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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2011 7:01am-7:31am EDT

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these are asians this is money they are all going to all grow food here as well unless also you say the violence in afghanistan is being pursued the seated by local security forces which contain drug addicts and those connected to the taliban well the spine this native began hundred control over one of the countries that those people provinces to the locals on sunday but there's concern that he divided on trained and equipped to fend off the insurgency by themselves she is the live reports now from kabul. there's confusion on the faces of the afghan army soldiers as a firefight unfolds on the other side of the wall lucky for them this is the kabul military training center in the bullets being fired blanks the men here halfway through a ten week program and the officers don't cut the many slack when it's over the be deployed eastern province one of afghanistan's most violent corners. but we must push them hard so they can perform under pressure day by day we're making progress
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the afghan national army has already come a long way its ranks have swollen to about one hundred seventy thousand troops thanks to fresh waves of recruits attracted by higher wages and extra perks the soldiers insist they are all united in their desire to beat back the taliban led insurgency regardless of age or ethnicity when in yarmouth we are old brothers and we are all called by one name. by the call of duty has also struck a chord beyond able bodied males a first ever class of woman soldiers has just graduated. and there's even a mujahedeen unit made up of hardened veterans of the anti soviet jihad this is all good news to u.s. military planners who have set a two thousand and fourteen deadline to hand over security responsibilities to the afghans the afghan army enjoys a much better reputation in the police force and has even been featured in the recent movie. but is the army takes greater responsibility for security around the country there are concerns that the quantity of troops may be coming at the expense of quality for starters more than eighty percent of troops are illiterate
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a big problem with the ability to read maps and numbers can spell the difference between life and death adding to the woes are widespread drug use and desertions today roughly one in four combat soldiers quit their post critics also point out that the military leadership is made up of many rival ex warlords who still command loyalties along regional and ethnic lines and could drag the country deeper into conflict as the u.s. begins to scale back its role as custodian this summer there are concerns that these divisions may flare up if i start neutral. we will be here late ninety's fighting each other really killing each other these people waiting in. little groups to control it in yet another obstacle for a young army that still has much to prove before it can stand on its own feet jason waterlogged in kabul for two. now in just a few minutes on the green card immigrants who are now being read the american
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citizen lottery and now being told that when treated their new lives will tell you why. the resignations keep coming in the british newspaper phone hacking scandal now that the u.k.'s most senior police officer has quit support stephenson was facing a growing backlash over hiring a former news of the world executive as an advisor he was later questioned about illicit phone tapping while the eggs police commissioner also took a swipe at the prime minister saying his choice of advise that was a worst decision namely former editor and of course that in a day of rapid developments rebecca brooks who around the paper was arrested as part of the investigation she quit on friday as rupert murdoch's u.k. chief is due to join him and son james and face the m.p.'s on tuesday there are ethical reporting methods and police bribery media and this will resist paying office of information that's been going on yes. this is
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a good example of what the police have been doing in the kind of murdoch years they've been using arrests it been leaking they've been paid for telling people where the celebrities have been arrested so actually manipulating the rest of people is actually a practice it has become in trying or in my view as a result of the kind of bribery thing so this would hardly be out of practice but i don't think it's going to deflect the opinion i mean there are so many m.p.'s now and indeed so much of the british establishment which was so long kowtow to murdoch is now prepared to get to the bottom of this and weed out those people who've been corrupted at different levels remember that four years ago right the police had these bags with i think it was a level of thousand letters about four thousand celebrities and victims of crime and all these other people i mean they knew they were taking part investigation and these bags were just left there i mean it's amazing remarkable that it's. for years for them to do anything about this meanwhile senior police officers were wining and dining with members of the murdoch empire they were they were meeting them for
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drinks privately one even hired them at a thousand pounds a day to work for him so you know what does this tell us about the relationship between the police and the news corp employees well it's very very serious and if this can happen at the top of the police look at the example that gives to officers down down the lines now you could well you know can any organization properly examine itself but so much is at stake that if that operation is seen to be corrupted as well i think we've got you know an even bigger problem i think so many people now are watching it including you know members of parliament select committees these are investigative bodies within the british political system they're all all eyes are on this let alone all the journalists who are looking at what's going on so i think that the ramifications of this is so big i mean you know britain is is is shaking at this each day it's headline news and people are asking who is next well the timing of rebecca brooks is the rest is raising a few eyebrows former british intelligence officer and mash and says it's more than
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i co-incidence. it's very unusual to have someone that's close to the heart the heart of power in the u.k. being arrested but i suppose based on the prima factual evidence around this case it would be unavoidable for the police not to arrest having said that of course it is a very long journey from arrest to being charged to being put on trial and to be convicted so i suppose i'd be more surprised if if she were charging if this does proceed towards a legal hearing i have to say that i think it's the timing of this arrest is very interesting because it's highly highly unusual for someone to be a prearranged arrest to turn themselves into a police station and go through the rest process on a sunday and of course is just two days before she was due to appear before a parliamentary committee so now it has got to sort of get out of jail free card i can't possibly talk about this it is subject to legal proceedings so in a way i suppose if one has a slightly suspicious turn of mind one might think that the police taking this step at this stage. allowing her little wriggle room where she didn't have to say too
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much and perhaps would have said too much about the leaks of the police service in london as well so it's very very interesting timing. coming up peeking in deeper into the. what universal secrets russian brand new space telescope can reveal as if we does all better prepares to reach out to the stars. because that sunk in the volga is to be lifted later on monday once the vessel is moved off its side in what is one of the operations both difficult stages attempts to put the ship on an even kill resumed after a balancing fling ruptured on sunday the next time it is to search the riverbed for fifteen missing victims and then raise the boat twenty meters to the surface investigators and relatives hate then that definitive answers can be found as to why the ship sank but recovery crews say the work is complicated because the vessel is stuck in the silt at the bottom of the volga the bulgaria went down and minutes
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leaving more than hong the two hundred eight passengers with no chance to escape the run of russia's worst ever water disasters. well r.t. dot com is closely following the recovery operation and have the background to the tragedy do keep up to date there when there's also our you tube channel of course for all of our video reports of the salvage mission now russia's northern caucuses have been shaken by two deadly blasts four policemen were killed and ten other people wounded in the explosions on artie's middle a quarter of a hughes in the region has more. the last twenty four hours have seen two dadley blast hansa russia's north caucasus now the first one happening chain two policemen were killed and seven others injured when an explosion hit a search operation in the mountainous area now the second one show the republic of
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dagestan late at night it was a roadside bomb to produce men dads in three august ones it's now the bomb detonated to when the patrol car was driving through the city of qom species which is situated in the republic all but gets down you know the explosion was a quick equivalent to four kilograms alpha t.n.t. and these two blasts happened in the wake of the recent terror raids that was launched in the republic of dagestan two days ago since the start of this yeah there has been a number of the new tourist and successful anti terror raids and according to russia's in terror ministry the number of terrorist attacks is declined since the start of the two thousand and eleven compared to the same period as the year before but still i despise the numbers this is a big number of anti terror raids and the fact that dozens of terrorists were killed this is the start of this yes still the potential terrorist threat remains
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high in the region and there are two regions where gangs mostly action in the republic and the republic. we do of course of our reporting from the north caucuses ok and some news we're getting. just now russian security services say that they've prevented a major terrorism plot in the regions a troll sports network four people from the north caucuses have been arrested will president of the world are going to investigate sion and to punish anyone responsible for the failed attack just to give you some stats over the past six months. fifty terror plots have been averted in russia we'll of course bring you more on this as we continue to get details. now a court in budapest has cleared a hung garion nazi war crimes suspect ninety seven year old sean dork a peerage and knight being involved in the massacre of civilian hostages in serbia
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germany world war two it was alleged a patrol on to his command to cast and murder of jews and serbs in the tories waged by hunger in forces in forty two hero always denied today's acquittal will be explained by judges over the next two days the pair i was discovered living in budapest in two thousand and six and his crimes trial is one of the last that will take place for holocaust crime. more stories developing around the world this hour now in day in libya rebels are carrying out an assault on government forces in the eastern town of brega home to one of the country's biggest oil facilities nato has also been targeting progun daffy forces in the area with days of intense bombardment the alliance is trying to muster support for the rebels who have suffered heavy losses in recent days gadhafi made another defiant speech at the
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weekend denying rumors he was leaving libya as he struggled to quell the months long revolves. more lethal clashes in syria this time between pro and anti-government protesters around thirty i thought to have died as the five worst were people began using firearms against each other last week three supporters of president assad kidnapped and killed and their dismembered bodies returned to their relatives their anti-government demo crackdowns will fall to have killed over thirteen hundred people since they began in january. egypt's interim leaders have undertaken a massive government reshuffle after public anger. slow revolution reform most of the appointments are relative newcomers who are not dealing with the. horse and. the president's health. care which doctors don't know.
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but as well as private has transferred some powers to his ministers while he returns to keep before cancer treatment hugo chavez has battled with the illnesses were saying to his fitness to the country but officially he still plans to run for reelection next year but is way to. says his political rivals are exploiting a serious illness the functions that he's delegated are administrate of in nature and i mean there are things that he could continue to do i mean he's not going to be mentally incapacitated you know he's just going to be physically distant and you know i live going undergoing treatment but he still will remain in front of government i mean they activated an electronic signatures or he can sign a document which is going to be via teleconference on different cabinet meetings the opposition was primarily speculating and pushing for him to go to brazil i mean it just so happens you know the opposition in venezuela is very right wing and is very anti q grants were he to have chosen to go to brazil i don't think that their
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attitude would have been the same whatsoever or he'd have chosen to go to the united states they probably wouldn't have said a word about it so they are being exploited by the u.s. and in fact for and together with those in the opposition through sort of a psychological campaign in media just trying to portray this perception of a weak charges of an ailing chavez of a terminally ill child is and those sectors in venice where they try somehow to say that this is a power vacuum or i would just remind people that in the united states ronald reagan had a three cancers during his presidency and he was going to the most remembered presidents of the united states. nasa's hubble telescope has been a space watching workhorse for two lonely decades but now it gets to share the job of revealing the universe's biggest mysteries a russian eye in the skies on its way to help out his packing this song his tools in the known galaxy he's made for national without the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan to see it all. this is the moment to russian space scientists have been
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waiting for for decades the space observatory it creaked with the cutting edge telescope a huge top and universe explorer ation as an enormous i will be able to see further and deeper than ever before it with the possible to observe the most mysterious the darkest and the most shadowed corners of our galaxy and other galaxies as well and stars even it will be able to observe black holes and shed light on their dark nature the telescope is just ten meters long but please don't judge by the size here once radio astronomy is in space a sun tan that will synchronize with radio antennas all of those signals will become bind and that's will create an effect of one huge telescope with a dish thirty tom speak at the end the study amateur and these few to know most i will be able to provide detailed images detailed pictures of the universe with a resolution ten thousand times shop with an america's. so we can see something is
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happening as well i'll let you enjoy the moment. the so. let us take really well. it's not if. you're strong and i can take a small center here in the summer time with. your strong suit unfolding twenty seven and make everything ready to work with a nine month old to we will start to receive the first results means the first name is just off the universe from their original ati report and from baikonur.
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and while the telescope takes its place at russia's space asia. in the next hour what he hopes it will see. foreign scientists not the russian ones seven or telescope is more interesting than the hubble space telescope in terms of making new findings it's a very profound science that implies a high degree of relativity of the final result it's difficult to forecast anything here but telescope makes it possible to monitor the emergence of new stars and galaxies in a radio frequency band to see how the whole process goes and gather some statistical data on the basis of which it would be possible to predict the dynamics of development of our comet and the universe and to understand where we have all come from is that what's waiting for us in the future in this respect this is a historical event which marks russia's return to space science. now it can be tough getting a green collar to live in america but every year thousands rounds of we hit the
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jackpot also they thought a courts rule of law is just all the trade off and is tearing up the immigrants in light philosophies ganja council. hoping for a better life in america. from nigeria applied for the green card lottery he won or so it said in the letter that he received from the state department almost two weeks later the us voided the results of the lottery for some twenty two thousand people including a kuchuk war but i want to lots of. a lottery want to get off. it's when for each year the u.s. state department grants green cards to some fifty thousand people from around the globe the lottery where the jackpot is the right to live and work in america is advertised as completely random the state department claims in this case there was a computer glitch and the results were not arbitrary a computer programming error caused more than ninety percent of the selectees to
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come from the first two days of the registration period the victims of the blunder have joined in a class action suit against the u.s. state department and lost the court here has been struggling with the issue of randomness asking how could the result of the green card lottery not be random even if there had been a computer glitch as the state department claims one of the arguments is that even in the era like that could produce a random result then the whole idea behind the green card lottery is that whoever you are whatever you do you can win it but this case could very well undermine that perception experts specializing in information technology say the decision of the state department as well as the court that dismissed the case defies simple logic rhonda means that if all records of all the tracks are on your cd player when you get the run you may get tracks three four and five and then get track of twelve
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that's still running to the state department has brought up intricate technical arguments to explain the blunder but thousands of its victims say they have the feeling that someone has gambled with their lives we believe that america. going to shut down our t.v. washington d.c. . green college required for your access all areas pass to a website his will is lining off you right now at all c dot com exposure and angry george an embassy employee in ukraine is out and family naked activists protesting the arrest talk if it is a spine. and a formula one frenzy in the. day we report on the mean machines of the annual season racing show accelerate home.
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i have out the way all the their thousand pounds now when he says this is used for a. low and welcome to your r t business bulletin i met good to have you with us the former boss of b.p. is considering a bid for two major russian oil firms sky news quotes people close to tony hayward saying he's interested in both ross nafta and bash enough our correspondent marina kosar aber looks at how likely such a deal would be. tony hayward the navajo have been looking to invest our cash ever since their companies on the london stock exchange last month they raised over two billion dollars which could hardly form the acquisition of russian oil producers they have to have worth around twelve billion dollars this takes a question from russians like driving near you have to send those holding company
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and have cases them a number of the companies being talked about have made an official statement but i know this we've spoken to you you've got such a deal could be possible a f k has repeatedly said that it has no interest in selling the. anger but analysts say the price being talked about is good enough to make a have to take it seriously especially since all companies are in on its core business at the same time envious oil and natural gas corp has been in talks with passion if ever have to merge the two companies and buy its twenty five percent stake both whoever ends up getting these assets one thing is for sure and that is that they will be getting access to one of the biggest that discovered the oil fields a russia. taking a look at the markets now oil is lower with investors concerned the worsening debt crisis in europe may slow the economy and weigh on fuel demand european stocks
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extending last week's losses as the stress test results have shown leaders may have to raise additional cash banks are leading the downside rally energy majors are following the lead as crude edges lower. here in moscow the markets are tracking overseas trends investors are waiting for this week's e.u. summit i was sure leaders will once again try and find a solution to the greek debt problem market players also looking across the pond there's no clarity with the possible increase of debt ceiling in the u.s. despite president barack obama going to raise it immediately take a look at some individual share moves on the my six most of the blue chips trading in the red cross now if down around. one and a half percent the t.v. has slipped into negative territory despite publishing positive financial results among the miners polly metal once again on the rise as investors look for a safe haven in gold related assets in economic news industrial output speeding ahead in russia it grew almost six percent in june the year on year compared with
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four percent in may car production is a key driver with the sector benefiting from higher demand investment activity analysts expect even faster growth in the coming months amid low interest rates and cooling inflation and it's been an excellent year so far for russia's second largest bank be reporting record profits of nine hundred twenty million dollars for the first quarter that's an increase of seventy percent on the same period last year and well above those forecasts provisions for bad loans have bad loans housed with the bank also benefiting from improved efficiency of operations investors are still concerned about the most troubled asset the newly acquired bank of moscow outs which is heavily weighted by bad debt d.t.b. agreed to up its ownership in the bank to seventy five percent the main condition for a fourteen billion dollars bailout from the state. now you're up to date on all the latest news more coming your way in the next hour headlines up next stay with us.
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culture is that so much of a given to give each musician a minute drive from the mark when libya is still in the same nato's bombing campaign and aided and taken off the rebels have only hardened political facts from .
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the motion to be so much brighter if you know about song from feinstein pression some. nice princeton totty don't come. close to. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realms of russia. we've got the future covered. wealthy british style it's spot on to the front. of the. market why not.
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find out what's really happening to the global economy cars report. in moscow this is the time. to take out another target on they may take operations less as foreign troops begin withdrawing while leaving a questionable local force in charge always known for having numerous drug addicts including to see. one bows out while another is bailed the mud media seems britain's most senior policeman quit over connections to journalist suspected of bribery and phone hacking while x. news international chief rebecca brooks is arrested as. a major terror attack all moscow's transport has been of russian security services for people from the north
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caucasus have been arrested for the benefit of the ordering and investigation. looks at whether libya will ever be back in the hands of the libyan people. and you can. follow in welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle libya's stalemate in the sand and nato bombing campaign and aid to anti kadafi rebels have only hardened political facts on the ground western intervention was intended to last
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a few weeks now is open ended instead of dislodging khadafi nato allies are left to bicker among themselves. and. to cross the nato mission in libya i'm joined by io johnson in london he is the founder and director of viewpoint africa also in london we have marco gas a key is a political analyst an expert on south east european affairs and in barcelona we cross to omar ashour he is a lecturer in politics of the modern arab world at the university of exit are all right gentlemen this is cross talk that means you can jump in anytime you want omar i'd like to go to you first in barcelona how would you assess nato's operations in libya to date because depending on the news source you want to read it stalemate it's quagmire. we coming across reports of rebels committing human rights. violations they're not looking so pretty anymore.


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