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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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let's go. to the. market. to. find out what's really happening to the global economy is a report on. we know for sure that richard nixon reagan sat down that conversation about who's going to run for president when they move they made a deal back when deals and all rome backyard so what else has happened at the secret bohemian grove gatherings arc you want to see for ourselves we'll have the story from northern california. and shepherding a flock is a piece of the political promised land just an attendance away for politicians of the christians for israel summit. but i want to watch them for the suspect under the trees once again also. going all in just to lose big so is new green card lottery winners are chosen did the u.s.
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state department gamble with lives. it's monday july eighteenth good actually and it's four pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster and your watching r t well critics call it builder west a collection of some of the nation's most powerful men at least reportedly passed heads of state presidents such as taft who were all way up to reagan and george bush father and son have all attended along with business leaders including reportedly google c.e.o. eric schmidt just to give you a little sampling of all of the kinds of people who are gathered for a retreat in the forests shrouded in secrecy it's book humean grove and it's the playground of the booking in club and their animal annual getaway began over the weekend now on friday we talked about this and we question what a group of some of the most powerful men in the kind. three meeting in secret in
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the fourth of california would lead to well past allegations include heavy drinking facts but more impactful to society and concerning for protestors political deals and policy hatched undemocratically in private and our own christine president went to bohemian grove herself over the weekend and here is what she found out. it is nestled among the redwoods twenty seven hundred acres of pristine land broken down into dozens of camps and for two weeks every july since the eight hundred eighty s. they've been filled with some of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world. many of them arrive on their corporate jets at the nearby sonoma county airport. others arrive in fancy cars which will fill the onsite parking lot at its height there is said to be more than two thousand men who attend and as you can imagine
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they are well protected by a trove of police right now i know who we are are covering the protests and we just want to see if there was i would like you know if they get off the property there's no way we know there's not a lot of the police going to see if you don't ok access is by invitation only and most pay more than fifteen thousand dollars to attempt. and for more than thirty five years protesters have stood at the entrance gates our concern is not what's going on inside of the grove but what's happening outside of the grove with the people that are in here according to several reports this is where the idea for the manhattan project was conceived back in one thousand nine hundred eighty two it's also where every republican president since the sixty's i spent time before actually becoming the nominee we know for sure that richard nixon and ronald reagan sat down and had conversation about who was going to run for president. and then
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when they made a deal peter phillips wrote his dissertation on the bohemian club in one thousand nine hundred four and was invited to attend for four days he witnessed firsthand the opening of vent a cremation of care where the power elite leave their cares behind in a symbolic ceremony a nice moloch the hour will seem in this photo judge says he was a paid employee of the grove and drove the horse and buggy they carried the casket in the ceremony the casket represented their peers and they were actually. running it and there. along the lake with music this is a place filled with secrets that only those who go inside and perhaps the tree will ever really know but i was able to get my hands on some photograph i want to show you just to give you a sense on what it looks like on the inside this is a photograph of people who were ten as we mentioned it is all men and this is a photograph of from this year was taken back in one thousand nine hundred nine
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colin powell dr donald rumsfeld had and this was thomas kean two years later he would become head of the nine eleven commission here's a picture newt gingrich and rick kissinger and reconsider son and another sort of thomas came here's a much younger dick cheney at the grove and henry kissinger having a little fun i was also able to get my hands on several programs from previous years outlining the schedule of talks and their topics but what we have here on july twenty second two thousand and eight is the late so talk given by c.f.r. member and trilateral commission member fred starr. he gave it all called afghanistan the unexpected there are other connections to be made as well between the lakeside talks and public policy that followed this was a man that was involved in the. oil business george link with the persian gulf crisis this is nine hundred eighty caspar weinberger who was the secretary of
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defense in the reagan administration on rearming america and that's easily documented the arms build up came in. late eighty one two. there are rumors of extreme drunkenness of prostitutes and of homosexual activities by members but for the most part it is the secret that agreements critics say should be brought to light that agreement can be you know occupying the middle east fighting terrorism. and circling trying to politically and militarily for mary moore who's been researching bohemian grove for more than three decades what happens inside is symptomatic of a much larger problem we've all grown up taking civics trying to understand how the world works and we're all told that we elect representatives they go to washington we have total influence over them and they make this edition so that are in the best interests of us then we start growing up and if we pay any kind of attention
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we find out that none of that is true in launch a real california christine for south r.t. . now radio host alex jones is one of the people one of the outsiders who have infiltrated bohemian grove he sneaked in back in two thousand and he filmed what he saw some of it and he joins us from austin texas to tell us about he's back with deals he also said he might have heard something over the weekend alex on friday we spoke and thank you for joining us from texas we spoke and you said you were going to get some intel for us on this year's gathering did you find anything out yes we did we're learning a lot more. i've talked to employees that work inside the grove and they said that george herbert walker bush bush forty one did engage in a drum circle was some of the younger people that were there some of the big computer company she was george herbert walker bush has done this in the last few
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years in a row tripping down to his underwear late at night well ok let's let's put aside that do we know who's there this year and what i'm going to get all of the way yes some of the people inside of reported that some of the guests not members are tom cruise mark mcguire people like that have been seen by some of the employees that we have contacts with but you're asking what else it was going on that some of the rubble rate and we also know that on the left side chat agenda they're discussing how to expand the arab spring and basically have the last takeover and overthrow many of the dictators of the west has been propping up really it mirrors much of the agenda that our moles got out of builder bird two thousand and eleven when i set my reporter's up this was sort of now on friday you know these are some big topics and you made some allegations that your sources have told you about that are you know a pretty big deal for what could be being discussed and on friday the interview
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that we had you and i was really popular on the internet it became actually one of the ten most discussed over the weekend according to you two so it shows that there is an interest in this subject there is. you know general desire for to find out what's going on at something like this apple he negro but aside from that i really didn't see much over the weekend as far as press i mean a few blogs maybe you know a few print articles why do you think we're not hearing anything about it this year . well lauren that's a good question if you look at something like well he and rove. there's been very little press over the years about it same thing with build a bar just five six years ago the new york times made fun of myself and others saying that the older brother didn't even exist and it was a former german chancellor helmut schmidt that said much of what is decided to build a bar is also brought to a consensus at bohemian grove and it's because so many of the c.e.o.'s of the big
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six media companies in the united states and canada are in attendance that it would be career suicide for any of their reporters to report on it in fact the people magazine reporter back in the eighty's snuck in and later had to publish his article in another magazine and was fired over you know daring to and for profit to grove and then he was caught and arrested and so that's why you don't see hardly any mainstream media coverage of this i mean imagine you've got a thousand plus of the most powerful people in north america in the past and currently royalty flying in to be at these events past presidents the main road brag that dick cheney was chosen as the v.p. running mate for bush in two thousand there. i mean this is the power brokers and they want to be left alone and so the media they own and control is not going to cover it and that's why i'm glad r.d.s. covering it well and then though i like to and i hear you're saying and thanks for
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thanking us for covering it we think it's important to be talking about but you can really interested in the past you've gone you speak then you videoed it i mean you don't have the interest this year happen you aren't there. well to be honest with you i almost got arrested in november of last year i went there with the history channel the g. code and it turned out that the talks a little too much at their hotel because the town is heavily employed by the grove and that they were waiting for us and so when we we landed. there on the back end of the russian river and they were starting to go up and then i basically hung back and then boom here came the security people detained them i was not saying don't jump off a cliff on the reverence right away and so you know what i think oppression my last another here and i had to swim out of the river and that's actually been on the
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history channel but they cut it at the point that the police come out and the security guards because a lot of military issues so i literally had to escape and jump into the river and make my way back over a model of inquiry mount right in my driver was waiting so it sounds like a lot went on you don't want to relive that but one of the groups who was calling for people to show up and protest reportedly anonymous put out a video on the internet the hacking group that can be confirmed that it was done exactly but that's what you know the video purports to be i want to play a little bit of what they were calling for. the ideas. and plans for this sort of bohemian go through four times against humanity. the secret meeting from s. no longer be tolerated the secret meeting for most become transparent. so that's what anonymous was calling for they were calling for protests as a result of you know some of the things that they see as the problems with bohemian grove but what about those who suggest that it's just past its prime that it's not
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a big deal anymore you know we haven't heard a lot of what has gone on there and you know that's been packed full really since the eighty's so do these people have a point. well no first the corporate media did not exist for a long time just like build a bargain now that we've exposed it they say oh it's no big deal the reason they have secret service there the reason there's such a carry is because major global decisions are being made inside the north american slash british power axis known as the anglo-american establishment of their own story and carol quigley wrote about it as i said german chancellor schmidt. helmut schmidt wrote about how major decisions are being made there the growth likes to be said about having power and trying to be secret but then separately the other san francisco chronicle berkeley and san jose state they released the minutes usually decades after the fact of meetings they had at the chalet it's a meeting house hold several hundred and then also the lakeside chats and so for
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fifteen days extremely powerful people working together not to just get drunk they're getting together because in this atmosphere revelry the are able to to cement the leadership of the new world order system and get a continuity of agenda going by combining forces they protect their assets but also expand their power and so a lot more decisions get made there than get made in congress and their lapdogs in the congress basically execute what the bahamian rose lobbyist from the major corporations pay them to do so this is special interest meeting under the redwoods and twenty eight hundred acre compound under guard and major decisions are being made there in the logan act and that's all i think violated ok and that's quite a charge so my question to you since you have people on the ground and you have a talking then are what is the biggest example you would give in recent years that
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make you feel like major stuff is going on there that people should be concerned about. you've got more and more of the leadership of google yahoo microsoft and apple builder berg and also with the grove and more and more the establishment is counting on their tech not proceeding they've got the technology had to meeting with the head of the n.s.a. and build a bird reportedly also. grow to ca to find the cyber security takeover of the well the pentagon admits they've got fake bots out propagandizing americans with fake comments that they want to be able to have an internet kill switch and that now they're going to government announcements forcing their way on your mobile phones and portable computers with government announcements and you've got the technocrats and the corporate owners of the technocracy meeting with the government in this seamless fusion that can only be called corporate fascism or crony capitalism and so a lot of big decisions are being made at an older and bohemian grove all right well
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alex jones thank you for giving us your insight and let us know if you hear any you know anything that comes out of this meeting this year that we should know about so thanks that was alex jones radio host from his breakfast and speaking of influence over politics thousands of christians have filled the washington d.c. convention center to show their support for the state of israel now if history serves as a model at this event after talk of the second coming of christ and speeches from u.s. politicians who in the past have compared their pastor to moses they'll then lobby members of congress to make their voices heard in politics oh yeah and glenn beck will headline this year as the keynote speaker so take a look to it what kaylan ford found out about what is going on at the christians united for israel summit. for these christians it's the holy land zion the home of god's chosen people christians who know you the who is for you usually who is real
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nice to me i'm thousands gathered here in washington to show their support for the nation. of israel god says i will bless those who places. and personally i would i would like to be part of that thank you very much. organized by pastor in televangelist john haiti christians united for israel summit plenty of big names including glenn beck john bolton and members of congress i want you to look over the over the strike yesterday in the words of harm to destroy those eight years in each show me. and and and hope for is really. something else like all those he's become the leader of my hope you are the hope of the hosts of the promised land each year the conference brings together christian and jewish leaders for prayer.
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speeches if we stand up and say no more no more hatred no more demonizing israel no more helen thomas' no more distortions no more misrepresentations we can set the limit on what to do and a celebration of the special bond between israel and the united states when ever we kind of stiff israel something bad happens here we we pushed people out of cars and so forth and then we had to train over here where people were pushed into different states because of a story and people see almost a parallel between rough treatment to israel. and judgment happening to america because i take a tough stance on defending israel and some participants say they want to see more than sanctions used against iran it has really slowed down their nuclear advances and i don't know that it's america that we can do anything we hope that the israelis should be preemptive other participants say god will intervene i don't
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care how much the iranians get their bomb together tonight israel it will fizzle. it will fizzle it will get it will not work because in the sixty seven year it war there time and time again it did it would look up and they would see bombs just bowled in the air and there was this invisible bubble over israel because god it's going to be cake his people many christians also believe the second coming of jesus christ can occur without the state of israel but i suppose he could but he won't know where to land because he's supposed to land on the mount of olives and he has to go into the temple compound christian zionists believe that only when the jewish people are in israel the end of the world can begin if you're a believer in jesus you will go up. the rapture yes. if the jewish people it's still
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a mystery how god's going to work all that. but there is not. we do you think. the jews are god's chosen people other say they are here for more earthly reasons including lobbying congress on the quote biblical position of to find support for the nation of israel on wednesday we go to capitol hill and we speak to our congressman our senators and encourage them to stand with israel and all their voting on the final day of the summit christians united for israel iran to settles and makes appointments for all of its attendees to visit their representatives in congress ensuring a strong voice for pro israel positions year after year healin for an artsy washington d.c. . now one journalist filmed the christians united for israel summit a few years ago but was kicked out before it was over but not before pulling the curtain back on some pretty illustrative beliefs held by people at the summit here to talk about what role those play in policy and politics is max blumenthal he's
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a fellow at the nation is an author of this book republican gomorra he's here to talk about it thanks so much for being with us today i know you joined us from quite a long distance there in lebanon now you did attend this and you covered it and i think it's pretty fair to say that you've taken a critical stance i'm curious just on a personal note you're jewish i saw in some of your videos you know people at this event asked you you know do you believe in jesus christ is that actually i'm jewish as a result of your coverage of this kind of a organization are you accused of betraying your christian american tradition. well when when i covered this and you can see my coverage of this all of your viewers can see my coverage of this in a video called rapture ready christians united for israel's washington israel summit two thousand and seven it's on you tube and person after person at this conference asked me if i was a member of the jewish race and while they didn't attempt to convert me they told
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me that you know i'm eventual we going to have to convert myself because when the rapture comes i'm going to burn in an everlasting lake of fire that just temporarily burn in the lake of fire but forever burn in a lake of fire because that's their theological belief and that's the source of their support for israel now as far as that support for israel is something that has benefited israeli groups to the tune of sixty million some dollars a year from the pastor and it's one that many dinosaur midday sions welcome. and the united states being a pretty pro israel country and having a pro israel stance in politics and also very strong for israel lobby do you feel like you have kind of the trade that you do christian tradition in the united states. i don't exactly know what judeo christian tradition you're referring to
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i think the concept of a jew tayo christian tradition is un-american since we have other religions in the united states and we have. separation of church and state separation of religion and stay but what's remarkable about the this particular christians united for israel conference is the open presence of officials from apac which is the key arm of the israel lobby in washington jeff mendelssohn and jonathan kessler and robert satloff who is from the think tank of a. pac which is called we now are speakers at this conference this is the first time in my recollection that apac officials have actually publicly appeared at coogee and this is sort of the secret of christians united for israel which is that they were kind of set out by back to broaden the israel lobbies reach into middle america into the republican party as the. cause of israel and
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zionism slowly mooses jewish support especially liberal jewish support in the united states because of israel's behavior towards the palestinians so what we have to the way we have to look at christians united for israel as radical as it is is as an essential and emerging arm of the mainstream israel lobby and that's really interesting i want to get this this question going because you hear a lot about apac when you hear about the pro israel lobby and in last few years we've seen that position be challenged by groups like j. street which to have a more progressive two state pro penis solution that's different from apacs platform but i'm curious what you think that that represents as far as a united states and the growth in the united states support versus something like christians united for israel because one of. the writers that i was just reading was making a comparison just in terms of their internet support to make the case that
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something like has has so much more support been something like j. street how do you think they compare. well it's absolutely true i mean jay's three in my mind is politically irrelevant as made very little impact you only have to look at netanyahu as appearance before congress where he rejected one nine hundred sixty seven borders and land swaps which is what j. street had bases its whole existence upon based their existence upon the peace process which netanyahu has rejected and netanyahu received more standing ovations by the congress and barack obama did in his state of the union address so what christians united for israel supports they have and what they have to support from a illogical perspective is that not only that israel keeps all of the settlements in the west bank but that they commit massive ethnic cleansing in order to rid the west bank to read all of the area between the jordan river and the mediterranean
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sea of non jews because this is part of their theology their eschatology according to the book of revelation and for apac a jewish organization a supposedly pro israel organization to be helping set up this conference to be appearing publicly at this conference is an indorsement of israel and its thing the whole west bank and in adore smit a bethany cleansing in my opinion i want to ask you a little bit more about something backing up something you said you know in the united states there's a separation of church and state i'm curious though a lot of the beliefs that seem to be driving this organization are very theological and there are politicians there that are speaking and that are on board and i want to play a little bit of an interview you did with former majority leader tom de lay who which i think is a little pretty illustrative let's play that. what brings you to christians united for israel well i i was in on the ground floor and i have worked with john and
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diane and haiti for many many years on many different projects and how much of an inspiration is the second coming in your support for israel obviously it's what i live for really i hope it comes tomorrow. wow and i'm useless and we have to be connected israel in order to enjoy the second coming. did you find that that was representative of the people in attendance and belief about their support for israel absolutely and you can just watch my video the first now after person who says that but what's remarkable is that was the majority leader of the united states congress and but what i want to ask is if you have this group it's lobbying washington because of these beliefs and united stated very supportive of israel three billion dollars in aid annually on average military support political support foreign policy support is this for the
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a biblical prophesy. this is just the reason the christians united for israel exists is. several reasons one in israel is one of the top three issues for the religious right the sides of portion and opposing gay marriage or the existence of gays. but number two the israel lobby jewish groups who i consider to be extremely right wing like a pack are promoting christians united for israel because of israel's fear the israeli government's fear of what it calls the legitimization mad it's only a pariah state ok and it's really really quickly emphasized we're almost out of time but i just want to ask you if yes or no you see this theological influence in politics by this group to be problematic when it comes to church and state separation absolutely and i see it in the republican party across the board especially in the house and it's problematic with regards to foreign policy and
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america's relations with iran all right well really interesting to talk to you i want to thank you so much for your insight i was max blumenthal best selling author and fellow at the nation institute now also defending their position today rupert murdoch his news corp empire under increasing scrutiny and allegations about its journalism practices on both sides of the pond the u.k. scandal has spread to the u.s. with an f.b.i. investigation into whether nine eleven victims voice mails were hacked and also at the resignation of a doubt the jones c.e.o. who is one of murdoch's reported right hand man and the fate of fox news is now up for debate even despite news corps last earnings report showing falling profits for news corps overall fox news has been a shining light it's posted double digit gains and advertising revenue just to give you one example of that and a veteran journalist his award winning middle eastern affairs correspondent he said what many could be thinking in an interview with r.t. listen so democrats have nothing much to do but they all.


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