tv [untitled] July 18, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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joy to be able to see a movie that's a great way to turn the branding period for the torch was the push coromandel you can oh well such will close with the job its ability to go and. run to the colonel was no joke as a retreat. the taliban assassinates more high ranking officials in afghanistan as nato you begin to undo the control of the country's provinces to local forces facing a huge question mark save their ability to cope. calls for not is the crisis in golfing rupert murdoch's media empire spreads to the perseus police but the resignation of the country's most senior officer. and russian security forces for well a major terror plot in moscow which leads could of course huge loss of life. and the former head of b.p. zion oil assets in russia serbia where does the looking at the snow and sebastian
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it will that happen find out more of them so i feel. very warm welcome this is coming to you live from moscow the taliban has claimed responsibility for the assassination of the afghan president's senior adviser in the capital kabul along with one of the country's them peace local security forces say they've already killed the militants you carried out the attack well the mothers come less than a week off the hum of cars lies half brother who around the south of the country was gunned down the taliban is stepping up its own special forces native home but chips begin its withdrawal on sunday the alliance hundred overcontrolled of the first of seven designated areas to local forces well for more on the situation.
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falding in afghanistan let's talk live now to kind of speak as a retired u.s. air force returned colonel americans have big. u.s. troops are handing security over to afghan forces and i was just saying given this recent surge of taliban attacks targeting even senior officials how sensible do you think this decision is well it's sensible for the taliban to straight when you know when there is chaos and when the u.s. government is weak and it appears weak but. for the united states we can't stop it we caused a lot of this problem by. an invasion and occupation of afghanistan to begin with so we don't have credibility united states does not have credibility dear what it does seem to me though timing wise when you have betrayers general petraeus who was a commander in afghanistan now going directly as the head of the cia there is
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a possibility that we ourselves united states you know is a leading force or a force that stepping away the united states itself is picking a new side that possibility cannot be. investigated so i see you meant she time you mentioned timing there in reference to the leave date of general petraeus but do you think there's any other significance in that when the timing of these attacks is happening on afghan officials they grow something to just as the u.s. hands if you count a local forces in parts of the country what do you think the taliban try to cheat. well you know i don't have insight into what they're trying to achieve certainly they would like to have their country back and they would probably like to have you know kate back the country as they had if you remember before we invaded we worked closely united states work closely with the taliban we were working deals for oil
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we were you know friendly with them had relations with the taliban up until basically up until nine eleven and shortly thereafter so you know we can work with the taliban i think the writing on the wall is that if people we leave afghanistan the taliban is going to be in charge and i think another thing to look at here graphically is the power vacuum is being created in some respects or in the south along the iran border there could be a manufactured justification for the united states to put troops there in that would actually support some other things that are happening in the region. iran well let's talk more about american policy in the region the white house and the pentagon would they would actually even be seeing eye to eye on health or else u.s. troops should be withdrawing from afghanistan do you think that the killings approve if you live the military may actually be right towards forces on the ground longer. well you could interpret it that way but i have
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a feeling looking at what normally happens when you know occupying forces leave is there is a new adjustment in who's in charge and so in some ways this is pretty predictable they are trying to give you my proposal would be well american forces could stay there in there if there's a case then that means we're going to remain there forever and ever because at some point we must leave we've actually created in part of the power vacuum so we have certainly created and abetted the corruption that goes on in afghanistan and certainly. since we've been there you know we pay people we have facilitated it whether we intended to or not we facilitated the regrowth of the opium trade lots and lots of money there so you know we have done afghanistan any favors ok you mentioned the power vacuum you mentioned corruption as talk about the political situation inside afghanistan how much power and influence do you think
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president karzai has in the country is he really able to keep the taliban a bay on his own well he never has been i mean karzai has been an american carpet since we put him in there december two thousand and one and it's amazing that he's actually still in place and that he is still alive but he has no credibility outside of syria comport i think his brother the king of kandahar was actually going it was recently killed i think he had more credibility in terms of. the afghans then then does karzai so this the killings of his brother killing. it is a message and we may look maybe perhaps to see car safely. he has no credibility is not a leader of afghanistan he is america's has been for over ten years ok characters ask a retired u.s. air force lieutenant colonel many pounds to us thank you for having. now meanwhile there's a change at the top of the nato in afghanistan with general david petraeus leaving
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to take over as director of the cia he's being replaced by general john allen hello this see the gradual chance for assad's ability to security from nato troops so local forces because jason what like reports there's concern afghan forces are too divided illiquid and lacking in training to fend off the taliban on their way. there's confusion on the faces of the afghan army soldiers as a firefight unfolds on the other side of the wall looking for them this is the kabul military training center in the bullets being fired blanks the men here halfway through a ten week program and the officers don't count the minutes slack when it's over i'll be deployed the eastern congo or province one of afghanistan's most violent corners. but we must push them hard so they can perform under pressure day by day we're making progress the afghan national army has already come a long way its ranks have swollen to about one hundred seventy thousand troops thanks to fresh waves of recruits attracted by higher wages and extra perks the
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soldiers insist they are all united in their desire to beat back the taliban with insurgency regardless of age or ethnicity then in the army we are old brothers and we are all called by one name hard by a call of duty is also struck a chord beyond able bodied males the first ever class of women soldiers has just graduated. and there's even a mujahideen unit made up of hardened veterans of the anti soviet your hard this is all good news to u.s. military planners who have set a two thousand and fourteen billion to hand over security responsibilities to the afghans the afghan army enjoys a much better reputation of the police force is even featured a recent move. but is the army takes greater responsibility for security around the country there are concerns that the quality of troops may be coming at the expense of quality for starters more than eighty percent of troops are literally a big problem with the ability to read maps and numbers can spell the difference between life and death adding to the woes are widespread drug use and desertions
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today roughly one in four combat soldiers quit their post critics also point out that the military leadership is made up of many rival x. warlords who still command loyalties along regional and ethnic lines and could drag the country deeper into conflict as the u.s. begins to scale back its role as custodian this summer there are concerns that these divisions may flare up if i thought you truly are. the killer in each of. the groups who control is yet another obstacle for the young it still has much to prove before it can still. use a mortal incog. now britain's largest police force is facing one of its biggest crises as a result of the scandal at rupert murdoch's news of the world the country's most senior policeman has quit and the long distance become embroiled in the bribery and phone hacking allegations which of his news corp's u.k.
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empire for paul stevens had resigned after it was revealed that he hired a former news of the world exactly how the advisor you later questioned about and that phone tapping the ex top card is there's a swipe at the prime minister saying choosing for where the saudi corson is oppressed when was a much worse decision early on something rebecca brooks who ran the page was arrested as part of the investigation part of was the later released on bail she's due to join rupert murdoch and his son james in beijing and. unethical reporting methods as police scriber with what media analyst bill really says the practice of police being paid for information by the media is not likely to disappear anytime soon but this is a good example of what the police have been doing in a kind of murdoch years they've been using a recipe been leaking they've been paid for telling people where the celebrities have been arrested so actually manipulating the rest of people is actually
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a practice that has become in trying or in my view as a result of the kind of bribery thing so this would hardly be out of practice if but i don't think it's going to deflect the opinion i mean there are so many m.p.'s now and indeed so much of the british establishment which for so long kowtow to murdoch is now prepared to get to the bottom of this and weed out those people who have been corrupted at different levels remember that four years ago or i could probably. i had these bags with i think it was a level thousand letters about four thousand celebrities and victims of crime and all these other people and they knew they were taking part investigation and these bags were just left there i mean it's amazing remarkable that it took four years for them to do anything about this meanwhile senior police officers were wining and dining with members of the murdoch empire they were they were meeting them for drinks privately one even hired them at a thousand pounds a day to work for him so you know what does this tell us about the relationship between the police and the news corp employees well it's very very serious and if
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this can happen at the top of the police look at the example that gives the officers down the lines now you could well ask you know can any organization properly examine itself but so much is at stake but if that operation is seen to be corrupted as well i think we've got you know an even bigger problem i think so many people now are watching it including you know members of parliament select committees things that investigative bodies within the british political system they're all all eyes are on this let alone all the journalists who are looking at what's going on so i think that the ramifications of this is so big i mean you know britain is this is shaking at this each day it's headline news and people are asking who's next. or becker brooks became the tenth person to be detained in the king and bribery probe annie machon who's a former intelligence officer for m i five believes the timing of her arrest raises a lot of questions i specify how the slightly suspicious turn of mind one might think that the police taking this step at this stage. allowing her little wriggle
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room where she didn't have to say too much and perhaps would have stayed too much about her because of the police service in london as well so it's very very interesting timing with the amount of information it is measured about the into the linkage between reasons national and the police i mean it's amazing folks have tended to be on the journalists themselves and not on the allegedly corrupt police officers who have been receiving money to provide protective information and of course it's not just about phone hacking scandal there are other practices their peers have been implicated such as the technique. where you triangulate someone's location using a mobile phones now the only people who really have access to that sort of information would be vetted police officers working for counterterrorism branch of the special branch or potentially of course the so where and when all this was going on is a very interesting question but it does show that there's a sort of endemic corruption as a failure of accountability and oversight as well we can police force. coming out
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on our dreams turn to dust. the lot of earth it was on friday right when do you do founds and when is the green card lottery you've seen the log out of my way to the united states. revealing the secrets of the universe a unique wrong should observe a tree is sent into all of it to study the law to take objects. on the recovery of the crews the find can russia's vulgar river killing around a hundred other people and take up to several days officials say the first house to be moved off its side and what is one of the operations most difficult stages to. put the ship on an even keel resumed after a balancing fling ruptured on sunday the next task is to search the river bed for fifteen missing victims and then raise the boat twenty meters of the surface investigators and relatives then the definitive answers can be found as to why the
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ship sank the recovery crews say the work is complicated because of wrestlers stuck in the silt up the bottom of the volga but all gary went down in just a matter of minutes with more than half of the two hundred eight passengers drowning one of russia's worst ever shipping designs. now a major terror plot in the moscow region has been foiled by russian security services police have detained a group of four people from the north caucuses who were allegedly planning the attack let's get the details now from our correspondent even fortune of. do we know how serious this plant's terror attempt was. well all the members of the group that was detained by russian special forces were originally from the north caucasus regions and they were planning an attack in crowded areas as well as the transport hubs of the moscow region now special forces found guns explosives maps and schedules of of the plant attack also older the detained people
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have can fast and. other people there are believed to be linked to the planned attack were also found now president medvedev has ordered an urgent investigation and once those who are responsible for the failed attack to be severely punished now since the start of this yeah there has been a number of anti terror raids and despite the fact that dozens of terrorists were killed during those operations still the potential terrorists rather remains high according to russia's interim ministry and today off through the news of this failed operation all of this failed attack president mugabe just underlines of the situation in the region remains very tons. to talking about a tense situation in the region there's been a number of bombings and you can see it's recently tells more about aids. indeed the last twenty four hours how seen to daddy blast that his russia's north caucasus
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and the first one happen in change now two policemen were killed and seven others one says when an explosive head to such operation in the mountainous area known as the second one happened in the republic of dagestan it was a roadside bomb detonated as a car was passing by now the explosion allowed two policemen and three others wounded all these last happened in the wake of a recent wait that was launched in the region in the republic of dagestan two days ago and now despite there has been a number of raids and the fighting against terrorism goes on still the threat remains and still that france remains and search operations continue ok they do have many thanks for the good of course of alcor thumb in the north caucuses that. office on twenty two thousand people want to green card lottery to live an american gulag seemed suddenly to happen is that their dreams of a new life with the u.s.
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state department claimed there'd been computer ira the results were no longer valid now the story has calls for the way the lottery operates and on what you've got if you can report. hoping for a better life in america or from nigeria applied for the green card lottery he won or so it said in the letter that he received from the state department almost two weeks later the us voided the results of the lottery for some twenty thousand people including you could work but i want to. one from each year the u.s. state department grants green cards to some safety thousand people from around the globe the lottery where the jackpot is the right to live and work in america is advertised as completely random the state department claims in this case there was a computer glitch and the results were not arbitrary
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a computer programming error caused more than ninety percent of the select come from the first two days of the registration period the victims of the blunder have joined in a class action suit against the u.s. state department and lost the court here has been struggling with the issue of randomness asking how could the result of the green card lottery not be random even if there had been a computer glitches but they department claims one of the arguments is that even an error like that could produce a random result and the whole idea behind the green card lottery is that whoever you are whatever you do you can win it but this case would very well undermine that perception experts specializing in information technology say the decision of the state department as well as the court that dismissed the case defies simple logic rhonda means that if only records and old tracks are on your cd player when you have. you made your tracks three four and five and then your track twelve are still
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around the state department has brought up intricate technical arguments to explain the blunder the thousands of its victims say they have the feeling that someone has gambled with their lives we believe that america is going to. get shit on our t. washington d.c. fortunately you need a green college baseball website here's a taste of what you can find to aussie dot com right now and ted's in desperate financial problems continue to terrify your we bring you expert analysis and opinion of how the scale of the problem just keeps rising. no more secrets how mistake by russian most. thing chinamen private messages including internet ones were made public. more stories making the headlines around the globe valinor caught in budapest ninety seven year old hong gary a man of nazi war crimes and bought a cup hero
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a former police captain denies being a bold of the massacre of civilians hostages in serbia during world war two it was alleged a patrol under his command took part in the murder of jews and serbs in a raid by one gary and forces in one thousand nine hundred forty two more than twelve hundred people were killed in the notorious massacre of. south africa is celebrating former president nelson mandela's ninety third birthday to mark the event people around the globe to do charity work the sixty seven minutes representing every year of mandela's life in acts of politics millions of children also sang a special version of a happy birthday song to the eggs and the eighteenth of july is recognized by the un as mandela's day for his major contribution to the course of peace and freedom. the un's highest court has ordered both cambodia and thailand to restore troops
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from a disputed border area around an ancient temple complex the two nations were off to a neutral observers to monitor the cease fire the temple belongs to come both here that much of the surrounding is in thailand where tensions increase from the building was awarded world heritage status to final damage. the lonely vigil of that now says hubble telescope and all that has come to an end as it now gets to share the job of looking deep into the universe than anyone has done before russia has sent up its own ally in the spry and skull to shell out of sight in the galaxy ality is maria panache without the launch pad to see it off. this is the moment a russian space scientists have been waiting for for decades the space observatory equipped with a cutting edge telescope mogs a huge top in university for ration as an enormous i will be able to see further and deeper than ever before it with the possible to observe the most mysterious the darkest and the most shadows of corners of our galaxy and other galaxies as well
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and stars that even will be able to observe black holes and shed light on the bare dark nature of the telescope is just ten meters long please don't judge by the size here once radio strong is in space eight suntanned out will synchronize with the radio antennas all of those signals will become bines and will create an effect of one huge telescope with a dish thirty times bigger than the diameter and these huge enormous i will be able to provide detailed images detailed pictures of the universe with a resolution a thousand times shop and then america's. well i'll let you enjoy the moment.
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but it's nice to believe. that it was a strong connection to the control center here and let's see what time will be needed for the flower like a telescope read your strong suit and fall takes twenty people and make everything ready. hopefully within a month or two we will receive the first images of the universe original. reporting from baikonur proposed last riff and he witnessed the launch of russians. spaces that it should be in haven't found i would less than a year left before the next presidential election in russia voters are already coming up with their road ideas of support a potential candidate and here's one of the more extraordinary ones and only line campaigns been launched to urging young women back by being uprooted and find ripping off their planes
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a group calling itself the future me is behind the move girls are invited to send in video of themselves stripping off with an i pad see promise for the winner similar sums up becoming something of a dishnet in russia last year students were taught me the best to pose for raunchy trial and expressing their love for the premier. candidates patients now usually read a behind and often sample the tough life and russia's prisons because of the business news faster to make sure. those own lives a. little college the international sanctions says to do just they simply goes on july ninth and since. this little introductions by russian designers to the most users is a decision of central russia. business of their lives their children's
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function shows slowness lights of presiding over the festival. functions are sleeping pills killed this is. former boss of b.p.'s considering a bid for two major russian oil firms top story on business see this up it's going to use close people close to tony hayward saying he's interested in both ambassador of course one of many and of course the looks at how likely such a deal would be. tony hayward the natural child have been looking soon that's certain as ever since there are companies on the london stock exchange last month they raised over two billion dollars which could partly from the acquisition of super russian oil producers by sniff every new snap worth around twelve a billion dollars the stakes in question what we call from the russian side rubbing where you have to send those holding company i have cases the emma none of the companies being talked about have made an official statement but analysts we've
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spoken to believe that such a deal could be possible if they has repeatedly said that it has no interest in selling out so caution after andrew snapped but analysts say the price you talk about is not enough to make a if they take it seriously especially since all companies i know it's poor business at the same time envious all and natural gas corp has been installed with passion if ever step to merge the two companies and by its twenty five percent stake both whoever ends up getting these assets one thing is for sure and that is that they will be getting access to one of the biggest discovered oil fields in russia. and russia is the third largest oil producer to you and gave you he's considering as international expansion the company has agreed to buy a forty five percent stake in an exploration project for me on his own force your income was around fifty thousand square kilometers and holds over five hundred million barrels of oil equivalent so since close a deal say maybe he could pay up to one billion dollars for the state. there's an
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audience now european stocks are extending last week's lows as the stress test results have shown lenders may have to raise additional cash bank is a leading downside rally both in london and in the frankfurt centers you may use a folding suit crude low at this hour here most of the market so also showing a similar picture with the decline in crude b.o.c. is there more than one percent my six zero point nine percent and this is awaiting for this weeks and you some of which that leaves me once again trying to find solutions and. greek debt call them to move to some of the stocks most blue chips are trading in the red was down one point four percent banking stocks also down the e.c.b. we're down one percent and a quarter despite support from positive financial results and among mine is probably metals once again the rise of the four percent as investors are looking for a safe haven in the gold and going to the us it's we will be back in fifteen minutes with an update alison excellent.
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