually twenty is sense we actually passed a law and we want to young people to know about the law because any was only four when the law was passed. and the old times and so i could see if it's interesting because we're. not and that's. what. i feel is. that they were. not the first. they knew that if all. the interest for its oath people that mum and peacemakers and israel and in the work that i've done is me hard and i think
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that what i've seen what ordinary citizens can do make a difference and i feel that i can try. to prevent the young people from feeling a sense of powerlessness a pacifist remind them of the long crusade it made their country nuclear free and under neither confirm or deny you can feel the pride in me that we had governments and politicians prepared to go on those boats to go out there and actually protest i mean it was something we did as ordinary citizens working with governments we've got a partnership model that the that is on you and usually around the world. notice it took another twelve years to get along with government and actually ran on a bench a nuclear ticket but one. and then it was consolidated by the stupidity of the french and thank him but they would somehow stop this problem. but. the worry i want to do instead was
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a person will be cemented in hope just. remember that the british in australia on aboriginal lamed for that that came from near actually came over to new zealand not just from what was happening by the french into even. the british preceded the french because if it beginning in one thousand fifty two they tested their way into the very restricted. by the u.s.s.r. . with the assistance of the australian and new zealand military. and studied. the results to even start the presence of elements of common. interest in fifty years ago. so that by simply saying i have suffered really damage. recently national conference here i'm so much when the daughter of one of the trans spycatcher father was too old to speak and she talked about growing out with that
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fear of having i try to fool even an easy on because if its accreditation from. stars to nuclear tests in the pacific. and i'm lucky. i have three children. and i don't live with these. i wish the room was normal until my until i got to school and sit on the net. so i would appear. and because once i am up as a teacher or not and then i would say i am on my trust. because that's how i understood. from crying as an example command her hips now working at the summit for security center . back in the one nine hundred seventy s.
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when i was in mt submarine helicopters i was required to train my air crew in using this new cadets ball which we were given. if we ever had to release it. from a helicopter we could not escape for it as a nation and so it was a suicide mission i asked a few questions i was reassured that we probably would never really have to use it it shocked me because i was ambitious and no one else was complaining and we were told that this is the only way that britain could keep independence. i realize that . only later many years later. this was completely untrue. as a new convert against nuclear weapons i was looked upon with great school by the. peace movement in britain i tried to explain that i was not
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a psychopath my friends were not psychopaths but we were professional military men . who thought free deeply about what we did but i did agree with them the nuclear weapon aspect was an aberration. and they climbed back on the phone. conscience to do something about it and i can't imagine going around it's happened it's. just cabinets and and i see him so that now so personally that was he does that i just. said another rob well it's the ultimate cautionary tale or they say nothing like call that. they're always tend to overdo it because you really understand you know much of what spain produced the pentagon and others will say oh don't worry we have everyone on well trained we have plenty of safety systems there not
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a action that will start of a nuclear war but nuclear weapons are built to be used the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake special other founders of the nuclear weapons on had trigger alert in the u.s. and in russia the united states has dropped i think it's a leaven pomade vaughn's accidentally. we drop four off of stay we have brought one nuclear weapon in a marsh here in the united states now still there was never a thought that we knew nuclear weapons are such a huge issue with such high risks associated with on that there's a natural tendency to play both sides. they say they're cutting back but at the same time they maintain extremely high numbers of weapons it's very given the number of near misses we are lucky to still be here right the activists are
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convinced that an accident is pending ok and that the only valid security system is the total abolition of nuclear weapons and ninety six when we began to swell project time there was this train if you say i'm going to clean you can reference a legal then everywhere else in the world to fight going to the world course we could get the conscience of the ordinary citizen around the world saying these are against the moral conscience of people it's illegal to use nuclear weapon tomorrow and the dream was that it would be easy to get it through the u.n. and into the world court and that eventually these weapons would be clear legal as we have done in our own country and thank goodness that we were dreamers and i'm realistic can say that that we were posted by the sense of how this could happen by the real sources of international law apart from treaties customary international
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law and the general principles of law recognized by the legal systems of the world . that by categorical on the batting of nuclear weapons and the legality of nuclear weapons the fact that nuclear weapons cannot be used either by way of a strike or by a straight unanimously threat or use of force. by means of nuclear weapons and that he's going to read article four of the united nations charter and article fifty one is unlawful. nucular deterrence says we have nucular weapons but our goal is not to use them if they. use our goal is to have them at our disposal. this means that we are not in the realm of the real we
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are in the realm of the virtual need don't know what you're just writing it is contrary to international law or even to have in brands acidulous this weapon because the purpose of the ravens to use it by that as a threat or as an actual weapon the nuclear powers or alliances like nato still rely on nuclear deterrence which is threat and so the fight continues i was on a panel with a senior advisor to the british government about nuclear policy and he's pro nuclear. and we were debating about. well court opinion and whether you can deterrence was legal and he was extremely cynical he said that . it was a mistake to go into the course but governments will ignore it and that's true they have. and he have the relied on all the time was he said and of course we never
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actually will have to use them and this to me is the heart of the problem for the people who brought you to terms is that if they try to claim a little use names terms doesn't work that we're meant for would argue that terence doesn't use a cell is a use of a nuclear weapon to actually threaten to use them and that's when you go into the we're caught the first time you want to keep it three you know and the spinning it was the south pacific you know is and the activists that i used to have threesome clued in their original question is if you have included threats then the. nuclear states could but argued well we're only relying on terence which is threat and so we're not ready so where to from here need. me to from here is it going to go back to the court personnel speech or. at the time the judges agreed unanimously on the requirement for total nuclear disarmament the activists are fighting ted opinion on. this based on. what i understand that the law
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is and others wanting to do is to use the unanimous parts of the opinion and i wanted to say to new zone how can we might that stronger how can we you know what are they doing that straight practice that is still illegal. is it your understanding of it as a man that they're looking for some new lever to put more pressure on the liquid stage to comply and design completely not just to reduce the new yes when your coupons if it's reverse since the world court decision the americans particularly come out and said that. they see new roles for nuclear weapons and so we're back to almost like a sort of cold war situation again but with the war on terror instead and so it's going to be far more difficult to get governments to put their heads over the purpose of the nonproliferation treaty does provide
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a framework for ending the threat of destruction inspirations for going to work and signing sign or states they agree to take good faith efforts to a limited nuclear weapons i'm not ok with that and not of course we focus on revolutions voters those who are like policemen on the world scene i'm talking of the nuclear powers they are violating this very little because they want other countries to observe how you have but if a policeman violates the law we cannot expect the rest of the world to complain be the law of the only thing that would work would be one that is perceived to be nondiscriminatory and fair and equally applied to all kind chremes one approach that has followed these pairs is you know dividing the word between friends time court good countries and court and court bad or row countries or even to do with that approach doesn't work it doesn't pay too much and remember that in
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the one nine hundred eighty s. so that i will stand in iraq was a friend of the west to. the middle. east to play until eventually to the invasion of iraq will spur nuclear proliferation and terror. for good reasons listening on the turn or second. nobody's going through the united states when. the u.s. spends about as much an islamist rebel. military spending so the only reason for turning. the activists are understandably anxious as a result of the nuclear posture review in this classified u.s. military document the security guarantees that protected countries without nuclear weapons against a nuclear offensive are cancelled a strategy of action is being adopted in addition to deterrence so the arsenals
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must be upgraded to make them easier to use france and britain have responded with surprising enthusiasm to this nuclear renaissance that the united kingdom is going to pretend that it needs nuclear weapons for its survival or its security it was attacking the united kingdom some have got the very strange idea that because there's terrorists in the world we need to have nuclear weapons can be used nuclear weapons against terrorists and it will that not be rather like shift in most cases with camels i think the british would make a much bigger splash in the history of the world if they decided that they let the program expire we are still fighting with early war between britain and france because when i finally cornered. any senior british military man these days and ask him why do you need nuclear
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weapons they say every time it's nothing to do with security it's nothing to do with the russians it's due to the french we cannot allow france to be the only european nuclear power. and there is this fear that britain will become like music that i think a little free there would be of no consequence in the world. even though i do this work i constantly get overwhelmed minute discussion that we were having talking about the reality of next year we can send three sometimes i just want to carry on a list i've had enough. and lose heart but at the same time i think. something has to be time and a fireman a position that i can do something i well. now current generations i go out the woods and things and he says now i know i don't know maybe you guys but none of the
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people i speak to a movie night go out the impression. and maybe also some different names also interesting that the song you mention if you can sign it and i got ashamed. that belonging in a frenzy as much comes from live sort of active projects yes gone and people solidarity emerges from it which i don't think exists so much among people not it's not just trash such as it's before the invasion of iraq there were millions of people are just dying and still you know there's a million people who are going to get their stories or water so i mean it's not just a really it's you've got to convince the public safety net or puck certainly we're going to be afraid you're giving you a free yeah because i think we really should arrange our country and i think the mobilization that would occur would be huge massive here like no one's doing what it is my work because it's kind of a feeling it's still very kind of face down. to it and i was so i think
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a lot of young people that aspect might be interested in some of these issues but not comply and they're overwhelmed by all of us here isn't one of them made them and we don't listen to the words the peace movement can say to humanity you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of venture you're going to blow everybody up you can you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't don't wake up to it. in two thousand and six canadian activists trying to drum up public interest in nuclear disarmament worldwide military expenditures had risen to more than one trillion dollars this was a traumatic event for those who came to the streets during the cold war. the nuclear from the early ninety's. probably. the largest and most effective. peace movement made history and successful i'm in the united states was moving
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towards shore increase in offensive nuclear capacities and it was first picked out. of the reagan administration was forced to adopt the rhetoric of the peace movement and in order to continue with their programs that's where a lot of the star wars comes from and we're not playing back anyone or interest planning to eliminate nuclear weapons if you measure the peace movement by the number of people who march in one thousand nine hundred two the one million marched in central park in new york at the height of the cold war. last year there were forty thousand who marched at the review conference of the nonproliferation treaty well the big difference of numbers true the peace movement was we're going to. talk significantly but the lesson there is very clear. on
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what can change what. state the importance of nuclear proliferation they very much. aware or conservative one is surprised to discover a fifteen year old concern by the outcome of the nonproliferation treaty is name is rafael even though. i'd just like to say that because of you and your speeches right now serving the. people. i like to think. that's one side i actually found out that it was three different people who really made that clear to me speakers. and in stores which. i watched it's national were very like stage to have a speaker all the way from new york. she is an asterisk if there disarmament educator but. let's just keep going this give
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a warm welcome for kathleen. ok the effectiveness of a social movement is sometimes very surprising and hard to track but it also depends on the creativity of the of the social movements themselves and the activists involved with ideas and images and stories and that's why we sailed boats in the nuclear tests and they've kind of surmised that all the weapons used in the second world war are equivalent to say three megatons that includes two nuclear weapons used i hear he all the bombs in the bullets. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war ok so now i'm going to give you another sound and this second sound is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today.
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nuclear weapons to find a way to give them up and to rely for security non-nuclear means. well when i say america rushed over the past couple of weeks five or six countries that indicated that they might be interested and about it being a capability to enrich uranium australia canada ukraine kazakhstan south africa. these countries that's bad why should they be left behind canada is interested in the small level of the rich and very far away from a nuclear weapons capability but the technology for enrichment nonetheless is the same we sometimes for for to work as a latent proliferation we put in place all the technologies to make nuclear weapons but you stop at a much lower level. borders today as part of an old us we were third world but that our dedication to peacekeeping as
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a percentage of gross domestic product has now dropped down to late. we used to get leading the world in the battle against nuclear proliferation and we were little leading countries in the world in the battle against the weaponization of space canada has very little space in which to. make progress because. it's a number of measures later it is a neutral alliance it's like nothing i've signed on ships clearly canadian foreign policy the first policy military policy is going to change dramatically and we canadians are big trouble in terms of are historical commitment to peace and disarmament. everything is in place to proceed with disarmament one hundred eighty countries committed to disarm they fit the shining message that good will could prevail but so far the governments choose to spend billions perfecting this terminal threat rather than fighting poverty or global warming. will future
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